Does coconut oil protect against the sun? Natural oils that protect from the sun

There's been a lot of talk on the internet lately about the "toxicity" of sunscreen, so it's best to use natural products like coconut oil to protect your skin from sun damage.

Things have gotten to the point where some enthusiasts have started making sunscreens at home using a variety of ingredients. Most often in such cases they remember raspberry, carrot, macadamia seed oil, wheat germ, rice, olive, coconut and hemp oil.

Making your own natural sunscreen is actually very difficult and expensive. And there is no guarantee that it will have sufficient SPF. In some countries, plants with SPF are considered medicinal, so there is no need to experiment with them at home. Even in countries where such plants are used in cosmetology, products containing them undergo serious and expensive testing, including in laboratories.

This is the ability of cosmetics to increase the time a person can safely spend under the sun until UVB rays begin to harm the skin.

The Central European phototype (owners of brown or gray eyes, dark brown or brown hair, initially slightly dark skin) have approximately 10 minutes of safe exposure to the sun. A product with SPF 15 allows them to be in the sun without burning - 2.5 hours (in our climate zone) and only 1 hour 15 minutes in Egypt. But even less will protect against accelerated aging, age spots and new wrinkles - 50 minutes on a Ukrainian beach and 25 minutes on an Egyptian one.

Experts from the American Skin Cancer Foundation say that factor cream SPF 15 scatters 93% of all UVB rays. In its turn, SPF 30 and SPF 50 products filter out 97% and 98% of all UVB rays, respectively. At first glance, these percentage differences may seem quite insignificant. However, they are very important for people with sensitive skin or prone to skin cancer. And, as you can see, no sunscreen can completely protect against ultraviolet rays.

Also, keep in mind that any sunscreen, regardless of its SPF, is only effective for a maximum of two hours. After this, it must be applied to the skin again. In addition, the “redness” of the skin only shows its reaction to UVB rays, but there are also UVA rays, long ultraviolet waves that penetrate deep into the skin. These UVA rays cause a lot of damage to the skin, although it is not noticeable at first.

There are three reasons why natural oils should not be used as sunscreen:

Natural oils do not scatter enough ultraviolet rays

In 2016, American scientists from the University of Florida concluded as a result of a study that natural oils are not able to filter out UV rays in sufficient quantities. They measured the SPF of several plants, including olive oil, coconut oil, soybean oil, canola oil, citronella and aloe vera, and found that they all only had an SPF of about 1 (units). Those. the oils of these plants are practically unable to block ultraviolet radiation.

In turn, Indian scientists also studied the sun protection factors of some plants. It turned out that their SPF factor ranges from 1 to 7. For example, rose oil has an SPF of 1, tea tree oil has a SPF of 2, lavender oil has a SPF of 6, and peppermint oil has a SPF of 7. As you can see, the protective abilities against They have virtually no ultraviolet radiation.

Chemist-technologist, cosmetologist, leading specialist in the development of new products at Elfa company (Kyiv)

In fact, natural oils offer little protection against UVB rays and no protection at all against UVA rays.

Natural oils do not absorb ultraviolet rays

Some people believe that the only substance found in plants that has a sunscreen effect is However, and this opinion is erroneous.

Chemist-technologist, cosmetologist, leading specialist in the development of new products at Elfa company (Kyiv)

Vitamin E is not a UV filter at all. It does not protect in any beam range. It is an antioxidant and has a completely different effect on the skin: it fights the effects of sun damage (both A and B rays). In addition, it does not work on its own, unfortunately. “For company” he needs molecular stabilizers. For example, vitamin C, polyphenols from plant extracts (grapes, berries) or squalene and sterols (from the same vegetable oils). But any oil will not work here either! It must be unrefined. Otherwise there will be no effect.

Natural oils are not waterproof and have not been tested for SPF

Natural vegetable oils have never been laboratory or clinically tested to determine their SPF.

