You trust a person and he betrays you. Quotes and phrases about trust

Trust is one of the most important components of close relationships between people. Trust is the foundation strong relationships, but, at the same time, big risk for those who allow themselves to trust another person. Should we blindly trust other people, or in any relationship should we remain cautious when telling other people something important and show some degree of suspicion? In fact it is very difficult questions, but quotes about trust can help you find the answer to these questions.

Quotes and phrases about trust:

  • 1) Self-confidence is the first secret of success.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • 2) Wise men trust in ideas, not in circumstances.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • 3) Trust yourself. Appear that you are happy in your entire life. Maximize the inner sparks of opportunity into the fire of achievement.
    Golda Meir
  • 4) Once you start trusting yourself, you will know how to live.
    Garth Henrichs
  • 5) The best proof of love is trust.
    Dr. Joyce Brothers
  • 6) I know that God will not give me anything that I cannot handle. I just wish he didn't trust me so much.
    Mother Teresa of Calcutta
  • 7) I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that now I can't trust you.
    Friedrich Nietzsche
  • 8) When a talented team dedicates itself to selfless trust and combines instinct with boldness and effort, it is ready to rise.
  • 9) I never trust people who don’t love themselves and still tell me: “I love you.” There is an African proverb that says: "Be careful when naked man offers you a shirt."
    Maya Angelou
  • 10) People trust their ears less than their eyes.
  • 11) Trust your instinct to the end, even if you have no reason to do so.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • 12) The truth is that all people in power cannot be trusted.
    James Madison
  • 13) Believe the little voice in your head that says, “Wouldn’t this be interesting if...” and then, do it.
    Dwayne Michels
  • 14) You must trust and believe in people, otherwise life will become impossible.
    Anton Chekhov
  • 15) I learned to trust myself, listen to the truth, not be afraid of it and not try to hide it.
    Sarah McClain
  • 16) Trust, like the soul, never returns to the place it once left.
    Publius Syrus
  • 17) When the train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don't throw away your ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer.
    Corrie Ten Boom
  • 18) Rely on yourself. Make your judgments reliable by trusting them. You can develop common sense, like the muscles in your body - through intelligent, daily training. Being known as a person of sound mind is a big plus in your favor.
    Grantland Rice
  • 19) Do not trust all those who love you after a very short acquaintance and for no apparent reason.
    Lord Chesterfield
  • 20) Set your expectations high, find men and women whose integrity and values ​​you respect, get their agreement on a course of action, and give them your complete trust.
    John Akers
  • 21) Sometimes you can't believe what you see, you have to believe what you feel. And if ever other people come to trust you, you should feel that you can trust them too, even if you are in the dark. Even when you fall.
    Mitch Alboum
  • 22) I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French division behind me.
    General George S. Patton
  • 23) I'm kind of paranoid, but on the contrary. I suspect people are conspiring to make me happy.
    J.D. Salinger
  • 24) He who trusts us educates us.
    T. S. Eliot
  • 25) Anyone who thinks that the world always deceives him is right. It's missing something wonderful feeling trust in someone or something.
    Eric Hoffer
  • 26) If there is something that a person can do well, I say let him do it. Give him a chance.
    Abraham Lincoln
  • 27) We are never as vulnerable as we are when we trust someone, but ironically, if we cannot trust, we cannot find love or joy.
    Walter Anderson
  • 28) There is no man who is wise enough or good enough to be entrusted with unlimited power.
    Charles Caleb Colton
  • 29) It is easier to believe in nobility of character than in an oath.
  • 30) Never trust the advice of a person in difficulties.
  • 31) You can be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in pain if you don't trust enough.
    Frank Crane
  • 32) By mutual trust and mutual assistance great things and great discoveries have been made.
  • 33) Not everyone trusts paintings, but people trust photographs.
    Ansel Adams
  • 34) Trust yourself. You know more than you think you know.
    Benjamin Spock
  • 35) Never trust a computer that you cannot lift.
    Dave Bolton
  • 36) “Smell is not everything,” said the Elephant. “Why,” asked Bulldog, “If a guy can’t trust his nose, what else can he trust?” “Well, maybe his brain,” she answered softly.
    K.S. Lewis
  • 37) Believe in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in everything, and He will direct your path.
    [Proverbs 3:5, 6] Bible.
  • 38) Never trust a person who speaks well about everyone.
    John Collins Charton
  • 39) A person who does not trust anyone cannot be trusted.
    Jerome Blattner
  • 40) In moments of doubt, a worthy person will trust his own wisdom.
    J. R. R. Tolkien
  • 41) When mistrust comes, love leaves.
    Irish quotes

