Paratrooper - knitted toy by Marina Borisova. Toys. I copied them for myself. Well, maybe someone will also need them Marina Borisova toys souvenirs crocheting

Author of the description Marishka*Borisova(Marina Borisova) , copying is possible only with the permission of the author and an active link .

“We are different” is a composition that consists of a cute daisy and a funny bee, crocheted. This author's development by Marina Borisova took part in the competition of author's toys at the Amigurumi forum. And she not only took a prize, but also became a symbol of the 2012 forum. This is not to say that the work is easy. Beginners who picked up a hook a couple of weeks ago should still hold off on knitting a chamomile and a bee - there are many other patterns and descriptions for them. However, all of Marina’s developments are famous for their simplicity and clarity. Even those who are not yet ready to knit the most complex parts can make toys using her patterns. Therefore, if you feel confident that you can cope, we invite you to try! Happy knitting!

VP - air loop
sc - single crochet
pssn – half double crochet
dc - double crochet
ss2n - double crochet stitch
approx. – increase (2 stitches in one loop)
ub. – decrease (2 columns together)

yellow, white and green yarn - for the flower. Each color needs less than 50g.
yellow and black yarn for the bee - just a little.
you will need wire for the flower frame, beaded wire for the petals, a hook, a needle for stitching and embroidery...
I used this yarn 380m per 100g this is BRILLIANT Yarn 45% laster wool, 55% acrylic you can use what you have in stock, but you need to pay attention to the fact that the yarn should be of the same thickness

Stem(green yarn)

Cast on a chain of 24 ch, close it in a ring
1st row: 24 sc (24)
2nd row: (6 sc, dec) x 3 times (21)
3rd row: 21 sbn (21)
4th row: (5 sc, dec) x 3 times (18)
5-6 row: 18 sc (18)
Row 7: (4 sc, dec) x 3 times (15)
8-10 rows: 15 sc (15)
Row 11: (3 sc, dec) x 3 times (12)
12-14 row: 12 sc (12)
Row 15: (2 sc, dec) x 3 times (9)
Rows 16-44: 9 sc (9)

Row 46: 23 sc (23)

Row 47: 2 sbn, dec, 10 sbn, dec, 7 sbn (21)
Row 48: 21 sc (21)
Row 49: (5 sc, dec) x 3 times (18)
Row 50: 18 sc (18)
51 row: (4 sc, dec) x 3 times (15)
Row 52: 15 sc (15)
Row 53: (3 sc, dec) x 3 times (12)

Rows 54-74: 12 sc (12)
Row 75: dec, 10 sc (11)
Rows 76-95: 11 sc (11)
Row 96: dec, 9 sc (10)
Rows 97-114: 10 sc
Row 115: decrease to the end
fasten the thread, cut it and hide it.

Stems - hands(green yarn)

We return to row 45, knit the side stems
fasten the thread and knit the stems in 7 ch
1-35 rows: 7 sc

Fasten the thread, leave the end for sewing.
Now you need to use wire cutters to cut off 2 pieces of wire for the side stems and 1 piece for the main stem. The wire for the main stem should be about 5 cm longer than the stem in order to make a loop.

do not insert the wire yet

Middle(yellow yarn)
2nd row: inc x 6 times (12)

Rows 11-15: 60 sc
Fasten the thread and cut it.

Sepal(green yarn)
1st row: 6 sc in amigurumi ring (6)
2nd row: inc x 6 times (12)
3rd row: (1 sc, inc) x 6 times (18)
4th row: (2 sc, inc) x 6 times (24)
5th row: (3 sc, inc) x6 times (30)
6th row: (4 sc, inc) x6 times (36)
Row 7: (5 sc, inc) x 6 times (42)
Row 8: (6 sc, inc) x 6 times (48)
Row 9: (7 sc, inc) x 6 times (54)
Row 10: (8 sc, inc) x 6 times (60)
Rows 11-14: 60 sc
Fasten the thread and cut it.

Chamomile's face.
Do not sew the center and sepals together!

Nose, yellow yarn
3 ch, start knitting from the 2nd loop from the hook
2nd row: inc x 6 times (12)
3rd row: 4 sbn, inc x 2 times, 4 sbn, inc x 2 times (16)
4th row: 5 sbn, inc x 2 times, 6 sbn, inc x 2 times, 1 sbn (20)
5-6 rows: 20 sc (20)
Fasten the thread, cut it, leaving a little stuffing on the nose for sewing.

for the eyes you need to take yarn thinner than the main one (I knitted with Iris)
Protein(white) 2 parts

2 r: inc., 1 sbn, (2 hdc in one loop) – 5 times, 1 sbn., (inc.) – 2 times (18)

Iris(blue) 2 parts
Knit a chain of 4 ch, starting from the 2nd loop:
1 r: 2 sc, 5 hdc in one loop, knit on the other side of the chain 1 sc, 2 sc in one loop (10)
Fasten the thread, leave the end for sewing, cut.

Pupil(black) 2 parts
7 sc in amigurumi ring
Fasten the thread, leave the end for sewing, cut.
this is what you should get when assembled
Instead of knitted pupils, you can use beads... Sew the iris to the whites.

try on the eyes and nose... if everything suits you, sew it to the middle. You can sew it later...

You can decorate Chamomile in two ways:
1 way
assembly of the middle
insert the wire for the middle stem into the sepal, make a loop

combine the middle and sepals…. don't forget to fill it with filler! Use a white thread to connect the halves, tying 1 sc next to each other (60), do not break the thread

continue knitting petals:
1st row: 4 sc, 16 ch, starting from the 2nd loop from the hook, knit 15 sc along the chain, then again 4 sc... and so on... you should get 15 petals

in this daisy I knitted the second row with single crochets... in the first daisy I knitted the second row with half double crochets... knit as you like
2nd row: 3 sbn, 15 sbn along the petal, then 5 sbn to the top, and again 15 sbn along the petal, at the base of the petal we skip 1 sbn and knit 2 sbn, skip 1 sbn and again knit along the petal and so we knit along all the petals and At the end of the row, knit a connecting stitch.

3rd row: at the base of the petal, 1 decrease between the petals, then we tie the petals 16 sc (inc) 3 times at the top, 16 sc, 1 decrease between the petals... we knit this way along all the petals... and at the same time we tie the wire

2 way
First, the petals are knitted in the middle, as described above, and then the sepal and the middle are sewn together.

Face design
we make drawstrings... fasten the thread on the sepal next to the wire and make a pin. We poke the needle under the eye and stick it in again, making a small stitch. We poke out the needle from the side of the sepal. We tighten the thread... we inject and prick again under the other eye... we tighten the thread... the cheeks of the chamomile stand out. Embroider a smile on a flower. Redden the cheeks... I did this with blush and a brush.

working with stems
Now we insert the wire with the flower head into the stem. Fill the wide part of the stem with filler, sew the stem to the sepals, now insert the wire into the side stems, cut off the excess wire and tighten the holes of the stems.

