Skin care for feet. Softening baths and natural masks

  • The need for foot care
  • Basic principles of care
  • Leg exercises
  • Proper foot care
  • Review of skin care products for legs and feet

The need for foot care

Foot care is often an unobvious part of the beauty ritual. But it is necessary to take care of them, because even naturally slender legs can lose their shape if you do not give them proper attention. The rules of care are not limited to hydration and nutrition. Additional effort will be required on your part. However, the result - an easy walk and a good mood - is worth it.

If you spend most of your time in an office chair and driving a car, or, conversely, are forced to be on your feet all day, then sooner or later you will face the problem of swelling.

A massage with draining cream will help against swelling of the legs.

Puffiness is the main enemy of a graceful leg contour. The reason is slow blood circulation and lymph stagnation. The accumulation of fluid in the legs causes a feeling of heaviness and changes their shape for the worse.

The good news is that you can cope with congestion and keep your feet in perfect shape on your own - with the help of a simple care program.

Basic principles of care

The minimum foot care program is aimed at combating swelling and congestion. Stimulating blood circulation and lymph flow is your main task. Other useful tips are below.

Foot massage

Knees and ankles are the main areas responsible for fluid accumulation and disruption of lymph flow. Massage them as often as possible to prevent swelling. As a massage product, use oil or nourishing cream that provides glide. You can add a little anti-cellulite product for a drainage effect.

    Knead the area above your knees with your thumbs. Gently knead the inside with your fists and pat the back surface with your palms. This way you will stimulate blood and lymph circulation.

    Massage your ankles with smooth circular grips in the direction from the heels to the calves.

    Stretch your calves with your fists and fingers, moving from bottom to top.

    Grasp your ankle with both hands, slowly rise to your knee, as if pulling on a stocking, and then to the groin fold, where the lymph nodes are located.

Advice. During a foot massage, use weight loss and anti-cellulite products. They always contain components that help remove fluid from tissues.

Run cool water over your feet, moving the shower head from your feet to your thighs. This hydromassage relieves tension and fights congestion.

Leg exercises

No, we are not driving you to the sports club. Everything that is good for your feet can be done both at work and at home (even while lying in bed).

  1. 1

    While sitting, make several circular movements with your feet in both directions, without lifting your heels from the floor.

  2. 2

    Raise your big toes from time to time throughout the day to stimulate circulation.

  3. 3

    Tap your feet on the floor, lifting your toes but keeping your heels in place.

  4. 4

    Stand on your tiptoes, straight up. Stretch by moving your arms back and tightening your legs. Stay in this position for a few seconds, then relax. Do this exercise several times a day to keep your legs in good shape.

It is useful to do exercises for the legs and feet in the evening before bed.

  1. 1

    Take a tennis or golf ball and roll it between your feet twice a day for a couple of minutes - this exercise relieves tension in the soft tissues of the foot.

  2. 2

    Don't sit still for more than 40 minutes, find a reason to walk at least around the office. Walking is the best exercise for swollen feet.

  3. 3

    Before going to bed, while lying in bed, raise your legs up and move them in the air, as if shaking off fatigue. You can do this in the morning for a lymphatic drainage effect.

It is harmful for the health of your legs to sit cross-legged or cross-legged. Such postures interfere with normal blood circulation and lead to swelling.

How to choose foot care products

The appearance of the legs depends not only on their shape, but also on the condition of the skin. The skin on the ankles and legs is prone to dryness and flaking, as they contain few sebaceous glands and are under constant stress. Therefore, regular moisturizing of these areas is important regardless of the season.

All body care products are also intended for the skin of the feet. Choose thicker textures in winter and lighter textures in summer. And don't forget about sun protection.

Features of seasonal foot skin care

Proper foot care

Feet are the driest area of ​​our body. The skin of the feet is completely devoid of sebaceous glands, but contains a large amount of sweat glands. In addition, over the years it noticeably loses elasticity and becomes rougher. Foot care consists of several stages.

Hygiene and cleansing

Keeping your feet clean and dry is important for maintaining healthy microflora in the skin of your feet and nails.

