All ways to swaddle a newborn baby to help parents. Baby Swaddling Techniques: Step by Step Instructions in Pictures Newborn Swaddling Diagram

Two decades ago, mothers did not have a choice to swaddle a newborn or not. At that time everyone was swaddled. Young mothers were taught to do this even in the hospital. However, nowadays more and more experts are speaking out against swaddling.

In the age of diapers and an abundance of clothes, swaddling becomes irrelevant. However, it has a number of advantages, especially in the first weeks of a newborn's life. Therefore, even before childbirth, it is necessary to decide on this issue by studying the swaddling of a newborn - the pros and cons of this method.

The tradition of swaddling a baby has been around for a long time. Swaddled newborns our ancestors for centuries. While the baby is very small, he often stains diapers and they need to be changed. Therefore, it is easier to wrap it in a piece of cloth than to change it every time. This helped to keep the warmth, air circulation, physical and psychological comfort of the baby. Yes, and there was no choice of clothes in the old days. Babies were usually dressed only in undershirts. In addition, swaddling has its advantages:

    • The baby feels more secure, as in the womb;
    • Does not scare himself by jerking his arms sharply

After all, the coordination of movements is still weak;

    • Does not injure himself;
    • A wrapped baby sleeps better

Because it does not wake itself up with random shudders and twitches, which often occur in newborns;

  • Diapers are easier to wash, boil, iron.

In the modern world, when almost everyone uses disposable diapers, and the choice of comfortable clothes for babies from the first days is quite wide, swaddling is less and less likely to find its supporters. And yet, many parents continue to swaddle their babies, especially in the first weeks of life.

Types - swaddling methods

There are several types of swaddling:

  • tight;
  • free;
  • wide;
  • Natural.

With a tight method of swaddling, the child's legs and arms are stretched along the body, and wrapped quite tightly in a diaper.

With such swaddling, the movements of the crumbs are sharply limited. In general, tight swaddling is not welcome, but it is noted that this is how the child sleeps best. Newborns often make chaotic hand movements and may wake themselves up. If the arms and legs are tightly wrapped, then the baby is sleeping soundly.

An alternative to tight swaddling is loose swaddling.

With this method, the baby's arms are left free, and only the legs are wrapped. Another way is to place the child in a special envelope. So he does not interfere with himself, and there is room for movement.

Wide swaddling is used when a child has orthopedic problems. For example, hip dysplasia.

The algorithm of actions for this type of swaddling is as follows: the child's legs, bent at the knees, are widely spread and fixed with special panties or with the help of diapers, one of which, folded in a rectangle, is placed between the legs, and the other, in the form of a triangle, is wrapped like panties. Often such swaddling is enough to correct the pathology.

Natural swaddling is actually not swaddling, but finding the child in a free natural position. The baby is dressed in clothes and a diaper and not wrapped.

The skin of a newborn baby is very delicate, so you should pay great attention to the fabrics from which diapers are made, the quality of hygiene products and, of course, diapers. popular brands you can read on our link.

What will be required

If the parents decide that they will swaddle the child, then even at the stage of preparing the “dowry” for him, it is necessary to stock up on films. When using disposable diapers, you will need less diapers. There are enough 5 pieces. After all, a child can stain the diaper by burping or describing when changing a diaper.

If disposable diapers are not used, then a lot of diapers will be needed. At least 20 pieces per day. After all, they need to be changed quite often. If it is possible to immediately wash, dry and iron them, then 20 pieces are enough, if this is not possible, the diapers dry for a long time, then it is better to have a supply.

In addition to diapers, you need a place where the baby will be swaddled. A changing table works best for this. He has shelves for diapers, the ability to conveniently place everything you need to care for the baby, and mom does not have to bend down every time to change a diaper or change clothes for a baby.

Currently, the range of diapers is quite large. These are ordinary chintz and flannel diapers, knit diapers, special envelopes, diapers with a hood and others. Therefore, it is not difficult to choose exactly what will suit both mother and child.

Not all mothers know about the rules of hygiene for newborns, but meanwhile it is very important for the health of the baby. Read about it in our next article.

Opinions "For"

What is good about swaddling? Supporters of this method give the following arguments "for" it:

  1. Swaddling a newborn helps him adapt to the world around him., creating a "cocoon" in which the child feels much more comfortable;
  2. The kid does not scare and does not wake himself up with erratic movements of the arms and legs, which often occur in newborns;
  3. Doesn't have the ability to accidentally scratch or hit himself;
  4. Swaddling helps a newborn baby maintain a normal temperature without overheating and not overcooling (necessarily need natural fabrics);
  5. In some cases, wide swaddling is vital;
  6. Helps parents who are unable to use disposable diapers(there is no need to change the baby, it is more convenient to change the diaper);
  7. Diapers allow you to save on diapers and clothes from which the baby grows very quickly.