Usually one or the other sunscreen is tested and prepared for sale as follows:

  • SPF factor is determined for a new cream and the appropriate sunscreen is identified.
  • When creating a new sunscreen, it tested repeatedly in the laboratory and during production to ensure that the required settings are saved.
  • Then new cream tested on human volunteers. They are exposed to a certain amount of ultraviolet rays, and then the skin's reaction is assessed.
  • Laboratory test results are compared with data from human clinical trials. At all stages, the SPF factor should remain the same as at the beginning.

Naturally, the average person cannot provide such a testing process when creating natural sunscreen oils.

Chemist-technologist, cosmetologist, leading specialist in the development of new products at Elfa company (Kyiv)

Honestly, the oil doesn't even need to be tested on humans. Model systems are enough. And in tests they look not only at how many filters are destroyed under the influence of the sun over a certain time, but also at what protection factor remains after rinsing. All creams are tested for water resistance. Because it’s not only about water (river, sea), but also about sweat, which also washes away the product. Pure vegetable oils, alas, are not waterproof. The skin “eats” them with pleasure, integrating the oil components into its structure.

The myth about the high SPF factor of raspberry seed oil

In 2000, in the magazine Journal of Food Chemistry An article appeared in which an international team of scientists from Canada, France and China claimed that raspberry seed oil has a sun protection factor of SPF from 28 to 50. Since then, there has been an opinion about the high sun protection properties of the oil of this plant, although in fact this is far from So.

Claiming that raspberry seed oil has an SPF factor of 28-50, scientists did not show why, in fact, they made such a conclusion. In addition, there is a big difference between the numbers 28 and 50. All this indicates that no official tests were carried out.

The myth about carrot oil SPF

Some “experts” claim that carrot oil has an SPF of 38-40. Apparently, this myth appeared in 2009, when Indian scientists from Ravishankar Shukla University published the results of their new study. In fact, Indian scientists only tested the cream Biotique Bio Carrot SPF 40, which also contains carrot extract, on the ability of molecules to maintain their stability under any type of solar irradiation. The carrots themselves were not tested.

By the way, the packaging of Biotique Bio Carrot SPF 40 cream does not indicate all its components, but it does contain zinc, which apparently blocks UV rays.

Why did Indian scientists even think of studying the sunscreen properties of carrot oil? The fact is that long ago in some countries people smeared themselves with carrot juice or carrot oil in order to tan better and faster. These are the “folk remedies”.

The Myth of Coconut Oil SPF

Proponents of natural sunscreens claim that it has an SPF of 7. At first glance, it seems that if this is so, then it can be used as a protective agent during short periods of sun exposure.

In fact Coconut oil has an SPF of only 1 (one). Scientists from the University of Florida came to this conclusion in 2016 as a result of a study. Other studies showed slightly higher numbers. However, it is clear that coconut oil cannot be used as a stand-alone sunscreen.

Why is it difficult to make your own natural sunscreen?

Some plant oils and extracts can be used successfully as ingredients in sunscreen. If they are part of a particular product, then its protective properties increase. But first you need to make basic sun protection factor SPF, and then try to increase it with the help of vegetable oils. This requires numerous tests both in the laboratory and in clinical settings.

Some sunscreens use zinc oxide and titanium oxide, the properties of which have already been tested many times. However, their presence does not guarantee obtaining the required SPF level. The effectiveness of the cream depends on many factors, including the proportions of a particular ingredient.

Chemist-technologist, cosmetologist, leading specialist in the development of new products at Elfa company (Kyiv)

Physical filters do not necessarily need to be in the cream. This is a choice “to suit the problem”. Therefore, zinc oxide and titanium oxide are not required components. In addition, the EU prohibits the dose of both components above 25%. For example, 25% zinc oxide gives an SPF of 16, of which a UVA-PF (ISO 24442) would be 12.4.

