Types of envelope design for your wedding day. Wedding envelope for money: how to choose or make it yourself? Envelope in Provence style

Increasingly, people prefer to give money as gifts. This is especially common among wedding guests. So that the newlyweds remember your gift, we suggest you make it yourself.

Tools and materials

To make wedding envelopes for money with your own hands, you will need:

  1. Ready envelope.
  2. Beautiful paper (whole sheets and leftovers). Suitable paper is for decoupage, with glitter, wallpaper, and so on.
  3. Cardboard.
  4. Glue.
  5. Scissors.
  6. Ruler.
  7. Pencil.
  8. Decorative elements (bows, sparkles, rhinestones, figures of the bride and groom, pieces of fabric, etc.).

How to make an envelope for money?

You can buy or make an envelope for money. If you buy ready-made, then choose a plain color and such that there is nothing on it (for example, decorative elements). Pure white envelopes can be found at the post office or in craft stores.

To make wedding envelopes for money with your own hands, you need to prepare the base. It can be of two types:

  1. An envelope that opens from the top.
  2. An envelope that opens from the side.

First way:

  1. Take a piece of cardboard and use a pencil and ruler to draw a layout as shown in the illustration below. Remember that the width of the finished envelope must be at least eight centimeters, and the length must be at least sixteen.
  2. Then cut out the layout and carefully glue the parts together.

Second way:

  1. Take cardboard and cut out a rectangle 20-25 centimeters long and 17-18 centimeters wide.
  2. Fold the layout so that the edges of the paper meet on one side of the envelope.
  3. Fold the envelope at the sides.
  4. Glue the envelope on all sides except one.

When the base is ready, you can start decorating the wedding money envelope with your own hands.


Scrapbooking is a special type of needlework, the purpose of which is to create albums, cards, envelopes and frames from paper in collage form. As a rule, at least five types of paper and various elements are used in one craft. The works are voluminous and very interesting.

Master class "How to make an envelope for money" using scrapbooking technique:

  1. Take plain paper and make an envelope out of it.
  2. Cut out two rectangles from or designer cardboard, two millimeters smaller than the envelope.
  3. Take another sheet of decorative paper and cut out one rectangle, five millimeters to one centimeter smaller than the previous one.
  4. Glue the first two rectangles on both sides of the envelope, then attach the third rectangle on the front side.
  5. Cut lace out of paper or buy a ready-made element from a scrapbooking store. Glue the decor to the center of the envelope.
  6. Cut a strip of ribbon or lace. Its length should not be longer than an envelope. Use a glue gun to attach the ribbon to the top of the envelope.
  7. Glue several flowers, different in shape and color, onto the tape.
  8. You can add a few more decorative elements: flowers cut out of paper, figures (keys, hearts, etc.), inscriptions.

The scrapbooking money envelope is ready!

Simple but original envelope

You can make simple wedding envelopes for money with your own hands as follows:

  1. Prepare an envelope.
  2. Glue patterned paper (such as wallpaper) on top or paint with glitter glue.
  3. Print “On Your Wedding Day,” “Congratulations,” or any other message on pretty paper and cut it out.
  4. Label the envelope.
  5. Decorate it with decorative flowers or beads.

The money envelope is ready!

Envelope in Provence style

A DIY wedding money envelope in Provence style is a very gentle gift.

The main features of this style:

  • A specific color palette: white, cream, milky, beige, as well as light pastel shades of lavender, turquoise, blue and green.
  • Floral motifs in patterns.
  • A sprig of lavender.
  • Lace.
  • Ornate inscriptions.

Possible options for making wedding envelopes for money with your own hands in Provence style:

  1. Take the lace and glue it onto the front of the envelope.
  2. Tie the envelope with twine, and attach a dried sprig of lavender in place of the bow.
  3. Cover the envelope with floral paper.
  4. If you want to use a minimum of decor, then immediately make an envelope from designer cardboard. It is better to choose one with a geometric pattern. Then just a beautiful inscription on top will be enough.
  5. Take two sheets with the same pattern, but different in tone. Make an envelope from one, and cut a thin strip from the other. Glue it to the front of the envelope. Decorate it with a beautiful inscription.
  6. Make an envelope from designer cardboard. Decorate the flap with artificial flowers and beads, which can be easily attached with a glue gun.

