Funny poems for the new year for children. Comic and funny children's New Year's poems

Everyone loves this holiday
Everyone is waiting for this holiday
For children, it is the most important
And it's called - New Year!

Our Christmas tree will be bright
In multi-colored tinsel,
Frost will bring gifts
And give to the kids!

The New Year is knocking on the door
Santa Claus rushes to visit us,
Fireworks in the sky
And the clock strikes twelve.

The lights sparkle brightly.
Candles, balloons, gifts.
Soon a fairy tale will enter the house,
Soon there will be a New Year!

New Year is a fun holiday.
All the kids are waiting for him.
He is like a lone rider
Enters bright houses.

New Year brings happiness
Gives a tangerine scent.
In the past there will be all bad weather,
Will bring success.

New Year brings gifts
Fulfills all dreams
Make changes to your life
Lots of work and hassle.

In the New Year comes a fairy tale
Santa Claus comes with a bag
The world is painted with paint
He walks across the country.

Why New Year
Very fond of children?
Because he carries
Joy to the whole planet!
Because miracles
Walking beside him
That a dream will come true
Help to believe!

Christmas tree is elegant,
The beauty stands
The lights are shining
New Year is fast!

There will be a lot of happiness
Joy, kindness,
It will be a magical year
There will be miracles!

There will be gifts
holiday fireworks,
Santa Claus children
Very, very much looking forward to!

Who is visiting us?
It's New Year's Eve!
The fairy tale begins
All dreams come true
The Christmas tree pleases the guys
Everywhere the lights are burning
A wizard Santa Claus
Brought gifts for everyone!

In the New Year - different successes,
More happiness, kindness.
Let the holiday be magical
Let dreams come true!

Hello fairy tale! Hello tree!
Hello Dedushka Moroz!
I'm not afraid of the wolf today -
I even pull my tail.

Suspiciously evil
Today grandmother Yaga,
The mouse hugs the cat
And the fox is a bun.

Even Koschei himself is harmful
Singing songs loudly
Because the holiday is the best
Because New Year!

Everyone became kinder at once,
Hold hands tightly
And smiles from under the masks
Like lanterns, lit up.

New Year's fairy tale
Will knock on the door
Santa Claus with gifts
Flying to visit us...

It will be a lot of fun
Let's dance
Happy New Year everyone
Friendly congratulations!

New Year has come to us
With Santa Claus.
I congratulate all of you
Happy New Year.

May it bring us all
Happiness and prosperity
So that in your families all
There was always order.

Let success come to you
With the sun rising.
I congratulate you all
Happy New Year!

Santa Claus is a good grandfather:
Dressed in a red coat
He has a gray beard
He's handsome and big!

He is always with gifts
He never cries
He dances and laughs
He smiles at you too!

New Year is coming
What will he bring us?
Lots of sweets, warmth,
Happiness, joy in full!

Will give a good story
Will make everyone smile
Santa Claus will bring
He will light the Christmas tree for us ...

Happy New Year.
Let everything go smoothly.
Happiness with joy let them be friends
And they serve you faithfully all year long!

Happy New Year.
I wish you all the best,
So that in your life there will be
Lots of happiness and magic!

To Santa Claus
I brought you gifts.
So that all your sorrows
He took it with him in a bag!

Father Frost,
Open the bag
I studied
A poem from spring.

I've been waiting for a long time
New Year,
Fairy tale let
Will come to me.

I'm really looking forward to the new year
And I'm sitting under the tree.
I guard gifts there,
I protect them from everyone!

I eat sweets, tangerines
And I draw pictures.
I'm waiting for Santa Claus
I want a present!

New Year's morning early
All the kids are not up to sleep.
Holding your breath
Waiting for children's gifts.

From under the elegant Christmas tree
A rustle is heard in the dark.
Was it good? Wasn't he greedy?
Get everything you wanted.

The herringbone is shining
bright lights,
And on the Christmas tree beads
Red balls!

The best holiday
New Year's holiday!
The most anticipated
For our kids!

crackers are clapping,
Children's laughter rings.
Santa Claus is dancing
Fun circles!

Snow crunches underfoot
Someone is in a hurry to visit us,
Bearded and with a bag
Knock on every house.