See photo

Leaves 2 pieces, knit in the round without turning.
knit a chain of 20 ch, knit starting from the 2nd loop from the hook:
1st row: 5 sc, 4 hdc, 7 dc, 2 dc2n, 10 dc2n in one loop, then knit on the other side of the chain 2 dc2n, 7 dc, 4 hdc, 5 dc

2nd row: 3ch, 1 ss, 4 ssn, 4 ssn, 9 ssn, (2 ss2n in one loop) - 10 times, 9 ssn, 4 ssn, 4 ssn, 1 ss

3rd row: 3dc in chain loops, 11 sc, 4 hdc, 5dc, 2 dc in one loop, 1 dc2n, 3 dc2n in one loop, 1 dc, 2 hdc in one loop, 2 hdc, 2 hdc, 2 hdc, 2 dc in one loop, 1 dc, 3 dc2n in one loop, 1 dc2n, 2 dc in one loop, 5 dc, 4 hdc, 11 dc

4th row: 2 sc, 3 ch, 8 sc, 6 hdc, 7dc, (2 dc in one loop, 2 dc) - 2 times, 2 dc in one loop, 3 hdc, 4 dc, 3 hdc, (2 dc in one loop, 2 dc) - 2 times, 2 dc in one loop, 7 dc, 6 hdc, 8 dc, then knit 2 dc to align the knitting

5th row: fasten the beaded wire and knit, stretching it along the edge and tying it together with the edge of the part: 26 sc, (approx.) - 4 times, 14 sc, (approx.) - 4 times, 27 sc, 1 dc. Fasten the thread and wire, cut and hide. Sew the leaves to the side stems.

See photo


Head-Torso, yellow yarn
2nd row: inc x 6 times (12)
3rd row: (1 sc, inc) x 6 times (18)
4th row: (2 sc, inc) x 6 times (24)
Row 5: (3 sc, inc) x 6 times (30)
6th row: (4 sc, inc) x 6 times (36)
Rows 7-12: 36 sc (36)
Row 13: (4 sc, dec) x 6 times (30)
Row 14: (3 sc, dec) x 6 times (24)
Row 15: black (3 sc, inc) x 6 times (30)
Row 16: black (4 sc, inc) x 6 times (36)
Rows 17-18: yellow 36 sc (36)
Rows 19-20: black 36 sc (36)
Rows 21-22: yellow 36 sc (36)
23-24 rows: in black 36 sc (36)
Row 25: yellow (4 sc, dec) x 6 times (30)
Row 26: yellow (3 sc, dec) x 6 times (24)
Row 27: fill with black (2 sc, dec) x 6 times (18) with filler
Row 28: black (1 sc, dec) x 6 times (12)
Row 29: in black dec x 6 times (6)
Row 30: black 6 sc (6)
Pull the hole, fasten the thread, trim, hide.

wings(4 things)
9 ch
1st row: 2 sc, 1 hdc, 4 dc, 6 dc in one loop, 4 dc, 1 hdc, 1 hdc, approx.
2nd row: 8 sbn, (approx.) -4 times, 8 sbn

1st row: 6 sc in amigurumi ring (6)
2nd row: inc x 6 times (12)
3rd row: 12 sc (12) fill with filler or insert a small bead
4th row: dec x 6 times (6)
5-6 rows: 6 sc
Fasten the thread, set the end aside for sewing and cut

ch 3
1st row: 1 sc, 4 sc in one loop, 2 sc in one loop (7)
2nd row: inc, 1 sc, inc x 2 times, 1 sc, inc, 1 sc (11) at the end of the row make a connecting post
Fasten the thread, set the end aside for sewing and cut

ch 3
1st row: 1 sc, 3 sc in one loop, 2 sc in one loop (6)
2nd row: inc x 6 times (12)
3rd row: 12 sc
Fasten the thread, set the end aside for sewing and cut.

try on and sew on all the parts.

We take the fishing line, thread it through a needle, tie a knot at one end, and tighten it tightly. We stick a needle, for example, from the back and poke it out in the place where the antennae should be located, stretch it so that the knot goes inside the bee’s body and gets stuck there. We cut the fishing line, leaving a tendril of the required length.

The fishing line is transparent, but we need black... we paint it with nail polish. There is a black fishing line, you can use it or do the same with a black coarse thread.

You can ask any questions about the diagram .

We crochet the Paratrooper - Marina Borisova's toy

We crochet the Paratrooper - Marina Borisova's toy


Flesh-colored yarn approximately 30 g (I used 300 m yarn per 100 g);

Blue yarn 300 m per 100 g for panties;

A little black yarn for embroidering eyebrows and mouth.

Select the hook individually (in my case, a 1.5 mm hook);

Wire for arm frame, diameter 1.0 mm;

White felt for eyes;

For the pupils of your choice: half beads, beads (you can use black felt);

Stitching needle;

Embroidery needle;

Filler for toys;

Fabric-based patch;

Super glue gel;

Wire cutters;




Вп - air loop;

Sc - single crochet;

Pssn - half double crochet;

Arr. - increase (2 stitches in one loop);

Ub. - decrease (2 columns together);

CC - connecting column;

Dc - double crochet.


Knit in a spiral.

2 r: (approx.) - 6 times (12)

3 r: (1 sc., inc.) - 6 times (18)

4 r: (2 sc., inc.) - 6 times (24)

5 r: (3 sc., inc.) - 6 times (30)

6 r: (4 sbn., inc.) - 6 times (36)

7-12 rr: 36 sc.

13 r: (approx.) - 5 times, 2 sc, (approx.) - 5 times, 24 sc (46) increases form the cheeks.

14-19 rr: 46 sc.

20 r: 2 sbn, (dec.) - 5 times, 2 sbn, (dec.) - 5 times, 22 sbn (36).

21-27 r: 36 sc.

28 r: (8 sc, etc.) - 4 times (40).

30 r: (9 sc, etc.) - 4 times (44).

31-33 rr: 44 sc.

34 r: change color from flesh to blue (panties) 44 sc.

35-41 rr: 44 sc.

Set aside knitting. Take up hand knitting. (Description of the hands immediately after the body)

The finished arms need to be inserted into the body, counting 6 rows up to the head from the sides from the 34th row. See photo.

Twist the wire and cut off the excess with wire cutters.

Wrap the twisted wire with a plaster and bend it.

42 r: (kill, 9 sc) - 4 times (40)

43 r: (kill, 8 sc) - 4 times (36)

44 r: (4 sc., dec.) - 6 times (30)

45 r: (3 sc., dec.) - 6 times (24) Stuff the body to the end.

46 r: (2 sc., dec.) - 6 times (18)

47 r: (1 sc., dec.) - 6 times (12)

48 row: (dec.) - 6 times (6)

Fasten the thread, tighten or sew up the hole, hide the end. Sew the arms to the body.