Envelope with butterfly

This very delicate envelope for money for a wedding with your own hands (photo below) with a minimum of decor, but very beautiful and original, can be made using a paper butterfly.

To do this, make an envelope from beautiful designer cardboard. Next, take a sheet of cardboard or thick paper. It should be long enough to wrap around an envelope.

In the center of the paper, draw a large butterfly - from five to eight centimeters. Inside the moth, draw a few more outlines. Draw lines on both sides of the butterfly. Cut out the stripes and the figure along the contour.

Using a stationery knife, cut out the inner contours of the butterfly one by one. As a result, you should get a voluminous butterfly, as in the picture above.

Connect the strips together with glue and place the decoration on the envelope. You can glue beads to the center of the butterfly.

Postal envelope

DIY decorated postal envelopes for money for a wedding will be original.

Master class on making them:

  1. Cut out a mock-up of one side of the envelope from cardboard, as in the picture above.
  2. Take beautiful paper (with glitter, for decoupage, etc.).
  3. Attach the design to the chosen paper and trace it.
  4. Cut along the outline.
  5. Take a mailing envelope and insert the cut out part into it.
  6. Glue the inside to the envelope. It is more convenient to do this with a glue stick.
  7. Decorate the outside of the envelope. For example, as in the previous master class.

The mailing envelope for money is ready!

Other possible envelope design ideas

How else can you decorate wedding money envelopes with your own hands?

  1. Make it in light shades. Take ink, gel pens or paints and draw your own designs.
  2. Take a figured hole punch with the shape of butterflies, flowers, angels and so on. Knock out the figures and glue them in a chaotic order onto the envelope.
  3. Give the envelope flap its original shape. To do this, take special wavy scissors or a border. Using these tools you can make lace on paper.
  4. Instead of paper, use photos of the newlyweds and their relatives printed on plain paper.
Vika Di

At the wedding celebration, guests give gifts to the newlyweds. Necessary household appliances, dishes, bedding. To make the gift necessary and not duplicate with the gifts of other guests, many prefer to give money. After all, young people have a lot of expenses ahead of them to create a cozy nest. A cash gift requires a beautiful presentation - this is a gift envelope for money for a wedding. The printing industry produces a lot of cute envelopes for all occasions. But it is more attractive to give money in a handmade wedding envelope.

What to choose?

The surroundings of the packaging should match the event, elegant, openwork, with wishes of happiness and love.

Wedding envelope with initials

Traditionally, newlyweds put banknotes, concert tickets or travel vouchers in envelopes. Wishes in the form of inscriptions are no less important. Initials or names of the newlyweds, wishes, comic advice on how to manage the contents are quite appropriate.

An envelope with money is presented, accompanied by a piquant speech

Openwork, covered with lace, colored satin, decorated with ribbons, beads, birds, hearts - you can create an envelope for a wedding yourself. A sneaky idea a little imagination and skill will help to create a wonderful gift attribute. Perhaps handmade wedding envelopes will be kept in the couple’s wedding album for decades, as a memory of the joyful day and the relatives who presented them.

Ornate edges, wavy outlines, convex decorations will emphasize the romanticism of the event. Preference should be given pastel palette: blue, pink, cream, white and beige colors.

How to make a beautiful envelope for money with your own hands?

Things made in scrapbooking technique. The technique of cutting out on cardboard in order to obtain a three-dimensional design is very much appreciated. It's easy to learn. A few lessons and everything will work out. You need to prepare: a pattern, glue, decor and, if desired, fabric.