We are looking forward to the New Year
He will bring miracles to us,
And gifts under the tree
Who wants, he will find.

New Year's round dance
We will circle at the gate,
Confetti will scatter
We have to go to the tree.

We'll have fun
We will show the highest class
Santa Claus, you will be happy
The performance of the guys.

Snow swirling outside the window
The house is filled with magic
Everything is beautiful, bright, clean.
The tree is sparkling.

Smells like delicious dessert
We are all smartly dressed.
We are waiting for it to come to us
The best holiday is New Year!

How beautiful,
Everything glitters
Everything shines and burns
On a glorious holiday -
New Year,
Let's get together in a round dance!

Happy New Year
We wish everyone
gentle winter,
Christmas tree lights.

Santa Claus
Smiling softly
New story
Life begins.

I won't sleep tonight
I'm waiting for a miracle to happen.
And Santa Claus will come to me,
Will bring a lot of gifts.

Let mom say - go to bed,
I'm excited and I can't sleep.
I really want to see
How gifts appear under the tree.

We decorated the Christmas tree
And the lights - lit
How fun and bright
They shine on us.

Beautiful Snow Maiden
She visited us
With a pleasant smile
Handed out the gifts.

We are having fun at the tree
We dance and we sing.
Santa Claus hurries out of the forest,
Oh how much we look forward to it.

We are waiting for surprises and gifts,
We are looking forward to a fun party.
Although it is winter, it will be hot
New Year, you are beautiful!

Light from the moon and shining snow
And I want to sing from such beauty,
Chimes 12 will strike and run
You will rush into the abyss of magic.

Where laughter does not stop for a minute,
Where everyone hopes to get into a fairy tale,
Where you want to make someone bright
And steal a little happiness from Santa.

A holiday comes to every house,
We look forward to miracles
We put up a Christmas tree, decorate,
Only Santa Claus has disappeared.

Let's call him out loud
And lure with fun
There will be songs, dances, laughter.
New Year - you are the best!

New Year's is knocking on the door
So - a fairy tale on the threshold.
So it's time to believe in a miracle,
So - Santa Claus is on the way.

We will meet cheerfully and amicably
This holiday is the best.
Let the crackers explode
Clouds are driven from the sky.

Darkness piled up snowdrifts,
And snowflakes commotion
circling in the air, hovering,
All paths sweep...

Horses run across the fields
In a decorated blanket,
In the sleigh - Grandfather Frost,
He brought us presents!

Here is the New Year on the way,
It's not enough for him to go
Santa Claus rides on a sled
Soon, soon everything will happen:
The tree will shine brightly
And get all the gifts!

Despite the fact that everyone celebrates the New Year in different ways, we all have one thing in common - the anticipation of the holiday, which gives an amazing feeling of happiness to both children and adults. This day is always associated with a fairy tale and magic, adding to life a lot of bright emotions that warm for a long time. Even nature feels the approach of this day: the river is covered with a strong layer of ice, the snow begins to creak merrily underfoot, and the trees sparkle in the sun with their snow-white clothes. So, the most important holiday of the year is already very close!

But you should start preparing for it in advance. Especially to toddlers. For example, with the choice of poems that can be told at the Christmas tree to Grandfather Frost and receive a cherished gift for it, at a matinee at school or kindergarten in front of your friends or in a warm family circle, delighting all family members. Beautiful good New Year's poems will add even more magic and miracles to the holiday. "Letidor" has collected the most interesting poems about the New Year for children of different ages. You can quickly and easily learn them, and at the same time plunge into the festive bustle of New Year's preparations.

For babies

For young children, it is worth choosing understandable, simple and short poems. Quatrains will suffice. They can be taught individually or combined into one poem.

mother with two children

Snow fell, frost set in, The cat washes its nose with its paw, White snowflakes melt on the puppy's black back!

Oh, what a good, kind Santa Claus! He brought us a Christmas tree for the holiday From the forest. Lights sparkle: Red, blue! Good for us, Christmas tree, Have fun with you!

Santa Claus brought us a Christmas tree, He lit the lights on it. And the needles shine on it, And on the branches there is snow.

It's snowing, it's snowing, it means the New Year is coming soon, Santa Claus will come to us, bring gifts to everyone.

