Women's leg tattoos. What do leg tattoos mean for girls? — Beautiful image options

If you are looking for something feminine and graceful, then we have collected the most beautiful tattoos for girls. There are no vulgar patterns with shadows and penumbras that resemble granite monuments. No aggressive imagery with fangs and claws. There are no painted roosters or peacocks. Our collection is light, sophisticated and unusually beautiful.

Strength in weakness

Beautiful and delicate tattoos for girls can have hundreds of designs. A tattoo is something sacred, the meaning of which cannot be explained. Before you choose something, think: what symbol, animal, image or pattern represents you?


Floral motifs are quite popular among girls. Fashionable princesses often want to put something cute and graceful on their young bodies. From the whole variety you can choose the following elements:

  • roses;
  • lavender;
  • water lilies;
  • lotus;
  • lilies;
  • peonies;
  • laurel;
  • lilac;
  • clover;
  • flowers on thin stems;
  • intertwining branches.

Such ideas are chosen by girls with a unique feminine side, who are able to see beauty in small details.

Remember, the fewer lines on the tattoo, the more harmonious it looks. A dotted space doesn't always look great.

Women's tattoos with flowers can be seen in the photo:

Birds and animals

If you know your totem animal that protects you or you just like some kind of predator, reptile or even cat, then this option is for you. You can depict on your body any animal that is close to you in spirit:

  • tiger;
  • dog;
  • panther;
  • penguin;
  • heron;
  • turtle;
  • owl;
  • fox;
  • peacock;
  • flock of birds

Among girls, cats, foxes and owls are especially popular. The drawing can be schematic or three-dimensional (fully shaded). Tattoos with polygons (triangles) are also often chosen.

Let's look at women's animal tattoos in the photo:

Zodiac signs

Zodiac sign tattoos are an imperishable classic that is so popular with strong-willed Aries, stubborn Taurus, versatile Gemini, soulful Cancer, royal Leo and pedantic Virgo. Here's the scales: whether you like it or not. But passionate Scorpios, lucky Sagittarius, intellectual Capricorns, mysterious Aquarians and sensitive Pisces will definitely like it.


In this category, your imagination can go on endless flights. Beautiful small tattoos for girls with inscriptions can be anything: lines from songs, words, quotes, mottos, mantras, #mypeoplealwayssomnaya, #hugged, #onligadkenjajmi. Choose whatever you like, as long as you like it.

Aesthetics corner

Where can beautiful tattoos for girls be located? Anywhere! When choosing a sacred space, you should listen to your heart, but remember that some employers look strictly at tattoos and do not welcome them. It is best to choose a place that can always be covered, and so that parents cannot see.


If you have long hair, then the tattoo behind your ear is almost never visible. You can always hide it by loosening your curls. Or open it if you tie a ponytail or braid it. But the thought that there is a little message on your body will warm you up.

The best ideas for women's tattoos behind the ear and on it can be seen in the photo below:


The sexiest place on a girl is her collarbone. In two depressions on both sides you can place the most delicate and elegant designs.

Beautiful and small tattoos for girls on the collarbone can be seen in the photo:

Palms and fingers

The back of the hand is a wonderful canvas for a woman's tattoo. Even in ancient times, in the East, girls decorated their hands with mehendi and applied marvelous weaves. Why not transfer your pattern to this part of the body?

The story of finger tattoos came to us from the USA. You shouldn’t personify this with the zone and prisoners. Let's think that the best and cunning mafiosi decorated their fingers with letters and inscriptions. By the way, over the hundreds of years of the mafia’s existence, few of them were caught. So feel free to decorate your fingers.

Remember that finger tattoos wear off fairly quickly. They have to be updated from time to time.

In the photo you can see examples of beautiful small tattoos for girls on the palms and fingers:

Your wrists are as fragile as crystal

A chic option for those who constantly want to admire their beauty. On thin wrists the following may be depicted:

  • flowers;
  • animals;
  • Houseware;
  • stars;
  • space;
  • phrases;
  • sweets;
  • bracelets;
  • and much more.

They always get into the frame and highlight their owner. Beautiful tattoos for girls on the wrist can be seen in the photo:


There is plenty of room to wander around here. Tattoos look great on the shoulder, forearm and a little lower. Images can always be hidden with a blouse, shirt or sweater. And if you want, wear a sleeveless T-shirt and show off your beauty to the whole world.

