Women's images that are attractive to men. Secrets and recipes of female beauty and attractiveness

Sometimes an unremarkable girl is successful with the opposite sex, but I don’t pay attention to a beautiful one. So, I will tell you the main secret of female attractiveness, all women can be beautiful if they want it, at least on planet Earth 😉

The main secret of a woman's attractiveness is that her "desirability" depends not so much on her appearance as on her inner state! Even if you have chic makeup, a great hairstyle and a luxurious dress, all this pales in front of your sad look, if you have sad eyes, a sad smile, a drooping back, drooping arms and shoulders, a tired gait, it is unlikely that all this will look aesthetically pleasing and beautiful .

What a difference if it’s the other way around: eyes sparkle, straight posture, confident gait and, of course, the main thing is a smile! Never met an ugly smile 😉 A smile not only helps to look more beautiful, but is also good for women's health. So the more you smile, the more beautiful your body and skin looks. Like this.

How to become more attractive and feminine?

But how to become more feminine when in our active life it is more and more difficult to monitor our inner world, and it is even more difficult to look after our appearance, but today we will talk about the psychological aspect of female attractiveness and psychological hygiene.

Being a woman is not so easy, it's a lot of work!

For a woman, it is very important to look beautiful, it is not in vain that beauty and the desire for beauty are given to us by nature.

You can’t let your beauty fade like a flower, on the contrary, you should constantly water it. Water the flower with a stream of positive emotions, love, kindness, beautiful words, compliments, favorite things, faith in yourself ...

The psychological aspect of attractiveness

Of course, you should take care of yourself, but in this article we will talk about inner beauty and the psychological aspects of female attractiveness. After all, when you glow from the inside, you illuminate everything around with this light, like a flower in bloom!

A woman, unlike a man, should not rigidly limit herself in something, this man is a hard worker, he is active, and women are more passive.

It is not in vain that nature has conceived this way, because women bear and raise a child, they need peace and rest. It collects and stores energy. Young ladies choose the future father of their children, and for this they attract men in various ways, more often by their appearance. Yes, that's why men love with their eyes, and women with their ears. But even these our “most important” information perception organs get tired over time.

What I want to say is that the word “appearance” already speaks for itself, it is an external given.

Secrets of attractiveness for women

I will briefly describe the main sources of female attractiveness and the hidden secrets of attractiveness for many women:

  1. Healthy sleep

No wonder I put sleep in the first place. Sleep is of great importance for women's beauty and health.

You will probably say, "I don't have time to sleep." However, it doesn't take much time to sleep! If you go to bed at 10 pm and wake up at 5 am, then you will have time for everything! Sleep times here may vary. You can, for example, go to bed at 9 pm, and wake up at 4 am. Here you choose. Everything is individual!

In addition, the body will thank you for the rest, and you will be full of strength and energy.

Human biorhythms are arranged in such a way that it is best to go to bed before 12 o'clock at night, no matter how a person justifies himself. (If you want, read the link)

But the most important thing is that at night during sleep, the system of oxidants begins to work actively, namely, it is responsible for our beauty and youth. In a dream, the brain rests, puts in order thoughts and events of the past day, pressure normalizes, the immune system starts up, sugar levels return to normal.

Therefore, the first secret of female attractiveness is that a woman who has not had enough sleep has a depressed mood, pale and withered skin, a grayish complexion, bags under her eyes.

A woman, for a good night's rest, needs an odd number of hours (5, 7 or 9), and a man needs an even number (6 or 8).

But this does not mean that you need to sleep for a long time, by doing this you will only worsen the situation.

A nap in the afternoon is very helpful. In the end, you can sleep in the afternoon.

"If you don't take care of sleep now, sleep will take care of you tomorrow."

  1. The secret of proper nutrition for women.

We are what we eat. From food we draw our energy. Nutrition is reflected in our face, nails, hair.

And the second secret of attractiveness for a woman is that her food should be healthy and tasty.

Between us girls, even if the food is not very healthy, when we eat it with pleasure, it brings doubly or even triple benefits.

Natural food and cooking source of natural beauty

Cooking gives femininity. The very process of cooking makes you more attractive.

