Motivational parables. Good parables for children What is a parable for children

Proverbs - an excellent example of passing on the wisdom and instructiveness of elders to the younger generation. A distinctive feature of parables is their small volume, the brevity of the conveyed thoughts. Parables, like fairy tales, are based on history, but their meaning is deeper. In value they are closer to folk proverbs and sayings.


In the middle of God's beautiful, bright world there lived a small gray insect. All the other insects were very proud of their bright flowers and did not pay any attention to her, and the Colorado potato beetle even mocked her. The little insect was very sad. But one morning a ray of sunlight stroked her back. The little girl was glad that someone loved her and thought with gratitude: “I can do a good deed! I’ll clear the leaves of aphids,” and leaf by leaf, twig by twig, I cleared the whole tree in a day. And every leaf on the tree whispered to her:

Thank you, you saved us!

The little gray insect was so happy and embarrassed that she blushed. It was so beautiful!

Since then, she always shone and radiated such joy that everyone fell in love with her and began to call her “ladybug.” And now, when people ask her to fly to heaven and fulfill their wishes, she does it with joy, because she is “God’s”, and she knows for sure that everyone can become happy, you just need to do good to others!

Bucket of apples

A man bought himself a new house - large, beautiful - and a garden with fruit trees near the house. And nearby, in an old house, there lived an envious neighbor who constantly tried to ruin his mood: either he would throw garbage under the gate, or he would do some other nasty things.

One day a man woke up in a good mood, went out onto the porch, and there was a bucket of garbage. The man took a bucket, threw out the garbage, cleaned the bucket until it shined, collected the largest, ripe and delicious apples into it and went to his neighbor.

The neighbor, hearing a knock on the door, thought maliciously: “Finally, I got him!” He opens the door in the hope of a scandal, and the man handed him a bucket of apples and said:

He who is rich in what, shares it!

Good little fox

Once upon a time there lived a little fox. He was very kind. He had many friends. He often went to visit them, and all his friends were always happy to see him.

But one day he fell ill with a sore throat. His friends often visited and took care of him, and his friend the little bear brought him a large barrel of honey. The little fox quickly recovered and in his small cozy house, in the middle of a huge fairy-tale forest, more than once invited his friends to taste his wonderful, delicious pies.

The path of kindness and mercy is the most reliable in the world.

Lie or truth?

Three boys went into the forest. There are mushrooms, berries, birds in the forest. The boys went on a spree. We didn’t notice how the day passed. As we walked home, we were afraid: “We’ll get hit at home!” So they stopped on the road and thought what was better: to lie or to tell the truth?

“I’ll say,” said the first, “that a wolf attacked me in the forest.” The father will be afraid and will not scold.

“I’ll say,” said the second, “that I met my grandfather.” My mother will be happy and will not scold me.

“And I’ll tell the truth,” said the third. - It’s always easier to tell the truth, because it’s the truth and you don’t need to invent anything.

So they all went home. As soon as the first boy told his father about the wolf, lo and behold, the forest guard was coming.

“No,” he says, “there are wolves in these places.”

The father got angry. For the first guilt I was angry, and for the lie - twice as angry.

The second one told about his grandfather, and the grandfather was right there - coming to visit. Mother found out the truth. For the first guilt I was angry, but for the lie I was twice as angry.

And the third boy, as soon as he arrived, immediately confessed to everything. His mother grumbled at him and forgave him.

Black glasses

The boy, walking down the street to his house, never greeted his neighbors. Neighbors told the parents that their son was behaving impolitely. The father began to scold his son. He listened to his father, lowering his head in shame. Then the boy turned to his father:

Dad, please buy me black glasses!

Why, son? - asked the father in surprise.

Because now I will be very ashamed to walk along our street...

Eh, son! You better try to improve and then you won’t need dark glasses! - the father smiled.

The best picture of peace

There lived one king. He once offered an award for the best painting of peace. Many artists have tried to paint such a picture. The king looked at all the works, but among them there were only two that he really liked. Of these, the most worthy one had to be chosen.

One painting showed a quiet lake. It, like a mirror, reflected the mountains towering around it, the blue sky with white clouds. Everyone who looked at this picture thought that it was a perfect picture of peace.

The second picture depicted mountains. But they were uneven and bare. Above was a picture of a raging sky, it was raining, and lightning was flashing. A foaming waterfall cascaded down the mountain wall. It didn't look peaceful at all. However, looking at the waterfall, the king saw behind it a tiny bush growing from a crevice in the rock. A bird built a nest on it. There, surrounded by rapidly falling raging water, she waited for the chicks.

It was this painting that the king chose. He said:

Peace does not mean a place where it is quiet and peaceful, where there is no noise and disturbance, where there is no hard work. Peace is when you have it all, yet you maintain peace and quiet in your heart.

Tree of Tranquility

Oh Teacher, what are the roots of peace? - asked the inquisitive student.

The roots of Tranquility are safe. If a person is not threatened with death or illness, he is calm,” answered the Wise One.

Oh, Teacher, what does the trunk of Tranquility consist of? - asked the smartest student.

The trunk of Tranquility is a correct picture of the world, made up of correct thoughts and devoid of passions, said the Wise One.

Oh, Teacher, where do the branches of Tranquility extend? - asked the beloved student.

The branches of Tranquility extend to like-minded people, answered the Teacher, for those who live with Tranquility find Tranquility.

Stronger than love, faith and peace

Four candles burned calmly and slowly melted. It was so quiet that you could hear them talking.

The first one said:

I am calm, unfortunately, people are not always able to keep me. I think I have no choice but to go out! - and the light of this candle went out.

The second said:

I am a faith; unfortunately, people rarely remember me. People don’t want to hear anything about me, so there’s no point in me burning any further,” as soon as she said this, a light breeze blew and extinguished the candle.

Very saddened, the third candle said:

I am love - I no longer have the strength to burn further. People don't appreciate me or understand me. They are afraid of me, without thinking for a long time, and this candle went out.

A child entered the room and saw three extinguished candles. Frightened, he shouted:

What are you doing! You must burn - I'm afraid of the dark! – and he cried bitterly.

The excited fourth candle said:

Don't be afraid and don't cry! While I am burning, you can always light the other three candles: I am Hope...

Two wolves

Once upon a time, an old man revealed one vital truth to his grandson:

There is a struggle in every person, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil: envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies. The other wolf represents goodness: peace, love, hope, truth, kindness and loyalty.

The grandson, touched to the depths of his soul by his grandfather’s words, thought for a moment, and then asked:

Which wolf wins in the end?

The old man smiled and answered:

The wolf you feed always wins.

A parable about positive thinking

An old Chinese teacher once said to his student:

Please take a good look around this room and try to notice everything in it that is brown.

The young man looked around. There were many brown objects in the room: wooden picture frames, a sofa, a curtain rod, desks, book bindings and many other small things.

“Now close your eyes and list all the objects... blue,” the teacher asked.

The young man was confused:

But I didn't notice anything!

Then the teacher said:

Open your eyes. Just look at how many blue things there are here.

It was true: blue vase, blue photo frames, blue carpet, old teacher's blue shirt. And the teacher said: “Look at all these missed items!” The student replied: “But this is a trick!” After all, at your direction, I was looking for brown, not blue objects.

The teacher sighed quietly, and then smiled: “That’s exactly what I wanted to show you.” You searched and found only brown. The same thing happens to you in life. You search and find only the bad and miss the good.

I was always taught that you should expect the worst and then you will never be disappointed. And if the worst does not happen, then a pleasant surprise awaits me. And if I always hope for the best, then I will only expose myself to the risk of disappointment.

The benefit of expecting the worst makes us lose sight of all the good things that happen in our lives.. If you expect the worst, then you will definitely get it. And vice versa.

It is possible to find a point of view from which every experience has a positive meaning. From now on, you will look for something positive in everything and everyone.

Enviable friendship

Greek parable

There were two friends in Syracuse: Damon and Phintius. Damon accidentally harmed Dionysius and was captured and sentenced to death.

“Let me leave until the evening and arrange my household affairs,” Damon said to Dionysius, “Phintius will remain a hostage for me.”

Dionysius laughed at such a naive trick, but agreed. Evening came, Phintias was already being led to execution. And then, making his way through the crowd, Damon arrived.

Dionysius exclaimed:

You are forgiven! And I ask you to accept me as the third member of your friendship.

Self-confident ox

Assyrian parable

One ox became so proud of his strength that he always secluded himself and grazed outside the herd. He considered it beneath his dignity to be friends with other oxen who were smaller and weaker than him.

One day, having retired as usual, he saw a lion. This lion knew that the ox had no friends or defenders, that neither the owner nor the other oxen would stand up for him. And he boldly approached the proud man, hit him with his paw and killed him. And there was no one who would stand up for the arrogant ox.

Three friends

parable from Emma Lvova

Three friends met: present, old and future. We decided to find out which of them is the most worthy.

“I won’t leave my friend in trouble,” said the real one.

“I will remain faithful for all time,” said the old man.

“I’ll tell my friend what he doesn’t yet know about himself,” said the future one.

The conversation about friendship continued for a long time, each one bringing new arguments.

“I will share the success and tears of joy,” the real one did not retreat.

“I’ll take you to where the road is forgotten,” the old man insisted.

“I’ll give you an opportunity,” said the future.

Unexpectedly, the one for whose sake the argument was started arrived and noted with gratitude the experience of the old, the cordiality of the present, the wisdom of the future. And he came not alone, but with love.

Well-trodden path

modern parable

There lived two neighbors. Winter has come, snow has fallen. One neighbor went out early in the morning with a shovel to shovel the snow in front of his house. While I was clearing the path, I looked at how my neighbor was doing. And he has a neatly trampled path.

The next morning it snowed again. The first neighbor got up early, got to work, looked - and the neighbor had already laid a path.

On the third day the snow was knee-deep. The first neighbor got up even earlier and went out to clear the snow. And the neighbor’s path is already flat and straight - just a sight for sore eyes!

That same day they met on the street and the first neighbor asked:

Listen, when do you have time to clear the snow in front of your house?

The second neighbor was surprised at first, and then laughed:

Yes, I never remove it. It’s my friends who come to see me!

Most valuable

modern parable

One person in childhood was very friendly with an old neighbor.

But time passed, college and hobbies appeared, then work and personal life. The young man was busy every minute, and he had no time to remember the past, or even to be with his loved ones.

One day he found out that his neighbor had died - and suddenly remembered: the old man taught him a lot, trying to replace the boy’s dead father. Feeling guilty, he came to the funeral.

In the evening, after the burial, the man entered the empty house of the deceased. Everything was the same as many years ago...

But the small golden box, in which, according to the old man, the most valuable thing for him was kept, disappeared from the table. Thinking that one of her few relatives had taken her, the man left the house.

However, two weeks later he received the package. Seeing his neighbor's name on it, the man shuddered and opened the box.

Inside was the same golden box. It contained a gold pocket watch with an engraving: “Thank you for the time you spent with me.”

And he realized that the most valuable thing for the old man was the time spent with his little friend. Since then, the man tried to devote as much time as possible to his wife and son.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths. It is measured by the number of moments that make us hold our breath. Time is running away from us every second. And it needs to be spent right now.

Two friends

modern parable

The two boys were friends for many years and never quarreled. They were inseparable. They were always seen together, people were surprised at their long-term friendship.

But then one day they suddenly got into a fight. All the neighbors were amazed! They were separated and started asking what happened.

The guys were silent. Neither of them wanted to admit what happened. But the neighbors kept asking: “Strange! You never quarreled. Why didn’t you share?”

They nodded at each other, saying:

- Let him speak!

- No, you say it yourself!

Then one of them said the following:

“We sat on the sand, on the river bank. My friend said that when he grows up, he will buy himself a buffalo. Then I said, “Don’t do this, because at this time I will buy a farm and if your buffalo comes and tramples my crops, then our friendship will be over.” Having said this, I drew the boundary of my farm in the sand and sat on the throne in the middle. But he began to argue: “I was the first to decide to buy a buffalo, and if you don’t want to lose our friendship, then you shouldn’t buy a farm, because I won’t be able to run around all day and look after her. And of course she will wander onto your farm.” And he drew a buffalo on my farm. And he also sat on the throne. That's where we got into a fight. I wanted to throw his buffalo off my farm and he attacked me.

