Clairvoyance development training. How to learn clairvoyance: a wonderful gift for the benefit of people

Clairvoyance is one of the most interesting and unusual abilities that gives a person, one might say, unlimited possibilities.

Who doesn't want to know the thoughts of another person? And see a possible future? Or find out how colleagues or people close to you treat you? And to avoid mistakes or lurking troubles that can knock a person down for many years?

What about information from the subtle planes that cannot be found on Earth? See through time and space?

All this is really fascinating and provides huge resources for human development.

But how special or accessible is this gift?

Yes, there are people who have received this ability from birth or after various life disasters. But there are also those who develop this gift through exercises and practices.

Someone thinks that the discovery of clairvoyance is easy, someone - that it is not. But in any case, much depends on the temperament and purposefulness of a person. Like it or not, it's practice, practice and more practice. And how much time it takes is a secondary question.

Obviously, clairvoyance is given to someone quickly enough, someone needs a little more time. But the main thing is that almost everyone can develop it. And the most interesting thing is that this ability has no limits in development, because it has so many facets and branches that there is always room for development.

In addition to the listed abilities and capabilities of this gift, you can also add the following:

  1. Diagnosis of diseases, energy breakdowns and clots of bad energy in the body through the vision of the aura of living beings.
  2. Forecasting various events.
  3. Memory, attention, concentration become an order of magnitude better, which has a beneficial effect on the quality of study or work.
  4. Handling a huge amount of information in the head.
  5. The IQ (intelligence) of a person increases.
  6. And much more.

So where do you need to start developing such a truly powerful gift as clairvoyance?

First of all, your thoughts must be pure and serve only for the benefit of yourself and people. Naturally, forget about gambling. This is a matter of karma. And she, as I said, is an “evil aunt” if you start to “behave badly.”

Unlike psychometry, the level of energy strength and purity of energy channels significantly increase the speed and depth of clairvoyance development.

There are three whales on which all clairvoyance rests, these are:

  • Deep concentration.
  • Powerful visualization.
  • Pure consciousness.

It just needs to be known! And now…


Practice 1


Draw a black dot on a white piece of paper. Sit in a comfortable position at a distance of about 1 meter at eye level and calm your thoughts. Many experts advise starting their practices with this exercise in order to develop concentration.

Start with one minute, gradually increasing the time of contemplating the point.

It is important to follow 2 rules for this exercise: you cannot blink during concentration and your eyes should be relaxed.

Also, for the development of concentration, you can use simple improvised objects, such as a cup, fork, pen, various drawings.

In addition to training the will, imagination and concentration, the practice has a healing effect on the nervous system and eye organs.

Practice 2


The next step is to reproduce a clear image or picture of the object with closed eyes after contemplating it.

Practice for 5-10 minutes a day for several weeks to hone this essential basic visualization skill.

Practice 3


Take 4 cards, for example 4 kings. Shuffle them well and lay them out in front of you. Close your eyes, keep the image of the cards laid out in your head and try to mentally address each card with a question.

To begin with, ask the question: black suit or red? And try to "hear" the answer. Write down all the answers on paper and then check if you were able to guess the color.

After lengthy training, try to guess the suit itself: a cross, a spade, a diamond or a heart. And the last step will be a completely guessed card or cards.

During this exercise, do not strain, just playfully, noting for yourself the moments of guessing.

Practice 4

Intuition. Vision.

Diagnosis of people by photography. To do this, take a photo of a familiar person. Calm your mind and focus on the photo. Next, mentally ask the question you are interested in regarding this person, several times in a row.

And for a few minutes, just observe the images, thoughts, pictures or sensations that will come while contemplating the photo. Yes, in the beginning, most likely, nothing will work.

Your task is to achieve stable images in your head in relation to this person - this will be a great progress for you. And, of course, do not forget to check what you "see".

Practice 5

Aura vision.

Aura vision. As I said above, the vision of the aura helps to determine the “affected zones” in the human body, energy breakdowns, energy leakage, as well as thoughts, intentions, emotions of a person, even his level of development, etc.

To complete the exercise, you will need a person as an assistant.

Sit comfortably in the room, make such lighting so that there is twilight in the room. A completely dark room should not be, the silhouettes of objects and a person should be clearly distinguishable.

Then completely relax and with a focused look look at the person in any area 10-15 cm around the head. Do not strain your eyesight, the look should be clear, aspiring, but relaxed.

Do not try to see anything, all sensations will come to you by themselves and gradually. Just focus on this area. You need to perform the exercise for 20-30 minutes daily.

If tired, immediately stop training until complete recovery.

This is where the basic practices for the development of clairvoyance end.