Hands flesh color.

Fingers eight parts.

1 r: knit 2 ch, knit 6 sc into the second loop from the hook.

2-4 rr: 6 sc.

Fasten the thread and cut it.

Knit on three fingers.

1 r: 3 sc on the first finger, 3 sc on the second finger, 6 sc on the third finger, 3 sc on the second finger, 3 sc on the first finger (18).

2 r: 18 sc.

3 r: for the right hand: 6 sc, attach the thumb and knit 3 sc, catching the loops on the palm and the loops on the finger, then 9 sc along the palm (18).

For the left hand: 1 sc, attach the thumb and knit 3 sc, catching the loops on the palm and the loops on the finger, then 14 sc along the palm (18).

4 r: 18 sc knit along the palm and thumb.

5 r: 18 sc.

6 r: (dec., 1 sc) - 6 times (12).

The length of one piece of wire should be equal to the length of the body from the cheeks until the moment you put off knitting + 10 cm. At each piece, wrap the sections of wire that will be inserted into the fingers with a plaster. Insert the frame, then wrap the plaster around all the pieces of wire together. Lightly fill your palm with filling.

7-8 rr: 12 sc.

9 r: (dec., 2 sc) - 3 times (9).

10-13 rr: 9 sc.

14 r: (dec., 2 sc) - 3 times (6).

15-19 rr: 6 sc.

Fasten the thread, leave the end for sewing, cut. The arms need to be inserted into the body.

Return to the part of the tutorial where you left off knitting the body.

Flesh color, one piece.

1 r: knit 2 ch, knit 6 sc into the second loop from the hook.

2 r: (approx.) - 6 times (12).

3-4 rr: 12 sc.

5 r: (dec., 4 sc) - 2 times (10).

Stuff the part, fasten the thread, leave the end for sewing, trim.

Pin the nose between the cheeks. Sew on.

Flesh color, 2 parts.

1 r: knit 2 ch, in the 2nd from the hook knit 6 sc and 1 ch for lifting.

Turn the knitting and knit in the opposite direction.

2 r: (approx., 1 sbn) - 3 times, 1 ch for lifting (9) 6 r: (dec., 1 sbn) - 6 times (12).

Turn knitting.

Fasten the thread, leave the end for sewing. Thread the needle.

(I show sewing on the ears using my fireman as an example).

Pin the ears with pins.

Start sewing as shown in the photo.

Cut out two eyes from white felt and glue them above the nose. Then glue the pupils.

Thread the needle with black thread. Tighten your mouth.

Don't forget to tighten the thread.

Embroider the mouth and eyebrows. I also tried to embroider the outline of the eyes.

Legs two parts, flesh color.

1 r: knit a chain of 12 ch, close it in a ring, knit 12 sc in a circle.

2-5 rr: 12 sc.

6-7 rr: 4 hdc, 2 sc, 4dc, 2 sc (12) (knees on the hdc side).

8-12 rr: 12 sc.

Fasten the thread, leave the end for sewing.

Knit all details of the foot in flesh color.

The feet are two parts.

Small finger 2 pieces

Fasten the thread and cut it.

Middle finger 2 pieces
1 r: knit 2 ch, knit 6 sc into the second loop from the hook.

2-3 rr: 6 sc.

Fasten the thread and cut it.

Thumb 2 pieces.
1 r: knit 2 ch, knit 6 sc into the second loop from the hook.

2 r: (approx.) - 6 times (12).

3 r: 12 sc.

4 r: (1 sc, dec.) - 4 times (8).

Do not cut the thread on the thumb. Let's start knitting the foot:

1 r: 4 sc on the thumb, 3 sc on the middle finger, 6 sc on the small finger, 3 sc on the middle finger, 4 sc on the big finger (20).

2-4 rr: 20 sc.

5 r: dec., 16 sc, dec. (18).

6-9 rr: 18 sc.

10 r: (1 sc, dec.) - fill 6 times (12) with filler.

11 r: ub. - 6 times (6).
Fasten the thread and tighten the hole. Cut the thread and hide it.

Stuff the legs with filler and sew them to the feet.

Panty legs

Two parts, blue color.

Knit a chain of 18 ch, close it in a ring with one ss.

1-4 rr: knit 18 sc in the round. You should get rings.

Fasten the thread, leave the end for sewing, cut.

Put the parts on your feet.

Pin the legs to the body, then sew them. After this, sew on the pant legs.


The vest is knitted in the round in closed rows. Knit alternately with blue and white yarn.

Tie a chain of ch. The length of the chain should be equal to the circumference of the widest part of the Paratrooper’s body.

Close the chain into a ring, knit 2 ch for lifting and knit dc in the circle with blue yarn exactly without increasing. At the end of the row, knit 1 dc in the first dc.

Change the blue color to white. Knit 2 ch for lifting, then knit a row of dc in the circle without increasing.

Knit nine rows in this way. Try on the Paratrooper vest, if you are satisfied with the length, proceed to knitting the armholes.

Change the color, knit 5 sc (this is the future armhole). Adjust the number of loops for the armhole yourself. If 5 sc are missing, knit 6 or 7.

Tie 1 ch for lifting, then knit dc. To determine the number of double crochets, you need to subtract the loops for the armholes from the total number of loops in the vest (in my case, twice 5 = 10) and divide the resulting number by 2. For example: I have 72 loops in my vest. I subtracted 5 loops twice: 72 - 10 = 62, 62:2 = 31 - I have so many loops on the back and the same number on the front. After knitting double crochets, work single crochets again for the armholes. Next, knit double crochets, fasten the thread and hide it.

We crochet the Paratrooper - Marina Borisova's toy

We crochet the Paratrooper - Marina Borisova's toy


Flesh-colored yarn approximately 30 g (I used 300 m yarn per 100 g);

Blue yarn 300 m per 100 g for panties;

A little black yarn for embroidering eyebrows and mouth.

Select the hook individually (in my case, a 1.5 mm hook);

Wire for arm frame, diameter 1.0 mm;

White felt for eyes;

For the pupils of your choice: half beads, beads (you can use black felt);

Stitching needle;

Embroidery needle;

Filler for toys;

Fabric-based patch;

Super glue gel;

Wire cutters;




Вп - air loop;

Sc - single crochet;

Pssn - half double crochet;

Arr. - increase (2 stitches in one loop);

Ub. - decrease (2 columns together);

CC - connecting column;

Dc - double crochet.


Knit in a spiral.

2 r: (approx.) - 6 times (12)

3 r: (1 sc., inc.) - 6 times (18)

4 r: (2 sc., inc.) - 6 times (24)

5 r: (3 sc., inc.) - 6 times (30)

6 r: (4 sbn., inc.) - 6 times (36)

7-12 rr: 36 sc.

13 r: (approx.) - 5 times, 2 sc, (approx.) - 5 times, 24 sc (46) increases form the cheeks.