Why are many experts against

Opponents of swaddling have no less weighty arguments:

  1. Tight swaddling interferes with normal blood circulation;
  2. Swaddling inhibits the physical development of the child, preventing its motor activity, reduces motility and muscle tone;
  3. At high ambient temperature possible overheating of the child;
  4. Tight swaddling increases the risk of developing pathological conditions of the joints, since at the same time the child is in an unnatural position for a long time;
  5. Swaddling has a bad effect on the child in the psycho-emotional plan. The child tries to escape from the diaper, feels discomfort, is nervous. May lag behind in future development;
  6. Diaper use usually does not include diapers. A mother may simply not have the strength and time to wash and iron a mountain of diapers every day, especially if there are no helpers;
  7. The need to change diapers frequently, which can once again disturb the baby or lead to irritation if the diaper is not replaced on time.

Consequences of tight swaddling

Having studied the opinions against swaddling, one can notice that tight swaddling is especially not recommended. Experts tend to believe that this method leads to extremely negative consequences:

    • Violation of motor abilities;
    • Increased risk of joint dysplasia;
    • The risk of psychological pathologies in the future;
    • Negatively affects the functioning of organs and body systems

Compresses the lungs, disrupting breathing, blood circulation and more.

Therefore, it is advised to use free swaddling, in which you can swaddle the child completely, but not tight. It is better if the handles remain free.

How to swaddle (video)

Properly swaddling a baby involves several steps.

Before swaddling a baby, it is necessary to clean his skin with water or a tissue. It is necessary to swaddle a clean baby.

The diaper must be washed and ironed. The requirements for diapers for newborns are especially strict. They are recommended to be washed at high temperature, ironed on both sides with a hot steam iron. It is unacceptable to dry the diaper after the baby has peed without washing. Although the urine of a child is invisible and odorless, it can cause irritation if it comes into contact with the delicate skin of an infant.

For swaddling, you need a spacious, flat surface on which you can spread the film and lay the baby down. Ideally - a special changing table.

You can swaddle your baby in a variety of ways.

  1. Complete swaddling of a newborn.
  • Spread a diaper, if the room is cold, then use two at once: one flannel, the other calico.
  • Place the baby in the center, head over the diaper.
  • Wrap one edge, passing it under the opposite handle, and bring it behind the body.
  • Wrap the other edge in the same way, completely covering the child.
  • Bend the lower part of the fabric up along the legs, unfold the ends, wrap around the legs and fasten to each other.
  1. Free swaddling with open handles.
  • Dress the child in a vest. It is convenient for newborns to wear undershirts with sewn-in handles, this will help the child not injure himself.
  • Place the baby on the diaper so that the handles remain above the edge.
  • Wrap both ends of the diaper around the baby in turn, leaving the handles free.
  • Straighten the bottom of the fabric and, lifting up, wrap around the legs and fasten.
  1. Envelope swaddling
  • Position the diaper so that its corner is at the top. Bend it.
  • Then wrap one edge, then the bottom, then the second edge and wrap around the child, securing at the back.

For convenience, you can use special envelopes that will limit the movement of the baby, but do not constrain them.

When to stop swaddling?

Experts believe that swaddling a baby for a long time is not worth it. Usually it is enough to use diapers up to 2-3 months. Moreover, full swaddling is best used in the first weeks after birth, when the movements of the child are especially chaotic. Later it is better to switch to free swaddling with open handles. After three months, swaddling is not necessary at all, unless there are special indications. You can swaddle the baby only at bedtime.

When swaddling a child, it must be remembered that tight swaddling is still not desirable. The swaddling technique is not difficult, but it is worth mastering it even before childbirth.

There are no contraindications to swaddling a baby. Each mother decides to use it or not on her own, based on the characteristics and needs of her child.

How to properly swaddle a baby? This is perhaps the first question that a mother has when she comes home with a baby from the hospital. It is simply impossible to swaddle a baby evenly, neatly and tight enough the first time. However, this problem is solved very easily, the main thing is practice, and you will have enough of it in the near future)

When swaddling we use only clean diapers. For a long time there was an opinion that it is necessary to iron with an iron, and this must be done, very carefully, on both sides. However, as pediatricians have proven, ironing diapers is a waste of time and effort. Freshly washed diapers do not contain any pathogenic bacteria that would need to be destroyed by high-temperature processing.

Where to swaddle the baby? Yes, wherever it suits you. It can be a changing table, and a sofa, and a bed. The main thing is not to leave the crumbs alone for a minute, in order to avoid an accidental fall. If you need to move away, be sure to put the baby in the crib, where he will be safe while you are away.

How to swaddle a newborn in a diaper

The baby should be clean, in a clean diaper. If you use not disposable, but gauze diapers, you need to have at least 20 diapers, as they will get dirty much more often.

