Haircut choice. Oval face shape

You will learn how to choose the right haircut from our short material, which contains practical advice on how to choose a haircut for a different face shape, as well as how to make appearance defects visually less noticeable with its help.

How to choose a haircut according to the type of face?

There are 5 face shapes in total and each of them suits a different haircut. To determine what type of face you have, simply stand in front of a full-face mirror and circle your image with lipstick or a felt-tip pen. Next, using our example of stars, determine your type and choose the right haircut!

oval shape. This is the most ideal face shape, which is suitable for almost all haircuts. You can also safely experiment with hairstyles and even cut your hair very short. Curls, curls, straight hair, cascades, bob and bob. Choose any haircut according to your mood!

Square shape. Your hairstyle must necessarily consist of strands of different lengths and be structural. Also give preference to light strands and a little voluminous chaos on the head. But even partings, hair of the same length, long hairstyles and straight bangs will most likely not work for you.

Round face. For a round face, step haircuts are ideal. If the bangs - then only to one side and make a thorough thinning. But one thing is for sure: small curls and even bangs will not suit you.

triangular face. For this shape, lush hair and a fringe haircut are ideal. Also soft curls and a clear geometric haircut.

Stretched shape. If the face is too oblong, then be sure to pay attention to the bangs to make it more proportional. Also choose a side parting, this will visually make this shape shorter. Long and straight hair, as well as a high tail, will not suit you, as such hairstyles emphasize the imperfections of the form.

How to choose a haircut: hide the flaws in appearance

  • Nose defects. A large and crooked nose can be hidden with lush bangs and a chaotic haircut. The hairstyle should be of medium length, pay attention to the cascade.
  • Protruding ears. Such a defect in appearance can be corrected by a lush and voluminous hairstyle to the middle of the auricle.
  • Too sharp cheekbones will be made softer by feminine styling with hair gathered at the back.

  • If your forehead is too high - make bangs. Choose any length of hairstyle, but you should not collect hair back.
  • A low forehead can be visually enlarged with combed back and sleek hair.
  • A short neck will suit exceptionally short haircuts and combed back hair.
  • Beveled long bangs can enlarge narrow and small eyes.

We hope you find our tips useful and now you know exactly how to choose a haircut. Experiment time!

Choosing a hairstyle is a serious issue that everyone has faced. Today I will talk about a few rules that will greatly simplify the choice and help you look attractive.

Choosing haircuts and experimenting with your hair is pretty scary. Every woman is worried about the result. If you are afraid to cut your hair, then you can try new looks using wigs. How to do this, read on this site. Several wigs will help to change the image instantly, for some special occasion. But if you are ready to experiment with your image, then read how to choose the perfect haircut.

The first step on the way to the perfect hairstyle is to determine the shape of the face. It's no secret that a hairstyle can both decorate and spoil our appearance. Each face shape has its own hairstyle options. We'll talk about this. The easiest way to determine the shape of the face:

  • collect hair so that the face is open;
  • stand in front of a mirror, keep your head straight;
  • take lipstick or something else that draws easily on glass and is easily erased, circle the contour of the face on the mirror.


Outline the upper part of the face along the hairline! We define the shape of the face, not the head. Remember this!

The figure that turned out is your face shape. Now let's start picking up a hairstyle.

1. Oval face shape.
This form is considered correct, many hairstyles are suitable for it. If you do not want to wear long hair, then the bob hairstyle will emphasize your cheekbones and eyes. Women with an oval face shape are suitable for long hair, any braided hairstyles and bangs. Here are some haircut options.

Short haircuts emphasize beautiful features well. Depending on the length, you can emphasize the beauty of the eyes, lips, nose or cheekbones.

You can use simple and complex forms.

2. Round face shape
The owners of this face shape have fairly wide cheekbones. With this face shape, the task is to make it more elongated. Therefore, any horizontal lines are strictly contraindicated, no bangs and straight haircuts. Curls, cascading multi-level haircuts, asymmetry will suit you. Haircut examples.

The soft curls are beautiful to stretch the shape of the face. Avoid small curls, they will make your face even wider.

Asymmetrical hairstyles do a great job of smoothing out the shape of the face.

3. Rectangular face shape.
In such a face, all proportions are elongated. High forehead, cheekbones, chin. In this case, the task of the hairstyle is to make the face softer and shorten the length. The following hairstyles cope with this task.

Long cascading haircuts hide corners well and soften the look.

Bangs make the face look smaller.

Side partings also hide the corners and visually truncate the length.

4. Square face shape
Another face shape with which haircuts with a straight length are unacceptable. A square face requires smoothing the corners to give it a feminine touch. Consider examples.

Slanting haircut lines will look great.

It is possible to use straight bangs, but only on the condition that you have a sufficiently high forehead. You can wear voluminous hairstyles, but only if the hair frames the lines of the face, rounding its shape.

5. Triangular face shape
Wide forehead, narrower cheekbones and a small chin. With this face shape, short haircuts look bad. Hair length should be below the cheekbones. Haircut examples.

The volume at the chin makes the face visually wider.

Slanting bangs will make the upper part of the face appear less wide. Voluminous hairstyles, with curls falling over a wide part of the face, will also smooth out the corners.

6. Pear-shaped face.
This shape will suit tips for a square face. Volume on top and oblique lines below the cheekbones will be a great solution.
7. Diamond Shaped Face
For women with this face shape, bangs are suitable. The recommendations will be similar to those for women with a triangular face. Here are examples of hairstyles.

The task is to visually smooth out wide cheekbones, divert attention from the hairline.

Volumetric hairstyles will help in creating the desired visual effects.

In order to choose a hairstyle, knowledge about one face shape is not enough. We proceed to the next stage of the search for hairstyles.