I've been waiting for the New Year for a long time, I blew on snowflakes through the window. In the yard of a growing Christmas tree, Snow sprinkled needles. If Santa Claus knocks, Elkin's nose will not freeze.

In the morning the first snow fell; White and cold. So soon the New Year's holiday will come to us. The lights on our Christmas tree will sparkle brightly! And cheerful Santa Claus will bring gifts.

It so happens in the world that only once a year a lucky star is lit on the Christmas tree! The star burns, does not melt, beautiful ice shines. And a Happy New Year is about to begin!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Congratulations to all guys. Let the Christmas tree sparkle for us, Songs ring merrily!

Hello, forest tree, Silvery, dense. You grew up under the sun And came to us for a holiday.

We celebrate the New Year, decorate the Christmas tree, Hang toys, Balls, crackers.

Outside the window, a flock of snowflakes, Also leads a round dance. Saying goodbye to the old year, We celebrate the New Year.

Soon Santa Claus will come, He will bring us gifts, Apples, sweets, Santa Claus, where are you?

Children grow, develop, learn any material much better, and their memory is able to memorize large volumes of text. The main thing is to choose the poem that the child himself will like.

family of four

Merry New Year

Soon a Merry New Year will come to visit us! And a whole cart of gifts will be prepared by Santa Claus!

Come to us little animals, Bring us toys. Let's decorate the tree! Let's bring the holiday closer!

The Song of the Christmas Tree
(Samuel Marshak)

What grows on the tree? Cones and needles. Multi-colored balls Do not grow on a Christmas tree. Gingerbread and flags do not grow on a Christmas tree, Nuts do not grow In golden paper. These flags and balloons Have grown today For the Russian children On New Year's holiday. In the cities of my country, In the villages and towns So many lights have grown On merry Christmas trees!

New Year's Eve
(Sergey Mikhalkov)

They say: on New Year's Eve Whatever you wish - Everything will always happen, Everything will always come true.

Even the guys can have all their wishes come true, You just need, they say, Make an effort.

Do not be lazy, do not yawn And have patience, And do not consider learning For your torment.

Winter hurries, bustles, Wrapped in snow All the bumps and stumps, Benches and haystacks.

Mittens turn white On the branches of birches, So that they do not catch a cold, To withstand the frost.

Winter ordered the oak to Throw on a lush fur, She put on a fur coat on the spruce, Warmly covered everyone.

For a long time and reliably In the river held together the ice. You can walk along the river Come to us, New Year!

About the Christmas tree
(Korney Chukovsky)

If the Christmas tree had Legs, She would run along the path. She would dance Together with us, She would rattle with her heels. Toys would spin on the Christmas tree - Multi-colored lanterns, Flappers. Flags from crimson and silver Paper would twirl on the Christmas tree. They would laugh on the Matryoshka Christmas tree And clap their hands with joy. Because tonight a merry New Year has knocked at the gate! New, new, young, With a golden beard!

New Year
(Mikhail Plyatskovsky)

What is New Year? This is a friendly round dance, This is pipes and violins, Jokes, songs and smiles - That's what it means, That's what the New Year means!

What is New Year? New Year - frost and ice! And in the dancing snowflakes Imperceptible springs - That's what it means, That's what the New Year means!

Where does the New Year come from?
(Andrey Usachev)

New Year flies from the sky? Or coming from the forest? Or from a snowdrift New Year comes to us?

He probably lived like a snowflake On some star Or hid like a fluff In Frost's beard?

He climbed into the refrigerator to sleep Or to the squirrel in the hollow ... Or in an old alarm clock He climbed under the glass?

But there is always a miracle: The clock strikes twelve... And no one knows where The New Year comes to us!

Our tree
(Zoya Petrova)

Our tree is big, Our tree is high. Above dad, above mom - Gets to the ceiling. How her outfit shines, How the lanterns burn, Our Christmas tree Happy New Year Congratulates all the guys. We will dance merrily, We will sing songs, So that the Christmas tree wants to visit us again!

Soon, soon the New Year, He brings us joy. A lot of different chocolates, And sweets, and marmalades.

Glorious, kind Santa Claus brought you gifts. Take a look under the tree, So what if there are needles.

There lies a big gift, Among toys, bright arches. The New Year will be a fairy tale And it will save you from worries.