Family happiness

One day we were walking along the road of Happiness, Love and Health. In the first house on their way there was only one free place. The owners decided that the most important thing among travelers was Happiness, and he was allowed to the hearth. And Love and Health were placed in the yard. And first Love quietly left the house, then Health, and then Happiness.

In the second house, Health was allowed to the hearth. “What Happiness and what Love without Health,” the owners reasoned. And first Love left the house, then Happiness, and after them – Health.

And the owners of the third house decided that the main thing was Love. And she stayed in the house. And with her remained both Health and Happiness.

A parable about love and family

Once upon a time there lived people on a planet of Men, a planet of Women, a smaller planet called “Family” and on a tiny planet called “Happy Family”. It just so happened that from time to time people from the planets of Men and Women met on the star bridge, fell in love with each other and settled on the planet “Family”. Only those who managed to preserve Love for at least several years moved to the planet called “Happy Family”. There were catastrophically few of them...

And then the sages of the planet Happy Family began to think about how to make sure that there were more inhabitants on their planet. So they flew to the planet of Women and asked them: “What kind of men do you love, what kind of men do you dream about?” The women answered differently, but almost everyone said: “About a strong spirit and body, caring and understanding, about a kind, gentle and loving one, about a purposeful, intelligent, relaxed and harmonious one, about one who can lead and take you on a journey called "Life". There were also those among women who despaired of waiting to meet such a man, dreaming of at least one of the above. There were those who still hoped to meet just such a person.

Then the sages of the planet “Happy Family” went to the planet of Men and asked them: “What kind of women do you love, what kind do you dream of?” The men answered differently, but almost all said: “About a beautiful, gentle and loving, and good housewife, about an understanding and wise woman, about one who is ready to follow a man even to the ends of the earth.” There were some men who despaired of waiting to meet such a woman, dreaming of at least one of the above. There were those who still hoped to meet just such a person.

Then the wise men decided to find out what was happening on the Star Bridge. Men and Women wandered there in search of their future beloved or beloved. Those who had few expectations and requirements or who really wanted to live on the planet “Family” found each other quickly, they joined hands and went to live together on the new planet. Those who dreamed of meeting their ideal wandered along the bridge sometimes longer than others; some eventually managed to meet, and they were very happy that they had met, while others continued to search all their lives.

Then the wise men flew to the planet “Family” and began to watch how Men and Women lived there. And they lived differently. Many were disappointed with their choice, since people changed over time with their expectations and values, and many simply did not know how, or did not want to understand each other, help each other, and reveal their best qualities. Some continued to live together, disappointed in each other. Some separated without ever learning to live together. Among them there were often those who met their ideal on the star bridge and flew to the planet “Family” with a feeling of great mutual Love. Among the completely respectable citizens of the planet “Family”, but who never received the right to move to the planet “Happy Family”, there were the so-called “strong families”. In them, Men and Women lived without love, they were simply attached to each other, they were devoted to each other, but still, not happy. Among the respectable citizens there were also those who loved to repeat the saying “Love is evil...” They were not happy, they often quarreled, but they still remained true to their feelings.

Then the sages returned to their home planet “Happy Family” and began to ask its inhabitants: “How do you manage to live in Love and Happiness?” Some answered that from the very beginning they were exactly what they dreamed of for each other, and then, of course, it took a lot of understanding and steps towards each other, but they coped with it. Others said that from the beginning they were not such an ideal couple, but thanks to their generous and love-rich souls, as well as the desire of each of them to become the Man or Woman of his partner’s dreams, they managed to earn the right to live on the planet “Happy Family”.

The sages then thought: “It’s true that all couples are unhappy in different ways, but happy in the same way.” And the sages decided: all men should learn to be strong in spirit and body, caring and understanding, kind, gentle and loving, purposeful, intelligent, relaxed and harmonious, those who can lead and captivate a woman on a journey called “Life”. All women should learn to be beautiful, gentle and loving, and good housewives, understanding and wise, such that they are ready to follow a man to the ends of the earth. And everyone together learn to understand each other and help each other become the Man and Woman of their dreams, and be sure to cultivate a generous soul rich in Love. And remember that for life on the planet “Happy Family” it is not enough that Love once gives birth to a Family, the main thing is that Love is born again and again in the Family....


A boy was walking along the road. He looks and the penny is lying there. “Well,” he thought, “and a penny is money!” He took it and put it in his wallet. And he began to think further: “What would I do if I found a thousand rubles? I would buy gifts for my father and mother!” Just thinking, he feels - the wallet seems to have become thicker. I looked into it, and there was a thousand rubles.

“Strange thing! – the boy marveled. - There was one kopeck, and now it’s a thousand rubles! What would I do if I found ten thousand rubles? I would buy a cow and feed my parents milk!” He looks, and he already has ten thousand rubles! “Miracles! – the lucky man was delighted. - What if I found a hundred thousand rubles? I would buy a house, take a wife and settle my old people in a new house!” He quickly opened his wallet and, sure enough, there were a hundred thousand rubles!

Then he began to think: “Maybe we shouldn’t take our father and mother to the new house? What if my wife doesn't like them? Let them live in the old house. And keeping a cow is troublesome; I’d rather buy a goat. But I won’t buy many gifts, so the expenses are high...” And suddenly he feels that his wallet has become light, very light! I got scared, opened it, and lo and behold, there was only one penny lying there, just one.


A man and a dog were walking through the sandy desert. They walked and walked until they were completely tired. Suddenly they see an oasis in front of them! Beautiful carved gates, from behind which pleasant music flows, the murmur of streams is heard, and the aromas of flowers are wafted. The gatekeeper sits at the gate. Having said hello, the traveler asked him:

-What is this?

-This is a sacred oasis - an island of life in the sultry desert, where you can relax after a hard journey along the hot sands.

-Is there water there?

–As many as you like: clean fountains, cool pools...

-Will they give you food?

- Whatever you want.

-But the dog is with me.

-I'm sorry, but you can't bring a dog. She will have to be left here. - After these words, the traveler and the dog walked further along the burning sands... After some time, the road led them to a rich farm, at the gate of which the gatekeeper also sat.

“I’m very thirsty,” the traveler asked.

-Come in, there is a well in the yard.

-What about my dog?

-Near the well you will see a drinking bowl.

-What about something to eat?

-I can treat you to dinner.

-What about the dog?

- There will be a bone.

-What kind of place is this?

-This is a sacred oasis.

-How so?! Before this, another gatekeeper told me that there was an oasis there.

-He lied. That “oasis” is just a mirage.

-How do you tolerate such deceitful neighbors?

-It is very useful for us, because only those who do not abandon their friends reach us.

A friend's act

Leonardo da Vinci

One day a man came to the teacher who was upset that his friend had begun to avoid him.

He asked:

-Teacher, my friend is avoiding me, I think he is bored with my company. What should I do?

-Do you still consider yourself his friend? - asked the teacher.

“Of course,” the man answered.

“Then go up to him and ask directly about the reason for his behavior,” the sage advised, “and if you see in his words or eyes that he is really bored with you, then the best thing you can do as a friend is to free him from the need to avoid you, - leave first and do not seek meetings with him.

“And if he wants to come back, what’s the best thing I can do as a friend?”

“Don’t hold a grudge,” said the teacher.

Caesar and the doctor

Historical parable

Caesar had the only person and friend whom he trusted - his doctor. Moreover, if he was sick, he took medicine only when the doctor personally gave it to him.

One day, when Caesar was not feeling well, he received an anonymous note: “Fear your closest friend, your doctor. He wants to poison you! And after a while the doctor came and gave Caesar some medicine. He gave the note he had received to his friend and, while he was reading, drank the medicinal mixture to the last drop.

The friend froze in horror:

-Lord, how could you drink what I gave you after what you read?!

Caesar replied:

-It’s better to die than to doubt your friend!

Wealth, friendship and love

An old man lived on the seashore. He was completely alone, and he had no one in the whole wide world.

And then one late evening he heard a knock on the door. The old man asked:

-Who's there?

Behind the door they answered him:

-This is your wealth.

But the elder answered:

–I was once fabulously rich, but it didn’t bring me any happiness. And he didn't open the door. The next day he heard a knock on the door again.

-Who's there? – he asked.

-This is your love! – he heard the answer.

But the elder said:

-I was loved, and I loved madly, but it did not bring me happiness! – and again did not open the door.

On the third day there was a knock on his door again.

-Who's there? - asked the old man.

-This is your friendship! – he heard in response. The elder smiled and opened the door:

-I'm always happy to have friends.

But suddenly... along with friendship, love and wealth entered his home. And the elder said:

-But I only invited friendship!

To this those who entered answered him:

-Have you lived on earth for so many years and still haven’t understood one simple truth? Only with friendship come love and wealth!

Eastern parable

“I am poor and weak,” the Teacher once said to his students. -But you are young. I am teaching you, and it is your duty to find money on which your old teacher can live.

-What should we do? - asked the students. – After all, the inhabitants of this city are very stingy, and it will be in vain to ask them for help!

“My children,” said the Teacher, “there is a way to get money without unnecessary requests, simply by taking it.” It will not be a sin for us to steal, because we deserve money more than others. But, alas, I am too old and weak to become a thief!

“We are young,” the students answered, “we can handle it!” There is nothing that we would not do for you, Teacher! Tell us what we should do, and we will obey you.

“You are strong,” answered the Teacher, “it costs you nothing to take away a rich man’s wallet.” Do this: choose a secluded place where no one will see you, then grab a passerby and take the money, but do not harm him.

-Let's leave right now! - the students began to shout.

Only one of them, with his eyes downcast, remained silent. The teacher looked at the young man and said:

“My other students are full of courage and eager to help, but you don’t care about the Teacher’s suffering.”

-Sorry, Teacher! – the young man answered. – But your proposal is impossible! This is the reason for my silence.

-Why is it impossible?

“But there is no place where no one will see,” answered the student. “Even when I’m all alone, I see for myself.” Yes, I’d rather go begging with a beggar’s bag than allow myself to be seen stealing.

At these words, the Teacher’s face lit up, and he hugged his student.

“I am happy,” said the old man, “if among my students at least one understood my words!”

The other disciples saw that the Master was testing them and bowed their heads in shame. From that day on, whenever an unworthy thought came into their minds, they remembered the words of their comrade: “I see for myself.” So they all achieved greatness and lived happily...


Two brothers lived in a village. The eldest got married and settled with his parents, and the youngest began to live on the edge of the village. Life was hard for both of them, they worked tirelessly, but were not rich.

One day there was a bad year. The younger brother thought: “It’s difficult for my brother, his wife and children and parents are all on him. Let me bring him a few sheaves from my supplies.” I decided and went. On the way in the dark, I missed a man who was also carrying sheaves. Having completed his plan, he returned home and was surprised: he still had twenty sheaves left.

Again he shouldered four sheaves and went to his brother. And again he ran into a stranger, in whom he recognized... his own brother. The eldest, it turns out, also thought: “My younger brother lives in need, I need to help him.”

Give, and then sooner or later good will return to you. Although sometimes the issue is the different quality of the harvest and vigilance.

Apple tree branch

Workers were called into the garden to repair the porch. They always had to bend over because of an apple tree branch that hung low over the path leading to the porch. One of the workers decided to take care of the elderly owners, who apparently did not have the strength to cut down this branch.

When the next morning the owners saw the cut down branch, they were terribly upset. After all, out of the entire old apple orchard, only this branch was bearing fruit.

Don't provide unsolicited favors.


One day, the mullah went to the storeroom, stuck his hand into a container of nuts and grabbed so many fistfuls that he could not get his hand out of it. And no matter how he pulled his hand, no matter how he swore, no matter how he pulled, it was all in vain. The vessel would not let him go. Even his wife could not help him pull his hand out. After many futile attempts, they called their neighbors. One of them said:

I will help you if you do everything I say.

After that, he ordered to unclench his fist and pull out his hand. Reluctantly, he followed his neighbor's instructions, after which he said:

My hand is free, but I didn’t get the nuts either.

Then the neighbor took the vessel, bent it and poured out so much

nuts, as much as the mullah needed. With his eyes wide open and his mouth open in amazement, the mullah exclaimed:

Aren't you a wizard?

There is a way out of almost any situation, and the simplest one at that.

