Education in the pedagogical process. What is upbringing and what does it “eat” with

Raising a child is an activity aimed at the formation of a personality, with the aim of teaching the child to fully participate in public life.

For a long time, no one doubts the fact that communication is as important for a baby as food. If a child receives high-quality nutrition, but is deprived of full communication with adults, then he develops poorly. And not only mentally, but also physically: he loses interest in life, loses weight, and does not grow.

Difficult, problematic, naughty, downtrodden and unhappy children are always the result of poor parenting.

Nevertheless, world psychological practice has proven that even particularly difficult cases can be treated if a favorable climate in the family is restored.

Often, it is those parents who turn to psychologists for help with difficult children who themselves suffered from poor upbringing in childhood. The parenting style is involuntarily imprinted in the memory of the child as early as preschool age.

When a child grows up and becomes a parent himself, he unconsciously copies this style. This contributes to the transmission of the family style of communication from generation to generation. We raise our children the same way we were raised as children.

One of the parents will say: “No one messed with me as a child. So what? I grew up somehow." But, most likely, this person grew up without the necessary ideas about proper upbringing, and does not know how to deal with his child and establish friendly contact with him.

Other parents have a rough idea of ​​what proper upbringing should be, but experience difficulties in practice. Sometimes they even break down and lose confidence in themselves, because they see a discrepancy between “how it should be” and “how it is”.

Raising a child is a complex process that requires not only knowledge, but also special training for parents on how to properly communicate with children.

Sklyarenko Elina Olegovna

“Birthing a person into the world, it is necessary, like an artist, from the first days of his life to embody his unique Face”

K.S. Stanislavsky

Every person undergoes a process of upbringing from birth to death. At first, the process of upbringing is carried out by the child's parents, a little later, by the team into which the baby falls. The child grows up, he learns to live in society. Society, for its part, has a fairly strong influence on the formation of the personality of the child.
So how does the formation of certain relations of a person with the surrounding society take place in the process of education? What exactly is the result of education? What is the point of raising a child?

Upbringing is the purposeful development of each growing person as a unique human individuality and personality.
In the process of upbringing, each parent should strive to develop in his child that uniqueness that will distinguish him from those around him. Then it will be a personality.
Every educator should strive to develop and improve the moral and creative powers of this little man.
It can be said with certainty that the concept of “Educate” means to develop the subjective inner world of a person.
Education is based, on the one hand, on that moral model or ideal that embodies the requirements of society for a growing person, and on the other hand, pursues the goal of maximizing the development of the individual characteristics of each child.
Under such conditions, it can already be argued that the result is a personality. And such a person will harmoniously merge into society.

The historically formed system of education ensures that children are assigned a certain range of abilities, moral norms and spiritual guidelines that meet the requirements of a particular society. And if this society requires the formation of a new range of abilities and needs in children, then this requires the transformation of the education system, capable of organizing the effective functioning of new forms of reproductive activity.
Each teacher-educator can and is obliged to help the growing little man go through this - always unique and independent - path of moral and social development. This is hard, because education is not an adjustment to the standard of society, and not an adaptation to the forms of the surrounding reality. This is, first of all, the orientation of children to certain values ​​of society, self-education and responsibility for their actions, the development of independence in solving complex moral problems.
Education can be described as “a process of systematic and purposeful influence on the spiritual and physical development of children in order to prepare them for industrial, social and cultural activities.

It is worth separating two different concepts in the process of education - education as a process and education as a result.
They often compare well and badly brought up people and believe that the latter received a bad education or upbringing, meaning by this the total result of the upbringing process itself.
This is a little not true, because in education it is not the goal to be achieved, but the way to achieve it that is decisive.

The basis of education is the initial, innate need of the child for another person. Its satisfaction occurs through the perception of specific information, the source of which is this person, and the carrier is voice, facial expressions, gestures, gaze, distance in the process of communication, appearance, etc. All this, one way or another, contains the attitude of an adult to the child himself, to other people and objects surrounding him, and, consequently, their assessment is concluded. Perceiving a positive or negative attitude of an adult, the child experiences a state similar to the nature of this assessment - positive or negative. In the process of perceiving the emotions of an adult, the child gradually learns to evaluate situations independently and act in a certain way.

The upbringing of a child should be built taking into account a number of important requirements.

Firstly, adults should be emotional in the presence of a child, clearly and clearly express their emotions and attitude to everything that can be an object of his perception. This is very necessary for the formation of his own system of assessments of the environment.

Secondly, adults should be as affectionate as possible with the child, as this has a stimulating effect on his mental development, contributes to the formation of self-confidence, feelings of security.