Photo of a wedding envelope made with your own hands using scrapbooking technique

To make an original envelope with money for a wedding with your own hands, careful sizing will be required:

  1. Create a pattern, plan a hole on the side or a classic one, think about the relief of the edges, think about the lock.
  2. The basis will be a right-angled isosceles triangle.
  3. Mark the middle of the hypotenuse, bend the sharp corners towards the mark. Bend the upper part of the right angle to obtain an envelope layout. Now transfer the pattern onto glossy colored or white cardboard and carefully glue the edges. Choose cardboard of medium thickness so that it bends well and holds its shape.
  4. Moment glue will perfectly connect all the ends. Nowadays there are a lot of decorative items in craft stores.
  5. Buy ribbons, beads, beads, colored shiny paper, and reliable, non-marking glue.
  6. With rich decorations, the envelope will turn out sophisticated and stylish. Design, cut and arrange decorations.
  7. During practical creativity, many interesting ideas will come. There should definitely be flowers, an inscription with a short wish, lace or satin decor.
  8. The envelope will become reliable if the closing tab is carefully cut out.
  9. Practice, and soon an exclusive gift element will be born in your hands!

For a better understanding, watch the master class on making an envelope postcard using the scrapbooking technique:

The scrap envelope for wedding money looks original due to its volume and fine carved texture glued to the base.

Such a souvenir evokes tenderness and romance, no matter who gets its hands on it

A little patience diligence and creativity, and your gift will be unforgettable.

Decorating a gift

You can make an original wedding envelope for money with your own hands cover with shiny paper using PVA glue. Against this background, scatter beads over the surface, add rhinestones, and attach satin ties within each person’s strength.

Original wedding envelope for money with your own hands

Any wedding theme conveyed in the decor of the envelope will be relevant - here are the latest fashion ideas:

  1. Imitate flower petals from special corrugated paper. Roll the cut rectangles into a cone and unfold the edges, imitating flowers. A drop of glue and the flower is securely attached.
  2. Create several lush roses in the same color scheme and arrange them asymmetrically across the area of ​​the envelope. For additional decoration, packaging for bouquets, lace, sequins, and artificial stones are used. Don't forget the reason for the celebration.
  3. A handmade envelope decorated with flowers and inscriptions, will also be interesting.

How to sign an envelope with money for a wedding?

Do people sign envelopes with money for weddings? It’s not necessary, but it’s worth marking the event, for example, with an inscription on the envelope “Happy wedding day,” “Congratulations,” “Advice and love.” The names of the newlyweds or the initials of each in a halo of hearts look good. Write on a wedding envelope with money brief wishes It is also not forbidden for two people to have the same happy life. A short “We wish you a happy life” or “Sea of ​​love” should be placed on the front side. You can use a joke to explain the purpose of capital, for example, “For a future grandson,” “For a dream.”

The inscription on an envelope with money for a wedding

A neat miniature postcard with congratulation poems should be attached to the inside of the banknotes. The signature of the giver will not be superfluous.

The wedding envelope can be signed by decorating it with fine glitter powder, glued to a stencil, or applied with ink. Calligraphic handwriting, monograms, wedding rings will complement the contents of the package.

Feel free to give the newlyweds money, placed in a unique, hand-made package. This way the gift will be remembered for a long time and will convey emotions. Made with diligence and love, such an envelope will catch the admiring glances of other guests of the celebration, and the happy moment will remain in the couple’s memory for a long time.

June 26, 2018, 10:39 pm

Envelopes and cards with money hold the undisputed leadership in the top wedding gifts. This gift suits absolutely everyone: guests do not need to go around the shops in search of an original and necessary item, and a young family does not risk receiving 5 similar tea sets for their wedding.

However, even such a banal gift as money, you want to present it somehow unusual and beautiful. As an alternative to purchased postcards (which, by the way, are not always of good design), we suggest you make one.

To make an envelope for money we will need:

  1. Two sheets of thick colored A4 paper in different colors

  2. Scissors

  3. Ruler

  4. Pencil

  5. Satin ribbon

  6. decorative flower

    Advice: A large selection of such flowers is available in craft stores, or you can look for an old hairpin, elastic band, brooch or other decoration with a flower at home and use it.

The process of making an envelope for money:

  1. Make indents from each long edge of the paper. The first indent is 0.5 cm, the second is 5 cm from the line of the first indent.