Of course, this is not enough to truly develop this superpower, but you have to start somewhere. I guarantee that these simple practices, with proper training, will sharpen your intuition, you will get new sensations for ordinary things, nature, people, and you will also improve your memory and attentiveness - at least.

I wish you a beneficial spiritual development.

After watching the next series of the popular mystical TV show, on the well-known channel, most of us probably thought about how to develop clairvoyance in ourselves.

Can an ordinary person become a medium, acquire abilities that are not available to other people? This question arises in the minds of many people.

The answer is simple and obvious. Yes maybe. A person can absolutely everything - if he does not put a spoke in his own wheels. Dear readers, have you ever wondered why some always succeed and Lady Fortune favors them, while others fail no matter what they do? And it seems that they are not stupider than the first category of people, they have a proper education, but they do not live the life they want to live.

Why is this happening? Let's figure it out. And everything happens this way only because a person in his head predicts unpleasant situations for himself. The brain of most people works - negatively. And at first, a negative scenario of the development of events scrolls in my head.

Perhaps, if you are observant and able to analyze your own behavior and the behavior of other people, you have noticed that troubles usually stick to those who constantly think about them or speak out loud. Such people, as if themselves, in their subconscious, program themselves for failure.

Our subconscious works in such a way that, like a sponge, it constantly absorbs information from the outside world. You may not notice it, but everything that you have ever heard or seen is remembered by your subconscious and stored in a special memory cell until better times. Perhaps, when it is useful.

Moreover, the subconscious has no filters, it is not given to it to understand the good or bad in front of it, it, like a caring owner, stores all the information. But from personal experience, we all know that bad things are remembered much faster. And it is remembered much longer than good.

In the head of every person, negative beliefs and attitudes are constantly created that significantly complicate our lives. By getting rid of them, we will rid ourselves of limitations.

The topic of this article is 5 effective ways how to develop clairvoyance. And what about the negative attitudes in our head?

Everything is very simple. Before you begin to develop some kind of super ability in yourself, you must put things in order in your head, deal with your thoughts, limiting beliefs. Otherwise, nothing will come of your undertaking - to develop a super ability in yourself, your negative beliefs will limit you. You have to get rid of them.

It's not at all difficult to do this. It is enough to sit down, relax your body, try to calm your mind, if it is easier for you to relax, close your eyes. Sit like this for five minutes. Move away from the constant bustle of the outside world, spend these five minutes alone with yourself. Then start thinking about your limiting beliefs. Do it mentally.

Consider, for example, why you can't make as much money as you really need. What's stopping you? What limits you?

The answers will immediately pop up in your head. And you can easily identify your limiting beliefs. You need to rethink them, you should not be lazy here, you need to approach this matter with maximum diligence. You can write down all your limiting beliefs on a piece of paper and burn it, at this moment mentally imagine that along with this sheet, you are burning and erasing all limiting beliefs. The technique is very effective and will definitely help you.

Don't neglect this technique. Clearing the rubble from your head of negative beliefs is a very important point that should never be missed. This applies not only to the development of beyond skills, but also to any other.

If you have health, financial, or relationship problems, then surely you have limitations that prevent you from getting everything you want from life. Do this simple technique and you will see how miraculously your life will change.

Now that the barriers and obstacles have been removed, we can begin to unleash our superpowers. You can develop absolutely any ability, but in this article we will talk about 5 effective ways to develop clairvoyance.

Anyone can become a clairvoyant. There are special simple exercises that will help you achieve this goal.

Why is this needed? You will be able to predict events, avoid many mistakes, see the future and the past, help people, prevent terrorist attacks, disasters, save loved ones from trouble. The ability is very useful, many psychics earn very good money on this ability.

How to develop clairvoyance?

It is important to understand that the ability to clairvoyance is not something mystical or unusual, it is inherent in every person. Previously, everyone had such abilities and this did not surprise anyone, but then, for various reasons, these abilities were lost and passed into a dormant state. Your task is to wake up your abilities with the help of special exercises and put them at your service.

For clairvoyance and the discovery of other unique abilities, according to scientists, the pineal gland is responsible. It is also called the third eye. Therefore, for our ability to see clearly, the pineal gland itself must be activated.

A big plus of the activation of the pineal gland is its ability to rejuvenate the body. But you need to take the exercises seriously. You must understand that this is not done in 1 day, it can take you from 1-3 months. You need to be patient and not retreat from the chosen path. Then you will succeed.

A very common myth is that in order to activate the 3rd eye, you definitely need to find a teacher who already has it activated. This is partly true, but only partly, this myth was launched by the esotericists themselves in order to get your money into their pockets.

In fact, everyone can activate the pineal gland, and you can do it yourself, at home. All you need is perseverance and faith in a positive result.