Hydration and nutrition

Use special foot products that soften the skin. Apply them all over your feet and nails, avoiding the area between your toes (it should always be dry there). Apply the cream over the ankle using upward movements.

It is better to take care of your feet in the evening, when you are not in a hurry. Baths and massages not only relax your feet, but also relieve stress in general.

Foot baths

Cool foot baths will relieve stress in five minutes.

Foot massage

“Massage is one of the most painless, pleasant and effective ways to maintain health, beauty and youthful skin. It improves blood circulation, normalizes metabolism, promotes the elimination of toxins, saturates cells with oxygen, and relieves swelling,” says Decléor training manager Olga Gorokhova.

Apply foot care products from bottom to top, from feet to thighs.

    Use your thumbs to press down on the center of the arch of your foot, then “draw” a spiral, moving from the middle of your foot to the periphery.

    Using circular movements, massage the entire foot, including the balls of your feet.

    Knead the space between your toes.

    Rub your feet vigorously with your palms, as if you were making fire.

Review of skin care products for legs and feet

Oils for foot skin care.


Name Active components Action


essential oils of grapefruit, marjoram, patchouli

Used as a massage to reduce volume and smooth the skin.


essential oils of lemon, tangerine and grapefruit

Ideal for massage, makes the skin more elastic.
Oil for skin elasticity Body Refirm Stretch Oil, Biotherm

vegetable oils, Padina Pavonica algae extract

Nourishes the skin, increases elasticity, tones, softens. Suitable for massage.

Creams and milk for the skin of the feet.

Milk and creams

Name Active components Action


royal jelly, protein, hazelnut extract

Restores the epidermis and skin protective barrier.

Milk for dry and very dry skin of babies, children and adults Lipikar Lait, La Roche-Posay

shea butter, La Roche-Posay thermal water, niacinamide

Nourishes, restores the lipid barrier, soothes and improves the protective functions of the skin.


avocado oil, shea butter, wheat germ oil

The rich cream softens and nourishes dry, rough skin. Suitable for foot massage.

“PRECIOUS BEAUTY MILK”, GARNIER argan, macadamia, almond and rose oils Moisturizes, nourishes, protects, quickly absorbs, for daily use.

Gels and emulsions for foot skin care.

Emulsions, gels

Name Active components Action


plankton extract, shea butter

Intensively moisturizes and refreshes the skin of the body, including the feet.

Light moisturizing, protective emulsion Lipikar Fluide, La Roche-Posay

shea butter, niacinamide

Moisturizes, soothes, protects the skin and restores the hydrolipid barrier.


10 natural oils, hyaluronic acid, lipohydroxy acid

Nourishes, moisturizes, exfoliates and smoothes the skin.

Exfoliating products for the skin of legs and feet.

The skin of the feet needs care most of all, as it regularly experiences enormous stress.

Basic rules will tell you how to care for your feet:

  1. Comfortable shoes.

Wearing the right shoes is very important for good blood circulation in the lower extremities. Boots and shoes made from natural materials promote skin respiration and reduce the development of consequences that occur after long hours spent on your feet during working hours.

The selection of shoes is carried out according to the season; the heel should be stable and not too high. Incorrect choices can lead to overgrowth of bunions or ingrown toenails.

  1. Daily hygiene care.

After a hard day's work, you need to take care of the skin of your feet. A contrast shower or a warm bath with sea salt relieves fatigue well. After water procedures, it is worth doing self-massage of the feet and ankles using a moisturizer.

  1. Nail care.

To prevent ingrown nail phalanges, experts recommend regular pedicures. The procedure can be carried out both in the salon and at home.

  1. Rest for your feet.

Read also: What does an MRI of the foot and heel show?

In summer, you need to walk barefoot on small pebbles, sand or earth. When walking, the vital points on the foot, which are responsible for health and youth, are massaged.

  1. Regular exercise.

Don't forget about daily leg exercises. Elements of classes can be the simplest - walking on tiptoes and on heels, drawing and rotating the feet, grasping objects with the fingers.