Of course, it would be nice to simply smear yourself with coconut oil before the beach, if it had sufficient sun protection properties. Alas, this is far from the case.

Chemist-technologist, cosmetologist, leading specialist in the development of new products at Elfa company (Kyiv)

It is not enough to simply add UV filters to the cream. It is also necessary to achieve their uniform distribution in the system. Roughly speaking, this can be compared to foundation - it is necessary that it gives an even tone, without blemishes. Next, it is important to achieve stabilization of the filter formula, because filters like to collapse while the cream “stands” in the jar.

With the arrival of warm days, you want your body to acquire a beautiful and light tan. When going to enjoy sunbathing, you need to remember to take some protective equipment with you. As the latter, you can use not only store-bought cosmetic products, but also coconut oil for tanning in the sun. Reviews about this natural product are in most cases positive, and all this is due to its natural composition, which does not contain chemical components. How to properly apply this oil to the skin? Are there any contraindications to its use and how to choose this remedy? Let's figure it out.

Benefits of Coconut Oil

Products of natural origin are in many ways not inferior to cosmetics that fill the shelves of stores and pharmacies. The main advantage of coconut oil is its natural composition. Unlike sprays, balms and creams, it does not contain chemicals, which do not always have a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

Natural coconut oil for tanning contains hyaluronic acid - a natural moisturizer. If you neglect sun protection while tanning, you may encounter problems such as itching and dry skin. Coconut oil performs two tasks - it moisturizes the skin and at the same time protects it from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

This natural product has another advantage - instant absorption after application. Moreover, the oil promotes increased melanin production, which will allow you to tan faster and maintain a beautiful chocolate shade for a long time.

Natural coconut oil for tanning, thanks to the active action of fatty acids and other equally beneficial microelements, helps maintain the healthy structure of the epidermis during sunbathing. Coconut oil is also characterized by antimicrobial and antifungal effects. Thus, with its help you can prevent the development of skin diseases, which can be picked up in crowded places.

How to use?

Coconut oil, as a tanning product, can act as a skin protectant against dehydration. Its SPF is 6, so girls with fair skin should not rely on full sun protection with its help. This product is ideal if the skin is already a little tanned or is considered dark in itself.
To avoid sunburn, it is advisable to mix coconut oil with store-bought lotion or prepare a cream based on oils.

You can apply the composition of oil and purchased product directly on the beach. To do this, just add a drop of melted butter to the milk or cream.
At home, you can prepare a product whose components will be olive or castor oil, coconut oil. For a homemade product to protect your skin, you need to add shea butter to it, as it has an SPF of 16.

You need to combine the components in a 2:1:1 ratio (olive oil, coconut oil and shea butter). Oils in solid form should be slightly heated so that they acquire a liquid consistency. To make the product more effective, you can add vitamin E to it.

When to apply?

How to use coconut oil for tanning so that it shows its protective properties and helps the skin gain a beautiful shade after sunbathing? It is advisable to prepare in advance for going to the beach. This will allow the oil to be absorbed and perform its functions. You need to apply oil to your body after taking a shower. After 15 minutes the procedure can be repeated. During this time, the product will be completely absorbed and will not leave a sticky film on the skin.

After swimming in a pond, the protective layer must be renewed.
Coconut body oil for tanning is usually used to intensively moisturize the skin and restore it after visiting the beach. If redness appears on your skin after sunbathing, coconut oil will also help solve this problem. Paired with panthenol, it soothes inflamed skin, relieves itching and dryness.

Coconut oil for tanning in solariums

You can enjoy a beautiful tan all year round and you don’t have to go to warm countries to do this. Tanning in a solarium is a procedure that is in great demand. It is especially in demand in mid-spring, when young ladies begin intensive preparations for the beach season.

