Who can be classified as potential husbands? Potential man On his internal scales, desire outweighs laziness

Potential man

These men did not receive the direction of development they needed from their mother and are now waiting for a woman who will do it. They themselves cannot open up without a woman, since this requires female energy.

Those men who, due to certain disorders and problems, have changed their sexual orientation, are themselves both men and women. Their ability to realize and create is connected with this. Their potential Yin energy is poured out completely, forming an outer unstable layer and emptying the inner one. Their inner layer is empty, the second is manifested Yang, and the third, new Yin, is also manifested. This situation makes it impossible to transform the energies of Yin into Yang and Yang into Yin. Everything on this planet lives because it is subject to energy transformation. Disturbances and stabilization lead to rapid expenditure of energy and... The life expectancy of such people is determined by the energy received from their parents at the time of conception.

The rest of the men are waiting for their woman, who will instill resilience in them, determine their potential and purpose, and awaken the desire to live up to all this. That is why a woman first has to use her maternal qualities.

A man needs a mother in order to develop on his path. Every woman must first become a mother in order to reveal a man. Only maternal energy can do this.

A woman has to find her man, relying on intuition, educate, reveal and then rejoice.

There are many stories about how at first humanity was without spiritual fire. God or some forces breathed souls into it, and it became alive and spiritual.

This is the role of a woman. She must use her outer energy shell (Yin) to use the potential energy of a man (Yin) in order for him to open up. A man cannot open up without a mother or a woman who will become her for him for a while.

Don’t look at the menacing appearance of the man, his muscles – he’s a small child. The more he tries to appear intimidating on the outside, the more he strives to protect that tender and vulnerable thing that is inside him. In society, it is often believed that a man should not cry and show his weaknesses. Even the manifestation of emotions and delight is considered by many to be weakness. Closing himself off from the outside world, over the years a man develops a hard shell that does not allow creative energy to be realized. It is the woman’s task to release it.

A man who is waiting for his woman is like a box with a lock. Unfortunately, many remain closed in boxes with rusty locks. Society, circumstances and incompetent women impose alien roles on them, which men will perform throughout their lives, feeling dissatisfaction and melancholy. During the second transitional age, which occurs at 42–46 years old, some men strive to make the last push towards realization. They go to other women, looking for the one who will reveal them. Unfortunately, young and inexperienced girls, whom mature men fix their eyes on, have too little knowledge and experience to reveal a man. Some women by this age also understand that their man has already developed his potential, and they still have a lot of strength and already have enough life experience and mastery of maternal energy.

So, in order to reveal a man, every woman must first resort to maternal energy.

Unfortunately, some young mothers cannot feel the strength and intoxication of the energy of motherhood, even in relation to their children, and yet the man already lives nearby.

It is necessary to maintain positive states in a man.

In order to remake everything that other women have done, you must:

1. First, become his mother for a while. Reasonable care, maternal care and enveloping love will do their job - he will begin to wake up. The main thing is not to miss this moment.

2. The boy has grown up - now he needs an attentive and loving friend who is also a charming woman. This is where the problems begin. If you have worked well enough at the beginning of the book and figured out things and your appearance, then you ask yourself the question: what should I look like? More on this a little later. The main thing now is to understand the stages of your man’s opening.

3. You have successfully passed adolescence, and the time has come to become a mysterious and gentle woman. However, if necessary, you can resort to maternal behavior when a man “misbehaves.”

4. Before your eyes and your efforts, a man turns into a real man, your friends begin to envy you and cast alluring glances after him. This is where you are already the one and only for him. The guardianship is over, all that remains is the care shown by a gentle and loving woman. More independence for a man! He suffered enough in inept female hands to go to another woman. Who refuses something good?

You have many questions, dear reader. I’ve been leading women’s seminars for several years now and I know very well the reactions and many questions that arise from seminar participants that have to be resolved. Therefore, on the pages of this and subsequent books devoted to women’s issues, I will try to help you find answers to them.

Having considered some stereotypes of male behavior, we cannot ignore female ones. Some women get so carried away in their role that they forget themselves. In order to become happy and realize a man, you need to find and recognize yourself. This is what we will do next.