Everything is in your hands

Once upon a time there lived a Master, surrounded by his disciples. The most capable of them once wanted to ask a question that the Master could not answer. He went to a flowering meadow, caught the most beautiful butterfly and hid it in his palms. Smiling, he approached the Master and asked:

Tell me, what kind of butterfly is in my hands: alive or dead?

He held the butterfly tightly in his closed palms and was ready to squeeze them at any moment... for the sake of his truth.

Without looking at the student, the Master answered:

Everything is in your hands.

If the truth depends on you, then it is not the truth.

Everything is ahead

Who do you want to be? - Aunts and uncles asked the Mouse.

“An elephant,” answered the Mouse.

Well done! - they told him. - We remain mice, and all roads are open to you, just learn.

And the mouse learned. I studied with excellent marks. After completing elephant courses, he received a “Big Elephant” diploma. But he couldn’t get a job anywhere as an elephant, and he didn’t want to work as a mouse.

“Don’t worry,” the relatives told the Mouse. - You will still be an elephant. If you don’t, it won’t matter. We are no longer elephants, but we live without bothering.

Time passed. The Mouse looked with envy at the happy Mice, who were just Mice.

“I still have everything ahead,” the Mouse reassured himself, looking at the diploma.

So the mouse grew old. All his life he felt unhappy because he could not become an Elephant.

If I could start life over again,” sighed the Mouse, “I would definitely achieve my goal.”

To be happy, you need to set the right goals.

Mother's Eyes

Two people - young and old - stood near the well and boasted to each other who understood other people better. At this time, an old woman approached them and asked if a handsome, tall young man had passed by.

“He went to the river,” the old man immediately answered.

But only a short elderly man with an ugly appearance passed by us,” the young man was surprised.

That's right, but the woman was asking about her son. And for the mother, no matter how many years pass, the son will always be handsome and young.

Try to look at the world through someone else's eyes, and then you will understand others better.

Two frogs

Two frogs were jumping on the ground and accidentally fell into a deep cauldron with sour cream. The first frog said sadly:

She folded her paws and drowned.

Two frogs were jumping on the ground and accidentally fell into a deep cauldron with sour cream. The first frog said sadly:

Well, that's it, our life is over.

She folded her paws and drowned.

And the second one really didn’t want to die. And he doesn’t see a way out, and he doesn’t want to die. While I was thinking what to do, I kept jumping. While she was jumping, the sour cream hardened and turned into butter. The frog pushed off and jumped out.

Don't stop jumping and maybe you'll jump out.

Good horse

Once upon a time there lived a horse, and he had a house.

One day a donkey came to the horse and brought a new table and threw away the old one. Then, in the same way, a bunch of other things appeared in the house. And the horse didn’t know whether to be happy or sad, because he now slept on the floor, ate at the doorstep, and generally tried to be at home less often.

He wanted, as usual, to pinch a blade of grass in the garden, but there was a sign hanging there: “Do not eat grass!”

One day the donkey scratched the horse behind the ear and said:

When did you grow up so much? And you don't look like a cat at all.

Which cat?

Yes, because he sold me his house.

The horse imagined how unpleasant it would be for the donkey if he

finds out the truth, and said:

Oh yes, I completely forgot!

No, I'd better go.

As you know. Just don’t forget to repay the debt.

What debt?

You lived with me for six months and you ask - which one?

Sorry,” the horse blushed.

He was even pleased that he had done a good deed for the donkey. And then he could now sleep wherever he had to, graze the grass wherever he wanted. And he went, humming a song about three foals and thinking that he must definitely repay the debt to the donkey so that he would not guess anything and would not be upset.

Sometimes a too kind horse can still ruin... if not the furrow, then its own life. You need to defend your home to the end... even if there are not three foals there yet.

Rain and sun

One woman had two sons. The older man was selling umbrellas. The younger one was painting textiles. When the sun was shining, no one bought umbrellas from the eldest son, and when it rained, the youngest son’s fabrics did not dry. The woman's life was sad and hopeless.

One day she met a wise man and he gave her advice. From then on, when the sun was shining, she was happy for her youngest son, who successfully dried his fabrics, and when it rained, she was happy for her younger son, from whom everyone bought umbrellas. And life got better.

You have to be able to do good things in life.

Friends and foes

The king asked his steward to go around the castles and lands and call as many of his friends as possible for Christmas. He went around the castles and lands, but instead of friends he invited all the royal enemies. When the king saw them, he shuddered to the core and asked in surprise why he did this.

The manager replied:

Your friends, king, come to you at any time and at any hour of the year, and you gladly receive them. But when you accidentally meet your enemies, your face is overshadowed by a dark cloud of sadness. That is why I brought these people here, so that your friendly face and good feast would turn them from your enemies into friends.

And so it happened: even before the feast began, most of those who considered themselves enemies of the king became his friends, for the first time knowing the real king, and not the one about whom they had heard a lot of bad things.

If you want your enemies to become friends, do not be afraid to take a step towards them.

Golden serpent, silver wind

There were two cities not far from each other. When they grew so large that walls had to be built around them, the first city built a wall in the shape of an orange, and the second in the shape of a pig. But since life is full of symbols and signs, the shape of the city wall had its own meaning, and a pig could always eat an orange. Therefore, residents of one city had to be wary of residents of another city. But by the end of the month, after heavy construction work, the wall changed its orange shape to the shape of a club that could always be beaten by a pig, and the residents of this city began to live much easier and more fun. Then the inhabitants of the neighboring city also changed the shape of the city wall, turning the pig into a fire that could burn a club. And again danger loomed until the idea came up to rebuild their wall in the shape of a lake that could be filled with fire. But terrible and amazing days followed, each like a new box with a terrible surprise. In a nearby town, the wall was rebuilt to resemble a mouth that could drink up a lake. The needle is a sword, the scabbard is lightning, the eagle is lightning, the moon is the sun.

Both cities did not have time to rebuild their walls in anticipation of misfortunes from their neighbors. The residents, who had been working for a long time to rebuild the walls, looked like pale shadows. The mandarin of the city himself fell ill from his experiences. The situation in both cities was hopeless. Then the mandarins of these cities met. They were carried to the top of the hill, into the sun, where the children were flying kites in the summer wind. And then they decided that the first city would build its walls in the shape

willow branch

One monk took out a willow cutting somewhere and planted it in his garden.

“Be careful that children don’t climb in and break it,” he ordered the servant.

The servant was very diligent. He set up a table on the terrace and looked after the cutting all day long. So seven days passed. One day the monk came to the garden again and expressed concern that the willow branch might be broken at night.

“I’ve already thought about that,” the servant answered smugly. - Since you can’t see anything at night anyway, every evening I pull out a branch and lock it in a box.

If you want to do something well, try to understand the meaning of what you are doing.


A man who had been searching for the truth for many years entered a cave and asked his question about the truth to a magic well. From the depths came the answer: “In the village at the crossroads you will find what you are looking for.”

Full of hope, the man ran to the village. At the crossroads he saw three shops. In one they sold pieces of metal, in another - some pieces of wood, and in the third - thin wire. Disappointed, he returned to the well to demand an explanation. But I heard only one phrase: “You’ll understand soon.”

Years passed. The story of the well was forgotten when one moonlit night he heard the sounds of an ancient musical instrument.

He looked at his fingers dancing along the strings and suddenly realized: the instrument was made from the very materials that were once sold in shops at the crossroads.

Everything has already been given to us, we just need to be able to use it.

Princely morals

Of all his wealth, the prince valued most of all a carriage decorated with golden dragons. The subjects knew: whoever dares to sit in the prince's carriage will answer for it with his head.

The prince had a favorite official, Ni. One night, Nee's mother became seriously ill. Ni rushed out into the street, jumped into the prince's carriage, whipped the horses and rushed after the doctor. In the morning he came to the palace, knelt down before the prince and explained why he had violated the order.

Then the prince said to the courtiers:

Ni showed an example of filial love. For this I praise him and give him a golden vase!

The next day, while walking in the garden, Ni picked a peach from a tree, bit it and respectfully handed it to the prince, because the peach seemed unusually tasty to him. And the pleased prince said to the courtiers:

Take the example of Ni. He always remembers his prince!

But time passed, and the prince had a new favorite.

Someone asked the prince why Ni had angered him. The prince answered angrily:

Don't you know that he disobeyed my orders and got into my carriage? Don't you know that he dared to offer me a bitten peach? Isn't all this enough to cut off a criminal's head?

Each action can be assessed differently. It all depends on the mood of the one who judges.

Who is valued more?

The student asked the teacher:

Please tell me who people value more - those who talk a lot, or those who talk little?

The teacher replied:

From morning until morning frogs scream in the swamp. But no one pays attention to them. The rooster crows only at dawn, and people listen to him: they get up and get to work.

If you have nothing to say, then better keep quiet.

Wallet with gold

One day the rabbi stood at the window and looked out onto the street. Seeing a passerby, he knocked on the window and invited him to enter the house. And he asked what he would do with a wallet filled with gold if he found the wallet on the road. The passerby replied that he would try to find the owner to return the wallet to him. “You are a fool,” the rabbi told him.

The next passerby answered the same question that he was not such a fool as to give away a wallet with money. “You are a bad person,” said the rabbi and called a third.

He replied that he could not say in advance what he would do, because he did not know what would win in him at the moment when he found the wallet - greed or righteousness. “These are good words! - exclaimed the rabbi. “You are a true sage.”

Never judge in advance, because you really don’t know how you will act.


One day, the poor fellow, who was constantly complaining about his cross, about his poverty, dreamed that he was in a large room filled with different crosses. And a voice from above told him: “You complained about your cross, choose any other one.”

The poor man began to look for a lighter cross for himself. I grabbed one but couldn’t lift it, the other only slightly lifted it off the ground. The third cross, although it didn’t seem heavy, cut my shoulders painfully. So he went through all the crosses, but did not find a single one suitable for himself. There was another cross left in the corner, which he did not test, because it looked the largest and heaviest. Raising this cross, the poor man joyfully shouted that this cross suited him, because although it was large, it was lighter than others.

They removed the veil from this cross, and on it was the inscription: “Poverty.” So the poor man was left with his own cross.

Everyone bears the cross they choose.

Merchant and scientist

A merchant and a scientist were sailing on a ship. The rich merchant carried with him a lot of goods, but the scientist had nothing. A storm arose and the ship was wrecked. Both grabbed onto a log, and the wave threw them ashore. The merchant sees that the scientist is sad and says:

It was I who lost all my wealth, and you have nothing to be sad about: everything is yours with you.

Knowledge is the best capital that cannot be lost.


Old Asanbek fell ill. Neither day nor night he had no rest from the acute pain.

Doctors treated him, loudly cast spells, appealed to the spirits, but nothing helped him. From the excruciating and unbearable pain, he decided to die and took out a sharp knife.

Asanbek had an only son, sixteen years old. He saw a knife in his father’s hands, rushed to him and took it away and said:

Father, it cannot be that the son cannot help his father. Even if a hundred doctors could not do this. When you moan, it seems to me that I myself am seriously ill. I’ll mount a horse, go to foreign lands and find someone who can cure you. Don't lose hope.

The young man mounted his horse and rode off. The mother looked after him for a long time and was glad that she had such a determined son. Then she came to her husband and joyfully said:

Your son is already quite an adult. It was wrong for us to consider him a boy. One can only be proud of such a horseman.

Old Asanbek, who had not smiled for a long time, smiled. He leaned on his elbows, felt much better and even asked to drink cold kumiss.

Children's care is the best medicine.

Fox and Crane

The Fox and the Crane became friends. The Fox decided to treat the crane. She invited him to visit her. The Crane went to the banquet. And Lisa cooked semolina porridge and spread it on a plate.

The crane knocks and knocks its nose on the plate, but nothing gets into its mouth. And Lisa licks her porridge and licks it. So she ate everything herself.

The Crane, leaving, invited the Fox to his feast. The next day the Fox came to the Crane, and he prepared okroshka, put it in a jug with a narrow neck, put it on the table and said:

Eat, gossip, really, there’s nothing else to regale you with. The fox began to spin around the jug. And he will come in like this, and that way, and lick him, and sniff him, but his head won’t fit into the jug. And the Crane pecks and pecks until it has eaten everything.

If you want to be friends with someone, take care of them, not yourself. And it is better not to serve semolina porridge or okroshka at invited feasts.

Extra legs

The centipede came to consult the owl about pain in his legs.

