Effective cough remedies during pregnancy. How is a cough attack treated in pregnant women in the first trimester? Severe cough in the 1st trimester

Pregnancy is a wonderful period for a woman. If she is desired, all 9 months pass in a positive mood. There are actually many advantages of pregnancy, for example: easier work at work and at home, a daily walk, sometimes even with your loved one, dreams of a future child, talking with him and so on. But along with the advantages, all 9 months are fraught with a lot of life-threatening situations for the mother and baby. We are talking about various diseases that a pregnant woman suffers at any stage.

What are the dangers of diseases during pregnancy?

For a maturing baby, it is extremely important that nothing interferes with the formation of its main organs, especially the nervous system, intrauterine development and growth. After all, during this period all the cells, systems and functions of organs are formed. Almost the entire life of the child depends on the correct behavior and way of life of the mother during this period. If a woman does not take care of herself and is at risk of contracting any infection, this can end disastrously for the fetus. For example, a disease such as rubella leads to fetal death. There are also many other infectious diseases that will certainly lead to a delay in the maturation of all body systems of an unprotected baby. This applies to complex diseases. But are seasonal illnesses dangerous: the common cold, cough? What cough remedies can be used during pregnancy?

If you have a cough during pregnancy, what should you do?

A cough in itself does not cause obvious harm to the health and development of the fetus. But there are some nuances that can be dangerous for a woman during this period. If it appears dry, it must be done immediately, since the sputum is not excreted and is absorbed into the blood, gradually reaching the child. In addition, a dry cough may indicate diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and so on. With such a cough, you should definitely consult a doctor to determine the diagnosis and receive appropriate recommendations. A cough of any kind at the beginning of pregnancy can also be dangerous, since by trying to clear the throat, a woman can provoke the threat of miscarriage. If it is not possible to immediately consult a doctor, you need to find out what cough remedies can be used during pregnancy. In this case, it is very important to choose the right drug or treatment method. After all, there are medications that under no circumstances should be used for a specific period. The mildest and safest way to cure a cough is to use traditional medicine recipes.

Basic cough remedies during pregnancy

If we divide cough into types, we can distinguish two main ones: dry (non-productive) and wet (productive). The first, due to the lack of sputum production, does not fulfill its main function - protective. Most often, it indicates the occurrence of the following pathologies: laryngitis, viral infections, tracheitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, bronchial tumors. In order to transform this type of cough into a productive one with sputum production, it needs to be treated as quickly as possible. Why such urgency? A dry cough during pregnancy can cause bleeding if the baby's position and placenta previa are low. If such a cough occurs, the doctor may prescribe medications based on herbs or with a chemical composition that is acceptable in this situation. These can be syrups or tablets that inhibit the cough center in the medulla oblongata, and also reduce inflammation and sensitivity of the mucous membrane of all respiratory tracts to irritants that attack them.

Actions of a woman during the 1st trimester

If signs of ARVI appear, and even more so a cough develops, you should immediately consult a doctor. This period is very important due to the fact that in the first 3 months cells actively divide, creating organs and systems of the child’s body. Let's imagine the situation from the inside: in a perfectly protected warm place, inside the mother, the process of forming legs, arms, nose, sponges, and internal organs is actively taking place day and night. And here, the baby’s nervous system, which has just begun its development, feels a threat in the form of a twitching of the abdomen, a strong sound and tension in the mother’s muscles, as well as an infection spreading throughout the woman’s body - all this is a cough.

If a cough occurs during pregnancy (1st trimester), you need to take a very responsible approach to its treatment, because at this time the formation processes slow down. In addition, the supply of nutrients and vitamins to the child is difficult. If this condition continues for a long time, some organs may not form properly or not fully form. This can also occur due to inadequate treatment, such as antibiotics. Cough remedies during pregnancy at this stage are selected to be the most harmless. The main ones:

  • Inhalation is an effective remedy for dry as well as wet cough.
  • Compresses. There are effective recipes:
    • compress with honey (spread liquid honey on your chest, cover with plastic and wrap yourself in something warm);
    • from potatoes (boil a couple of potatoes, crush them and, wrapped in plastic and a knitted rag, apply to the chest for 10 minutes);
    • compress with cabbage and honey (take a large leaf of cabbage, dip it in boiling water so that it is not cold, then anoint it with honey and sprinkle with a small pinch of salt, then put it on the chest, cover with plastic and a warm blanket), this compress can be done on all night long.
  • Gargling - this method is most often used for dry cough. Herbs for coughs during pregnancy are the best way to harmlessly treat the disease, so you can use infusions, decoctions, and mixtures for rinsing.

How to cope with a cough in the 2nd trimester?

Very often there are medications for which the 1st trimester of pregnancy is a contraindication. But already in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters they can be used. Of course, even at this stage of a child’s development, some drugs pose a threat, but the range of cough suppressants has already expanded. Naturally, the doctor prescribes medications. Most often, pregnant women can use for treatment those medications that are allowed to children from birth. Cough during pregnancy (2nd trimester) can be treated with medications such as Mukaltin, Gerbion, Prospan, Pectolvan, Gedelix. Of traditional medicine, all those that can be used in the first trimester are suitable.

Cough during pregnancy, 3rd trimester

When a cough occurs at this stage, the woman begins to worry very much, because the tone of the uterus may be more frequent, and therefore, the possibility of premature birth is possible. Of course, I wouldn’t want to infect the baby at birth when the disease arrived at 9 months. Therefore, the question of quick and harmless treatment is very important, because every expectant mother wants to quickly cure a cough during pregnancy. The 3rd trimester is good because the range of drugs and treatments has already expanded significantly compared to the first. During this period, you can take more necessary medications without harming the fetus. Along with taking medications, folk remedies are actively used during pregnancy. Cough at this time can be treated in the following ways:

  • Taking medications such as "Sinekod", "Bronchicum", "Stoptussin", "Fluditek", "Fluifort", "Ambrobene", "Sinupret", "Mukaltin", "Bromhexin", "Pectusin", "Linkas". These drugs contain special chemicals that should be taken with caution in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • The use of herbal preparations: marshmallow syrup, Prospan, Pectolvan Ivy, Doctor MOM, collection, dry

You cannot use thermopsis herb, drugs “Bronholitin”, “Alex Plus”, “Glycodin”, “Terpinkod”, “Tussin Plus”, “Codelac”, “Codterpin” for treatment. Before starting treatment, you should definitely consult a doctor about the benefits/harm for the baby and not self-medicate.