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In addition to what I have already told you, there are also private issues that are worth examining. I'll go over the key points that are very important to keep in mind.

From the very beginning, as soon as you start communicating with a man, it is very important to understand that he is not ideal. What is a common mistake at this stage? We first idealize a man, and then “SUDDENLY” we discover that our idea and reality do not match. It is not clear why, but at first we prefer to see only the “angel”, then we discover the “demon” and begin to fight with him. This is our game. An absolutely stupid game that leads not to victory, but to disappointment.

The correct approach is a state of “sobriety”, when you see both the pros and cons of a man. Therefore, if a man seems ideal to you, do not start a relationship with him. Why? Because you are too fascinated by it and do not see reality. There is no perfect man. All men have flaws. And before you start a relationship, you definitely need to see a man for who he is, to see his strengths and weaknesses, and what kind of cocktail comes out of all this. You know, there is a saying: “My shortcomings are a continuation of my advantages, and my advantages are a continuation of my shortcomings”? It is always interconnected, and this creates a unique, amazing pattern of combinations of different qualities. And your task is to see this “pattern”, because the “pattern” is what you have to deal with.

How to see the “pattern”, how to consider the potential of a man when meeting? How to understand how ready he is for success? The answer is both complex and simple - you need to look at a man’s actions, talk to him, ask him questions, and then he will tell you about his plans, dreams and ambitions. When listening to a man, communicating with him, you need to pay attention, analyze how adequate he is, whether he is able to build relationships with people, show responsibility and care.

When communicating, all this is visible in the first stages. At the same time, although higher education is a “plus”, it is not at all necessary. Higher education is not a criterion for future success.

I know several very rich men who do not have a college degree. And some of them even have a complex about this, although they don’t tell anyone about it. But this does not prevent them from being successful.

When “testing” a man, you definitely need to pay attention to his family, relationships within the family, the level of achievements and the man’s attitude towards these achievements. Do you know the saying “Nature rests on children”? In this case, it is not always relevant, if a man’s father has achieved something, the family lives in abundance, then he will achieve it (if, of course, he has devotion to the family and shares family values). If a man’s family is poor, there is also a chance that he will achieve success in his life, but only if he has a spirit of rebellion, and he directs it to fight poverty (if the man is devoted to his family, he won't do anything special, he'll just follow family traditions and live in poverty).

You can also ask a man how he sees his family, what his goals, ambitions are, how he likes to relax, etc. Compare his perception with yours, think, are you ready to live such a life? Perhaps he has a 3-room apartment on the outskirts of Moscow, a house in a village beyond the 101st kilometer, good friends with whom he vacations once a year in Crimea with tents, and at the age of 60 he wants to retire to live on dacha, digging beds.

He perceives work as a necessity, but does not like to strain himself at work, because his main life is spent at home in the evenings, and family is his main value. This is a good option for a man, someone will be very lucky with him... But the question is different: are you ready to spend your life with such a man, are you ready to share his values ​​and support his views? If yes, go ahead, if no, it’s better to end the relationship immediately, you definitely won’t change him.

Once, while interviewing men on the topic: “How a woman can help a man become successful,” I asked a question about potential and how to determine it, and one man answered me: “If a man’s wallet has a compartment for change, then marry him You can’t, you don’t need to spoil your fate.” I don’t think everything is so simple, but there is something to think about.

Male opinion Natalya Pokatilova : How do you think a woman can determine a man's potential at the beginning of a relationship?

When my wife and I met, we were both getting out of the relationship - I had a divorce, she had a separation, I had financial problems, my business was failing, I was in deep debt, I lived on the remaining asset - in the country, but I understood that it would have to be sold . She is a St. Petersburg girl who sold an apartment in St. Petersburg and is looking for an apartment in Moscow. It is clear that an apartment in Moscow costs much more than in St. Petersburg, on credit.

It is clear that there are feelings, but it is also clear that in such a situation fear is superimposed on feelings, but we communicate openly. Of course, in such a situation, when I was crushed by problems and drank a glass twice a week, it was very difficult to discern potential in me. Then I would have drank more often, but I fired the driver, I drove into the city through three traffic police posts, so I could only drink on Friday evening and Saturday, and on Sunday I would come to my senses and sober up, because on Monday early in the morning I had to again go to work.