A lot has been said about the dangers of solariums, but if you really want to get a light chocolate shade and at the same time maintain healthy skin, you need to adhere to the rules of protection. In this case, tanning oil will come to the rescue. Which one is better to choose for solarium and how to apply it correctly? Coconut oil can cope with this task. However, it is important to remember that on its own it does little to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, so it needs to be combined with more powerful sunscreens. It should be applied in the same way as coconut oil for tanning in the sun. Reviews of this protective product indicate that it helps speed up tanning and perfectly moisturizes the skin.

Before applying the product, you need to shower using a scrub or peeling. Such cosmetic products will eliminate the stratum corneum and promote an even tan. If you plan to go to the solarium for 8-10 minutes, a single application of the protective combined composition will be sufficient. For a longer session, apply the product twice.


When should you not use coconut oil for tanning in the sun? Reviews that it can provoke allergies are extremely rare. However, this remedy still has a number of contraindications. Girls with oily, acne-prone skin should avoid coconut oil. As mentioned above, coconut oil does not have a high protection factor, so it will not be able to protect fair-skinned people from the scorching sun. In other cases, coconut oil can be used without fear.

Tanning rules

Despite the value of coconut oil, you should not rely on protection from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Its protection factor is negligible, so you need to sunbathe with it, adhering to certain rules:

  1. Avoid being in the sun between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. It is during these hours that the sun shows its aggressive side. Instead of an even, beautiful tan, you can get serious burns.
  2. Apply tanning products to your skin in the shade.
  3. Do not use perfumes or products that contain alcohol before going to the beach, as they can cause pigmentation.
  4. After swimming, the protective layer must be renewed.
  5. Use coconut oil for tanning in the sun, reviews of which indicate its naturalness and effectiveness.

How to choose coconut oil?

Coconut oil can be refined or unrefined. The first-press product undergoes primary filtration. Its cleaning is carried out mechanically, and the composition is devoid of any synthetic components. As for refined oil, during the purification process it loses some beneficial properties.

Which tanning oil is best to buy? When choosing such a product, you need to focus on its smell. High quality unrefined oil has a pleasant coconut aroma. The refined product does not have one.

It is best to give preference to oil that is placed in a transparent container. The point is that this way you can see its color. If it turns out to be dark yellow, this will indicate that it is not sufficiently cleaned. High-quality oil should be transparent. A slightly yellowish tint is also welcome.

The melting process of coconut oil begins at a temperature of 25 degrees, so at a lower temperature it can acquire a solid consistency. However, under such conditions it does not lose its beneficial properties and effectiveness.

Thai coconut oil: where to buy and how much it costs

Thailand can rightfully be called the birthplace of coconut oil. In this southern country it is in great demand because it is famous for its powerful moisturizing effect. for tanning is considered one of the most popular products among the local population and guests of the country. It can be found here in almost every retail outlet. However, for tanning it is better to purchase a high-quality product from a pharmacy or supermarket.

How much does coconut oil cost? Product prices in Thailand depend on volume. For a 100 ml bottle you will have to pay about 200 rubles, for 250 ml - 600 rubles. A 0.5 liter bottle will cost 1,000 rubles, and 1 liter – 1,600.

Popular Coconut Oil Brands

The trading market offers a huge selection of coconut oil from various manufacturers. The most popular products include:

  • Samui Nature coconut oil is a cold-pressed product that can be used not only for body and hair care, but also consumed internally. The oil is completely safe because it undergoes a gentle cleaning process and does not lose its beneficial properties.
  • Harnn offers oils purified using the most gentle fermentation method. Elite series products are ideal for sensitive skin.
  • Coconut oil from the ArgiLife brand is considered the most budget option. Affordable price and acceptable quality make it a popular product among consumers.

Regardless of how much coconut oil costs, it is extremely important to study its composition at the time of purchase. Preference should be given to a product marked “100% coconut oil”.

