Creepy selfies taken moments before death. Selfie in the car - deadly selfie Selfie in the car

Young woman suffers fatal head injuries after leaning topless out of car

A young woman in only white panties leans out of a red Kia Picanto, joking and laughing. Then it leans back. The video is interrupted by a scream of horror. At the exit from the highway to Punta Cana, the girl is literally taken out of the car. It turned out that she crashed her head into a road sign showing the direction to the airport.

It was last night. And in the morning, a video with a naked Natasha, who had died by that time from her injuries, was posted by the NTV channel. By evening, the video had received more than 120,000 views. An order of magnitude more than other videos with deaths on vacation. A woman named Ivanna could have witnessed the incident. Presumably, she was driving the car at the moment when the tragedy occurred. Some media write that Ivanna herself filmed the video on a mobile phone, others say that a smartphone with the camera turned on was recorded, and the shooting was carried out automatically. And then the video somehow ends up on the NTV channel, then Ren-TV. Who provided such a "movie" to journalists? At the time of publication of the article, the answer to this question could not be found: we could not get through to the press service of the NTV channel, the specified number did not answer.

The Dominican community turned to everyone that knows anything about the girl, since Natalia had only a passport with her. Little is known about her. According to some sources, she is a native of Chelyabinsk, according to others - the region. The woman is very beautiful, with the appearance of a film actress, she looks much younger than her 35s. She moved first to Moscow, and then to Cannes, where she was engaged in the sale of real estate. I was on vacation in the Dominican Republic. There are many photos of Natalia on social networks, which indicate that she loved a beautiful life - she skied, traveled a lot. So far, nothing is known about Ivanna at all, except that she is a citizen of Ukraine and permanently lives in the Dominican Republic.

On May 24, Natasha left a note under one of the photographs, which can be considered prophetic: “Remember one simple truth: everything that should happen will definitely happen, no matter how hard you try to avoid it, everything that should not happen will not happen, no matter how you didn't want it. Therefore, in any situation, remain calm.

Olga Nagornyuk

Selfie in the car - deadly selfie

The development of technology and the emergence of new gadgets give rise to hobbies among their users, which are not always safe. The desire to be “in the stream” and stand out from the background of others pushes us to take risky actions, leading to a tragic ending. Such dangerous hobbies include, in particular, a selfie in the car - a deadly selfie that leads to death.

What is a selfie?

The word "selfie" appeared in Russian and powerful quite recently, having migrated from the English language (self), where in 2013 it became the word of the year. Its literal translation sounds like "himself".

The appearance of smartphones and iPads has somewhat changed the semantics of this word: now selfie in Russian-speaking countries is the process of taking a photo or video of oneself and publishing it on social networks.

You have probably met on Instagram or Facebook photos of girls capturing their lips stretched out for a kiss on a smartphone, and guys filming dangerous tricks in their own performance with their own hands. Here are examples of selfies.

Most of the time, these shots are harmless. There is nothing dangerous in the actions of a beauty who put on a tight dress and photographed herself in a seductive pose.

But there are types of selfies that pose a threat to the life of both the one who shoots and those who become unwitting witnesses to this process. We will talk about one of these ways of shooting - a selfie in a car - in our article, since the name “death selfie” fits perfectly.

Selfies in the car: killer statistics

A selfie driving a car is a potential killer. However, most young people do not even think about it, considering taking pictures in a car as an innocent entertainment that does not pose any danger.

Concerned about the selfie craze among young motorists, Ford conducted a survey of 7,000 European drivers aged 18 to 24. The results are horrendous:

1. Every fourth of the respondents at least once in his life took a selfie while driving, and half of the respondents photographed the surroundings while driving.

What's wrong with that, you say. Just think, a couple of seconds - and the photo is ready. What can happen in such a short time? It turns out a lot. Experts have calculated: when shooting while driving, the driver is distracted from the road for 14 seconds. A car traveling at a speed of 100 km / h covers about 400 meters during this time - enough distance to provoke an accident.

2. A quarter of the respondents managed, while driving, to view news feeds on the Internet and post their photos on social networks. networks.

It is estimated that such actions take about 20 seconds. This is enough for the driver, distracted from the road, to drive into the adjacent lane and crash into a car rushing towards him. As a result, an innocent passion for photography will turn into a tragedy.

