Freezing the funded part of the pension - what does this mean for citizens. There are no accruals in the funded part of the pension

Latest news about the funded part of the pension boil down to two main points: the extension of the moratorium on the transfer of savings to NPFs (non-state pension funds) and pension reform from 2015.

The funded part of the pension was frozen in 2015-2016

"Frozen" funded part of pension means a moratorium on its placement. During 2015 and 2016, pension savings are not transferred to the management of non-state pension funds. All insurance pension contributions received from employers are used to form the insurance part of the pension (not for a specific citizen, but in the distribution pension system).

The possibility and mechanism for returning this money to citizens have not yet been determined.

Cumulative and insurance parts of the labor pension according to current legislation

In 2015-2016, citizens can choose where 16% of the employer's insurance contributions to the pension fund, calculated from the employee's salary, will go. There are two options:

  • 0% on the funded and 16% on the insurance part of the pension;
  • 6% on the funded part and 10% on the insurance part of the pension.

The choice is made both at the request of the interested citizen and by default. For example, contributions to the pension fund for citizens who have not submitted an application to choose a management company or NPF earlier and will not submit in 2016 will be fully deducted for the insurance part of the pension.

Return of the funded part of pensions to pensioners

Some categories of people can already receive a refund of savings today. These are citizens born in 1953 (men) and 1957 (women) to 1966, who have already received a pension, including early. Their pension savings part was formed from 2002 to 2004. The amount accumulated is small, and it can be received in a lump sum.

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If the funded part includes not only employer contributions, but also additional amounts (individual contributions, income from investing the funded part of the pension, funds generated under the state co-financing program, etc.), the savings are returned in the form of urgent payments (for at least 10 years). In this case, the size of the funded part of the pension must exceed 5% of the total amount of the old-age labor pension (insurance + funded part).

Payment of the funded part of the pension to pensioners: how to find out the amount and how to receive it

You can find out the amount of savings in the territorial pension fund or through the state portal. services. In the latter case, registration through SNILS and creation of a “Personal Account” is required.

Pension savings are received upon application to the fund to which the savings are transferred.

A citizen may apply to the Pension Fund for the appointment of legal successors. After his death, legal successors must apply to the Pension Fund within 6 months to receive pension savings. In the absence of an application, the legislator provides for 2 stages of succession (1 - spouse, children, parents; 2 - grandparents, grandchildren, brothers and sisters).

Federal Law “On funded pensions” since 2015: abolition of the funded part of pensions

The Federal Law “On funded pensions” dated December 28, 2013 No. 424-FZ, which came into force on January 1, 2015, denies citizens a single pension, which includes funded and insurance parts, and establishes 2 independent pensions: funded and insurance. The reform will not affect pensioners and those who will retire in the next 5 years.

As before, citizens can choose whether to transfer 6% to a funded pension (in this case, you need to choose a management company or non-state pension fund) or use all 16% of insurance pension contributions to an insurance pension.

A funded pension, unlike an insurance pension, is calculated simply. Its size grows due to income from investment and due to additional contributions.

At the same time, a system with a funded pension is more risky (losses are possible when investing funded contributions) than receiving only an insurance pension. In addition, the program for co-financing the funded part of the pension by the state stopped recruiting participants on December 31, 2014.

Thus, the formation of a funded pension has become voluntary. If desired, a citizen can direct all contributions to an insurance pension.

Funded pension: how to get a refund under the new law

The procedure for calculating and paying a funded pension under the new law is similar to the current rules on the funded part of a pension, which we discussed above.

There are minor innovations: for example, the expected period for payment of a funded pension, according to which its size will be calculated, in 2016 is 234 months, that is, 19.5 years.

Thus, despite the fact that the new legislation separated pension savings into a separate pension, the rules for the formation and payment of the funded part have not changed. The main task of the future pensioner is to distribute the amount of pension contributions between funded and insurance pensions. Or make a choice in favor of receiving only an insurance pension.

Starting next 2014, the funded part of the pension will be formed in a different way. The changes apply to citizens born in 1967 and younger. Officials have already changed the legislation and calculation principles several times, and have finally approved new methods for forming the funded part of the pension. Let's turn to today.

At the moment, from the earnings of the above-mentioned category of workers, insurance premiums are charged in the total amount of 16% for the individual part of the insurance tariff (we do not take into account the solidary part), including 10% for the individual insurance part of the pension, and 6% for the funded part. These are the contributions that accumulate in the personal account of the insured employee.

In connection with the entry into force of the Federal Law (Federal Law No. 243-FZ of December 3, 2012), citizens who transferred their savings to a management company (MC) or a non-state pension fund (NPF) will continue to receive accruals for the funded part of their pension since 2014. the same - 6%. For others who have not submitted an application for the transfer of funds, charges on the savings portion will be reduced to 2%. The remaining part (4%) will be transferred to the insurance part, and the insurance part of the labor pension will increase to 14%. This was until recently and concerned 2014. Now new amendments have been made that cancel this rule. (Federal Law No. 212-FZ of July 24, 2009).