  1. Timely treatment of diseases.

If pathological processes appear on the skin of the legs, you should not self-medicate. It is necessary to visit a specialist to determine the disease and treatment regimen to avoid the disease becoming chronic.

Regular foot care

All foot care procedures at home can be divided into daily and weekly.

  • Massage, as it reduces muscle tension and fatigue.
  • Foot baths tone, have a relaxing effect and remove swelling.
  • Cleansing activities using a stiff brush or sponge to improve the trophism of the skin.
  • Nourish the skin with fatty creams.

Some methods are contraindicated for problems with veins.

Once a week you should rid your feet of dead particles of the epidermis. To perform this procedure, you need to steam your feet in hot water and then run a special scraper or pumice over your feet. Applying masks for cracks and calluses after a warm bath has a positive effect.

Nail care

Proper care of the toenail plates is important. They should be carefully cut off with tweezers to prevent the nail edge from growing into the skin:

  • the nail should be cut straight, without rounding it;
  • file sharp corners to reduce the impact of the file and prevent delamination of the plate;
  • the nail on the big toe should be left a little longer than on the rest;
  • the cuticle of the fingers must be pushed back using a special tool;
  • applying varnish, especially in summer, can protect against fungal diseases and microbes.

Read also: Effective ways to increase leg length

Heel and foot care

It is important to properly care for the skin of your feet:

  • in the summer, before going outside, you should apply a nourishing cream to your feet;
  • regularly self-massage your heels with moisturizers;
  • do foot water treatments and cleansing scrubs in the evenings;
  • You can remove dead skin using pumice;
  • use moisturizers more often. For better absorption, it is recommended to wear socks.

The right shoes

Good shoes made of quality material can prolong the youth of your feet and reduce fatigue and stress during a working day or during long walks.

You should not buy boots or shoes in the morning, as by evening your feet and ankles will swell, which can make shopping tight and uncomfortable. Tight shoes lead to ingrown toenails and crooked toes. Clothes that are too wide contribute to the appearance of calluses and keep the leg muscles under tension, which causes chronic fatigue in the lower extremities.

For daily use, you should give preference to boots with low heels and flexible soles.

Foot care products

Caring for your feet at home is carried out using simple and affordable means.

Essential oils

They can have a positive effect on the skin of the feet and heels. Each of them has its own action and is capable of:

  • relieve dry skin;
  • eliminate inflammatory processes;
  • deeply moisturize;
  • heal small wounds;
  • reduce swelling.

The oil can be mixed with creams or used in its natural form. For the skin of the feet, extracts from avocado, almond, peach, rosewood, and thuja are used.

Read also: What does burning in the legs from the knee to the foot indicate?

Herbs for care

The healing properties of plants are used to reduce sweating in men, unpleasant odor, as a disinfectant and decongestant. Some decoctions soften the skin.

Herbs are prepared in the form of a concentrated infusion and added to the bath. Chamomile, linden, sage, and stinging nettle are perfect for these purposes.

Foot massage and exercises

Foot care at home can be done by performing special exercises and self-massage sessions.

Impact on the feet using special techniques can improve the functioning of all internal organs and increase blood circulation in the tissues. The massage should be done with rubbing movements, paying attention to each finger.

Elements of therapeutic exercises do not take much time and allow you to restore vigor, keep your legs healthy and toned, and also improve muscle flexibility.

An approximate set of exercises:

  1. in a standing position, rise on your toes and fall on your heels;
  2. walk on your fingertips around the room;
  3. walking on the inner and outer surfaces of the feet;
  4. sitting on a chair, clench and unclench your toes;
  5. lift objects of different shapes and sizes from the floor;
  6. rolling a ball or water bottle while working at the computer or in front of the TV.

Foot baths

  1. Bath with sea salt. Pour a little salt into a bowl of warm water. This method is good for relieving fatigue after physical activity.
  2. Contrast baths reduce swelling and tone the skin. To perform the procedure, use two containers, one of which contains cold water, the other contains hot water.
  3. Cracked heels can be healed by taking a bath with a decoction of St. John's wort. 2 tbsp. Pour hot water over the plants. Add the resulting infusion to the basin and steam your feet.

