Read how to make a man marry you. How to make a man marry you: several surefire ways

It would seem that the very question “how to get a guy to marry” sounds somewhat repulsive. Images of abnormal, predatory women immediately come to mind, just looking for a reason to marry poor, unsuspecting men. But in life, everything often happens the other way around: these girls endure, wait and hope to legitimize a long-standing relationship with their chosen one. Men, on the other hand, are in no hurry to propose marriage - they can drag out regular relationships indefinitely or happily live in a civil marriage without taking on official obligations. Well, they don’t want to, and that’s all for you!

Nowadays, civil marriages are very popular; modern morality allows a man and a woman to live under the same roof and without first going to the registry office. But when deciding to live together, a woman, as a rule, hopes to get to know her partner better and understand whether she can live the rest of her life with him and whether it is worth giving him her hand and heart. For men, this is a very convenient state of affairs, when he continues to feel like a bachelor, but has comfort, affection, and a loving woman at home. And they are not going to change their marital status quite often.

And it happens that things don’t come to a civil marriage, but the candy-bouquet period dragged on for many years. The man still does not dare to take the next step in the relationship - to offer to marry him. Any girl dreams of marriage, and this is completely normal: we have a natural desire to raise children in ideal conditions, when mom and dad are in a real marriage and are responsible for each other. But for some reason it is much more convenient for a man to meet his girlfriends on weekends and spend vacations together, but they are afraid to even think about wedding bells. That's the whole story for you!

What to do in such a situation, how to turn the tide of events and force the guy to finally get married? In order to understand this difficult issue, let's think: why do men resist official relationships?

Reasons why men avoid marriage

Although there is an opinion that the word “marriage” does not describe a good action, you and I know that family life with a beloved man is the height of joy and happiness. In theory, people of the opposite sex should experience the same. So why do they run away from official relationships like hell from incense?
  1. Of course, the first and most basic reason is the fear of losing freedom. They are still young, strong and attractive, and there are so many pretty girls around with whom they can make interesting acquaintances in the future. What if he stops loving you, and what if you don’t suit him as a wife, and what if he gets tired of you in five years or so? Endless “if, if”….

    Any man takes a very long time to decide to connect his life with a woman, because this literally “puts an end to” his moral and sexual independence.
    But by the age of thirty or thirty-five, their supposed “freedom” threatens to turn into ordinary loneliness, when after work they come to an empty house - no wife, no children, no joyful greetings and hugs. It is at this age that avid bachelors, so afraid of losing their freedom, still give up their positions and decide to legally marry their chosen one.

  2. If a man lives in a civil marriage with a woman, then everything suits him anyway, and running to the registry office, putting strange stamps in his passport and spending a lot of money on a wedding is the height of stupidity for him. Now everything in his life is clear, easy and measured. So why should he stress and worry that after the wedding the relationship will no longer be the same if everything is fine now!

    In addition, do not forget about the well-known saying: “A woman in a civil marriage considers herself a legal wife, and a man – a bachelor.” He always has a reason to tell his partner: they say, you are not my wife and not my command! And if he had a stamp in his passport, his status as the official head of the family would no longer allow him to turn a blind eye to common problems; he would have to look for a compromise solution that suits both of you. So if you are mired in “civil relations,” then either take the bull by the horns and put the question of marriage squarely, or look for a new life partner. Because there is a type of man who can drag out a relationship in a civil marriage indefinitely.

  3. There are men in life who are deathly afraid of marriage because of childhood memories of their own family. Eternal scandals, drunkenness, insults and even assault. Boys whose mother was the instigator of all misfortunes experience such situations especially passionately (yes, yes, this happens!). As an adult, he understands that not all girls are like his mother, but he subconsciously fears the development of the same relationships in his own family.