If it’s cold outside and the room is cool, prepare a couple of films at once in advance.

The picture clearly shows what the process should look like. swaddle with handles. This is how they swaddle all children in maternity hospitals.

We spread the diaper, the child is carefully placed in the middle of the diaper so that his head is higher than the edge of the diaper. We press the right handle to the body, and wrap the right corner of the diaper obliquely, while the edge of the diaper should be wrapped behind the back of the baby. Now we also press the left handle to the body, and wrap the left corner of the diaper, like the right one, obliquely. At the bottom we get a "fish tail". The edges are alternately tucked under the baby, and then fixed in the side pocket that we got.

Everything is ready, the baby was swaddled quickly and not at all difficult. A few workouts and this process will be brought to automaticity, do not even hesitate.

The following shows how to swaddle a newborn in pictures step by step.

When the house is cool, we swaddle the baby in the second diaper, with the only difference being that there is no longer any need to press the handles, since they are already hidden.

How to swaddle a newborn baby in summer?

In the heat, it is best to use the method free swaddling. With this method, the baby during swaddling is located on the diaper so that its handles remain above the edge of the diaper. We wrap the diaper in the same way as with a simple swaddling. Thus, the handles of the newborn crumbs remain open. Or, you can use ready-made envelopes in which the baby's legs are fixed and the arms are free.

In case your swaddled baby shows obvious signs of anxiety, and even in your arms he cannot calm down, check if you have swaddled him too tightly, if there are any wrinkles in the diapers that interfere with him. It is very important that the baby feels comfortable. The recommended air temperature in a room with a newborn wrapped in a diaper should be about twenty degrees.

Should the baby be swaddled?

Not so long ago, whether to swaddle a baby or not has become a subject of controversy among pediatricians and parents of babies. Opponents of this method give the following arguments in their favor:

  • overheating of babies wrapped in diapers is possible, since their thermoregulation mechanism is very different from adults. If the room is too warm, it is hot outside, the likelihood of overheating increases;
  • finding a baby in a diaper can lead to a developmental lag, since he is not able to freely master the movements of his arms and legs;
  • it is useful for newborn children to sleep lying on their stomach, and being swaddled to do this is almost impossible;
  • tight contraction can adversely affect the child's cardiovascular system, as it slows down the blood circulation process;

In addition, the following are common reasons why young mothers refuse to wrap their baby tightly:

  • simplification of newborn care;
  • inability and unwillingness to learn to swaddle;
  • it is much easier to put on baby sliders, and then dad can change them if necessary.

At the end of the article, we have prepared additional material for you. Download the checklist "How to properly dress and change diapers" and caring for your baby will bring you nothing but joy!

And here is what the supporters of the method say in defense of their position:

  • swaddling keeps the baby's body temperature normal in the first weeks of life;
  • the baby is more calm, sleeps better, being wrapped in a diaper, as it does not interfere with itself with uncontrolled movements of the arms and legs;
  • being in diapers, the baby feels more natural, because in recent weeks, being in the womb, he got used to the lack of living space, and therefore in diapers he is both more comfortable and calmer. In sliders and blouses, babies can be scared in a dream and wake up;
  • the use of diapers is much less expensive for the budget of a young family than buying new pants, tights, and blouses for a growing child every two or three weeks.

There are several types of swaddling. In addition to the already described, free and swaddling with handles, swaddling with an "envelope" and wide is practiced.

Swaddling "envelope" is done in the following way. The corner of the diaper over the baby's head should be left free. We lift the lower corner of the diaper and lay it on the baby's tummy. We lay the side corners, as in normal swaddling. All! A child in such a diaper will feel great while walking on the street. If it is cold, we wrap it in a blanket; if it is hot, we use a gauze diaper.

wide swaddling a newborn is used if the crumbs have muscle tone disorders, or problems in terms of orthopedics. With a wide swaddle, the baby's legs are bent, the hips are retracted, the position for the child is very comfortable and familiar. This type of swaddling does not interfere with the proper development of the baby's hip joints, it can help in case of a mild form of dysplasia, and prevent the appearance of subluxation or dislocation of the hip in babies. This type of swaddling is used from birth to six months.

It is advisable to master all types of swaddling, it will be very useful for your newborn baby, and it will make life easier for you. It is better to alternate between different swaddling techniques.

And one more tip on how to properly swaddle a baby.

Before swaddling, put on a thin baby's undershirt wrapping on the back, followed by a warm one that wraps around on the chest. After that . A diaper is often a gauze square 80 by 80 cm, which is folded into a triangle. We skip a right angle between the baby's legs, and wrap the sharp corners around the abdomen.

Until what age should a baby be swaddled?