You have too many legs! - answered the owl. - If you become a mouse, you will only have four legs and only a tenth of the pain.

“Great idea,” answered the centipede. - Show me how to become a mouse.

How to become a mouse? “Don’t bother me with all sorts of trifles,” answered the owl. - I'm just developing the right strategy.

If you are just developing the right strategy, you risk becoming irrelevant as a consultant.

Horse and camel

In former times, the Horse, turning to the sun, said:

O generous sun, giving life to all living things! I am called one of the most beautiful among animals. However, I think some things in my body can be made even more beautiful.

So what? - asked the sun, smiling.

If my legs became even longer and slimmer, and my neck became as long as a swan's, it would decorate me even more. If my chest were wider, I would become stronger, and in order to always carry people on my back, a non-removable saddle on the back would not hurt.

Well, - the sun answered cheerfully, - be it your way. - And lowered the camel to the ground. - Here is an animal made exactly according to your description. He has long legs, an elongated swan-like neck, a wide chest and a ready-made saddle. So how? Do you want to become the same?

N-n-no! - the horse said, stuttering from fear.

From that day camels appeared on earth.

Be yourself, and that's the most beautiful thing there can be.

The wisdom of the healer

One sultan was sailing with his favorite servant on a ship. The servant, who could not swim and had never gone to sea before, sat in the empty hold, trembling and crying. Everyone was kind to him and tried to calm him down. However, words of sympathy reached only his ears, but not his heart, tormented by fear. Such a journey did not give the Sultan any pleasure. Then his court physician said:

Oh lord, if you allow me, I will calm him down.

After the Sultan agreed, the doctor ordered the sailors to throw the servant into the sea. The servant clung to the side of the ship and begged to be taken onto the ship. They pulled him out of the water by his hair, and he quietly sat down in the corner. No more complaints came from his lips. The Sultan asked the doctor to explain the essence of what happened.

Your servant could not know what happiness it was to feel the hard planks of a ship's deck under his feet until he learned what it was like to drown in the waves of the sea.

The value of calm and self-control was learned only then, at least once, one looked danger straight in the eye.

Ants and Snail

The Ants began to build an anthill. They laid out a dozen needles, and then the Snail appeared and shouted:

Why are you building an anthill on my road? Now remove everything!

The ants took away the needles, and the snail crawled. In a new place, the Ants built a high anthill, and when they put the last needle on top, the Snail appeared.

Again? - she screamed. -Are you kidding me? Now get everything out of the way.

She hid in the house and snored.

“The snail doesn’t care where to crawl,” said one Ant, “but we can’t live without an anthill, we’ll freeze in winter.” We need to turn the Snail around.

The Snail woke up in the morning and couldn’t believe her eyes. The road is clear.

Of course, I don’t care where to crawl, but on principle I don’t want to turn if I can crawl straight.

And, pleased that the Ants gave in, she crawled back to where she had come from.

Sometimes it is better to pretend that you are giving in, and the evil will go away by itself.

You can't please everyone

A father and his son were traveling through the dusty alleys of a southern city in the midday heat. The father rode on a donkey, and the son led him by the bridle. Passers-by began to scold the father because the little boy was exhausted, and he was lazily sitting on a donkey. The father got off the donkey and ordered his son to sit on horseback. After a while, passers-by began to shame the boy for sitting on a donkey, like a sultan, while his poor old father ran behind him. The boy became upset and asked his father to sit on the donkey behind him. Passers-by began to be outraged by the ruthless treatment of the animal. When the father and son walked next to the donkey, people began to mock them. Then the father put his hand on his son’s shoulder and said:

No matter what we do, there will definitely be someone who will disagree with us. We ourselves must decide what to do.

A father and his son were traveling through the dusty alleys of a southern city in the midday heat. The father rode on a donkey, and the son led him by the bridle. Passers-by began to scold the father because the little boy was exhausted, and he was lazily sitting on a donkey. The father got off the donkey and ordered his son to sit on horseback. After a while, passers-by began to shame the boy for sitting on a donkey, like a sultan, while his poor old father ran behind him. The boy became upset and asked his father to sit on the donkey behind him. Passers-by began to be outraged by the ruthless treatment of the animal. When the father and son walked next to the donkey, people began to mock them. Then the father put his hand on his son’s shoulder and said:

No matter what we do, there will definitely be someone who will disagree with us. We ourselves must decide what to do.

Father's order

One wealthy man had an only son. Before his death, his father gave him three pieces of advice:

Never say hello first, eat sweets every evening, wear new shoes every morning.

When the father died, the son began to carry out his father's will. As a result of the fact that he did not say hello first, everyone in the village stopped talking to him, and the money was spent on sweets and shoes.

Then he came to his mother and asked:

My father could not be my enemy, why did he give me such an order?

And the mother replied:

The order means - get up before everyone else and work in the field, then people passing by will be the first to greet you. The second command means: if you work all day, then in the evening any food will seem sweet. The third commandment means that before going to bed, you need to put your clothes in order so that in the morning they seem new to everyone.

From the next morning, the young man began life according to his father’s orders. After some time, he became rich, married the most beautiful girl and passed this order on to his children.

Don't be lazy to do your job and create yourself.

Don't draw snake legs

Two tired travelers approached an inn at night and asked to spend the night. The owner said:

There is only room for one mat in the room. Some of you will have to sleep on the street. Whoever draws a snake on the ground with a stick faster, I will let him into the house.

One of them was the first to draw a snake and exclaimed:

While you're digging, I'll still have time to draw six legs for the snake.

When he finished the sixth leg, his companion put his wand aside and said contentedly:

I finished drawing the snake first.

To his friend's objections, he replied:

Are you saying that you drew a snake? But a snake has no legs. I drew a real snake, and therefore I will sleep in the house, and you will sleep in the yard, on the bare ground. Since then, in China they say: don’t draw snake legs!

When solving a problem, you must remember the task itself and follow the conditions.

"Inexperienced" master

In the early 1930s, a US manufacturing company sent an industrial machine to Japan.

A month later the company received a telegram: “The machine is not working. Send an adjuster."

The company sent a specialist there. Before he could start work, the company received a new telegram: “The adjuster is too young. Send someone more experienced."

The company responded: “You better take advantage of it. It was he who invented the machine.”

Age adds, but does not add intelligence.

Night meeting

The expedition landed on Mars more than a year ago. Tom rode on the night planet and smiled. He liked it here. Suddenly he saw a Martian.

Hello! - he said.

Hello! - said the Martian in his language.

They didn't understand each other.

What did you say? - they continued, each in their own language.

What are you doing here?

Both frowned. In the incomprehensible speech and unfamiliar gestures of the other, both were ready to see a threat. A little more - and the meeting would have ended sadly. But Tom smiled, and the Martian responded in kind.

Their hands met and, as if through fog, passed through one another. Tom poured the Martian a cup of coffee, but he could not take it. The knife that the Martian threw to Tom as a sign of friendship passed through his clasped palms and fell to the ground. They existed in different dimensions, in different times. Each of them had their own world. But these worlds did not intersect. And, unable to find a way to each other, the travelers went their separate ways.

People often try to reach out to each other. But only those who are in one dimension can reach it. And this rarely happens.


The prince inherited the kingdom. And he had everything in abundance, like all kings. But suddenly troubles began, a drought set in, an epidemic began, the enemy took the kingdom by storm and destroyed the survivors. The king managed to escape. He went to his friend, the king of a neighboring state, with whom they grew up together. When he reached his friend's capital, the guards did not let him in, not believing that he was a king, looking at his rags. He had to get a job and earn money for decent clothes.

Only then did he appear before his friend. He reacted with compassion to the guest’s story and, after thinking, ordered his subjects to give him a flock of sheep of 100 heads.

Killed by the “friendly” attitude, the unfortunate man trudged off to graze the sheep, because he had no other choice. While he was tending sheep, wolves attacked his flock and destroyed all the sheep. He had to dejectedly return to his friend and ask for help again.

This time he was given 50 goals. But this herd also died. The next time he was given only 25 sheep. And after some time he already had a flock of 1000 sheep. Delighted, he came to the palace and said that in a year he would have twice as much.

Then his friend, delighted by this news, hugged him and ordered him to give him the neighboring state instead of sheep.

But our king, who had long been disillusioned with friendly relations, asked:

Why didn’t you give it to me right away?

I was waiting for you to learn how to manage at least sheep.

To manage people, you must learn to manage at least sheep.

Donkey and horse

A horse and a donkey were walking from the market. The donkey was loaded above its head, and the horse ran lightly. They went halfway. The donkey was tired, barely breathing, and he asked the horse to take part of the load.

But the horse didn’t even blink. A little later the donkey begged: “I can’t do it anymore! Help."

But the horse only spins its ears.

The road went uphill, the donkey asked for the last time and, without waiting for help, fell exhausted.

There is nothing to do. The owner of the donkey unloaded the load and put all the luggage on the horse. Now the donkey ran lightly, and the horse took the rap for two.

Help others, if not from the bottom of your heart, then at least out of profit.

Father and sons

The father ordered his sons to live in harmony; they didn't listen. So he ordered to bring a broom and said:

Break it!

No matter how much they fought, they could not break it.

Then the father untied the broom and ordered them to break one rod at a time.

They easily broke the bars one by one.

The father says:

So do you: if you live in harmony, no one will defeat you; and if they quarrel and everyone is apart, everyone will easily destroy you. But the main thing is that the broom in the house sometimes needs to be changed, at least somehow


The winegrower gave the gardener two roosters and said:

You will breed purebred chickens. The gardener was happy, but early: the roosters were constantly fighting with each other and walking around bleeding.

The gardener complained to the winegrower, and he advised:

Catch the roosters and pluck them.

Won't they die?

Don't worry.

The gardener plucked the roosters and released them. They felt cold, they huddled close to each other to keep warm, and made peace.

Likewise, people often cling to each other when they are overcome by troubles. Although it is better for roosters to have an isolated cage.

Let down character

The fox fell into a trap. Bad things: being her collar. A mouse runs past.

Help me, mouse, I will remember forever.

The mouse ran up to the fox, and the fox grabbed it and swallowed it. Luckily, a hamster runs past.

Help, yummy, and I will be useful to you.

The hamster began to free the trap, and the Fox herself did not have time to come to her senses before she swallowed it. The fox began to cry and scolded her unbearable character. No, to wait until they are released and then eat it.

Then the hunter arrived in time.

Evil always harms first of all the one who commits it, not wanting to curb his character.

Bird in a cage

One bird lived in a cage for a very long time. She often looked out the window, where trees and a meadow could be seen. More than once I saw other birds flying merrily in freedom, and I often thought about what it would be like to feel the sun warming my back, the wind spreading my wings, and, soaring and diving down, catching midges in flight. When the bird thought about this, her heart began to beat faster. She sat higher on the bar and, breathing deeply, almost felt the thrill of possible flight.

Sometimes another bird sat on the ledge by the window, rested there for a while and looked at the bird sitting in the cage. The traveler tilted her head to the side and seemed to ask herself if this was possible. Bird in a cage! Unthinkable!

And at these moments the bird felt completely unhappy. Her small shoulders drooped, there was a lump in her throat, and sadness lay on her heart.

One day the bird's owner left the cage door open. The bird sat and looked out through the open door. She saw the birds fluttering there, free, saw the sun playing on their backs, and the wind ruffled their feathers, and she felt excitement. The bird noticed that the window was open, and its heart beat even faster.

She tried to decide what to do. And I was still thinking when the owner returned at sunset and locked the cage door. The bird chose safety over freedom.

Everyone has what they want, but if you grew up in security, maybe you don't need freedom so much?


The owner had two workers: Vanka and Fedka. Vanka moved twice as much as Fedka, but received half as much. Once a cart with a load passed by the village, and the owner sent Vanka to find out what kind of cart it was. Vanka ran to the cart and, returning, told the owner that the cart was carrying wheat.

Are they taking her to sell? - asked the owner.

And Vanka ran back to the cart.

Yes, sell,” he said, pleased that he returned quickly.

And how much do they sell?

“I’ll find out now,” Vanka said and ran back. So he ran several times until the owner got tired of it and sent Fedka, who had to run quite far.

Half an hour later, a cart loaded with grain drove into the yard. And Fedka explained to the owner that in the neighboring village there was a lot of wheat and... That’s why they take it for next to nothing to sell it to a distant village, where the harvest is failing, and that if you buy this wheat now, and sell it to the distant village yourself in two months, you can make a decent profit.