What awaits us in 2014? The total accrual of contributions to wages will not change, and will remain 16%. Only now they will be distributed differently. For those who applied to transfer their savings funds, everything will remain the same, and their savings contributions will be 6%. For the rest (“silent people”) there will be no savings at all; contributions from their earnings will be charged only for the insurance part - all 16%.

What to do to ensure that the funded part of the pension does not disappear? To do this, you need to choose a company that you trust to manage your money and write an application to transfer your funds to it.

What documents are needed to transfer your pension savings? You will need your passport and insurance certificate (SNILS). No certificates about the balances of money in your savings accounts from the Pension Fund are needed. Only two documents.

Where can you transfer your pension savings? You can invest money in a management company (including the state-owned Vnesheconombank Management Company) or a non-state pension fund (NPF) (more details). Moreover, the deadline for the application was extended until the end of 2015.

Now the news concerns those who have already written an application to transfer their funds to NPFs or private management companies. The funded part of the pension for these citizens has also undergone changes. In 2014, these individuals will not have accruals. This money will remain hanging in individual accounts until the NPF or management company is transformed into a joint stock company and enters the guaranteed savings system. In 2014, the Central Bank undertakes to check the work of all non-state pension funds and management companies. And until the audit is completed (during 2014), all savings will be transferred back to the state management company Vnesheconombank, which is the management company of the State Pension Fund.

Therefore, where to transfer the funded part of the pension is not a relevant question for another year. Because anyway, in 2014, money from all management companies and non-state pension funds will return to the state pension fund. But you will still have to write a statement so that 6% does not disappear, and most likely choose a state pension fund for 2014. This is my personal opinion, you can choose for yourself. No one will give you a clear answer anyway, not even the official authorities.

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The funded part of the pension formed in the period from 2002 to 2004 is subject to return to persons with work experience. The return of pension savings is carried out only after writing an official application.

Thus, the return of the funded part of the pension is possible for men born from 1953-1966, and women whose date of birth falls in the years from 1957-1966.

A cash fund for returning part of the pension was formed in the period from 2002-2004. It follows from this that the amount of money supply for each pensioner is small.

In addition, if an individual had deposits during his working life, he is entitled to the following additional payments:

  1. Dividends received from investment activities. This includes amounts both in Russian rubles and in foreign currencies. Payments are made in state currency, taking into account the exchange rate on the day of accrual for issue.
  2. Deposits registered in the name of an individual with pensioner status.
  3. Payments transferred in the form of government assistance. This includes targeted assistance, as well as assistance allocated due to difficult financial situations.

IMPORTANT! The basic pension consists of 2 parts: a funded part, formed independently, and an insurance part, paid by the state. Therefore, the amount of the savings fund must be more than 5% of the pension amount paid per month.

To date, deductions from wages amount to 22% of the accrued amount. The funded portion represents 6% of the 22, with the remainder going to the social security fund.

After the pensioner has received reliable information about all payments, he has the right to write an application for the return of the funded part of the pension to the State Services office.

How to return the funded part of your pension

Pensioners can receive a refund of their pension savings quite quickly: to do this, they need to write an application by hand or fill out a form.

For the application to be considered valid, it must indicate the following details:

  1. Passport data in full. To fill out the form, use any document that contains a personal identification number.
  2. Place of registration and residence. This is necessary for further exchange of correspondence, as well as the ability to contact as soon as possible to confirm information.
  3. Name of payment and methods of receipt. If a pensioner wants to receive money on a card, then the card details and the name of the bank are indicated.
  4. The signature of the individual must be placed at the end. The document can be signed by an authorized person if these powers are confirmed by a notary.
  5. In order for the application to be considered within the framework of the law, it is necessary to submit it to a specialist and request that the document be assigned an incoming number.

Helpful information! Those who do not know how to return pension savings are advised to use the services of a lawyer. The civil service is obliged to provide free assistance to clarify all aspects of the document.

If a pensioner did not have time to formalize everything properly due to sudden death, his heirs have the right to receive money for him. The return of the funded part of the pension after death is regulated by law and is a normal procedure for entering into an inheritance.

In order to confirm the fact of acceptance of the inheritance, it is necessary to register a state-issued document, which indicates the full name of the heir and the rights to the share.

If there are several heirs, the amount of payments is divided in accordance with the percentage based on the will. You can receive the funded part of your pension only after the application has been approved by the social commission.

Return method

Receiving payments is conditionally divided into the following stages:

  1. Obtaining information about the available amount to be returned.
  2. Drawing up an application.
  3. Approval of the application.
  4. Receipt of funds within 10 days after receiving documentary confirmation of payment.

Who is it being returned to?

