Diary for a girl with her own hands from a notebook. New diary for every year

A personal diary that is made and decorated with your own hands is much more valuable than a purchased one.

Of course, any diary can be bought, now there are a lot of different options in stores for any age. There are for little princesses and older girls. Some come with intricate drawings and graphics, and some even have a key that will hide any girl's secrets from prying eyes. But you can make a storage of thoughts with your own hands.

From what you can make such a diary:

  • use a ready-made product and simply adjust it to suit you;
  • remake any notebook;
  • use an envelope and put sheets written with your thoughts into it;
  • fasten pages of clean office paper in any way and make your personal vault for secrets;
  • print blanks with the desired design, and connect them together.

Personal diary for a girl plus a jewelry box (video)

How to make a personal diary with your own hands: a few ideas

Crafts are always interesting and individual. Just what you need for a personal diary. Ideas for its creation can be very diverse.

Office paper

Her diaries are light and simple, and each girl chooses the design for herself. The paper can be left in A4 format and simply stitched with beautiful threads or ribbon. It is enough to make holes in it with a hole punch and connect. You can decorate the title page with a beautiful inscription, and to give it shape, either make it out of cardboard or glue several sheets together.

You can also decorate it with origami or print beautiful and interesting drawings that suit your mood. At the beginning or end of the product, fix an envelope in which you can put memorable and expensive things.

These diaries are easy to make.

The title and final page of the diary can be laminated, so the printouts will not lose their appearance, and the product itself will be stronger.

Notebook makeover

Even if it is possible to buy the most beautiful notebook that will become a repository of secrets, then it always needs to be customized.

Change options directly depend on the original, but they can be done as follows:

  • transfer to the pages the cutest and most expensive pictures and clippings from your favorite magazines or newspapers;
  • make bright bookmarks that will make it easier to find the information you need;
  • for older girls, you can make a menstrual cycle schedule to control this process, because now it can be unstable;
  • glue envelopes that will store your favorite little things or even the first decorations;
  • pages can be decorated according to mood, paint, colored paper or even colored tape;
  • rewrite favorite poems or catchphrases that reflect feelings or thoughts.

Origami to decorate a personal diary

Pictures of your favorite diary can be made using the origami technique. It can be an envelope or a more complex figure, which will be not just a decorative element, but a secret that keeps a secret.

For mood, you can give them any shape:

  • flower;
  • animal;
  • fan;
  • box;
  • waterfall and the like.

Making a fan

It is most often placed either between the title and the initial page, or you can decorate with it the page that matters most. For a fan, you need to take colored paper, a glue stick or double-sided tape, a ruler.

Do the rest of the scenery as you wish, starting from the base, which is formed as follows:

  1. Cut out a sheet of such a width that will not exceed 2/3 of the main sheets of the diary.
  2. Its length should exceed the width by at least 3-4 times.
  3. Using a ruler, bend the sheet into a fan.
  4. Connect its lower part with glue.

Making a fan

Glue the edges of the fan to the pages of the diary, as close as possible to their connection.

Making a waterfall

In fact, these are beautiful sheets for notes that are pasted onto the main sheet. In this case, the lower leaflet should be half closed by the upper one. The number of such sheets can be anything. Most often, something general is written on the top sheets, and the secret is written on the part that will be closed to them.

They can be made from colored paper, plain, and decorated as you like.

You can make some of the sheets colored, and some white, alternating them according to the chess principle.

Crafts for a personal diary

Here you are also limited only by fantasy, but the following options are considered the most popular:

  • a beautiful bow or heart that can be made in origami technique or in kind or ribbons or other decorative elements;
  • bookmarks of any shape and color, both from paper and other improvised materials;
  • heart from the shape of a palm;
  • pumpkin head for Halloween;
  • funny postcard;
  • a drawing of your favorite character from a cartoon, book or movie;
  • envelope.

In diary crafts, only your imagination limits you.

How to make an envelope for a personal diary?

There are a lot of options here too. You can use a beautiful ready-made envelope from the office, which one side will need to be glued to the diary.

Sometimes a sheet of colored paper folded into an envelope can be a great alternative to a store-bought product.

It can also be sewn, knitted, like a pocket, which will need to be attached to the diary in any way. The easiest way is to take a square sheet and fold its edges to the center, going over them well with a ruler.

For a diary, you can make not only an envelope, but also a pocket

You can make a pocket, which will need not only to be glued to the diary, but also to make a top flap for it so that things do not get enough sleep if the diary is turned upside down.

Page design and cute diary printouts

It is best to make the pages in the diary thematic. For example, one of them will be dedicated to friends, the second to your favorite book or movie.

Secret information can be marked with a special design. So, love moments can be decorated in pink and red colors, with different hearts or floral elements.

Information about the school and success in it can also be distinguished by thematic elements. It can be a notebook sheet, a drawn ruler or desk, a printout or a sticker with a school theme.

Everything related to health can be marked with a red cross or doctor's clipping. Whatever is chosen is personal and should be dear to the heart.

Ideas for a personal diary for a girl (video)

The girl's personal diary is the keeper of her past. Years will pass, and all experiences can be “updated” by rereading the diary. Most often, what was so serious and global at a young age causes only a smile. Little secrets, big secrets - everything that is so important for the heart of a little princess. Therefore, do not skimp on ideas for a personal diary, because it will be a personal portal to the past.

How to make your diary?

With the advent of paper and writing, diaries also appeared. With their help, people got the opportunity to share their thoughts about themselves and about everything that is happening around. Events, incidents and just personal experiences are recorded on the pages of the diary, and at any moment you can go back and relive some moments again or simply analyze the past and draw conclusions. Keeping a diary allows you to relieve emotional stress so as not to accumulate it in yourself.

How to make a diary? What does that require? - such questions arise in many creative people. Depending on what you are going to enter into your diaries, they are divided into several categories:

  • quote diary - here you can write down aphorisms, thoughts and interesting sayings of famous people;
  • song diary - with its help, your favorite songs will always be with you. And if you also compose songs or poems on your own, then such a notebook should always be at hand;
  • diary diary. Such a diary is designed to record interesting and important events that happen to you during the day;
  • a diary for secrets contains the most intimate and personal thoughts and impressions;
  • everything about everything. This type of diary contains quotes, songs, and personal thoughts.

Having dealt with the types of diaries, you can move on to their form, which also plays an important role. Three main types can be distinguished: a diary from a notebook, a diary from a notebook and a folder diary. Let's talk in more detail about each of them.