Determine the quality or texture of the hair
Hair can be textured in one of three ways:

  • soft, fluffy
  • wavy
  • tough

Soft, thin hair is difficult to grow. They get dirty quickly, lose volume easily and are difficult to braid. Such hair is similar to the hair of a small child. They should not be pulled into tight hairstyles. It will appear that you have very little hair. Such hair requires special care. Hairstyles are better to choose layered, cascading. If you want to do your hair, then instead of hairspray.

Curly hair can be different, suitable hairstyles will depend on the thickness of the hair. If you grow your hair too long, the curls will begin to straighten under their own weight. Shorter hairs will curl and fluff. As a result, the hairstyle will look untidy. Only hairspray in large quantities will help to avoid protruding hairs, which is not always acceptable. Carefully choose the perfect length for your hair and it will look great.

Coarse hair should not be cut too short so as not to look like a brush. They are not very obedient, but the longer they are, the easier it is with them. You just need to pull yourself together and survive the borderline length.

We emphasize the dignity of the hairstyle

The hairstyle should be such that you feel like a queen with her. It must be an honor. Look at yourself in the mirror again. What do you like most about yourself? Neck, ears, shoulders, cheekbones, eyes, lips? Decided? This is what you need to focus on when choosing a hairstyle.

For example, if you have a beautiful neck, choose updos or short haircuts. If you want to make your eyes stand out, wear bangs, etc. Want to hide your ears? You can hide them with your hair.

How much time are you willing to spend on your hair?

If you are not ready to spend time styling, curling or braiding, exclude haircuts that require constant maintenance.

Remember that a short haircut needs to be trimmed every 3-4 weeks. Long hair will easily survive 6-8 weeks between trips to the hairdresser.

How to choose a hair color?

Hair color should decorate you. His choice is not such an easy task. It will depend on your color type and age. Remember that there are much more than four color types. In their pure form, they are almost never found. Each age has its own characteristics in hair coloring, what suits at twenty or thirty will look ridiculous at fifty. For color, it is better to consult with a specialist.

For those who do not want to bother with styling and creating complex hairstyles, wigs will come to the rescue. This is quite a reasonable and simple option to change the image for a while. You need to choose them correctly, about choosing wigs, study the information on the site.

Take good care of your hair!

To look great, just the right hairstyle is not enough. It is important to take care of your hair to keep it healthy. I often write about how to care for hair. You can read about it in this section -.

If you find it difficult to determine the shape of your face or want advice on hair color, write to me at tyttaya@site

I wish you beautiful hairstyles that you will be happy with every day!

If you want me to help you choose a hairstyle, you can order a selection right now, for only 250 rubles.
After paying for the service, you will receive an email with a questionnaire and photo requirements. You will send all the information to me by mail and I will give you detailed advice, select photos with examples and answer your questions. I answer emails on weekdays, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Moscow time. If you have any problems with payment, or did not receive a letter with a response, please contact me by mail tyttaya@site.

In most cases, this is a man-made creation of a woman who cares about her appearance and attractiveness. However, the beauty of hair alone is not enough to create a stylish look, in addition, it must be properly selected. There is no ideal algorithm for choosing a hairstyle, since the appearance of people is individual. How to choose the right haircut for yourself, taking into account the individual characteristics of your appearance?

How to choose the right haircut: the main criteria

You don’t know how to choose the right haircut for your face, but have already identified its main features for yourself? Feel free to go to a stylist who, after listening to your wishes and evaluating the features of your appearance, condition, thickness and length of hair, skin color and physique, will suggest the most suitable hairstyle option.

To quickly and better form the image of your future hairstyle and make it clearer and brighter, you will help by studying fashion magazines and watching thematic programs.

In addition, you can use a special program for the selection of hairstyles and haircuts. But it is best to first study the basic rules for choosing haircuts, taking into account the features of the face and figure, and only then make a choice. Knowing how to correctly and quickly choose a haircut and hairstyle will save you from many mistakes and disappointment after changing the image.

How to choose the right haircut for yourself according to the shape of your face and taking into account other important factors? There are several basic selection criteria, they are all different, but most of them are very important to consider when choosing your “perfect” hairstyle.

The first thing to consider is, of course, the shape of the face itself, which can be: round, triangular, oval, square or rectangular. How to choose the right haircut for your face shape? You must first study the basic rules for choosing haircuts and try to mentally try on this or that haircut, imagine how it will look. The condition of the hair is of great importance, since the same styling or hairstyle on dry and oily hair will look different.

How to choose the right haircut for your hair? In addition to all of the above, it is also worth considering your age, lifestyle and occupation. An important quality of a beautiful hairstyle is also the ability to style it in various ways, which will help make the image varied and memorable.

How to determine the shape of the face for the right haircut

The shape of the face is not always visible at first sight, since in all people it manifests itself to one degree or another and has some common features with other types. To accurately determine the shape of your face, you will need to make a few simple calculations.

To do this, you need to get a soft centimeter ruler used when cutting and sewing clothes, a pen and a piece of paper. You need to sit in front of the mirror, collect all the hair in if it is long, or stab it with hairpins in such a way as to completely free your face.

Now you can start measuring: first of all, the distance from the hairline to the lower line of the chin is measured. The resulting value is divided by three and written down on a sheet of paper - this is the first number (A). Then the distance from the bottom of the nose to the bottom of the chin is measured and also written on the leaf - this will be the second number (B). After these measurements, you can proceed to the analysis.


A more than B - the face has a pronounced elongated shape;

A \u003d B + rounded chin - a rectangular or oval face;

A less than B - the face is round or square. A pointed chin will make the face heart-shaped, and a wide one will make it pear-shaped.

Having decided on the shape of the face, you can begin to study the recommendations of stylists and choose your own option.