  2. Score the paper along the marked lines with a skewer (you can use a knitting needle or a used ballpoint pen).

    Note: Creasing - drawing lines that mark the folds of paper. Thanks to creasing, a folded card made of thick paper will look more neat.

  3. Fold the paper along the scoring lines as shown in the photo. The edges of the paper on the long side need to be folded 0.5 cm and then another 5 cm. This way it turns out that the edges meet exactly in the middle of the sheet.

  4. Place the corners on both sides next to each other, as shown in the photo.

  5. From the edge of the corners, measure 2 cm on each side and put marks.

  6. Take paper of a different color and adjust the width so that it fits between the marks.

  7. Wrap the envelope with paper of the second color as shown in the photo. The edges of the second color paper are folded inside the envelope.

  8. Fold the corners of the envelope towards the center.

  9. Glue the tape to the envelope so that its free ends remain near the corners. There will be a bow tied there.

    Advice: The ends of the tape must be burned so that they do not crumble and look neat.

  10. Place money in the envelope.

  11. Fold the envelope and tie a bow.

  12. Decorate the bow with a decorative flower. You can tie it, sew it or glue it.

The envelope is ready! The newlyweds will certainly be very pleased to receive such a non-standard card, made with love and attention.

Each of us, at least once, will be invited to a wedding by friends or relatives. And we will all plunge into this celebration of romance and love. To surprise the newlyweds, you don’t need to invent some kind of gift, you can make a financial contribution to their future family and present this gift in an original “hand-made” envelope. In this master class I will show you how to make an envelope for money for a wedding with your own hands.

Materials for making an envelope for money for a wedding

To make an envelope for money for a wedding we will need:

- cardboard, 3 sheets (1 - thick for the base of the envelope, 1 - with patterns or designs, 1 - for printing text, thin);

— plastic (ceramic) roses of different sizes;

- braid (0.5 m);

— tape (0.5 m);

- beads (4 pcs.);

- scissors;

- stationery knife;

- PVA glue;

- double sided tape;

- metal ruler;

- pencil;

- glue gun (can be replaced with “moment” glue);

- needle, thread for sewing.

Step-by-step master class on making an envelope for a wedding

All the necessary tools can be at your home. Maybe you previously received from someone a gift decorated with plastic roses or braid. The lace could be left over from a T-shirt, and then you won’t have to spend money on materials for the envelope at all.

You can design an envelope for money to match the style and color of the wedding. After all, it is now very fashionable to celebrate a wedding using certain tones. Below you will find a step-by-step process for making an original handmade envelope for money for a wedding.

The future “hand-made” envelope will be in beige and gold tones, so the braid and cardboard are selected in colors close to each other.

Creating the basis of a future postcard

We use thick beige cardboard as the basis for the future wedding envelope.

Using a ruler and pencil, first draw a rectangle measuring 16 cm by 20 cm; the envelope should be placed in the center of the cardboard, because immediately after drawing the rectangle, you should draw the “wings” of the future envelope, which will hold the entire envelope.

We divide the rectangle into small rectangles measuring 16 cm by 5 cm, 16 cm by 8 cm and 16 cm by 7 cm. From the rectangle in the center we draw “wings”.

We carry out exactly the same procedure with the cardboard on which the drawing is depicted, and it is better to take the cardboard a tone lighter than the main one. The dimensions of the rectangle on cardboard with a pattern will be smaller, namely 15.5 cm by 18.5 cm. Accordingly, small rectangles will have dimensions of 15.5 cm by 4.5 cm, 15.5 cm by 7.5 cm . and 15.5 cm by 6.5 cm.

Using scissors or a ruler or a stationery knife, we cut out the future envelope.

We cut out the envelope with the “wings” into one shape, and cut out the rectangles on cardboard from the drawings and separate them from each other, thereby obtaining three shapes.

Using a ruler, bend the edges of the main cardboard along the drawn lines.

We bend the “wings” into the inside of the envelope and glue them to the bottom rectangle. Place it under the press and let the glue dry.

We glue the previously cut rectangles from cardboard with a pattern onto the already glued envelope. Each rectangle has its own side. We put our money envelope away to dry under the press.