Thirdly, the requirements of adults to the child must be constant and based on his real capabilities - this is necessary for the formation of will and other important qualities.

Fourthly, the child should be given the opportunity to gain experience in evaluating his own actions: even if he acts incorrectly, as far as possible, he should be allowed to complete his plan and help evaluate the action and its result as a whole, and not pull him up along the way, since in In this case, he does not accumulate enough experience and self-esteem.

Another important task of educating growing people is the formation of their educational and cognitive interests. A full-fledged upbringing involves the development of a cognitive need in children, which is aimed not only at the content of school subjects, but also at the entire reality surrounding them. Each child must make sure from his own experience that the world around him is cognizable, that a person, i.e. he himself can discover the laws that govern the world around him, predict events and check whether they really happen, find a single hidden basis of seemingly heterogeneous phenomena. This joy of learning, the joy of one's own creativity, transforms the initial curiosity into the inquisitiveness inherent in the child, makes it more stable. Curiosity is then concretized, focusing on a particular area of ​​reality, i.e. begins to relate to one or another academic subject (natural science, humanitarian, etc.).

Yes, we know that a person is educated from birth and almost until death. But the strength of this educational influence, of course, varies depending on age, social position, status, and so on. Any system of education should be built taking into account age characteristics, but it must necessarily focus on the "tomorrow" of children's development, on the result of what we want to get.

Based on books:

Levi V. Non-standard child - St. Petersburg, ed. "Peter", 1993.
Levy V. The art of being different. - St. Petersburg, ed. "Peter", 1993.
Ivanov S.I. Where is your home, children?.. - L.: Lenizdat, 1990.-271 p.
Ananiev B.G. Man as an object of knowledge. - L., 1968.
Davydov V.V. Problems of developing learning. - M., 1986

Upbringing Together with education, they constitute a complex science - pedagogy. These two components are closely interconnected, the tasks of one are often achieved through the other, and they have the same focus - a person. Many scientific works are devoted to the topic of education. We, ordinary parents, in simple words, will try to determine What same such education and with what it is "eaten".

Definition of Parenting

Summarizing several definitions, it can be argued that upbringing There is:

  • impact on the spiritual, mental and physical development of children;
  • purposeful human development;
  • the formation of moral character;
  • systematic formation of personality;
  • instilling rules of conduct;
  • mastering the culture, values ​​and norms of society;
  • the result of educational work;
  • education is carried out in the process of joint activities of the family, school, preschool institutions, youth organizations, and the public.

Goals of education

Upbringing, like any other activity, is preceded by setting goals. This helps to determine the desired result and how to achieve it.

Distinguish between general and individual educational goals. The common goal expresses the qualities that should be formed in all people. Most often, this is the so-called social order: preparing a new generation to perform certain social functions. An individual goal implies the upbringing of an individual: each is unique and inimitable and has its own line of development. The combination of general and individual goals is what modern pedagogy strives for.

The main goal of modern education is the formation of a comprehensive and harmoniously developed personality.

The purpose of education is somewhat abstract, so it is customary to concretize it with the help of tasks. It turns out that the goal is a system of specific tasks.

The tasks of education

So the most important tasks of education:

  • identifying the inclinations and talents of the child;
  • development in accordance with individual characteristics and abilities;
  • formation of a general culture of the individual;
  • adaptation to life in society;
  • self-determination of personality;
  • creation of conditions for self-realization;
  • mastery of universal moral values;
  • formation of an active citizenship.
  • development of activity in solving labor, practical problems
  • development of a creative attitude to the performance of duties;
  • ensuring a high level of communication, relationships in the team

Tasks may coincide with the directions of education.

Types and directions of education

Main types of education according to the institutional criterion: family and public (religious, preschool, school, extracurricular). The latter, in the course of the historical development of society, is becoming increasingly important in the formation of personality.

According to the style of relationships, they distinguish between democratic, authoritarian, liberal and conniving education. Read more about parenting styles in the article Parenting Styles and Beyond.