14-19 rr: 46 sc.

20 r: 2 sbn, (dec.) - 5 times, 2 sbn, (dec.) - 5 times, 22 sbn (36).

21-27 r: 36 sc.

28 r: (8 sc, etc.) - 4 times (40).

30 r: (9 sc, etc.) - 4 times (44).

31-33 rr: 44 sc.

34 r: change color from flesh to blue (panties) 44 sc.

35-41 rr: 44 sc.

Set aside knitting. Take up hand knitting. (Description of the hands immediately after the body)

The finished arms need to be inserted into the body, counting 6 rows up to the head from the sides from the 34th row. See photo.

Twist the wire and cut off the excess with wire cutters.

Wrap the twisted wire with a plaster and bend it.

42 r: (kill, 9 sc) - 4 times (40)

43 r: (kill, 8 sc) - 4 times (36)

44 r: (4 sc., dec.) - 6 times (30)

45 r: (3 sc., dec.) - 6 times (24) Stuff the body to the end.

46 r: (2 sc., dec.) - 6 times (18)

47 r: (1 sc., dec.) - 6 times (12)

48 row: (dec.) - 6 times (6)

Fasten the thread, tighten or sew up the hole, hide the end. Sew the arms to the body.

Hands flesh color.

Fingers eight parts.

1 r: knit 2 ch, knit 6 sc into the second loop from the hook.

2-4 rr: 6 sc.

Fasten the thread and cut it.

Knit on three fingers.

1 r: 3 sc on the first finger, 3 sc on the second finger, 6 sc on the third finger, 3 sc on the second finger, 3 sc on the first finger (18).

2 r: 18 sc.

3 r: for the right hand: 6 sc, attach the thumb and knit 3 sc, catching the loops on the palm and the loops on the finger, then 9 sc along the palm (18).

For the left hand: 1 sc, attach the thumb and knit 3 sc, catching the loops on the palm and the loops on the finger, then 14 sc along the palm (18).

4 r: 18 sc knit along the palm and thumb.

5 r: 18 sc.

6 r: (dec., 1 sc) - 6 times (12).

The length of one piece of wire should be equal to the length of the body from the cheeks until the moment you put off knitting + 10 cm. At each piece, wrap the sections of wire that will be inserted into the fingers with a plaster. Insert the frame, then wrap the plaster around all the pieces of wire together. Lightly fill your palm with filling.

7-8 rr: 12 sc.

9 r: (dec., 2 sc) - 3 times (9).

10-13 rr: 9 sc.

14 r: (dec., 2 sc) - 3 times (6).

15-19 rr: 6 sc.

Fasten the thread, leave the end for sewing, cut. The arms need to be inserted into the body.

Return to the part of the tutorial where you left off knitting the body.

Flesh color, one piece.

1 r: knit 2 ch, knit 6 sc into the second loop from the hook.

2 r: (approx.) - 6 times (12).

3-4 rr: 12 sc.

5 r: (dec., 4 sc) - 2 times (10).

Stuff the part, fasten the thread, leave the end for sewing, trim.

Pin the nose between the cheeks. Sew on.

Flesh color, 2 parts.

1 r: knit 2 ch, in the 2nd from the hook knit 6 sc and 1 ch for lifting.

Turn the knitting and knit in the opposite direction.

2 r: (approx., 1 sbn) - 3 times, 1 ch for lifting (9) 6 r: (dec., 1 sbn) - 6 times (12).

Turn knitting.

Fasten the thread, leave the end for sewing. Thread the needle.

(I show sewing on the ears using my fireman as an example).

Pin the ears with pins.

Start sewing as shown in the photo.

Cut out two eyes from white felt and glue them above the nose. Then glue the pupils.

Thread the needle with black thread. Tighten your mouth.

Don't forget to tighten the thread.

Embroider the mouth and eyebrows. I also tried to embroider the outline of the eyes.

Legs two parts, flesh color.

1 r: knit a chain of 12 ch, close it in a ring, knit 12 sc in a circle.

2-5 rr: 12 sc.

6-7 rr: 4 hdc, 2 sc, 4dc, 2 sc (12) (knees on the hdc side).

8-12 rr: 12 sc.

Fasten the thread, leave the end for sewing.

Knit all details of the foot in flesh color.

The feet are two parts.

Small finger 2 pieces

Fasten the thread and cut it.

Middle finger 2 pieces
1 r: knit 2 ch, knit 6 sc into the second loop from the hook.

2-3 rr: 6 sc.

Fasten the thread and cut it.

Thumb 2 pieces.
1 r: knit 2 ch, knit 6 sc into the second loop from the hook.

2 r: (approx.) - 6 times (12).

3 r: 12 sc.

4 r: (1 sc, dec.) - 4 times (8).

Do not cut the thread on the thumb. Let's start knitting the foot:

1 r: 4 sc on the thumb, 3 sc on the middle finger, 6 sc on the small finger, 3 sc on the middle finger, 4 sc on the big finger (20).

2-4 rr: 20 sc.

5 r: dec., 16 sc, dec. (18).

6-9 rr: 18 sc.

10 r: (1 sc, dec.) - fill 6 times (12) with filler.

11 r: ub. - 6 times (6).
Fasten the thread and tighten the hole. Cut the thread and hide it.

Stuff the legs with filler and sew them to the feet.

Panty legs

Two parts, blue color.

Knit a chain of 18 ch, close it in a ring with one ss.

1-4 rr: knit 18 sc in the round. You should get rings.

Fasten the thread, leave the end for sewing, cut.

Put the parts on your feet.

Pin the legs to the body, then sew them. After this, sew on the pant legs.


The vest is knitted in the round in closed rows. Knit alternately with blue and white yarn.

Tie a chain of ch. The length of the chain should be equal to the circumference of the widest part of the Paratrooper’s body.

Close the chain into a ring, knit 2 ch for lifting and knit dc in the circle with blue yarn exactly without increasing. At the end of the row, knit 1 dc in the first dc.

Change the blue color to white. Knit 2 ch for lifting, then knit a row of dc in the circle without increasing.

Knit nine rows in this way. Try on the Paratrooper vest, if you are satisfied with the length, proceed to knitting the armholes.

Change the color, knit 5 sc (this is the future armhole). Adjust the number of loops for the armhole yourself. If 5 sc are missing, knit 6 or 7.

Tie 1 ch for lifting, then knit dc. To determine the number of double crochets, you need to subtract the loops for the armholes from the total number of loops in the vest (in my case, twice 5 = 10) and divide the resulting number by 2. For example: I have 72 loops in my vest. I subtracted 5 loops twice: 72 - 10 = 62, 62:2 = 31 - I have so many loops on the back and the same number on the front. After knitting double crochets, work single crochets again for the armholes. Next, knit double crochets, fasten the thread and hide it.