    Therefore, it is much easier for such men to continue a romantic relationship with a girl indefinitely, not allowing her, as he thinks, to show her “true face” after the wedding. If your man is one of these poor fellows, then your only opportunity to drag him under the altar is to prove that he will never find a more tender, affectionate and loving woman in his life. As soon as you melt the ice in his heart and make it clear that strife and daily hysterics do not await him with you, he will finally make you the long-awaited marriage proposal.

  4. There is a type of men who are obsessed with their work and career, who do not want to find time for serious relationships with women, especially for official marriage. They are used to being in the office from morning to night, going on long business trips and not appearing at home for weeks. This state of affairs absolutely suits these people and they understand that few women are able to endure constant separation and life alone.
In addition, such men, as a rule, are financially secure, and in any attempt by women to hint at an official relationship they see only self-interest in relation to themselves and the desire to manage their money. They also gained their financial independence thanks to the fact that they learned to fight competitors, and they classify women who encroach on their freedom and wallet precisely in this category of “opponents.”

If you decide at all costs to marry just such a person, then it’s better for you to be financially independent yourself, and besides the all-consuming love for your partner, find yourself many other hobbies and hobbies. This way you will give him confidence that you need him, not his money, and that you are able to live together without taking him away from work every hour.

In fact, there are still many reasons why men do not get married, but we have looked at the most common ones. Now, armed with knowledge of their basic fears, we will try to understand how to get men to agree to marriage.

How to get a guy to marry

Despite all the stubbornness of men and their reluctance to commit themselves to official relationships, we can still force them to take a decisive step and offer us their hand and heart. How to do it? We reveal little secrets that will help you visit a wedding dress salon as soon as possible and choose the right outfit for the most important event in your life.

Heavy artillery

By “heavy artillery” we mean powerful support in the form of his beloved mother. Believe me, any man subconsciously looks for a life partner, a woman similar to his mother. All you need to do is become a friend of his mother and enlist her support. As soon as your future mother-in-law appreciates and loves you, she will, with great zeal, begin to convince her son that you are simply the ideal wife for him.

In order to implement his plan, you need to learn as much as possible about his mother: tastes, habits, hobbies. If she is a lady of a Puritan upbringing, then you should meet her in a modest dress, constantly blush and smile shyly. If she is a femme fatale who dresses in luxurious, expensive outfits, then you also need to show your taste and style in clothing, and also be able to talk about topics that interest her. But the most important thing is to make it clear that you love her son madly and are ready to do anything to make him happy.

Addition to the family

Perhaps this is one of the most effective ways to drag a guy down the aisle. Almost every man has such a concept as responsibility, and the fact that his girlfriend is expecting a child can push him to action. Just don’t forget to take into account that your marriage will be successful only if you really love each other very much, otherwise after a while you risk being left as a mother raising your child alone. So think a hundred times: “do you need it?”, as they say in Odessa.

And under no circumstances blackmail a man by inventing a non-existent pregnancy. It is only in a fairy tale that a wedding is a happy ending, but in life it is only the beginning of a relationship between a man and a woman. Guys hate it when they are forced to do something by force - and even more so if they are deceived. Even if you achieve your goal and get married, believe me, your “happily ever after” may not happen.

Are we worse than others?

It’s quite possible to understand men’s fear of marriage: loss of freedom, constantly crying children, a wife in an old robe and curlers... Try introducing married couples into your general circle of acquaintances who have been happily married for a long time. Looking at men who “survived the shock” caused by official marriage, and remained not only alive, but also completely satisfied with their lot, his fear of marriage will slowly subside.

Try to always remain seductive and sophisticated for him, even if you have worked twelve hours a day and are in the first days of premenstrual syndrome. Let him understand that family life will not make you a domestic clown, and he can, just like your friends, continue to love and enjoy life, but in a legal, official marriage. By the way, try not to drag him to the weddings of your friends and acquaintances - for most men this is a difficult test, after which they flatly refuse to celebrate their own wedding.

