Family drama in St. Petersburg. Woman found dead a week after wedding 'I thought he would kill her'

If you consider yourself a master at solving twisted stories, mysteries and detective stories, the following 10 tasks will help you find out if you really are. So, 10 challenge questions, can you answer them all correctly?

You need to be smart to solve these crime mysteries.

Will you be able to find the killer or catch the criminal?

Test yourself how quickly you can solve these crimes.

You will find the answers at the very end of the article.

Murder mysteries

1. Iced tea

Two girls were having lunch. They both ordered iced tea.

One girl drank tea very quickly and was able to drink 5 cups in the time it took the other to drink only one cup.

The girl who drank one cup died, but the other survived. All drinks were poisoned.

How could the girl who drank the most tea survive?

2. Cassette

The man was found dead with a cassette recorder in one hand and a gun in the other. When the police arrived, they immediately pressed play on the tape.

On the recording they heard: “I have no reason to live anymore. I can’t do this anymore,” and then the sound of a gunshot.

After listening to the tape, the police knew that it was not a suicide, but a murder. How did they know?

3. Rich people

The man was found murdered on Sunday morning. His wife called the police, who questioned the wife and everyone else in the house.

They gave the following alibis: the wife said she was asleep, the butler was cleaning the closet, the gardener was picking vegetables, the maid was getting the mail, and the cook was preparing breakfast.

The police immediately arrested the killer. How did the police find out who the killer was?

4. Baggy suit

There was a crime on Fremont Street. The main suspect is a man named Sean Baker.

It is known that the man was walking along the road when he was suddenly shot in the stomach. The suspect had brown hair, blue eyes and was wearing a baggy Armani suit similar to Sean Baker's. Sean was asked to tell the story from the beginning.

“So,” Sean said, “I was just walking in the park when I saw this man walking down the road. Suddenly, a guy appeared behind him and shot him. I ran home as quickly as possible."

The police asked him to describe the killer. "He had a red mustache, red hair and a baggy Armani suit."

“I think this man is lying,” the policeman said. How did he know?

Crime mysteries

5. Car, knife and wife

A man killed his wife with a knife in a car. No one was around to see it.

He threw her out of the car, making sure he didn't leave any fingerprints on her body. Then he threw the knife off the cliff into a ravine where no one would find it and went home.

An hour later, the police called him and told him that his wife had been murdered and he needed to go to the crime scene immediately.

As soon as he arrived, he was immediately arrested. How did they know what happened?

6. Coin

A dead body was found below a multi-story building. Seeing the position of the body, it became clear that the person jumped from one of the floors, committing suicide. A detective was called in to investigate the case.

He walked to the first floor and entered a room that was located in the direction where the body was found.

He opened the window and threw a coin down. Then he went to the second floor and repeated the same thing. He did this until he reached the last floor.

He then went downstairs and reported that it was a murder, not a suicide. How did he come to this conclusion?

7. Funeral

The daughter was at her mother's funeral when she met the man.

She liked the man and wanted to meet him. While she was walking, she realized that she did not recognize the man's name or phone number.

Later, when she returned to look for him, he had already left.

A week later, she killed her older brother to find the man. Why?

8. Life in a cottage.

A rich man lives alone in a small cottage. Since he is partially disabled, everything is brought to his cottage.

The postman brought him a letter on Thursday when he noticed the door was ajar. Through the gap he saw the body of a man lying in dried blood. The police arrived and inspected the scene.

On the doorstep were two bottles of warm milk, Monday's newspaper, a catalogue, leaflets and unread mail.

The police suspected premeditated murder. Who do they suspect and why?

9. Court

The man was accused of killing his wife, but her body was not found. In court, his lawyer states that she simply disappeared and will enter the courtroom in 30 seconds.

The man watches the jury as they watch the door, waiting for her to enter.

After a minute, the lawyer says, “If you were 100% right that he killed his wife, you wouldn’t be looking at the door.”

Why did the jury still convict?

10. Murder in the car

A man was shot in a car.

There are no traces of gunpowder on his clothing, indicating the shooter was not in the car.

All windows and doors are closed and there are no bullet holes in the car. How was he killed?