There are no specific time limits. Different babies need different times to get used to the new, huge world around them, which has replaced the cramped comfort of their mother's tummy. It may take one week to adapt, or it may take six months. Basically, babies from one and a half to three months old can get by with free swaddling. And yet, until how many months to swaddle a baby, you have to determine for yourself, and with experience you will definitely understand how to swaddle a newborn in the most convenient way.

Watching how a newborn baby falls asleep, how it sleeps, you will understand when it's time to say goodbye to diapers.

Read our next article.

Download the checklist "How to dress and change diapers"

Think gauze diapers are safer for your baby? By downloading the checklist, you will learn how to properly dress and change diapers. Let baby care bring you only joy!

Recently, there has been a lot of controversy even among doctors about how to swaddle a newborn in the hospital. Experienced mothers try not to abandon this procedure in the first months, choosing one of the techniques they like. If a woman in labor has not learned to swaddle in the hospital, she has to develop dexterity.

First swaddling

In a modern maternity hospital, the baby is in the same room as the mother. She will feed him, wash him, change his clothes. If this is not the first baby in the family, then the mother will cope with diapers without any problems, wrapping her baby like a doll.

Are newborn babies being swaddled in the maternity hospital now? In modern maternity hospitals, they try to adhere to old traditions, and a baby who has just been born is wrapped in swaddling clothes. Proceed in this case from the standpoint of psychological. It is this approach that provides a sense of security that the baby felt even in the womb. Therefore, midwives already in the delivery room teach young mothers several methods of wrapping.

Ways to swaddle a newborn baby:

  • tight - with straight arms and legs;
  • free - with open arms and able to move legs;
  • wide - with legs spread apart at 60 °.

How to swaddle a newborn baby in the hospital? Initially, wrapping is carried out at birth, using the method of tight fixation of the limbs. This is a good opportunity to quickly soothe the baby. This procedure is carried out first by a midwife.

In the future, when the baby is transferred to her mother in the ward, she will have to master the procedure, having studied several techniques at once (for the future).

It is also recommended to swaddle the child in a tight way for discharge from the hospital. At the same time, they resort to a variation of this method - the “envelope”. So it’s easier for mom to hold the baby in her arms on the way, and he feels more comfortable.

How to swaddle a newborn at home, each mother will determine for herself. Perhaps she will use the tight method for the night, and during the day she will carry out free wrapping. If the room is warm, then he will also use the wide method, which the little one will like, as this is a more natural pose.


Each method has its own algorithm for swaddling a newborn baby. If a mother quickly masters the technique of how to swaddle a baby in a diaper in a tight way, then she will cope with the rest of the options quite easily.

Algorithm of action in the hospital:

  1. having carefully laid out the diaper on the table, the baby is placed in its middle so that the neck touches the edge of this sheet;
  2. we apply the straightened left handle to the body, grab the lateral edge and wrap the body tightly (obliquely), bringing the end under the back on the right;
  3. we do the same with the right hand and the side end of the fabric;
  4. the bottom edge is a bit like a fishtail. It is tucked up on the body. In this case, the legs must be connected and straightened;
  5. wrapping the body tightly with the lower ends of the sheet, they are fixed either with a safety pin, or a bow is used.

Algorithm in pictures

The "envelope" method carried out in the same way, only the fabric is laid diagonally so that the upper corner further covers the baby's face. The lower corner is laid on the legs and stomach, and the body is wrapped around the sides.

The technique is used when a child is swaddled for discharge from the hospital. What a newborn is swaddled in at discharge depends on the season: a blanket or a light envelope. A diaper is almost always used for discharge from the hospital, it should only be made of natural material. If mom is an ardent supporter of sliders, you can use them, but you must master the described technique. Swaddling helps to calm the naughty baby.

Special Ways

In every family there is, of course, an older woman, a grandmother, an aunt who will show the young mother how to swaddle a newborn. In the first month, it is better to use two diapers. First, the baby is wrapped in one, then in the second. Thus, he finds himself hidden in a dense cocoon that holds his movements. Modern swaddling of newborns from 3 months consists in wrapping only the lower part, the handles remain free.

Swaddling of legs. For the time of wakefulness, it is recommended to swaddle the baby's legs without handles. It is advised to leave them outside. This method is also very good in summer or in warm weather. When it is hot, gauze can be used as a material for swaddling.

step by step photo

How to swaddle a newborn baby in the hospital:

  • fold the diaper in half;
  • place its edge at the level of the baby's chest;
  • bend the left side to the right, bend behind the back;
  • perform similar manipulations with the second side;
  • lift the bottom edge to the waist, straighten, lay, strengthen.

This method is considered the most comfortable, it contributes to the rapid development of the baby.

Swaddling of handles. Another option is just swaddling the handles. They use it when the baby is a light sleeper and shudders from every movement of his limbs, while eating, if he waves his arms and prevents himself from eating.

To swaddle the arms of the baby, you need to place it comfortably on the diaper. The head should go over the edge. She will remain unswaddled.