Methods and means of education

Simply put, methods- these are ways of solving educational problems (persuasion, exercises, encouragement, punishment, example).

means of education name specific objects of the surrounding reality (object, thing, sound, animals, plants, works of art, phenomena, etc.).

concept of purpose, method and means pedagogy are closely related. Means are chosen for the realization of educational goals. The choice of means is determined by the method of education.

parenting techniques

Techniques of education are an integral part of the methods of education. These are actions aimed at changing the views, motives and behavior of the child. Mostly, tricks actively used by teachers in groups, classes. Parents can use them intuitively without knowing it. It can be games, conversations, classes, various forms of activity:

  • reception "Relay race" (organization of interaction of children);
  • "Mutual assistance" (the success of the common cause depends on the help of children to each other);
  • “Emphasis on the best” (in a conversation with children, an adult emphasizes the best features of each of them based on specific facts);
  • “Breaking stereotypes” (for example, reasoning that the opinion of the majority is not always correct);
  • “Stories about yourself” (more information about each other - stronger mutual understanding. Everyone can write a story about themselves and ask friends to play it like a small performance);
  • "Role mask" (children are invited to enter the role of another person and speak not on their own, but on his behalf);
  • “Forecasting the development of the situation” (children make an assumption about how this or that conflict situation could develop) and others.

In the course of the educational process, an infinite set of pedagogical techniques because new educational situations give rise to new techniques.

Principles of education

Principles of education- these are general requirements for the methods, content and organization of the educational process:

  • public orientation of education;
  • connection of education with life, work;
  • reliance on positive in education;
  • humanization of education;
  • personal approach;
  • unity of educational influences.

Participants in the upbringing process

The implementation of the goals and objectives of education is ensured by the joint efforts of all its participants:

  1. Teachers, coaches, leaders. They are the subjects of the educational process, are responsible for its organization and results.
  2. A pupil who can either perceive educational influences or resist them - the success of educational activity also depends on this to a large extent.
  3. The team has a huge impact on each of its members. At the same time, its influence can be both positive and negative. The team is also an object of education on the part of teachers.
  4. The social macro-environment in which people and collectives exist. The social environment surrounding reality always acts as a powerful factor that has a huge impact on the results of education. Including the family in which the child grows up. The great educator wrote: Upbringing is a social process in the broadest sense. everything: people, things, phenomena, but first of all and most of all - people. Education begins in the family.

Makarenko is right, and we, parents, need to fully realize that in the life of a child, not only (pre) school, but also family education should be present. It is sad to watch sometimes how a parent makes claims to the educator about the next trick of his child, forgetting that upbringing child - first of all, the duties of his own ...

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Lecture plan:

1. Characteristics of education as a social phenomenon and the educational activities of the teacher.

2. Fundamentals of pedagogical technology.

3. Family education, its goals and objectives.



Education in the pedagogical process

Lecture plan:

1. Characteristics of education as a social phenomenon and the educational activities of the teacher.

3. Family education, its goals and objectives.

1. Characteristics of education as a social phenomenon and as an educational activity of a teacher.

The concept of "education" is one of the leading in pedagogy. This concept is used in both broad and narrow senses. Education in a broad sense is a social phenomenon, as the impact of society on the individual, the younger generation. Education in the narrow sense is considered as a specially organized activity of teachers (educators) and pupils to achieve the goals of education and upbringing in the conditions of the pedagogical process. First of all, this refers to the formation of a person's personal qualities, attitudes, beliefs, values ​​and norms.

Upbringing in a broad sense - the transfer of accumulated social experience, norms, values ​​from older generations to younger ones.

Upbringing in a narrow sense - a specially organized impact on a person by public institutions (teacher) in order to form in him certain personality traits, values, norms, views, etc.

Education as a social phenomenon is a complex and contradictory socio-historical process of entry, inclusion of the younger generations in the life of society; in everyday life, social production activities, creativity, spirituality; becoming their people, developed personalities, creators of their own happiness. It ensures social progress and continuity of generations (Likhachev B.T.).

Types of education classified according to different bases. The most general classification includes mental (intellectual), moral, labor, physical education. Civil, political, multicultural, aesthetic, ethical, legal, environmental, economic education are also distinguished depending on the various areas of educational work. On an institutional basis, they distinguish family, school, out-of-school, confessional (religious), education at the place of residence, education in children's, youth organizations (for example, in tourist clubs - tourist education), education in special educational institutions. According to the style of relations between the educator and the pupil, authoritarian, democratic, liberal, free education is distinguished; depending on one or another philosophical concept, humanistic, pragmatic, axiological, collectivist, individualistic and other types of education are distinguished.

humanistic education- ideas about education, the purpose of which is the harmonious development of the personality and implies the humane nature of relations between the participants in pedagogical interaction.

physical education- education aimed at the physical development of a person, training of motor skills, increasing immunity and human performance, as well as willpower and character.

mental education- education, which is aimed at developing the intellectual abilities of the individual, interest in knowing the world around him and himself, forming a culture of educational work.

moral education- education, the basis of which is the ethical requirements of modern society and the corresponding formation of moral norms, values, moral behavior in the individual.

labor education- upbringing, which involves the social and labor adaptation of a person to life in society, the development of the labor qualities of the individual (conscientiousness, hard work, responsibility), the formation of a positive attitude towards work and the world of professions, the creation of conditions for professional self-determination of the individual.