1. The poison was in the ice.

2. If a man shot himself while recording on a tape, how did he rewind the tape?

3. There is no mail on Sundays.

4. How could the killer shoot him in the stomach if he came up behind the man?

5. He didn't ask the police where the crime scene was, and that's why they knew that he killed his wife.

6. Not a single window was open. If a person jumped out, who closed the window?

7. So that the man can come to the funeral again.

8. The police suspect a man delivering newspapers. The absence of newspapers for Tuesday and Wednesday indicates that he knew no one would be there to read them.

9. He looked at the jury and not at the door, because he knew that it would not appear.

10. The man was in a convertible. The top of the car was locked after the man was shot.

A man spent several hours cutting off pieces of the hand of a woman who filed for divorce because he beat her.

The man beat the woman who left him because of his cruelty for several hours, filming everything on his phone and sending the pictures to his friends. The man spent the whole day killing the woman, simply beating her - so that her ribs, skull bones were broken, and her collarbone was torn off. In between, he rested and led a family life with her, took a bath, ate. The man tortured the woman at whose expense he lived, including cutting out an eye and shooting her and her mother. Mother-in-law survived.

I have listed the most high-profile and discussed cases of recent times. And now a curious reader can open a search engine in the “News” section and enter the query “husband killed wife.” At the same time, read about the methods of murder and how long they took.

What is happening in the country no longer looks like isolated, special cases. This is a trend. In Russia, women are systematically killed, most often mothers, those whom we seem to customarily glorify and honor.

But let’s return to those high-profile four cases with which I began the article. They have a lot in common.

One scheme for all

First feature. Each of the criminals beat his wife before committing the crime.

Second. At the time of the crime, the woman either broke off family relations with this man, or made such attempts. Taking into account the first point, it is clear why. A woman whose hands were cut off contacted the police. I received a standard answer along the lines of “when they kill you, then come.” By the way, the latter is not a joke. This is from the circumstances of another murder.

“Of course, if you are killed, we will definitely go out and describe the corpse, don’t worry!” - quote. Meanwhile, the woman had just begun to be killed by the man with whom she had broken up. At some point, she managed to break free and run to her car, but the tormentor caught up with her and continued beating her. The neighbors called the police and immediately called an ambulance, the woman was in such a state. They managed to take her to the hospital. There she died from her injuries.

Probably, the killer who filmed the process on his phone only laughed when the woman, begging to let her go (she had already been very badly beaten and was only thinking about how to escape and survive), said that she would not even report to the police.

Feature three. All these women died long and horribly. Because they were killed for a long time and horribly. Not movie maniacs who live in mysterious basements and hunt in night parks. Men who were - and, quite possibly, are being shaken - by their friends, who were greeted - and probably will continue to be greeted - by acquaintances who walked among us and who will walk among us as if nothing had happened.

Feature four. The likelihood that three of these four murderers will be punished with appropriate severity tends to zero. No wonder they feel so confident.

One is seriously - and, alas, not unreasonably - planning to be released on parole in three years and is bombarding his ex-wife with threats and messages in advance that they will continue to lead a family life. His name, by the way, is Dmitry Grachev.

The second may well get off with a suspended sentence. Among other things, the expert suddenly gave an assessment that was incompatible with what the ambulance saw at the scene of the murder - they say that the woman who had been beaten for several hours did not die from her injuries, but that she accidentally choked on vomit. So Alexey Krivorotov, that’s the name of the second killer, has nothing to do with it.

And the relatives of the woman killed by Maxim Gribanov suspect that he will not be punished to the fullest extent of the law - they did not accept a police report of beating for several days, since Gribanov, according to them, has connections in law enforcement agencies.

Feature five. Jealousy. Each of the criminals explained that they were simply punishing the woman for cheating or wanting to cheat. For example, Krivorotov killed like this: he was jealous, beat him up, rested, got jealous again, beat him up, rested, then got jealous again.

By the way, almost all the media write this about all four: he tortured his wife out of suspicion of infidelity. There lived such a family, and suddenly the husband became suspicious and began to beat. Or chop off your hands. But it would be more correct - the man long and terribly inflicted injuries on the woman who broke off relations with him, and explained this by her infidelity.

Othello's Army

Here I really want to talk about jealousy. The most persistent in spirit can repeat the search engine request “husband killed his wife” and add “out of jealousy.” The results will change... almost nothing.