How to properly swaddle a baby in a diaper:

  1. put a thin vest on the baby;
  2. put it on a diaper;
  3. take the left edge, go around the handle, tuck it under the back along the oblique, level it;
  4. do the same with the second edge;
  5. tuck the bottom edge;
  6. put on a hat.

In the process of swaddling, do not forget to straighten the folds with your palm. The baby should feel comfortable in any type of swaddling.

How many diapers and undershirts do you need in the hospital? According to mothers, a pair of elegant diapers and undershirts for discharge is required. For 5 days of stay in the maternity hospital, 3-4 of each type of clothing, and 2-3 diapers will be enough. In modern maternity hospitals, diaper kits are issued if they are in short supply, but enough can be obtained on demand.

How to swaddle a newborn in the hospital video:

A baby was born and in the first days of his life it is advised to swaddle the baby with his head. Initially, they put on a vest with deaf sleeves. Her seams are all outward. Then the baby is placed on the diaper so that the head is located below the edge. The head is covered with its free part, then the arm is wrapped around, tucking the edge of the diaper under the tank. The second edge is wrapped around the baby and fixed.

The issue of swaddling a baby has recently become a subject of much controversy. Most specialists, pediatricians and parents themselves believe that after the birth of a baby, he should be swaddled. In order not to harm the baby, you need to know how to swaddle a newborn.

Young parents themselves decide all the issues of caring for the baby. Before making a choice, it is necessary to correctly evaluate all the positive and negative sides of swaddling and abandoning it.

During 9 months of intrauterine development, the baby got used to the constraint of movements, to the warmth of the mother's body. Birth is stressful for a baby who has been torn out of a cozy, safe environment.

The feeling of loss of protection, unusual freedom of movement - all this frightens the baby. Wrapping up in a warm diaper, which recreates a cozy and comfortable cocoon for the baby, helps to survive such stress.

Scientists have found that a tightly swaddled baby sleeps better and does not act up. The child suffers less from colic. Experts recommend swaddling without fail for children with increased nervous excitability.

Pros and cons of swaddling

Supporters of the fact that babies should be swaddled give many arguments in support of their theory:

  • The adaptation of the infant to the new environment occurs with less stress on the psyche. Swaddling psychologically connects the outside world with the conditions of intrauterine development.
  • A newborn child does not know how to control his own body, movements. Spontaneous swings of arms and legs that occur can injure the baby, as well as scare him. Due to sudden movements, the baby does not sleep well, is naughty. A properly swaddled baby cannot injure himself, sleeps better and stronger.
  • A baby who is tightly swaddled almost never has colic. Regular tight swaddling reduces gas formation, is a preventive procedure to eliminate the occurrence of colic.
  • It retains heat well in cold weather. The fact is that a newborn baby has not yet developed a thermoregulation system, the processes of which are in the process of formation.
  • The touch of the diaper fabric to the baby's skin through tactile sensations creates a feeling of coziness and comfort. The sense of touch develops.
  • The diaper prevents the appearance of diaper rash, as the fabric allows air to pass through. Diapers are changed more often, the baby's skin is much less in contact with a wet surface.
  • So that the baby is not afraid of the first bath, doctors recommend wrapping the baby in a thin diaper, which will give a sense of security.
  • For young parents, the use of diapers helps to reduce the financial costs of buying children's clothing, from which babies grow very quickly.

Opponents of this procedure cite the following arguments:

  • Overheating of the body after swaddling is possible if the baby was born in the summer.
  • The stiffness of the baby's movements can lead to a violation of muscle tone.
  • If the child is tightly swaddled, then the blood circulation process will slow down, which in turn has a bad effect on the nervous system.
  • The kid will not learn to move his arms and legs in time, which will lead to a developmental lag.

Answering the opponents of swaddling, the following can be noted: the procedure itself is carried out up to 2 - 3 months from the day of birth, when most of the time the children sleep. Already after a few weeks, during the procedure, the hands remain free, and the swaddling itself becomes freer. In summer, diapers made of thin cotton fabric are used, which eliminates overheating.

Choosing diapers

Before purchasing diapers, you need to familiarize yourself with the requirements that the fabric must meet.

  • No synthetics, only natural materials: chintz, flannel, knitwear. These fabrics are well breathable and absorb moisture, which helps to avoid diaper rash.
  • Coloring should be calm tones. If the fabric is dyed in too bright colors, then the chemical composition of the dye may be harmful to the baby. The paint must be resistant so that it does not shed when washed.
  • The fabric should be pleasant and soft to the touch. If the fabric has a sharp, unpleasant smell, you should not buy such a diaper.
  • The fabric should stretch well. Edges are overlocked. Thick seams can rub delicate skin.
  • Cotton diapers are diapers made of natural fabric that are attached directly to the body of the child.
  • Flannel. They are used in cool weather as a second layer over cotton diapers. Often used as light blankets.
  • Baikovye or woolen. Use in severe frosts or as a blanket. A wool blanket can also be used for proper wrapping.
  • Knitted. This type of diaper appeared recently. Can be used instead of flannel or swaddled under them. The great advantage of this type is that they stretch well, do not roll down and do not create additional folds.
  • Disposable. Not used for swaddling. They can cover the changing table and take to the clinic.
  • Diapers - cocoon with Velcro. Dad can easily cope with such a diaper.
  • Velcro envelope. Very comfortable for walking.