You see, in order to discern a man’s potential in such a situation, you need to be a researcher of human souls, and such situations happen to men very often. We all take off, and then we fall quite often, and only after reaching a certain level does the next fall not become a crash and lead to binge drinking. But, unfortunately, this happens in a man’s life, it happens in a country, our country is a country of extremes: either you take off and fly high, or you fall, and it’s hard to achieve the average.

To discern a man’s potential even in such a situation is a woman’s instinct, WISDOM and, of course, this is her support. Support, because in our family, for example, more than half of what we have is the merit of my wife. Her support, her work on space, on filling, on understanding what we are doing, what I am doing, this is her help. Without her, of course, I also think I would have managed it, but everything would have been much worse.

Why is it so important to correctly determine a man's potential? If we speak from a Vedic point of view - you know, I love the Vedas - then there is such an energy that I have already buzzed all your ears about, it is called “piety”. This is the energy that we receive from being close to the source of good. And who is the source of our good on the planet? Divine presence as you understand it. The closer you are to God, the higher your level of piety. Why are we talking about piety now?

Because when you have energy and a lot of it, it allows you to make the right decision in a difficult situation when it is not clear what to do. Each of you was given a certain amount of godliness for your life from birth. Then you can only waste it and add to it. If you have a high level of piety, then you will intuitively choose the man who will be successful. Why? Because with a high level of piety, you are tuned to goodness (close to God, you have a state of creation in your head, not destruction), to a state of fullness, you vibrate and emanate from it, and if you hear similar vibrations in a man, you are attracted to him , and once you enter into a relationship, you become his talisman.

That is, having a lot of energy, you transfer it to the man so that he can “ride” it, rise and become successful. If you spend your energy on a man who does not strive for success, does not want any wealth or achievements, very soon you will spend all your energy on him without receiving anything in return. As a result, you are devastated and he is unsuccessful. Do you need this? I think not. Another option for determining a man’s potential is to contact a Vedic astrologer. Having drawn up your partner's map, will he tell you whether he is destined to have money or not? How much money? When? And will this trend continue in marriage or not?

One of the key points that accompanies success is a man’s ability to be attentive to other people, especially in our time. The ability to negotiate with people, the ability to be attentive to their needs, to their needs, because all things are done by people. If you see a man who displays tyrannical habits, steals all the attention, rapes the entire group of friends in which he is, and his friends tolerate him condescendingly, but do not take him particularly seriously, think about it. Does such a man have a favorable prognosis? No.

Does a man have leadership qualities, is he ready to ask for directions or will he look for it until the last moment? If he starts searching on his own, it’s good; if he immediately falls into helplessness and seeks help, it’s not very good. If a man is impulsive and scatterbrained, then most likely this will not lead him to success due to the fact that he has one thing today and another tomorrow. He will get caught up in flames and will not have the energy to pursue his ideas. Do you know these? With a bunch of projects, adventurers, those that don’t get anywhere in the end?

All these qualities can be seen already at the beginning of communication. What to do with them? Nothing. It’s better not to be with a man who has such a set of qualities at all. If you are already deeply in a relationship with such a man, you need to understand that it will be difficult for you, that you will have to go along with him through all the stages, just like the first time. And it is very important that a man has a tendency to move forward according to the plan, through thorns to the stars. How can you tell if a man has such a tendency? You can ask about his dream and how he plans to move towards it (only gently, without interrogation). You can simply observe how he plans your leisure time, a joint vacation, how he plans a cultural program, whether he follows the plan, etc. The more a man is inclined to move according to the plan, the greater the likelihood of success.

If a man is 40 years old, and he is still in search, he has a lot of professions, but he has not yet achieved anything in life, has not succeeded, my advice to you is, do not waste your beauty, your youth and your time even on a simple date with such a man. By this age, he should have achieved at least something, become successful in at least something, it doesn’t matter even if he is dissatisfied with his achievements, the main thing is that they exist! If at the age of 40 a man is not realized in any area, it will be VERY difficult to raise him and make him successful; the game is not worth the candle.