Have we become Othello's nation? Has the cult of frenzied jealousy entered our culture?

Yes, it seems not. Moreover, to an outsider, jealous people are still funny, ridiculous, stupid in their nervous behavior, scandalous behavior out of nowhere, and constant thoughts about sex between their wife or girlfriend with every man they meet. Of course, this situation is unlikely to be considered funny by the spouses of jealous people, but they certainly won’t support such a cult.

There is something else in our culture that is much more beneficial to criminals of this kind. Thanks to the great Russian literature - we have the image of a hero who has done nasty things to everyone, but because of this he himself suffers so much that he is just a miser. He couldn’t stand it, his brain darkened, he killed out of jealousy, then he repented and cried - one of the usual manifestations of such a poor cat with a restless, but, of course, not at all evil soul.

And this misfortune must, if not be forgiven, then be understood and treated with leniency. It’s not just necessary, but kind of obligatory.

“Oh, shoot me,” Maxim Gribanov asks. But he didn’t ask to beat him or lock him up when he had beaten his wife before. Then, after all, he did not need the image of a poor cat, driven crazy by the alleged infidelity of his beloved.

Grachev reports that he has repented and expects his wife to return and the judges to understand. Everything is fine, after all. What he did to the woman who broke up with him, he himself defines only as “stupidity,” and stupidity is not punished.

The heroes of “The Kreutzer Sonata” and “The Dowry”, no more and no less.

Why do I think jealousy is just an excuse? After all, even the law recognizes that a person can kill another person in a state of brief stupor from strong negative emotions - this is called “in a state of passion.”

The state of passion does not last several hours. This is just a short flash. A state of passion gives a short fatal blow, in a state of passion they cruelly push a person away from themselves - into the window opening. Killing in a state of passion is lightning fast. Just like non-lethal wounds - they are inflicted instantly. Yes, they can have long and severe consequences. But in a state of passion they do not torture.

The state of passion does not last for years. This was not the first time that all these men beat women. They did this all the time. They also beat other women with whom they had previously been in relationships.

They don’t prepare for a state of passion for several days, as was the case with Grachev. He learned in advance how to bandage wounds and restore consciousness. He needed this in order to torture him for as long as possible without leading to death.

As for jealousy outside the state of passion, normally people, for example, get divorced because of it - they cannot continue to live in mistrust.

Why do men actually torture women?

It is clear why men do NOT torture women: because they are raised normally and do not harm other people or are afraid of punishment for attacking another person. But as for those cases when men physically abuse women for years, and even more so when they kill a woman for hours and cut out her eyes or chop off pieces of her hand - why, why do they do this?

When Dmitry Grachev finished the torture and took Margarita Gracheva to the hospital, he shouted: “What adrenaline I have!” He's not the only one. Many maniacs who killed - after torture - more than one person admitted that they were intoxicated by the opportunity to mock others, by the pain of others and their own power over this pain. Dmitry Grachev tortured animals as a child, probably precisely for the sake of this intoxication.

But when a person who enjoys other people’s pain, fear, his power over someone else’s life, does not want to get caught, he restrains himself. He “takes a dose” from time to time: he beats his wife or burns cigarettes on her body, knocks her down or throws her against the wall. Of course, in order to legitimize his behavior in his eyes, hers, and the eyes of those who might learn about such entertainment, he comes up with a “reason” for his amusements. Then a banal attack seems to turn into a natural punishment. The reason is taken from those that are considered plausible in a given culture. Somewhere in a strict Muslim country, this could be a sleeve pulled up from the wrist, but in our country, alas, a woman’s failure as a housewife or suspicion of infidelity are still considered acceptable reasons.

It doesn’t matter how much a woman really copes with the house or how inclined she is to flirt with strangers. It doesn't matter at all. Those who are not satisfied with their wife or girlfriend break up with their wife or girlfriend. Men who not only stay with a woman, but also try to prevent her from leaving with threats and attacks, are not just satisfied with their relationship. It is in this form that they need them. A relationship consisting of periodic beatings from the stronger to the weaker.