Except disposable diapers, all the rest are washed with baby soap or baby powder. After washing, they must be rinsed thoroughly. Iron diapers on both sides. Rigid overdried fabric is best ironed with a steamer.

For the process itself, it is better to allocate a special place. You can use a crib, sofa or changing table. Do not leave your baby alone on the couch or table.

Cover the area where you will swaddle your child with a disposable diaper. Have some powder and water nearby to wash your baby. Remove the dirty diaper, rinse thoroughly. Treat problem areas such as neck folds, armpits, groin area with powder.


Even in the maternity hospital, mommy has a question about how to swaddle a newborn baby? A doctor or nurse can suggest generally accepted methods and show in practice exactly how they are swaddled in a maternity hospital. There are several methods of swaddling. It is desirable to alternate them all. How to swaddle a child, parents choose, but it is worth considering the temperament of the baby.

  1. Tight swaddling.

This species was widely distributed in the past. Now doctors advise abandoning tight swaddling or alternating it with other types. Often leads to compression of the limbs and diaphragm. For some children, this view, on the contrary, is shown. These are hyperactive children. Tight swaddling is also recommended for children with restless sleep.

  • Lay the diaper diagonally. Bend the top corner. The child should lie so that the fold line is parallel to the shoulders.
  • Press the handle against your body. Fill the edge from the side of the handle on the opposite side under the barrel.
  • The bottom edge rises and is fixed at the back.
  • The second edge presses the free hand and is also tucked from the opposite side.

This method is considered classic, most likely, it is he who will be advised to a young mother in the maternity hospital when she asks to show how to swaddle a baby. For a walk in winter, the upper corner is not hidden inside, it is left open: during a walk, it will protect the baby from drafts.

This type is most often used in the first 2 weeks of a baby's life. As soon as the baby begins to pull out the handles and move, it is worth moving on to free swaddling. With loose wrapping, you can use a diaper.

  1. Free swaddling.

Most popular among moms and dads. You can use different options: leave your hands free or wrap your hands and release your legs. This view provides the baby with the opportunity to settle down as it is convenient for him and move his limbs. You can swaddle your baby in two ways.

The technique of this method is very similar to tight swaddling. The difference is that the arms and legs do not straighten, but remain in a natural position. The diaper is not very tight.

  • The diaper lies straight.
  • Lay the baby down so that the head is above the edge.
  • The bottom edge folds inward.
  • Make a loose smell to the sides.
  • Raise the bottom edge.
  • Loose corners wrap around the legs and fasten in front.

To keep the handles free, skip the diaper around the armpits. Be sure to use mittens or an undershirt with sewn-in sleeves so that the baby does not scratch itself.

In the case of diagnosing a child with hip dysplasia, the method of wide swaddling is used. How to swaddle a newborn baby with such a disease, the pediatrician and orthopedist will tell you. The legs are fixed in the “frog” position.

Take 2 diapers. One fold in several layers. Place between baby's legs. With the help of the second, free swaddling is done.

You can also learn how to swaddle children in special literature, where they show step by step and step by step with the help of illustrations how to swaddle a baby correctly.

  • Change the way you swaddle. At night, so that the baby sleeps better, a tight wrap is suitable. During the day, in order for the baby to move, it is better to use free types.
  • After discharge from the maternity hospital, the favorite type of swaddling for an infant is head wrapping. But after a night's sleep, let the baby lie down in a more relaxed position. This will help develop gross motor skills.
  • How to swaddle a baby correctly and quickly, a grandmother can tell. Do not turn away from the help of the older generation.
  • When using diapers, choose those that take into account the anatomical features of boys and girls.
  • Make sure that diapers - panties do not press on the tummy. The belt should be elastic, keep its shape well. Observe dimensions. Swaddling can be combined with wearing diapers.

How to swaddle a baby, you will be prompted by observing your child. If the baby does not sleep well, hands suddenly twitch, use the tight swaddling method. When the child begins to pull out the handles, whimper, then it's time for a free method.

Despite the variety of clothes for newborns in stores, many young mothers prefer to wrap their baby in diapers.

They are cheaper than suits, babies wrapped in them sleep more peacefully. It is easier for an inexperienced mother to pick up a multi-layered even cocoon than a baby in a suit. Feeding the baby is also easier when wrapped. A few pieces are worth buying and progressive parents.