If an individual did not make a will, and at the time of death he was entitled to payments, then the transfer of funds is carried out according to the degree of relationship:

  1. Heirs of the first degree: in the presence of an official marriage (spouse); natural children or children for whom guardianship was issued; parents or guardians.
  2. Heirs of the second degree: relatives through a generation (grandparents), blood relatives of one of the parents, grandchildren and nephews.

Is it possible to return the funded part of the pension if 6 months have passed since the death of a relative?

According to the law, the heir is obliged to apply for payment within 6 months from the date of death of the relative, otherwise he will lose the funded part of the pension.

If the person was not identified when determining the heirs, the funds are transferred to a state account. The payment schedule depends on the wishes of the individual and may have the following types:

  1. Monthly pension supplement. The entire amount of payments is divided into equal parts and distributed evenly every month over the course of a year or two.
  2. A one-time payment of the entire portion of the funds. This is convenient, since a pensioner can open a deposit in a bank or transfer funds into foreign currency.
  3. Transfer of funds to the account of a legal entity. This is rarely practiced, however, if an individual wishes to make a payment, he can indicate the organization’s details in the application.

Information about payments and amounts can be obtained from the Pension Fund at the place of registration, upon presentation of a passport or other identity document.

If desired, any individual has the right to register a personal account on the website of the state office. To do this, you need to register a SNILS number or enter an existing one.

MOSCOW, September 30 — Prime. The pension savings of Russians for 2014 will be sent to the distribution system, Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Alexey Moiseev told Prime.

“Only for 2014, and they will be taken into account in the individual insurance accounts of citizens,” he said, answering a corresponding question. Moiseev confirmed that these decisions were taken into account in the draft federal budget for 2014-2016.

“When calculating the receipt of insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance in 2014, all of these receipts will be credited to the distribution component of the compulsory pension insurance system,” says the explanatory note to the draft federal budget posted on the official website of the State Duma.

Thus, according to the deputy minister, the funded component of the mandatory pension system will be suspended for one year. “But citizens will receive decent compensation, because currently a ruble in the insurance system is more expensive than a ruble in the savings system,” Moiseev said.

Pension savings of citizens for 2013, as well as maternity capital funds, which were used to form the funded part of pensions in non-state pension funds and private management companies, will be transferred to the management of VEB in 2014, and later will be returned, he added.

"Receipts of insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance for 2014-2016 are determined based on a base tariff of 22% and a tariff of 10% from the amounts of payments exceeding the maximum value of the base for calculating insurance contributions. It is assumed that in 2015 and 2016 employers will pay insurance premiums for the funded part of the labor pension in the amount of 0% or 6% based on the choice of the insured,” says the explanatory note to the draft budget.

To balance the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the draft budget provides for allocations in 2014 in the amount of 336.3 billion rubles, which is 35.7% of the level of the previous year. In 2015, the budget transfer to the Pension Fund will almost double and amount to 629.2 billion rubles (187.1% of the 2014 level), in 2016 - 766.4 billion rubles (121.8% of the 2015 level).

What is the average pension for Russians now?

According to Rosstat, the average size of assigned pensions in the Russian Federation, according to preliminary data, in July 2013 amounted to 10 thousand rubles and, compared to July 2012, increased by 9.6% in nominal terms, and by 3% in real terms. In real terms, the average pension in July 2013 decreased by 0.8% compared to June. The average size of assigned pensions in relation to the average salary in the country was 33% in July.

How is the funded part of the pension formed?

Co-financing of pensions: the days are countingPension fund specialists in St. Petersburg consider it necessary to join the pension co-financing program for those who have less than 10 years left to work, while, according to some St. Petersburg residents, the merits of the program are greatly exaggerated.

The employer is obliged to pay for each employee to the Pension Fund 22% of the wage fund of this employee from an amount not exceeding 568 thousand rubles per year (above this amount, deductions are made in the amount of 10% per month, but they are not reflected in the individual personal accounts of future pensioners) . For citizens born in 1967, the Pension Fund tariff is distributed as follows: 10% is reflected in the personal account, 6% goes to the mandatory savings element, another 6% goes to the joint part and is not reflected in pension accounts.

Why did the authorities decide to “reset” the funded part of the pension?

RIA Novosti columnist Sergei Petukhov: “The government did not at all intend to encroach on the prosperity of future pensioners by resetting the funded part of their pension. Those who want to keep this funded part should simply go to the local branch of the pension fund and write an application for the transfer of their funded part from the state management company ( this role is performed by Vnesheconombank) to one of the selected private management companies (MCs) or non-state pension funds (NPFs). And the pensions of those who remain silent again, and for whom the funded part will therefore disappear, if they change, it will not be much, and not necessarily. downwards. The government needed the zeroing for another purpose - to use the contributions of the “silent people” to patch holes in the pension fund budget, that is, to pay pensions to current pensioners from them.”
