How to mold vegetables from plasticine. Summary of a modeling lesson in the middle group “Vegetables and fruits Vegetables from plasticine step by step

Does your baby like apples or carrots? Invite him to make these delicious fruits and vegetables. Maybe he likes bananas or cherries? You can also make them from plasticine.

You will need:

  • medium hard plasticine: yellow, black, blue, white, green and red
  • wooden toothpick
  • knife shaped stack
  • base for modeling
  • glass of water
  • damp cloth.
1. Make an elongated drop from a piece of orange plasticine. This is a carrot.
2. Make several cakes based on elongated drops of green plasticine. These are carrot leaves.
3. Use a stack to make a small hole at the thick end of the orange blob.

4. Connect the sharp ends of the green cakes and roll them a little with your fingertips.
5. Insert the end of the leaf tail into the hole at the top of the carrot and lightly squeeze it with your fingertips.

6. Use a stack to make short horizontal stripes on the carrot.

1. Roll a large ball of red plasticine.
2. From brown plasticine, mold a sausage and a small cake of any shape.
3. Make a leaf-cake from green plasticine based on a drop.
4. Take a ball of red plasticine with two fingers and lightly press them onto the workpiece. Let one of the dents be the top and the other the bottom of the apple.
5. In the middle of the dent at the top, make a small hole with a toothpick and insert the end of a brown sausage into it.
6. Attach a green leaf to the second end of the sausage.

7. Place a small brown piece of cake in the middle of the bottom dent.

1. Make three balls from red plasticine. Flatten them a little on the sides and make indentations at the top with the side of your finger. These are cherries.
2. Make three thin sausages from brown plasticine. These are cherry branches.
3. From green plasticine, mold a leaf-cake based on a drop.

4. Use a toothpick to make small holes in the center of the dents on the cherries and insert the ends of the twigs into them. Slightly crimp the plasticine around the insert.
5. Connect the free ends of the branches, press them together and secure the leaf.

1. Make a sausage from yellow plasticine and cut it into 4-5 equal parts.
2. Shape each piece into a barrel, one end of which is sharper than the other, and bend the resulting pieces slightly.
3. Make small ball-based cakes from brown plasticine. Their number should be equal to the number of pieces of yellow sausage. Make another larger brown cake.

I will tell you in step-by-step photo instructions with a description of how to mold vegetables from plasticine with your own hands. This master class is very useful for small children, they develop their skills, and also learn a lot of new things about various vegetables. Although you will need to use small parts in the craft, adults must help in this process. The plasticine vegetables took approximately 30 minutes to create. The creation is a bit similar to our previous product, namely .

Vegetables from plasticine

Prepare more colors of plasticine, I took them right away: orange, green, red, lilac, brown. Depending on the vegetables you will create, you will need a certain color of material. And yet, from the very beginning you need to determine the size of all the vegetables being created, so that later they will all be the same.

Plasticine carrot

From the very beginning we will blind the carrot; it will need orange and green colors. Immediately roll the main part, it will be a small cone.

The first part of the product is done, let's move on to the second. Roll out a long, thin green sausage.

Cut the green twig into equal parts.

We form the green part of the carrot and its leaves.

Finally, we make small cuts across the entire surface.

Plasticine tomato

The next step is to create tomatoes from plasticine, two of them. Roll two red balls.

Using the rounded part of a knife, make a small indentation.

This is what it looks like. They did it on one and didn’t do it on the other, so you could see the difference.

Similarly, on the second one we make a depression in order to stick a green tail into it.

Make two green flat circles and two thin sticks.

Stick one circle into the depressions.

Stick ponytails on top.

Blue plasticine ones

Shape the main part into an oval shape, with one part much larger than the other, tapered part.

Place a circle on the smaller side.

Green tail on top.

Plasticine potatoes

All that's left to do is make the potatoes. Roll into balls first.

Then make small ovals from the balls. I made two pieces, then I realized that three were better and completed one more later.

This is how it turned out to sculpt plasticine vegetables with your own hands. There are still many varieties that can be created.

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Let's continue the interesting vegetable theme and create plasticine tomatoes for dolls. These fruits are familiar to all children. From a very early age, everyone eats summer salad with tomatoes, cucumbers and herbs. Two-year-olds can clearly imagine what tomatoes look like. These are red (well, sometimes they are orange or green, if the fruits are not yet ripe) balls with green tails. The dolls will also try delicious summer vegetables, because they are easy to mold from plasticine. And if necessary, you can use a plastic knife to cut them into a salad.

Other lessons on vegetables:

Step-by-step photo lesson:

In our work we will need plasticine in three shades: red and yellow for creating the fruit, green for the cutting. The red color will be used up the most, so prepare the mass in proportion to the desired amount of fruit.

Divide the red plasticine into the required number of parts and roll each into a ball. In this lesson we will sculpt 2 large tomatoes, but you can make a fruit for each doll.

Make the balls more flattened. Glue a small yellow piece on one side. Using your fingers, smear the yellow plasticine, dropping it onto the red sides of the tomatoes.

Decorate yellow barrels for both tomatoes. For complete harmony, press down on top with a stack.