The photo below will help you understand how to choose the right haircut:

If you do not know how to choose the right haircut for your face type, you need to study the recommendations of stylists below:

Oval face- this form is just perfect for modern standards of fashion and beauty. Owners of an oval face do not need to talk for a long time about how to choose the right haircut and hair color, since you can safely open and hide it, change the length of your hair and experiment with volume, add or remove.

elongated face- it is faster and more convenient to correct with a properly selected bang, which, hiding the forehead, will help to visually shorten it. Haircuts of medium length are well suited to this face shape, as well as hairstyles on the sides laid with lush curls. Hairstyles with straight strands hanging from the temples are contraindicated.

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In the spring, women try to create a new look, thinking it through to the smallest detail.

And the hairstyle plays a role in this, the importance of which is difficult to overestimate. A good haircut can "remove" several years. An unsuccessful one, on the contrary, makes you older, and in general is capable of failing the whole image. In order to correctly emphasize your advantages, it is important to choose the right hairstyle option.

Unfortunately, the ideal formula that answers the question of how to choose a haircut simply does not exist. There are quite a few criteria for choosing a haircut. All of them are different, and most of them still have to be taken into account when choosing the “ideal” hairstyle.

You need to pay attention not only to the shape of the face, but also to height, neck length and even physique. When choosing the length of hair, it is important to take into account their structure, density and fat content. But that's not all. Ideally, haircuts should emphasize the style of a woman - if you know your style to the smallest detail, it will be much easier to choose a hairstyle.

It is also important to follow the latest in this area - looking through the latest fashion trends, you can not only make a choice, but also find the hairstyle of your dreams.

Sometimes the choice of hairstyle can be influenced by the ability to diversify it - with the help of bangs and styling methods. Far from every haircut you can do a lot of manipulations. Therefore, if you are prone to frequent mood swings, choose a haircut that can then be styled in completely different ways.

Your own taste is also very important. Even if you want to change, don't step on your own song's throat. So, lovers of braids to the waist are better not to choose short haircuts.

Determine the shape of the face

The easiest way to determine the shape of your face is to go to the mirror, pull your hair back, and draw a lip pencil along the contour of your reflection.

Taking a couple of steps back, you can quite clearly form an opinion about the shape of the face. If you do not want to dirty the mirror, you can guess the shape by visual features. You just need to determine the ratio of different parts of the face to each other.

The round shape is equal proportions of length and width, while the chin has a rounded outline. The hairline also has a rounded appearance.

Chubby girls need to visually add the missing length to the face. An excellent solution is high styling that visually lengthens the shape of the face. For those who want to make a short haircut, it is better to opt for stepped options. For example, a cascade is suitable. The parting can be located in the center or diagonally.

A great idea for chubby ladies is long hair or medium length haircuts. Large curls will help to balance the proportions, and to make the face narrower - bangs tucked to the side.

For a square face

The type of face "square", in addition to equal length and width, has an oblong chin. The forehead, cheekbones and lower jaw on such a face are approximately the same width. Therefore, when choosing a hairstyle, it is important to correct rough lines by lengthening the face and giving the chin a softened outline.

For a square type, high hairstyles are suitable. A parting located on the side will look better. You can leave loose long hair with curled curls or perform stepped haircuts.

For an oval face

Girls with an oval face type are lucky: an oval is the ideal face shape. Happy owners of oval faces will suit any variation of hairstyles.

For thin hair, it is advisable to choose haircuts to the middle of the chin, and profile the ends of the strands. Fans of bangs can safely wear them, any density and shape is allowed.

For a heart-shaped face

The triangular heart-shaped face is distinguished by a narrow chin and a “disproportionately” wide forehead and cheekbones. For him, you should choose haircuts that hide the width of the upper part of the face. It can be asymmetrical haircuts, side parting or long oblique bangs. It is better to open the bottom of the face, so a good choice for a heart-shaped face is short haircuts, tousled or curled hair. Strands that are too long and hanging below the cheekbones will draw unnecessary attention to the sharp chin, and the top of the face will visually make it even wider.

Selection by hair type

When choosing a hairstyle, you need to consider not only the shape of the face, but also the type and condition of the hair. Sparse or thick, normal or dry, straight or curly - the same hairstyles look different on different hair. Normal or slightly curly hair is, of course, the ideal with which absolutely everything can be done. But what about the owners of oily or, conversely, very dry hair?

Greasy hair

Ideal for them are short or elongated voluminous haircuts that do not require a snug fit of the hair to the scalp. The hairstyle will retain freshness longer and will look more interesting.

Dry hair

If you have very dry hair, it is better to try to cure it first, and then cut it. No matter what you do with dry hair, it still won't look good. Frequent styling and washing is not to their liking. Perhaps the best option for dry hair is haircuts that are unpretentious in styling, as well as with natural layering and disheveledness.

Thin and sparse hair

The main thing for hairstyles with thin hair is volume, which is easy to create on short hair. For medium length, multilayer torn haircuts will fit, with an even cut and even bangs, bob variations, and, of course, curls. A long length on thin hair looks very sad.

Thick hair

The ideal option for them is the average length. She looks spectacular, and does not particularly burden care. Straight or oblique bangs, rounded or even cuts - choose to your taste. The main rule for thick hair is not to overdo it with volume, so owners of thick hair should not get carried away with graduated haircuts and small curls. Those ladies who have thick hair can choose almost any styling. You can try the popular layered haircut, where the top layer is longer than the bottom.

Curly hair

Curly curls require haircuts that can preserve their natural beauty and naturalness. A long bob will do: the hair will be cut shorter at the back, and the elongated strands will need to be released in front.

Regardless of the chosen length, an experienced master will be able to give unruly curls an original shape and correct the shape of the face. The only rule is not to forget about the natural direction of hair growth.

Choice calculated by computer

If you do not want to suffer when choosing for too long, you can choose the perfect haircut using a computer - this service has long been provided by large hairdressers and beauty salons.

At home, you can also see which haircut suits you. Programs such as Cosmopolitan, Adobe Photoshop and others will help, where you can easily and quickly modify the length of your hair, their color and shape, and then complement your new hairstyle with beautiful accessories. Such programs even give recommendations on the most suitable makeup for the chosen type of haircut.