Description of giraffe crochetFor beginners Added by lomaya_rassvet 15.04.12 15:24

In this article we will tell you, how to crochet a giraffe. He is very cute and funny, so he will not only become a children's favorite, but will also decorate any interior. Moreover, giraffes are amazing animals, and a knitted giraffe also does not cause problems in maintenance and is not picky in food. The perfect gift!

This description of the toy is quite simple. Even beginners, having learned the basics of amigurumi knitting, will cope with the task perfectly. Of course, if you have patience and pay enough attention to the design of the knitted toy. To avoid mistakes when creating a giraffe, read about the main mistakes that almost all beginners make when knitting toys. Do not stuff the product with cotton wool or cereals under any circumstances - use only holofiber, padding polyester or any other synthetic modern fillers. Happy knitting!

You will need:

1. Threads of two matching contrasting colors.

Color #1 is a secondary color. Thinner thread (I used 100 g thread for 400 m)

Color #2 is the main color. The thread is thicker. (I used 100 g thread for 292 m)

And just a little black.

2. Hook for your threads.

3. Needle for stitching parts

4. Filler.

5. Patience and only a great mood!


Color #1 is a secondary color. Thinner thread.

Color #2 is the main color. The thread is thicker.

I will indicate the color number in the stages.

VP - air loop

Sc - single crochet

increase – 2 sc in 1 loop

Decrease – knit 2 sc together

ave - turn

Ss. - connecting post

We knit everything in a spiral unless otherwise indicated.


Stuff while knitting.

Color #1 (optional)

2nd row: increase. * 6 times (12)

8 – 19 rows: 42 sc

Color No. 2 (main)

Row 20: (6 sc, increase) * 6 times (48)

21st row: 48 sc

Row 22: (6 sc, decrease) * 6 times (42)

Row 23: (5 sc, decrease) * 6 times (36)

Row 24: (4 sc, decrease) * 6 times (30)

Row 25: (3 sc, decrease) * 6 times (24)

Row 26: (2 sc, decrease) * 6 times (18)

Row 27: (1 sc, decrease) * 6 times (12)

Row 28: decrease * 6 times.


Color No. 2 (main)

1st row: 6 sc in amigurumi ring

2 – 6 rows: 6 sc

Row 7: (2 sc, increase) * 2 times (8)

8 – 9 rows: 8 sc

Fasten the thread, do not tighten the holes. Leave the end of the thread for sewing. Stuffing these parts or not doesn’t matter, it’s up to you.

Balls for horns

1st row: 6 sc in amigurumi ring

2nd row: increase * 6 times (12)

3rd row: (1 sc, increase) * 6 times (18)

4th row: 18 sc

Row 5: (1 sc, decrease) * 6 times (12)

Row 6: decrease * 6 times.

Fill, tighten the holes,

Color No. 2 (main)

1st row: 6 sc in amigurumi ring

2nd row: (2 sc, increase) * 2 times (8)

3rd row: 8 sc

4th row: (3 sc, increase) * 2 times (10)

Row 5: (4 sc, increase) * 2 times (12)

Row 6: (2 sc, increase) * 4 times (16)

7 – 9 rows: 16 sc

Fold in half, knit 6 sc together, in half again and knit 2 dc. Fasten the thread and leave for sewing.

We use color No. 2 (primary).

1st row: cast on 21 ch, close in a ring.

2 – 22 rows: 21 sbn

Row 23: (5 sc, decrease) * 3 times (18)

24 – 26 rows: 18 sc

Fasten the thread, do not tighten the holes. Leave the end of the thread for sewing. Stuff it tightly enough.


Stuff while knitting.

Color No. 2 (main)

1st row: 6 sc in amigurumi ring

2nd row: increase. * 6 times (12)

3rd row: (1 sc, increase) * 6 times (18)

4th row: (2 sc, increase) * 6 times (24)

Row 5: (3 sc, increase) * 6 times (30)

Row 6: (4 sc, increase) * 6 times (36)

Row 7: (5 sc, increase) * 6 times (42)

Row 8: (6 sc, increase) * 6 times (48)

9 – 23 rows: 48 sc

Row 24: (6 sc, decrease) * 6 times (42)

Row 25: (5 sc, decrease) * 6 times (36)

Row 26: (4 sc, decrease) * 6 times (30)

Row 27: (3 sc, decrease) * 6 times (24)

Row 28: (2 sc, decrease) * 6 times (18)

Row 29: (1 sc, decrease) * 6 times (12)

Row 30: decrease * 6 times (6)

Pull the hole, fasten the thread, cut it and hide the tip.



Color #1 (optional)

1st row: 6 sc in amigurumi ring

2nd row: increase. * 6 times (12)

3rd row: (1 sc, increase) * 6 times (18)

4th row: (2 sc, increase) * 6 times (24)

Fasten the thread and leave for sewing.


We use color No. 1 (optional).

In these parts we use an offset loop to get an even circle.

1st row: 6 sc in amigurumi ring

2nd row: increase. * 6 times (12)

3rd row: (1 sc, increase) * 6 times (18)

Fasten the thread and leave for sewing.

Little ones

Color #1 (optional)

1st row: 6 sc in amigurumi ring

2nd row: increase. * 6 times (12)

Fasten the thread and leave for sewing.

Very small

Color #1 (optional)

1st row: ch 6. amigurumi ring

Fasten the thread and leave for sewing.


Color #1 (optional)

1st row: 6 sc in amigurumi ring

2nd row: increase. * 6 times (12)

3rd row: (1 sc, increase) * 6 times (18)

4th row: (8 sc, increase) * 2 times (20)

5 – 24 rows: 20 sc

Color No. 2 (main)

Row 25: (4 sc, increase) * 4 times (24)

We skip the loop, 10 sc, ch, etc.

We skip the loop, 9 sc, ch, etc.

We skip the loop, 8 sc, ch, etc.

2 sc, decrease, 3 sc

Fasten the thread and leave for sewing. Stuff the detail.


We knit in the round (with a lifting loop) when changing colors!


1st row: 6 sc in amigurumi ring

2nd row: increase. * 6 times (12)


3rd row: 12 sc

Fasten the thread and leave for sewing.


Color No. 2 (main)

Dial 25 ch. etc.

In the 2nd from the hook, sc,

then another 23 sc, ch, etc.

24 sc, ch, etc.

Fold the piece lengthwise, connect the edges and knit along the edge of the ss.

Color #1 (optional)

Make a tassel and sew it to the first part of the part.

Assembly: We focus on the photo.

Thanks to this description, you will learn how to knit not only a giraffe, but also master the basics of creating and designing knitted toys. On the Amigurumi forum you can ask any question about this or any other pattern.