Foods that help relieve cough

An excellent alternative to medications are foods that will help treat cough. Hot milk with butter and soda is actively used at night (1 glass: 1 tsp: 1/3 tsp, respectively). Many people also use honey for coughs during pregnancy. If you are not allergic to it, you can add it to tea, milk, just eat it, put it on lemon and suck it. In addition to the listed remedies, you need to include natural vitamins in your diet - more fruits and vegetables, then no illness will affect you.

What is better: dry cough or wet cough during pregnancy?

In any case, if you compare dry and wet cough, the latter always indicates a healing process. Any cough is undesirable in such an “interesting” position. With a dry cough, it is more difficult to diagnose the cause of its occurrence, so it is fraught with more dangers. A wet cough can provoke the threat of miscarriage with increased expectoration, but it is the first step towards a healthy woman. All specialists are in a hurry to convert a dry cough into a wet one, since it clearly indicates good treatment results.

Advantages of herbal medicine

In the treatment of cough, herbs can be used both for oral administration and for rubbing, inhalation, rinsing, and so on. Herbs for coughs during pregnancy are the most harmless way to normalize your condition. Herbal medicine can be used as an effective additional method of treating cough. After all, herbs cannot replace some of the chemicals necessary for treatment, and if they can, then in very large quantities and over a long period of time. This is not always advisable, so medication is preferred. Decoctions and infusions of thyme, chamomile, coltsfoot, rose hips, linden blossom, marshmallow root, and plantain are good for coughs.

Inhalation for pregnant women with cough

Inhalation can be done using a special nebulizer or the old-fashioned way - using a kettle or saucepan. For this you can use potatoes, mineral water, garlic and onions, honey, herbs. But you need to be careful with aromatic oils. Eucalyptus is often used for inhalation; this method is very effective.

Will gargling help?

Some people are skeptical about gargling when coughing. But in vain, because in the rinsing process not only the tonsils are involved, but also the larynx. The medicinal substance is transported lower to the trachea and bronchi with the help of saliva, where it is absorbed and has a therapeutic effect. Rinsing should be done between meals. To do this, you can use herbal preparations consisting of at least two of the following elements:

  • sage;
  • chamomile;
  • coltsfoot;
  • calendula;
  • plantain;
  • eucalyptus;
  • raspberries.

In addition to herbs, you can use soda, apple cider vinegar, iodine, and salt.

Cough, as one of the symptoms of a cold, causes discomfort to any person, and what can we say about pregnant women.

This can happen on any day of a long-awaited pregnancy - immunity during these 9 months is significantly weakened, hypothermia or the slightest contact with a sick person who may outwardly seem healthy can easily lead to a cold or ARVI.

It is important to understand that cough is not a disease, but a symptom of many diseases and is a reflex reaction of the body that helps clear the airways from pathological bronchial secretions. That is, it is not the cough that should be treated, but the disease that caused it. Sometimes, a cough can be a consequence of an allergic reaction of the body to any external irritant (see).

Treatment of cough during pregnancy is a serious problem, since most effective or herbal remedies are prohibited for pregnant women. And it is not uncommon for pregnant women to take the prescription of even approved drugs with caution, for fear of harming the baby, and use cough medicine from traditional medicine. But you should know that some medicinal plants are also contraindicated and have side effects no less than those of medications.

Another wrong way is to use children's cough syrup during pregnancy and other medications used to treat cough in children under 3 years of age, since approved cough medications for children may not always be safe for the fetus. Every expectant mother should know that a cough needs to be treated and treated according to the doctor’s recommendations.

Why is a cough dangerous?

Since a cough, as a rule, accompanies a viral or bacterial disease of the respiratory system, the lack of adequate treatment is dangerous both for the mother (complications, the disease becoming chronic) and for the child, since it creates a real threat to pregnancy - the risk of developing an intrauterine infection, premature childbirth or miscarriage, fetal malformations.

Cough itself, as a reflex action, leads to an increase in the tone of the uterus - a dangerous condition that leads to failure to carry the pregnancy to term and fetal hypoxia. Women with low placentation or placenta previa are at risk of coughing due to significant muscle tension.

A severe cough during pregnancy causes an attack of nausea and aggravates the course of toxicosis, if any (see,).

1st trimester of pregnancy - what drugs to treat cough?

The first 2 months of gestation are the most important, since it is during this period that the main formation of systems and organs occurs, and the small fertilized egg acquires real human characteristics, as parents are convinced of at the first screening.

The most serious pathologies and malformations of the fetus occur in the 1st trimester, and they can be provoked, among other things, by taking a contraindicated drug.

It is advisable not to get sick at all in the first weeks, but if this happens, you should immediately visit a doctor - it is the doctor who will determine the cause of the cough, conduct the necessary examinations and recommend how and with what to treat a cough during pregnancy.

Initially, the doctor will prescribe gentle methods to combat cough, and only then medications, albeit relatively safe ones. The word relatively was not used in vain - an individual negative reaction to the active ingredients of the drugs is not excluded.

Some expectant mothers use so-called cough drops, which are freely sold in supermarkets. To say that they will be of great benefit is incorrect. Most often, these candies are saturated with mint extracts and coupled with preservatives, sweeteners and flavors, and the relief is very short, which forces you to dissolve the lozenges one by one.

The table shows cough medications, the use of which is permissible during pregnancy in the 1st trimester (see).