Although there are moms who doubt about it, we will still share the lessons with you, because. they can be useful for:

  • carrying out hygiene procedures: cleaning the nose, ears;
  • medical examination;
  • the need to quickly calm the baby, for example, after a bath or stress;
  • skin diseases, diaper rash - diapers do not have seams that rub the skin;
  • the need to quickly warm the baby.

Two or three pieces are usually required upon admission to the maternity hospital.

From this article you will learn

Choosing the right diaper

When choosing a swaddling kit, first of all, they look at the weight and height of the newborn. The following tips will help you navigate the situation:

  • Buy several different instances to decide which is more convenient to use.
  • Surely come in handy large square diapers 120×120 centimeters. At first, you can wrap the baby with your head in them, later they will come in handy at the doctor’s examination, on the road, as a sheet in the crib.
  • canvas 100×100 centimeters recommended for swaddling babies up to 3-4 months.
  • Previously the most popular diapers 80×95, 80×120 centimeters.
  • For premature babies, diapers are suitable, whose length is 70 centimeters.
  • Standard diapers for the classical method - rectangular shape.

Usually the set should consist of half diapers made of thin fabric and half warm specimens.

  • The most common light fabrics: cambric, cooler and chintz. Batiste models are quickly torn, but ideally breathable, suitable when summer and heat. The kulirka sits down a lot. Printed fabric for children is the most popular.
  • From warm fabrics knitwear, flannel, footer are suitable. The advantage of knitted patterns is the ability to take any shape, the baby can move arms and legs. Classic flannel diapers are made from pure cotton and are characterized by the ability to perfectly absorb moisture. The footer is the warmest material, this is a winter version for the crumbs. Models from it should be large.

Important! A newborn in the first days is capable of soil clothes up to 20 times a day. If you are not going to use disposable diapers, double the number of diapers, as some of them will be in the wash all the time. As a headrest, a diaper folded four times is also used. Plus you need gauze diapers.

Transforming models are very convenient, in which the legs of the crumbs fit into the pocket, and the body is wrapped in the edges on which the Velcro is located.

Types of swaddling

Even many experienced mothers do not know how many types of swaddling there are. Main ways: tight, loose, wide. From birth, the child is wrapped in cloth with the head, later only the legs are swaddled. Swaddled in a blanket, envelopes, slings, sleeping bags. On modern models there are bright pictures, which makes the appearance of the little one funny and aesthetic. You have a girl or a boy - there are any options.

Each type requires skill. You can train on dolls, toys, learn by wrapping an even roller from a blanket in fabric. It is desirable to master all the methods before the birth of the baby, during pregnancy. Inept actions can scare the baby or accidentally injure him. Having learned the algorithm of actions, it will be easier in practice.

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Before wrapping the baby in a cloth, you need to put on a diaper and a vest. Which diaper to use, gauze or disposable diapers, is for mom to choose. Many pediatricians advise leaving the baby's head uncovered.

The phrase of Dr. Komarovsky is known that it is better to put on a bonnet on a grandmother than on a baby.

Classic tight version

Swaddling a newborn with a "soldier" suggests that the arms of the baby will be straight along the body. Legs in this position are straightened and tightly wrapped in cloth. There are several ways: swaddling with the head or only the torso.

First way (with head)

  1. This method requires two diapers. Spread the first horizontally at the level of the shoulders of the crumbs. Lay the second one on top of a diamond shape and bend the corner under the back of the baby's head.
  2. Lay the baby in the center so that the edge of the top panel can be wrapped around the head. Tuck the edges of the fabric and place tightly around the forehead and temples of the baby.
  3. Bend the handle of the crumbs to the chest, wrap it with a diaper, leading the edge first under the arm, then to the legs. The fabric should fit tightly around the body, but not too tight so that the baby can breathe freely. We repeat the same action on the other side.
  4. Now we wrap the child with a second canvas, the direction of the edge of the fabric from the shoulder to the opposite arm, it starts under the back. We wrap the other half of the body in the same way.
  5. Grasp the legs of the baby with the lower end of the diaper, fix the ends by tucking them into the tucked edge. It is impossible to use pins of any kind; if necessary, it is better to use tape. A strong child is able to free himself and grab a dangerous object.

Second way (body only)

Suitable after swimming. Pulling baby sliders and blouses is not very convenient, it is easier to wrap the baby in a large diaper.

  1. To do this, the canvas is located in the form of a diamond, the upper edge is folded inward.
  2. It is necessary to lay the baby closer to the top, bend the edges of the fabric, clasping the shoulders of the crumbs.
  3. Wrap the left side of the baby's body with the right edge of the diaper, bring it under the back.
  4. Lift the bottom edge up, stretch the fabric and wrap the baby's shoulder. Wrap the baby's body with the left and secure the tip of the diaper.