A woman should be well-groomed, starting from the condition of the hair on her head and ending with her feet. Beautiful legs with processed nails and smooth heels always look pleasant and aesthetically pleasing, creating a good mood. In addition, careful care of the skin of the feet and nails serves as an excellent prevention of mycosis and hyperhidrosis, and also helps to get rid of unpleasant odor and rough skin.

Where to start care?

At home, daily foot care consists of treating the feet with a special file or brush of keratinized skin while taking a shower. After this, the feet must be thoroughly dried and massage cream applied. Relax, place a cushion under your ankle for a quarter of an hour, thereby stimulating blood flow and relieving leg swelling.

If you wear uncomfortable shoes, calluses can form, which can be very painful. Treat the damaged area with iodine and cover it with a bactericidal bandage. Find time and regularly pamper your feet with baths, which can be divided into:

  • softening and nourishing - add pre-brewed flax seed and nettle leaves to the water;
  • tonic - dilute a handful of sea or rock salt in water;
  • relaxing - prepare a decoction of pine needles and chamomile or calendula flowers, add a little of any essential oil.

Contrast procedures are perfect for relieving swelling and fatigue. Stock up on two basins, pour hot water into one, cold water into the other. Step from basin to basin, not forgetting to add hot water.

Massage required

After a bath with herbs, you can massage your feet:

  • start by stroking and kneading the foot towards the toes;
  • stretch your feet with stretching movements;
  • Apply point pressure to the foot, including each toe.

Stock up on a special massage mat or a stick with spikes and use any free minute for acupressure: stomp on the mat or roll the stick.

The massage procedure has a stimulating effect on the entire body: relieves headaches and joint pain, stimulates intestinal function.

During the summer, don't miss the opportunity to go barefoot. Soft damp grass, hot sand and prickly pebbles are massagers donated by Mother Nature herself for home treatments.

Masks for your feet

The skin of the feet simply needs thorough hydration and nutrition. Take your time and pamper your feet with masks with dairy products, fruits, honey and oils.

Kefir mask

  • honey - 1 tbsp. l;
  • low-fat kefir – ½ cup;
  • lemon juice – 1 tsp;

Honey mask

  • honey - 2 tbsp. l;
  • olive or peach oil – 50 g;
  • sour apple – 1 pc.

Finely grate the apple and add the rest of the ingredients. Apply the mixture to two pieces of gauze or calico. Wrap your feet in foot wraps and put on warm socks. The procedure lasts 30-40 minutes.

Oatmeal and honey for problem heels

Pour ½ cup of oatmeal with hot water and leave to swell for a quarter of an hour. Add a little honey, 50 g of fat sour cream and lemon juice (1 tsp) to the oatmeal. Apply the mixture to your feet and wrap them in gauze. Lie down and place a pillow under your shins to improve blood flow. After half an hour, wash the mask off your feet using the contrast method and lie down for another 10-15 minutes, raising your legs.

Mask for chapped and dry skin

If the skin on the heels is cracking, wraps with any vegetable oil will help at home. Heat 4 tbsp in a water bath. l oil, add 10-15 drops of liquid vitamins A and E and apply to previously washed and dried feet. Wrap your feet in parchment and polyethylene and put on socks. The mask is applied for at least two hours, and preferably overnight.

Mask for silky foot skin

Preparing the composition will seem costly and troublesome, but the effect will be amazing. Squeeze the juice from several oranges and beat it in a mixer with three eggs. Take a wide brush and apply the mixture to your legs, starting from your feet to your hips. When the mask dries, the composition is applied in another layer for 20-30 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water and shower gel.

Pedicure secrets

You can get a pedicure in a salon, but many people prefer care at home, done with love and attention. Typically, pedicures are done every 10-14 days. It is during this period of time that skin thickenings form on the heels and other support points of the foot, and nails grow and lose their shape. You shouldn’t neglect care, because not only your mood, but also your overall health depends on the condition of your feet. Examine the condition of the nail plate for mycosis, which is characterized by a change in the color of the nails, loss of their strength and shape.