Herbal preparations Homeopathic medicines
Dry cough
freely applicable
  • Marshmallow root (syrup)
  • Pulsatilla
  • Stodal
  • Broncho-gran
  • Pregnacare
  • Bifidophilus Flora Force
  • Mamavit
  • Doctor Mom
  • Gedelix
  • Bronchicum
Moist cough
freely applicable
  • Dr. Theiss
  • Pulsatilla
  • Stodal
  • Broncho-gran
  • Pregnacare
  • Bifidophilus Flora Force
  • Mamavit
used, however, there is insufficient medical data on the effect on the fetus
  • Bronchicum
  • Bronchipret

2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy - what drugs to treat cough?

In the second and third trimesters, the final formation and maturation of all organs and systems of the fetus occurs. Enormous changes prepare a little person for independent life outside the womb. Therefore, it is undesirable to burden the 2nd trimester, as well as the 3rd, with taking medications, but in comparison with the 1st trimester, the restrictions are no longer so strict; if necessary, drugs of synthetic origin are prescribed.

Herbal preparations Homeopathic medicines Dietary supplements - any approved general strengthening action and multivitamins Drugs of synthetic origin
Dry cough
freely applicable
  • Marshmallow root (syrup)
  • Mukaltin
  • Pulsatilla
  • Stodal
  • Broncho-gran
  • Pregnacare
  • Bifidophilus Flora Force
  • Mamavit
used, however, there is insufficient medical data on the effect on the fetus
  • Gedelix
  • Bronchicum
used only when the likely benefit to the mother outweighs the likely risk of exposure to the fetus
  • Libexin
  • Akodin
  • Bromhexine
  • Stoptussin
Moist cough
freely applicable
  • Dr. Theiss
  • Pulsatilla
  • Stodal
  • Broncho-gran
  • Pregnacare
  • Bifidophilus Flora Force
  • Mamavit
used, however, there is insufficient medical data on the effect on the fetus
  • Bronchipret
  • Bronchicum
used only when the likely benefit to the mother outweighs the likely risk of exposure to the fetus
  • Ambroxol
  • Fluifort

Physiotherapeutic treatment of cough - official and home

Physiotherapy, as a non-drug method of treating cough, is the most optimal and, perhaps, the safest way to treat cough (more dry) in a pregnant woman.

Since in the physiotherapy rooms of clinics there is a very high risk of catching additional infections from other patients, basic physiotherapy procedures can be carried out at home.


As an inhaler, you can use modern devices for these purposes (such as a nebulizer) or a regular teapot (inhale the vapor through the spout of the teapot), a funnel twisted from cardboard (see how and how to do it correctly). There are 4 important rules to follow:

  • there should be no elevated body temperature;
  • the temperature of the solution for inhalation should be within 30-40 C;
  • apply 3-6 times a day for several minutes (up to 10);
  • After inhalation, refrain from eating and talking for about half an hour.

The following are acceptable solutions for inhalation:

  • 50 grams of ordinary baking soda per liter of boiling water, then cool to an acceptable temperature;
  • 10 grams of bee honey per glass of warm water;
  • 10 grams of chopped garlic and eucalyptus leaves per liter of boiling water, then cool to an acceptable temperature;
  • 20 grams of sage herb per glass of boiling water, then cool to an acceptable temperature.

The rinse solution should be prepared immediately before use and cooled until warm. As a rule, a glass of solution is enough for 1 rinse, but you can do 6-8 rinses a day after meals. The following are acceptable rinse solutions:

  • half a teaspoon of baking soda per glass of boiling water, cool;
  • 10 grams of chamomile flowers per glass of boiling water, cool;
  • 10 grams of linden blossom per glass of boiling water, cool;
  • 10 grams of plantain leaves per glass of boiling water, cool.

Alternative treatment for cough during pregnancy

Traditional methods that relieve and treat cough should also be agreed upon with the attending physician. It is necessary to monitor the individual reaction of the body to the initial use of a particular method.


This cough remedy is used both internally and externally. If a dry cough begins during pregnancy, then honey will contribute to its productivity. But a wet cough during pregnancy can also be treated with honey - the phlegm will come out of the bronchi easier and faster.

Honey is a strong allergen. If you have the slightest allergic reaction to honey, you should stop using it.

  • Warm milk soothes a sore throat, suppresses the cough reflex and calms the nervous system. It should be taken in warm, slow sips.
  • You can mix milk in half with alkaline mineral water without gas (table water) - this drink promotes cough productivity and the removal of phlegm.
  • Milk boiled with sage helps well - a tablespoon of herb per 200-300 ml of milk. Take 1 tbsp. just before bed.
  • A milk-fig drink is also recommended: boil four dried figs in 600 ml of milk until brown. Take 100 grams three times a day, warm.
Onion and garlic

As you know, these are natural antiseptics, whose powerful phytoncides are destructive to viruses and bacteria.

  • You can use these vegetables for natural disinfection of rooms and indirect inhalations: cut onions and several cloves of garlic into small pieces and place them on plates, which are then placed around the room.
  • The juice of these plants is also used (separately). A head of onion or a few cloves of garlic are chopped and mixed with a tablespoon of honey. After half an hour the juice will be released. You can strain the liquid through cheesecloth, or you can carefully collect the juice with a teaspoon. Take 1 tsp. 2-3 times during the day.

Antitussives and plants prohibited during pregnancy

Drugs that have been proven to have a negative effect on the fetus:

  • Alex plus, Ascoril, Grippex, Bronholitin, Glycodin, Joset, Tussin plus, Codelac (phyto, broncho), Insti, Codterpin, Terpincode, Thermopsis, Pertussin, Travisil.

Plants that are unacceptable for use during pregnancy (both in their natural form and as additives to medications):

  • , comfrey: contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which have mutagenic and carcinogenic effects;
  • ginkgo biloba: reduces blood clotting, provokes uterine bleeding;
  • : reduces the analgesic effect of painkillers, i.e. may reduce the effectiveness of anesthesia during CS;
  • Eleutherococcus, ginseng, echinacea: increase blood pressure, provoke an allergic reaction.