Love can manifest itself in different ways. In the form of joy, sadness, depression, happiness, an unrealistic surge of energy and optimism, the feeling of being able to move mountains or the desire to hide your feelings deeper so that no one else dares to laugh at what is truly dear and close to you. Our lover Valentine is just thoughtful. Love took him by surprise, on the eve of the arrival of spring, when he least expected it. And now he will have to change his life, his plans and... himself. But you must admit, true love is worth it! It changes us all for the better, and makes life around us brighter and more colorful! Tie this bunny to express your love for your loved ones - they will be delighted! Happy knitting!


VP - air loops
sc - single crochet
pp – air lifting loop
faces - face loops
purl - purl loops
increase - knit two in one loop
decrease - knit two loops together

Stuff all parts, except the feet, as you knit.

Head and body(knitted in one piece)

2nd row - (increase)*6 (12)

4th row - (2 sbn, increase) * 6 (24)
Row 5 - (3 sc, increase) * 6 (30)
Row 6 - (4 sc, increase) * 6 (36)
Row 7 - (5 sc, increase) * 6 (42)
Row 8 - (6 sc, increase) * 6 (48)
9-17 row - 48 sc (48)
Row 18 - (6 sc, decrease) * 6 (42)
Row 19 - (5 sc, decrease) * 6 (36)
Row 20 - (4 sc, decrease) * 6 (30)
21 row - (3 sc, decrease) * 6 (24)
Row 22 - (3 sc, increase) * 6 (30)
Row 23 - (1 sc, increase)*15 (45)
24 row - 45 sc (45)
25 row - (2 sc, increase) * 15 (60)
26-38 row - 60 sc (60)
Row 39 - (2 sc, decrease) * 15 (45)
Row 40 - (1 sc, decrease)*15 (30)
41 row - (decrease) * 15 (15)

Legs feet(2 pcs)

Row 1 - 6 sc in amigurumi ring (6)
2nd row - (increase)*6 (12)
3rd row - (1 sc, increase) * 6 (18)
4-18 row -18 sc (18)
Row 19 - (1 sc, decrease)* 6, (12)
20 row -12 sbn (12)
21 row - (decrease) * 6, (6)
Decrease until the end, close the hole, fasten the thread and hide.

Legs(2 pcs)

1st row - knit a ring of 16 chain stitches. (16)
Next knit in the round
2-6 row -16 (16)
Decrease until the end, close the hole, fasten the thread and hide.

Hands(2 pcs)

Row 1 - 6 sc in amigurumi ring (6)
2nd row - (increase)*6 (12)
3rd row - (3 sbn, increase) * 6 (15)
4-5 row - 15 sc (15)
Row 6 - (3 sc, decrease) * 3, (12)
7-18 row -12 sc (12)
Row 19 - (decrease)*6, (6)
Decrease until the end, close the hole, fasten the thread and hide.

Ears(2 pcs)

1st row - knit a chain of 5 vp. + 1 lifting loop, turn (5)
2-3 row - 5 sc, 1 pp, turn (5)
4th row -2 sbn, increase, 2 sbn, 1 p.p., turn (6)
5th row -1 sc, increase, 2 sc, increase, 1 sc, 1 p.p., turn (8)
Row 6 -2 sc, increase, 2 sc, increase, 2 sc, 1 p.p., turn (10)
7-25 row -10 sc, 1 st, turn (10)
Row 26 - decrease, 6 sc, decrease, 1 p.p., turn (8)
Row 27 – decrease, 4 sc, decrease, 1 p.p., turn (6)
Tie the ear sc, fasten the thread, leave the end for sewing

Sweater(2 parts)

Cast on 40 stitches in red on knitting needles
Rows 2-7 - stockinette stitch (start from the purl row), change to white
Rows 8-11 – stockinette stitch, change to red
12-15 row - stockinette stitch, change to white
Row 16 - (P5, decrease) - to the end of the row
Row 17 - (knit 4, decrease) - to the end of the row
Row 18 - purl. loops
Row 19 - knit stitches, change to red
Row 20-23 - stockinette stitch, change to white
24-27 row - stockinette stitch, change to red
Row 28 - purl. loops
Row 29 - (knit 5, decrease) - to the end of the row
Row 30 - purl. loops
31 row - (4 knit stitches, decrease) - to the end of the row, change to white
Row 32-35 - stockinette stitch, change to red
Rows 36-41 - stockinette stitch
close the loops, try on the sweater, sew on the sides, leaving an opening for the paws.

Sew feet to legs (do not stuff them with filler), legs to the body, arms, ears, embroider a nose, sew on eyes, embroider eyebrows, put on a sweater.

Overalls are the favorite clothes of mothers and babies. They are comfortable, warm and comfortable. Toys are no exception in this matter. Any baby doll or teddy bear will be irresistible in such attire. I want to cuddle and nurse knitted children in overalls, sew pillows and blankets for them, lull them to sleep and put them to sleep. Therefore, do not deny yourself the pleasure of dressing your pets in beautiful clothes. To do this you will need bright yarn and knitting needles, as well as a little time and patience. Believe me, you will have a lot of fun creating this outfit.

Happy knitting!

yarn of any color;
knitting needles 2 mm;
needle for stitching parts;

l.p. – front loop
i.p. – purl loop
increase - increase (from one loop we knit two: one behind the back wall, the other behind the front)
decrease - two loops together, knit or purl (depending on which row the decrease is in).

Edge stitches count towards the total number of stitches in the row.
We start knitting from the bottom, from the trouser leg.
Cast on 16 stitches on the needles.
1-2 rows: knit with an elastic band 1x1 (16)
3rd row: front row (16)
4th row: purl row (16)
5th row: 1 l.p., increase, 12 l.p., increase, 1 l.p. (18)
6th row: purl row (18)
7th row: 1 l.p., increase, 14 l.p., increase, 1 l.p. (20)
Row 8: purl row (20)
Knit the second leg the same way, but do not break the thread on the second leg.
Place two pant legs on the knitting needle so that the thread from the ball is at the beginning of knitting the row.
Row counting continues.
9th row: front row (40)
10th row: purl row (40)
Row 11: front row (40)
12th row: purl row (40)
13th row: 1 lp, decrease, 14 lp, decrease, 2 lp, decrease, 14 lp, decrease, 1 lp. (36)
14th row: 8 sp., decrease, 16 sp., decrease, 8 sp. (34)
15th row: 4 l.p., (decrease, 6 l.p.) * 3 times, decrease, 4 l.p. (thirty)
16th row: 4 sp., decrease, 5 sp., decrease, 4 sp., decrease, 5 sp., decrease, 4 sp. (26)
17th row: 3 l.p., (decrease, 4 l.p.) * 3 times, decrease, 3 l.p. (22)
18th row: purl row (22)
Row 19: front row (22)
Row 20: purl row (22)
Next we close the eyelets for the armholes.
21st row: 4 loops, bind off 3 loops, 8 loops, bind off 3 loops, 4 loops. (16)

We knit the front and back separately, simply continuing to knit the piece further.

We knit 7 rows in stockinette stitch (alternating knit and purl rows)
Cast off all 16 loops from front and back.