Beautiful tattoos for girls on the arm can be seen in our collection in the photo:


A tattoo on the ribs is like a baby under the heart. A sacred design can be painted in an intimate area, where not everyone can get. But in the summer, in a two-piece swimsuit you can open your body and show off. But just in case, take a piece of swimsuit, too, so that your mother doesn’t find out about anything, otherwise you might get burned in the photos from your vacation.

The most beautiful tattoos in the world for girls on the ribs can be seen in the photo:


The back is rarely open, and the owner himself never sees his tattoo from behind. But photographs with elegant designs can turn out simply excellent. If you decide to wear a dress with an open back to a celebration, then be prepared for enthusiastic screams: “Wow! You have a tattoo! What does it mean?

Examples of tattoos on the back are shown in the photo:


Thigh tattoos are quite popular in 2018. More and more girls are choosing this place for their image. You can always stroke the thigh, admire the design and take beautiful pictures. Most often, flowers or animals are depicted on this body.

Beautiful tattoos for girls on the thigh are shown in the photo below:


The foot is a great option for those who want, but don’t know where to get a tattoo. The pattern on the leg is not always visible. You can hide it at any time with socks, tights or high shoes.

In the summer season, with ballet flats or sandals, the image will look luxurious. The length of the foot suggests some kind of stretching pattern from heel to toe. Most often they choose a scattering of stars, sprigs of flowers, a flying flock of birds or a million hearts.

Beautiful tattoos for girls on the leg can be seen in the photo below:

The best ideas for women's tattoos

We have collected the best women's tattoos for you. Beautiful tattoos for girls: flowers, inscriptions, animals and much more can be seen in our photo ideas. Scroll through, enjoy, save and choose!

Tattoos are one of the most beautiful forms of art and quite unusual, since the canvas is still the human body.

A tattoo can completely reflect you or just be an interesting decoration.

Most girls get tattoos on their legs.

Leg tattoos

Often when we dream of a tattoo, we can’t choose the place where it will look best, or moreover, we can’t even decide on a sketch. However, you should approach the choice of a tattoo with great care, as it should please you for many years.

It can be quite difficult to decide on a place for a future drawing, but it is worth paying attention to several important factors: pain, the scale of the drawing (so that it fits without damaging the composition), many people also pay attention to how easy the place will be to hide with clothes or vice versa , choose the most visible.

On the hip

The thigh is the most common place for tattoos among girls. The main criterion when choosing is that the location is optimal for fairly large drawings, which will be fully visible and will not be blurred. And what’s important is that the thigh (especially in the front) is one of the most painless places, so it’s best for the first experience.

Most often, girls, when choosing a style for a tattoo on their leg, prefer realism, old school or the new “Linework” direction. Let's talk about the latter in more detail. The linework style uses graphic images created only with the help of geometric shapes, straight lines and regular semicircles. Recently, this style has become especially popular, especially since it is somewhat similar to the so popular minimalism.

The contours of animals made from small triangles and straight lines look quite interesting. Sometimes plants or abstract compositions on ethnic themes are printed in the same style.

On the shins

Tattoos on the lower leg are also very popular among girls. This is one of the most noticeable places: in a skirt of almost any length, shorts, cropped trousers, dress - the tattoo will always be visible. Often, a small design of 10-15 cm is printed on the calf, on the back of the shin. Or they make a general composition from one large image or a large number of small ones.

Small tattoos in the minimalist style, made exclusively in black, have gained incredible popularity today. Most often, they cover the entire body so that all the tattoos match each other in style. However, getting a tattoo on the shin is quite painful, especially when painting it over, so you will have to be patient. But the result will definitely please both you and those around you.

On the ankle

The ankle is one of the most painful places, but also the most popular. Girls often prefer small elegant tattoos, stuffed bracelets or inscriptions. And this is the place that suits best. A couple of letters peeking out between shoes and trousers looks fascinating.

The handpoke style, the so-called “drunk tattoo,” is especially relevant for tattoos on the ankle. Previously, there was a stereotype that small tattoos with cartoon and comic book characters and various simple symbols were tattooed as a sign of belonging to a certain subculture. Later they started getting them just for fun, but today such tattoos have become part of the culture. Due to their size and style, they work best around the ankle.

On the foot

The foot or instep is one of the most feminine places for a tattoo. On the beach or from the neckline of shoes, this particular piece of the body peeks out intriguingly. Tattoos in the form of an inscription or miniature flowers look beautiful on the foot. Girls get such tattoos so as not to decorate their body with a rough and large design. Something elegant, very small, perhaps not even entirely consistent with the original concept of a tattoo, just a small decoration for the body.