Prevention of cough during pregnancy

Expectant mothers bear enormous responsibility for their health, since the health of the child directly depends on it. It is very, very advisable not to suffer from any diseases and not to allow any symptoms to occur, including coughing. In order not to rack your brains about how to cure a cough during pregnancy, it is better to prevent it!

  • Avoid public places and contact (even at a distance) with people with colds.
  • If you need to visit public places, protect the natural gateway to infections: lubricate the nasal mucosa with oxaline ointment or Vaseline, any greasy cream, and always keep your mouth closed.
  • After visiting public places, wash your hands thoroughly with soap, rinse your nose and gargle with cooled boiled water or saline.
  • Ventilate permanently occupied rooms more often and regularly humidify the air.
  • Take a walk in the fresh air every day, preferably in a forested area, the air of which is filled with natural phytoncides.
  • Do not overcool or overheat, avoid long trips and climate change.
  • At the first symptoms of the disease, visit, or better yet, call a doctor (additional contacts with sick people are extremely undesirable for a sick woman).

A woman carrying a child is responsible for two. Systematic trips to the clinic, shops, seasonal viruses and weak immunity are the main causes of colds, accompanied by a severe cough, fever, and general malaise.

It is possible to prevent the disease, but sometimes it is not possible to do so. How to cure cough in early pregnancy, without the risk of possible complications for the expectant mother and fetus. There are some medications that are prescribed for colds, but they are extremely undesirable.

Why is a cough dangerous during pregnancy in the 1st trimester?

It is necessary to treat the disease, because in an “interesting” position there is an increased danger. A dry cough without sputum production is a serious pathology: it creates discomfort for the pregnant woman herself and can cause serious complications.

Whether the illness poses a threat in the early stages of expecting a baby, only a therapist can answer for sure and prescribe treatment if necessary. But among the complications stand out:

  • Increased fluctuating tone of the uterus. Due to coughing, the muscles of the abdominal wall are constantly overstrained, affecting the tone and condition of the uterus, which contributes to termination of pregnancy.
  • Hypoxia of the embryo. The lack of vital oxygen is caused by attacks of dry cough, which provokes poor circulation and nutrition of the fetus.
  • Bleeding in the uterine cavity. Women with low placental attachment are at a similar risk: during severe attacks, the muscles become overstrained, which may cause sudden bleeding. During pregnancy in the 1st trimester, cough treatment is a necessary condition that can prevent possible complications.

We must not forget about the illness that accompanies the cough. Even a cold in the absence of diagnosis, adequate, timely treatment can lead to serious consequences.

Etiology of pathology.

The main cause of cough during gestation is chronic or acute pathology of the upper and lower respiratory organs. With adenoiditis, chronic rhinitis, and sinusitis, thick mucus from the nasopharynx gradually flows down the back of the pharynx, causing sudden attacks. With laryngitis, farthingitis and tracheitis, pathology appears as a consequence of the inflammatory process.

In case of diseases of the bronchi, as well as the lungs, the cause of cough is the accumulation of a large amount of fluid in the lower bronchi. Allergic diseases are a common cause of attacks during pregnancy. But treatment of such pathologies is carried out with caution, because many medications are prohibited.

Rarely, but among the causes of attacks there are diseases of the hearing organs, neurotic reactions, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and diaphragm, and thyroid gland.

If you detect the first signs of cough in the 1st trimester and the accompanying illness, you should immediately seek help from a therapist or gynecologist managing the pregnancy.

Treatment of the disease in an “interesting” position

Most of us do not pay attention to the signs of a cold infection, enduring it steadfastly on our feet. For the expectant mother, this is fraught with consequences.

If a pregnant woman feels signs of a common cold in the early stages, it is necessary to adhere to the basic recommendations for treating cough during pregnancy in the 1st trimester:

  • Be sure to observe bed rest;
  • long night sleep, daytime rest;
  • consume more fluid;
  • include chicken broth, herbal or fruit tea, and foods with a high protein content in your diet;
  • It’s better to give up juices and replace them with dried fruits;
  • eat nutritiously in small portions.

How cough is treated during pregnancy in the 1st trimester, in a certain case, will be advised by the attending physician, based on test results.

What methods of therapy are prohibited?

Some drugs that are used in normal situations are prohibited during pregnancy.

They pose a danger to the expectant mother and fetus.

In an “interesting” situation, you should abandon experiments and not test the effectiveness of various cough medications.

This will negatively affect the development of the baby’s internal organs.

The following medications are prohibited:

  • "Bronchicum", "Stoptussin";
  • "Glycodin", drug "Tussin Plus";
  • “Codelac”, medicine “Bronholitin”;
  • "Terpinkod", means "Grippeks";
  • "Joset" and the medicine "ACC";
  • "Travisil", as well as "Ascoril" and the drug "Pertussin".

Therefore, only a therapist or gynecologist can tell you how to treat a cough during pregnancy.

  • jars and use of mustard plasters;
  • soar limbs, take a bath;
  • carry out physiotherapy;
  • consume plenty of vitamin C.

In the 1st trimester, you need to be especially careful about your health, because at this stage the formation of the internal organs of the fetus occurs. And any medicine can cause pathology.

The table contains information about what can be taken in the early stages.

During the first trimester of pregnancy, your doctor will tell you how to treat a cough. Before taking any medications, you should definitely consult a gynecologist. After all, most medications and herbs are prohibited.

Folk remedies and methods of therapy

The medicine of our ancestors works real miracles in the treatment of various pathologies; it is based on natural ingredients. But traditional medicines may contain completely harmless substances that can harm the fetus. Before you start treating a cough in a simple way during the 1st trimester during pregnancy, you should consult a therapist. In the absence of complications, the woman may be recommended natural therapies.