Driver survey results:

A country Selfies taken while driving in a car, % Posted on social networks and watched news on the Internet, % Photographed while driving a car, %
Great Britain 33 32 43
France 28 23 41
Germany 28 35 55
Romania 27 25 97
Italy 26 21 40
Spain 18 8 32
Belgium 17 26 41

Our compatriots did not participate in the survey, however, we also have drivers who combine driving and photography.

An interesting fact: according to statistics, men are much more likely to take selfies in a car while driving. Experts believe that women drive more carefully, so they are less likely to be distracted from the road. Perhaps there is another explanation for this: women in the photo want to look perfect, but while driving this is not always possible.

How dangerous is a selfie in a car?

The driver behind the wheel of the car should be as collected and concentrated as possible. The road does not forgive carelessness. If you are distracted for a few seconds to shoot, you may not notice a car rushing towards you, you may not notice a pedestrian crossing the road, you may fly into the oncoming lane and crash into another car, you may not notice a pedestrian crossing the road. Bottom line: broken cars and victims, among which there may be a selfie.

It just seems that a moment's distraction from the situation on the road does not entail any risks. In fact, everything is not so cloudless:

  • Sending SMS takes, on average, 10 seconds. During this time, the car overcomes 280 meters;

  • dialing a phone number takes 7 seconds, during which the car manages to drive 200 meters;
  • it takes a woman 4 seconds to fix her hair, during which the car manages to run 120 meters.

Drivers know that during critical situations, seconds count, and it’s those seconds that you may miss because of a selfie or a phone call.

Examples of accidents as a result of a selfie in the car

1. 26-year-old American Colette Moreno, on the eve of her own wedding, went with her friend Ashley Tobald to the lake, where they planned to spend a bachelorette party. Ashley, who was driving, was distracted from the road, deciding to take a selfie with Colette, as a result of which their Chevrolet Malibu crashed into a pickup truck. Colette died, she left a five-year-old son.

Ashley, a survivor of the crash, later said the road was clear and she swerved into the oncoming lane to overtake the truck without noticing the slope ahead. Because of him, an oncoming car suddenly appeared, but the girl, taking a selfie, could not quickly orient herself and avoid a collision.

2. The life of an American from North Carolina, Courtney Sanford, ended at the age of 32 because of a selfie in the car. Having photographed herself smiling, she managed to post the picture on the social network, but these seconds were not enough for her to assess the situation on the road and dodge the garbage truck coming around the corner.

Courtney's pickup was blown into a ditch by the force of impact, the woman died on the spot.

3. Puerto Rican Ramon Gonzalez, was known in the US as the rapper Jadiel. Returning home in the evening on his favorite bike after meeting with his parents, he decided to take a selfie while driving. Taking a picture, he lost control, the motorcycle drove into the oncoming lane and fell under the wheels of the car.

Ramon died from his injuries in the hospital.

4. The Iranian girls taking selfies in this video are fortunately alive. However, the accident, which happened because of their desire to take pictures of their loved ones, for a long time discouraged them from looking away from the road.

And here are the same girls in the photo after the accident.

In Russia, the Ministry of Education has already realized the scale of a possible tragedy and plans to introduce electives, in which students will be taught about the rules for safe selfies. Having matured and sat behind the wheel, they will already know what a selfie in a car threatens. In Ukraine, such steps have not yet been taken.

Driving selfie alternative

The legislator has not yet limited the right of the driver to take pictures while driving a car. The Rules of the Road contain only a ban on making calls on a mobile phone without the use of “hands-free” devices.

Perhaps, over time, changes will be made, but so far we have to rely only on the prudence of people getting behind the wheel, as well as on new developments of design engineers who do not get tired of improving the car safety system.

Honda, which promptly responded to the new enthusiasm of young people, has already developed and presented on the American market the HR-V SLF Selfie crossover model, the interior of which is equipped with 10 video cameras. Such a “stuffing” of a car allows the driver to record everything that happens in the car, connect a smartphone and upload the footage to the social network.

However, the designers warn: during the movement of the car, for safety reasons, shooting is not performed. Perhaps a brand new Honda with ten cameras is only the first step towards a gadget car that is functional and safe.

Take it, tell your friends!