But it is worth remembering one thing - the results on the monitor are often very different from the real ones. Therefore, it is best, relying on the help of technology, to make a choice deliberately.

Important little things

The right haircut will not only give the face a perfect shape, but can also hide imperfections. It is enough to know some secrets.

A long nose looks good with long thick bangs, a wide or snub-nosed one looks cute with hair combed up. And small facial features are ideal framed by small curls.

Close-set eyes can be “distanced” from each other with smooth strands along the cheeks. The short neck is not hidden under the hair, but is edged with a triangular cut.

Large ears can be hidden with hair, leaving only the lobes within view.

Small women do not look good with a haircut in the form of large lush curls that increase the volume of the head.

And finally, the most important thing. The chosen hairstyle should be liked, because the awareness of one's own irresistibility is the best decoration for a woman.

Beauty is a relative concept. First of all, the correct observance of proportions looks beautiful. You can have the right features, but wear your hair in such a way that everyone will consider you ugly. And vice versa, irregular facial features, an unusual oval or a long nose can be made a standard of beauty with the help of a hairstyle. After all, the beauty of many Hollywood stars is far from a natural gift, but the talented intervention of stylists and hairdressers.

In recent years, programs to create an image of a woman have been very popular. But while stylists pick up her clothes and shoes, little changes in the woman's appearance. But when she leaves the hairdresser, there is a change in her appearance. A hairstyle plays a leading role in the appearance of any woman or girl; it will decorate the face, smooth out the proportions of the figure, and even rejuvenate the woman. And nowadays, you can pick up a haircut online for free, without spending on the help of expensive stylists.

How to choose a haircut for an oval face

If you have, then you will not have any difficulties with choosing a haircut. An oval face is already a standard, so choosing a haircut for the type of face can show imagination. But it is necessary to take into account your height, complexion, perhaps your oval face is elongated or compressed. In addition, various haircuts are suitable for straight and wavy hair.

An elongated oval face can be shortened with bangs, but in no case should strands of straight hair hanging along the face be used. Those who have an oval face close to a circle are not recommended to wear bangs, the width of the face can be masked with strands curled in front.

How to choose a haircut for a round face?

With a round face, elongated haircuts are perfectly combined. But owners of thin hair will have to refuse an elongated haircut. For thin hair, experts recommend a voluminous short haircut. For a round face, volume is created at the top, which visually lengthens the head. Whiskey is cut short, and elongated strands from the sides cover the face. For some chubby beauties, an asymmetrical short haircut is suitable, as it opens the forehead and covers the cheeks, and also adds volume to the hair exactly where it is needed.

If the face is round, and the hair is thick and thick, then a short haircut here will look out of place. Just like for curly hair, a long haircut will look great here. You can lengthen your face with a long haircut with asymmetrical bangs, strands of hair on the sides of the face.

How to choose a haircut for a square face?

It is quite difficult to choose a haircut for owners of a square face. First you need to smooth the corners of the face, and then it is desirable to somehow stretch the resulting circle. The main thing is to create waviness and airiness. Curls will look perfect here. If the hair is straight and there is no desire to curl it, then you can play with the volume of the hairstyle, using a multi-layered haircut and framing the face with separate strands.

How to choose the right haircut for a rectangular face?

When choosing a haircut for a rectangular face, you need to take into account the need to expand the zone of the cheekbones and temples, and vice versa, narrowing the chin and forehead. Here it is desirable to use a symmetrical bang, give the haircut a soft roundness and create volume in the chin area. The best option for a rectangular face would be a natural loose haircut. You should not make a short, face-opening haircut. The central parting, smooth strands along the face and evenly cut hair will not look.

Haircut for a triangular face

The triangular face is distinguished by a narrow chin and a wide forehead and cheekbones. You can visually narrow the upper part of the face with an asymmetrical hairstyle, side parting, long bangs, partially covering one eye. It is not worth using strands in the hairstyle that go down below the cheekbones to the cheeks. The bottom of the face should be left open, so it is worth doing a short haircut and curling your hair a little. Especially this hairstyle is suitable for the owner of thin hair.

How to choose the right haircut for thin hair?

They give their owners a lot of trouble and worries. Due to their softness, they quickly begin to sag under their own weight. As a result, the hairstyle loses its volume. Thin hair quickly and noticeably gets dirty, giving a messy look to the head. Too long hair below the shoulders will stretch under its own weight, and the hairstyle will not have volume. Too short thin hair will give the impression of fluff on the head. Therefore, you should stop your choice on the average length of hair. To create volume, the optimal length of the haircut is the length from the middle of the neck to the earlobe.

The hairstyle should have a rounded, feminine shape. It is useless to do thinning of thin hair, and besides, it is harmful. Biowave and coloring will look great. Light thin hair will look liquid, and with a dark color, volume will be visually added. The effect of increasing the volume can be achieved with the help of highlighting.

But you should not experiment with thin hair on your own, as it is easy to harm them. Fine hair should only be cut, dyed or permed by a professional.

Haircuts for thick hair

If thick hair is straight, then it is better to choose a medium length haircut, bangs will look good. Styling heavy thick hair is not required, they keep their shape perfectly. The braid looks very good, especially in combination with thick bangs. Owners of thick hair should not do a fine curlso as not to create too much volume. Soft curls look good enough.

Haircuts for curly hair

Diverse and versatile, they can be chosen for any type of face. But natural curls are very naughty, so you should choose a hairstyle that does not require complex styling. Small curls can be converted into large curls with the help of curlers and hair foam. You need to straighten the curls with a special iron, having previously secured the hair with a heat protectant.

How to choose the right haircut for a woman, taking into account her physique?

Stylists believe that you need to choose a haircut taking into account the figure and height. After all, the hairstyle should go not only to the face, but also to the whole body. Ultra-short haircuts are suitable for miniature fragile beauties, but on a tall girl, such a hairstyle will create a feeling of disharmony and make the head too small. A boy haircut is only suitable for a very petite tall girl (like Audrey Hepburn).