Some secrets of traditional medicine

Natural, medicines and herbs Proportions Cooking methods, recommendations
Infusions and useful decoctions for coughs
Natural honey and black bitter radish root vegetable (juice) – 0.2 l;
sweet ingredient – ​​100 gr.
Extract juice from radish and mix with natural sugar product. Take two tbsp three times a day. spoons.
Fresh milk, sweet figs fruit – 4-5 pieces;
milk – 0.5 liters;
honey - 2 tbsp. spoons
Boil the figs in the dairy product until they turn brown. Add next ingredient. Take 0.1 liter 3 times/day.
Sage and milk medicinal herb – art. spoon;
milk – 0.25 l.
Boil sage in milk, wrap in a warm scarf, leave for 5 hours. Drink the resulting decoction according to Art. l. before bedtime.
Honey with onions root vegetable – 0.5 kg;
second product – 2 b. l.
Grate the vegetable on a coarse grater and mix with natural ingredients. Treatment is carried out 3 times a day between meals, 0.5 tsp.
Hazelnut and honey hazelnuts – 3 tbsp. l.;
beekeeping product – 3 tbsp. spoons.
Mix hazelnuts with natural product. One teaspoon before meals.
Honey and horseradish root vegetable - 2 tbsp. l.;
second ingredient - 4 tbsp. l.
Squeeze out their horseradish juice and mix it with a beekeeping product. Take 0.5 teaspoon with liquid.
Medicinal sage root, coltsfoot, oregano collection of herbs 2 tbsp. l. Stir, add boiling water, leave, filter. Consume 0.1 liter up to 6 times a day.
Compresses for severe coughs
Honey with onions root vegetable – 0.5 kg;
second ingredient - 2 tbsp. l.
Grate the onion on a fine grater and mix with honey.
Treatment: rub into the chest in the evenings.

Rinse during coughing attacks.

Gargling is an effective method of treating colds, so they are used in complex therapy. It is recommended to carry out the procedures after each meal - up to 8 times a day. Here anti-inflammatory herbs will come to the rescue: coltsfoot, medicinal calendula, pharmaceutical preparations.

Inhalations in the fight against pathology.

Such procedures are effective ways to combat cough. To do this, you will need to brew a medicinal mixture of herbs and breathe in the fumes emanating from them while the liquid is still hot. But the use of high temperatures is contraindicated. For inhalations in the 1st trimester you can use:

  • sage, common plantain;
  • field St. John's wort and medicinal marshmallow;
  • thyme, chamomile;
  • linden medicinal flower.

If sputum is observed in the early stages, you can inhale the aroma of a decoction of string, wild lingonberry, aromatic yarrow, pharmaceutical eucalyptus, coltsfoot.

Herbs are brewed separately or together, and aromatic oils are also indicated.

Among the mixtures of natural essential oils there are:

  • Eucalyptus, fir, lavender, aromatic bergamot (3:3:3).
  • Frankincense and natural tea tree, fragrant geranium (3:3:1 drops).
  • Anise and miraculous myrrh, frankincense (3:3:2).

You often come across situations in which simple cough medicines cannot be used while expecting a baby. In such cases, people's secrets are the only way out of the current situation. The doctor will tell you in detail how to treat a cough during pregnancy in the 1st trimester, without side effects.

Preventing attacks in the first trimester

Prevention is an important condition for maintaining the health of the expectant mother and fetus. To prevent a viral infectious disease, you should spend more time in the fresh air, avoid drafts and avoid hypothermia. Maintain order in the house, do wet cleaning and ventilate the room well.

Take multivitamin complexes, which are the best prevention of cough and runny nose in the early stages of expecting a baby. Eat fruits, vegetables, drink natural freshly squeezed juices.

  • Onions and garlic are ideal antiviral and antibacterial agents. It is recommended to consume these products fresh and add them to dishes. You can place plates with chopped “fragrant” vegetables around.
  • Avoid places with large crowds of people, refuse public transport, especially during the ARVI season, because one patient can transmit the infection to everyone.
  • Limit your exercise, maintain personal hygiene (wash your hands after going outside), and maintain cleanliness.

But taking hot baths in the first trimester of pregnancy is prohibited, as this can lead to miscarriage.

Pregnancy and systematic coughing attacks are two incompatible phenomena. When the first signs of the disease appear, you should urgently seek help for examination and take urgent measures. After all, a cough can cause unpleasant consequences, including premature birth. During treatment, it is imperative to adhere to the recommendations, stop taking dangerous drugs and give preference to ancestral medicine. Remember to drink as much fluid as possible and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Cough is a symptom of many diseases - colds, ARVI, bronchitis and others. It causes discomfort to anyone, and especially to expectant mothers. A pregnant woman can get sick at any stage, and especially in the first trimester, since the immune system is very weakened. Therefore, with any slightest contact with sick persons who outwardly seem healthy or hypothermia, there is a risk of its occurrence.

It is important to take into account that cough itself is not a disease, but a manifestation of it. This is a reflex reaction of the body, which helps the airways to clear the pathological secretions that accumulate in the lower respiratory tract. Therefore, it is not this symptom that needs to be treated, but the disease that caused it. In some cases, cough occurs as a result of an allergic reaction to a particular irritant.

What is the danger?

The first trimester of pregnancy is a serious test for a woman’s body. After all, it is during this period that hormonal changes and a kind of stress occur in the functioning of the immune system, which adapts to “working for two.” If a cough is added to this, both the expectant mother and the baby begin to suffer. Since cough very often occurs due to bacterial or viral diseases of the respiratory system, there is a need for adequate treatment. Otherwise, there is a danger to the mother’s health (the disease progresses to the chronic stage, the development of complications). Cough during pregnancy in the 1st trimester can also have consequences for the developing fetus, as there is a threat of miscarriage, the risk of intrauterine infection, and the formation of malformations.

As a reflex action, coughing causes tension in the abdominal muscles and uterus, resulting in increased tone of this organ, which is unfavorable for the course of pregnancy. The danger of this condition is the disruption of the blood supply to the fetus, while nutrients do not reach it and intrauterine hypoxia develops, which has a negative impact on the development of the child. In women with placenta previa or low plantation, cough, especially paroxysmal cough, as a result of severe muscle tension, can provoke uterine bleeding or placental abruption. With a strong cough, expectant mothers may experience attacks of nausea, and in the presence of toxicosis, its course is aggravated. To prevent adverse consequences for a woman’s health and fetal development, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor if a cough or other symptoms of the disease appear, follow his advice and carefully follow all instructions.