The owner did just that. That's why Fedka received more money than Vanka.

You need to pay more to those who bring more benefit, who move more.

Raja and his wife

The Raja's wife had amazing abilities: she could walk on the water of a pond, stand on a lotus leaf and scoop up water with a jug made of unfired clay.

Although the Raja was very rich, he and his wife always dressed in simple white clothes and did everything with their own hands. People loved and respected them for this.

They had a magic stone that could turn ordinary things into precious ones, but they never used it, because the rajah's wife had incomparable charm even without jewelry.

But one day, during a national holiday, the wife saw women in rich multi-colored outfits and expensive jewelry. She wanted to be no worse than others and asked her husband for the same clothes and jewelry. He tried to reason with her:

In your simple white robe, you cannot compare with anyone in the world in grace and beauty. Why do you want to become like everyone else?

However, she insisted and he did everything she asked. And when she went to the other women for the holiday, she was one and many. They simply didn't notice her. When the rajah's wife lowered her unfired clay jug into the well, it turned into ordinary clay... And when she tried to walk on the water, she felt that she was drowning.

Each person has his own path, and there is no need to strive to be like everyone else.

Gauntlets and ax

The old man died and left an inheritance to his sons: the eldest - a house, the middle - a cow, the youngest - mittens and an ax.

The eldest began to live in his own home, the middle one began to sell milk, and the youngest began to cut bread and salt with an ax.

How many or how many years have passed, only the hut of a careless owner has become askew, the cow of a lazy cowshed has lost milk, and mittens and an ax are enough to cut oars or knit frames. Cities are being built, bridges are being built, dams are being built, mills are being installed. The youngest son cut down his own house and bought his own cow.

The brothers thought that the ax was enchanted and decided to drag it away. But the ax doesn't work. Apparently, the power is not in one ax. They also took away the mittens. Again - nothing.

And the younger brother, the master, bought a new ax and mittens and began to work and sing a song again. The brothers realized that it was not a matter of an ax and mittens, but of skill. They also became masters.

The best inheritance is skills.

From hearsay

Teacher Lezi fell into poverty and was exhausted from hunger. Some guest told the king about this. In order not to be considered an enemy of the sages, the king immediately ordered the servant to give Lezi millet.

The teacher went out to the messenger, bowed twice, but did not accept the millet. His wife began beating her chest and said:

We were exhausted from hunger. The king gives you grains. Why are you refusing?

Teacher Lezi smiled and replied:

The king sends millet as a gift, but he hasn’t seen me, he knows about me only from hearsay. So, from hearsay, he will accuse me of a crime. That's why I didn't accept the gift.

Beware of those who judge others based on hearsay.

The best zoo

Towards the end of August, a huge silver spaceship arrived on Earth, bringing Professor Hugo's zoo. The zoo only opened for six hours. Already at dawn, adults and children were lining up in a long line. Everyone clutched the treasured dollar in their hands - the entrance fee to look at unprecedented animals.

The earthlings crowded around the cages, experiencing both disgust and admiration at the sight of unusual creatures that looked like horses and spiders at the same time.

Six hours later, the professor said that the zoo was leaving for other cities on Earth. Many of those present said that this time the zoo was the most interesting in recent years.

Two months later, the silver ship landed among the jagged rocks of the planet Kaan. The ship's passengers, who looked like horses and spiders at the same time, left the cages. At home they were greeted with questions.

The little boy, who returned with his father, said:

The most interesting thing about the excursion was planet Earth. The people there cover their skin with clothing and walk on two legs.

Aren't they dangerous? - asked the mother.

No. We were protected from them by bars and did not leave the ship. But this spectacle was worth the money we paid for the excursion.

Never feel superior to anyone.

Fairy tales

The grandson loved to endlessly listen to bedtime stories that his grandfather read. And since these were the same fairy tales, the inventive grandfather once recorded them on a tape recorder so that his grandson himself would press the button and listen.

But the next evening the grandson again came to his grandfather with the same book of fairy tales, climbed onto his lap, as always, and asked him to read the fairy tales.

Children no longer need information, but love.


There lived a cattle breeder in one country. He was honest and sober, he never offended anyone, and all his flocks grazed in the mountains and meadows unattended, and neither animals nor people offended them, since he had no enemies.

There lived in the same country a lazy man and a slacker. One day this cattle breeder meets him and asks:

How are you living?

I can barely breathe from hunger.

Come to me, work for a year, I’ll give you a couple of good bulls - you’ll plow, sow your field, and you’ll be fed.

Thought the quitter:

Here's another thing: working for a couple of bulls. They say his sheep graze on their own, so I’ll go and get whatever I want.

I thought and went. He climbed into the mountains and saw: cattle were scattered across the mountains, but there were no shepherds. As soon as he approached, all the multitude of cattle crowded together in one place. The lazy man came up and saw: a tiny man standing among the cattle, and the cows and sheep were fawning over him. The lazy man was surprised and asked:

What kind of creature are you?

And I am the happiness of the owner of this herd.

Where is my happiness?

Yours is on such and such a mountain, under such and such a bush.

The lazy man went, barely reached the mountain, got tired, lay down under some bush and dozed off. When I woke up, the sun was already setting. Suddenly he hears someone sigh. He sees a little man lying under a bush, skin and bones, lying there groaning.

What kind of creature are you?

And I am your happiness.

Oh, you slacker! - the lazy man got angry. “I’m dying of hunger, and you’re lying here, doing nothing!”

You are sitting idle, and I am even more so.

What is the owner, such is his happiness.

Such different birds

Are you a bird? - the albatross asked the penguin.

Then fly with me!

The penguin folded its flippers and disappeared under the water.

“They don’t fly like that,” said the albatross.

“So you’re not a bird,” answered the penguin.

Try to understand the other, maybe he is also right in his own way.

The Tsar and the Crane

A certain sage brought a bowl of living water to King Suleiman and said:

If you drink, you will gain immortality; if you don’t drink, you will eventually go to the land of the dead.

The king thought about it and ordered to invite all the wise men on earth for advice: people and animals. All the wise men began to praise life and its blessings and agreed that Suleiman should drink the living water. Only the wisest crane asked Suleiman:

Will you drink the living water alone or will you give it to all your friends?

The king replied:

They brought water only for me, and there won’t be enough for anyone else.

Do you need a life without friends and loved ones?

The king thought and did not drink the living water.

To outlive everyone and be left alone is another question: is this a punishment or a reward?

Shovel handle

In one Russian village there lived a man. Since childhood, he could not move, and therefore the only thing he could do was lie on the stove. So he lay there for about thirty years. Probably, his life would have ended on this same stove, if his life, if one day an old man passing through this village had not entered his hut.

“Give me some water to drink,” the elder asked.

“I am not able to help you, old man, because in my entire life I have not taken a single step without someone’s help,” the patient said and began to cry.

How long have you tried to take this step? – asked the old man.

A very long time ago,” answered the patient. – I don’t even remember how many years ago.

Here’s a magic staff for you, lean on it and go get some water,” said the elder and handed him the staff.

The sick man crawled down from the stove, as if in a dream, grabbed the staff with his hands and... stood up! He cried again, but this time with happiness.

How can I thank you and what kind of wonderful staff did you give me?! – exclaimed the young man.

This staff is an ordinary shovel handle that stood behind your stove,” the elder answered. “There’s nothing magical about it.” You were able to stand up because you believed in the staff and forgot about your weakness. The next time you're having a hard time in life, don't sit back and wait for help from others, but take a closer look around you. Nearby there will always be some kind of “staff” left by God especially for you.

What's more important

One day a boatman was transporting a venerable old man. The old man carelessly leaned over the side of the boat and began to drown. The boatman saved him and began to question him. It turned out that the prince had invited the elder to become an adviser. The boatman was very surprised:

You don't know how to swim at all. I swim like a fish. Why did the prince choose you?

The elder replied:

You are a boatman and therefore you are convinced that the most important thing is to be able to swim. The peasant is convinced that the main thing is to be able to grow rice. The hunter is convinced that his business is most necessary. But they are all wrong. The truth is different. It is necessary that some people swim well, others grow crops well, and still others know the habits of animals and know how to shoot without missing a beat. Only then will the state be rich. But you have not comprehended this truth and therefore you will remain a boatman until the end of your days. I, a decrepit old man who cannot swim, will help the prince govern the state.

Those who can think well should manage.

Buddha and villagers

One day, Buddha and his disciples walked past a village in which opponents of Buddhism lived. Residents poured out of their houses, surrounded them and began to insult them. The Buddha's disciples became angry and were ready to fight back. After a pause, the Buddha spoke, and his speech confused not only the villagers, but also the disciples. First he addressed his disciples:

These people are doing their job. They are angry, it seems to them that I am the enemy of their religion, their moral principles. So they insult me, and this is natural. But why are you suddenly angry? Why do you have this reaction? You behaved as these people expected, and thereby allowed them to manipulate you. If so, it means you are dependent on them. But aren't you free? The people from the village also did not expect such a reaction. They fell silent.

In the silence that followed, Buddha addressed them:

Have you said everything? If you haven't spoken out yet, you'll have the opportunity when we head back.

The puzzled villagers asked:

But we insulted you, why aren’t you even angry with us?

Buddha replied:

You are free people, and what you did is your right. I don't react to this. Therefore, no one and nothing can force me to react the way he wants, no one can influence me and manipulate me. My actions flow from my inner state, from my awareness. And I would like to ask you a question that concerns you. In the previous village, people greeted me with treats. I told them: “Thank you, we have already had breakfast, take these fruits and sweets with my blessing for yourself. We cannot carry them with us because we do not carry food with us.” And now I ask you: What do you think they did with what I did not accept and returned to them?

One person from the crowd said:

They must have taken these fruits and sweets back and distributed them to their children and families.

“And today I do not accept your insults and curses,” said the Buddha. I'm returning them to you. What will you do with them? Take them with you and do whatever you want with them.

Two views of the world. Parable of Socrates

It was approaching noon. Socrates went for a walk outside of Athens. He stopped to rest near a milepost about five miles from the city. A traveler got off the road and headed towards him.

Greetings my friend. Could you tell me if I'm going the right way to Athens?

Socrates replied that he was on the right path.

Stick to the beaten path. This is a big city, you can't miss it. “Tell me,” asked the traveler, “what are the people of Athens like?”

Well,” Socrates replied, “tell me where you came from and what kind of people live there, and I’ll tell you about the people of Athens.”

I'm from Argos. And I am proud and happy to tell you that the people of Argos are the friendliest, happiest and most generous people I have ever known.

“I am happy to make you happy, my friend,” said Socrates, “The people of Athens are exactly the same.”

The traveler went his way, and Socrates remained near the milestone. This conversation made him feel joy and pleasure from the kindness and humanity of the world around him. Here another traveler left the road.

Greetings my friend. Am I going to Athens on the right path?

Socrates confirmed that the path was correct.

Go straight. It's a big city, you can't miss it.

Tell me, - asked the traveler, - what are the people living in Athens like?

Well,” Socrates smiled, “tell me where you are from and what kind of people live there, and I will tell you about the inhabitants of Athens.”

“I am from Argos,” answered the traveler, “and I hate to tell you this, but the inhabitants of Argos are the most dishonest, stingy and unfriendly people I have ever met.

“I’m sorry to disappoint you, my friend,” said Socrates, “but the people of Athens are exactly the same.

And then I went to look for her.

But it was raining heavily outside, lightning was constantly flashing in the sky, thunder was thundering loudly and loudly... From these lightnings, from this thunder, the woman was terribly scared.

Life story...

The merchant returned home from his trip. And he discovered that his son was completely out of control. What to do? You need to raise your son somehow. But how?

Having thought carefully, the father came up with this: he dug a pillar in front of the house, and after each misdeed of his son, he drove a nail into this pillar.

Some time passed... And there was no living space left on the pillar - it was all studded with nails.

This picture captured my son's imagination.

The lion was sleeping under a tree. Suddenly the Mouse ran over his body. He woke up and caught her. The mouse began to ask him to let her in; She said:

- If you let me in, I’ll do you good.

The lion laughed that the mouse promised to do good to him. But he still let her go. Then the hunters caught the lion and tied it to a tree with a rope. The mouse heard the lion's roar, came running, chewed the rope and said:

“You remember, you laughed, you didn’t think that I could do you any good, but now you see, sometimes good comes from a mouse.”