How is this related, you ask? In contact with your natural duty, you awaken your femininity.

Cooking is creativity, and even, one might say, a whole art. And if you invest your soul and do it with love, then in general - your eyes burn, a natural blush appears. In addition, people like it when a woman cooks, especially men.

  1. The manifestation of emotions

Women are very emotional and we definitely need to speak out, share our impressions. It's hard to contain your emotions. If you suppress them, then it can result in illness!

It is more pleasant to experience positive emotions, but negative ones are also needed! If you don't like something, don't hold back. Within reason, of course.

A good mood makes us more beautiful, because when we are sad, sour and tearful, who wants to look at us? This does not mean that you need to laugh all the time (this is not always appropriate).

And for the most effective manifestation of emotions, there are certain places, such as fitness clubs, cinema, dance, theater, circus, interest clubs, etc.

And what a relaxation pastime with a child! Not necessarily yours, children are sources of human warmth and good mood, and this is where you can show and even train your severity and seriousness.

Dancing helps to throw out everything: both positive and negative, you can express yourself in dance. Not only are you directing your negative emotions in the right direction, you are also transforming them into positive ones! And if you dance often, it will have a positive effect on your figure and even inner beauty, which is another secret of attractive ladies.

  1. No fuss

When we are always in a hurry somewhere, fussing, we do not look the best.

Femininity is manifested in calmness and sometimes mystery.

A well-planned day will help you with this.

  1. Find time for yourself

Femininity is a lot of work - work on yourself.

It is very important for a girl to be alone with herself, especially with a mirror 😉

I understand that you have a lot to do, but isn’t there at least a little time for your beloved?

Or maybe you are lazy? These are all excuses. You can find a couple of minutes a day for yourself. Be it a walk, exercise, manicure. In order to think, to find good sides in yourself, to praise yourself, to understand how much you love yourself. Give yourself every day, and you will be even more beautiful and attractive in the eyes of any man!

Combing hair, for example, is a great relaxation. Combing your hair, you calm down. You can relax, think and escape from the hustle and bustle. Yes, it's a good head massage.

  1. Self confidence

What makes a woman more feminine? Self-confidence - feeling like a queen.

You can even imagine an imaginary crown on your head. But this does not mean at all that one should look down on everyone.

Self-hypnosis is a proven and effective method by many. When you tell yourself every day (ideally if in front of a mirror) that you are beautiful, that you can do everything, that everyone loves you, then you begin to believe in it.

The result may not come immediately. But when we say positive words to ourselves every day, or others say them to us, then our subconscious records it!

  1. Moderation or golden mean

You should not go to extremes - eat little and only fruits, take care of yourself all the time, sleep and relax a lot, show too many emotions, but you should not forget about your beloved.

  1. To take care

You are a future or present mother, therefore, in order to remain more attractive, a woman first of all needs to think about health, especially women's: do not be nervous, do not smoke and drink a lot, do not dress too cold or warm, do not overwork, do not do men's work, especially the manger nearby there is a young man. If you ask him correctly, he will gladly help you and feel like the hero of the day.

  1. Gratitude

If you are grateful to people for everything they have done for you, say it. So, they will feel more important and it will be more pleasant for them to help you.

Thank you for what a wonderful Slavic word, and especially a woman should often wish the best for everyone, then it will return to her.

So if you are grateful to life, then it will feel significant, will be more helpful, and can make friends with you.

10. Acceptance and Forgiveness

The unequivocal secret of female attractiveness is that anger will definitely not suit you.

When we forgive and accept the situation, it becomes easier to live. What can we say about how beneficial it is for health. It is known that "All diseases are from the nerves."

Attractiveness recipes for women

11. Love yourself and your body

The next recipe for attractiveness for a woman is that when you love yourself, then others love you too. And when you accept your body, you get rid of the shackles and feel freer. When you show others that you respect yourself, others will respect you. When you appreciate yourself, others will appreciate you too.

12. Give love to someone

A woman was created to give love. Judge for yourself, female nature is capable of giving birth to children and she has a calling to give love to everyone.

Therefore, to be more attractive, give love to a man, relatives, children, animals or plants.

Don't expect much in return. When you don't wait, you get more. And it's wonderful to give others warmth, joy and care!