The animals met the New Year
(Boris Zakhoder)

The animals celebrated the New Year. The animals led a round dance. Around the green Christmas tree. Danced and Mole, And Behemoth, And even - evil Wolves!

Started dancing And the Porcupine - Prickly needles, And everything - to tremble, And everything - to squeal, And everything - to run away from the Christmas tree! Look: Oh - At least he's good! And he trembles with fear! .. - But you won’t catch me! - She said Che-re-pa-ha! - We will dance with the Step of a Turtle, But, Perhaps, we will dance everyone!

Hello New Year!
(Elena Kravchenko)

All around white-white, Pure snow covered. Santa Claus is already in a hurry, he orders to celebrate the New Year!

Garlands glow brightly. Think among the lights of Our Christmas tree elegant All wishes soon!

Let the old year take sorrows and hardships with it. Round dances began to spin ... Hello, hello, New Year!

It happens in the world
(Irina Tokmakova)

It so happens in the world, That only once a year A beautiful star is lit on the Christmas tree.

The star burns, does not melt, Beautiful ice shines. And Happy New Year is coming!

At the age of 8–9 years and older, children are already able to memorize fairly long poems. It is important not to let everything take its course, but to continue to learn them together with the child.

new year incident
(Valentin Berestov)

Simple toys through a crack Once they saw a Christmas tree: “Let's decorate the Christmas tree! Let's climb the branches and sit down!

Toys climbed onto the Christmas tree. The monkey is already at the top. Under the Mishka, the branch bent, Under the Bunny, it swayed a little.

Chickens hang like lanterns, Matryoshka dolls - like colorful balls ... "Hey, Christmas decorations, Snow Maidens, stars, crackers,

Glasses twisted, cast, Silver, gold! While you were gathering dust on the shelf, We all ended up on the Christmas tree! Now let's make the kids happy! Oh, fathers! We're falling! We're falling!

It was in January
(Agniya Barto)

It was in January, There was a Christmas tree on the mountain, And near this Christmas tree Evil wolves roamed.

Once upon a time at night, When it's so quiet in the forest, A hare and a hare meet a wolf under the mountain.

Who wants to fall into the clutches of a wolf in the New Year! The hares rushed forward And jumped on the Christmas tree.

They pressed their ears, They hung like toys. Ten little bunnies Hang on the Christmas tree and are silent -

The wolf was deceived. It was in January, - He thought that the Decorated Christmas Tree was on the mountain.

(Ivan Surikov)

White snow, fluffy, swirls in the air And quietly falls to the ground, lies down. And in the morning the field turned white with snow, As if everything had covered it with a veil.

The dark forest that covered itself with a wonderful hat And fell asleep under it soundly, soundly ... God's days are short, the sun shines little, Here come the frosts - and winter has come.

The worker-peasant pulled out the sled, Children are building snowy mountains. For a long time the peasant has been waiting for winter and cold, And he covered the hut with straw from the outside.

So that the wind does not penetrate into the hut through the cracks, Blizzards and snowstorms would not inflate the snow. He is now calm - everything around is covered, And he is not afraid of the evil angry frost.

(Samuel Marshak)

In December, in December All the trees are in silver. Our river, as if in a fairy tale, Frost paved during the night, Updated skates, sledges, Brought a Christmas tree from the forest. The Christmas tree cried at first From the warmth of the house. In the morning she stopped crying, Breathed, came to life. Her needles tremble a little, On the branches the lights lit up. Like a ladder, a Christmas tree Lights run up. Flappers glitter with gold. A silver star was lit by the most daring light that ran to the top of the head. A year has passed like yesterday. Over Moscow at this hour The clock of the Kremlin tower strikes its salute - twelve times.

Happy New Year
(Elena Blaginina)

Well, the tree! Just a miracle! How elegant! How beautiful! Here are the lights lit on it, Hundreds of tiny lights!

And, decorating the tops, There shines, as always, A very bright, large, Five-winged star!

The doors are wide open, as if in a fairy tale, The round dance is rushing in a dance! And above this round dance Talk, songs, ringing laughter.

Happy New Year! With new happiness all at once!

Father Frost
(Zinaida Aleksandrova)

Santa Claus walked through the forest Past maples and birches, Passed clearings, past stumps, Walked through the forest for eight days.