Diary from a notebook

Perhaps this is the easiest way to make a diary. To do this, you need to choose a suitable notebook (it is desirable that it be 60 or 96 sheets).

This type of diary is interesting in that it is made independently and turns out to be unique and unlike other diaries, even if they are made of the same materials.

We will need:

  • thick paper for A4 cover;
  • paper for diary pages - multi-colored rectangular sheets (sheets can also be A4, or can be a third smaller) - such paper can be purchased at a stationery store;
  • threads, ribbons, ribbons for ties - about 30 centimeters long;
  • metal rivets for fasteners;
  • shreds of fabric, leather;
  • markers, pencils, pens, scissors, ruler and stapler.


  • Making a cover. Take a thick sheet of paper and cut it in half. We make ties from threads or cut ribbons 1 cm wide and 30 cm long from fabric. We also cut 4 small triangles from leather. We sew or glue the ties to the paper, and hide the attachment points under the leather triangles. We tie the ribbons, and our fastening is ready.
  • We make pages. Making pages does not take much time. First you need to bend the multi-colored sheets in half. Then we put them in the cover, aligning the fold line with the left fold of the cover. After that, we fasten the sheets to the cover with a stapler. I would like to note that sheets can be added to this folder from time to time. You can also sew or make an interesting cover or removable cover for your diary.

Notebook diary

Despite the fact that in the course of work we use a ready-made notebook, which can be purchased at any stationery store, such a diary will still turn out to be original and will emphasize your individuality. And for this you need to thoroughly think through each element of your diary. The cover can be decorated with drawings of flowers, animals and plants, as well as embroidered decorative elements. For work we need:

  • notepad with metal spirals;
  • cover fabric: felt, velvet, satin - to choose from;
  • pencils, glue, ribbons, scissors, needle, thread, awl, scissors.

The job is to modify the cover of our notebook. To do this, carefully remove the spiral. From the prepared fabric, we cut out two flaps, which are 2 centimeters longer and wider than our cover. Next, glue the fabric on the wrong side of the cover, and bend the free edges to the front side. Then we cut out 2 more flaps, but without allowances of two centimeters. And glue them on the front side.

We decorate the joints of the purl and front flap with braid.

From a fabric of a different color and texture, we cut out an appliqué, for example, flowers, and decorate the front cover of the cover with it. Holes for the spiral can be made with an awl, then we return the spiral to its place.

You should always remember a few rules:

  • Keep your personal diary in a secluded place so that no one but you can read it.
  • Make notes in a diary, be sure to put down the dates. If you do not have the opportunity to make entries daily, set aside time for yourself when no one is interfering with your communication with the diary.

When making a diary, special attention is paid to its design: both external and internal. The diary should be made so that every day you take it in your hands with pleasure and make notes.

There are many ways to change the appearance of the diary cover. It all depends on your imagination, skill, ingenuity.

Diary cover

Our cover is ready, but in order for it not to look simple and boring, you can decorate it. To do this, cut out a small square from felt of the same color, which we sew on the front side of the cover in the form of a pocket. You can cut a bookmark from red fabric, the shape of which depends on your imagination. It can be in the form of a tie, an arrow or a braided pigtail.

Interior design

Having coped with the design of the cover, it is worth starting the interior design of the diary. For this:

Online diary

Do not forget about such a modern form of the diary as an online blog. Register your page on one of the sites on the Internet (you can take, for example, sites tyca.ru, inmybook, anek.

An Internet blog is good because you can put some of your posts on public display, and other bloggers can leave comments and give advice, as well as share my experience and thoughts with you. Some sites also have the ability to keep your own bookkeeping, create a daily routine, or save the necessary material. If you wish, you can make your blog invisible to other readers and no one can read or comment on it. And the mobile version of your blog on your favorite site will help you always have the right posts at hand.

I would like to believe that our recommendations will help you figure out how to make a personal diary, because its design is the individual work of each person. Using your skill, you will receive a unique notebook for notes, which will not have an analogue in the world. If you have any difficulties, we suggest you watch the video "How to make a diary with your own hands."

Erofeevskaya Natalya

Whether to keep your personal diary (in youth slang “ld”) is truly a personal matter for everyone, but teenage girls, girls and women for the most part prefer to open the cherished silent sheet of paper, rather than close friends. At the same time, creative and romantically inclined people do not have questions about how to keep a diary: they write what they want, draw according to their mood, write in and paste quotes, clippings from fashion magazines, pie recipes and other interesting things.

But if your own vision of your own diary is not enough, and you don’t even know where to start, this article is for you: ideas, recommendations, highlights, creative solutions will push you to individual style and creation. So, how to create, beautifully design a flyleaf and pages, and what can be written in a personal diary?

How to start keeping a personal diary?

With desire. If a girl or girl has a desire to keep her own diary just because all the girls in the class or university group have it, then this will immediately become a failed idea: the process of communicating with a paper friend will end exactly on the second page, when the passion for fashion has suddenly flared up subside. In the world of modern technologies, gadgets and social networks, the question will not be superfluous - why do you need, what does a personal diary look like and what should be in it: if the answers to these seemingly simple questions are not found, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe diary should be postponed for a while.

When deciding to keep a personal diary, think about the purpose - what will it become for you and what is its meaning?

The most obvious purpose of introducing a diary into personal life is communication: a thin or thick notebook or notebook will become the most understanding and trusting interlocutor that is lacking in social and public life. Another group of the female population will define journaling as an opportunity to capture the emotions of visiting interesting places, memories of significant events and impressions of meeting interesting people. And still others will keep a diary for introspection of their own actions, revision of the actions performed, reassessment of themselves and their mistakes, and reflection on successes. Everyone has their own goal- it is important to realize it, and then the personal diary will become a true masterpiece, and not a routine writing.

What will become a diary?

We will not consider in detail the version of the electronic diary: such are also a statement of one's own thoughts and a description of events, but not intended for internal use and for worldwide public readings. But just like with all modern gadgets, a significant mass of readers prefer books in the classic version than in audio or electronic, the same is the case with personal diaries.

The diary is a mirror of the human soul

Starting an electronic personal diary of a teenager on a computer or on a website can put some interesting or, conversely, a dramatic event, a meeting with old friends or a trip. Electronic diary on a personal computer has its advantages (a strong password, beautiful graphics for design, the ability to make an unlimited number of copies), but a special atmosphere, romance to the process of communicating with oneself and something nostalgic vintage give diaries exactly in paper execution, but here's what they should be, what kind of notebook for diary entries about life to start? And this is also a personal matter for everyone:

one will be comfortable writing on separate sheets of paper, which are always at hand, combining them as you write into a ring binder or organizers of paper materials of other options;
others will find comfortable ordinary school notebooks for 18 sheets or notepads, which can be put in a handbag - they do not take up much space and weigh almost nothing;
still others will approach the matter monumentally, starting thick barn book or diary under voluminous texts: descendants will undoubtedly appreciate the painstaking great-grandmother's work, which tells about the super-duper Seventh iPhone and the release of the next episode of Star Wars.