13. Join the beautiful

A woman is a wonderful creature that is drawn to aesthetics. When you look at beautiful things, you want to look and not take your eyes off this beauty. When we look at something beautiful, do we want to think about something bad at that moment? Beautiful can be not only the external form, for example, colors, but also sounds, smells, sensations, even thoughts.

14. Communication is a recipe for attractiveness for a woman

Communication is necessary, both with women and with men.

Communication is the exchange of information and energy.

Communicating, a woman gets new knowledge and experience, gets new impressions and emotions, gets a feeling of support, acceptance.

In the end, if you have no one to communicate with, you are shy, or maybe you don’t even know what to talk about, then start a diary or diary where you will write about how you spent the day, what’s new, some notes, comments, what has been done what is to be done.

15. Do everything with love!

When you put love into things, they flourish! It's the strongest and most beautiful feeling. This is a strong creative energy. Through love, new life is born!

Women's activities and housework increase female attractiveness - cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing, folding things, etc.

16. Wear dresses and skirts

Have you noticed that when you put on a skirt or dress, they look at you differently?

Women have always worn skirts, and the longer it is, the more mysterious you are, the more you let the male fantasy run wild. In addition, in a skirt, you can not afford many such movements that make you look like a man, that men themselves will be attracted much more.

17. Stick and Gingerbread Method:

Motivate yourself to do something and also punish yourself if laziness takes over. That is, if you coped with the case, then reward yourself with something. It can be something sweet, a new thing, a trip somewhere.

And if you couldn’t cope with the case, then you can write out a “penal case” for yourself, for example, squats, reading a difficult book, cleaning, something that will benefit.

Ecology of life. Psychology: True femininity has a lot of topics that you can talk about for hours, but these 4 secrets ...

A good specialist, a professional in his field, will say that in his business there is something that is visible and accessible for everyone to understand, something that lies on the surface, but there is also something that is hidden from the eyes of a simple layman. So to speak, the secrets of craftsmanship, which are carefully guarded.

It would seem that you can become a cook, and a writer, and ... yes, anyone. But without these very secrets, chips cannot be a real professional. And either this secret knowledge is transferred from the master through apprenticeship, or acquired through many years of work on their own. Moreover, in the latter case, it can really take a lot of time, and sometimes a whole life.

Imagine that being a woman is also a kind of profession that needs to be trained. That real femininity also has its secrets, which must be passed on from mother to daughter. These secrets are correct and useful beliefs that help a woman love herself, build a relationship with a man, raise children, be a girlfriend, colleague, etc.

Everything would be fine, but what happens if the mother cannot pass on her wisdom to her daughter, what if no one also passed it on to her? What if the understanding of how it was necessary to live came only in old age?

That's right, she will grow up, give birth and raise her daughter in the best way she can, relying in her upbringing on the beliefs that she has formed through her experience. And as we know, most often the experience is rather painful and forms more and more complexes and fears ... And the knowledge of how it was necessary really comes sometimes too late - the family is destroyed, youth is gone, nothing can be returned back. And grown-up children do not want to listen - if you are so smart, why couldn't you yourself?

So what kind of woman could be called a master of femininity? Is it determined by clothes, by voice or by gait?

How many women in the world and each is unique! But few know the secret of true femininity and attractiveness.

Owning the secrets of the weaker sex is a happy, healthy, well-groomed and successful woman, and later a mother who managed to build a family and keep love in her. And this is not luck, as many believe, but a lot of work that she does every day on herself and her relationships.

How does she manage to do all this? How does she manage to be successful in everything at the same time? Is it possible? Yes, but only to those who master their femininity to perfection and begin to manage it, influencing the world around them in the way they consider right for themselves and their families.

So, what are these secrets, you ask?

In this article I will tell you about 4 secrets of femininity.

Each item is a skill that needs to be trained, like muscles in the gym.

This article may sow in some the seeds of future excellence. Then, if they are carefully “fertilized” with training and “watered” with positive intentions and “protected from the wind” without being torn apart by public opinion, they will grow into strong young plants and take root deep into the subconscious. Let's start!