We sew the legs together using a mattress stitch.

We lace up the overalls, starting from the bottom of the opening and towards the collar; it can always be removed by simply loosening the lacing.

Author of the toy and MK - Marina Borisova (Marishka *Borisova ), copying is possible only with the permission of the author and an active link to

With this hare you can surprise your relatives, friends, colleagues and acquaintances. After all, the symbol of 2011 is far from tiny - his height from his heels to the tips of his ears is 58 centimeters! This half-meter-long bunny will not leave either kids or adults indifferent - his funny ears and touching eyes simply cannot help but touch. Our craftswoman Marina Borisova created this bunny especially for those needlewomen who love big toys that can be squeezed, hugged and put to bed next to their son or daughter. And on our forum there is a MK for the same bunny, only several times smaller - its height is about 10 cm. Therefore, each of you can choose for yourself the design of the toy that you prefer - either a small bunny for souvenirs, or a large one for a gift and for interior decoration.

Happy knitting!


Any shaggy or plush yarn in two colors: white and pink. For a very large hare 260 m per 100 grams.

White 150g

Pink 50 gr

The thinner the yarn, the smaller the hare will be.

A little black for the eyes. Take yarn a little thinner than the main one.

Long needle

Embroidery needle with large eye

Hook for your threads


Plastic straw (I used an empty pen)

Super glue


ss – connecting post

VP - air loop

sc - single crochet

pssn – half double crochet

dc - double crochet

increase – 2 hdc, 2 dc or 2 sc in one loop

Decrease – 2 hdc, 2 dc or 2 sc knit together

Head-torso(1 item)

Using white thread, knit in a spiral with half double crochets.

1st row: 8 hdc in the amigurumi ring or cast on 2 ch and knit 8 hdc in the second loop from the hook.

Row 6: (4 hdc, increase) – 8 times (48)

Row 7: (5 hdc, increase) – 8 times (56)

Row 8: (6 hdc, increase) – 8 times (64)

Row 9: (7 hdc, increase) – 8 times (72)

Row 10: (8 hdc, increase) – 8 times (80)

Rows 11-21: 80 hdc

Row 22: (8 hdc, decrease) – 8 times (72)

Row 23: (7 hdc, decrease) – 8 times (64)

Row 24: (6 hdc, decrease) – 8 times (56)

Row 25: (5 hdc, decrease) – 8 times (48)

Row 26: (4 hdc, decrease) – 8 times (40)

Row 27: (3 hdc, decrease) – 8 times (32)

Row 28: (2 hdc, decrease) – 8 times (24)

Rows 29-32: 24 hdc

Row 33: (3 hdc, increase) – 6 times (30)

Row 34: (4 hdc, increase) – 6 times (36)

Row 35: (5 hdc, increase) – 6 times (42)

Row 36: (6 hdc, increase) – 6 times (48)

Rows 37-44: 48 hdc

You need to insert a rod into the hare's neck so that the head holds well. See photo #1. If there is no such possibility or desire, then simply stuff it tightly with filler. But you need to remember that the hare is knitted with a hdc and if you stuff it too much, the filler will be visible through the stretched fabric.

Row 45: (6 hdc, decrease) – 6 times (42)

Row 46: (5 hdc, decrease) – 6 times (36)

Row 47: (4 hdc, decrease) – 6 times (30)

Row 48: (3 hdc, decrease) – 6 times (24)

Row 49: (2 hdc, decrease) – 6 times (18)

Row 50: (1 hdc, decrease) – 6 times (12)

Row 51: (decrease) – 6 times (6)

Pull the hole, cut the thread and hide.


Black thread (2 parts)

Knit sc in a spiral

1st row: 6 sc in amigurumi ring

2nd row: increase - 6 times (12)

Try on the eyes, if you are happy with everything, sew them on. Then use a thread to embroider highlights. Make a tightening (inject a needle into the pupil so that the needle comes out in the area of ​​the chin), secure the thread and hide it. Using black thread, embroider eyelashes on the top and bottom of the eye. See photo No. 2

Using a pink thread, knit sc in a spiral.

1st row: 6 sc in amigurumi ring

2nd row: increase – 6 times (12)

3rd row: (1 sc, increase) – 6 times (18)

4th row: (2 sc, increase) – 6 times (24)

Row 5: (3 sc, increase) – 6 times (30)

Rows 6-9: 30 sc

Row 10: (3 sc, decrease) – 6 times (24)

Fasten the thread, leave the end for sewing.

Fill the nose with filler, try it on and sew it on. Embroider the cheeks.

Knit with double crochets in straight rows (back and forth).

2 parts are pink, 2 parts are white.

Dial 3 ch.

1st row: 3 dc in the third loop from the hook, 2 ch for lifting, turn.

2nd row: increase, 1 dc, increase, 2 ch for lifting, turn (5)

3rd row: increase, 3 dc, increase, 2 ch for lifting, turn (7)

See photo No. 6.

4th row: increase, 5 dc, increase, 2 ch for lifting, turn (9)

5th row: increase, 7 dc, increase, 2 ch for lifting, turn (11)

6th row: increase, 9 dc, increase, 2 ch for lifting, turn (13)

7th row: increase, 11 dc, increase, 2 ch for lifting, turn (15)

8th row: increase, 13 dc, increase, 2 ch for lifting, turn (17)

Row 9: increase, 15 dc, increase, 2 ch for lifting, turn (19)

10th row: 19 dc, 2 ch for lifting, turn

11th row: increase, 17 dc, increase, 2 ch for lifting, turn (21)

12th row: 21 dc, 2 ch for lifting, turn

Row 13: increase, 19 dc, increase, 2 ch for lifting, turn (23)

Rows 14-23: 23 dc, 2 ch for lifting, turn

Row 24: decrease, 19 dc, decrease, 2 ch for lifting, turn (21)

Rows 25-27: 21 dc, 2 ch for lifting, turn

Row 28: decrease, 17 dc, decrease, 2 ch for lifting, turn (19)

Rows 29-30: 19 dc, 2 ch for lifting, turn

31st row: decrease, 15 dc, decrease, 2 ch for lifting, turn (17)

Rows 32-33: 17 dc, 2 ch for lifting, turn

Row 34: decrease, 13 dc, decrease, 2 ch for lifting, turn (15)

Rows 35-36: 15 dc, 2 ch for lifting, turn

Row 37: decrease, 11 dc, decrease, 2 ch for lifting, turn (13)

Rows 38-39: 13 dc, 2 ch for lifting, turn.

Place the white and pink parts together and tie them together in one row of sc. At the tip of the ear, knit 3 sc at the top of the ear so that the edge is even.

Try on the ears and sew them to the head.


Knit with half double crochets.

Consist of 2 parts: upper and lower.

Upper part with white thread (2 parts)

Knit in the round with chain stitches for lifting.