Keeping, writing and pictures for a personal diary - the style, design, size of inscriptions and drawings also play a role. When deciding what a personal diary will look like, one should not be guided solely by an attractive external cover: first of all, its owner should think about the comfort of entering your entries into it. And what is needed for the design of the first page of ld - this will already be decided in the process of working with it.

How long does it take to keep a diary?

How to start keeping and equipping a beautiful personal diary - the rules, as such, do not exist. As well as some official or generally accepted timing for filling it out. If you do not turn a pleasant activity into a daily many hours of recording each step, then It doesn't take much time to keep a diary.. You should not treat the diary as work: entries in it can be made hastily or in detail, but in any case, if there is desire and inspiration.

It is not by chance that the diary can be used as a planner of future affairs: it will show how much time is wasted with the hostess. Nothing to write about the last day, a couple of days, a week? - it makes sense to think: maybe time is just wasted? Such information will give impetus to a general mobilization and decisive action within the limits of one person.

Each girl or woman determines the mode of working with her diary that suits her: daily, weekly or situational

“When I want, then I write”- the correct answer to the question of how often to write in the diary. Obyazalovka will destroy a trusting relationship with such a friend, and talking about each line will not give either positive emotions or a pleasant result.

Another point that diary owners don't think about: re-read notes from time to time and desirable and necessary- this will refresh the memory of events and allow you to track how your thinking and assessment of situations and people's actions are changing. Over time, not only we ourselves change, but also our perception of the same dynamic, not worth a second of the world around us: such an analysis is useful and determines the degree of maturation of the individual.

How to keep a personal diary

Correct in this case - a synonym for "as convenient." You need to relax, stay alone with yourself, your thoughts, a pen or pencil (according to preferences) and a diary. You can not comb your hair and not, you are now nature itself. Those who have problems with the Russian language should not think about the rules of spelling and punctuation - write freely, even with errors.

For each entry, set the day, month, year - everything is forgotten over time, but the chronology will return to the exact event moment

Caution does not hurt when expressing: on the one hand, why then is a diary needed if you don’t pour out everything painful on its pages ?; on the other hand, one should not exclude the possibility of reading it by another person. And in most cases, it will be the bomb. Atomic.

How to sign and properly format a personal diary: tips and ideas

For adults, busy and working people, maybe the design of the diary is not so important - most likely, they would stop at an expensive diary with a dense stylish cover and elegant pages. But how to start and fill in the pages inside the LD of desires for a girl or teenager? For sure young ladies want something enchanting, sparkling and joyful- styles, ideas and photos of filling out a personal diary or diary can be viewed on Internet blogs, the Pinterest social network of pictures and similar resources. Or just come up with something of your own.

In general diary design depends on:

own desires and ideological vision of a new "friend";
creative skills (calligraphic handwriting, ability to draw);
available free time, which, without prejudice to study, work or family, can be spent on making entries.

Thematic pages and stories- a super idea, everything will be used here: from scrapbooking to stickers and Chinese calligraphy. For a trip to the sea, the page can be painted with soft blue watercolors, pearl beads and decorative colored sand can be added, the “forest page” can be perfumed with woody scented toilet water and decorated with pine or spruce needles - room for imagination.

Many already at the beginning of the journey think how to make the last page creative diary: perhaps someone will look at the idea of ​​​​a stylized door to the future, their own poem, or just a beautifully executed inscription “To be continued ...”

There are no special rules in the design either - it is only important that the owner liked the diary. For young girls who have free time, magazine clippings and scrapbooking elements, appliqué materials, a set of colored gel pens and felt-tip pens, highlighters, glue sticks, self-adhesive rhinestones, decorative ribbons and paper, etc. will come in handy. Cute cats, cute bears, flower butterflies and angels are recognized as favorite girly pictures.

How to make it interesting and what to write about in a personal diary for a girl, girl or woman

describe emotions and attitudes- it is not the bare and boring facts that are important, the feelings caused by the situation are important;
you can throw out the accumulated verbally or graphically- as you like;
memorable exhibitions, visits to cinemas and theatrical performances, interesting trips, romantic dates will be reminded tickets and booklets, letters and notes of a loved one- if you want to store them at the end of the diary on the cover, it is recommended to glue the envelope and fold them there or paste them directly on the current page;
write down and draw gift ideas for family and friends;
do sketches of favorite models in boutique windows with the expectation to sew in the near future the same, but with mother-of-pearl buttons;
to increase self-esteem, it is recommended to paste in a diary own good photos, celebrate achievements and do not be shy to praise yourself for success;
rich in dreams, people are advised to write them down until they are forgotten, - dreams open the veil of the inner consciousness and experiences of a person;
women's diaries become a treasure trove quotes, aphorisms and funny anecdotes: the hostess of the diary, who does not rely on her own maiden memory, periodically reads them useful and brings pleasure;
useful phrases in English;
spending money, planning spending on purchases;
admired for their simplicity or sophistication cooking recipes;
words of favorite songs, poems, poems.

If you wish and know foreign languages, you can keep a diary in one of them: agree, personal diary in English is not only intellectual and stylish, but also a great practice for expressing your own thoughts and expanding your vocabulary.

The diary of married ladies most often represents an ascetic version: short, to the point entries without additional embellishments

Thick cardboard cover will make the diary safer, and the creativity of the owner of the diary will highlight an ordinary notebook or notebook from a bunch of similar ones, creating a small personal mood corner. With the help of master classes of the online community of needlewomen and available materials, it is easy to create own textile cover with elegant lace trim and sewing and / or rhinestones and buttons (felt ones look original and cozy, but are not so practical to use - they get dirty and worn out). Covers are easy to change depending on the mood or season.

To maintain complete secrecy, you can buy notebook or notepad with lock or find a secluded place in the room for a handwritten treasure away from prying eyes and prying hands. How much does your own diary cost? It is truly priceless, but not at all because of the beautiful expensive cover - the time and heart invested in its pages will eventually make this small notebook or book a family heirloom that future generations will treasure with tenderness.