Parable. How to find friends

The girl arrived in a village where she knew no one. She complained to dad:

- I'm bored. Nobody wants to be friends with me. How can I find friends?
- There are a lot of friends around. Go out into the street, daughter, and take a closer look.- he said.

The girl went out into the street - no one was there. She went into the field. He sees a foal running. I rushed to catch up, but didn’t catch up. A hare jumped out from under a bush. She rushed to catch him, but didn’t catch him. He saw a dove flying, and ran after it, but wherever. The dove flew away. The girl saw a ladybug, extended her hand and... caught it.

- Let me go!- asked the ladybug.

Two oars

Parables for children

Parable of Good and Evil

Once upon a time, an old Indian revealed a vital truth to his grandson:

There is a struggle in every person, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil - envy, jealousy, selfishness, ambition, lies...

The other wolf represents goodness - peace, love, hope, truth, kindness, loyalty...

The little Indian, touched to the depths of his soul by his grandfather’s words, thought for a few moments, and then asked:

Which wolf wins in the end?

The old Indian smiled faintly and replied:

The wolf you feed always wins."

Wise father

The carpenter taught his two sons to work from childhood. At first the boys simply played with the boards, and then they learned how to process them and make wooden toys.
One day, their father went away on business, and the boys decided to do something on their own.
“I’ll make a bench like a real carpenter,” said the older boy.
- But dad didn’t teach us how to make a bench. “I think it’s difficult,” the younger brother objected.
“It’s not difficult for a carpenter to make a bench,” the older boy said proudly.
- And I’ll make a boat. It’s spring now, and I’ll let him into the stream,” the younger one decided.
He spent a long time and carefully planing the board so that it looked like a boat, and then made a mast from a stick and a sail from paper.
The older boy also tried. When all the parts of the bench were ready, he began to knock them down.
This turned out to be difficult, as the pieces were not made to size and did not fit well together.
When the father returned, the youngest son showed him his boat.
- A wonderful toy. “Run outside, send the boat sailing,” the father praised.
Then he asked his eldest son:
- What did you do? He showed a crooked little bench.
“Your nails are hard to drive in,” the boy muttered and blushed.
“Son, if you want to become a real master, always drive the nail that is driven in,” the father said sternly.

Questions and tasks:

Respect for mother

The first rich man of the city organized a celebration in honor of the birth of his son. All noble townspeople were invited. Only the rich man’s mother did not come to the holiday. She lived far away in the village and, apparently, was unable to come.
On the occasion of this wonderful event, tables were set up in the central square of the city and refreshments were prepared for everyone. At the height of the holiday, an old woman covered with a veil knocked on the rich man’s gate.
- All the beggars are treated to food in the central square. Go there,” the servant ordered the beggar.
“I don’t need any treats, just let me look at the baby for one minute,” the old woman asked, and then added:
- I am also a mother, and I also once had a son. Now I have been living alone for a long time, and have not seen my son for many years.
The servant asked the owner what he should do.

The rich man looked out the window and saw a poorly dressed woman covered with an old blanket.
- You see, this is a beggar woman. Drive her away,” he angrily ordered the servant. - Every beggar has his own mother, but I cannot allow them all to look at my son.
The old woman began to cry and sadly said to the servant:
- Tell the owner that I wish my son and grandson health and happiness, and also say: “He who respects his own mother will not curse someone else’s.”
When the servant conveyed the words of the old woman, the rich man realized that it was his mother who came to him. He rushed out of the house, but his mother was nowhere to be seen.

Questions and tasks:

Someone else's mother

The old woman walked with difficulty along the muddy road. She had a large bag over her shoulders.

She had just left the city when she saw a carriage coming towards her.

The young driver stopped and waited for the old woman to step aside and make way for him.

The old woman, breathless, asked the young man:

Take me home, honey, and I'll give you half a bag of rice. Kind people gave me a bag of rice, but it’s too heavy, I’m afraid I won’t be able to carry it.

Sorry, I can't, mother. For two days I worked without rest - driving people. “I’m tired and my horse is tired,” the driver refused.

The carriage drove away, and the old woman, with difficulty lifting the bag onto her shoulders, wandered on.

Suddenly she heard the clatter of hooves behind her and the voice of a young driver:

Sit down, mother. I finally decided to take you.

The young man helped the old woman into the wagon and packed her bag. The journey took about two hours.

In order not to fall asleep from fatigue, the young man told the old woman about his life.

I came here with my horse from a mountain village to earn money. I am the only son of my mother and must help her repay her debt to her rich neighbor.

My son also went abroad to earn money. I haven’t heard from him for a long time,” the mother sighed.

Arriving at the house, the old woman invited the young man to pour half of the rice out of the bag.

“I won’t take the rice,” the young man refused. - Seeing you, I remembered my mother.

Mother is a spring at the foot of the mountain. Maybe someone will also give my mother a ride when her old legs are having a hard time walking up the hill.

Questions and tasks:

Why did the young man give an elderly woman a free ride even though he was tired?

Do you think someone will help his mother in the mountains if she finds it difficult?

How would you help your mother if you were far from her and could not come?

Write the word "MOM" in beautiful letters so that each letter looks like your mother.

Why is it bad alone?

The parents had three small children and one eldest daughter - an assistant. From morning to evening she nursed the younger children: she fed, comforted, washed.
In the evening, when the kids fell asleep, the girl helped her mother wash and tidy everything up.

One day a girl went to the river to get water and found someone’s staff in the water. She pulled the staff out of the river and saw her grandmother walking along the bank.

Grandma, isn't this your staff? - asked the girl.
The grandmother grabbed the staff and rejoiced:

This is my magic staff. I will reward you for finding it. Tell me what you want?
“Most of all I want to rest for a day,” the girl answered.
- You can rest as much as you want. My magic staff will fulfill any wish.
“That’s good,” the girl was happy, “but who will feed me?”
“Don’t worry about it,” said the grandmother and waved her staff.

Everything began to spin before the girl’s eyes, and she found herself in a castle of wondrous beauty. In every room of the castle there were invisible servants who watered, fed, washed and dressed the girl. There was no one around the castle, only birds were singing in the garden.

The day passed, the second passed, the girl got bored, so much so that everything around her was not at all happy, and she began to cry:

I want to go home. They'll probably disappear there without my help.
“If you return home, you will work without rest for the rest of your life,” someone’s voice sounded.
- Well, let it be.A man alone and heaven is not heaven, - said the girl.

At that very moment she was home. Her brothers and sisters rushed to her. One asks for food, another asks for something to drink, the third asks to play, but the girl is happy.

Questions and tasks:

Who is more tender?

Two daughters grew up with their father, but he loved his eldest daughter more. She was very pretty: her face was pink, her voice was sweet, her hair was fluffy.

“You are tender, like a rose in the garden,” the father said, admiring his eldest daughter.

The youngest daughter was also good and obedient, but her father did not like her: she had a rough face, the skin on her hands was rough from housework. Therefore, her father spoiled her less and forced her to work more.

One day an accident happened to my father while hunting. The gun exploded in his hands. His hands and face were burned by the explosion and injured by shrapnel.

The doctor treated the wounds and bandaged his hands and face. The father has become helpless, he can’t see anything, he can’t eat on his own.

The youngest daughter said: “Don’t worry, dad, I will be your hands and eyes until you get better.”

Then she gave her father a healing decoction and fed him.

The youngest daughter looked after her father for a whole year. The wounds on the hands healed quickly, but the eyes took a long time to heal. Sometimes the father asked his eldest daughter to sit next to him, but she was always busy: either she was in a hurry to go to the garden for a walk, or she was in a hurry to go on a date.

Finally they took off my father's blindfold. He sees his two daughters standing in front of him. The eldest is a gentle beauty, and the youngest is the most ordinary.

The father hugged his youngest daughter and said:

Thank you, daughter, for your care, I didn’t know before that you were so kind and gentle.

It seems to me that I am much more gentle! - exclaimed the eldest daughter.

During my illness, I realized that tenderness is not determined by the softness of the skin. - answered the father.

Questions and tasks:

Why, before the accident, did the father not see that his youngest daughter was kinder and more gentle than her eldest?

Who is the most gentle in your family?

In what ways can you show tenderness?

Come up with tender words for all members of your family and give them to your loved ones.

Who loves more?

The leader of the tribe was old and strong. The leader had three adult sons. In the morning they went to their father’s house and bowed.

Your wisdom, father, preserves our lives! - exclaimed the eldest son.
- Your mind, father, multiplies our wealth! - declared the middle son.
“Hello, father,” said the youngest son.

The father nodded affably, but at the words of his youngest son his eyebrows frowned. Then the father left with the hunters and one of his sons to hunt. Only he never took his youngest son hunting.

“You, youngest son, help the women gather roots,” the father ordered.

The youngest son also wanted to go hunting, but he could not break the leader’s word.

One day a bear injured the leader's hand. The whole tribe rejoiced at the rich booty, but the leader left the feast because his hand was very sore.

In the morning, the sons entered their father’s home and saw that he was unconscious. The hand was swollen and red.

The eldest sons immediately announced to everyone that the leader had fallen ill with blood poisoning, that there was no salvation from this disease and that a new leader had to be chosen.

The eldest and middle son offered themselves as leaders, praising their virtues. The people of the tribe decided to arrange a battle between the brothers in a week. Whoever wins will become the leader.

Meanwhile, the younger one treated his father with herbs and roots. He studied their properties well while collecting them. My father felt better and the swelling subsided.

“When you are sick, you will find out who loves more,” the father said to his youngest son.

When the day of the battle came, the leader came out of his home in full combat gear and menacingly declared:
“I am the leader of the tribe and will be until death, and after me my youngest son will become the leader.”

Questions and tasks:

What do books store?

The leader's little son was a smart boy. One day a white teacher came to the tribe and said that a school had opened in the village. The teacher suggested that the leader enroll the children of the tribe in school.
The leader thought about it and brought his son to school, but he did not want to study.
“Father, nature will teach me everything I need,” said the boy.
“First learn to read, and then speak,” answered the father.
The boy went to school, but did not listen to the teacher well.
He only liked Natural History. One day the teacher brought figs to class.
- These fruits are bitter! - the boy exclaimed. - I tried them at the beginning of summer in the forest.
“I also saw a wasp crawl inside.” Anyone who eats this fruit will be stung by a wasp,” the boy added.
“Figs are sweet and healthy,” the teacher explained. - At the beginning of summer, they are bitter from the white milky juice that is in the unripe fruits. In spring, fleshy fruits appear on the fig tree, with flowers hidden inside. Small fig wasps carry pollen from one flower to another. Without this, the fruits will dry out and will not turn into sweet figs.
- How do you know this, teacher? - the boy asked in surprise.
- I read about it in books. Books store knowledge. The stars will appear - they will decorate the sky, knowledge will appear - they will decorate the mind, - answered the teacher.
From that day on, the leader's son became a diligent student and soon learned to read and write. The father, seeing his son with a book, said:
“I’m glad, son, that you learned to read, just don’t forget our customs.”
“The sunrise awakens nature, reading a book enlightens the head,” the son smiled.

Questions and tasks:

Dialogue - presentation

"Land of Politeness"

– Let’s imagine that there are two signs in front of you. One of them points to the land of Politeness, and the other to the land where there are no rules. Which of these countries would you like to go to?
(I warn you that the path to the land of Politeness lies through a land where there are no rules)
– So, we find ourselves in a country where there are no rules. The main slogans in this country are the slogans: “And that’s how I want it!”, “But I don’t care,” “I’m the best, the best!”
– Imagine for a moment what you can see on the streets of this country?
– Would you like to stay in this country for at least a day, two, a week? Why?
“Now let’s hurry to the land of Politeness.” It is ruled by the Queen of Ethics. She is young, beautiful, graceful. It was she who taught everyone to be kind and attentive, fair and careful. It was she who taught the people of her country not only to follow the rules of behavior, but also to treat each other well. In this country, everyone is a little bit of a wizard. He will certainly cheer up the sad, help you, and be happy with you and your successes.
– So, if you want to become a little kind wizards, then you should definitely get acquainted with kind (magic) words.
Thank you (“May GOD save you”)
Good morning! Good afternoon Good evening!
Please! (“perhaps” - do me a favor, show me a favor; “a hundred” is a form of address. For example, Andrey - a hundred, perhaps come to me tomorrow for my name day).