I try to believe not in people, but in people. Well, you meet a person and it doesn’t matter what he does, what he does. You just accept it and that's it. With all the words, actions and even shortcomings.
- What if there are more shortcomings? What if there are only shortcomings?
- So everyone has shortcomings. Only this is not bad... This is normal.

The sage was asked:
- Which woman can you trust: blonde, redhead or brunette?
The sage replied:
- A woman with gray hair can be trusted, but a man cannot be trusted, even a bald one!

Without communication there is no relationship. Without respect there is no love. Without trust there is no point in continuing.

“On one point men and women certainly agree: they both distrust women.” Henry Mencken

Friendship ends where mistrust begins.

Lost trust is like lost life; it is irrevocable.

Trust is when you put a knife in a person’s hands and turn your back... And I was wrong in giving it to you...

Trust is when you give your hand, close your eyes, and allow someone else to lead you across the road...

From childhood we are taught not to trust strangers. We learn over time not to trust our acquaintances...

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The more you trust a person, the more tempted he is to betray you.

Trust is acceptance and giving. Accepting a person's openness. Giving back to your openness.

Trust is one of the main secrets of eternal love.

Everything ends sooner or later: trust, love, juice in a mug.

Believe or check? The difference is one letter. And in this letter is trust

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No one will trust anything to a person who doesn’t tell anything about himself or tells everything.

Boundless gullibility due to the absence of cordons of suspicion allows deception and betrayal to freely penetrate into its territory. (Yuri Tatarkin)

On one issue, men and women certainly agree: both do not trust women. (G. Mencken)

Often, when you meet a person whom you seem to trust as much as yourself, it is worth remembering that this is not you after all.

Never trust a woman who tells her age honestly. Such a woman is able to tell you EVERYTHING. (O. Wild)

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The basis of our self-confidence is confidence in others.

Trust is like a clay bowl. It can be glued, but it will never be as strong.

The more promises, the less trust.

You don't become a traitor twice.

No matter how much you trust people, it will still turn out that you should have distrusted them even more.

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Lost trust in English. Without saying goodbye.

You can only trust those people who poor development situation will suffer no less than you!

Trust, like life, is lost only once.

To get a knife in the back you just need to completely trust someone.

Trust only those who can lose as much as you.

Smart people know that we can only believe half of what we are told. But only the very smart know which one it is.

A person must be trusted, even when he speaks the truth.

He who begins by believing everyone ends by considering everyone a rogue.

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Quotes about trust are very popular. They are all different, but what unites them is that each author recognizes the fragility of this feeling, which is the most important of all existing ones, serving as their basis. Quotes about trust in love, friendship and society in the article.

Famous people about trust

Quotes about celebrity confidence:

  1. “My dad always told me: don’t trust those people who have a huge TV and a small shelf for books” (Emilia Clarke).
  2. “There will always be people who want to hurt you. Continue to trust people, just be a little more careful” (Marquez).
  3. "Always trust the most important for a woman. She doesn't remember anything that really matters" (Oscar Wilde).
  4. “I trust you, I need you” (Mason Cooley).
  5. “You can’t believe in illusions, you have to pay for them” (London).
  6. "In gullibility male weakness and the power of children" (Lam).
  7. When the eyes and the tongue say different things, trust first (Emerson).