And why is all this necessary? This question returns to the first point of the article - the goal. The goal of keeping a diary will become the motivation for filling it out: feelings and thoughts, perception of people and events, analysis of one's own strengths and weaknesses, fears, achievements and actions.

A personal diary is a letter to yourself in the future and news for yourself from the past.

The diary will become not only a way of self-expression: scattered and fussy people, he will help streamline both thoughts and actions, teach planning, consistency and structuring the presentation of his judgments. Recording is required by some for the development of detailed memory and a safety net against senile sclerosis.

A personal diary is not just a biography and a psychotherapeutic attempt to understand oneself, find harmony and: in some cases it is necessary for a detailed assessment of one's life. Keeping a diary involves a person trying to become better, wiser and make fewer mistakes in the future.

February 2, 2014, 03:34 pm

The design of the diary, as well as its content, is of great importance for the owner. The information stored in a personal notebook is related to the age of the "writer" and the way the pages are decorated is similar. The article describes different ideas that will suit young and adult girls.

A personal diary is something more than a life chronology of events. People, regardless of age, write down their experiences, plans, dreams, thoughts. Of course, the content of a commemorative notebook differs depending on the age of the owner. The appearance of the diary and pages is important, so many tend to decorate it somehow especially. The article will suggest original ideas for a personal diary, most importantly, grab a good mood.

You can give a second life to any notebook or notebook, for this you need imagination and free time.

Even having bought an initially beautiful notebook, you can add a drop of yourself:

  • glue photos of different ages;
  • print your favorite aphorisms, laminate the sheet, cut out quotes and paste them on the cover in a chaotic manner;
  • sew on multi-colored pieces of fabric, embroider the initials of the owner on one of them;
  • cover with openwork fabric;
  • put gouache paint on your hand, put an imprint, carefully cut it out, stick it, and write a life credo in the middle of your palm.

If an ordinary notebook copes with the role of a diary, it can be redone along with the title page. Make a blank cover from cardboard, stitch with a cloth, sew a pocket for special notes, reminders. Using a hole punch, make holes on the title and sheets, then tie with thick thread or burlap. Ready!

Page decoration

Rereading memories is more interesting when they are on some background. Decoration makes the diary more beautiful, conveys the mood of the past.

Decorate the pages will help:

  • stickers;
  • clippings from magazines/postcards;
  • patterned stamps;
  • imprint of a kiss with painted lips;
  • own drawings.

What can be drawn in a personal diary? All that is enough artistic talent! Draw patterns, favorite things, silhouettes of people, flowers, animals, abstraction. Illustrate the described trip to the cafe with a cup of coffee, a trip to the sea with a shell or a dolphin, a date with hearts. Personal fantasy has no horizons.

A leaf painted with watercolors or shaded with a pencil of your favorite color looks bright. Convey a good mood with multi-colored blots of paint. With gouache saturated colors outline the contours of the page. The main thing is to wait until the paint is completely dry. Felt pens are appropriate on thick paper, otherwise they will be printed on the other side. If this happens, circle the drawing, you will get a double mirror image.

Diary ideas for ladies of different ages

You can keep a diary at any age, barely learning how to write. For little girls under 10 years old, moms, classmates, the Internet can suggest ideas for recordings.

Possible information of a personal diary for girls:

  • daily mood, indicated with emoticons;
  • questionnaire for herself with questions about the present and the future;
  • wish list;
  • every year describe the birthday holiday, the names of congratulators, gifts;
  • maintain a page of achievements related to the hobby;
  • drawing your favorite cartoon characters;
  • description of important dates, events;
  • write down your favorite poems, songs, jokes.

Teenage girls can partially use the above ideas for a personal diary. They can be encouraged to make annual entries by dividing the page into two columns - good events, negative events. In the header you should write the current year, to which animal according to the eastern calendar it belongs. It is interesting on New Year's Eve to write a to-do list / goals for the coming year, then mark the item made, set a date for achievement.

It's a good idea to organize a fashion page, glue clippings from magazines of your favorite outfits. After 5-10 years, analyze the changes in your own sense of style. Write questions for friends on separate sheets, let them fill out a questionnaire, then tape it into a personal notebook, write your own comments about each friend.

The story about how you see yourself in 20, 30, 40 years will be very exciting. Describe in detail the life of each age category, be sure to leave two blank sheets for future entries, compare the number of matches.

Make thematic sections, for example, “Life Lessons”, where you write down personal conclusions, situations that taught you something new. Theme options:

  • advice from mothers, grandmothers, relatives;
  • personal idea of ​​love, quotes from wise people;
  • the best messages from friends, loved ones, relatives;
  • personal achievements;
  • descriptions of dates, first gentlemen, gifts;
  • page of important numbers;
  • character advantages/disadvantages.

A personal diary is the private property of a girl, where she can express thoughts of any nature and varying degrees of secrecy.

Visualization of desires

Finally, I want to talk about the visualization of desires, the power of which has been proven over the years. The meaning of visualization is that a person cuts out pictures from magazines / newspapers depicting what he dreams about. It can be anything from a Dalmatian dog to dishes that you would like to have in the future. The secret of the technique is simple - look at the pictures more often, dreams will come true faster.

Read other blog articles:

Visualization requires a serious approach, it is not enough to glue a house, a car, a man, children. Cut out not the luxurious house of the president, but the one in which you would like to live, where exactly you will be cozy and comfortable. Dreaming of having a son and a daughter, cut out the two most beautiful, in your opinion, children - a boy and a girl. If you want to work as a flight attendant, find images of an airplane, a flight attendant, but instead of her head, cut out your face from the photo and paste it so that you can imagine yourself in this role.

Dreaming of getting coffee in bed in the morning is easy. Fireplace in the house? Please! Do you love to travel? Cut out the flags or landmarks of the countries you want to visit. Strive to be slim, glue a picture of the perfect figure. Don't be afraid to dream!

Now, you know how to design a personal diary for beautiful ladies of any age. The information you entrust to paper now will become more powerful over time, and you will never regret the time spent on the diary.


Keeping a personal diary is interesting and useful. Events and emotions are overwritten in our memory over time, and what is captured on the pages will help to remember important moments. Consider ideas on how to design a personal diary. Decorations will make it bright and exciting.

Personal diary: interior design, pictures

Today it is fashionable to talk about your life on blogs or social networks, but, you see, not everything wants to be put on public display, not all moments and emotions can be conveyed. A handwritten diary is a thing for itself that brings pleasure.