Cast on 21 ch starting from the 3rd loop from the hook:

1st row: 18 hdc, 5 hdc in one loop, knit on the other side of the chain 17 hdc, 4 hdc in the starting loop, ss (44)

2nd row: 2 ch for lifting, increase, 17 hdc, (increase) – 5 times, 17 sc, (increase) – 4 times, ss (54)

See photos No. 3 and No. 4.

3rd row: 2 ch for lifting, 1 hdc, increase, 17 hdc, (inc, 2 hdc) – 3 times, increase, 17 hdc, (inc, 2 hdc) – 2 times, increase, 1 hdc, ss (62)

4th row: 2 ch for lifting, 2 hdc, increase, 18 hdc, (inc, 3 hdc) – 3 times, increase, 18 hdc, (increase, 3 hdc) – 2 times, increase, 1 hdc, ss (70)

5 row: 2 ch for lifting, 3 hdc, increase, 19 hdc, (inc, 4 hdc) – 3 times, increase, 19 hdc, (inc, 4 hdc) – 2 times, increase, 1 hdc, ss (78)

6th row: 2 ch for lifting, 4 hdc, increase, 20 hdc, (inc, 5 hdc) – 3 times, increase, 20 hdc, (inc, 5 hdc) – 2 times, increase, 1 hdc, ss (86)

Rows 7-12: ch 2 for lifting, 86 hdc

Fasten the thread, cut it

Bottom part with pink thread (2 parts)

Rows 1-6 - knit as the top part. Connect the top and bottom parts with a seam over the edge, stuff with filler during the sewing process. Embroider fingers. See photo #5

Upper paws

White thread (2 parts).

1st row: 7 hdc in the amigurumi ring or cast on 2 ch and knit 7 hdc in the second loop from the hook

2nd row: (increase) – 7 times (14)

3rd row: (1 hdc, increase) – 7 times (21)

Row 4: (2 hdc, increase) – 7 times (28)

Row 5: (3 hdc, increase) – 7 times (35)

Rows 6-9: 35 hdc

Row 10: (3 hdc, decrease) – 7 times (28)

Row 11: 28 hdc

Row 12: (2 hdc, decrease) – 7 times (21)

Rows 13-15: 21 hdc

Row 16: (1 hdc, decrease) – 7 times (14)

Row 17: 14 hdc

Row 18: decrease – 7 times

Pull the hole, fasten the thread, leave the end for sewing.

Embroider fingers.


White thread.

1st row: 8 hdc in the amigurumi ring or cast on 2 ch and knit 8 hdc in the second loop from the hook

2nd row: (increase) – 8 times (16)

3rd row: (1 hdc, increase) – 8 times (24)

Row 4: (2 hdc, increase) – 8 times (32)

Row 5: (3 hdc, increase) – 8 times (40)

Rows 6-10: 40 hdc

Row 11: (3 hdc, decrease) – 8 times (32)

Row 12: (2 hdc, decrease) – 8 times (24)

Row 13: (1 hdc, decrease) – 8 times (16). Fill with filler.

Row 14: (decrease) – 8 times

Fasten the thread, leave the end for sewing, cut.

Sew on the legs, upper paws and tail.



Size; OK. 27 cm high.

Materials: “Terra” yarn (65% polyacrylic, 35% sheep wool; 85 m / 50 g) - 100 g of undyed wool color; yarn “Wollspass” (100% sheep wool; 115 m / 50 g) - 50 g light brown, remains of variegated yarn for the collar. 2 black beads for eyes; 1 bell; foam rubber 30 x 70 cm thick approx. 2 cm; cotton wool for stuffing; 5 knitting needles No. 4; hook number 4.

Facial surface: faces. rows of faces p., out. rows - purl. p., when knitting in a circle, knit all the loops.

Garter stitch: knit. and out. rows - persons. p., when knitting 1 r. - persons p., 1 r. - purl p. 1 horizontal stripe = 2 r. Knitting density, Terra yarn, garter stitch: 17 p. x 30 r. = 10 x 10 cm.

Description of work: enlarge the pattern. To do this, draw a raster with a number of squares 9x6, each measuring 5 x 5 cm, and transfer the pattern lines onto it. Cut out 2 pieces of foam rubber for the side and inner parts, 1 piece for the middle of the head. Sew the parts and stuff with cotton wool. When knitting, start from the feet. Knit with light brown yarn in the round: cast on 12 stitches and knit 2 rows. persons., in the 3rd and 6th r. evenly add 6 sts = 24 sts. Next, knit with yarn the color of undyed wool. Another 19 rub. knit straight in the round, then use garter stitch to make 9 horizontal stripes. Leave 12 p. for 1 aux. sp. (perform 4 legs).

For the belly, cast on 12 stitches with a thread of the color of undyed wool and knit 3 horizontal stripes with garter stitch. Knit 4 more horizontal stripes together with 12 sts of legs on both sides = 36 sts. Close all sts. Also knit the 2nd part of the belly, attaching 2 legs to it.

For the barrel, transfer to sp. the remaining sts of the legs and pick up 12 sts between them from the initial sts of the belly with a thread of the color of undyed wool = 36 sts. Knit straight 8 horizontal stripes, in the next 7 strips close at the back for the back line in every 2nd r. 2 times 2, 1 time 3, 2 times 4 and 1 time 1 p., in front for the neck and head add in every 2 r. 2 times 3 and 2 times 1 p. garter stitch = 28 p. For the forehead line, knit in every 2nd r. in front 13 times, 2 stitches together, knit at the * mark from the back of the head in every 2nd row. 4 times 2 stitches together, knit the remaining loops in one row. Knit the 2nd part in the same way.

Frontal part/facial stitch, light brown thread: cast on 5 stitches and add on both sides every 2nd row. 7 times 1 p. = 19 p. Knit 8 r. straight, then in each row bind off on both sides 7 times, 1 p., bind off the remaining loops in one row.

Make the ears with a thread the color of undyed wool: cast on 8 stitches and knit 6 rows. persons satin stitch Then * add 1 st in the middle and knit another 2 cm. satin stitch Repeat from * 1 time, then at the beginning of each row, remove 1 st as a knit stitch. and pull the removed loop through it, knit 2 stitches together. At the end, perform 3 stitches together: remove 1 stitch as a knit stitch, knit 2 stitches together. and pull the removed loop through it. Knit 2 identical pieces and crochet them together 1 p. Art. b/n.

Knit the tail with garter stitch thread in the color of undyed wool: cast on 10 stitches and knit 12 horizontal stripes, then in knit stitches. Close off 1 stitch on both sides until there are no loops left. When everything is connected: sew all the parts together, placing them on foam forms. Sew on ears, tail and eyes. For the collar, tie a chain of 40 c. p. and tie it 1 r. Art. s/n, then tie the collar with a contrasting thread “crawfish step” (st. b/n from left to right). Place a collar with a bell around your neck and secure it.