He walked through the forest - He dressed Christmas trees in beads. On this night before the New Year, He will take them down to the guys.

Silence in the clearings, The yellow moon is shining. All the trees are in silver, Hares dance on the mountain, Ice sparkles on the pond, New Year is coming!

Christmas tree - magic
(Eugene Finkelstein)

When the New Year lights up the colored lights on the Christmas tree, All their childhood is remembered Happy childhood days.

Someone will think of a wish And whisper to Santa Claus, He will fulfill all the promises And bring it in the New Year.

Tell us, Christmas tree, a fairy tale, Magic dream to us, Christmas tree, nave. About palaces, about forests and sleighs, About wizards and animals.

Where was Santa Claus born?
Valentina Lanzetti

Where was Santa Claus born?
Where did he live and where did he grow up?
- In the refrigerator with us!
He lives there now!

Coat, hat, gloves.
Titmouse sit on the nose.
Beard and red nose
This is Santa Claus.

Where does Santa Claus live?

Where does Santa Claus live?
Amazing question!
Not in a lamp, not in an alarm clock,
Let's see in the fridge!

We decorate the Christmas tree
O. Grigoriev

Dad decorates the Christmas tree
Mom helps dad.
I try not to interfere
I help help.

bear cub

Bear cub clumsy
Washes the nose in the morning with a paw,
He is New Year's
Going to meet for the first time.

G. Novitskaya

Who are the snowflakes
Did you do these?
For work
Who is responsible?
- I AM! Santa Claus answered
And grabbed me
For the nose!

I've been waiting for the new year for a long time
On snowflakes blew through the window
Growing tree in the yard
Snow sprinkled needles.
If Santa Claus knocks,
Elkin's nose will not freeze.

Father Frost
Andrey Usachev

Hello Dedushka Moroz!
You are probably frozen.
The day went around the city
Trimmed off my beard...
Put your nose on the battery.
I'll warm you up now!

We celebrated the New Year
P. Sinyavsky

We celebrated the New Year:
Dad, mom, me and the cat
I drank holiday compote,
Adults - champagne,
A terribly important cat
ate sour cream

L. Yakovlev

afraid again
oversleep him,
I firmly sat down on a chair,
He blinked and suddenly fell asleep.
I thought I overslept him
But in the morning I got up
And he has arrived!


Father Frost
A. Shibaev

To our Christmas tree - oh-oh-oh!
Santa Claus is walking alive.
- Well, Santa Claus! ..
What cheeks! What a nose!

Beard, beard!
And on the cap is a star!
There are specks on the nose!
And the eyes ... daddy's!

We've been waiting all year for the holiday.
And gifts and sweets.
In the snow yesterday I saw
Santa Claus next!

And today, here he is!
Open the bag soon!
You know how I taught for a long time
This little verse!

What color is New Year's?
Lev Yakovlev

What color is New Year's?
Cheerful as a red cat!
It's silver like snow
And colorful, like a bag ...

With wonderful gifts -
With a typewriter, a doll, paints!
He is sunny
Like the next summer!

Father Frost

This grandfather has many grandchildren,
Grandchildren often grumble at their grandfather.
On the street, grandfather sticks to them,
It grabs by the fingers, pulls by the ears.

But a happy evening comes in the year -
I'm waiting for an angry grandfather to visit.
Brings gifts and kind in appearance,
And everyone is having fun - no one grumbles.

Father Frost
S. Wheat

Santa Claus paper
And gray-haired, and important,
With a beard and a bag
With a wooden stick...

A whole year on the mezzanine
He lay in the dust, in captivity.
And now he's standing on a chair
He is under the tree, on guard -

Waiting for the New Year.
- Quiet! Do you hear? It's coming!

Meeting Santa Claus
Nina Aksenova

We've been waiting for winter for a long time
And with it the holiday - New Year,
All because to us on the Christmas tree
Dear Santa Claus will come.

And finally he came
So funny and big
With a curly white beard
With very kind eyes
And with fun games.

And he is not cold
And very, very warm!

Like our Frost...
K. Vanshenkin

Like our Frost
Here's a beard
(Yes, yes, yes, such a beard)

Like our Frost
That's a red nose
(Yes, yes, yes, such a red nose)

Like our Frost
These are the boots
(Yes, yes, yes, these are boots)

Santa Claus, you are a hundred years old!
And you play like a little one!