Also, hieroglyphs look very beautiful on the foot, but when filling them, it is important to make sure of the meaning. The master should also be very careful, since literally one dash can completely change the meaning. But in general, such tattoos look very mysterious and attractive.

Lettering for tattoo

Girls often want to emphasize their grace and elegance through tattoos; inscriptions are ideal for this. Thin curved fonts, small sizes and clever thoughts. It would be a good idea to write a phrase - an incentive or motivation, looking at which you will always go forward and not give up.

It is better to type such words in a place that will constantly catch the eye, such as the thighs, forearms or palms. Often, couples in love use inscriptions to secure their union on each other’s bodies.

Perhaps everyone has a favorite line in a book or song, one that was remembered from a young age and still sits in the head. Quotes from world classics or words of avant-garde writers - the inscription can be anything, but it is important that it is close and understandable to you in spirit

The meaning of tattoos

The meaning of a tattoo is most often something purely personal or with subtle overtones. Of course, this is far from a prerequisite, but you yourself will become much more attached to the tattoo, adding a special meaning to it. There are more than 20 styles of tattoos and among them are a lot of eye-catching images.

And if a certain sketch has sunk into your soul, but you don’t know the original meaning of what was drawn, then you shouldn’t make a tragedy out of it. After all, each person chooses for himself how to decorate his own body, and besides, a tattoo can always become an association or a pleasant memory.

First of all, an idea for a drawing or a sketch appears, and then it is important to choose a place for a future tattoo. For the most part, it depends on the size of the pattern and pain. Girls often endure the process of creating a tattoo much more painfully than men, which is why you should be careful about the chosen location.

Since the situation will not work out in the best way if you get up in the middle of the session and say that you can’t stand it anymore. For people with a high pain threshold, this aspect is practically unimportant. However, a girl with a low pain threshold should notify the specialist in advance and then the use of painkillers will be possible.

Although in many circles of “downtrodden” people this method is not very respected, sometimes it is really necessary. In addition, you can familiarize yourself with the tattoo pain map in advance, which accurately shows the most painful and painless parts of the body for girls and guys.

People leading an active lifestyle should also pay attention to the place for the tattoo from the point of view that during healing it is better not to touch this place and physical actions with it may be painful at first.

For example, the bends of the arms and legs are constantly touched by clothing, the torso is involved when running, and the back of the thighs when sitting. This does not mean that you should abandon the chosen place, but you really should be more careful with the healing of the tattoo, since how it heals depends not much less than on the quality of the paint and the experienced hand of the artist.

Despite the often negative comments from society, tattoos are truly amazing creations, sometimes with a much longer and more fascinating history than most aspects of culture that exist today.

The lower part of the leg is commonly called the shin. The zone starts from the knee and extends to the heel. The back of the lower leg is called the calf after the calf muscle located here. This is where tattoos are most often made.

Keeping the bone away from the skin minimizes pain. In front of the leg, the bone is close to the integument. The blows from the machine are painful. That's why, tattoo on shin, so to speak, from the front, is a rarity, as are patterns on the ankle.

The meaning of a tattoo on the lower leg

Photo Few people put it on their shins. The bottom of the legs is not a popular area for drawing. The meaning of some of them is distorted. Thus, placing religious subjects and symbols of faith below the waist is considered blasphemous. Declarations of love, tattoos with the names of loved ones and their images also begin to look disdainful. These are popular categories of tattoos.

They create a numerical advantage in favor of patterns in the upper body. Intimate tattoos are also in demand. But the lower leg is not an erotic zone for either boys or girls. Another minus from the total number of requests for a tattoo. There remain those who want to stand out from the crowd. For them tattoo designs for shin matter. They are also significant for those who have already covered most of the body with patterns - it’s time to use the space of the legs.

There is another category of fans of shin tattoos - those who want to adjust their body parameters. Calves can be too massive or thin. A well-placed drawing will help to visually increase or decrease the volume and change the shape of the muscle. For some it is flat, for others it has a clear drop, turning into a massive tubercle under the knee. By darkening it and highlighting the lower part of the calf, the master is able to make the leg more harmonious. However, for a 100% result, you will have to apply a duplicate image on the second leg and choose the right sketch.

The aesthetic value on the lower leg is the main motivation to make patterns. However, there are clients for whom images are important from a psychological point of view. Thus, Amanda Brignall found an outlet in body painting after her divorce from her husband and the departure of both sons from their parents’ home. At that time, the British woman was 37 years old.