It is important to avoid doubts and not predict an unfavorable outcome of events. It’s not in vain that we did a technique to clear our limiting beliefs. In order to get a positive experience and reveal our ability to clairvoyance, one should not doubt and allow the thought that something might not work out.

When a person does not believe in himself, experiences anxiety, fear, doubt, distrust, the third eye will never open. Even if a miracle happens and you manage to activate it in this state, it will not work at full capacity.

But to activate the ability to clairvoyance, this is only a small fraction of what remains to be done. To prevent your unusual eye from falling asleep again, you need to constantly use it and develop it. It is the same as with the human body, if a person is not physically involved in sports, then his muscles begin to become decrepit over time.

So we come to the main topic of this article, below are 5 effective ways how to develop clairvoyance:

Method 1

The surest way to quickly activate the pineal gland is.

We sit or lie down as you like, be sure to wear clothes that will not cause you discomfort during meditation. Ventilate the room, in a stuffy, heated room, it will be difficult to relax. We take a few deep breaths. Inhale as deeply as possible through the nose and slowly through the mouth.

Feel some degree of relaxation in your body. Close your eyes. Now for a while, silently say the word Relax until your body begins to relax and calm down. This is the basic exercise.

Now, if you can visualize, imagine yourself in some quiet place where you feel comfortable and well. Now we focus on the area between the eyebrows and mentally pronounce ACTIVATION.

At the same time, you need to consciously understand that you want to activate your ability to clairvoyance. If you are on the right track, you will feel warmth and pressure in the third eye area. The first time you may not succeed, but do not give up your attempts.

Do this for at least 15 minutes every day. At first, you won't see anything but darkness and emptiness, but with time and practice, you will begin to see pictures. First black and white, then continuing training - color.

Method 2

Remaining in basic condition. You should be relaxed and there should be no extraneous thoughts in your head that can distract you. Imagine in front of you the image of the creator, god and ask him to activate your ability. Be sure to say that you will only use it for good. This should be done every day, at least 3 times, for 2-3 months.

Method 3

Now there are many different audio programs that help to reveal your super abilities. This method is for lazy people. Put on headphones and listen to audio music, which contains hidden suggestions that are embedded in the subconscious and work there.

Such programs are not cheap, but they also help in developing your abilities. But keep in mind that if you listen passively without making an effort to activate, the effect will be negligible. These programs only work if you consciously participate in the process.

Method 4

Get help from a knowledgeable person. Having a teacher, although not necessary, will greatly increase your chances of success. But now there are a lot of charlatans, so the choice of a teacher must be approached very carefully. So that you are not deceived.

Method 5

The easiest way. Every person has a subconscious that hears you 24 hours a day. It is your faithful, reliable friend who is ready to help you in everything you ask. We enter the base state. And we mentally say something like this:

Dear subconscious, I know that you hear me now and are ready to help me. Please activate my third eye for the benefit of myself and others. Thanks to.

It is desirable to support the request with a bright picture in your head. Imagine the activation of your pineal gland. In most cases, you will feel pressure in the 3rd eye. You return to your normal state. The subconscious has heard you and will surely fulfill your request.

Despite the fact that the methods are very simple and at first glance, they look frivolous, they have a tremendous effect. Already after 2 weeks of such exercises, you will notice that you begin to see vague images with your eyes closed, you will begin to have lucid dreams. The main thing is not to be afraid of this and do not give up your exercises.

That's all. As they say, everything ingenious is simple. Is not it?

Books on how to develop clairvoyance

The shops:

We have provided you with all the ways to develop clairvoyance. Now it's up to you - diligence, practice, faith, and there will undoubtedly be a result. We believe in you!

Write your results in the comments to this article and share the information with your friends.

The ability to predict the future is more characteristic of the female half of humanity. This is explained by the female and the ability to better feel and understand other people. However, men can also have this gift and develop it.

How is the gift of foresight manifested?

The gift of foresight can manifest itself in the life of every person. But not all people pay attention to it. Usually a person has a feeling about what should happen in the future, some fears or urges appear. These thoughts can concern both the person himself and the people around him. If the thoughts that appear later come true, then the person has the gift of predicting the future.

How to develop the gift of foresight and intuition?

There are ways to develop the gift of foresight:

  1. You need to learn to listen to your inner voice. Anxiety and thoughts of unknown origin can carry certain information about the future.
  2. For the development of intuition, it is useful to conduct auto-trainings or.
  3. Before making important decisions, you should turn to your inner voice and try to hear the answer.
  4. Some events, situations, things can also help to understand the future. It is worth paying attention to what you meet on the way, what inscriptions catch your eye, what people say. Signs predicting future events can be very different.
  5. The gift of foresight manifests itself more often in peace and quiet. The inner voice is best heard in the morning, at night and in nature, when the fuss becomes less noticeable.
  6. Dreams are one way of transmitting information. Therefore, before going to bed, you can turn to your subconscious with a question, and in the morning it remains only to remember what you dreamed about.
  7. Intuition most often manifests itself in an unconscious desire to do or not to do something. It is useful sometimes to rely on these impulses, even if they are contrary to common sense.