There are men for whom the process is important, and there are men for whom the result is important. Please tell me which one is more likely to succeed? That's right, the one that is results-oriented. How to understand what a man is aiming for? At the initial stage, through a conversation with him. You see, girls, the more courageous a man is, that is, orderly, consistent, purposeful, result-oriented, and so on, the more ambitious and ambitious he is, the more likely he is to achieve success, because such a man is definitely in the masculine pole, and he has the energy to move forward and achieve his goals.

If a man is not used to having something done for him, this is also a very good sign. If he is always looking for someone to push, dump and shift on, it’s not very good. If perseverance is visible in a man, stubbornness is also good. Do you understand how to check? Refuse and watch. Calls or doesn’t call, harasses or doesn’t harass, gives up or continues to persist.

We look at the man’s surroundings, at his friends. If he has successful friends, and he approves of their success, is jealous of their success in a good way - good. If there is neither one nor the other, it’s bad. Having a higher principle (honesty, decency) is good, but living by the principle of “victory at any cost” is bad. If he is positive - good, if he constantly scolds everyone, is dissatisfied with everyone - bad. If a man is greedy - bad, generous (but not a spender) - good. How can I check this?

Ask and see his reaction. Or go with him to choose a gift for a friend’s birthday and watch him, find out for what amount and why he is looking for a gift for that amount. It is also very important for you to test your man’s ideas. Is he capable... Does he have the idea of ​​caring. Conduct a test for immaturity, find out whether he is inclined to care or not: he accompanies you, meets you, can make tea when you are tired or not, in difficult situations offers help or throws up his hands in confusion, etc.

All these criteria are relevant if you are not yet in a relationship with a man, but if you are deeply in a relationship or married, it’s too late to test, you need to raise and develop what you have.

Psychologists specializing in relationships and ways to build a marriage advise you to wait with such thoughts. In such cases, you should not make hasty conclusions. It’s worth thinking about and asking yourself a few important questions instead of fantasizing about and preparing for a potential wedding and organizing it mentally. You need to figure out whether this man really suits you completely in all respects. After all, if this is not the case, and you are really in a hurry to come to conclusions, then this does not insure you against the fact that the marriage will fall apart without having time to start.

Doctor of Psychology Harriet Lerner, who wrote the book “Rules of Marriage: A Guide for Married and Dating,” identified ten simple principles that can help determine that your potential husband is not a match for you.

  1. You should clearly feel the line between the emotionality that overtakes a couple at the initial stage of their relationship and closeness of spirit. Strong manifestations of feelings, which can be just passion, or first impressions cannot serve as an indicator that there is really a strong real feeling between you.
  2. Here it is necessary to be guided not by the beating of the heart, but first of all by reason. After all, there is such a thing as the “candy-bouquet period,” after which, if your feelings are not as plausible as it seems, everything may end. At this stage of a relationship, when partners are just beginning to get to know each other, they do not see the main thing, since they are controlled by the feelings they experienced at that moment, but not by common sense. Due to this, there can be no question of an objective assessment of their other half, since during this period couples can see only the good in each other, and only what they themselves desire. Therefore, it is very important at the initial stage of a relationship to use your head and common sense.
  3. Observation is a very important factor. During the period of your relationship, you should not separate from the world around you, and be just the two of you, not wanting to see anyone. It is necessary to do the opposite. Observe your chosen one and give your loved ones, relatives or friends the opportunity to also observe and evaluate his behavior.
  4. Be yourself. It is very important at the initial stages of a relationship to listen to yourself. How do you behave in this relationship, do you try to please and fulfill any desire of your chosen one, trying to seem like an ideal woman. Try to be yourself, not to adapt, but to say and do what you want. In this way, you will be able to understand and determine for the future whether you can be accepted for who you really are.
  5. Rate your chosen one as a friend. Could you build a friendship with this person. After all, in addition to the role of a lover, a husband must also fulfill the role of a friend. Would it turn out to be just friendship?
  6. Pay attention to your inner state after meetings with your other half. Do you feel depressed or, on the contrary, are you full of strength and everything seems within your reach?
  7. Pay attention to what shortcomings of his personal qualities you are willing to accept. Or maybe there are those with whom it will be difficult for you to put up with in the future. It is necessary to place all the points at once.
  8. It is necessary to remember that you cannot go headlong into your relationship, losing yourself as an individual. Your desires and aspirations should always take priority. After all, if the relationship does not work out, it will be very difficult for you to adapt to the world around you. When planning a wedding, do not forget that the world is full of surprises, and things may not always turn out the way you would like.
  9. Always clarify the subject of your conflict to the end. You shouldn't swallow something to avoid a quarrel. Disagreements must be resolved by clarifying all the circumstances. After all, at the moment of eliminating misunderstandings, you will get to know each other better, and will be able to evaluate how your partner behaves in similar situations.
  10. It is important to remember that no amount of love and no amount of feelings can change a person in the future. If there is something that does not suit you at the moment, and you decide to postpone this issue until later, citing the fact that there is love, and the rest will follow, then this is a big mistake. You need to decide now what you are willing to put up with in the future and what you are not.