Consider what can be drawn in the diary:

  1. Decorate the margins with miniature drawings or patterned borders. Use multi-colored pens, markers, paints. Colors and patterns reflect your mood at the time of recording.
  2. Draw frames to highlight what's important. Don't limit yourself to standard squares or ovals. Make them in the shape of a house, a boat, a coffee cup, etc.
  3. Allocate 12 pages for mood boards for each month. Come up with interesting badges and mark how your day went. At the end of the period, count what was more - sadness or joy.
  4. Make unusual drawings for your personal diary with lipstick or nail polish.
  5. Paste magazine clippings, photographs - any pictures that fit the topic. Multi-colored adhesive tapes, stickers, stickers will also come in handy.

Pictures for a personal diary will make it lively, interesting, creative. Fantasize, decorate the notebook to your taste, because this is your creation.

How to beautifully design a personal diary inside

Making a personal diary inside with your own hands is not limited to pictures, there are many extraordinary ideas. Here are the coolest deals:

  1. Decorate the pages with a herbarium. Glue leaves and flowers or create a simple picture out of them. Dry the flower or petals from the presented bouquet and describe who gave it and how.
  2. Make cute bookmarks: wicker, origami, decorated with paper clips, ribbons, cut out of cardboard in the form of figures.
  3. Fold envelopes or pockets from multi-colored paper, glue to the pages. Hide various knick-knacks in hiding places: notes, seashells from vacation, a sticker with the scent of your favorite perfume.
  4. Decorate your diary with natural materials. Wonderful patterns will be obtained from pasta, cereals, coffee beans, small shells, dried watermelon seeds.
  5. Cut out letters for important phrases from felt or burlap and glue to the page. Make frames from similar materials.

Decorating a diary brings pleasure, improves mood, and soothes. You will be happy to read a notebook with personal stories 10 years later and look at its design.

We wish that your diary is filled with pleasant entries and there is always inspiration for its design.

Personal diary: how to keep and how to arrange?

Whether to keep your personal diary (in youth slang “ld”) is truly a personal matter for everyone, but teenage girls, girls and women for the most part prefer to open the cherished silent sheet of paper, rather than close friends. At the same time, creative and romantically inclined people do not have questions about how to keep a diary: they write what they want, draw according to their mood, write in and paste quotes, clippings from fashion magazines, pie recipes and other interesting things.

But if your own vision of your own diary is not enough, and you don’t even know where to start, this article is for you: ideas, recommendations, highlights, creative solutions will push you to individual style and creation. So, how to create, beautifully design a flyleaf and pages, and what can be written in a personal diary?

How to start keeping a personal diary?

With desire. If a girl or girl has a desire to keep her own diary just because all the girls in the class or university group have it, then this will immediately become a failed idea: the process of communicating with a paper friend will end exactly on the second page, when the passion for fashion has suddenly flared up subside. In the world of modern technologies, gadgets and social networks, the question will not be out of place - why do you need, what does a personal diary look like and what should be in it: if the answers to these seemingly simple questions are not found, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe diary should be postponed for a while.

When deciding to keep a personal diary, think about the purpose - what will it become for you and what is its meaning?

The most obvious purpose of introducing a diary into personal life is communication: a thin or thick notebook or notebook will become the most understanding and trusting interlocutor that is lacking in social and public life. Another group of the female population will define journaling as an opportunity to capture the emotions of visiting interesting places, memories of significant events and impressions of meeting interesting people. And still others will keep a diary for introspection of their own actions, revision of the actions performed, reassessment of themselves and their mistakes, and reflection on successes. Everyone has their own goal- it is important to realize it, and then the personal diary will become a true masterpiece, and not a routine writing.

What will become a diary?

We will not consider in detail the version of the electronic diary: such popular blogs today are also a presentation of their own thoughts and a description of events, but not intended for internal use and for worldwide public readings. But just like with all modern gadgets, a significant mass of readers prefer books in the classic version than in audio or electronic, the same is the case with personal diaries.

The diary is a mirror of the human soul

Starting an electronic personal diary of a teenager on a computer or on a website can put some interesting or, conversely, a dramatic event, a meeting with old friends or a trip. Electronic diary on a personal computer has its advantages (a strong password, beautiful graphics for design, the ability to make an unlimited number of copies), but a special atmosphere, romance to the process of communicating with oneself and something nostalgic vintage give diaries exactly in paper execution, but here's what they should be, what kind of notebook for diary entries about life to start? And this is also a personal matter for everyone:

one will be comfortable writing on separate sheets of paper, which are always at hand, combining them as you write into a ring binder or organizers of paper materials of other options;
others will find comfortable ordinary school notebooks for 18 sheets or notepads, which can be put in a handbag - they do not take up much space and weigh almost nothing;
still others will approach the matter monumentally, starting thick barn book or diary under voluminous texts: descendants will undoubtedly appreciate the painstaking great-grandmother's work, which tells about the super-duper Seventh iPhone and the release of the next episode of Star Wars.

Keeping, writing and pictures for a personal diary - the style, design, size of inscriptions and drawings also play a role. When deciding what a personal diary will look like, one should not be guided solely by an attractive external cover: first of all, its owner should think about the comfort of entering your entries into it. And what is needed for the design of the first page of ld - this will already be decided in the process of working with it.

How long does it take to keep a diary?

How to start keeping and equipping a beautiful personal diary - rules, as such, do not exist. As well as some official or generally accepted timing for filling it out. If you do not turn a pleasant activity into a daily many hours of recording each step, then It doesn't take much time to keep a diary.. You should not treat the diary as work: entries in it can be made hastily or in detail, but in any case, if there is desire and inspiration.

It is not by chance that the diary can be used as a planner of future affairs: it will show how much time is wasted with the hostess. Nothing to write about the last day, a couple of days, a week? - it makes sense to think: maybe time is just wasted? Such information will give impetus to a general mobilization and decisive action within the limits of one person.

Each girl or woman determines the mode of working with her diary that suits her: daily, weekly or situational

“When I want, then I write”- the correct answer to the question of how often to write in the diary. Obyazalovka will destroy a trusting relationship with such a friend, and talking about each line will not give either positive emotions or a pleasant result.

Another point that diary owners don't think about: re-read notes from time to time and desirable and necessary- this will refresh the memory of events and allow you to track how your thinking and assessment of situations and people's actions are changing. Over time, not only we ourselves change, but also our perception of the same dynamic, not worth a second of the world around us: such an analysis is useful and determines the degree of maturation of the individual.

How to keep a personal diary

Correct in this case - a synonym for "as convenient." You need to relax, stay alone with yourself, your thoughts, a pen or pencil (according to preferences) and a diary. You can not comb your hair and not use makeup, you are now nature itself. Those who have problems with the Russian language should not think about the rules of spelling and punctuation - write freely, even with errors.