Beautiful sayings about trust

  • “Which hair color is best to trust? - Only gray hair, and a man should not be trusted, even if he is bald.”
  • "Trust is when you give another person your hand, close your eyes and let them lead you across the road."
  • "You put a knife in the hands of everyone you trust. He will either protect you or kill you."
  • “The deeper the trust in a person, the greater the temptation for him to betray you.”
  • “If you meet a person and it seems to you that you can trust him as you trust yourself, remember that you are still different.”
  • “Everything tends to end: trust, love, and juice in a glass.”
  • "Friendship is based on mutual trust."

Trust on the pages of books

Quotes about trust can be found not only in famous people, but also on the pages of books. Literary characters sometimes we tend to talk about this feeling better than any psychologists and philosophers. Quotes about trust in relationships from books:

  1. “It’s better not to trust people, Yu. They are much worse than any vampires and demons.”
  2. “Trust is the most fragile thing in the world, just like a girl’s heart. If you break it, you can’t put it back together, and the pieces can cause deep wounds.”
  3. “You cannot simply love, not trust and not consider the other equal. Mistrust destroys even the brightest love.”
  4. "Trust to be faithful."
  5. “Why don’t you trust me? - You don’t deserve it. I meditate daily to control my power. Do you think I’ll just believe that you began to control the one you have? Trust needs to be earned. - How to do this? - First trust me".
  6. "I don't trust you enough to hurt you."

We hope that the following quotes about trust will help you better understand the essence of this feeling, find and maintain it in a relationship.

The more you trust people, the more tempted they are to betray you.

How can people entrust their money to a BANK if they can’t even entrust us with a PEN, THEY TIE IT!

You will lie to her just once, but you will lose her trust forever.

Darling, calm down. There will be no change! - Is it true! - I'm not going to lose my queen because of whores!

Resentment goes away and trust does not return.

Love is when, despite the distance, you trust your loved one.

Trust is when you don't care about guarantees.

Trusting people means allowing yourself to be partially killed.

People themselves cross themselves off my trust list.

To earn trust loved one First of all, you need to learn to trust yourself.

Only defeats determine strength of character.

If people talk about trust and love, but at the same time they do not know how to trust and love themselves, then their words are simply an attempt to control you.

Mom, I pretended for a long time that I believed that they found me in the cabbage. Now it’s your turn to believe that I’m spending the night at my friend’s house writing my coursework.

The more you open your soul, the more painfully they spit on it (((...

Trust, like virginity, is lost once and for all.

I sometimes trust people because, I think, THEY are like me.

What enlivens conversations most is not intelligence, but mutual trust.

No matter how little we trust our interlocutors, it still seems to us that they are more sincere with us than with anyone else.

Big promises reduce trust.

Trusting people is not even playing Russian roulette, it’s even stupider.

I used to listen to people's words and believe in their deeds. Now I listen to people's words and look at their deeds.

I easily gain trust. I'M A CAT!

Don't trust the disappointed. It's almost always the powerless ones.

Where trust died, love died...

Take people's word for it! But the word must be certified by a signature and seal...

Don't trust other people's words... Believe your heart...

One minute of lies shuts the mouth of trust long years; betrayal kills him.

Be prepared for betrayal by any of your people, but especially by those you trust the most.

Little lies breed great mistrust.

Jealousy is primarily mistrust, and only secondarily the fear of losing a loved one...

Faith in people! Confidence! Many people cannot revive these feelings, but I have the opposite... so many helpers, but I still can’t get rid of them.

Friendship ends where mistrust begins.

There is no love, no trust for such people. People look at the presence of feathers...

What is the name of the disease when you want to punch someone in the head for blatant lies?! I think I have all the symptoms...

Trust is a fragile thing. It is easy to earn and just as easy to lose. It breaks with any wrong word and loses its meaning when you are not reciprocated. Appreciate those people who trust you. After all, they give their piece of life into your hands...

It is the betrayal of a loved one that makes you think about those around you...

I'm afraid to trust people because I don't know how to do it. I don't understand how this is...