Perhaps the most important argument for a woman who wants to get married is a sincere, deep love for a man and the desire to stay with him until the end of her days. If your feelings are mutual, then sooner or later the man will give in to your desire to create an official union, and you will begin a new, wonderful stage in your relationship. If, despite all your tricks and efforts, he remains as hard as flint and doesn’t even want to hear about marriage, then think: is your chosen one worth spending precious years of your life on him? Maybe we should give him the freedom he so adores and look for happiness elsewhere?

Finding a good guy is one thing, but keeping him around is another thing entirely. Both the first and second are important steps. But now you have already found the man of your dreams, and you have started a serious relationship. You know for sure that this is “your one and only”, with whom you want to live until old age and die on the same day. So what does a girl need to do, or what mistakes should she not make, in order to finally hear the cherished “marry me” from Mr. Perfect? This is not a comprehensive guide, but the following tips may help your relationship finally reach the next level.

1. Love yourself

First, think about whether you would like to marry yourself? If you are not happy with yourself, then you should not expect others to love you. Analyze yourself and change what you don't like. Positive self-esteem is key.

2. Communicate with your man as often as possible

From the very first date to the last day of your life, the key to maintaining a relationship is communication. Always tell your man how you feel, both positive and negative. In response, listen carefully to his comments and criticism. If there comes a point in the relationship when you have nothing to talk about, you shouldn't try to take it to the next level. This is an alarm bell that indicates serious problems.

3. Be natural

Despite the widespread promotion of glamor, silicone breasts, false eyelashes and nails, in fact, a man always values ​​​​more what is genuine. Be natural and don't try to impersonate someone else. After all, you want a man to marry you, and not an artificially created image. In addition, all the falsehood will still be revealed after marriage.

4. Be sexy

Sexuality is not the only thing in a relationship, but it is a very important one. Demonstrate to your chosen one in every possible way that you are interested in him as a man. Try not to be too prim and modest. Allow yourself to be free, cheerful and lively. Remember, men who want to get married are not just looking for a partner and a housewife.

5. Know your role

An important part of any relationship is for each partner to recognize that they play an important and irreplaceable role. Make sure that you and your chosen one have similar views on the relationship. If you are looking for someone to have children with, and the man is only looking for a casual relationship, you will not be able to force him to marry you by any means.

6. Be emotionally stable

Life with you doesn't have to be like a roller coaster. Men generally love stable and balanced women. Sometimes this is a difficult task in our hectic lives, but it is not insurmountable. If you refuse to be a drama queen or seek help, your nerves will relax and your emotions will subside.

7. Don't rush things

Men often hesitate to propose marriage because they want to get to know a woman completely before moving on to a more serious level of relationship. They shop around for a long time before they start dating, and they date for a long time before they get engaged. And this is a difficult but important lesson for all women. Make sure you are compatible with your partner on all levels. Pressuring a person to make a decision for which he is not yet ready will inevitably lead to the end of the relationship. Don't talk about marriage until your man is the first to start, and not earlier than a year after you met.

8. Make every date fun and enjoyable

Only if your dates are going well and your relationship is filled with positivity, will a man want you to be his girlfriend. And over time, he will see in you the person with whom he wants to spend his whole life. But if the dates are sluggish or too emotional, most likely the man will not think about buying a joint home with you, about children and a carefree old age.

9. Show confidence

Be confident and ready to solve all the problems that come your way. Many men love confident women. How can a man not feel like a winner if he has earned the respect of a woman who values ​​herself highly?

10. Be gentle, but with a twinkle in your eye

Scratches on the back, and then a soft kiss - this captivates any man. But know how to keep a balance so as not to look too provocative or annoying.

11. Appreciate your man's strengths

Tell your chosen one how much you appreciate him, because men are very proud creatures. Praise him when he is at his best and avoid nagging or criticizing him when he fails.

12. Be funny

This is not the most important, but a decisive factor in any relationship. Have a sense of humor, joke, have fun and in every possible way avoid pessimistic thoughts and gloomy mood.