1. Feelings. Nature is so arranged that every woman feels stronger than a man 6 times! And if something is given to us by nature, then it is necessary for something. This is the first secret. All your feelings need to be understood and expressed. At the same time, you should not divide feelings into good and bad. All of them are necessary for a fulfilling life, each helps a man understand what a woman is going through and what she wants.

2. Relaxation. Tense woman repulses. And not only men. It’s as if she doesn’t trust anyone, she keeps everything under control, she tries to keep everything in her fist, to plan ... It’s difficult to protect such a woman, protect her, you don’t need to take care of her ... She can do everything herself. It is not difficult to guess what kind of man will be next to her. By all means it is worth striving for relaxation - yoga, massage, swimming pool, meditation ... You can always find your own way.

3. Pleasure. Everything a woman does, she should do with pleasure. This is very attractive to her. Food prepared with pleasure will be better received than food prepared through strength and fatigue. It is important for a man to understand that his woman enjoys life next to him. Few would dare to betray such a rare woman. Everything that brings pleasure in life has a habit of multiplying. Check it out!

4. Creativity. Fantasy and imagination help to be different, interesting, unique for everyone. Habits lead to mechanicalness, boredom, discontent come into life, interest disappears. Creativity fills with soul everything that a woman does, creates comfort, inspires ideas.

Of course, real femininity has many topics that you can talk about for hours, but these 4 secrets of attractiveness can help every woman become a little more desirable and interesting for everyone, including herself, because self-love is the most important secret ingredient. published

Olga Ilchenko

For thousands of years, all women have been tormented by almost the same questions. "How to become desirable for a man?" or "What is female attractiveness, how does it manifest itself and how to learn to be feminine?" - these are eternal topics that you can talk about and argue endlessly. Every woman has an idea of ​​what true beauty and attractiveness means, therefore there is no and cannot be a universal answer to the question of true femininity. However, there are those who give a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat female attractiveness is in the eyes of men. Let's find out more about them.

What is the difference between beauty and attractiveness?

Perhaps you have noticed more than once how simple and not particularly successful with men than a lady with perfect external data, but with an arrogant and cold look. And for sure you had a question: "Why do men pay attention to such a plain-looking person at first glance?" The answer is simple: if a girl, who has a far from ideal appearance by nature, is able to competently emphasize all her virtues and knows exactly what a man wants to see in her, then she will always be surrounded by a crowd of admirers. As you can see, natural beauty and female attractiveness in the eyes of men are not exactly the same concepts.

Definition of female beauty

They change very quickly: if a hundred years ago, overweight women were considered the standard of beauty and health, then today they have already lost their former glory. Slenderness, lightness and grace - these are the qualities in the forms of lovely ladies that are now the main ones. Due to the variability of fashion trends and trends, it is very difficult to determine which facial features of a girl are ideal in the eyes of men. And if we take into account the fact that each man is individual and has his own preferences regarding the appearance of a woman, then it becomes simply impossible to draw the ideal of true female beauty!

A little about female attractiveness

If we are talking about female attractiveness, then we can say with confidence that its basis is, first of all, harmony in the soul and endless love for life and people. Believe me, if a girl is in love with life, then her eyes will sparkle like small diamonds, they will glow with that spark of positive and cheerfulness that will not leave any man indifferent!

The ideal woman through the eyes of a man: what is she like?

We, representatives of the weaker sex, can list for a very long time the qualities that, in our opinion, an ideal woman should have. However, let's try to look at this issue from a male point of view. What is female beauty through the eyes of men? A girl can be perfection for one man and the most ordinary, unremarkable - for another. It all depends on the perception of a particular person and on his personal preferences. So, for example, for Eastern men brought up in patriarchal families, the main thing in a woman is such qualities as respect for the male sex, obedience to her husband, devotion to the family, a sense of deep maternal duty, and also God-fearing. But men with a Western mentality appreciate in a woman her determination, self-confidence, broad outlook and intellectual abilities. Be that as it may, nevertheless, in every representative of the stronger sex, certain instincts are inherent in nature. They work the same for all of them, regardless of upbringing, mentality or age. Let's find out what a woman should be like so that a man on an instinctive level pays attention to her.