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In the last decade, Formula 1 is experiencing a real renaissance. The prestige of this type of motorsport has always remained undeniable, despite the difficult conditions during the global financial crisis. There is something in the very idea of ​​competition that has helped Formula 1 to overcome all the difficulties and rise to a new level.

A selfie can end tragically and even fatally - this is no longer news, but a fact. And, as statistics show, the more dangerous and original you want to take a selfie, the more likely it will be the last in your life. We offer you a selection 12 selfies that ended in death.

Unfortunately, for some especially desperate self-portrait lovers, selfies can become the last hobby, and the photo taken can be dying. However, there are those who are photographed in the most ordinary and harmless situations, not even suspecting that their photo will be the last.

1. Selfie on the bridge

This selfie was taken seconds before the death of a 17-year-old girl.
Ksenia Ignatieva, trying to impress her friends, climbed onto the railway bridge. The schoolgirl wanted to take a selfie against the background of the rails going into the distance, but lost her balance and fell off the iron structure.
When falling, Ksenia grabbed an electric cable and received an electric shock. The girl died immediately.

2. Selfie on board

On December 9, 2012, Mexican singer Jenni Rivera and his six close friends took this selfie before taking off in a private jet.
A couple of minutes after takeoff, the liner crashed, leaving no one alive in this photo.

3. Selfie in the car

April 26, 2014 32-year-old Courtney Sanford (Coutney Sanford) died in a car accident. Literally a couple of seconds before her death, to the song of Pharrell Williams, the woman managed to post her self-portrait on facebook.

4. Selfie on a motorcycle

This selfie was taken by renowned Puerto Rican musician Jadiel and uploaded to Instagram seconds before the fatal accident that claimed his life.
The tragedy occurred in New York in May 2014.

5. Selfie on board

Gary Slok and his mom took this selfie seconds before the infamous Malaysian airliner MH17 took off, which was shot down over Ukraine in July 2014.
This photo became famous after the passengers of the tragic flight began to mourn the whole world.

6. Gun Selfie

Oscar Otero Aguilar, 21, shot himself while trying to come up with an interesting selfie to post on facebook.
The young man took the weapons he kept at home and prepared to pose for the camera. However, by accidentally pulling the trigger, the guy fired a fatal shot in the head. The tragedy happened in the summer of 2014.

7. Selfie on the river bank

In July 2014, this 13-year-old teenage girl, Karen Hernández, wanted to take a selfie on the banks of a river in Durango, Mexico.
Karen miscalculated her own strength, lost her balance, fell into the water and drowned. After some time, rescuers found her body.

8. Selfie on top of the train

In March 2014, a tragedy occurred in the city of Jaen, Spain: a 21-year-old man died from an electric shock when he climbed onto the roof of a train to take an unusual selfie.
It is worth noting that this kind of story, when desperate young people climb onto the roof of a train to drive through a tunnel or take an unusual selfie, is far from uncommon.
As a rule, such attempts to have fun end in tragedy.

9. Selfie in the car

These two Iranian women wanted to take a selfie while singing karaoke in their car. They were so carried away by singing that they stopped looking at the road and crashed into a passing car.

10. Selfie on the rocks

A Polish couple on holiday in Portugal tried to take a selfie by climbing up the edge of a cliff. The couple fell and broke.
Witnesses of the death of parents were their small children, 5 and 6 years old, who stood below and waited for their father and mother.
The tragedy happened in August 2014.

11. Selfie in the car

These 2 young women were going to a pre-wedding bachelorette party. The selfie was taken by one of the girls a second before the head-on collision with another car.
One of the friends, Collette Moreno, died just a couple of days before her own wedding.

12. Selfie on the river bank

On June 9, the tragedy that happened in India claimed the lives of more than 20 people. A group of students and teachers of the Engineering College went on an excursion to the city of Manali.

About 20 people separated from the general group to take pictures on the banks of the Beas River. Those who wanted to take a selfie were simply washed away by a wave that rose after the discharge of water from the reservoir of a local hydroelectric power station.
The bodies of 5 dead were found immediately. Some are still considered missing.

Following the addiction to take pictures of themselves and post pictures on the Internet, people lose their sense of reality, forget about the risk that threatens their health and life. Against the backdrop of the news about a Romanian girl who died while taking a selfie on the roof of a railway car, we recall tragedies that might not have happened if there were no camera phone at hand and a maniacal desire to earn likes on social networks.