Story by V.A. Sukhomlinsky "Ordinary Man"

try to determine what actions of people are being discussed in it?

“There is a well in the hot, dry steppe. Near the well there is a hut where a grandfather and grandson live. There is a bucket on a long rope at the well. People are walking, driving, turning to the well, drinking water, thanking their grandfather.

One day the bucket came off and fell into a deep well. Grandfather didn’t have another bucket. There is no way to get water and drink.

The next day, in the morning, a man in a cart drives up to his grandfather’s hut. He has a bucket under the straw. The traveler looked at the well, glanced at the grandfather and grandson, hit the horses with his whip and rode on.

“This is not a person,” answered the grandfather.

At noon, another owner drove past his grandfather's hut. He took a bucket from under the straw, tied it to a rope, took out water and drank himself, and gave it to his grandfather and grandson to drink; poured the water into the dry sand, hid the bucket again in the straw and drove off.

What kind of person is this? – the grandson asked his grandfather.

And this is not a person yet,” answered the grandfather.

In the evening, a third traveler stopped at his grandfather’s hut. He took a bucket from the cart, tied it to a rope, filled it with water, and drank. He thanked him and drove off, leaving the bucket tied at the well.

What kind of person is this? - asked the grandson of his grandfather.

“An ordinary person,” answered the grandfather.”

What can you say about the main characters of the story? What are they? Why?

Do you agree with the description that grandfather gave to passers-by? What kind of an ordinary person is he? – (kind, takes care of others, helps...) At different times, people had different concepts of norms, we will talk about this in the next lesson.

Lesson on the fairy tale MOTHER'S HEART

A large, beautiful birch grew in the forest with three little daughters - thin-trunked birches. The mother protected her daughters from the wind and rain with her spreading branches of the Birch. And in the hot summer - from the scorching sun. The birches grew quickly and enjoyed life. Next to their mother, they were not afraid of anything.

One day there was a strong thunderstorm in the forest. Thunder rumbled, lightning flashed in the sky. The small birch trees trembled with fear. The birch hugged them tightly with its branches and began to reassure them: “Don’t be afraid, lightning won’t notice you behind my branches. I am the tallest tree in the forest."

Before Birch’s mother had time to finish speaking, a deafening crash was heard, sharp lightning struck straight into Birch and scorched the core of the trunk. Birch, remembering that it must protect its daughters, did not catch fire. The rain and wind tried to knock down the Birch, but it still stood.

Not for a minute did Birch forget about her children, not for a minute did she loosen her embrace. Only when the thunderstorm passed, the wind died down, and the sun shone again over the washed earth, the Birch trunk swayed. As she fell, she whispered to her children: “Don’t be afraid, I’m not leaving you. Lightning failed to break my heart. My fallen trunk will be overgrown with moss and grass, but my mother’s heart will never stop beating in it.” With these words, the trunk of the mother’s Birch tree collapsed, without touching any of the three thin-trunked daughters during the fall.

Since then, three slender birch trees have been growing around the old stump. And near the birches lies a trunk overgrown with moss and grass. If you come across this place in the forest, sit down to rest on the trunk of a Birch - it is surprisingly soft! And then close your eyes and listen. You will probably hear the mother’s heart beating inside him...

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale:

  • Tell us how three friendly sisters will live without their mother. What and how will a mother’s heart help them?
  • Imagine that all the trees are a big family. Tell us who the parents are in this family, who the grandparents are, who the children are.
  • Why do you think mothers always protect their children?
  • Think and tell us how you can help your mother if she has troubles at work, feels unwell, etc.
  • Imagine that your mother had to leave for one week, and you need to do all your mother’s chores during the week. List these things and think about when and how you will do them.

“Thank you” V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Two people were walking along a forest road - a grandfather and a boy. It was hot and they were thirsty. The travelers approached the stream. Cool water gurgled quietly. They leaned in and got drunk.
“Thank you, you have a stream,” said grandfather. The boy laughed.
– Why did you say “thank you” to the stream? - he asked his grandfather - After all, the stream is not alive, will not hear your words, will not understand your gratitude.
- That's true. If the wolf got drunk, he wouldn’t say “thank you.” And we are not wolves, we are people. Do you know why a person says “thank you”? Think about it, who needs this word?
The boy thought about it. He had a lot of time. The road was long...

“Hey, magpie, what’s that sparkling in your beak?” – One day an owl asks its neighbor.

“Ky-ky, ky-ky, ky-ky,” muttered the magpie.

Then she sat down on a branch and carefully placed a tiny ring next to her:

- I say, I stole a trinket from a bunny.

Anfisa looks, and the neighbor beams with pleasure.

- When will you stop stealing, shameless one? – she hooted menacingly.

But the magpies are already gone. She flew to hide her treasure... Anfisa thought and thought about how to teach the villain a lesson, and then decided to turn to the bear.

- Listen, Prokop Prokopovich, I have something to do with you. Take the chest with the stolen “wealth” from the magpie. I have long noticed in which clearing she hides it. But I would never be able to lift it myself - forty years ago it has filled it to capacity!

- What should I do with him? – the clubfoot scratched the back of his head.

“It’s okay,” Anfisa grinned, “let it stay in your den for now...

Less than an hour had passed before the magpie alarmed the entire forest.

- Guard! Robbed! Villains! – she shouted loudly, circling over the clearing.

Here Anfisa says to her:

- Do you see, neighbor, how unpleasant it is to be robbed?

The magpie shyly covered her eyes with her wing and remained silent. And the owl teaches:

- Don’t do to others what you don’t want for yourself.

Since then, forty has not taken anyone else's. The animals, rejoicing at the things they found, threw such a feast in Prokop Prokopovich’s den that the clubfoot still cannot drive them out...

Parable for children “Terrible punishment”

One day the hedgehog came to the owl Anfisa and began to complain about her beloved son:

- My mischievous boy constantly strives to run away into the depths of the forest alone! And, you know, Anfisa, how dangerous this is! I told him a thousand times not to leave the nest without my father and me. It's all to no avail...

“Then come up with some kind of punishment for him,” the owl advised.

But the hedgehog sighed sadly:

- I can’t. He told me that week: “Since you scold and punish me constantly, it means you don’t love me!”

Anfisa almost fell off the branch from such stupidity. Then she hooted busily several times and said:

- Go home, little hedgehog, and tell your son that now he can do anything, and you will never punish him. And when evening comes, I’ll fly to visit you...

So they did. As soon as the first stars lit up in the sky, the owl spread its wings and hurried to the other end of the forest. I flew up to a familiar bush, under which a family of hedgehogs lived, and there it was! The hedgehog has fluffed up its thorns with happiness and is happily jumping around the nest. The hedgehog wails, shedding burning tears. And only dad the hedgehog, as always, calmly, reads the newspaper. He already knows that if the owl gets down to business, then everything will be fine.

- Why are you making such a noise here? – Anfisa hooted, approaching the hedgehog.

“My mom allows me everything now!” – he joyfully exclaimed, “And he won’t punish you for anything again!” Eh, I’ll go conquer the forest now! I’ll go around all the nooks and crannies, I’ll crawl under every bush! After all, there are so many interesting things around... And I don’t need adults, I’m now my own boss!

The owl tilted its head to the side and said thoughtfully:

- A terrible horror, a terrible nightmare... A worse punishment in the whole wide world cannot be found...

“What is this, owl,” the hedgehog was surprised, “didn’t you understand or what?” Now, on the contrary, everything is possible for me!

Anfisa narrowed her huge eyes and said:

- How stupid you are! This is the worst punishment - when your parents stop raising you! Have you heard what happened to the hare whose mother did not punish him for lying? The big-eared one lied so much that the whole forest laughed at him, it was a shame to show his nose out of the hole.

The hedgehog became thoughtful, and the owl continued:

- Oh, have you heard about our bear? Prokop Prokopovich's whole family lives in the city. Both parents and brothers work in the circus - real stars! He alone was not accepted there. Do you know how offended he is? And, all just because he didn’t like to train since childhood. I even avoided exercising. The bear took pity on him and turned a blind eye to everything. And now our clubfoot dreams of a circus, but no one takes him there - he’s too clumsy.

Here the hedgehog dad decided to intervene in the conversation:

- That's okay! But what happened to the raccoon...

The adults looked at each other meaningfully. The hedgehog, who was even scared to imagine what happened to the poor raccoon, plaintively asked:

“I don’t need such a terrible punishment!” Let it be better as before...

The owl nodded:

- A wise decision. And remember, little hedgehog: whoever your parents love, they punish. Because they want to save you from harm!

The hedgehog kissed her subdued son on the nose and sat the owl down at the table. They began to drink tea and chat about all sorts of trifles. They were having so much fun that the hedgehog suddenly thought: “Why did I run away from my parents all the time? It's so good at home..."

Parable for children “About the Fox and the Squirrel”

Everyone in the forest knew that the squirrel was a real craftsman. If you want, he will make an ikebana from dried flowers, or if you want, he will weave a garland from cones. But one day she decided to make herself beads from acorns. Yes, they turned out so beautiful – you can’t take your eyes off them! The squirrel went to show off in front of all the animals. They are amazed and praise the needlewoman... Only the fox is dissatisfied.

- Why are you, red-haired, depressed? - Anfisa the owl asks her.

- Yes, the squirrel ruined the whole mood! - she answers, “He walks around here, you know, and brags!” We need to be more modest! Now, if I had some new thing, I would sit quietly in my hole and be happy. And, walking through the forest and wondering is the last thing...

Anfisa didn’t say anything to this. She flapped her wings and flew towards the stream. There, behind a rotten stump, lived her friend - a spider.

“Help,” the owl says to him, “weave a cape for the fox.”

The spider grumbled for order and agreed:

- Come back in three days, it will be ready. I can even weave a whole forest with cobwebs, for me some kind of cape is nothing!

And, indeed, three days later he showed Anfisa such a marvelous shawl that she took her breath away with delight! The owl gave the fox a gift, but she couldn’t believe her luck:

- Is this for me, or what? Yes, now I’ll be the most beautiful in the forest!

Before Anfisa had time to open her beak, the red-haired rogue threw a shawl over her shoulders, jumped out of the hole, and rushed to brag to everyone in the area:

- Oh, dear animals, I have a cape that cannot be found in any forest! Now the squirrel with his beads is no match for me!

So until late at night the fox visited friends and acquaintances until he became hoarse. Then an owl approached her and asked:

— Redhead, weren’t you the one who recently taught: “You have to be more modest!” Now, if I had some new thing, I would sit quietly in my hole and be happy. And, walking through the forest and wondering is the last thing?

The fox blinked once, blinked again, but didn’t know what to answer:

- What is this, Anfisushka?! How can I do this?!

The owl raised its wing and hooted:

- This, redhead, is a well-known wisdom: if you condemn someone, you will soon commit the same act!

The fox tucked its tail and whispered:

- I understood everything, Anfisushka...

I probably really did understand. Because no one else heard the fox condemning anyone. And, the spider has since become a famous fashion designer.

Parable for children “How the firefly wanted to become a beaver”

Anfisa the Owl once noticed that a firefly had gotten into the habit of flying to the river in the evenings. She decided to follow him. One day he watches, then another... Oh, the firefly doesn’t do anything special: it sits under a tree and admires the work of the beaver. “This is all strange,” Anfisa thought, but she decided not to pester the firefly with questions. However, soon a real commotion began in the forest.

- Anfisa, what in the world is going on?! – the ladybug was indignant, “Last week the firefly got some paint somewhere and painted the same spots on its back as mine!” Ah, I don’t need such a relative!

“Just think, it’s news,” the forest bee interrupted the ladybug, “I’m in trouble, I’m in trouble!” This firefly of yours asked to come to our hive. But he doesn’t know how to do anything, and he does more harm than good!

Just as Anfisa had time to listen to them, the fox came running:

- Owl, bring this stupid firefly to some sense! He demands from the beaver that he take him as an apprentice. Oh, the beaver is angry - he doesn’t need helpers. There's no chance they'll fight...

Anfisa flew to the river, looked, and the firefly shed burning tears:

- Well, what a stupid creature I am! I am of no use! Now, if I were a ladybug... They are beautiful! Or, for example, a bee... They know how to make delicious honey!