  • Steaming: before starting the procedure, remove the nail polish, pour water into a bowl and add 1 tsp. baking soda, a little shower gel and a couple of drops of tea tree oil. Place a kettle of hot water next to you. Steam your feet for 20 - 30 minutes, adding hot water.
  • Skin treatment: remove one foot from the bath, wipe it dry and treat the calluses with a special razor, then polish the treated areas with a pedicure file.
  • Nails: Trim your nails in a straight line, paying special attention to the big toe. Improperly cut nails can grow into the skin and create discomfort when walking. Apply oil to the steamed cuticle and use a pedicure stick to move it to the base of the nail. You don’t have to cut the cuticle, but if necessary, carefully treat it with scissors or pedicure clippers. Polish your nail plates and give them the desired shape.
  • Nutrition: massage your feet with nourishing cream or apply a mask.
  • Varnish: Wipe your nails thoroughly and apply base followed by polish. Use a special finger separator.

Do not forget that in addition to careful care of the skin of your feet and nails, special attention should be paid to shoes, the right choice of which will determine your well-being and the health of your feet. Shoes must be made of genuine leather and match the size of the foot.

The optimal heel height should not exceed 5 cm. If you are not lazy and follow the recommendations for foot care, then in any situation you will feel confident and irresistible. Home care is an excellent budget alternative to expensive salons and will help maintain the beauty and health of your legs for many years.

Professional skills: Chief physician of the medical center, practicing cosmetologist.

Brief biography and personal achievements: Teaching activities: teaching the subject “Social Medicine and Health Organization”, including for foreign (English-speaking) students, conducting consultations and pre-exam preparation.

Scientific and research activities: writing scientific publications, accompanying documents, organizing interaction of the department with specialized leading clinical and cosmetology centers for joint research work, participation in conferences, symposiums, etc.

7 863 1 Every woman knows that she needs to use face and hand creams, regularly exfoliate her body, and do not neglect hair conditioners. But not everyone knows and knows how to properly care for their legs, feet and nails. But beautiful legs are that part of the female body that 90% of men pay attention to. They are exposed to enormous stress every day, because they must withstand the weight of our body. Therefore, caring for your feet requires regular procedures to improve their health. So, how to properly care for your feet at home.

Our feet and heels need love and care no less than other parts of the body. Knowing some tricks, you can improve your health, relieve stress, moisturize and pamper your feet, spending a minimum of time and money.

  1. Regularly, i.e. spend a few minutes daily on your feet and legs (apply nourishing cream, massage them);
  2. Wear comfortable shoes, avoid high heels;
  3. Walk barefoot on grass, sand, and pebbles more often;
  4. Once a week, remove the rough layer of skin on your feet and do a pedicure;
  5. Periodically visit a cosmetologist or pedicurist who will provide professional, comprehensive foot care;
  6. If you have problems associated with a fungal infection, do not self-medicate, but consult a doctor.
  7. In saunas, swimming pools, hotel showers, etc. Don't go barefoot so you don't get a fungus or something like that.

A girl, a woman who has seriously decided to take care of her legs should know and have an idea about all the procedures that are designed to give a second youth to her legs. This:

  • Baths with herbs and aromatic oils;
  • Foot masks;
  • Massage of the lower extremities;
  • Pedicure;
  • Peeling of feet, heels, legs.

Regular care is the key to healthy feet

All foot care procedures can be divided into daily and weekly procedures.

Every day you can pamper your feet:

  • Massage– it perfectly relieves tension and fatigue of the lower extremities. Contraindicated for people suffering from varicose veins.
  • Baths– depending on the filling of the foot bath, it can tone, relax, relieve swelling, fatigue and even produce a healing effect.
  • Cleansing procedures– When taking a shower, scrub your feet and legs with a stiff brush. This will cleanse your skin and activate blood circulation.
  • Nourishing, moisturizing creams.

No more than once a week, but regularly you should clean your feet of rough skin. To do this, you need to steam your feet for 15-20 minutes in warm water, then remove the stratum corneum with a pumice stone or a special scraper.