Roll out a lot of thin green sausages from green plasticine.

Intertwine several sausages together into a snowflake. Attach thin cuttings to the center. Lift the ends up (round them). Make a tail for each tomato.

Attach the cap tails to the fruits - in the central part of the yellow vegetable.

Plasticine tomatoes are ready. They can become the central element of a doll table setting, because the vegetables turn out so bright and appetizing. Such products will be especially desirable in late autumn and winter, when there is a lack of vitamins.

A very rich time of year. And our children get to know vegetables and fruits first. Every day they eat red juicy apples, yellow pears and sweet blue plums.

Kids are also familiar with vegetables. They see how mom cooks soup, borscht or cabbage soup, and what vegetables she uses for this: potatoes, beets, carrots, beets, peppers.

Children can get acquainted with the gifts of autumn in the garden and vegetable garden. Many people have a dacha. And kids love to help their parents harvest.

We sculpt vegetables and fruits from plasticine

It is very important for our children to receive comprehensive development. Modeling classes help a lot with this. After all, during modeling, fine motor skills of the fingers develop, which affects the development of speech and thinking.

It is especially useful for noisy children to do modeling. Sometimes it is difficult to sit your child down so that he can get some rest from noisy games. But getting him interested in sculpting is a good option.

You can sculpt vegetables and fruits from plasticine with your kids. Review vegetables and fruits with children first.

The child gets to know them, touches them, tastes them. Place the vegetables and fruits that you have in front of him, together with the baby, look at the color, shape, let the baby tell you how to mold this or that object.

The child sees that a tomato, an apple, a cabbage are round in shape, a ball. Carrots and peppers are cone shaped. But the pear has a more complex shape, it will be more difficult to mold.

The cucumber is oval shaped and green in color. Even very young children can fashion a sausage and make a cucumber. And it’s a lot of fun to make grapes.

These are the vegetables and fruits our Julia created. And she sculpted a plate, first making a ball, and then pressing it with her fingers, making a flat cake, which she gave it a concave shape. The result is a plate or bowl. And if you attach a handle to it, it might even turn out to be a basket.

And this is how the fruit turned out.


With vegetables and fruits. that the children will do, you can play: feed the bears, play in the store. Ask the kids. what can be prepared from vegetables (soup, borscht, vinaigrette, salad).

What about fruits? (compote, juice, salad, bake a delicious apple pie, make.)

D/ game "Tops and Roots".

In this game, you can consolidate children's knowledge that vegetables have edible roots and fruits. Show the vegetable and let the child say that it is edible. For example, potatoes, beets, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers.

Write comments and share information with friends.

Despite the fact that autumn means the complete end of the children's most favorite season - summer, we all look forward to its arrival. Especially lovers of autumn fruits - vegetables and fruits. It is with the arrival of autumn that vitamin-rich foods appear on our tables, although they are also available in the summer. Therefore, if you are faced with the task of modeling crafts on the theme of a rich harvest, create some fruits or vegetables from plasticine, you will not go wrong. Children may need this craft for a doll party, because fruits are real doll food.

To sculpt autumn wealth, prepare:

A box of plasticine - you should choose colors from it, depending on what kind of vegetables you want to make;
- tool from a box.

How to make vegetables from plasticine

The complete plasticine set has all the shades you might need for sculpting. Or use combinations of different pieces to achieve the desired result.

Let's start sculpting the bow. First, remember with your children the riddles about this important and healthy vegetable, which is rich in nutrients, kills many germs, but makes everyone who tries to peel it cry. Take yellow plasticine for modeling (but not bright, but a dirty, dull color), as well as brown and green.

Make an onion head, apply longitudinal notches. Glue thin tails - roots - from below. Make thin green feathers.

Glue the onion. To make it look funny, glue on the eyes and nose, cut out the mouth. This is the grandfather who is dressed in 100 fur coats.

Next, start with the pepper. Green plasticine of two shades is suitable for this - for the main fruit and for the tail.

Make an oblong block piece. Press down from below to narrow it. Glue the eyes and tail at the top. It’s easy to find wonderful quatrains about him and learn them with your kids.

For a large and important eggplant, a large amount of purple and a small amount of dark green plasticine is suitable.

Make a huge face with a wide chin. Add slanted eyes and nose.

Next in line is broccoli. Some people make delicious salads from it, others boil it and prepare unusual crispy inflorescences in batter. To make this autumn fruit you will need green plasticine.

Form a stump and several oval blanks for the inflorescences.

Gather a bunch of broccoli and use a tool to create a curly hairstyle. Stick on the eyes.

For regular cabbage, green plasticine of the same color is suitable. Make a center ball and several long flat cakes.

Glue the cake around the ball, creating a lush robe of leaves. Do not press down completely, just the main part.

You can also make a cute face on cabbage. It just begs to be put into borscht; the child’s appetite will definitely work up during the sculpting process.

The set of vegetables is ready, but you can continue experimenting with plasticine, fashioning new varieties of fruits. The autumn riches that we collect in the fields do not end there, because there are also delicious potatoes, carrots, beets and radishes and other vegetables.

Elena Nikolaeva