Decoration of a wedding card-envelope

The base of our envelope is already ready, so now we start decorating the future gift.

We take the braid and glue it to the top cover of the wedding card-envelope from the bottom on both sides. The color of the braid should match the color of the envelope, or you can experiment and make the envelope bright and colorful.

All the main decorations of the envelope will be on the top cover, so you should wait until the glue is completely dry.

While we wait, maybe make a bow clasp for the envelope. We take a thick ribbon with a pattern. Bright, golden color. Using thread and a needle, we sew a regular bow, the width of which will be equal to the width of the envelope.

Our next step will be gluing the roses onto the envelope. This can be done either with a glue gun or with regular “moment” glue.

We arrange the roses from largest to smallest. The color of the roses should be similar to the main colors of the envelope. We chose ivory, beige and pinkish colors, the sizes of the roses are completely different.

Finishing touches and lettering on the card

To make an envelope for money for a wedding with your own hands, there are a few more small touches left. The gold bow clasp will be located on the right side, but you can do without it. Simply then, the inscription should be placed closer to the right edge.

You can write it by hand, or you can print it on a printer, on a thin beige sheet the inscription: “Happy Wedding Day!”

Cut out and glue the inscription onto the envelope, decorating with gold beads. The edges of the inscription can be folded inward and glued.

That's all! The original handmade wedding envelope for money is ready!

Similar envelopes for money can be made for other holidays, just replace the phrase with the appropriate celebration, be it a wedding anniversary, New Year, etc. On our website you can find detailed master classes on making original designer cards for dear and beloved people (, etc.). Give them cards you created with your own hands with warmth and love!

No wedding is complete without gifts. Some present furniture sets, tableware, and home appliances, while others present money so that the young people can use it as they wish. You can give a “russling” gift in a beautiful printed wedding envelope or make such an envelope for wedding money with your own hands.


Features of choice

The appearance of the product should correspond to the holiday: be pompous, with openwork and satin details, beads, voluminous hearts and doves, contain the inscriptions “Happiness”, “Love and mutual understanding”, “Happy wedding day”, comic advice on how to manage the amount ( for example, “Make your old dream come true,” “Tell it to your daughter and son”) and more.

In addition to money, you can put tickets to a concert of your favorite artist or a travel certificate in the envelope. The main thing is that the size of the product is chosen appropriately.

Anyone can make an original handmade envelope. The main thing is to have a little diligence and time. Such an unusual gift will not go unnoticed by the newlyweds and guests of the holiday. You can design the product at your own discretion, borrowing interesting author’s ideas from one of the thematic forums or coming up with something of your own. On a product made by yourself, you can put the names of the newlyweds or simply initials enclosed in hearts, and they will know for sure that you made this holiday accessory exclusively for their celebration.

An envelope made by yourself can be regarded as a creative masterpiece. If the bride and groom are creative people, they will appreciate such a gift and will keep it in the wedding album along with the most beautiful and expensive photographs from the wedding.

The edges of a handmade envelope can be made not straight, but wavy, and voluminous decorations can be added to the front side - this will add romance to the product. In color design, you should focus on pastel colors: pink, soft blue, sand, white.

How to make?

Products made using the scrapbooking technique look very beautiful and unusual. The essence of the method is cutting out a three-dimensional pattern from thick cardboard.

This technique is not difficult to master. You can watch several master classes on the Internet, practice and start creating a wedding envelope.

You will need:

  • pattern;
  • scissors;
  • decorative elements;
  • pieces of fabric;
  • ruler;
  • glue;
  • pencil.

It is better to take an isosceles triangle as the basis for the pattern. Mark the middle (in the center) on it and bend the outer corners into the center. Bend the top corner. You should get a mock-up of the envelope.

Using a pattern, cut out a similar layout from white or colored cardboard. It is better that the material is not too dense, but not “liquid” either, so that the shape holds well, but it is not too difficult to bend along the intended lines. Glue the edges of the envelope using Moment glue.