For a woman of high model height, a chin-length haircut or a little longer is suitable. Shoulder-length soft curls will look perfect.

Do not think that girls with small stature will have very long hair. Thumbelina looks like a child and is not taken seriously. An elegant bob haircut will look quite feminine and is perfect for girls of small stature.

Straight hair emphasizes the luxurious curves of the body, so curvy or wavy hair is better for curvy ladies. They will help balance the proportions in the right direction.

Owners of a not very feminine figure should not do a short haircut, which will give masculine features to their appearance. The length of the haircut should be just below the chin or it can be long straight hair.

You can emphasize the luxurious chest with a smooth hairstyle (bun), which will open the neckline and neck. But loose curls below the shoulders will look more feminine on a large chest.

How to choose a haircut on a computer?

To take into account all the above nuances, choose a haircut according to the type of face and decide on the choice of hairstyle before going to the hairdresser, you can choose a haircut online from the photo. On many sites you can find a special service with which you can try on hundreds of hairstyles. After all, the way we imagine ourselves with a new hairstyle or a new hair color can be significantly different from what we see in reality after we make a new hairstyle. To choose a haircut from a photo for free, just go to a site with a similar online service and upload your photo there. Some services even allow you to correct your photo by whitening your teeth and removing skin imperfections.

Many services will help resolve the issue of how to choose a men's haircut. Most of these services are in English, but they are intuitive. Sometimes it may be necessary to set fiducial points in the photo to indicate the edges of the lips and eyes, their size and shape.

On some online services, you can not only choose a haircut from a photo for free, but also try on a lipstick color, a new skin color, and other photo effects. You can choose any famous beauty and try on her makeup and hairstyle. The service allows you to try on eyeglass frames, hats and jewelry.

An online service that helps you choose a haircut from a photo will allow you to see and take into account that thick bangs are more suitable for a large nose, and it is better not to wear bangs with a small nose. But when choosing a hairstyle, you need to take into account the direction of growth of your hair, because the hairstyle may look good in the photo, but such a haircut will not keep its shape on you.

How to choose a haircut for a man?

Most men wear short hair. This saves them from having to brush their hair and use styling products often. But a man can also wear long hair. A website with a hairstyle selection service will help you choose a haircut for free. The right haircut will make a man's face much more interesting. And the owner of a stylish hairstyle feels more confident in any life situation. But when you select a haircut from a photo, keep in mind that a long haircut requires more frequent maintenance.

Lovers of novelty can go for such an experiment, how to choose a haircut with the help of a fashion magazine program. Many men look good hairstyle with highlights. But most men still prefer to wear natural hair color.
In any case, the following rules should be followed:

  • with a square face, choose a hairstyle that softens hard contours and pulls the face up (try to create a rounded frame around the face);
  • if the oval of the face combines an oval and a triangular shape, try to make the hairstyle thick and disheveled (it is possible to use a layered hairstyle with a layered haircut);
  • too sharp or soft chin can be disguised with a mustache and beard;
  • a triangular and elongated face will help to smooth out a neat hairstyle without sharp corners and sharp lines, it is desirable to use a multilayer hairstyle;
  • a man with a round face will be made more courageous by a small beard, giving clarity to a round chin;
  • an oval male face will look good with any haircut, you only need to try to emphasize the already existing proportions;
  • men with a wide lower face and a narrow upper face are advised to choose voluminous hairstyles that can balance the top and bottom;
  • take into account the size of the nose, the size and shape of the eyes, the distance from the nose to the mouth will help the online service with the appropriate computer program.

A well-chosen one will help create a complete image for a man. A good haircut and styling can dramatically change the appearance of a man, adding to his masculinity and elegance.

To understand the variety of hairstyles will help the service for selecting a haircut from a photo. With it, you can avoid unpleasant surprises. The service will be especially useful for teenagers who do not yet know what suits them and what does not. Before you experiment with coloring your hair a daring shade, or making an asymmetrical haircut, even if you are going to grow your hair, it is first best to try on the intended hairstyle using a computer program.

Smooth hairstyles emphasize and open the face - they are more suitable for young people and people with regular facial features.

Bangs are always young. Long thick bangs emphasize the eyes and tighten the face. Long and side swept bangs look attractive. They give the face softness even when the hair is pulled back or pulled up.

A short haircut is suitable for people who have an average or miniature build, a long thin neck, regular mouth shapes, a beautiful hairline on the forehead and around the ears. And be sure to have a confident posture.

Fine hair usually looks best when cut straight to the shoulder or shorter. Strongly curly hair is best worn below the shoulders.

If the face is full or narrow, straight parting should be avoided. In this case, an oblique or zigzag parting will go more.

If the shape of the head is flattened, and the shape of the back of the head is flat, then high lush hairstyles and bouffant will do. You can use a chignon, overhead strands. For the splendor of the hair, a perm is also done.

Now a few tips to help you style your hair in a fashionable style, more precisely, several options for fashionable and stylish hairstyles. You can stop the choice on one of them, based on your own taste preferences.

Hair below the shoulders can be left smooth or cut on the sides with steps. If you like loose hair, you can make a trendy combined perm. Her beauty is that she alternates between wide wavy strands and spiral curls. The hair looks extremely bouffant, and toning in brownish and reddish tones will give it airy mobility.

Short haircuts are very popular today. But not a neat head attracts attention, but the effect of a whirlwind on the head. For example, the hair all over the head is cut in steps, and a kind of fringed bangs falls on the forehead.

It is worth taking into account that the simpler the haircut, the richer the hair color can be. Bright blondes have gone a long (or even not so) past, the choice is made in favor of cognac shades, teak wood tone or blue-black. Decorate the haircut and multi-colored strands. This season, coloring is in fashion, and not only in natural colors.