For each entry, set the day, month, year - everything is forgotten over time, but the chronology will return to the exact event moment

When expressing negative emotions, caution does not hurt: on the one hand, why then is a diary needed if you don’t pour everything painful on its pages ?; on the other hand, one should not exclude the possibility of reading it by another person. And in most cases, it will be the bomb. Atomic.

How to sign and properly format a personal diary: tips and ideas

For adults, busy and working persons, perhaps the design of the diary is not so important - most likely, they would have settled on an expensive diary with a dense stylish cover and elegant pages. But how to start and fill in the pages inside the LD of desires for a girl or teenager? For sure young ladies want something enchanting, sparkling and joyful- styles, ideas and photos of filling out a personal diary or diary can be viewed on Internet blogs, the Pinterest social network of pictures and similar resources. Or just come up with something of your own.

In general diary design depends on:

own desires and ideological vision of a new "friend";
creative skills (calligraphic handwriting, ability to draw);
available free time, which, without prejudice to study, work or family, can be spent on making entries.

Thematic pages and stories- a super-idea, everything will be used here: from scrapbooking to stickers and Chinese calligraphy. For a trip to the sea, the page can be painted with soft blue watercolors, pearl beads and decorative colored sand can be added, the “forest page” can be perfumed with woody scented toilet water and decorated with pine or spruce needles - room for imagination.

Many already at the beginning of the journey think how to make the last page creative diary: perhaps someone will look at the idea of ​​​​a stylized door to the future, their own poem, or just a beautifully executed inscription “To be continued ...”

There are no special rules in the design either - it is only important that the owner liked the diary. For young girls who have free time, magazine clippings and scrapbooking elements, appliqué materials, a set of colored gel pens and felt-tip pens, highlighters, glue sticks, self-adhesive rhinestones, decorative ribbons and paper, etc. will come in handy. Cute cats, cute bears, flower butterflies and angels are recognized as favorite girly pictures.

How to make it interesting and what to write about in a personal diary for a girl, girl or woman

describe emotions and attitudes- it is not the bare and boring facts that are important, the feelings caused by the situation are important;
you can throw out the accumulated verbally or graphically- as you like;
memorable exhibitions, visits to cinemas and theatrical performances, interesting trips, romantic dates will be reminded tickets and booklets, letters and notes of a loved one- if you want to store them at the end of the diary on the cover, it is recommended to glue the envelope and fold them there or paste them directly on the current page;
write down and draw gift ideas for family and friends;
do sketches of favorite models in boutique windows with the expectation to sew in the near future the same, but with mother-of-pearl buttons;
to increase self-esteem, it is recommended to paste in a diary own good photos, celebrate achievements and do not be shy to praise yourself for success;
rich in dreams, people are advised to write them down until they are forgotten, - dreams open the veil of the inner consciousness and experiences of a person;
women's diaries become a treasure trove quotes, aphorisms and funny anecdotes: the hostess of the diary, who does not rely on her own maiden memory, periodically reads them useful and brings pleasure;
useful phrases in English;
spending money, planning spending on purchases;
admired for their simplicity or sophistication cooking recipes;
words of favorite songs, poems, poems.

If you wish and know foreign languages, you can keep a diary in one of them: agree, personal diary in English is not only intellectual and stylish, but also a great practice for expressing your own thoughts and expanding your vocabulary.

The diary of married ladies most often represents an ascetic version: short, to the point entries without additional embellishments

Thick cardboard cover will make the diary safer, and the creativity of the owner of the diary will highlight an ordinary notebook or notebook from a bunch of similar ones, creating a small personal mood corner. With the help of master classes of the online community of needlewomen and available materials, it is easy to create own textile cover with elegant lace trim and sewing and / or rhinestones and buttons (felt ones look original and cozy, but are not so practical to use - they get dirty and worn out). Covers are easy to change depending on the mood or season.

To maintain complete secrecy, you can buy notebook or notepad with lock or find a secluded place in the room for a handwritten treasure away from prying eyes and prying hands. How much does your own diary cost? It is truly priceless, but not at all because of the beautiful expensive cover - the time and heart invested in its pages will eventually make this small notebook or book a family heirloom that future generations will treasure with tenderness.


And why is all this necessary? This question returns to the first point of the article - the goal. The goal of keeping a diary will become the motivation for filling it out: feelings and thoughts, perception of people and events, analysis of one's own strengths and weaknesses, fears, achievements and actions.

A personal diary is a letter to yourself in the future and news for yourself from the past.

The diary will become not only a way of self-expression: scattered and fussy people, he will help streamline both thoughts and actions, teach planning, consistency and structuring the presentation of his judgments. Recording is required by some for the development of detailed memory and a safety net against senile sclerosis.

A personal diary is not just a biography and a psychotherapeutic attempt to understand oneself, find harmony and peace of mind: in some cases it is necessary for a detailed assessment of one's life. Keeping a diary involves a person trying to become better, wiser and make fewer mistakes in the future.

What drawings can decorate a personal diary. How to make a personal diary inside.

There are many ways to diversify the blank white pages of the diary. It all depends on imagination and skills.

Incident themed images

You need to describe a trip to the sea, then cut-out pictures with shells from magazines and postcards, small travel maps from guide books, the most memorable places drawn by yourself are perfect.

You can attach postage stamps of the countries in which the trip took place. An interesting option would be to design a special pocket made of fabric or paper. It will serve as a place where you can hide small shells, transport tickets, cinema tickets or other things that remind you of the trip.

If you want to describe your birthday, then images of balloons, a cake with candles, gift boxes and bags will look great. You can describe your thoughts by highlighting them like in comics - in a sort of pop-up cloud.

What is remembered...

To design this diary, you need to collect those phrases, expressions, pictures, news and facts of incidents that you remember.

Expressions can be immediately cut out of magazines and newspapers and pasted in a diary, describing your thoughts. The same with news and incidents - newspaper columns can be broken up and attached to a diary with a specific date.

It turns out very interesting and significant when people describe in this way the history of their time, what happens in his time in the country and around the world. And of course, in parallel with this, he describes the history of himself and his family.

Some collect chewing gum inserts with favorite pictures and phrases, such as "Love is ..." for girls and "Turbo" for boys.

Bright colors and felt-tip pens are our helpers

Positive emotions for a personal diary can be brought with the help of bright neon felt-tip pens and pencils, gouache and watercolors, even nail polishes can be great for this.