A blizzard howls outside the window

A blizzard howls outside the window,
But don't be scared kids
Snow covered fun each other
Let's throw in the yard!

Let's build a snow fort
Let's make a snowman in it
We will arrange a holiday for ourselves
Called Winter!

Moms will be unhappy
Red on noses
So what! And we stubbornly
We'll bring snow in our boots!

If the frost ends
Vladimir Danko

If the frost ends
Snow melts white
What is Santa Claus
The poor will do?

Water will run from it
Brooks on the floor
From his beard then
Will it drip too?

Dear Santa Claus,
Sweetheart, darling!
Hide, Santa Claus,
In our fridge!

bear dream
A. Kostakov

Sympathizes with the bear
Forest people in winter.
Never clubfoot
Didn't celebrate New Years.

Him a barrel of honey
Left Santa Claus
And he snores in a den,
Covering your nose with your hand.

But who will congratulate him?
You won't meet a daredevil.
Wake up the couch potato
What if the sides will wrinkle?

New Year worries
Viktor Gvozdev

Sky in white watercolor
The sky is covered in snowflakes.
Is it really
Tomorrow is New Year's Eve?

It will be, it will be - that's for sure!
Everyone is talking about the holiday.
So I'm cooking urgently
Chocolate box.

And then slowly
So as not to scare luck,
I'll take it under the tree
And I'll go to sleep.

What is New Year?
Elena Mikhailova

What is New Year?
It's the other way around:
Christmas trees grow in the room
Squirrels do not gnaw cones,

Hares next to the wolf
On a thorny tree!
The rain is also not easy,
In the New Year it is golden,

Shine that there is urine,
Nobody gets wet
Even Santa Claus
Doesn't pinch anyone's nose.

Father Frost
E. Tarakhovskaya

He grew to my eyebrows,
He climbed into my boots.
They say he's Santa Claus
And naughty, like a little one!

He ruined the water faucet
In our washbasin.
They say he has a beard
And naughty, like a little one!

He paints on glass
Palm trees, stars, skiffs.
They say he's a hundred years old
And naughty, like a little one!

Santa Claus is walking in the Crimea

Santa Claus is coming across the Crimea!
Santa Claus scolds winter!
He was seriously offended
He was upset to tears.

Warm rain in Crimea
In the winter holiday - New Year!
What to do here?
Cry don't cry
You have to wear a coat!

He enters the store
Asks for a cloak and hood,
The new umbrella is bright,
To save gifts!
Grandfather walks around the city -
Pulls out the beard!

Where does the New Year come from?
A. Usachev

New Year flies from the sky?
Or coming from the forest?
Or from a snowdrift
Is the New Year coming out?

He probably lived as a snowflake
On some star
Or hiding behind a feather
Frost in the beard.

He went to sleep in the fridge
Or to a squirrel in the hollow ...
Or an old alarm clock
Did he get behind the glass?

But there is always a miracle
The clock strikes twelve...
And no one knows where
The New Year is coming to us!


In defense of Santa Claus
A. Barto

My brother (he outgrew me)
Brings everyone to tears.
He told me that Santa Claus
Sosem not Santa Claus!
He told me:
- Don't trust him!

But here by myself
The door opened
And suddenly I see -
Grandfather enters.
He has a beard
Dressed in a sheepskin coat
Toe loop to the very heels!

He says:
- Where is the tree?
Do the children sleep?
With big silver
showered with snow,
In a fluffy hat

And the older brother
Says secretly:
- Yes, this is our neighbor!
How can you not see: the nose is similar!
Both arms and back!

I answer: - Well, so what!
And you look like a grandmother
But you're not her!

What does the New Year smell like?

fish in the aquarium
Please open your mouth
-And explain with a smile,
What does the New Year smell like?
- It smells like a clear sea,
shells in the water,
Dolphins, which
In a dream they swim to me!

On a fluffy rug
Sitting beloved cat.
- Well, tell me quickly.
What does the New Year smell like?
- It smells like fresh fish,
I caught in the pond
And milk, but less often
When do I go to drink?