Shoulder-length straight hair with ends slightly curved outward (a tribute not only to the classics, but also, of course, to good taste) is an ideal and downright indispensable option for thin hair. They can be cut in a straight line, and thicker ones can be milled with a razor to get a trendy fringed outline.

Hair color is very important because it is one of the most noticeable components of the appearance. Hair color also has psychological significance. Through color perception, an impression of a person is formed. Blond hair was considered a sign of aristocracy and sexual attractiveness. According to sociologists, it is this hair color that men like the most. The first of the women, Eva, was blonde. The beautiful Helen of Troy also had blond hair. In the Middle Ages, a fair-haired woman was considered a symbol of innocence, purity.

People with blond hair are prone to daydreaming, while people with dark hair are prone to frenetic mania. This is the opinion of psychologists. Of course, one can argue with this, but we are talking about the impression made on most people, especially on men who are guided by ancient instincts.

One way or another, but the dark color of the hair is covered with a disturbing unusualness. If the gender of the angels is still a matter of debate, then there is no doubt about the hair: Lucifer still, by all accounts, had dark hair. Dark hair color gives food to a rich imagination, in which exoticism, sensuality and passion are intertwined. And often exotic and passion look more effective than tenderness and innocence.

As for red hair, this is the most popular, intriguing and mysterious color that speaks of ambiguity and unpredictability. In the Middle Ages, red hair could bring on their owner an accusation of witchcraft, which led directly to the fire. Red-haired people caused anxiety and fear among their fellow tribesmen. The red-haired woman is doubly seductive.

The advantage of the red color is that there are many shades that can be matched to any skin and eye color. Today, honey and nut tones are especially popular.

Contrast, as already mentioned, remains the hit of the season. The combination of long and short strands looks extremely impressive and also gives the hair the desired extra volume.

For many women, their natural hair color suits them the best.

But you can also add a fashion trend to your hair - whether it’s an exact hit or not quite “in the suit”. Sometimes it's worth the risk, because the hair does not change its color forever, but as a result of the experiment, you can find the color or shade that suits you best.

With regular hair coloring, if you constantly change color and dye, it is quite difficult to get the desired effect. With such repainting, the result can be unpredictable. In this case, it is better to contact a more experienced specialist. Perm, as well as lightening, has an undesirable side effect: the red pigments present in any hair make themselves felt more clearly, the hair splits more strongly. For spring and autumn types, which are warm tones, this is not a tragedy. But for summer and winter types, which look good only in cool colors, a warm reddish tint in the hair is already a disadvantage.

With natural tinting, the risk is not so great. Whether it's a coloring shampoo, cream or foam, any of these substances can enhance your natural color or give it a new hue. What tinting cannot do is lighten hair. Toning pigments are not introduced into the hair, but fit it from the outside. Their disadvantage (or advantage, if someone did not like the new shade): the paint is washed off in five or six times.

If you want to get a light hair color, it is not necessary to lighten all the hair. A few light strokes around the face have the same effect, if not more revitalizing.

So, intense repainting, light toning or coloring of strands - all this is very attractive, but how to choose a color? If you know your type, it will be easier to avoid mistakes. It is necessary to adhere to the following two rules.

1. Be sure to focus on your color scale. An incorrectly selected pigment will not be combined with the complexion, and there will be an impression of unkemptness.

2. If you are changing the shade of your hair to lighter or darker, you need to consider what degree of contrast the face requires. Some women look younger and fresher with lightened hair, others even with the lightest superb hair color look dull: their complexion requires darker hair as a frame.

Those who dye their hair darker make themselves much older: the contrast with the complexion is too rough and strong.

Spring type: natural blondes. Their hair color ranges from blond to blond with a golden sheen. There are also light red ones. Tip: if you want to change the color of your hair, do not disturb your delicate spring transparency, do not choose a heavy contrast! Most women of the spring type have naturally blond hair, or at least strands with a red tint. If not, then it is quite possible to do it yourself. Women of the spring type should dye their hair only in warm colors. Silver-blond strands, for example, will appear tasteless on their head. The strands should have a sunny yellow, honey tint. Individual rare strands of bright orange color can be very successful!

Summer type: light to silver brown. Some women of this type cannot decide on the color of their hair: neither black, nor red, nor blond, but some kind of mouse. But it's not fair. The beautiful silver shade is perfect for their intense complexion. And this shade should be slightly enhanced instead of forcibly repainting the hair in a “warm” color. If the summer type certainly wants to make the hair redder (which suits some), then you should choose a cold shade, that is, bluish-red, but not yellow-orange! Women who were distinctly blonde as children can regain that color with silver-blonde strands (but not yellow!).

Autumn type: golden chestnut and golden red. The spectrum of autumn-type colors is light honey, very dark forest honey and all the nuances in between these two shades. They should always have a warm golden sheen. Many women of the autumn type are naturally reddish. These are different shades of red: copper, rusty, fox and chestnut. Autumn type with natural curls should refuse to lighten the hair: they become brittle and dry from this. There are many other options for curly hair to change their appearance: you can liven up your hair with honey-colored strands, they can be quite wide so as not to get lost in curls. If it suits the complexion, the autumn type can tint the hair to warm copper or rosewood.

Winter type: natural color is best. Women of the winter type, those who like to experiment, will be disappointed, but even the best hairdresser cannot give them more honest advice. The winter type has dark hair for the most part and is attractive precisely due to the contrast between the color of the skin and hair. Rough intervention in this contrast would be a mistake. In rare blondes among the winter type, a radical change in hair color is even more dangerous: any glimpse of yellow gives them rusticity instead of nobility. Chestnut winter types should by no means try to transform themselves into an autumn type with a warm red color. The winter type is attractive only in cold colors. Over the years, he needs a lighter face frame, and then ashy tones will do.