Clairvoyance is wonderful. When such a gift is in reasonable hands, it is grace. If in the hands of a fool, then a terrible weapon and great harm to others. After all, knowing the future - you need to be able to operate with information correctly. Sometimes you have to "keep your mouth shut" when you know bad information. Here we will look at how to open the gift of clairvoyance, and do you need it? After all, teaching clairvoyance is the way to the knowledge of oneself and the secrets of the Universe. It is to open doors between our world and the world of astral beings.

Benefits of Clairvoyance:

  • Help yourself and loved ones. You will be able to help yourself and people in solving life issues: work, health, family, money and others;
  • You will be able to avoid many mistakes along the way of life. Deadlock situations are not terrible for you. Any answer to the question: how to live on?;
  • The fullness of life. The world you will feel how it actually works. All the fullness of colors, feelings. Just imagine that the whole world will play with real colors - without falsehood;
  • Find missing people;
  • Comprehend the secrets of the universe. To become a step higher, to be wise and harmonious;
  • Communication with spirits and angels;
  • Access to almost any information, it will be difficult for you to hide something. Access to Akash - a world data bank, it's easier to say in human language;
  • Astral travel - you can visit any corner of the world and the universe. And much more that is hard to even describe.

No matter how good clairvoyant training may seem, it also has many disadvantages. Here are just a few of them:

  • You will know bad events in the lives of other people. If in the future not everything goes smoothly for people: illnesses, deaths, disasters and other unpleasant situations. You will know, but change? You should learn to perceive life calmly, like a yogi. Yoga is a must here. If a brick fell on a person's head, the yogi believes that this brick was for him. I hope you get the point;
  • At first, you will find it difficult to manage your gift;
  • Clairvoyance is a heavy cross. You can feel the energy of bad people: maniacs, rapists, murderers. Not a very pleasant feeling;
  • Exhausting sessions. Lots of energy loss. Output: a different kind of prediction;
  • Communication with other worlds. You become an intermediary between the worlds, which is not always good. There are also many other individual disadvantages that cannot be described here. Although not everything is so scary.

The subconscious: the first step to clairvoyance

If you want to learn clairvoyance, then first you need to awaken your subconscious mind. The subconscious contains the answers to all the answers. The subconscious controls our consciousness. The knowledge of all mankind is in the subconscious. That's what it is.

Learning to control the subconscious is the first step in extrasensory perception.

Let's start with exercises to awaken the subconscious. Do you have a question and you don't know the answer to it? Ask his subconscious. He has an answer to any of your questions. Learning to talk to your subconscious mind is the first step in clairvoyance.

Take a relaxed posture, calm down. Imagine that the answer already exists. The answer is in the sky. Your task is to catch the ready answer. Logic is resting, we don't need it. Only emotions. Listen to yourself.

Do you feel joy? Are you pleased? Then the direction is correct. Are you sad and depressed? Then the direction is also correct. The main thing is that the subconscious wakes up. Make him work for you!

If you want to ask him for advice, then close your eyes and ask. Relax. Chat with him. Ask him questions, scroll through the different answers in your head. Among all there is yours - the correct answer. It may come as a flash in the brain. Illumination. Remember that all the answers are in the cosmic mind: everything that was, is and will be. It is better to carry out such exercises between sleep and wakefulness.

For example, you want to know the answer to a question that concerns you. Note that the left hand is yes and the right hand is no. Woke up? Do not rush to jump out of bed. Listen to your body. Sting in your right hand? Burning? Here is your answer. Feelings may be different, but they will be. May be in the form of heat or coolness. It is your subconscious that is responding to you. This exercise is easy to learn. You will be able to find out the information you are interested in.

Zenner cards - awaken intuition and develop clairvoyance

If you want to know if you have or have clairvoyance, use Zenner cards. They will help you know the level of your intuition and help you learn clairvoyance.

Zenner cards - 25 cards with 5 figures: circle, waves, cross, square and star. With the help of them it is easy to find out if you have clairvoyance.

You can make these cards yourself. Take ordinary playing cards, and glue cards with figures on the back. There will be 5 figures exactly 5 times, and in the end 25 cards.

Clairvoyance is taught by guessing the figures on the reverse side. Turn the cards face down so you can't see the figures. Turned over? We remove the cards and determine which symbol is drawn on the back. You have no clues or anything that can help you. There is only your intuition and hidden clairvoyance. With the help of this simple trick, extrasensory perception is taught.