Glitter, rhinestones, sequins, various ribbons and lace can add volume. A variety of color pictures and inscriptions, decorated with additional bright prints, will add zest to any diary.

Recipes and favorite food

A great idea for a personal diary for real gourmets is to add interesting and favorite recipes for every day. Various pictures of exotic dishes, clippings of recipes from magazines and newspapers, various cards with ingredients and useful cooking tips.

Compiling food diaries has become very popular in the modern world, when everyone strives for a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. The combination of a personal diary and a modern recipe book will turn out to be very interesting for further reading, because each dish will always remind you of a specific day in your life.

General layout of the diary

How to arrange the LD itself? The cover of the diary can be upholstered with a fabric with a soft filler. The name of the diary can be embroidered with satin stitch or cross stitch. You can also attach various jewelry pins, paste rhinestones and voluminous stickers.

It is very popular to rewind a personal diary with a satin or lace ribbon, fasten a small lock on it and thus protect it from prying eyes.

The first page of the diary should be a presentation page. It should contain information about the owner, years of writing, etc.

You can decorate a diary in various ways, most importantly, it should please its owner and be disposed to trust him with the most important and special, everything that happens in life. If suddenly the source of fantasy began to dry up, then you can always see photos and videos on the topic that you need.

The greater the trust in a personal diary, the more memory will remain for future days.

A personal diary is a great little thing in order to write down your thoughts and experiences in it. You can buy ready-made notebooks in stores, but they are less valuable than diaries that are decorated with your own hands. Interested in how to decorate a personal diary, you need to know that there are a lot of design options.

DIY decor: how to decorate a personal diary

It is important to design the pages in a beautiful handwriting. Individual fragments can be printed and pasted. Colored pens, glitter, pencils, paints and felt-tip pens will help make your notes bright and interesting. If the owner of the diary has the talent of an artist, you can draw pictures and illustrations.

How to decorate the pages of a personal diary: photos and pictures

Little things dear to the heart are collected and used to decorate the pages of the diary. Everything can be put into action:

  • photos;
  • pictures from postcards and magazines;
  • stickers;
  • tickets;
  • checks;
  • cards;
  • dry leaves and flowers.

How to decorate a personal diary with your own hands: important little things

A personal diary gives you the opportunity to show your imagination and creativity to the fullest. Needleworkers offer more such design options:

  • If you want to protect your diary from prying people, you can buy a small lock with a key and fix it on the cover.
  • The diary can be beautifully decorated with ribbons, making a string out of them.
  • The cover and pages are decorated with various felt figures.

It is advisable to make a special pocket in the middle or at the end of the notebook for storing little things dear to the heart. Special skills for such needlework are not needed. Everyone knows how to cut, glue and use multi-colored pens, so there should be no difficulties.

How to decorate the cover of a personal diary: fabric and leather

Stylish covers are made from a beautiful dense fabric of a favorite shade. You can take multi-colored shreds. Action algorithm:

  1. Measure the sides of the notebook.
  2. Transfer them to a piece of fabric, adding another 2 cm.
  3. Cut and finish the edges. It is better to overcast the edges, but if this is not possible, you can grease them with PVA glue.
  4. Fold over the cover to make pockets and sew.

By the same principle, the cover is made of leather or leatherette. Decorating a ready-made fabric cover is very simple. You can embroider your initials with beads and ribbons, threads, make appliqués or embroidery. Ribbons, rhinestones and lace are a win-win option for decorating, especially since all this decor is presented in stores in a wide variety.

Interesting ideas for ld: how to decorate a personal diary? 051. idei-dlya-ld So I want to start keeping my diary! Make it beautiful, interesting, unusual! But how? What if I don’t have enough imagination and skills to decorate it? Familiar questions, right? Surprisingly, they occur to almost everyone who has ever planned to start keeping a diary. It would seem that there is nothing incomprehensible here: the diary is personal, so decorate it as you like! But, nevertheless, not everyone has enough imagination and ideas to beautifully design the pages. However, this is no reason to be upset! In our article you will find interesting ideas for ld that will help you decorate your personal diary. Ideas for ld: decorating the cover and front page The cover and front page are the “clothing” and “face” of your diary. Therefore, it is with their design that you should start, and do it especially carefully! 02. Ideas for ld The easiest way to design a diary cover is to wrap it with crispy gift paper, securing it on the inside with colored tape. If you don't mind spending a little more time decorating your diary, you can sew in beautiful fabric or knit a detachable cover! And then - decorate it with buttons, beads or beads. The main thing is not to rush to make the cover beautiful and neat. On the main page, you can stick your photo, write a few words about yourself. Or draw an unusual invitation drawing for everyone to open and read your diary. A few ideas for designing the rest of the pages Inside a personal diary, there can also be especially interesting pages that will tell not only about the events that happened to you, but also about your hobbies. Ideas for ld that you can use to decorate the inner pages of the diary: A page about your favorite movie, musicians, or book. Decorate it with photos of actors, favorite characters, or paste photos from your favorite artist's concert. Write on it the text of your favorite song or quotes from books and films. 05. Ideas for ld A page dedicated to your favorite sweets. Love chocolate? Great! Tell us on the page when and by whom chocolate was first invented! Write down the hot chocolate recipe! Or paste beautiful pictures of chocolates into your diary! 08. Ideas for ld Page of secrets, dreams and desires. The name of the page speaks for itself - on it you can write about your desires, describe your cherished dreams and secrets. You can decorate such a page with beautiful pictures or drawings! 06. Ideas for ld Page for friends. This page can be made together with friends! Ask them to draw, write or stick something in your diary as a keepsake? 03. Ideas for ld Page of favorite poems. Write your favorite poems on this page and decorate with a suitable picture! Or maybe you have poems of your own composition? Be sure to set aside a separate page for them in your diary! 07. Ideas for ld Page of favorite hobbies. Surely! Your personal diary must have a page about your favorite hobbies! Or maybe not even alone! Love soft toys? Paste beautiful pictures of Teddy bears on the page, or write about how you can sew a toy with your own hands! Love computer games? Write about your favorite game, decorate the page with printouts of your favorite characters! Or maybe you like delicious food? Fill the page with simple and delicious recipes! There can be many options! 04. Ideas for ld Of course, these are not all the ideas for ld that you can use to decorate your diary! But we hope that taking them as a basis, you can come up with something of your own, and they will help you make your personal diary - special!

To design the first page of a personal diary, you can use any materials and tools at hand. In order to determine what exactly should be on the front of your diary, imagine what evokes the warmest memories and feelings in you.