13. Be sincerely happy

Women who enjoy their lives and can enjoy every minute of it are always more attractive to men. Such girls, according to representatives of the stronger sex, give carefree relationships and easy marriage.

14. Shine

If your heart is filled with happiness, it is written on your face. Your feelings for your man should be reflected in the sparkle of your eyes. This is the “silver bullet” right to his heart.

15. Practice humility

A humble person is not one who humiliates his dignity; This is a person who is in complete control of himself and shows genuine interest in others. Men can date different women, but they prefer to marry meek girls.

16. Never stop going on dates.

This may sound strange, but you should go on dates with your man and discuss serious relationships until he proposes. The term “dating” has become vague in modern culture and is sometimes perceived as something more than it actually is. Just continue to be interested in your loved ones all the time, learn more and more about their life, and talk. A man likes it when people show deep interest in him and see him, first of all, as a person.

17. Don’t try to force marriage into a relationship where it simply cannot exist.

Some men need a little more time to decide on marriage. If “the one” is near you, be prepared to wait (within reason). But if a man remains indifferent (or worse, makes excuses) even after a long time, you need to reconsider the direction of your relationship.

18. Give romantic surprises

Romance should not only come from a man. If you want pleasant surprises, start arranging them for your loved one. Be romantic. Make your man want to continue this relationship. Don't be stingy, because men love romance just as much as women.

19. Analyze relationships

Remember that some men are quite willing to date women they really like, but they do not see them as their future wives. If, after six months (up to a year) of a relationship, you have not heard your chosen one mention “marriage” and “family” in the list of his plans for the future, carefully analyze this relationship. If a man says that you have the qualities of a wonderful wife, take this as a good sign. But if his compliments are largely related to sex, your relationship is doomed from the start.

20. Simplify the tone of your “serious conversations”

Instead of lashing out at your man with a serious tone (which will subconsciously turn him against any relationship or commitment), be optimistic and positive. Say, “I really enjoy spending time with you. I really feel happy next to you. But I just want to check in and see if we're on the same page. Although I know it's too early for our relationship, I want to get married in the future and for now I want to make sure that I'm dating someone who has the same values ​​as me. We already know each other quite well. Do you regard me as a girl with whom you could spend your whole life?

21. Show love

A lasting relationship must be based on something more than just convenience. A man will never propose to a woman if he is not sure that she loves him. To get through all of life's troubles requires very deep affection and gratitude for each other, which is simply impossible without love.

Let your relationship definitely end with the ringing of wedding bells!

The current percentage ratio of men and women makes the former an almost endangered species. And if you also take into account the fact that the majority of divorced men categorically refuse to get married, then there is nothing to be surprised by demographic problems.
Therefore, if a woman meets a divorced man, she should try with all her might to make him married again.
Often, a divorced man, who so strived for freedom, subsequently begins to be burdened by it. Because in the bathroom there is always a pile of dirty laundry, in the kitchen there is a similar situation with dishes, and in the refrigerator there are only dumplings and beer. You need to unobtrusively remind him of the delights of family life, for example, by preparing something homemade. This will definitely stir up in his brain the delights of a long-forgotten well-fed and measured life.
When leaving his wife, almost every man thinks that he will never return to her again; it is better to buy a ticket for the Sapsan train and go to a place where there are many beautiful and free girls. But over time, he realizes that beautiful and free girls are far from ideal, and can be even worse than his ex. In this situation, you need to tactfully find out what he was dissatisfied with in his previous marriage, and simply try not to repeat such mistakes.
After a divorce, a man is often drawn to sexual exploits. He seeks to make up for lost time in marriage. But over time, you want less and less adventure, and physical and emotional fatigue accumulates. At this time, it is still too early to throw up scenes of jealousy and make claims. You just need to wait for the moment when a man understands that there is nothing to do “on the side” and he will be completely satisfied with a relationship with one woman.

There are many ways to force a man who has been married to marry. Here are some of the most effective methods.