After cleansing, you can apply a foot mask that will moisturize the skin and help get rid of cracks, calluses and corns.

Once every 7-14 days, do not forget about a pedicure, where you pay special attention to your nails.

Causes of leg discomfort

There can be many reasons for discomfort. The health of the legs is influenced by both internal and external factors.

Firstly, it is a sedentary lifestyle and excess weight. Due to sedentary work, blood circulation in the lower extremities is disrupted, resulting in swelling and dry feet.

Secondly, incorrectly selected shoes. This can cause calluses and corns.

Thirdly, neglect of personal hygiene rules can cause various fungal infections.

Fourthly, a poorly done pedicure will lead to ingrown nails and infection of the skin.

Nail care

It is equally important to take care of your toenails. They should be trimmed regularly, paying special attention to the technique of this procedure. An improperly cut nail causes the nail plate to grow into the skin. Sometimes this can lead to surgery. Therefore, adhere to the following rules:

  • Cut the nail straight without rounding it;
  • File with smooth movements from right to left, or vice versa. This technique minimizes the negative impact of the file on the nail and prevents its delamination;
  • Do not cut the nail on your thumb “at the root”; it should be slightly longer than the rest.
  • There is no need to cut the cuticle on your toes, just push it back with an orange stick or other tool.

By adhering to these simple rules, you don’t have to worry about the condition of your nails, because they will always be healthy.

What problems are fraught with incorrectly chosen shoes?

At first glance, legs are not the most important part of our body. Most of the year they are hidden under shoes, and some problems (cracked heels, fungal nail infections) can be “camouflaged” by wearing closed shoes. But neglecting the health of your feet can lead to more serious problems that affect all organs. For example, wearing uncomfortable shoes, a woman runs the risk of rubbing a callus; due to discomfort, the foot takes an incorrect position, the load on the spine is distributed unevenly, it becomes deformed, and this entails problems associated with the normal functioning of the abdominal organs. This is a slightly exaggerated situation, but quite real.

In addition to high heels, shoes that are too tight or too loose have a negative impact on your feet. Because of such boots, shoes, and sneakers, the foot takes on an incorrect position and gradually becomes deformed. In addition, no one is immune from the appearance of calluses.

Shoes should be convenient, comfortable, made from natural materials, with a normal heel height (it should not be felt).

Foot care products

The beauty industry offers a huge range of foot skin care products. There are quite a few of them, each performing its own function. They are divided into the following groups:

  1. Scrubs, peeling – products designed to remove dead skin cells. Apply to soft areas of the skin from the knees to the feet. It is recommended to use scrubs before hair removal to prevent ingrown hairs. It is enough to exfoliate once every 7-10 days.
  2. Masks – cosmetic products that moisturize, nourish and saturate the skin with useful substances. You should pamper your feet with masks once a week after taking a bath, when the skin is steamed. You can buy this product in a store, or make it yourself from existing products.
  3. Foot bath products - a substance that is added to the water where the feet are subsequently placed. Depending on the content, they can relax, reduce swelling of the feet, improve skin health, and even promote recovery from colds. They can be used both daily and over a short period of time (from several days to a week). Foot baths can be done with the addition of:
  • medicinal herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, etc.),
  • essential oils (for example, tea tree, lemon balm, mint),
  • other natural ingredients (soda, sea salt),
  • purchased funds.

Foot massage and exercises

Caring for the skin of the feet and legs in general involves such a pleasant procedure as massage and gymnastics. Scientists have proven that a huge number of nerve endings are concentrated on the feet, and by massaging them you improve the functioning of all internal organs. In addition, massage improves blood circulation and activates the internal strength of the body.

Every day, apply pressure and rubbing movements over the entire foot, starting from the toes, moving towards the heel. Pay special attention to each finger.

In addition to massage, legs require special health-improving gymnastics. It is not at all complicated and takes a minimum of time and effort, and the effect is felt instantly.