Now, admit it, you probably, when meeting and communicating with a man on your first date, think about whether he will become successful in life? Of course, everyone wants to see a hard worker and a winner next to them. But not everyone is able to discern male potential at the initial stage of a relationship. How does a winning man behave? Want to know?

1. He gets you in any way

If your new admirer, after a long period of courtship, does not give up and continues to look for ways to your heart, this is always an indicator that the man knows how to set and go to them by any means. With such a friend, the chances of achieving a comfortable and decent life together increase significantly. By the way, assertive men in love are always equally assertive in work.

2. He has high demands

A man's potential is directly related to his needs. A man who is content with little and saves on everything he can rarely achieve incredible heights in life. If you believe the laws of the Universe, then we, as a rule, receive exactly as much as we ask from it. Therefore, if your new companion does not skimp on gifts and visits prestigious establishments with you, regardless of his status, he has every chance to succeed in this life.

3. He doesn't like to sit idle

A man who does not like to be lazy will go far in his life. As a rule, active and social men always go a couple of steps ahead of homebodies. Active, sociable men know how to properly make new acquaintances and join the necessary and respectable circles of society.

4. He has a decent environment

When assessing male potential, pay attention to your partner’s environment. On buddies and friends with whom he spends maximum time. If your man is surrounded by hardworking and enterprising guys, most likely he will strive to keep up with them. But if a man is not averse to spending evenings in the company of friends over a bottle of beer on a bench in the neighboring yard, then expecting more from him is, to say the least, stupid.

5. He is a fanatic about his business.

Regardless of what a man is doing at the moment, if his work brings him incredible pleasure, then it will ultimately lead him to financial success. When meeting a man, always pay attention to how enthusiastic he is. If his hobbies revolve around a certain business, then this is a good sign. If he is tossed from one hobby to another, then it will not be so easy for him to achieve success.

6. He likes to finish what he starts.

A man's potential can be assessed by how his partner approaches the matter. For example, impulsive and temperamental men are often harsh and short-sighted in work situations. To achieve a lot in your life, you need to approach business issues carefully and with balance. Successful men are always a little cunning and thoughtful. So a man’s directness and frankness should not always be perceived as a positive quality. Restraint in behavior, cunning and the ability to adapt often help men move up the career ladder.

7. He is independent

When meeting a man, immediately pay attention to whether he is independent or not. If, having reached adulthood, he continues to live with his parents, shifts responsibility to others and is reluctant to make decisions, everything is clear with him. He will continue to float with the flow, holding either his mother’s skirt or his wife’s skirt.

8. He knows how to take responsibility

You can recognize male potential at the beginning of a relationship by looking at men’s views on relationships. A man who is responsible at work behaves the same way in relationships. He doesn’t need one-time connections; he is serious from the very beginning. If you are the girl of his dreams, he will not torment you with waiting for years, but will immediately offer to legalize the relationship.

Try not to build castles in the air when meeting a new friend. Pay attention to his strengths and weaknesses, as well as his manner of communication. And then you definitely won’t have to torment yourself in the future with questions about whether or not you should connect your life with him.