Fashionable colors and shades, as already mentioned, are shades of honey and walnut. In addition, for more avant-garde personalities, brilliant shades are offered - cashmere blond, red brocade, brown damask. Now in fashion is also highlighting under gray hair. Light locks, combined with ash-colored strands - this is always true.

Having long streaked hair, combing it at the back of the head and highlighting two expressive strands in the temple area, you will be the owner of a fashionable hairstyle.

Beautiful hairstyles at home: catalog

The catalog contains popular models of women's haircuts. With the help of the exact name of the haircut, you can explain to the master what hairstyle you want.

How to choose a hairstyle according to the shape of the face?

With the right hairstyle, you can hide facial imperfections and become even more attractive. There are five main face types: oval, triangular, square, rectangular and round. Determine your face type, and with the help of our tips, you can maximize your individual beauty.

How to choose bangs for the face. Bang shapes

Bangs will never go out of fashion. They give the hairstyle a young, flirtatious look. However, in order to correctly emphasize the proportions of your face, you need to pay special attention to choosing the shape of the bangs.

We select hair color

A well-chosen hair color should emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes, refresh the complexion, muffle minor skin imperfections.

The most reliable way to choose the right color is to determine your color type - autumn, winter, spring, summer. For each color type, you can recommend your own color palette.

Makeup by eye color

Your eyes are the window to the soul. To emphasize your individuality, you need to know some secrets of proper makeup.

Harmonious makeup to match the color of the eyes will give your look a special radiance, from which your loved one will be crazy.

Fashion haircuts - 2016

Now, for a woman to look beautiful, it’s not enough just to wear a beautiful outfit and apply makeup on her face. Hair plays an important role in the image - the way it is styled and cut has a strong influence on the image of a modern lady. It is known that a high-quality and fashionable haircut is already a hairstyle, so it is very useful to learn about fashionable haircuts in 2016.

Choosing a male or female haircut or color for many becomes a real torture, since the overall appearance will depend on the choice made. And many, not knowing the basic rules of how to make such a selection correctly, do it incorrectly, which they later regret very much. It is difficult for a woman to make a choice, since she first of all needs to focus on her own parameters of complexion, hair, and head shape. Picking up for men is just as difficult. But the selection can be made much easier, and the trip to the hairdresser more meaningful and competent, if you use certain rules that are based on when choosing a color and a haircut.

Among people, there are only five face shapes:

  1. triangular;
  2. oval;
  3. square;
  4. round;
  5. and trapezoidal.

The characteristic features of a round face are a low forehead and a hairline, the transition from the chin to the cheekbones is soft and even. In this case, men's and women's haircuts should not use short bangs, and the overall silhouette of the hair should not resemble a circle. A person with a round face type should strive to make the shape of the head oval. This will help you bangs, made in a wavy style, and any part of the haircut, which will be combed up.

What is the best men's hairstyle for a round face? The best option would be short hair, but without side and back edging. It is important to do this correctly, because otherwise the hair will make the face expressionless and flat. The classics of such haircuts will be boxing and semi-boxing, in the process a large amount of hair is cut on the crown of the head, which contributes to the visual stretching of the head.

With an oval shape, you can select haircuts without fear that any of them will not suit you. There are a lot of options, they can be with or without bangs, with or without asymmetry. It is up to you to decide whether to open your ears or not.

Haircuts for an oval face

Use any style and length you want. Most often, the female half of humanity resorts to haircuts in the style of a classic bean and cascade.

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In the male half, in the case of an oblong head shape, you need to remove all long elements from yourself. Avoid long strands and mustaches, the chin can be emphasized with a stylish beard. Mask the high forehead using profiling. You can also shorten the hair on the sides, or make the whiskey longer.

With a rectangular face, a person has a high forehead, hair grows much higher than usual, and the lower jaw protrudes strongly from the sides. The task of the hairstyle in this case is to soften all lines as much as possible, and therefore a long hair is better suited, which can mask the ears and protruding chin. Selection can be stopped by choosing a male with asymmetry.

In a rectangular silhouette, hairdressers advise using straight lines that can expand the cheekbones and increase the visual bangs. At the top of the head, it is better to make more volume, and oblique bangs. But even and straight bangs are best avoided, you should not use combing back.

Haircuts for a rectangular face

With a square face, the jaw looks especially wide, the forehead is low, and the chin is expressive, which makes the appearance of a person a little aggressive and rude, which does not suit the female population at all. The hair should make the face softer, asymmetry is well suited. Straight bangs and combing are best avoided. In men, the situation is diametrically opposite, and this form can emphasize all male features. Selection is best stopped on a short haircut. Make sure that the ends of the strands are far from the face, and the bangs should not be below the eyebrow line.

The shape of a triangle or pear is distinguished by wide cheekbones, a forehead and a narrow chin. The right hairstyle will be able to align the unequal upper and lower halves.

The bangs can be laid to one side, make sure that there is as much volume as possible at the top, while it should not be at all at the bottom. The situation is exactly the same for men, for them it would also be better to choose options that have a significant volume at the top of the head. Use long strands, which can then be laid to one side or combed up. What detail can be added to look more brutal and masculine?

Male options for a square face

A shortened beard or light unshaven is best. Love short hair? Haircuts that have many layers are suitable, they can give the hairstyle the effect of additional “push-up” volume.

The heart-shaped head shape is relatively unfortunate for many hairstyles. Finding the right haircut is very difficult. It can be adjusted by using a medium-length haircut, and parting the bangs. Try to make sure that there is as much volume as possible on the sides of the face, and the forehead is as open as possible. In the female half, a diamond-shaped silhouette can be used in combination with curls and curls, since they completely exclude the use of clear and even lines. But stylists hairdressers categorically do not advise using even and smooth curls.

In men, with this image, the forehead turns out to be wide, and the chin, on the contrary, is narrow and sharp. All that is needed to correctly choose a hairstyle is to prevent the use of volumetric elements from the sides of the hairstyle. The shape of the head is quite open to experimentation, take haircuts of any length, strands can be straight or curly.