For decoration, you can choose whatever you consider necessary and find in a craft store: beads, satin ribbons, glitter paper, colorless glue, beads, rhinestones. On the front side of the envelope you can depict wedding rings, and all inscriptions can be made in ink with monograms. The rich decor is ideal for a festive event, and the envelope will look very stylish and elegant.

The decorations that you will make using the scrapbooking technique should be well thought out in advance. This concerns the location of all elements and their appearance. Most often, floral motifs, lace patterns and short congratulatory inscriptions (“Congratulations”, “Happy wedding day”, “Advice and love”, “Happiness”) are used to decorate wedding envelopes. By the way, flowers can be made not only from cardboard, but also from corrugated paper. Such “trembling” material will make the flowers almost alive. To create them, you need to roll a triangular piece of corrugated paper into a cone, and turn the edges outward, imitating flower petals. For fixation, it is enough to use 1-2 drops of PVA or Moment glue. It is advisable to make several identical flowers in the same color (white or red) and attach them to the envelope. You can complement the “flower meadow” with lace, sparkles, and decorative stones.

To prevent the envelope from accidentally opening before the newlyweds look at it, it is better to place a small lock on it or cut out a tongue from cardboard. This way you will be sure that all the contents will fall safely into the hands of the bride and groom, and will not remain lying as a gift from someone unknown at the bottom of the wedding money box.

Inside the envelope you can also put a mini-card (purchased or also made yourself) with a short poetic congratulatory text. The donor's signature is welcome. It can be applied in ink using a stencil and decorated with golden glitter.

You will learn how to make a beautiful wedding envelope for money by watching the following video.

Today it is very fashionable to hold weddings in Provence style. The wedding envelope can also be made in accordance with the theme of the celebration.

Style Features:

  • pastel shades (cream, lilac, white, light blue, soft green);
  • floral patterns;
  • lace elements;
  • inscriptions with monograms and curls;
  • sprig of lavender.

The base is an envelope made as described above. Lace is attached to the front side of the product. The envelope is tied with twine, and dried lavender is attached in the place for the traditional bow.

If you have very little time to make an envelope, you can buy a floral print and completely decorate the cardboard surface. The task can be simplified even more if you make the envelope not from ordinary cardboard, but from designer cardboard. Cardboard with a geometric pattern will look original. It will not require additional decorations - just a short congratulatory inscription will be enough. If desired, you can decorate the upper opening part of the envelope with flowers and beads. It is recommended to use a glue gun to fix the elements.

If you don’t like a geometric pattern, you can take two sheets of designer cardboard of different colors, decorated with the same pattern. An envelope is made from one sheet, and a narrow strip for a decorative inscription is made from the other, which is glued to the front side of the product.

A money envelope for a wedding with a butterfly will look very gentle. The envelope is made from designer cardboard using the method described above. You will need another sheet of cardboard to wrap the envelope. In the center of the cardboard “wrapper” you need to draw a rather large butterfly (size can vary from 5 to 8 centimeters). Also make contours inside along the wings. First, cut out the shapes along the outer contours, and then with a sharp stationery knife along the inner ones. The result is an envelope with a voluminous butterfly. On both sides of the butterfly, cut two wide strips (about 2 cm wide) from the cardboard “wrapper” and glue them together. The butterfly can be decorated with one or more matching beads.

You can make an original postal envelope with your own hands. To do this, use medium-density cardboard. One side of the future envelope is cut out of it. The cardboard pattern is applied to decorative paper (for example, metallic or for decoupage), outlined and cut out. The cut out part is inserted into the postal envelope, fixed with a glue stick. The front side of the envelope can be decorated in any way you choose.

For those who really want to invest a part of themselves in creating a wedding celebration, but do not like creative work, we can recommend making a simple wedding envelope. The basis is a ready-made envelope purchased in advance. A proportionate piece of decorative paper is glued to the front side (it could even be wallpaper) or an abstract geometric pattern is applied using transparent glue and glitter. Any congratulatory inscription, pre-printed on a printer, is attached to the top: “Sea of ​​Love”, “Happy Wedding Day”, “Happiness to the newlyweds” or others. The envelope is decorated with beads in the color of decorative paper and floral elements.