Instincts of men, or What qualities are valued by "males"

Even in our modern world, when culture and moral values ​​are so well developed, primitive instincts still continue to guide us in a variety of life circumstances. Men are also no exception, so when they meet a new beauty, they almost always evaluate her, comparing her with the inner image of an ideal woman. Meanwhile, this image is due just the same instincts, embedded in us since the creation of man. So, we offer you a kind of overview of the signs of female attractiveness, which contribute to the fact that men "turn on" the instinctive desire to get this particular woman.

  • external data. Men always first evaluate the appearance of a woman, and only then - spiritual qualities and character. As many studies have shown, the representatives of the stronger sex prefer women who have a healthy appearance, well-groomed hair and If we talk about shapes and proportions, it is worth noting that the female body must be able to bear, give birth and feed a child. After all, every man, without exception, sees in his chosen one, first of all, the future mother of his children.
  • Personal traits. It is also important how exactly a woman behaves surrounded by men. For real "males" it is important to see in her respect for a man, modesty, fidelity, shyness, but at the same time, a woman must have hidden sexuality, accessible only to one chosen one. It is also necessary to be fragile and a little timid, it is these qualities that awaken in men the desire to protect and protect the girl.

Of course, these components alone are not enough to become an ideal woman. There are many more qualities that a girl must develop in herself in order to be the one and only for her chosen one. Next, we will discuss what guys put at the forefront when they are looking for a lover not for a couple of months, but for life; let's name the main signs of female attractiveness; through the eyes of men, let's try to look at ourselves, loved ones ... Perhaps we will have to change something in ourselves. So...

Signs of femininity: the most charming and attractive

According to polls, most men's comments on female attractiveness can be divided into several groups, each of which also has its own nuances. So, here are the main signs of female attractiveness:

  1. Female beauty (through the eyes of a man, of course) is grooming. Agree, a healthy glow of the skin, beautiful nails and clean hair have always been and remain the main components of the image of a beautiful woman.
  2. In second place is such a quality as intelligence. Every man would like to see a wise companion next to him who can support any conversation, advise something sensible, or simply surprise his chosen one with new inquisitive discoveries.
  3. Another sign of an ideal woman is the manner of dressing. Her style should be unforgettable, emphasize all her virtues, and most importantly, clothes should not be defiant or too revealing. No wonder they say that they are met by clothes. A few recommendations will be given below on the topic of choosing clothes to create the look of an ideal girl.
  4. The ideal woman also has a sense of humor, self-irony is not alien to her. Men can forget an insanely beautiful girl with perfect body proportions and facial features, however, believe me, they will always remember a woman who can make them laugh and cheer them up. The sense of humor in women and men has its own characteristics and differences, so a girl who understands men's jokes and can also joke herself is of great value in the eyes of men.
  5. And another sign is energy. A real woman should radiate such a strong love for the world around her that the man next to her will feel it and transform herself. Female beauty and the power of femininity (through the eyes of men, as you understand) lies precisely in the kind of atmosphere this woman creates around herself. When a man experiences the action of such energy, so to speak, in his own skin, he instinctively wants to always be with a lady who radiates this craving for life and energy.

Secrets of female attractiveness: through the eyes of men we evaluate our appearance

There is no single standard for defining female beauty, so there is no point in killing yourself about your external flaws. After all, there are so many people in the world, and everyone has their own ideal of beauty. Some like plump brunettes, others like slender blondes. If we put together all the opinions of men from various countries, we get the following wording: "Women's attractiveness in the eyes of men largely depends on the character and behavior of a woman, rather than her external data." It is not necessary to have ideal facial features, because men first of all evaluate the whole image: the main thing is pleasant proportions and body structure.

Secrets of famous women

Take a look at the famous ladies who have become symbols of true femininity. Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Jennifer Aniston - these and many other women have won the sympathy of men due to their tenderness and mystery. The basis of femininity is an easy gait, correct posture, a gentle sonorous voice, long silky hair and, of course, harmony in the soul.

The talented Coco Chanel has repeatedly given lessons and advice on choosing clothes, so you should definitely listen to her recommendations. One of her mottos is: "Accessories make a woman a woman." Use various beads, bracelets, rings and earrings to make your look delicate and stylish. It's so beautiful and natural - to be feminine!