Magpie I'm on a branch
Seen at the gate
She asked: Hey, neighbor,
-What does the New Year smell like?
She said cheese
- With shiny foil.
And maybe kefir
Golden paper!

Now I'll ask my brother:
-What does the New Year smell like?
-Grandpa bearded,
What will come to us on holiday!
forest deer,
Bunny, gray wolf.
painted balls,
And, of course, a Christmas tree!

Wonderful all what
Everyone dreams of their own.
And so smart
But they don't know the main thing!
There is no more festive picture
I will say and let everyone gasp
After all, in a vase tangerines
We smell like New Year!!!

On the eve of the New Year, people hold a variety of events: from matinees in kindergartens and schools to corporate parties and parties. Poems for the New Year of the Pig 2019 are an indispensable attribute of these holidays. How to choose from the many poetic masterpieces one that everyone will certainly like? Practice shows that there are many difficulties. This article contains the best New Year's poems. But first, a few general tips.

  • Consider the nature of the audience gathered at the celebration. For example, if children are present, choose simpler and clearer verses, without complex words and grammatical turns.
  • For an adult audience, both solemn "odes" and short funny rhymes are suitable.
  • Beautiful sound. As soon as the poem is designed for an audience, then it should be listened to. Otherwise, the whole point of the speech is lost.
  • Especially meticulously choose texts if some sounds are difficult. If you do not pronounce the letter "p", - learn a poem with a minimum of "growling".
  • Pre-work on intonation, pauses, pronunciation. Even an indisputable masterpiece, executed inexpressively and faded, will not sound. Make sure that every word is pronounced correctly and clearly. In this case, you can count on the approval of the audience.
  • If necessary, seek advice from friends, family or colleagues. Cool and sarcastic texts are completely different things. New Year's poems should be a source of joy, not resentment and negative emotions.
  • Don't overdo it. Too long text is boring. Do not bring to the point that the guests present at the celebration begin to yawn.

Short poems for the New 2019 Year of the Pig

Laconic, capacious and short poems for the New Year of the Pig 2019 are good solutions for congratulating those who could not personally attend the holiday. This can be a regular SMS, as well as kind words sent via Skype, Viber or another communication program. Short New Year's greetings can be supplemented with a beautiful e-card, which will give the addressee a charge of positive and good mood.

The pig is coming to visit us,

Open doors!

Good and joy will bring

We look forward to change and believe!

Santa Claus is knocking on the door

With a pig at hand

You let him in soon

Remember, we are always with you!

May the New Year enter your house,

Sits under the tree

And we wish you today

Great to have fun.

May the Pig bring you good luck,

And will provide a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bpositive,

Give happiness, joy and success,

Splash of emotions, so as not to be bored.

Poems for the New 2019 Year of the Pig: funny

The best poems for the New Year of the Pig 2019 are funny and witty. Mumps is a very good-natured, generous and sociable animal, does not require excessive attention. Here is a funny greeting that mentions these totem animals who came to visit the Pig.

We will throw pearls in front of the pigs

Already at the threshold is Santa Claus,

To not steal from each other like a rat

So that, like a horse, do not plow for oats.

Not to be a tiger, very furious,

To not be a goat and a sheep.

In order not to be a cannibal, in short,

And don't feed the cannibals.

The snake-dragon does not stick to the heights,

As well as to the earth, a poisonous snake.

It is better to throw beads in front of pigs,

It's better to be a natural pig.

It is true that pigs are specialists in oranges,

It is true that the goose is no friend to the pig.

The goose wants something strongly,

And I really want oranges.

We will throw pearls in front of the pigs,

Already at the threshold is the New Year.

Here the clock strikes in silence -

So, let's grunt with you right now !!!.

Cool poems for the New 2019 Year of the Pig

If you are sure that all the people gathered at the table have a good sense of humor, prepare cool poems for the New Year of the Pig 2019. The mistress of the year is cheerful and looks rather comical: lop-eared, plump and with a fervently twisted ponytail. Not without reason, one of the names of this animal is “Laughing Buddha”.

Fortune turns the drum -

Boar hurries towards us.

Fun, abundance glad

Our artiodactyl brother.

Fangs harrow the earth,

He tells us all to live imposingly,

And value strong friendship,

Do not grieve over grief for a long time!