● If a man has been divorced for a long time, then he clearly misses well-established life and comfort . Therefore, when a woman not only pleases a man in bed, but is ready to create comfort for him, then the chances of being singled out from the contenders increase. To do this, you need to show the best that a woman has. At the same time, there is no need to curry favor with a man, demonstrating excessive concern. This can alarm and scare away a potential groom. In the case of a new couple, this level of care set too high often plays a destructive role in the relationship. Also, you shouldn’t just feed them with promises like “When we get married, then I’ll cook.”
Women's security can help solve the accumulated financial problems of a divorced man, battered by life.
● Demonstrate ability to empathize and understanding men's views on careers and politics. An exception may be disagreement with the view about the advantage of civil marriage. But even here there is no need to convince him otherwise. You can just remain silent... for now.
● Demonstrate understanding a man's hobbies . To do this, you should try to understand the hobbies that are important to a man. If you really don’t like something, then you shouldn’t say the opposite. A man's subsequent disappointment and feeling that he has been deceived can ruin the relationship.
Admire a man. However, this must be done subtly, without obvious flattery.
● The most be in a state of choice between several candidates . As a last resort, if there is no choice, you just need to imitate it. The competitive component can significantly speed up a man's decision.
Pregnancy , as the most standard way to force a man to marry, also works well with divorced men. The obvious disadvantage of this method is the high risk of breaking up with a man if he has not considered the possibility of further cohabitation. Therefore, it is enough to report changes in the cycle. At the same time, it will be possible to see the man’s reaction to a possible pregnancy.
● Whenever possible meet the man's relatives and take part in family celebrations. Relatives themselves will constantly ask him about his plans and the expected date of the wedding.
● Present a man with the need to choose: “Either you get married or we break up” . Choice is one of the extreme measures that can be used to force a divorced man to marry.
Don't speak badly about your ex-wife , even if the man allows himself to do so. This can humiliate a man in his own eyes. After all, if a man admits that he married a stupid and ugly woman, then he simultaneously admits that he himself is not very smart.

Advice is advice, of course, but the main thing is to love each other. Then the man will happily marry, and


Pregnancy. Any normal, adult and accomplished man would not want his child to grow up without a father. This will force him on you. If you are not ready for this feat, then you can act in other ways.

Meet his family. Look how the mother of your chosen one behaves. If his relationship with his mother is warm and trusting, he needs to adopt her style of behavior, and most importantly, please her. Many are under pressure from their mother.

A must visit for your family. A man looks at what family traditions you have. He should become a friend of your family. Then you can try to apply pressure from your parents.

If you live under the same roof, make his life comfortable. Everything should always be washed, ironed, put away and prepared. Having lived like this for a certain period of time, you can press: either a stamp, or. Not every man has the strength to lose the coziness and comfort that you provided him.

Always keep on your toes. He must know that he could lose you. You must please other men and show it to yours in every possible way. After all, if he calms down and thinks: where will she go, then this is unlikely to force you to legitimize your relationship.

Share his interests. If a man has something to talk about with you, this may encourage him to marry you.

Common views on life and the same value system also pushes a man to get married.

Show him that you are an independent person and can support yourself without outside help. A man quickly loses interest in helpless women. When he realizes that you can do without him, losing your relationship, life will not change, this also pushes him to legitimize the relationship.


How to get a guy to marry. You've been dating a guy for a long time. You love him madly. The article will reveal ways to force a guy to marry. When communicating with him, try to start a conversation about marriage. You may remember someone who recently got married with a passport stamp, or got engaged, or you may comment on an arranged marriage, for example.

Helpful advice

Honey, I'm pregnant! - a great joke only if the guy has a strong psyche. You can also take your loved one for a walk to the registry office and sigh languidly while looking at the brides. If your dear, despite your persistent calls to build a family nest, continues to pretend to be a carefree youth, proceed to decisive action. How to force a man to marry. 1. Let your loved one know that other men are interested in you.


  • how to get a guy to marry