Being a woman is a huge job that requires time, patience and considerable expense. In addition to the gifted nature of appearance, it is worth paying attention to the upbringing of femininity in oneself. Try to become calmer, more affectionate, kinder and more obedient. Female attractiveness in the eyes of men is respect and submission to all his requests. Remember that in no case should you try to dominate your husband. Thus, you will forever kill in him any desire to be a protector, a getter and a hunter. A woman can get more out of a man with soft, kind and gentle words, so try to get rid of harshness and irritability.

But how to keep your only one?

We have analyzed what female attractiveness is from the point of view of men. An attractive girl can charm any of them, but this is not enough. As a rule, then the question necessarily arises: "But how to keep the chosen one next to you?" There are several recommendations, following which you can gain eternal power over his heart. So:

  1. Learn to be a true keeper of the hearth. Surprise your chosen one with a variety of dishes, learn new recipes and don't be afraid to experiment! Let him get used to your food so much that he won’t try anywhere else.
  2. If you want him to always listen to you, say fewer empty and unnecessary words. It is known that women, unlike men, talk a lot, and you try to get rid of this habit (well, at least next to him).
  3. Take care of your body. Exercise, eat healthy food and do not forget about beauty treatments. If a girl does not love her body and does not take care of it, then what kind of man will do this?

Even if you do not have perfect beauty, but knowing the principles of femininity and applying them correctly, you will be able to charm any "hunter". Good luck to you and ... femininity!

Let's talk about attractiveness, how to become attractive to others and of course to men. What is it - the attractiveness of a woman through the eyes of a man. Does appearance and awareness of one's physical attractiveness affect one's career at all?

Yes, because it is primarily related to your self-esteem. Recognition of our own attractiveness influences how we manage our own potential even in the workplace.

"You are beautiful". How often do we hear such words from relatives, friends, relatives and colleagues with whom we work? Are you told that you are attractive every day? Is it too rare? Let's see why we are deprived of compliments. Maybe that's why we have such a bad opinion about our own attractiveness?

Women's appearance through the eyes of researchers

According to the Dove Women's Self-Esteem Report, only 2 out of 10 women surveyed think they are beautiful! In fact, it is 88 percent of all women. The company notes that the media creates an unrealistic image of beauty, thereby exerting pressure and admiration only for the standard beauty of the advertised models.

62 percent of respondents expressed their doubts about attractiveness and conformity to beauty standards. These results indicate that we do not feel attractive enough initially, and this may indicate fragile self-esteem, says Joanna GöDECKE. As a result, such life in the external environment of society can be difficult.

What is the charisma of a woman

Marketer Joanna GöDECKE believes that low self-esteem also arises from the fact that we initially do not feel beautiful, we try to get used to and come to terms with our appearance far from beauty standards, thereby underestimating our inner potential. In the professional field, it is relatively easy to achieve success due to the presence of intelligence, diligence, skills and professional knowledge.

However, having an underestimation of your own attractiveness, thereby underestimating the desire for power or promotion, as a result, you will not be able to achieve your goals and fulfill your plans.

It won't lead to anything good.

Yes, we can rise to the next career step by improving our skills, strengthening our value in the labor market, but will this be, firstly, an achievement, and secondly, will it bring us inner satisfaction? Not necessary. Note that this race begins at school, when the environment in which we grow up pushes us in the direction of more attractive children becoming better students. Personal self-esteem of appearance is laid from the very early age. For some reason, more beautiful children become teachers' favorites, more attention is shown to them by the opposite sex than to children with an ordinary mediocre appearance.

Remember: you must give your unborn child the installation from early childhood that he is a bright, attractive, beautiful personality. Only by your parental auto-suggestion will you permanently register this setting in the mind of the child. It will be easier for him to adapt to the external environment if he is initially confident in his appearance. He will be handsome and attractive.

But back to low self-esteem in adulthood.

How to become interesting for men - the psychology of introspection

When trying to drown out the inner pain arising from, there is a danger that we fall into the trap of having to take everything more to heart. You must independently learn to increase the significance and attractiveness of your appearance. You are individual.

There is no other person like you in the world.