It is difficult to do without sunscreen during the hot season. A good cream not only protects against ultraviolet radiation, but also nourishes and cares for the skin. Unfortunately, most conventional sunscreens contain harmful chemicals. If you're interested in a natural alternative, add organic coconut oil to your beach bag. The indigenous people of the Pacific Islands have used it for thousands of years as a natural sun protection, and even today you can find a lot of positive reviews on the Internet.

What are the dangers of sunscreens?

Some studies suggest that store-bought sunscreens are more likely to cause dangerous forms of cancer than they are to prevent them. Most common sprays and creams contain:

  • Retinol palmitate– a derivative of vitamin A, which is suspected of accelerating the development of malignant tumors on exposed skin areas exposed to the sun.
  • Oxybenzone– a derivative of benzophenone, which contributes to the occurrence of skin cancer. In addition, oxybenzone often causes allergic reactions and can negatively affect the reproductive system.
  • 4-Methylbenzylidene camphor– a synthetic UV filter that can cause hormonal imbalances and is dangerous during pregnancy.

As soon as you apply sunscreen to your skin, it penetrates into your bloodstream. Do you want substances like isopentenyl-4-methoxycinnamate, terephthalilidene dicamphor and octyl salicylate in your blood?

When people use sunscreen, they mistakenly believe that they are completely safe. Thus, they spend much more time under the scorching sun, receiving a lot of radiation. Sunscreens contain anti-inflammatory ingredients and help prevent sunburn and pain. But this is nothing more than a trick. This does not mean that the skin is reliably protected from the harmful effects of UV-B rays.

Why sun exposure is so important for our health

Regular sun exposure is very important for our health, as it practically the only opportunity for the body to get the necessary dose of vitamin D. This fat-soluble vitamin plays a big role in maintaining our longevity. It is essential for the smooth functioning of the immune system, fighting free radicals, and reducing chronic inflammation in the body. Lack of vitamin D these days is no less a problem than exposure to ultraviolet rays. We are so concerned about protecting our skin from the sun that we forget about the positive benefits it gives us.

Especially those living in northern regions often suffer from a lack of sunlight, and it is very difficult to get enough vitamin D from food. Scientists believe that its deficiency is directly related to many types of cancer, including the especially dangerous breast cancer. A lack of vitamin negatively affects the course of pregnancy and can even cause gestational diabetes, preeclampsia and premature birth. By using sunscreen, we slow down or completely stop the body's production of vitamin D.

Does coconut oil protect against the sun?

The unique composition of coconut oil provides not only natural protection from the sun, but also comprehensive care to preserve youth. Hyaluronic acid moisturizes and cares for the skin, preventing flaking and dryness. Additionally, coconut oil contains vitamin E, which is known to be an effective antioxidant. It protects cells from free radicals and promotes their renewal. Vitamin E also increases the amount of collagen in our skin and makes it firm and elastic.

Coconut helps prepare your skin for tanning. It enhances the production of melanin, which guarantees an even and golden complexion. The oil is easy to apply and absorbs well, and even has an antimicrobial and antifungal effect. This will prevent you from picking up fungus on the beach or pool. Unlike regular sunscreens, coconut oil does not completely block ultraviolet rays, which are necessary for vitamin D synthesis.

To avoid harm to your skin, use only Organic cold pressed coconut oil. The oil should not be refined or contain any additives.

Tropical oil is especially effective at protecting skin from sun damage when used correctly. Remember that even the best protection is not a reason to stay in the sun for hours! To avoid burns, get used to being in the sun gradually! On the first day, spend no more than 20 minutes in the sun, then increase the time by about 10 minutes daily. In just 2 weeks you will be able to stay in the sun for a couple of hours without getting sunburn.

How to Use Coconut Oil for Sun Protection

  1. Pour coconut oil (for example, here such) into an empty sunscreen bottle for easier portioning. At temperatures above 24 °C it will remain liquid.
  2. Apply the oil to damp skin after a shower, so it will be better absorbed and maximize its properties.
  3. Repeat the procedure after each contact with water.