Personal diary: design ideas for a girl

For example, if you like boat trips, use shells, various pebbles, or photos of the promenade or beach for decoration. Thus, every time you pick up your diary, you will immediately feel warm and cozy.

How to make a beautiful personal diary

Newspaper clippings, homemade bows, crocheted flowers, beads will look very original on the first page. You can also paint the title page with paints or pencils. In general, give free rein to your imagination, and boldly create.

Personal diary: design inside

Making a diary can be no less interesting than writing it. Here are some useful tips for those who decide to make a paper friend:

How to beautifully design your personal diary, video

You can beautifully design a diary not only with the help of multi-colored stickers or colored pens. Use a variety of materials: dried flowers and leaves, candy wrappers and fabric patches, sequins and sequins. In addition, you can use paper clips of various colors and sizes, so you can mark the pages that are most important to you. You can also make colorful bookmarks or corners for unusual ideas and thoughts. If you want to see how to make a personal diary for a girl, watch this video:

Don't be afraid to experiment. A personal diary is exactly the place where you can embody any of your fantasies and inventions. Here, no one will evaluate your calligraphy, artistic data or the ability to make applications.

We wrote to you about the most popular ways to design personal diaries. You can use any of them or come up with your own original methods for decorating your diary. The main thing is that you like what you do, and then you will definitely succeed.

The design of the diary, as well as its content, is of great importance for the owner. The information stored in a personal notebook is related to the age of the "writer" and the way the pages are decorated is similar. The article describes different ideas that will suit young and adult girls.

A personal diary is something more than a life chronology of events. People, regardless of age, write down their experiences, plans, dreams, thoughts. Of course, the content of a commemorative notebook differs depending on the age of the owner. The appearance of the diary and pages is important, so many tend to decorate it somehow especially. The article will suggest original ideas for a personal diary, most importantly, grab a good mood.

You can give a second life to any notebook or notebook, for this you need imagination and free time.

Even having bought an initially beautiful notebook, you can add a drop of yourself:

  • glue photos of different ages;
  • print your favorite aphorisms, laminate the sheet, cut out quotes and paste them on the cover in a chaotic manner;
  • sew on multi-colored pieces of fabric, embroider the initials of the owner on one of them;
  • cover with openwork fabric;
  • put gouache paint on your hand, put an imprint, carefully cut it out, stick it, and write a life credo in the middle of your palm.

If an ordinary notebook copes with the role of a diary, it can be redone along with the title page. Make a blank cover from cardboard, stitch with a cloth, sew a pocket for special notes, reminders. Using a hole punch, make holes on the title and sheets, then tie with thick thread or burlap. Ready!

Page decoration

Rereading memories is more interesting when they are on some background. Decoration makes the diary more beautiful, conveys the mood of the past.

Decorate the pages will help:

  • stickers;
  • clippings from magazines/postcards;
  • patterned stamps;
  • imprint of a kiss with painted lips;
  • own drawings.

What can be drawn in a personal diary? All that is enough artistic talent! Draw patterns, favorite things, silhouettes of people, flowers, animals, abstraction. Illustrate the described trip to the cafe with a cup of coffee, a trip to the sea with a shell or a dolphin, a date with hearts. Personal fantasy has no horizons.

A leaf painted with watercolors or shaded with a pencil of your favorite color looks bright. Convey a good mood with multi-colored blots of paint. With gouache saturated colors outline the contours of the page. The main thing is to wait until the paint is completely dry. Felt pens are appropriate on thick paper, otherwise they will be printed on the other side. If this happens, circle the drawing, you will get a double mirror image.

Diary ideas for ladies of different ages

You can keep a diary at any age, barely learning how to write. For little girls under 10 years old, moms, classmates, the Internet can suggest ideas for recordings.

Possible information of a personal diary for girls:

  • daily mood, indicated with emoticons;
  • questionnaire for herself with questions about the present and the future;
  • wish list;
  • every year describe the birthday holiday, the names of congratulators, gifts;
  • maintain a page of achievements related to the hobby;
  • drawing your favorite cartoon characters;
  • description of important dates, events;
  • write down your favorite poems, songs, jokes.

Teenage girls can partially use the above ideas for a personal diary. They can be encouraged to make annual entries by dividing the page into two columns - good events, negative events. In the header you should write the current year, to which animal according to the eastern calendar it belongs. It is interesting on New Year's Eve to write a to-do list / goals for the coming year, then mark the item made, set a date for achievement.

It's a good idea to organize a fashion page, glue clippings from magazines of your favorite outfits. After 5-10 years, analyze the changes in your own sense of style. Write questions for friends on separate sheets, let them fill out a questionnaire, then tape it into a personal notebook, write your own comments about each friend.

The story about how you see yourself in 20, 30, 40 years will be very exciting. Describe in detail the life of each age category, be sure to leave two blank sheets for future entries, compare the number of matches.

Make thematic sections, for example, “Life Lessons”, where you write down personal conclusions, situations that taught you something new. Theme options:

  • advice from mothers, grandmothers, relatives;
  • personal idea of ​​love, quotes from wise people;
  • the best messages from friends, loved ones, relatives;
  • personal achievements;
  • descriptions of dates, first gentlemen, gifts;
  • page of important numbers;
  • character advantages/disadvantages.

A personal diary is the private property of a girl, where she can express thoughts of any nature and varying degrees of secrecy.

Visualization of desires

Finally, I want to talk about the visualization of desires, the power of which has been proven over the years. The meaning of visualization is that a person cuts out pictures from magazines / newspapers depicting what he dreams about. It can be anything from a Dalmatian dog to dishes that you would like to have in the future. The secret of the technique is simple - look at the pictures more often, dreams will come true faster.

Read other blog articles:

Visualization requires a serious approach, it is not enough to glue a house, a car, a man, children. Cut out not the luxurious house of the president, but the one in which you would like to live, where exactly you will be cozy and comfortable. Dreaming of having a son and a daughter, cut out the two most beautiful, in your opinion, children - a boy and a girl. If you want to work as a flight attendant, find images of an airplane, a flight attendant, but instead of her head, cut out your face from the photo and paste it so that you can imagine yourself in this role.

Dreaming of getting coffee in bed in the morning is easy. Fireplace in the house? Please! Do you love to travel? Cut out the flags or landmarks of the countries you want to visit. Strive to be slim, glue a picture of the perfect figure. Don't be afraid to dream!

Now, you know how to design a personal diary for beautiful ladies of any age. The information you entrust to paper now will become more powerful over time, and you will never regret the time spent on the diary.