Curly hair for a heart shape

But do not forget about other facial features that can have a serious impact on the choice of hair. If the facial features are large and bright, it is better to make them even, and style them in the form of waves. It is better to disguise a particularly long nose with a thick, lush one, combined with curls in the forehead. If the nose is turned slightly up, comb the strands a little up; if the nose is small, it is better to refuse bangs. If the neck is long, it should be covered with strands, if, on the contrary, it is short, open it. Too big ears will also be better to disguise with strands from the sides. Pay attention to the type of strands. If they are rare and thin, the long one is excluded. As an option, use a ladder or cascade haircut in combination with coloring that will make your hair look more voluminous.

If the strands, on the contrary, are heavy and unruly, the hairstyle should consist of several steps and thinning.

How to choose the right color?

Before choosing a particular color, you need to decide which color type you belong to.

The girl of "winter" has bright white skin, which is difficult to tan, strands of a dark shade, and eyes of cold tones.

Palette of shades for the winter color type

In this case, the color will be best dark blue. Use mainly dark tones, the use of red and bright colors is not recommended.

The girl of "spring" is characterized by external tenderness and smoothness of all facial features. The curls are light tones, giving off a golden honey hue, they are very thin and slightly curly. The eyes are usually blue or brown. You won’t see a bright tan on them, the skin is light tones, sometimes with freckles. They are perfect for golden and reddish color.

Girls in the "summer" style have light skin with a bright blush, it lends itself well to ultraviolet radiation. The strands most often have an ashy tint, and the eyes are dark or gray. Bright, light shades are best for such fashionistas, but red, copper, red and black colors are clearly not suitable for them.

The girl "autumn" has extremely sensitive skin and does not like sunburn, as the skin is prone to burns. The color is even, there is no blush, sometimes there are bright freckles. The color is often red and they curl heavily. The structure of the strands is dense, while they are stacked in layers. The eyes are most often bright, of various shades, from light green to brownish. Under such conditions, it would be better to choose all kinds of red and red shades in combination with dark brown colors.

Palette of shades for the autumn color type

Once you are sure that you have decided on the choice of your color type, use the following recommendations:

  1. Coloring curls should be based on the natural color of the strands. Incorrectly chosen tonality will lead to the fact that the appearance will be untidy and unattractive.
  2. Constantly with a change in age, try to slightly lighten the strands. There is an opinion that too dark curls can emphasize wrinkles and all existing irregularities on the face.

It is often said that if a woman changes her hairstyle, it means that she will soon change her life. The length of the hair, their color, as well as styling change the appearance, and with it the attitude of the girl towards herself and others. Therefore, it is important to choose a hairstyle in such a way that it emphasizes the dignity of appearance and hides minor defects. Going to professional hairdressers does not always bring satisfaction from your new image.

Especially for those women who are afraid of cardinal changes, a hairstyle selection program has been created in which you can check for free whether the haircut is suitable for the type of face. In the application database, there are many different hairstyles that differ in hair color, length of curls, as well as the way they are styled.

Having tried several haircuts on the computer, each girl will be able to choose the perfect option for herself, and then go to the stylist who will make the chosen hairstyle. The result obtained in the program can be printed or sent to your loved ones via social networks.

How to use the program

The program for selecting hairstyles works online, there is no need to pre-install it on your computer. To work with the service, you do not need to register or leave your contact information. In the application, you can choose a hairstyle for both women and men.

Before using, you need to select your photo in your personal album, in which the hair is pulled back, there should be no curls or bangs on the face.

Advice. If you find it difficult to choose a suitable photo, you can use the album that the program offers. When choosing, pay attention to the fact that the shape of the face of the selected model matches yours.

After choosing a photo, upload it to the program. Check that the image scale matches the working area in the application. After uploading a photo, a toolbar will open on the right side of the dialog box, with which you can select hairstyle options.

In the course of selection, if you like any option, you can save it and continue editing. The user can change the length of the hair, select different types of coloring strands - highlighting, coloring, toning.

If a girl knows in advance what kind of hairstyle she wants, she can immediately select it on the toolbar. For example, if a woman has long dreamed of becoming a blonde, but was afraid of such a radical experiment, in the application she can try out all the shades of white on her hair in a few seconds. If you need to add volume to the selected haircut or slightly change the color of the strands, all this can be done using the program's dialog box.

Help in choosing a haircut

In order to quickly choose a haircut suitable for the shape of your face, you need to know a few secrets of hairdressers. A hairstyle that suits one type of face can be a disaster for another.

Advice. Before you start experimenting with the hairstyle selection program, determine your face type, and then choose a good haircut for it.

For owners of a round face, the following tips will come in handy:

  • Choose hairstyles with long flowing curls, as well as an elongated caret. Very go to this shape of the face and short haircuts.
  • When choosing a styling, try to keep the hair on the back of the head voluminous, and smoothed near the forehead.
  • Avoid straight partings in the center of the head, they will visually emphasize the circle of the face.
  • In order to cover up the extra roundness of the cheeks, you can try wearing loose hair.

Girls with an oval face can afford almost any haircut and styling. However, you need to pay attention to the volume of the haircut - it should be maximum over the entire surface of the head. Refrain from high hairstyles such as ponytail, topknot.

Women who are endowed with a rectangular face should avoid straight, smooth strands, as well as short haircuts. They are best suited for voluminous curls, strands should cover the forehead and cheekbones. These hairstyles will help to give the face a more feminine look.

The following tips will help decorate a triangular face:

  • Choose hairstyles with long curls curled inward;
  • Give preference to long asymmetrical bangs;
  • Girls with a triangular face are not suitable for shoulder-length haircuts.

In addition to choosing a hairstyle according to the shape of the face, you need to pay attention to the color of the hair, which should be in harmony with the shade of the skin and eyes of the girl.

How to choose a hairstyle online: video