This is one of the most useful exercises.

You may not have many hits at first: don't lose hope. Success will come through training. Even the strongest clairvoyant cannot guess 25 times. Awaken your subconscious, and this test will be able to show how your inner voice is developing.

Meditation to open the third eye. Practice with care

A good clairvoyant has an open third eye. These meditations are best not practiced by the uninitiated and enlightened. Although they should not bring harm, it is better to consult with your mentor - guru.

Take a relaxed posture. Imagine that a stream of pure white energy is hovering above you - a light cloud. Represented? If yes, then the energy from the Cosmos is above you. It slowly descends on your head, and a cosmic channel opens at the top of your head - where the energy should enter. Then the energy passes through your whole body - as if from top to bottom. Energy comes out of your soles - into the ground. Passing through you, it should carry away all the dirt from your body. All the negative.

This is the simplest technique and should not cause any harm. You should feel lightness and joy, peace. If you want to work with the ajna chakra, then refer to the meditations of Indian yogis, who advise working with all chakras. Unfortunately, there are no safe methods for opening the third eye. It happens that meditation with Sahasrara is harmful, so you can use it with the permission of the Teacher. If you decide to undergo clairvoyance training on your own, then be careful.

If, nevertheless, something goes wrong - they used meditation incorrectly, then use the Hat mantra. Mantra Hat will bring peace and eliminate the consequences of wrong meditation. Remember this for sure, so as not to look later, when meditation with Sasrara did not benefit - the Hat mantra will help eliminate the consequences!

Predictive mirror: how to make an accurate predictive item

Do you want to get an accurate predictive tool for a psychic? A tool used by famous clairvoyants, winners and finalists of the battle of psychics? A predictive mirror that is easy to make at home. You can make a "mirror of Swedenborg".

For this you will need:

  • graphite powder;
  • Olive oil;
  • Mirror.

A mixture of graphite powder with olive oil should be boiled over low heat. Then take an ordinary mirror and gently heat it.

Lay the mirror on a horizontal surface, and apply the pre-prepared mixture evenly on the surface. Leave in this position for a couple of days, and you will be a black mirror - a great tool for predictions.

It will take patience and skill to prepare this mirror. Teaching clairvoyance with the help of a black mirror will take place many times faster.

The black color will absorb the light, and the images in the mirror will be bright and clear. When you perform a session, light sandalwood sticks or apply sandalwood oil.

Sit comfortably in front of a mirror, relax. Breathe in the scent of sandalwood. Concentrate on the surface of the mirror. Free your mind - practice meditation.

Through these sessions you will be able to learn clairvoyance

Looking in the mirror for a few minutes, you will see a series of images. Do not delve into them, just look, and you will analyze after the session. You must be in solitude so that no one interferes with your concentration.

Watch in the mirror for no more than 10 minutes, and then stand up and stretch. You need to stretch as if you were shaking something out of your body.

Listen to calm music when the previous state comes - the session can be considered over. Try not to tell anyone what you saw in the mirror. Do not consciously evoke these sensations that you had in the session. You can spend 1-2 sessions per week - no more, no matter how exciting they may seem.

Water - a look into the future

Another tool is ordinary water. Pour water into an ordinary glass and place it on a white tablecloth. Look carefully into the water - it will definitely give an answer. You can light a candle to see better. Sometimes they add pepper and wax to the water and look at the patterns. The most reliable source is - natural reservoirs. Look into them, ask a question, and get an answer. With the help of them you can learn to see the future in the water. Also good are experiments with the help of water from the practice of Papus, a famous white magician.

There are a huge number of mantik for indirect clairvoyance. If direct clairvoyance sessions exhaust you, then use cards, runes, coffee and other systems of indirect clairvoyance. Learn clairvoyance, and use your gift for the good of people, and not for evil. May this beautiful gift serve you and humanity.

The proposed training and practice will be divided into 3 stages

(1) preparation and "contact" with the third eye or ajna chakra,

(2) activating it, and directly,

(3) management of its work.

With each stage there is an increase in the complexity of practices.

Step by step practice is a must!

That is, you need to start with mastering and practicing the first stage, then move on to the second and then to the third. Otherwise, you simply will not get the desired results, or you will not get what you expected at all.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that the exercises and practices offered in this section are not a set of random techniques from different resources, but a generalized base of exercises that has been analyzed and collected for more than ONE YEAR. This may seem strange, given the small volume of the section, but nevertheless, it is true.

In this section, that the work that you are going to do using this manual is a serious, esoteric and spiritually advanced path that can significantly affect the psyche and worldview of a person.