It could be said that men mistreat women when they consider them their property. But most tyrants are not satisfied with beating chests of drawers or breaking chairs (as, for example, the father of the writer Charlotte Brontë did when he was in a bad mood). They perfectly see the difference between a closet and a person - power over the first does not intoxicate, power over the first does not console in a situation where others have power over you, the closet cannot be afraid and cry in pain. No, if we talk about reification, then a domestic tyrant can only like the process of reifying another person, as affirming his power. But he sees the difference between a woman and a sandal, a woman and a saucepan, even a woman and a goat or sheep.

You can also remember that our men are brought up with almost negative emotional intelligence and may simply not know what to do with their strong feelings, or that a slave also wants to assert himself by having his own slave - that is, if someone feels like a nonentity, he will look for someone to make him even more of a nonentity in order to feel like a human again.

But when we type in a search engine “husband killed his wife out of jealousy” and read details that I don’t even want to give here, from murder to murder, we can be sure that it’s not a matter of feelings.

And the fact is that our society has somehow begun to send signals to each of us: in general it is forbidden to beat and kill, but if out of jealousy, then this is no longer everyday life, but the “Kreutzer Sonata.”

“Dad, mom cut herself and is sleeping. Come". A man stabbed his wife 28 times and left her for dead. January 12th, 2018

Law enforcement officers in the Solnechnogorsk region knew that in one of the families the husband was threatening to kill his wife, but did not do anything. Six months after 29-year-old Elena Verba contacted the police, her husband stabbed her to death, leaving her to die in front of her seven-year-old son. In a fit of jealousy, the man inflicted 28 knife wounds on his wife.

Until recently, Elena and Sergey lived, according to their neighbors, normally; they bought an apartment in the village of Goluboe with a mortgage, and they had a son, who is now seven years old. Sergei never drank or behaved like a hooligan. On social networks, Elena confessed her love to her husband.

But recently, 39-year-old ex-FSKN employee Sergei Gusyatnikov has increasingly shown cruelty and jealousy towards his wife. In the summer of 2017, Elena’s godson returned from the army. At a family holiday, Sergei started a scandal right in front of the guests, accusing his wife of having an affair with a young man. Then the scandal was hushed up, but everyone was convinced with their own eyes that Sergei was not himself. And although Sergei apologized after that, his relatives increasingly began to notice oddities in his behavior. The lawyer of the mother of the deceased, Anton Matyushenko, recalls:

- Elena told him that she would not tolerate such an attitude and would file for divorce. The husband apologized and invited her to the forest to pick mushrooms as a sign of reconciliation. In the forest, Sergei pulled Elena out of the car, threw her into a ditch and threatened her with a knife. She begged not to kill her, promised to cancel the divorce, and then the man took pity. He put the weapon away and released his wife. Elena hitched a ride home and immediately went to the emergency room. Doctors passed information about the attack on the woman to the police, but they refused to open a case.

Elena’s mother says that in the forest Sergei took out a knife, put the blade to Elena’s ribs and began shouting that he would kill her. She got scared, began to struggle, and during the struggle, Sergei slashed her leg with a knife. Soon, however, the jealous man cooled down and began to ask forgiveness for the outburst of anger. Nevertheless, upon arrival in the city, Elena ran to the emergency room to relieve the beatings and injuries.

Anton Matyushenko explains why the case was never opened: “The police, having received materials from the emergency room, answered Elena that her husband was a special subject (ex-employee of the Federal Drug Control Service) and that a special procedure was in place for him. educational conversation and was released. He explained his behavior by saying that he simply wanted to scare his wife.”

The police asked Elena not to let the matter proceed. The local police officer spoke with Sergei, after which he apologized to Elena and her mother. But Elena was determined to get a divorce and began preparing documents. Sergei again did not want to let his wife go. He began to threaten his connections and demanded that they buy him a car as compensation. The frightened woman hoped that after this the tyrant would finally leave her, she took out loans and bought a car. But even then, Sergei did not agree to the divorce, continued to pursue his wife and threaten in the style of “I won’t let you go alive.” Sad notes appeared on Elena’s page:

The climax came on the night of January 5, when Sergei, in another fit of anger, attacked Elena with a knife. Forensic experts counted 28 stab wounds on the victim’s body. The killer, as if nothing had happened, put his son to bed, who was in the next room, got dressed and left, leaving his wife to die.

In the morning Alyosha woke up and went to wake up his mother, but she did not wake up. The boy noticed the blood and began to call his father in fear. Two hours later, Sergei picked up the phone. “Dad, mom cut herself and is sleeping. Come, please,” said the child.