How to prevent it? We will tell you simple rules on how to learn to look differently at your appearance.

Remember the moment from the famous movie "The most charming and attractive"? So. These attitudes, repeated daily, really influence the formation of self-esteem and self-attractiveness.

How men evaluate

Many young girls and women are very concerned about this age-old question, which means the attractiveness of a woman through the eyes of a man. But there is no single recipe for beauty. Someone blindly follows the imposed standards - 90-60-90. Believe me, every woman is individual and beautiful in her own way. And someone is crazy about puffy beauties. What do men like in a woman?

Something else is important here. How do you see yourself in the mirror. How can you present your man.

“The concept of beauty, especially for women, can be viewed on many levels,” says Joanna GöDECKE. The vast majority of women celebrate the concept of beauty as: a slender figure, beautiful hair and facial features.

Nevertheless, many women begin to appreciate such values ​​as optimism, position in society, an accomplished personality, kindness, if they are deprived of external beauty.

It turns out that with this approach, many women see their inner, spiritual beauty. Only 10% of the women surveyed deny the recognized canons of beauty and see their attractiveness in being in demand in the family, work, respect among colleagues and people around them.

The studies of the Polish marketer Joanna GöDECKE are still very interesting.

Joanna GöDECKE emphasizes that the definition of beauty changes with the growth of consciousness. We begin to appreciate not only ideal proportions and harmonious features, but also a specific aura that comes from a sense of inner unity, joy and freedom of the individual. And this is the main recipe for success to always look professional.

“It can be said that the world loves people who love the world and bestows beauty on those who radiate beauty,” says Joanna GöDECKE. “This is a kind of process that occurs in the form of an exchange of energy between us and the environment, and begins with the discovery of a potential internal resource and love for it.

What makes women unique

Here are the main points:

  • understanding of our personality and uniqueness, namely our appearance and those characteristics that make us who we are;
  • self-esteem, which allows you to express yourself authentically;
  • self-confidence that makes us feel attractive;
  • optimism - a person who sincerely smiles automatically becomes beautiful;
  • emotional intelligence causes us to be able to establish support in relationships; taking care of each other, which proves that we appreciate and respect each other;
  • in a broad sense, elegance, or the ability to emphasize our appearance, the appropriate dress or suit with taste. When we feel at ease, we become confident and attractive.

External beauty, satisfaction with our appearance in the mirror is the most important point, because every day we look in the mirror. If you only look for flaws that you bring to the fore and constantly criticize your appearance, you automatically attract your thoughts to awareness of your flaws and yourself make this problem more significant. You must focus your attention on what is beautiful in you. This is how we teach people how to look at us. If we see beauty there, others will notice it. If we do not see it, we will never be able to convince the world.

Attention from colleagues - we make compliments

More than half of survey respondents admit that it matters to them what other women think of them in the workplace or in society. In the workplace where we spend so much time, recognition and attention to our appearance is very important to us.

If we are told how attractive you look today, we begin to feel much more confident, increasing our labor potential and energy for the work process.

It's about being able to give other women the support they need to be better and more beautiful. By commenting on someone's appearance, we can "give wings, but we can also clip them."

Therefore, instead of rivalry and mutual evaluation, one should rely on cooperation and kindness.

Compliment each other about beauty

You will get the same answer. Feeling emotionally secure in a friendly environment is an invaluable element for developing better traits. It strengthens the courage to be yourself. When you are kind to each other, you give a positive feedback, it becomes easier for you to believe in the beauty of your body and soul. Your self-esteem becomes more resilient. We begin to treat each other with tenderness and understanding. We create a new, positive standard and we share it with others.

  1. We also learn from each other through observation, so try to mutually recognize your individuality and emphasize it in others. The joy and feeling of beauty is contagious!
  2. If you blindly follow fashion trends or desperately try to make a career in a way that is inconsistent with your appearance, you are showing the world that you do not feel your own uniqueness.
  3. Develop self-esteem by seeing yourself as a unique human being endowed with unique beauty.

And then your professional life will not compensate for anything, but on the contrary, it will be a wonderful addition. And the question about the attractiveness of a woman through the eyes of a man will simply cease to excite you.