Love to eat, relax

Enemies skillfully deceive,

And cherish your family

Do not disturb her peace!

For colleagues:

My lovely colleagues

Happy New Year.

At the "trough" in the year of the Pig

I always wish you all.

Let the pig grunt for you

Promotion and success

To a salary increase

Let her bring everyone.

Poems for children for the New Year 2019 of the Pig

It's time to choose poems for children for the New 2019 Year of the Pig. Many of these poems are familiar from childhood. It's time to brush up on them. The lines are simple and easy to remember. And, given how much joy and good mood the upcoming holiday promises, preparing for a matinee or a family holiday will become even more exciting.

The New Year is knocking on the door!

Open it up for him.

Red-cheeked peanut -

Yours is now a trusted friend.

You will surely be friends

You will grow together

Gain strength, health,

All ailments will forget you.

Invite him to your house

Here the clock chimed.

The clock strikes twelve times.

Close people, guests.

Wish them all now

The tree is lit up with lights

The fairy tale is near ... Here is the sleigh

Creaked at the gate...

Who's there? It's Santa Claus!

I looked at the holiday with my granddaughter,

He brings gifts with him.

And the toys on the tree

They suddenly came to life. Hares, gnomes,

Dolls, balls, kittens,

Birds, squirrels and foxes,

Bear cubs and hedgehogs…

The rascals started dancing.

Laughter, fun and fun...

Only the branches of spruce bend.

Seems to be just right

The Christmas tree will start dancing here.

And the Snow Maiden, little girl,

Handing out toys to guests

chocolates, oranges,

Apples and tangerines...

The scent of pine needles hovers

Outside the window the moon is shining

Wonderful blue light

All trees are silver.

Snowflakes float in the air

Ice sparkles merrily

Everything around is white-white ...

Don't let this poem seem too long to you. You can break it into separate quatrains: children 3-4 years old will memorize a few lines for Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden with pleasure.

And here is the famous poem by O. Vysotskaya about the Christmas tree.

Not a leaf, not a blade of grass!

Our garden has become quiet.

And birches and aspens

Boring stand.

Only one Christmas tree

Cheerful and green.

It can be seen that she is not afraid of frost,

Apparently she's brave!

And this is a real mini-story about preparing for the New Year holidays.

Santa Claus paper -

He is gray-haired and important,

With a beard and a bag

With a wooden stick...

A whole year on the mezzanine

He lay in the dust


And now he's standing on a chair

He is under the tree on guard -

Waiting for the NEW YEAR.

Well, and how without mentioning the animal that patronizes the coming year? Adults are trying by any means to appease the Mumps, and the kids are not good enough to lag behind.

The year of the pig is coming

She is like in the picture

Playful, funny

And very, very nice!

Let her make us

This year is the best,

Magical, light, bright,

And generous with gifts!

The pig is now the symbol of the year,

She won't lead us

So everyone with his arrival

The most generous holiday awaits!

There will be joy and gifts

There will be a lot of magic

Wonderful, bright adventures,

Poems about the Pig for the New Year

The totem patronizing 2019 is the Yellow Pig. Therefore, one cannot do without poems about this cute animal. These can be comic lines or works that mention such traits of a "swine" character as sociability, good nature, hospitality, thriftiness and, of course, an enviable appetite. Witty, original and funny poetic congratulations with the mention of the Pig is a great idea for a corporate party or a company of friends who know how to appreciate humor and a joke. So, poems about the Pig for the New Year.

This bright new year

Will bring your guest to your house -

earthen pig

With soft bristles.

Let it not be a miser

And give good

And more joy

And success sweetness.

Pampers with attention

mutual understanding

With relatives, friends,

Good news.

Let it be happy

kind, fair,

successful, creative,

Bright, positive...

Or such a life-affirming verse.

Earth Pig

With a pinkish back

Meet the New Year

Happiness promises.

Let you get

On a wide platter

Joy, fun,

Hearts inspiration.

Bring good luck

And success in addition

Good health

Without envy, slander.

Let it drive away troubles

Reward with victory


Life idyll.

Let the table break from food,

Various delicacies, drinks.

Bring only happiness

It won't be long before the Year of the Pig begins. May it bring you good luck and abundance - just what the Boar loves and brings with him!