1. Selfie on the roof of the train

In May 2015, a Romanian girl burst into flames after accidentally touching a bare wire while trying to take her "coolest selfie" on top of a train. Anna Ursu, 18, and her friend went to the railway station in the city of Iasi to take a "special selfie" that she wanted to post on Facebook. When the girl was lying on the roof of the train and raised her leg into the air, she accidentally touched a bare wire through which a current of 27,000 volts flowed. This caused the girl to catch fire. Despite the best efforts of a bystander who tried to save Anna, the 18-year-old girl later died in the hospital with burns to about 50 percent of her body.

2. Selfie on the bridge

In 2014, a 23-year-old Polish medical student died while trying to take a selfie on the famous Puente de Triana bridge in southern Spain. Balancing on the ledge of the famous bridge, Sylvia Rachel slipped and fell from a 3-meter support. The ambulance managed to start her stopped heart at the scene of the tragedy, but later the girl died in traumatology.

3. Selfie with a gun

Playing with guns is dangerous, and a selfie with a gun can, as it turns out, be your last. In 2014, a Mexican man died while trying to take a selfie with a gun that accidentally fired and fatally wounded him. The victim was 21-year-old Oscar Aguilar Otero, who repeatedly posted selfies on Facebook in front of expensive cars or motorcycles, as well as next to beautiful women.

4. Selfie on the way to a bachelorette party

Colette Moreno, 26, died in a car accident in June 2014 while on her way to a bachelorette party. She was sitting in the passenger seat when her friend's car collided with an oncoming vehicle. Ashley M. Theobald said she was trying to overtake the car in front when the car's exhaust fumes caused Moreno to have an asthmatic reaction that led to the accident.

5. Selfie on the railway bridge

The girl fell from a height of 10 meters, climbing onto the support of the railway bridge to take a selfie. Ksenia Ignatieva was supposed to turn 18 in a month. She fell from a height onto wires energized with 1500 volts. Xenia was an amateur photographer. She decided that from the top of the railway bridge in Krasnogvardeisky (a town near St. Petersburg) should get the best photos. It was the last decision in her life.

6. Selfie on the first date

James Nichols is offering £300 (S$630) for a stone that was stolen from his car. Why so expensive? Because this rock was picked up by his girlfriend who fell to her death while trying to take a selfie on the rock during her first date with James. Nichols flew from the UK to South Africa to meet Miss Cheyenne Holloway. The couple visited Northcliff Rock, the second highest point in the city of Johannesburg. They stopped to take a selfie against the backdrop of the setting sun. According to a witness, Holloway, 21, stood on a large rock near the top of the cliff while Nichols, 23, a portrait photographer, set up a tripod. The rock crumbled and the girl flew down from a 15-meter height.

The popular trend, which has been dubbed #SelfieOlympics, claimed the life of 18-year-old Oscar Reyes. On January 2, 2015, the teenager took a photo of himself dressed as SpongeBob and uploaded it to Facebook. The photo got over 200 likes. Oscar's friends later said that it made him so happy that Oscar decided to keep taking "cool" selfies. Investigators say that on January 3rd, in his mother's bathroom, while trying to take a selfie, Oscar fell off the bathroom door, crushed his head, and died of profuse bleeding.

8. Selfie on the beach on your birthday

A young woman named Chezka Agas drowned while taking a group selfie after celebrating a friend's birthday in the Philippines. An 18-year-old building student was knocked over by a strong wave while she was posing with 6 friends on the beach in front of the famous windmills of Bangui.

9. Selfie on the rock

In August 2014, a Polish couple died after falling off a cliff in Portugal's Cabo da Roca, apparently while trying to take a selfie with their children near the cliff. The 5 and 6 year old children of this couple witnessed the tragedy.

10. Selfie on a motorcycle

Ramon Gonzalez is a Puerto Rican rapper who sang reggaeton and was known by the pseudonym Jadiel. Returning from his parents on a motorcycle, he decided to take a selfie. Moments later, Jadiel lost control of his motorcycle and crashed into an oncoming vehicle. He died on May 10, 2014 at Strong Memorial Hospital.

Incredible Facts

Photography is, first of all, memory.