Coconut oil for sun protection for children

Children's skin is much more sensitive than adult skin. Therefore, you need to be especially careful to ensure that they are not exposed to the scorching sun for a long time. But at the same time, children under five years of age really need enough vitamin D to keep their bones strong and their teeth healthy. Using store-bought sunscreens not only prevents this, but can also be harmful to your health. Natural based on coconut oil, which is easy to prepare at home, can be a good alternative. It is always important to remember the rules of sun exposure, suitable clothing and a wide-brimmed hat.

In the hot summer, it is imperative to protect the skin from the burning rays of the sun, and therefore, when going on vacation, we buy products with an SPF factor. Is there an alternative to such products among natural products? Can I use natural plant oils for sun protection?

Be beautiful every day

There are many base (vegetable) oils that contain SPF. They can also be used as a day cream - they are absorbed quite easily without leaving a greasy film on the skin. To choose the oil that is right for you, you need to decide what effect, other than direct protection from sun rays, you need.

Avocado Suitable for everyday skin care of the neck, face and whole body. It has a strong moisturizing effect, so it is especially recommended to apply it to dehydrated, dry skin. Avocado oil contains sterols that prevent skin aging (especially after menopause) and help fight age spots.

Jojoba oil Suitable for both oily and dry skin because it has restorative properties. It gives the skin a beautiful and even color and also helps eliminate acne.

Cocoa helps get rid of minor skin defects (scars, consequences of furunculosis, acne, etc.). If you use this oil regularly, you can forget about crow's feet. The skin becomes elastic, radiant, soft.

Coconut universal for all skin types. This oil is instantly absorbed and completely absorbed by skin cells, gives a “velvety” effect and fights fine wrinkles.

Shi will make your skin smooth, elastic and elastic. Half a century ago, scientists found that the people of Africa who regularly use shea butter very rarely suffer from skin diseases. And, despite constant exposure to the sun, their skin looks very young.

Each of these oils should be applied to the skin thirty minutes before going outside. To enhance the protective effects of vegetable oils, you can also use essential oils, such as ylang-ylang, lavender and wild carrot (you will need to add two drops of essential oil to the base oil).

You can use absolutely any essential oil if it suits your skin type, the main thing is that it should not be phototoxic. Phototoxicity is the ability of essential oils to increase the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet rays.

The use of such oils can cause sunburn and lead to the formation of age spots. These mainly include citrus fruits: grapefruit, lime, tangerine, bergamot, orange, leuzea, lemon, petitgrain, as well as thyme, rosemary and angelica. It is not recommended to use them in sunny weather.

How to help your skin?

After sunbathing, the skin needs support. To do this, you can use either the basic vegetable oils mentioned earlier, or oils that have a pronounced moisturizing effect (for example, grape seed, macadamia or almond oil). In order to achieve the best effect, you need to mix them with lavender or mint oil. They soothe the skin and lock in the tan.

But if your skin is still sunburned, already familiar vegetable and essential oils will come to the rescue. In this case, it is best to use essential oils of yarrow and navel. To prepare an effective ointment for burns, you need to do the following: dissolve five to six drops of chamomile, yarrow, navel and lavender oils in thirty milliliters of coconut oil (if you don’t have something on hand, you can exclude it from the recipe). Then shake and put in the refrigerator. At temperatures below 25 0 C, coconut oil will harden, so the prepared mixture does not need to be preheated and can be used as an ointment.

Helpful advice: it may well happen that the base oil is not on hand at the right time. In this case, you can mix any essential oil with regular sour cream and apply it to damaged skin.

Ecology of consumption. Beauty: Are you getting ready for vacation? Would you like to know about natural remedies that protect against dangerous ultraviolet rays? Then read this article

Are you getting ready for vacation? Would you like to know about natural remedies that protect against dangerous ultraviolet rays? Then read this article. Here you will find information about non-toxic natural oils that protect against sun damage.