By the age of 50, a woman’s body is already 80% covered with drawings. “By doing this, I get rid of the feeling of worthlessness and uselessness,” Amanda notes. Standard dressing, cutting and dyeing hair did not help get out of depression. But the images of Marilyn Monroe, the Statue of Liberty, roses and cherry blossoms came to the rescue. These are one of the few items displayed on the British woman’s shins.

Women's tattoos on the lower leg

Women's shin tattoos Most often applied to the ankle area. Girls strive to emphasize their elegance and slimness. Ksenia Borodina did the same. The decision was made by the TV presenter in her youth. Then a dolphin appeared on Ksenia’s leg - standard shin tattoo for girls. Over time, the pop nature of the picture began to irritate Borodina. She decided to paint over the tattoo. Now, on top of the dolphin is a bird feather. The old tattoo doesn't show through.

The curves of the feather are graceful and airy. These are the lines of most designs for the lower leg chosen by women. What will emphasize the slenderness of your legs better than the image of a dancing ballerina, or thin stems of poppies? Butterflies are another winner tattoo on shin for women. Photo tattoos with flying swans also evoke thoughts of romance and beauty.

Some ladies want to express their playful nature in body designs. In this case, tattoos are made that imitate golf socks with frills. Self-love is conveyed through imprints on the skin of the lips, images with crowns and diamonds.

Girls often ask and inscription on the shin. Tattoo looks elegant if made in the form of a bracelet on the ankle, or located along the calf muscle. This visually stretches her and makes her slim. However, you can’t seduce men like that. They vote for completely different tattoos on their shins.

Men's shin tattoos

Photo Men's shin tattoos indicate that guys prefer large designs that visually increase muscle volume. Powerful legs, like arms, are a symbol of masculinity and strength. Gentlemen tend to paint over not only their calves, but also cover the entire limb with patterns. Portraits of idols serve as the heroes of the images. For example, sketches of Che Guevara or popular musicians are popular. Images of wild predators, tribal ornaments, and biomechanical compositions compete with them. In the latter, flesh is combined with metal parts.

Men are more likely than women to wear monochrome tattoos. The black and white color palette has a sharpness and a certain aggression inherent in the stronger sex. Aggression can also be transmitted through the subject of paintings. A warrior in armor or a grinning wolf clearly does not evoke associations with romance and peacefulness. Compositions with skulls are also gloomy. According to Mexican beliefs, they are considered a talisman. The bones give a signal to death passing by: “there are no longer any living here.” The old woman with the scythe sees no point in taking away those who have already turned into skulls.

Insects are also loved by guys. We're not talking about butterflies or dragonflies. Guys are amused by tattoos with cockroaches, beetles, or ants crawling along their legs. The compositions look repulsive to many. But that’s the point. You need to show that you have no fear, disgust or prejudice.

For some, such pictures are a way to shock the public. There are also those who sincerely sympathize with creeping and flying creatures. By the way, such people are also found among girls. Some of them are not averse to imprinting a fly or a caterpillar on their shin. And the caterpillar from “Alice in Wonderland” is the idol of millions.

The shins heal quickly after application, as do any abrasions on the extremities. Both men and women like it. A fresh tattoo becomes covered with scabs. You will have to wait, on average, 5 days longer for it to fall off on your stomach or neck. So, an artistic composition on the shin makes it possible to quickly appear in the world, as they say, in all its glory.

The shin is an excellent option for applying images, both for guys and girls, it is quite a large working surface, considering that the design can extend from the knee to the ankle. In addition, the lower leg has two sides: the muscular back surface (calf) and the front part (the lower leg itself). Thus, those who want to get a tattoo have many options for the placement of the design. You can use the entire surface of the lower leg, you can touch only the calf area, you can apply a tattoo on the upper part of the lower leg, not reaching the ankle, or, conversely, make a neat image at the bottom of this part of the body.

Tutu in the lower leg area can very often be seen among both the fair sex and men. However, the meanings of tattoos inked in the shin area are completely different for boys and girls.

A female tattoo in this part of the body conveys tenderness, softness, and the image is usually elegant and sophisticated, since the main purpose of the tattoo is to emphasize the feminine fragility of its owner. A man's shin tattoo, on the contrary, is applied with the aim of declaring the courage, rebellion, purposefulness and determination of its owner.

Did you know? Celebrities also love shin tattoos, for example, rock musicians David Navarro and Courtney Love boast such images on their bodies.