Treatment with folk remedies

So, when the expectant mother begins to cough, the question arises of what can be taken for cough during pregnancy in the 1st trimester. First of all, you should pay attention to the possibility of using traditional medicine. But the main rule of such treatment is mandatory consultation with a doctor. After all, even among folk methods there are those that can harm the health of the expectant mother and negatively affect the course of pregnancy. Every woman is obliged to carefully monitor how the body reacts to the use of certain drugs. And if you suspect the occurrence of individual intolerance, immediately refuse treatment.

You can use honey internally or externally. It helps transform a dry cough during pregnancy in the 1st trimester into a productive one. It can also be used to improve sputum removal during wet coughs.

Outdoor use:

  • rubbing (not strong) in the chest area twice a day - in the morning and before bedtime;
  • compress on the chest at night, keep it until you wake up; parchment or cling film is used as an insulating material;
  • spread honey on a cabbage leaf and apply it to the chest as a compress overnight, covering it with a terry towel on top.

Internal use:

  • add honey (1 teaspoon) to each heated drink;
  • dissolve 1 tsp three times a day before meals. honey;
  • mix 300 grams of honey with 1 kg of chopped aloe leaves, add 0.5 liters of water, bring to a boil and keep on low heat for 2 hours, stirring frequently, cool, take 1 tbsp. spoon at least 3 times a day before meals; store in a cool place;
  • take 2 tbsp. spoons of a mixture of black radish juice and honey (in a ratio of 2:1) in 3 doses.

It is important to remember that bee products are strong allergens. Therefore, if you notice any unusual reaction during use, such treatment should be abandoned immediately.

Warm milk helps reduce cough, softens the feeling of sore throat, and has a positive effect on the nervous system. It should be drunk in small sips. In addition, this product is included in many cough recipes:

  • To better remove sputum, you need to mix milk with alkaline mineral water without gas in equal proportions and drink 1 cup of this drink 3-4 times a day warm.
  • Boil 300 ml of milk with 1 tablespoon of sage herb, drink the resulting mixture before bed;
  • Boil 4 dried figs in 600 ml of milk until the drink turns dark, then take 100 ml warmed 3 times a day.

Folk remedies such as onions and garlic are widely used to treat coughs during pregnancy. They are known for their ability to destroy bacteria and viruses. You can use garlic and onions:

  • Chop one of the vegetables or both, place on plates and place around the room.
  • Use garlic and onion juice separately. To do this, one of them is crushed and then mixed with 1 spoon of honey. After half an hour, the mixture is filtered and consumed 1 tsp. in 3 doses throughout the day.

You can also use cough herbs during pregnancy in the 1st trimester. They are included in the recipes:

There are some medicinal plants that can harm a woman and her fetus. Therefore, they cannot be used in recipes and medications, or in their pure form at any stage of pregnancy, and especially in the first trimester. These include:

  • Coltsfoot - can cause mutations in the fetus due to the presence of pyrrolizidine.
  • St. John's wort - reduces the effect of analgesics.
  • Licorice root can cause an increase in uterine tone, which is very undesirable during pregnancy. Also, sometimes this plant, especially when taken for a long time, can cause an imbalance in the water-electrolyte balance as a result of the formation of edema.
  • Gingo biloba can cause uterine bleeding due to its anti-clotting properties.
  • Echinacea, ginseng and eleutherococcus are known to increase blood pressure, so they should absolutely not be used if you are prone to hypertension. In addition, these plants can often trigger allergies.

Can physiotherapeutic methods be used?

Various physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are widely used to treat cough. What can you do for a cough in the first trimester of pregnancy from such procedures? When carrying a baby, it is permissible to gargle and inhale. It is better to carry them out at home, because when visiting a clinic there is a high risk of additionally contracting another infection.

The following methods are prohibited for expectant mothers:

  • hot baths;
  • exposure to any radiation on the body;
  • electrotherapy;
  • steam baths for the lower extremities.


Inhalation for cough during pregnancy in the 1st trimester is a fairly effective method. To carry them out, you can use a nebulizer. If you don’t have one, then you can make do with available materials, for example, breathe over the spout of a teapot or over a pan, covered with something warm. To do this, you can use old folk methods - breathing in the steam of boiled potatoes. Various herbs can be used, but it is important to consider the nature of the cough. If it is dry, inhalations with thyme, linden blossom, chamomile, plantain, sage, and marshmallow will help. For wet coughs, decoctions of string, wild rosemary herbs, lingonberry or eucalyptus leaves, and yarrow herbs will be effective.

You can also use aromatic oils for inhalation, but if you have not used them before, you should start with 1-2 drops to prevent the development of an allergic reaction. If everything is fine, the dose can be increased to 3-4 drops by dropping them into a cup of hot water. After this, you need to cover yourself with a towel and breathe for 5-7 minutes.

When starting inhalation, it is important to follow these rules:

  • Carry out the procedure only at normal body temperature;
  • The duration of the procedure is no more than 10 minutes; You can do 3-6 approaches per day;
  • The temperature of the solution for inhalation is not higher than 40 degrees;
  • After the procedure, you should not eat for at least 30 minutes, and during this time it is advisable to refrain from talking if possible.

A good remedy for cough during pregnancy in the 1st trimester is gargling. It especially helps with dry cough and sore throat. The procedure allows you to soothe the irritated mucous membrane and alleviate the general condition of the expectant mother. The solution used for this must be warm and freshly prepared. You should gargle after eating; you can do up to 8 approaches per day. Women during pregnancy can use various medicinal herbs - chamomile flowers, linden flowers, plantain leaves, sage, thyme grass and others. Sometimes you can gargle with ordinary boiled water with the addition of soda.

You might be interested in: Chamomile during pregnancy: can you drink or rinse?