First stage. Practical course “Clairvoyance and opening of the third eye”

This stage is devoted to the basic practical skills of "contact" with the third eye chakra. The purpose of the stage is to learn to feel the chakra and visualize it (mentally imagine). Despite the simplicity of the stage, it will be quite difficult for many to do this. The location of the third eye chakra is between the eyebrows, a place on the forehead, between the eyebrows.

Perhaps some of you have already experienced similar sensations - a feeling of fullness in this area or a slight “stirring”, like a breath of breeze. This could also happen during the usual reading of literature on esoteric subjects.

It is important to learn to control this feeling. The stage can be considered passed if you learn to freely concentrate on this area at any time and feel it, a feeling of light pressure or fullness in it.

Exercise 1.

Assume a calm, comfortable meditative posture. Discard unnecessary thoughts. Next, you need to focus on the area between the eyebrows and try to feel this area. Perhaps someone will immediately feel a feeling of light pressure - this is a good sign. If you find it difficult to feel this area and concentrate on it - help yourself, rub the place on your forehead between the eyebrows with your knuckles. As an option for the first time, use some kind of adhesive material that can be glued to the indicated area in order to better feel it. Maintain concentration on the indicated area for as long as you can.

Positive signs will be considered a feeling of fullness, pressure, “stirring” of air in the area between the eyebrows. For some individuals, this practice can already cause paranormal activity and manifestations of the chakra, this can be expressed in the appearance of some kind of visions, flashes of light, or even involuntary astral exits. If this happens, gently stop the exercise until the next day.

It is recommended to perform this exercise as often as possible, including in your free time. Terms can be limited with experience. The color of the chakra is sky blue or blue. Rotation is counterclockwise. Target images - a ball of blue radiant energy, an energy funnel, a clot of light.

At this stage, you also need to learn how to visualize the third eye chakra, i.e. its figurative representation. Let me remind you that these two points are very important for further practice - sensation and visualization. Be sure to work out the proposed exercises to the maximum possible perfection.

Exercise 2.

Take a comfortable position, sit down, relax, get rid of unnecessary and obsessive thoughts. Close your eyes and try to raise them and look at the area between the eyebrows. Of course, do it carefully, you don’t need to look up your eyes in an incomprehensible direction or try to bulge them to the point of pain. All that is needed is to slightly raise your gaze to the area between the eyebrows, while the eyes are closed. Feel the area between the eyebrows, as you did in the previous exercise.
Observe the sensations.

Try to imagine any of the above images - a bright blue energy ball, a clot of light, a solar disk - whichever is more convenient for you. Mentally transfer it to the area between the eyebrows, reducing the image to the size of a walnut. It may be difficult for you to do this right away, in which case you can imagine yourself from the side and impose an image on the interbrow of your imaginary self. Keep the visualization for as long as possible - a ball of light in the area between the eyebrows.

You will have to work thoroughly with this exercise, it is quite difficult for beginners to master, besides, many may have problems with visualization (imagination of the image). Look for good pictures or images on the Internet and use them in your practice. The criterion for a successful exercise can be considered the appearance of a feeling of lightness, some euphoria, an increase in energy.

Exercise 3

Recommended for those who may have problems with visualization (figurative representation). For this you will need a candle. Lightly darken the room. Light a candle. Take a comfortable meditative position, relax, drive away unnecessary thoughts. With a calm look, contemplate the flame of a candle. Spend about 5 minutes contemplating. Then close your eyes. A bright image from the flame of a candle, left in the imagination and on the retina of the eye, mentally transfer to the area between the eyebrows, presenting it as a clot of bright energy or a ball, or like a funnel. Save the visualization for as long as possible. Then open your eyes, shake, wash your face. The exercise is over.

TIP: Useful for this stage, as well as for preparing for the development of clairvoyance, are ways to improve cerebral circulation. For this purpose, a regular massage or self-massage of the head and neck and shoulder girdle will cope.

If you smoke, drink alcohol, or like fatty rich foods, all this will be a serious obstacle to your practical work. It is important to monitor and maintain the cleanliness of the vessels, especially the vessels of the brain, in order to provide the brain with sufficient blood supply and nutrition.

1st stage completed. The suggested exercises are recommended to be practiced regularly. Without having received clear skills from this stage, it will be difficult to proceed further. Practice the exercises carefully, try to achieve perfection in their performance.

The approximate turnaround time for this stage is 1-2 weeks on average.

Second phase. Practical course “Clairvoyance and opening of the third eye”

This stage will be devoted to techniques of energy activation, purification, removal of blocks that interfere with the manifestation of clairvoyance, active techniques that contribute to the development of the third eye chakra.