Sergei arrived, called the police himself and confessed everything. As Mocregtoday reports, on January 5, the Solnechnogorsk police duty station received a call: “Come. I killed my wife." He was taken into custody and a criminal case was opened under the article “Murder”. He will have to undergo a psychiatric examination. It is noteworthy that the police immediately handed over the keys to the apartment where the crime was committed to the man’s parents - the mother of the deceased cannot even take her documents. The child is also staying with his paternal grandparents, and a psychologist is not allowed to see him. Whereas the boy experienced psychological trauma - he spent about two hours next to his mother’s body when he found her in the morning. According to Anton Matyushenko, the grandparents refuse to give the boy to Elena’s mother, claiming that she “raised a prostitute and will have a bad influence on the child.”

The lawyer wrote another complaint to the prosecutor's office demanding that they begin an internal investigation against the investigator who is leading the murder case. Sergei’s father worked for a long time as a district police officer in Solnechnogorsk, and the relatives of the murdered woman fear that the retired policeman may use his influence and connections to turn the situation in his direction.

According to the lawyer, local police officers who took Elena Verba’s statement that her husband beat her, but never responded to it properly, will also come under scrutiny in the near future.

By the way, this story developed according to the same scenario as the story of Dmitry Grachev from Serpukhov, who cut off his wife’s hands. There, too, at first the husband made scandals and beat her. Then a torn passport, then a knife to the throat, and a month later an attack with an ax. “Grachev’s cruelty is not madness, but his attempt to show his dominance,” psychiatrist Alexander Fedorovich said then. “It intensified because of his impunity and the defenselessness of the victim. After all, after the story with the knife, in the end he had nothing.”

Alena Sadikova, director of the Kitezh crisis center for women victims of violence, says: “There are a lot of stories when a husband attacks a woman who decided to leave him. One woman was pushed from the second floor by her husband - she broke her legs, but remained alive. .The other one was deliberately hit in the stomach several times - and the child was born dead. According to the experience of our work, among men who beat their wives are doctors, lawyers, and business owners. That is, domestic violence is not at all marginal stories.

Many women call and tell me how this happens: I said that I was leaving, and he threatened me, the children, or even took some kind of active action. We have a manual for working with such women. It is clear that the advice is conditional, because situations are different. But the first point: if you decide to leave your husband, do not tell him about your plans. Not for him, not for friends, not even for loved ones, if you’re not sure about them.

Second, try to find people who can protect you if necessary. It often happens that women first go to a safe place or crisis center, and only then tell their husbands. Divorce can be completed through a lawyer, remotely. Unfortunately, the girl from Serpukhov made a mistake by believing her husband and getting into his car."

Did Elena also make a mistake when she continued to let the father of her child into the house? Where could she have gone in the village of Goluboe, excuse me? Well, he would have killed her not in the house, but around the corner on the street... There, a killer from the Rostov region, months after the divorce, set up an ambush on the highway and shot his ex-wife and father-in-law. These men simply do not allow their women to leave, they torture them for years, beat them, cut them, but do not let them go alive. Here is a partial answer to the question “Why doesn’t she leave the tyrant.”

Moreover, the judge was not embarrassed by the fact that the 34-year-old killer Samir Gabibov was previously convicted of kidnapping.

There is an unexpected twist in the case of the tragic death of 23-year-old Gulnar Habibova from St. Petersburg. The girl was killed by her own husband, 34-year-old Samir Gabibov. It all happened on April 22 - exactly a week after the wedding.

A native of Azerbaijan has already confessed to everything and showed investigators where he hid the body. According to the laws of the genre, the man should have been arrested and sent to a pre-trial detention center - after all, he could escape or put pressure on witnesses.

However, as Gabibov’s acquaintances said, he is awaiting trial not on a bunk, but at home!

On May 27, Samir was taken to court for arrest. But the lawyer asked to be released on bail of 3 million rubles,” a source close to the Gabibov family told us. – The judge went forward.

It was not possible to obtain an official comment from the Investigative Committee on this matter.

Samir married Gulnar on April 15. And on April 22 he killed her in the heat of a quarrel. Dzhigit buried his wife’s body in the forest, and then went to write a missing person report to the police.