Statuses about trusting people

The golden rule that you need to remember and never forget if you want to always win and not be betrayed by other people. You can never trust anyone one hundred percent, even the most devoted and trusted people, because their devotion also has its own limiting feature. No matter how good and reliable a person is, he is just a person, one of whose qualities is selfishness, thanks to which we survive. Healthy egoism, the one that does not stupidly manifest itself in arrogance and insolence, but the one that plays in the interests of its owner, is integral part his psyche. No matter how society tries to introduce into our consciousness the idea of ​​altruism and the interests of society as paramount, it is impossible to completely kill selfish inclinations in a person. Therefore, in any, even the brightest, deed for the benefit of the whole society, one can always find the selfish interests of the people participating in it. These interests can be quite healthy, or they can be very stupid and incomprehensible, and yet they exist.

Even a very naive, not very smart person, who often, due to his lack of understanding, acts in the interests of other people, also counts on something, but does not quite understand his interests and methods of achieving them. So it turns out that we all, in one way or another, have our own framework for mutually beneficial cooperation with other people, which ends somewhere, at some stage. As long as we are interested in a person, we cooperate with him on mutually beneficial terms. As soon as it ceases to be useful to us, we abandon it. This is a very common position. Therefore, by definition, there can be no complete trust in anyone. Anyone who trusts others completely takes great risks. This is unjustified irresponsibility, for which you can pay. Fine thinking person A person who has respect for you will never ask you to completely trust him, especially if you don’t know him well. If this is the case, and you are asked to trust someone or just believe it like that, it means they don’t respect you, they want to use you, they consider you complete idiots.

So think about whether you can deal with such people, or you can simply pretend that you trust them, but do not let such people close to you when they pose a threat to you. And yet it is impossible to live completely without trust, we are somehow forced to trust each other, to a greater or lesser extent, but we have to do it. Therefore, it is better to trust those people who simply benefit from not deceiving and betraying you, who are afraid to do this, or those whom you managed to convince of the wrongness of such an act. Of course, this will not completely protect you from betrayal, but it still gives good result. Why trust when you can check, and why convince when you can intimidate and keep a person in fear? And yet beliefs work better, or at least more often, just look at religion, which simply brainwashes people into believing in God, rather than proving his existence to them.

Faith is, of course, strong thing. The stronger a person’s faith, the stronger he himself, but at the same time, it greatly blinds him, does not allow him to think, analyze, reason, doubt, be critical of what he believes in. And if a person believes in other people, sooner or later he will be disappointed in this faith, because people will let him down. It is difficult to believe in people; you need to understand people in order to be prepared for any step on their part, both good and bad. Any faith can be shaken, especially faith in people; you can even make a person begin to doubt himself if you try hard enough. Therefore, faith is an unreliable thing by its nature, no matter how you look at it. And as for our trust or distrust of other people, it, of course, must be justified. Any trust must be earned, you cannot demand from people that they trust you, it is unnatural, trust, I repeat once again, must be earned. And not in beautiful words, A real deeds. Trust, friends, is earned over years, but lost instantly and forever. Keep this in mind.

And when life punishes us for unconditional, blind and completely unfounded trust in other people or in a specific person, then we must understand that this is our own fault. After all, if you look into it, it turns out that even the most reliable person whom we knew well could not be completely trusted, and when what we call betrayal and deception occurs, this should not surprise us, because we are talking about a natural result our thoughtless behavior. Only person in this life, who you can completely trust is yourself, because your instinct of self-preservation simply will not allow you to betray yourself. This can only happen in case of serious mental disorder, which often leads to suicides and other nonsense in which a person loses his life. However, this is a completely different topic, not directly related to trust, but only indirect. I understand that you must trust someone, there is no other way, but you must do it correctly, keeping a backup plan in your head, just in case.

May the one who is next to you be very good man, may he be devoted to you, may you go through fire, water and copper pipes with him, share the last crust of bread, help each other out of trouble. But the law of nature and the law of life does not accept complete trust in anyone other than yourself, therefore, even such a person, proven over the years, you should not completely trust, especially when you consider that sometimes people change a lot. Always keep in mind a situation in which even the most reliable person from your point of view betrays you. And of course, be prepared for this, have ready plan actions in case this happens, believe me, this is how it should be, this is right, this is normal.