Exercise 1. “Energy Breathing”

One of the simplest and most effective exercises to control the flow of energy through the third eye chakra. All you need is to take a comfortable position, relax, concentrate on the practice. Visualize or feel the area between the eyebrows, imagine a ball of energy there, as you did in the previous exercises.

Next, you need to concentrate on your breathing, inhale - exhale. As you inhale, imagine how pure energy coming from space fills the chakra ball, expanding it, and as you exhale, it leaves the chakra back into space. The time to complete the exercise is up to 5-7 minutes. It is advisable to visualize (represent figuratively) or feel the sensations, breathe not with the nose, but with the energy center.

Similar exercises are often found in the network in a single form, i.e. as an independent tool for the development and activation of selected chakras. We suggest performing it in combination with other exercises of this stage, in order to achieve a faster and more harmonious effect.

Exercise 2. “Energy Pyramid”

Similar to the first exercise, and performed almost the same way. Get ready for practice, sit comfortably, relax, drive away unnecessary thoughts.

Rub your palms together and slowly spread apart, feeling the energy resistance between them, creating an energy ball. For some time, concentrate on your breathing, imagining how you take energy from the surrounding space while inhaling, and as you exhale, fill the ball between your palms with it, until you feel fullness, filling. Then you need to make your palms into a triangle (fingers touching, palms apart), and place them in the area between the eyebrows, so that the third eye chakra is its base. Do the same, forming an energy ball between the palms, use the breath. With the difference that in this case you fill with energy and condense the ajna chakra.

Exercise 3. “Removing blocks”

This simple exercise focuses on visual work to remove energy blocks that are preventing your clairvoyance and third eye chakra from developing.

Take a pose for practice, relax, drive away unnecessary thoughts. Feel and visualize the area between the eyebrows. Then, using the fingers of your right hand and without touching the area between the eyebrows, make a wrapping movement, as if removing a veil from the chakra or removing an energy plug.

The exercise can be diversified with a large number of options, which your imagination will tell you. Here is one of them - press firmly with your fingers on the area between the eyebrows and hold your hand for a while, imagining that you feel a barrier or block in the chakra. Then slowly, very slowly, release the pressure and move your hand away from your forehead, imagining how the obstacle disappears, or you pull out some kind of imaginary clamp.

Exercise 4. “Vision of Light”

This exercise also helps to develop and train in seeing and feeling subtle energies and developing the third eye chakra. You will need a light source (such as the sun or a bright lamp) and a white landscape sheet of paper. The sheet is placed close to the eyes, like a mask. Through it, you need to contemplate a bright light, achieving the creation of a uniform, white light field in front of your eyes.

After some time of such contemplation, the eyes begin to observe bright spots or sparks, concentrate on them. You need to look without straining, with an absent-minded look. Approximate execution time is 5-7 minutes. It is recommended to take the sun as a light source. Another variation of the exercise is to look at the sky during the day. The look is scattered. Notice bright dots or flashes of light that will flicker before your eyes.

Breathing Energy Practices

Many useful breathing exercises are described in yoga treatises, which have no equal in effectiveness. Breathing exercises are generally a very strong practice and useful for self-development. At this stage, two exercises will be given, the regular implementation of which can have a powerful effect in the shortest possible time, even using them as an independent practice. They contribute to a powerful filling of the body with energy and recharging, so it is undesirable to perform them right before bedtime.

For the development and activation of the third eye (Ajna - chakras), it is useful to hold the breath ON THE INHALE.

Exercise 1 a.
Sit comfortably with your spine straight. The most correct will be the lotus position. Relax, get ready to practice. Take a few calm and deep breaths. Then start breathing rhythmically. Take the deepest possible quick breath (three seconds) and immediately exhale as deeply as possible, also quickly (4 seconds).

An important detail - while inhaling, first try to fill the stomach with air, then the chest. Exhale in reverse order. You can do the usual quick exhalation if it is difficult to breathe as indicated, but it is advisable to do the inhalation in this way - first the stomach is filled with air, then the chest. Such inhalation and exhalation are counted as one cycle. There should be no breaks between cycles, as well as between inhalations and exhalations. Sharp inhale - exhale, inhale - exhale. Take 10 such breaths. With experience, you can increase to 15-20.

Breathing will be facilitated by slight dizziness - you are actively saturating the body and brain with oxygen. On the last cycle, after exhaling, take the deepest possible breath and hold your breath for as long as you can. During the delay, you can concentrate on the area between the eyebrows. Then exhale slowly and calmly. You have done 1 set. Such approaches (rhythmic breathing and then air retention) should preferably be done at least 2-3, with short breaks. You can do it in the morning and in the evening. The practice is quite powerful in itself, if there are serious health problems, it is not recommended to perform it. A certain effect can be felt already on the 3rd day of implementation, even without doing all the previous exercises.