- Oh, now what? Have you decided to become a beaver? – the owl laughed.

“Yeah,” sobbed the firefly, “did you see how cleverly he does carpentry?!” Only, he doesn’t want to teach me anything. He says I won’t be able to lift even one log – I’m too small.

The owl listened to him and said:

“Come fly to my clearing when it gets dark, I’ll show you something interesting.”

The firefly waited until dusk and set off. He arrived, and the owl was already waiting for him.

“Look,” he says to him, “who is that lurking there in the bushes?”

The firefly took a closer look - and, indeed, behind the tree a little squirrel rustled with dry leaves, and was shaking all over with fear.

- Why are you sitting here? – the firefly was surprised.

“It’s so dark,” whispers the little squirrel, “so I’m lost.”

Then the firefly turned on his flashlight and commanded:

- Follow me, I will bless your path!

While he was seeing off the little squirrel, he also met a little fox. He also had to be taken home. And when he returned to Anfisa, she said to him:

- Well? Do you understand now that everyone has their own purpose? While you were offended that you were born a firefly, there were so many animals around that needed your help!

So the firefly began to patrol the forest at night. And when no one was lost, he flew to the beaver and complained:

“If it weren’t for my work, I would help you build a dam.” Eh, you and I could start a construction project like this! But, I have no time, friend, no time... You somehow manage yourself!

Parable for children “Malicious Pest”

Some particularly malicious pest has appeared in the forest. Everyone rushed to the owl Anfisa for advice. Please help us catch this scoundrel!

“He pulled out all the carrots from the garden for me,” the hare whines, “Ah, it’s too early to pick them!” I haven't grown up yet...

Here the wolf roars:

- Just wait, big-eared one, with your carrot! My case will be more serious. I was picking berries for a squirrel just now. I collected half a basket, lay down on a hillock to rest, and apparently dozed off. I wake up and my basket is filled to the brim! I think these are miracles! I brought the squirrel a treat, and she squealed: “Grey, are you planning to poison me or what?!” I brought “wolf” berries! They're poisonous!"

The animals giggle, and the wolf scratches the back of his head:

“I’m embarrassed, owl.” Squirrel doesn’t want to talk to me now. Help us find the person who put these berries in the basket! I’ll teach him some sense...

Suddenly a cuckoo came out into the middle of the clearing and said offendedly:

“This malicious pest is planning to send me into retirement!” I woke up yesterday and there was a clock hanging on a nearby tree! Yes, not simple ones, but with a cuckoo!

Here even the beaver clutched his heart with excitement, and the narrator, switching to a conspiratorial whisper, continued:

- So now she cuckoos instead of me, not knowing fatigue! Oh, what do you want me to do? It turns out that no one needs me in the forest anymore?!

Anfisa looked around at all the animals and hooted:

“Don’t worry, I’ll find your pest by evening.”

And, as soon as everyone had gone about their business, the owl flew straight to the bear. While the clumsy man was pouring tea into cups, Anfisa said to him:

- Why are you, Prokop Prokopovich, turning into a villain? You prevent the hare from growing carrots, and you slip poisonous berries to the wolf. I decided to retire the old cuckoo...

The bear froze:

- How did you guess that it was me?

The owl just waved its wing:

- What is there to guess? You weren't the only one at our meeting. So, why are you doing nasty things to everyone?

The clubfoot slammed the table and even the samovar jumped:

- They come up with everything! I tried for them... I just felt sorry for the hare, so I decided to help him collect the harvest. How was I supposed to know that the carrot hadn't grown yet? Oh, I was specifically looking for “wolf” berries. I thought that since they were wolves, that means wolves should love them... So, while the gray one was sleeping, I walked around the entire forest with the basket.

Anfisa suddenly became worried:

- Why did you hang the clock on the tree? Where did you even get them?

“So this... I borrowed it from the village doctor,” the bear became embarrassed, “They were hanging on the wall in his bedroom.” You must understand, Anfisa, I wanted the cuckoo to rest. Otherwise she’s all “peek-a-boo” and “peek-a-boo”! Who knew that cuckooing was a joy for her?!

The owl drank her tea and advised:

- You, Prokop Prokopovich, always think. Even if you are going to help someone. After all, there is no virtue without reasoning!

The animals, of course, forgave the bear. But they forced me to return the watch. Clubfoot, remembering Anfisa’s advice, tried to walk around the village on tiptoe so that no one would notice him. Well, last time both the doctor and his wife had to be treated with valerian. We caught some shy ones...

Parable for children “Medal for the Woodpecker”

On a fine spring day, a woodpecker flew to the owl Anfisa. He was beaming with joy:

- Give me a medal, friend!

- For what merit? – the owl calmly clarified.

The woodpecker pulled out from behind his back some huge scroll, covered with writing from top to bottom, and said busily:

- For good deeds! Look at the list I made.

— You can bake a blueberry pie and treat it to your friends. You can wake up early and help the bees collect nectar. You can go to the river, find a sad frog, and cheer him up.

Then the owl faltered and said uncertainly:

“You can take the old lady across the road...Listen, but we don’t have any roads in the forest!” Yes, and there are no old ladies either!

Then the woodpecker began to explain that he had read about the old woman in a book. However, it doesn’t even matter whether they are found in the forest or not. The main thing is to figure out how to do good. For this, he actually expected to receive a medal.

“Okay,” the owl agreed, “Let’s ask the animals what they think about this.”

The woodpecker was pleased. He was sure that no one could know more about good deeds than he did. After all, he’s been compiling his list all his life. Meanwhile, the owl flew to the fox.

“Listen, redhead,” she says to her, “why is your shed askew?”

“He’s getting old, so he’s squinting,” the fox sighed.

- So call the woodpecker. Let him fix it! – Anfisa advised.

Then she visited the hare, the squirrel and her bosom friend the hedgehog. The owl advised everyone to turn to the woodpecker for help. And, three days later, Anfisa called a meeting in the clearing.

“On the agenda,” she hooted solemnly, “is the issue of awarding the woodpecker a medal for good deeds!”

Then the animals screamed:

- What else! You can’t ask him for snow in winter!

“He didn’t want to fix my shed,” the fox was indignant.

“And he didn’t help us with the squirrel,” confirmed the hare.

“Oh, he didn’t even talk to me,” the hedgehog admitted with offense.

The woodpecker was confused and began to make excuses:

- But, I have a list... I know about all, all, all the good deeds in the world... I even learned them by heart!

The owl explains to him:

“It’s not enough just to know something good.” This definitely needs to be done!

The woodpecker was grieving that he was not given a medal. And then I thought: “The owl said it right. We need to help others." And, he set out on his exploits - he decided to do everything exactly according to the list. Was he wrong to compile it? True, grandmothers are not found in the forest. But, if even one comes across, he will certainly put her through something!

Natalia Klimova

Reprinting of material is possible only with indication of the author of the work and an active link to the Orthodox website

A parable is a short story that has a deep meaning. Her heroes are simple people, sometimes not very educated. Their stories and stories contain essential life lessons.

Parables have always given people a reason to think about the meaning of human life, about the role of man on earth. This is a very effective means of development, education and training. Wisdom, which is presented in a simple and clear form, teaches children to think, develops intuition and imagination, and also teaches them to find solutions to problems. Parables make children think about their behavior and sometimes laugh at their own mistakes.

These short stories will help you understand that one problem can always have several solutions and life cannot be divided into good and bad, black and white.

Parables are like seeds, once they get into the heart of a child they will definitely grow and bear fruit.

When is any harbor good?

One day, a rich merchant wanted to show his son the world, introduce him to his companion from another country, and so he took him on a trip. During the journey, father and son stayed in very expensive hotels, the father always taught that the son demanded to be treated as a master, then he would be given the best room in the hotel, the horses would be given an excellent stall in the stable, and the ship would be given a good place in the harbor.

They traveled in their own wagon, which was drawn by two horses. One stormy day, their cart got stuck in the mud and the place was deserted. Soon it got dark and rain started pouring down. Father and son unharnessed their horses and were forced to ride to the nearest village. There was no hotel there and they began knocking on houses. People, hearing an unfamiliar language, did not open the doors, but shouted something in response. So the tired wanderers walked through the entire village and only the door of the very last house opened. An old woman, all in rags, invited them in. The merchant's son, seeing the blackened walls and ceiling, retreated to the door.

“Father, let’s not spend the night in such a dirty shack,” said the young man.

“In a storm, any harbor is good,” the father answered and gave the old woman a copper coin. The hostess pressed the coin to her heart and laughed.

“She is so sincerely happy about the copper coin, as if it were gold,” the young man grinned.

“Just as any harbor is good in a storm, so in poverty any coin is golden,” the father noted.

Real mother

One day, a whining, still completely blind puppy was thrown into the yard. The cat, who lived in this yard and had kittens at that time, took the puppy to her cubs and began to feed him milk. The puppy very soon outgrew his adoptive mother, but he obeyed her as before.

“You should lick your fur until it shines every morning,” the cat taught the puppy, and the baby tried, licking himself with his tongue.

And then one day a shepherd dog ran into their yard. Sniffing the puppy, she said good-naturedly:

Hello puppy! You are also a shepherd. You and I are of the same breed.

Seeing the cat, the shepherd barked angrily and rushed at her. The cat hissed and jumped onto the fence.

Come on, puppy, let’s drive the cat away from here,” the dog suggested.

“Come on, get out of our yard and don’t you dare touch my mother,” the puppy growled menacingly.

She can't be your mom, she's a cat! Your mother must be a shepherd like me,” the shepherd said, laughed and ran out of the yard.

The puppy was thoughtful, but the cat purred affectionately:

He who feeds a child is his real mother.

Why didn't the mouse get married?

Dear mouse, will you marry me?” the brave gray mouse asked the mouse.

Okay,” the mouse lowered its eyes, “but bring me something sweet as a gift.”

Tomorrow I will go to the kitchen and be sure to bring you a piece of sugar. “He’s so sweet,” said the groom, twirling his mustache.

The next day, the brave groom crawled into the kitchen through a hole in the floor and, once under the cabinet, did not dare to crawl out from under it.

That evening the mouse came to the mouse and said:

Dear mouse, I thought about it and decided to bring you a piece of candy, not sugar. The sugar is simply sweet, but the candy is fragrant and sweet.

“I’ve never tried sweets before,” the mouse sighed.

The next morning the mouse went to the kitchen again and was again afraid to get out from under the cabinet.

He again came to visit the mouse without a gift, but at the same time declared:

I changed my mind about treating you to sugar or candy. Tomorrow I will bring you halva. This is the most delicious treat in the world: rich, sweet and buttery.

You know, little mouse, I won’t marry you,” the mouse said dryly.

Why? - the mouse was very surprised.

No matter how many times you repeat the word “halva”, your mouth will not become sweeter.

If you read parables to children in kindergarten, you may encounter many questions. We discuss our actions and the actions of other children. The following parable made a huge impression on the children. It is quite difficult for children from 5 to 6 years old.

The parable of the nails.

Once upon a time there lived a hot-tempered and unrestrained young man. And then one fine day his father gave him a bag of nails and ordered him to drive one nail into the fence post every time he could not control his anger.

On the first day there were several dozen nails in the pillar. Then gradually he learned to control his anger, and every day the number of nails he hammered became fewer. The young man realized that it was much easier to control his anger than to drive nails.

And then the day came when he never lost control of himself. He told his father about this. He looked at him and said that now that his son manages to control his anger, he can pull one nail out of the pillar.

Time passed, and the day came when the young man came to his father and said that there was not a single nail left in the pillar. Then the father led his son by the hand to the pillar and said:

You did a good job, but look how many holes there are in the pillar? He will never be the same again in his life. When you say something evil or bad to a person, he is left with a scar, like these holes in a pillar. And no matter how many times you apologize after that, the person will still have a scar.

In God's store.

One woman had a dream: God himself stood behind the store counter.

God! Is it really you?” the woman exclaimed with joy.

Yes, it’s me,” God answered.

“What can I buy from you?” the woman decided to ask.

“You can buy absolutely everything from me,” God answered.

Then please give me happiness, health, success, a lot of money and love.

God smiled back at her and went into the utility room to get everything he had ordered. After some time, he returned with a small paper box in his hands.

Is that all?!” the disappointed woman was surprised.

“Yes, that’s all,” God answered. “Didn’t you know that only seeds are sold in my store?”