The most effective sun protection oils

It's important to note that even a high-protection sunscreen or homemade sun protection product won't protect us from harmful UV rays unless we:

  • We prefer to be in the shade most of the time.
  • Hiding from the sun at midday.
  • Apply a protective cream or natural product to the skin every two hours or after swimming in the sea.

You need to be very careful and only stay in the sun during the recommended hours. It is better to return to your hotel, home, or take shelter from the sun in a restaurant during those hours when the sun shines especially strongly.

And don’t rely on the protection of the clouds (if it’s a cloudy day). The sun's harmful rays also penetrate through the clouds. Just because your skin doesn't feel sunburned doesn't mean the sun doesn't burn it!

The best non-toxic natural oils for sun protection:

Avocado oil

It must be mixed with a sunscreen with an SPF of 15 at a minimum. Avocado oil can be purchased at natural food stores.

If you want, you can apply the pulp of this fruit to your skin. But a little - otherwise you will turn green like the superhero Hulk! Avocado will create a protective layer that will reduce the skin's absorption of ultraviolet rays.

Wheat germ oil

It is inexpensive and does not have an “oily smell” (you won’t look like a “walking salad”). It is an excellent antioxidant and supplies the skin with vitamin E.

You, of course, already know that this oil improves the condition of the skin, prevents its premature aging and smoothes out wrinkles. It also protects the skin from the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays.

Wheat germ oil is also used to treat psoriasis, eczema and burns.

Coconut oil

Can be used for different purposes, it is more than versatile.

It protects not only the skin, but also the hair from the sun. Mix it with a cream with a protection factor of 8 or higher and spray it on your body, hair and scalp. This oil has a pastel scent...smells very nice!

Carrot seed oil

It can be found in natural food stores. You, of course, know how carrots are good for the skin. This benefit is even greater from carrot seed oil.

It's better than any cream. It contains vitamin A and carotene, which have a beneficial effect on the skin. It will also help you get a beautiful bronze tan without getting sunburnt and turning into a shrimp.

Carrot seed oil is also used to treat certain diseases such as eczema.

Almond oil

This is one of the most popular of essential oils. Its protection factor is 5. This is quite low, but this oil is rich in vitamin E, which helps keep the skin young and soft.

It is also good for hair as it gives it softness and shine. You can try mixing it with some kind of cream.

Raspberry seed oil

This oil is not easy to find, but it is worth looking for. It provides powerful sun protection. Its protection factor is from thirty to fifty. It contains vitamins A and E, which keep the skin young and relieve inflammation.

It has a dense consistency and does not need to be mixed with anything. The bad thing is that it has a strong and not very pleasant smell. The good thing is that the smell disappears after an hour!

Soybean seed oil

It is widely used in Asian cuisine and has proven to be a good sunscreen. It is enough to apply a few drops of this oil to the skin to create a good shield against ultraviolet rays. It also softens the skin and is almost odorless.

Olive oil

Our favorite olive oil, of course, could not help but be included in this list. You already know that it has a thousand and one beneficial properties; it is used both as an external remedy and as a storehouse of nutrients needed by the body.

It softens the skin, protects it from the sun and, thanks to its high antioxidant content, helps treat burns.

It also has a great effect on hair and scalp. And you don’t have to look for it - you already have it in your kitchen!

Jojoba oil

It is widely used in skin and hair care products, such as shampoo and soap. It is good for skin that is flaky and dry. It's a great moisturizer and provides good sun protection.

However, it does not provide good protection against ultraviolet rays and must be mixed with sunscreen.

Macadamia oil

It is rich in vitamin E and minerals, including potassium and phosphorus. It protects well from the sun, especially on the beaches of Australia (this nut is from there). You can find this oil in natural food stores.

Other oils

And let’s add to this list a few more oils that protect the skin from the sun:

  • Sesame seed oil
  • Hemp seed oil
  • Shea butter
  • Peanut butter

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