With the advent of smartphones equipped with front cameras, the craze among young people has become the so-called selfie.

Sometimes people go overboard and go to extreme lengths to photograph themselves in the most bizarre situations.

They take no account of dangers or warnings.

In order to post a photo on their page on a social network and get a bunch of enthusiastic comments and "likes", people take a terrible risk.

However, in pursuit of dubious pleasure and fleeting fame, you can lose the most valuable thing - life.

Unfortunately, for some especially desperate self-portrait lovers, selfies can become the last hobby, and the photo taken can be dying.

However, there are those who are photographed in the most ordinary and harmless situations, not even suspecting that their photo will be the last.

This collection of seemingly ordinary selfies has a scary ending, as the photos were taken moments before their owners died.

Dangerous selfies

1. Selfie on the bridge

17-year-old Ksenia Ignatieva, trying to impress her friends, climbed a railway bridge. The schoolgirl wanted to take a selfie against the background of the rails going into the distance, but lost her balance and fell off the iron structure.

The tragedy happened in the Krasnogvardeisky district of St. Petersburg.

When falling, Ksenia grabbed an electric cable and received an electric shock. The girl died immediately.

2. Selfie on board

On December 9, 2012, Mexican singer Jenni Rivera and six close friends took this selfie before taking off in a private jet.

A couple of minutes after takeoff, the liner crashed, leaving no one alive in this photo.

last selfie

3. Selfie in the car

April 26, 2014 32-year-old Courtney Sanford (Coutney Sanford) died in a car accident. Literally a couple of seconds before death to the song Pharrell Williams (Pharrell Williams) the woman managed to post her self-portrait on facebook.

4. Selfie on a motorcycle

This selfie was taken by renowned Puerto Rican musician Jadiel and uploaded to Instagram seconds before the fatal accident that claimed his life.

The tragedy occurred in New York in May 2014.

5. Selfie on board

Gary Slok and his mom took this selfie seconds before the infamous Malaysian airliner MH17 took off, which was shot down over Ukraine in July 2014.

This photo became famous after the passengers of the tragic flight began to mourn the whole world.

Deadly selfie

6. Gun Selfie

Oscar Otero Aguilar, 21, shot himself while trying to come up with a an interesting selfie to post it on facebook later.

The young man took the weapons he kept at home and prepared to pose for the camera. However, by accidentally pulling the trigger, the guy fired a fatal shot in the head. The tragedy happened in the summer of 2014.

Death Selfie

7. Selfie on the river bank

In July of that year, this 13-year-old teenage girl, Karen Hernandez, wanted to take a selfie by the river in Durango, Mexico.

Karen miscalculated her own strength, lost her balance, fell into the water and drowned. After some time, rescuers found her body.

8. Selfie on top of the train

In March 2014, a tragedy occurred in the city of Jaen, Spain: a 21-year-old man died from an electric shock when he climbed onto the roof of a train to take an unusual selfie.

It is worth noting that this kind of story, when desperate young people climb onto the roof of a train to ride through a tunnel or take an unusual selfie , is far from uncommon.

As a rule, such attempts to have fun end in tragedy.

9. Selfie in the car

These two Iranian women wanted to make selfie while singing karaoke in the car. They were so carried away by singing that they stopped looking at the road and crashed into a passing car.

The girls still managed to survive. On the way to the hospital, they took another selfie.

10. Selfie on the rocks

A Polish couple on holiday in Portugal tried to take a selfie by climbing up the edge of a cliff. The couple fell and broke.

Witnesses of the death of parents were their small children, 5 and 6 years old, who stood below and waited for their father and mother.

The tragedy happened in August 2014.

11. Selfie in the car

These 2 young women were going to a pre-wedding bachelorette party. The selfie was taken by one of the girls a second before the head-on collision with another car.

One of the friends, Collette Moreno, died just a couple of days before her own wedding.

12. Selfie on the river bank

On June 9, the tragedy that happened in India claimed the lives of more than 20 people. A group of students and teachers of the Engineering College went on an excursion to the city of Manali.

About 20 people separated from the general group to take pictures on the banks of the Beas River. Those who wanted to take a selfie were simply washed away by a wave that rose after the discharge of water from the reservoir of a local hydroelectric power station.

The bodies of 5 dead were found immediately. Some are still considered missing.