The formation of personality begins only when external knowledge, values, norms, experience, rules of behavior take place in the internal mental plane, in beliefs, attitudes, behavioral reactions, that is, there is a process interiorization , the creation of internal structures of the human psyche through the assimilation of external social activity. Thus, from the position of psychology, education is a process of internalization.

Education is a multifactorial process. In the process of education there is an influence of both objective and subjective factors. The objective factors are:

  1. genetic inheritance;
  2. social and cultural affiliation of the family;
  3. circumstances of the biography;
  4. professional and life status;
  5. features of the nation and the historical era.

Subjective factors can be:

  1. mental characteristics of the personality;
  2. worldview and value orientations;
  3. a system of human relationships with other people;
  4. organized educational influences on the part of individuals, groups, organizations and the whole society.

The whole set is selectedtasks of personality education:

1. Philosophical and ideological training of young people and assistance to them in professional and personal self-determination.

2. Identification and development of natural inclinations and creativity in various areas of socially useful and personally significant activities and communication.

3. Formation of the moral culture of the individual, the experience of social behavior and relationships.

4. Education of civic feelings, qualities and behavior.

5. Mental education, the formation of the experience of cognitive activity, the ability to be creative, the need for continuous education and self-education.

6. Environmental education and upbringing.

7. Development of a culture of feelings and experience of interpersonal communication;

8. Aesthetic education, introducing the individual to universal values ​​and traditions, the ability to perceive works of art, nature, beauty.

9. Physical education, development of the need for a healthy lifestyle.

10. Formation of a positive attitude towards work and readiness for work.

The concept of education of the modern personality:

  1. Quick adaptability to changing conditions of life, the ability to navigate the economic, social, cultural environment, to maintain their worldview position.
  2. High social activity, purposefulness and enterprise, the desire to search for something new and the ability to find optimal solutions to life's problems in non-standard situations.
  3. The need for life achievements and success, the ability to make independent decisions, constant self-development and self-education.
  4. Law-abiding, the ability to objective self-assessment and competition with others.
  5. The presence of a reasonable measure of individualistic attitudes, orientation to oneself, one's interests and needs, the possession of rational thinking and a pragmatic attitude to life.
  6. Possession of national consciousness, patriotism, as well as breadth of views and tolerance.

2. Fundamentals of pedagogical technology.

The concept of technology in modern science and practice is understood quite broadly:

  1. as a set of methods, techniques used in any business, skill;
  2. as art, skill, skill, a set of processing methods, changes in the state of an object (Shepel V.M.);
  3. as a set of techniques, methods and influences used to achieve goals;
  4. etc.

The main thing is that any technology allows you to clearly describe the achievement of goals in stages (steps), choose the most optimal way to achieve these goals, and subsequently the ability to reproduce this technology by others.

The pedagogical process also needs to be specified and set clear goals for the education and upbringing of the individual and its consistent and effective implementation. Under pedagogical technology understand the following.

Pedagogical technology- this is an ordered set of actions, operations and procedures that instrumentally ensure the achievement of the predicted result in the changing conditions of the educational process.

Pedagogical technologyis a systematic method of creating, applying and defining the entire process of teaching and learning, taking into account technical and human resources and their interaction, which aims to optimize the forms of education. [UNESCO]

Pedagogical technology is associated with pedagogical skill. Perfect mastery of technology is the technological mastery of the teacher. The content of pedagogical technology as a set of pedagogical skills and abilities implies the following:

  1. goal setting of pedagogical interaction;
  2. analysis of the current situation and formulation of pedagogical tasks;
  3. implementation of a targeted impact on a person and interaction with him;
  4. transfer of experience in verbal and non-verbal ways;
  5. organization of children's life and educational process;
  6. presentation of pedagogical requirements; assessment of the pupil and its positive reinforcement;
  7. the ability to control their behavior and reactions.

Pityukov V.Yu. highlights the followingcomponents of pedagogical technology, revealing the specific areas of the teacher's activity in the process of educational work: the technology of pedagogical communication, the technology of pedagogical assessment, the technology of pedagogical requirements, the technology of pedagogical conflict resolution, the technology of informative speech and demonstration impact, the technology of organizing group activities, the technology of creating a situation of success, the technology of psychotherapeutic influence, the technology creating a problem situation and others.