Exercise 1 b

This breathing exercise is more relaxed and can be done after the above. Take a comfortable position, preferably the Lotus position. Take a few deep and calm breaths in and out. During practice, it is desirable to ensure the flow of fresh air, and the most optimal way is to train in nature, away from highways. Just open the window (if you do not live on the first floor). Close the right nostril with your finger and inhale through the left, approximately equal to 4 seconds in duration. Hold your breath in the same way for about 4 seconds. Now close the left nostril and exhale through the right nostril, similar in time to inhalation and retention. In total, we have a 4-4-4 cycle. Inhale again, already through the right (the left is closed), delay, close the right and exhale through the left. We continue this breathing for 10-15 minutes, closing the nostrils alternately.

With experience, it is desirable to increase the time intervals. While breathing, it will be useful to visualize the chakra and fill it with energy.

Exercise 5. “Candle”

It is believed that the simple contemplation of a candle flame is one of the best ways to promote the development of clairvoyance and the vision of subtle energies. At the same time, it has an excellent harmonizing effect from everything negative. Choose free time (preferably in the evening, in twilight) and dedicate this exercise. Contemplate the candle flame, watch the rays of light, the blue halo of the flame. Close your eyes, watch the color spots and images that float before your eyes. Duration - no more than 5 minutes. Shake yourself after the exercise, wash your face.

Exercise 5 a. "Lock"

Get on your knees. Make your hands in the castle - the right hand (palm) clasps the left - like how men shake hands, your hands should be in the same castle, as if you were shaking hands with yourself. Next, get down on your elbows. The forehead needs to be leaned on the castle of the palms, the back of the left hand to the forehead, so that the approximate center of the palms is at the level of the area between the eyebrows. Close your eyes, focus on the pulsation between the palms. Observe and track any images that will appear before the inner eye. The execution time is approximately 5 minutes.

Exercise 5 b. "Autotraining"

To remove psychological blocks that can also interfere with the development of your clairvoyance, it is useful to periodically use auto-training formulas. Here are some sample options (the rest you can think of yourself, the most suitable for you):

"I have clairvoyance."
“My third eye is open, I see everything I want”
“I see the essence of things”

Exercise 6

Useful for tuning your third eye will be the already familiar exercises for working out etheric and astral vision. They are quite simple - contemplation of the contour of one's hand against the background of a white sheet, or in twilight, contemplation of a reflection in a mirror in order to see the ethereal areola, and so on, we recommend that you definitely take the Aurovisor course as part of this course. All this will help you tune in to the perception of subtle energy.

Exercise 7

This exercise involves the ability to observe the images that pop up before the eyes in the pre-sleep state. Every time you go to bed, try to stay on the verge of sleep and wakefulness, an uncomfortable position will help to do this, or a hand raised and placed on the elbow, which will fall if you still fall asleep and wake you up.

While in this state, try to observe what will pop up in your mind. It can be vivid images, visions, pictures. Try not to fall into them and observe dispassionately. Emotions and experiences will also be superfluous, it is the position of an impartial observer that is needed and important for you. With experience, you can try to set a “theme” for the performance. Wish to see something specific. Or pretend you've already seen it. Train this ability as much as possible. Considering that each of us sleeps in one way or another every day, you should have such an opportunity anyway)

Third stage. Practical course “Clairvoyance and opening of the third eye”

This step will be a bit incomplete. It will be devoted to the most difficult thing - controlling what you managed to awaken and activate. Methods of control are very individual, so it is difficult to deduce any specific dogmas. However, a few basic tips will be given.

Exercise 1. “Perception Screen”
Set a specific goal, for example, to see what is behind the wall. It is very important to imagine exactly how it will look like. Imagine a certain screen in front of your eyes, on which the necessary images will pop up. Imagine how it happens. Next, activate the chakra, make contact. Imagine it as a bright clot of light or energy. The eyes are closed. Imagine how the light from the area between the eyebrows falls on the wall, shines through it. Try to look not with your eyes, but “through” the area between the eyebrows, through a clot of light. Slowly open your eyes, trying to keep and concentrate on the link - "eyes - third eye - wall or selected object." With the successful course of the exercise, you will probably be able to see what you need on your “inner screen”. The exercise needs regular practice in order to achieve success in it.

Exercise 2. “Vision in the dark, X-ray vision”.
Do exactly the same. Preferably in a darkened room. Establish contact with the chakra, imagine exactly how you will see in the dark, what objects will be in front of you. Close your eyes, look "through" the chakra, which is a bright clot of light. Imagine how its light floods the twilight of the room or room where you train. Gradually open your eyes, keeping the link "eyes - third eye - object." After doing the exercises, shake up, wash your face.