  • Standing upright, rise on your toes and lower yourself. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
  • Walk on your toes around the perimeter of the room for a couple of minutes.
  • Stand on the inside of your foot and walk a few circles around the room, then change the position of your feet, standing on the outer edge of your foot.
  • In a sitting position, squeeze your toes tightly and then release them sharply. Repeat the exercise 5 times for each leg.
  • Pick up an object from the floor with your toes.
  • While sitting at the table, roll the ball with your foot to improve blood circulation.

These few exercises will help restore vigor to the entire body and relieve tension after a hard day at work.

Never miss the opportunity to walk barefoot on grass, sand, or pebbles. Even if you walk over the scattered children's construction toys on the carpet, you will involuntarily massage your feet.

Foot care at home. Folk remedies

Taking care of your feet at home does not require a lot of special knowledge and skills. By making baths, masks, scrubs from existing products, you not only fill your feet with life and energy, but also spend virtually no money.

Sea salt bath

This bath can be done daily. Pour a handful of sea salt (or regular table salt) into a bowl of warm water and place your tired feet there. After 15-20 minutes there will be no trace of fatigue left.

Contrast foot baths

Take 2 containers, pour warm water into one and cool water into the other. Alternately dip your feet in cold and warm baths. This procedure perfectly relieves swelling, but is contraindicated for varicose veins.

Baths with the addition of St. John's wort

Excellent for healing cracked heels. For this procedure, you need to pour 2 tablespoons of St. John's wort into 1 liter of boiling water.

Egg mask

In 3 days, this mask will eliminate the unpleasant odor of foot sweat. You will need 1 raw egg, 1 tbsp. vinegar and 1 tbsp. vegetable oil. Beat the egg and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Apply the resulting mixture to your feet, then put on socks and go to bed. In the morning, wash off the mask.

Peeling with orange peels

Gently cleanses the skin and gives it a healthy appearance. Grind the dried orange peels, add olive oil and apply the resulting mass to the skin with massage movements from the knees to the tips of the fingers. Then rinse with warm water.

Beautiful, healthy feet and heels are not a myth, but a reality. Every self-respecting woman should take care of her legs; for a girl, it’s not at all difficult, it doesn’t require a lot of time and money. Regularly cleansing the skin, using masks, and massaging the feet can transform any legs beyond recognition. Please yourself with pleasant procedures, and then you will not be afraid of problems associated with your feet.

A new electric file can also help you in the fight for beautiful legs. , which millions of women have already experienced.

Hello friends!

I used to write a lot about how to care for your feet.

The blog has accumulated a large number of articles, I decided to combine them into one, under the general name - foot care.

Here you will find everything about how to make your heels soft and smooth, get rid of cracked feet, how to deal with excessive sweating, how to get rid of unpleasant foot odor and much more.

The legs, unlike the arms, bear a huge load on the body.

They are influenced by friction and pressure from shoes, which affects the entire body as a whole, since the soles contain reflex zones associated with the internal organs of a person.

A lot depends on the health of your feet.

Some interesting facts about the skin of your feet

  • The feet have two types of skin: the outer part and the sole;
  • The skin of the outer part of the foot is similar in structure and physiology to the skin of the face;
  • On the side of the sole with the skin of the palm, it is devoid of hair. but has sweat glands.

The skin of the sole requires special care; it often becomes inflamed, becomes rough, and covered with calluses and corns.

Basic principles of foot care

Foot care includes the following important points:

  • Comfortable shoes;
  • Hygiene: clean socks, pedicure, cleansing, scrub, masks, foot baths, paraffin therapy and reflexology;
  • High-quality cosmetics for feet;
  • Foot massage.

How to take care of your feet - useful video

Everything about how to care for your feet depending on specific problems is described in detail in these articles.

How to make your heels soft and smooth

The main reasons why heels crack and how to get rid of it forever

Why do feet sweat - reasons and ways to combat this unpleasant phenomenon

How to get rid of unpleasant foot odor - accessible recipes

Read more about this unpleasant problem,

How is a soda foot bath useful and how to use it correctly?

How to get rid of corns - simple and effective treatment recipes

You can read more details

How to get rid of calluses - the most effective ways

How to use hydrogen peroxide to treat heels