Use of pharmaceutical drugs

If the listed remedies turn out to be ineffective, you have to use pharmaceutical drugs. At the same time, it is worth choosing those that do not contain alcohol (or contain it in minimal quantities), on a natural basis. In the first trimester, you can use drugs in different forms of release - syrups, lozenges and lozenges, tablets. But only a doctor should prescribe the drug, taking into account all possible risks.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, if other treatment methods cannot be used, you can use pharmaceutical products:

Features of the treatment of allergic cough

An allergic cough in early pregnancy can occur in women who have never had an allergic reaction before. This type is difficult to treat because it is not always possible to determine its cause (allergen). Treatment of allergic cough has its own characteristics - in addition to drugs that relieve cough, antiallergic drugs are also indicated.

A characteristic feature of a cough of allergic origin is the absence of sputum. But to treat it, you cannot use drugs that suppress the cough reflex, because if an allergen is present in the body, the bronchi will try to get rid of it, and this cannot be done without a cough reflex. As a result, mucus can stagnate and clog the lower respiratory tract. Therefore, the treatment of such a cough in expectant mothers must be approached very carefully.

What is prohibited when treating cough in pregnant women

Pregnancy is a special period, so it imposes many different restrictions on the lifestyle of the expectant mother. And cough treatment is no exception. In this case, it is absolutely forbidden to:

These are just some of the restrictions. There are many more of them. Therefore, during pregnancy in the first trimester, it is very important to immediately inform the gynecologist monitoring the course of pregnancy if you feel the slightest discomfort or cough. If treatment is necessary, he will select exactly those methods that will not affect the child’s health and will not harm you in any way.

Prevention of cough during pregnancy

It is extremely important for expectant mothers not to get sick, as they are responsible for their health and for the unborn baby. In order not to think about how to treat a cough during pregnancy in the 1st trimester, it is better to prevent it. Therefore, you should try to avoid contact with patients, stay in various public places as little as possible, and if you need to visit them, lubricate the nasal mucosa with oxolinic ointment or any fatty cream. After visiting such places, it is good to gargle with saline solution and rinse your nose, and be sure to wash your hands with soap. Take a walk every day, if possible preferably in a park or near a forest, since the air in such areas is filled with natural phytoncides. Avoid climate change and long trips, sudden changes in ambient temperature (both hypothermia and overheating).

Now you know the features of treating cough in the first trimester of pregnancy. Do not forget that this period is very dangerous for taking most medications and performing many manipulations. Therefore, do not self-medicate under any circumstances, and if a cough occurs, be sure to contact a qualified specialist who will prescribe adequate treatment. This way you can protect your child from the possible consequences of the disease.

A woman’s pregnancy is an important period when the expectant mother is responsible not only for her health, but also for the development of the baby.

Throughout the entire period, there is a risk of contracting various diseases. It increases at the beginning of pregnancy, when a natural decrease in immunity occurs. A common sign of a cold is a cough. It can be quite dangerous for a woman and her new condition.

A cough is a reflex forced exhalation caused by irritation of the walls of the respiratory tract. How to treat a cough during pregnancy depends on its nature and the nature of its occurrence.

The main cause of a sore throat and gurgling in the lungs is an inflammatory process:

  • influenza or ARVI;
  • bronchitis (acute, chronic, obstructive);
  • pneumonia;
  • pathologies of the ENT organs (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis);
  • measles or whooping cough.

The symptom also occurs due to irritation of the respiratory tract by external factors. In this case, we are talking about an allergy or a physiological cough. By nature, they are distinguished between acute and chronic, dry and wet, dull and voiced.

Danger for pregnant women

Cough is a symptom, not an independent disease. The pathologies that cause it can lead to dangerous complications.

A severe cough during pregnancy is a dangerous phenomenon. Dry is considered more serious, posing a threat to the new position, than wet. Doctors are seriously worried about the condition of the expectant mother for several reasons.

  • Hypertonicity of the uterus.

With frequent, hysterical coughing, the anterior abdominal wall becomes tense. This, in turn, leads to increased uterine tone. This prospect threatens detachment of the membranes in the early stages of pregnancy and premature birth in the later stages.

  • Hypoxia.

With bronchospasm, which often results from an allergic reaction, a lack of oxygen occurs. This process is fraught with impaired blood circulation and metabolic processes in the placenta. Hypoxia affects the formation of the embryo, causing irreversible consequences in the brain.

  • Bleeding.

Women with placenta previa should be wary of increased uterine tone. Periodic contraction of muscle tissue can cause bleeding.

What can pregnant women do for a cough?

Treatment of cough during pregnancy should begin with a visit to the doctor. The specialist will conduct an examination and determine the main causes of the symptoms. Further tactics will depend on this.

There are several treatment options for airway irritation:

  1. medicinal (use of medications aimed at eliminating the cause of cough, and compounds that alleviate it);
  2. physiotherapy (massage, inhalations);
  3. folk recipes;
  4. maintaining favorable environmental conditions.

Many medications are contraindicated for expectant mothers. Only a doctor can prescribe medications, sensibly assessing the likely risks and benefits, taking into account the duration of pregnancy.

Use of medications

Which cough medicines to use for pregnant women depends on the gestational age. For the first trimester, most pharmaceutical products are on the prohibited list. Even herbal remedies made from natural ingredients can harm the developing fetus.

At any stage of pregnancy, taking medications must be agreed with your doctor.

Until 12-14 weeks, almost all medicinal substances taken orally penetrate into the fertilized egg.

From the second trimester, this process is prevented by the placenta, so treatment is carried out more boldly.

By the end of the third trimester, doctors also try not to prescribe medications that act for a long time, since labor can begin at any time. Preserved in breast milk, the active component of the medicine will not allow you to feed your baby.

First trimester therapy

Cough during early pregnancy often occurs due to a cold. Decreased immunity allows you to quickly catch a viral infection. During this period, the use of medications is not recommended, so doctors recommend that women take homeopathic remedies and resort to traditional recipes.