The followingmethods of education:

  1. methods of formation of consciousness (story, conversation, lecture, example, debate, analysis of educational situations);
  2. methods of organizing the life and behavior of pupils (assignment, exercise, accustoming, creating educational situations);
  3. methods of stimulating the activity and behavior of pupils (requirement, competition, encouragement, punishment, "explosion", the method of natural consequences);
  4. methods of self-education (reflection, self-order, self-report, self-approval, self-discussion, etc.);
  5. methods of control and self-control (pedagogical observation, conversation, pedagogical consultation, surveys, analysis of performance results, creation of control situations).

The forms of organization of educational work depend on the goals set, the content of the work, the age of the students, the degree of their upbringing, the interests shown, the experience and skill of the teacher. Educational work can be organized both at school in the classroom, extra-curricular (out-of-school) work, at home - family education, within the framework of various children's and youth organizations, children's health camps, etc. In Soviet times, forms of education were widespread in the conditions of the activity of pioneer and Komsomol organizations.

Currently, various forms of educational work are used, classified by the number of participants:

  1. Mass forms - themed evenings, matinees, festivals, reviews and competitions, exhibitions, fairs, hikes, expeditions, rallies, meetings, tournaments, meetings, club work, theater, etc.
  2. Group forms - circles, electives, studios, ensembles, sections, class hours, collective creative activities, living rooms, readings, round tables, conferences, debates, KVN, wall newspapers, psychological trainings and games.
  3. Individual forms - assignments, collecting, extracurricular reading, physical self-improvement, favorite activities (hobbies), computer games, etc.

There are a number of principles for organizing educational work with students (pupils):

  1. voluntariness and freedom in the choice of forms and directions;
  2. variety of forms of work;
  3. democracy and openness of all forms of work;
  4. activity, initiative and initiative of pupils;
  5. wide involvement of all;
  6. the principle of romance, play and interest.

3. Family education, its goals and objectives

family education- the system of upbringing and education, which is formed in the conditions of a particular family by the forces of parents and relatives.

The family serves as one of the most important and strongly influencing social institutions on the developing personality, it is the natural environment for the upbringing of the child. They say that the child begins to smile with the smile of the mother or another person replacing her. It is in the family that the child receives the first knowledge and skills, norms and rules of behavior, forms an attitude towards himself, other people, objects and phenomena of the world around him. In addition, the child forms all the basic knowledge about the world around him, his future worldview, the child forms up to the age of 5, when he spends most of his time with his family, significant people for him.

Modern society is dominated by a monogamous, married family - parents and their children. A large percentage of Russian families are also incomplete when one of the parents is absent, most often the father. According to the existing legislation on the family, it is the parents who are fully responsible for the upbringing of children up to their full majority (18 years).

Family is a marriage-based small group whose members are united by cohabitation and housekeeping, emotional connection and responsibilities towards each other.

The purpose of family educationis the formation and development of a personality, such personal qualities that will help a person to effectively adapt to adulthood, adequately overcome life's difficulties, as well as creating conditions for the personal and professional self-determination of a child.

The tasks of family education are:

  1. creating conditions for the growth and development of the child;
  2. transfer of experience in creating and maintaining a family, raising children in it;
  3. learning useful applied skills and self-service technologies;
  4. education of self-esteem, the value of one's self.

The most general principles of family education are:

  1. humanity and mercy to the growing person;
  2. involvement of children in the life of the family as an equal participant;
  3. openness and trust in family relationships;
  4. optimal relationships in the family;
  5. consistency of elders in their requirements;
  6. providing all possible assistance to the child, willingness to answer his questions;
  7. fair assessment of the actions and behavior of the child.

At the same time, we can highlight some practical tips aimed at humane family upbringing of a child. Here are the rules:

  1. Do not use violence against a child!
  2. Don't take it out on a child!
  3. Don't beat the child!
  4. Do not lie or deceive the child!
  5. Do not intimidate the child!
  6. Do not disappoint the child!
  7. You can not constantly edify and patronize the child!
  8. Do not blame the child!
  9. Do not be afraid of the activity of the child.
  10. Do not limit the freedom of the child in vain!
  11. Do not overpraise or exalt the child in front of others.
  12. Do not expose the child to ridicule.
  13. Do not break the promises given to the child!
  14. Do not inspire the child with negative emotions or actions.


  1. Kodzhaspirova G.M. Pedagogy: Textbook. - M., 2004.
  2. Pityukov V.Yu. Fundamentals of pedagogical technology - M., 2001.
  3. Pedagogy: Textbook / Ed. L.P. Krivshenko. - M., 2006.
  4. Selevko G.K., Selevko A.G. Social and educational technologies. - M., 2002.
  5. Family Code of the Russian Federation.
  6. Convention on the Rights of the Child -
