Umbrellas decorated beautifully for the exhibition. Decorating an umbrella with your own hands

Required materials and tools:

  • black umbrella;
  • ruler and chalk for drawing on fabric (we used Tailor's Chalk);
  • white fabric paint (we chose Block Ink);
  • foam brush.


We start by measuring with a ruler and marking with chalk those places where we want to see the stripes. We decided that our stripes would be 2.5 cm wide. But you can combine: thin stripes with wide ones. The result will be amazing!


Using a foam brush, we begin to paint. Block Ink paint can be bought at a store that sells handmade materials. But in principle, any paint for fabric is suitable.

Try to draw the stripes even and neat. We tried masking tape, but to be honest, it didn't hold very well, but it helped us a little. You can adapt. Perhaps you will come up with something of your own to facilitate the process of drawing straight lines.

We applied several stripes of the same width in the center of the umbrella and along its edges. Let them dry. We have such a wonderful result. And in combination with black and white clothes, you will be simply irresistible.

We hope you enjoyed our tutorial. After all, it is very simple. This handmade striped umbrella turned out to be stylish, contrasting and fashionable. Since fabric paint provides that after drying it will not be washed off with water, no heavy rain is terrible with such an umbrella. You can safely go outside and be sure that the white stripes will remain in place. We do not limit you in choosing a pattern. A black umbrella can be decorated with white circles, a zigzag, curlicues or a spiral. Perhaps you will come up with something of your own. We are glad that we shared with you the idea of ​​turning an ordinary black umbrella into an exclusive, stylish, contrasting umbrella. Nobody really has this!

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Elena Siyanova

Baby umbrellas now used not only for appointment: as a way to hide from the rain, but also make decorative flower beds in the summer, decorate verandas, etc. And for a long time I wanted to make an unusual autumn umbrella.

For creating I needed an autumn umbrella: old children's umbrella, severe threads or they are called twine, decorations on the topic autumn(I bought everything at the Fix Price store).

You can tie it in different ways, the main thing is more often, so that as little clearance as possible remains along the radius umbrella. Then I attached a garland of leaves in a circle autumn different colors: red, orange, brown. And at the end, with a needle, I sewed fruits to the twine autumn: acorns, cones, nuts, pumpkins, etc. Everything I found in the store. And what a beauty I have turned out:

Thank you for your attention.

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We continue the section "Needlework" and the subsection "" with an article. Which, as it turned out, is fast, simple and original. And instead of the usual boring umbrella, we get something that attracts attention. By the way, we have already encountered stencils in the article "Plant silhouettes - great home decor". So, you may find the tips in this article helpful.

How to decorate an umbrella with a stencil? Everything is so simple that there is almost nothing to write. To do this, you need: an umbrella, on which it is not a pity to train (for a start), acrylic paints, thick cardboard for making a stencil. Well, plus all sorts of auxiliary things such as brushes, sponges, jars, pencils, scissors, stationery knives and so on.

Accordingly, the first step in decorating an umbrella with a stencil is actually making the stencil.

For starters, you can make the simplest stencil. For example, in the form of a triangle. Plus a little practice on plain paper.

And then one, two - and the umbrella is ready!

By the way, the umbrella does not have to be white. But if the umbrella is not white, then we recommend using a stencil as a base first to apply white paint and let it dry (perhaps several times). This will result in colors that are much more vibrant than if you were painting directly on black or gray and another dark (or bright) color.

Acrylic is fixed with an iron.

Accordingly, after mastering such a simple stencil, you can move on to more complex stencils. For example, like this:

Or like this:

Unless, of course, you have not run out of umbrellas yet 🙂

So, decorating an umbrella with a stencil is very, very simple. Well, it's beautiful.

Sourced from

Olga Semenchenko

With the coming autumn in the life of children, along with the magical fall of leaves, a series of autumn holidays. It is known that children's impressions are the strongest, brightest, unforgettable. That is why we must make sure that everyone holiday children will remember for a long time. It's no secret that this is one of the most anticipated holidays, warmed by the warmth of the past summer, filled with the aroma of ripe apples and generously colored autumn palette.

We bring to your attention master class on creating an umbrella for Autumn from maple leaves. Umbrella it turns out voluminous due to the use of a wire frame and corrugated leaves.

Our umbrella is like a bird

Above the blue shower

Flying somewhere, rushing

And we hurry after him.

1. Making the frame wire umbrella.

2. Cut out the shape of a maple leaf from double-sided colored paper according to the template.

3. It turns out such multi-colored leaves. I got 62 of them!

4. Now we attach the leaves to the frame with a thin wire.

5. Here is the result.

6. We make a handle from thick wire umbrella. AND we make out its all the same multi-colored maple leaves.

7. Umbrella for Autumn is ready. You can decorate the room.

This is how it looks on the wall among other decorations.

Thank you for your attention!

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