Theme of shin tattoos

Girls most often apply tattoos on the lower leg as a feminine decoration, so the most popular themes are all kinds of bracelets, floral patterns, butterflies, flower arrangements, and images in the fantasy style. Wanting to fill a tattoo with sacred meaning, representatives of the fair half of humanity often apply Japanese or Chinese characters. Girls with a rebellious character choose images with the theme of fire, snakes, dragons.

Men, as a rule, choose designs that reflect their profession, interests, and hobbies as tattoos. Thus, gamers often apply images of characters from their favorite games, people who are passionate about pre-Christian cultures apply Celtic or ancient Slavic ornaments, avid fishermen ask for carp and sea creatures to be stuffed, and doctors, with their characteristic sense of humor, stuff anatomical drawings or plague doctors.

Important! It is necessary to carefully consider the theme and style of tattoo design, since during the summer season this area will always be in sight, attracting the gaze of others!

Stylistic design of women's shin tattoos

Depending on the chosen design, there are many stylistic options for shin tattoos for girls and boys. So, for girls who have made a choice in favor of various floral patterns or beautiful abstract designs, the artist can offer a tattoo in the “dot work” style; this method involves applying a tattoo with individual dots; with a high level of skill of the artist, the images are very bright and clear.

A caricature of an animal or plant can be done in the “new school” style, in which case the drawing will turn out very bright and colorful.

Images of fantasy characters, animals, beautiful flower arrangements can be applied to the body, imitating classic oil painting or watercolor. You just have to ask the master, and he will professionally apply the image with all the necessary effects.

Stylistic design of men's shin tattoos

Separately, it is worth mentioning a fairly young tattoo technique. This technique requires the highest skill of the artist. And not every salon will have a specialist with such qualifications. However, with the right choice of salon and artist, you can get a surprisingly realistic image of the drawing that will not leave anyone indifferent. This technique can depict animals, ornaments, portraits of people, and epic battles.

What you need to know when getting a shin tattoo

Each part of the body used as a canvas for a tattoo has a number of its own characteristics, so it is necessary to take into account all the nuances when applying the image. For example, a tattoo on the shin does not cause acute painful sensations if you use the calf area. At the same time, applying a pattern on the front of the shin is quite painful, since the skin is located close to the bone.

Sequence of actions for those wishing to get a tattoo

  1. It is necessary to decide in advance on the theme of the tattoo by checking the meaning of the design in reliable sources;
  2. Having decided on a design, you need to find a suitable salon and artist; to do this, you should read people’s reviews on the Internet, look at photos of finished tattoos;

Have you decided to decorate yourself with a tattoo, but don’t know which part of the body to apply it to? Consider getting a foot tattoo! The forearm is too banal, the back – hardly anyone will see a drawing on it, but a tattoo on the foot is a very interesting solution.

So it turns out that foot tattoos for girls are the best idea. Did you know that the tradition of decorating the represented part of the body came from India? Since ancient times, women of this country have been applying beautiful designs on their hands and feet with henna. And it looks very sexy. Attention to feet is also present in other countries.

If you decide that you like foot tattoos, it's worth thinking about what part of your foot you'll be getting them on. Traditional places are the side, ankle, bone area. All of these options will be very practical. The pattern located in the presented areas is easy to care for. It will not fade and will not be subject to constant friction.

Among other things, such a tattoo looks very aesthetically pleasing and is always visible to others. Hiding the drawing, if necessary, is also very simple. To do this, just wear socks or closed shoes. This way, no one will guess that you are the owner of a tattoo.

Moreover, the foot is considered the least sensitive place. This is very important for those females whose pain threshold is low. You can make a national Indian tattoo; for this, the ornament must be located on the top of the foot and represent a special pattern. It is not recommended to apply the pattern to the heel and lower part of the foot. The thing is that the skin here is quite rough, which means the image will blur and become ugly. When it comes to choosing a picture, nothing should limit you.

Usually girls prefer fairly typical images. These are abstract patterns, flowers, stars, animals and butterflies. Sometimes almost microscopic pictures are made, such as a treble clef or a note.

Don’t forget that the most popular foot tattoos for girls are inscriptions. The phrases written in this place look mysterious. They are not so easy to see, except in a home environment, and this costs a lot. It's nice when there is a mystery hidden under the shoes for a select few!

However, you can choose anything as a tattoo design on the foot! The main thing is to find an experienced craftsman who will help you choose from existing pictures or develop your own sketch. In this case, you can always apply a tattoo that extends to the ankle. It looks very original and impressive!

Foot tattoo video

Below are photos of foot tattoos from different tattoo artists.