  • Oscillococcinum - granules positioned as a remedy for flu and colds for expectant mothers. They should be taken at the first sign of cough, twice a day for three days.
  • Aflubin is a complex homeopathic drug that has anti-inflammatory, detoxification and immunomodulatory effects. Used at the first symptoms of the disease three times a day for 10 days.
  • Stodal is a cough syrup that has a symptomatic effect. Apply up to 5 times a day.
  • Tonsilgon is a remedy for cough caused by inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Apply up to 6 times a day for at least one week.

For coughs of viral origin and in order to increase the body's resistance, expectant mothers in the first trimester are prescribed immunomodulators: Grippferon, Genferon, Viferon and other safe drugs.

Therapy at a later date

Cough remedies during pregnancy used during extended periods are different from those used in the first trimester.

Now the placenta reliably protects the fetus from the negative influence of external factors and minimizes the consequences of drug use. Despite this, the expectant mother should not take pharmaceutical products on her own.

Any appointment must be made by a specialist. If, while taking the recommended remedy, a woman feels worse or the medicine does not help within 3-7 days, then it is necessary to consult a doctor again to reconsider the prescription.

Acceptable cough medications for the second and third trimester:
Characteristics of medicationsTrade namesIndications for useAdditionally
Herbal remediesMucaltin, Preparations Althea, Eucabal, Bronchipret, HerbionDry, nonproductive cough, sore throat
Herbal remediesDoctor Theis, Bronchipret, Prospan, GerbionWet cough with difficulty producing sputumDrugs can cause an allergic reaction, are contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity and have individual restrictions
VitaminsVitamins for pregnant women (Vitrum, Elevit or others), an additional portion of vitamin CCough of any etiology, lack of nutrients, vitamins and microelementsIt is unacceptable to exceed the daily dose of each vitamin established for pregnant women; you should consult your doctor before use
Synthetic drugsLibexin, Falimint, Bromhexin, Stoptussin, Tussin, AmbroxolSymptomatic treatment of dry, spasmodic or wet non-productive cough of various originsThey are used only when the intended benefit outweighs the danger to the embryo; require prior medical consultation
Homeopathic remediesStodal, Aflubin, Broncho-Gran, PulsaillaTreatment of dry and wet coughs of various origins, used as drugs that complement and enhance the effect of basic medicationsAvailable for independent use for the purpose of treatment or prevention; have unproven effectiveness

For coughs caused by irritation of the larynx, local remedies are used: Tantum Verde, Doctor Mom, Miramistin, Hexoral. The active components of the drugs act directly on the inflamed lesions, practically without being absorbed into the bloodstream, which minimizes the adverse effects of therapy.

Inhalations for cough during pregnancy

A dry cough during pregnancy can be easily relieved with inhalations, which can be cold or hot. The latter are prohibited when the expectant mother’s body temperature rises.

Cold inhalations are carried out using special devices - nebulizers. If you don’t have such a device at home, then you should think about purchasing one, since a small child will also need it during illness.

  • Steam inhalations using potatoes, onions, and garlic warm the respiratory tract, providing an anti-inflammatory effect. The addition of aromatic oils is not encouraged, as some of them can be very dangerous for a woman’s new position. For dry coughs, it is useful to inhale the vapors of honey dissolved in hot water. Soda inhalation will help relieve an attack of dry cough.
  • Cold inhalations are performed using a nebulizer. They can be carried out even at elevated body temperatures. Mineral water and saline solution have become safe cough remedies. Alkaline inhalations help during paroxysmal coughs, bronchospasms, and they also help to liquefy difficult-to-separate mucus.
  • For a prolonged or complicated cough, doctors prescribe medications for inhalation. To thin and expectorate mucus, ambroxol-based products are used. In the second trimester of pregnancy, Berodual can be used, but only for health reasons. You should not use medications through an inhaler unless your doctor recommends it.

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Drinking treatment

What pregnant women can do for a cough is drink plenty of fluids. You can drink whatever you want. The bigger, the better. Traditional remedies used for colds are welcome: decoctions, fruit drinks, teas.

  • Figs with milk. Dip a few cloves of figs into boiling milk and cook until the drink acquires a dark shade. Take half a glass.
  • Mix onion with sugar in equal proportions, add a couple of tablespoons of honey. Boil the mixture in a liter of water for three hours. Take a tablespoon.
  • Bake black radish with honey, dilute the resulting juice with hot water in a ratio of 1 to 10. Drink half a glass before bed.
  • Warm milk with butter and honey, taken at night, will help relieve coughing attacks that usually occur during sleep.
  • Fruit drinks made from cranberries, lingonberries, with the addition of raspberries will have a softening effect and eliminate pathogenic bacteria.
  • Of the herbs, you should prefer chamomile, as others can negatively affect pregnancy.

Even simple water, consumed regularly and in sufficient volume, will bring the recovery stage closer. Drinking plenty of fluids removes toxins from the body, cleanses the larynx of pathogenic fluid, and also helps to liquefy phlegm.


Any cough syrup during pregnancy can be supplemented with gargling. This treatment will be more effective. Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial and regenerating compounds are used for rinsing.

Gargles during pregnancy:

  • Herbal compositions.

Decoctions of chamomile, eucalyptus, string and other herbs Antibacterial, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, regenerating Not permissible to take orally, suitable only for topical use.

  • Medicines.

Lugol's solution, Tantum Verde, Hexoral, Chlorhexidine, Rotocan, Stomatofit Antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, astringent Can only be used as prescribed by a doctor, in a strictly prescribed dose between meals.

  • Home Remedies.

Warm water with vinegar, saline solution, soda solution Cleansing, healing, soothing, relieves irritation Can be used at the first sign of a sore throat, no need to get permission from a doctor.

Prohibited methods of treatment

Under no circumstances should expectant mothers use the following cough treatment methods:

  1. take hot baths, visit a sauna or steam your feet;
  2. install mustard plasters and apply other warming agents;
  3. carry out physiotherapy with UHF;
  4. self-administer medications, especially antibiotics.

Prohibited medications during the entire period of pregnancy include: Rimantadine, Thermopsol, Terpincode, Bronholitin, ACC Long, as well as many drugs based on herbal substances.

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