This method raises many objections, modern pediatricians do not recommend it. Although the child’s sleep is sound with this method, constant stay in a static position interferes with natural development, the tightly stretched fabric disrupts blood circulation.

The fact that crooked legs can be corrected by this method is a myth. A child in several layers of tissue quickly overheats, colic may occur.

The best option: use a loose or wide swaddling.

free option

Swaddling in this way can be done in different ways.

The basic principle: the arms and legs of the crumbs are given some freedom. You can wrap the baby, leaving the handles open, or you can use the so-called Australian method. Here is a step by step guide:

  1. Unfold a large diaper.
  2. Fold the top edge inward about 10 centimeters. Lay the child in the center so that his shoulders are located on the folded edge of the material.
  3. Insert the crumbs handle into the resulting space formed by the edge of the diaper. Pass the end of the canvas under the arm of the opposite hand and wind it behind the back.
  4. Repeat on the other side.

If you did everything correctly, the crumbs' fists will be located at the level of the mouth, in the resulting pocket the baby's hands can move. The baby will not be able to pull out the handles and will not frighten himself with an awkward movement.

You can fold a large diaper diagonally, spread it with a blunt end down. The baby fits so that his head is just above the edge of the diaper. Wrap the baby obliquely with the ends of the resulting triangle, fasten the lower end under the chin.

Wide variant

The fact that tight swaddling leads to hip dysplasia, for example, with a breech presentation of the fetus, was noticed back in the Middle Ages.

For the classic version This method uses two diapers.

  1. One is folded two or four times to make a triangular diaper (kerchief-shaped).
  2. It is placed under the baby's lower back, while the sharp corners of the triangle are located on the sides, and the blunt one is passed between the legs.
  3. The ends of the diaper are wrapped around the baby's body and fixed.
  4. The baby in the diaper is placed on the second diaper so that it covers the area of ​​the kidneys.
  5. The upper ends of the canvas must be wrapped alternately around the baby's body and secured, the lower edge should be raised to the tummy.
  6. Wrap the lower edges of the material around the baby's lower back and fix the ends.

swaddling legs

After the baby has left the age of the newborn, you can only swaddle the legs.

  1. To do this, a horizontally located canvas is placed under the shoulder blades of the crumbs, its edges are alternately brought under the handles of the little one.
  2. The upper ends are fixed, and the lower part is twisted under the baby's heels, like a candy wrapper. Legs should be straight.
  3. Then the edge of the fabric is straightened and secured, wrapping around the child's hips.

How to swaddle in a blanket for a walk

When going for a walk, many people use discharge envelopes and overalls. But if there is a need to go out on a frosty day, use a baby blanket. If everything is done correctly, the child will definitely not freeze. Yes, and dressing it will be easier than pulling on a bunch of clothes.

Proceed step by step:

  1. Put on a baby hat and blouse, wrap it in a warm cloth.
  2. First, under the blanket, spread out in a rhombus, stretch the fixing tape.
  3. Then put the baby down. Wrap the right edge obliquely, pass it under the left handle.
  4. Raise the bottom edge, straighten it in the area of ​​​​the legs.
  5. Wrap the body of the child with the left edge of the blanket and fix it with tape in several layers over the entire surface.

The use of diapers implies several rules. First, they must be perfectly clean and ironed from two sides. After the baby grows up, the need for such treatment will disappear, in the first month of life this rule is mandatory. When ironing, it is advisable to use steam treatment to soften the fabric.

Here are a few more rules to help avoid problems when using diapers:

  • Wet child I need to change clothes immediately. otherwise, dermatitis, diaper rash, hypothermia cannot be avoided.
  • The chest must be clean use oil or wash it more often.
  • Change your baby where it suits you.: use changing table, bed, but don't leave him alone!
  • Be sure to straighten the fabric, make sure that the folds do not rub the skin.
  • Swaddle according to room temperature, remember that it's more dangerous to overheat a baby than to overcool it. Although the latter is undesirable.
  • Don't swaddle infant in disposable diaper at night: They are designed for 2-3 hours of use.
  • Ask for help from experienced mothers, grandmothers or a doctor. A video tutorial, a diagram, a photo, a table do not always give an objective picture. You can consult in the hospital on special courses for pregnant women or in the maternity hospital. It may not work right away, but if you make a mistake, you will be corrected.
  • It's better to swaddle loosely than too tight.
  • Watch to the face was not covered with cloth.
  • Communicating with the baby act carefully.

Do not worry, it will take quite a bit of time, and you will intuitively begin to understand your baby. The baby himself will give you signals whether he is comfortable with a certain type of swaddling, whether he likes the fabric of diapers and when they should be abandoned. Soon, only photographs and a pile of unnecessary symbols of infancy will remain from this period.

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