For more than a month, police and volunteers searched for Gulya (that’s what her relatives called her). Friends hoped that she either ran away from her raging husband, or simply decided to start life over in another city. Samir all this time pretended to be very worried about his young wife.
As it turned out later, he is a very good actor.

Did you pay yourself off with gifts from your wedding?

Meanwhile, one very interesting detail emerged in the courtroom: several years ago, Gabibov was convicted of kidnapping and extortion.

Samir served three years in prison, but his family did not advertise this fact, said one of Gulnar’s friends. “And we, of course, learned about everything after Gulya’s death.

We don’t know when Samir first went to jail. The circumstances of that case are also unknown – who and where he kidnapped, how much he demanded for a person’s life.

But it’s roughly clear where his family got the money. Probably, the bulk of the amount was given to him... at the wedding.

Eastern people love grand gestures. Samir was given a decent amount of money, and after his arrest, his father was probably able to get the required amount,” a family friend shares her thoughts.

As Gabibov’s neighbors said, his father is a fairly successful businessman. He owns several grocery stores, and a couple of years ago bought Samir an apartment not far from the family home.

All the decorations are gone

The couple didn't know each other well. According to Azerbaijani traditions, it is not customary for newlyweds to remain alone for a long time before the wedding. And even more so, Samir and Gulnar did not live together.

Meanwhile, Gulnar’s parents did not quite understand who they were giving their daughter to.

Before the wedding, Samir's father told Gulnar's father that his son had been convicted, but did not admit why. “They say, when I was young, I stole a stick of sausage,” said a family friend.

Did Gulya herself know about this? It may well turn out that not.

One way or another, the girl was raised in strict traditions. At the behest of her husband, she deleted her social media accounts. Even before the wedding, Samir forbade her to meet anyone except her family.

At the same time, the horseman himself loved to have fun. On his page on the social network “Vkontakte” there are more than a hundred photographs from cafes, restaurants and clubs. The money, presumably, was given to him by his father.

With a criminal record, it was difficult for Samir to find a job; through an acquaintance, he was hired at the port, but there he could not earn a normal living, said one of the man’s friends.

Meanwhile, after Gulnar disappeared, her jewelry also disappeared.

They gave her a lot of gold for her wedding. Gulya took all this with her when she went to live with Samir. But now there is nothing in his apartment, everything has disappeared somewhere,” a friend of the deceased told us.

She did not rule out that Samir could have sold everything after the murder of his wife. He generally acted prudently and cynically.

Buried naked

During interrogations, Gabibov says that he killed his wife by accident - he pushed her, and she fell and accidentally hit her head.

Samir got rid of the body that same evening.

I called my older brother, who helped take the body to their dacha by car. Already from the dacha, Samir took the body on a bicycle deeper into the forest and buried it there. He took off all the clothes from the deceased - to make it more difficult to identify, a source close to the investigation told us.

According to him, on that fateful evening of April 22, Samir returned home late and asked his wife to charge his mobile phone. However, the girl got confused and forgot, which infuriated Gabibov.

Maybe that's how it was. Only anything could infuriate Gabibov. As neighbors of the newlyweds said, they argued throughout the seven days of their short marriage. Samir was wildly jealous of Gulnar and constantly suspected something.

Within a week, he must have intimidated the girl so much that she was even afraid to tell her parents about it. And this silent submission, alas, cost her her life.

Let's add: Gulnar was buried in Baku the other day. Samir Gabibov faces up to 15 years in prison.


On January 19, the Kirov District Court held the last hearing in the case of the murder of 23-year-old St. Petersburg woman Gulnar Gabibova, nee Velieva.

On April 15, 2016, she married 34-year-old Samir Gabibov. And just a week later, on April 23, he brutally killed her and buried her body in the forests near Petrodvorets.

The investigation and trial lasted about 9 months. And all this time the Azerbaijani remained under house arrest.

The prosecutor asked for 14 years in a maximum security colony for Gabibov.

The judge decided that 10 years was enough. According to him, Samir cooperated with the investigation and could not receive more than 2/3 of the maximum sentence (which is 15 years).

Interestingly, the judge found other mitigating circumstances: for example, Samir’s two minor children. At the same time, Gabibov stated at the trial that in no case did he formalize paternity and does not communicate with his sons at all. It turns out that de jure Gabibov has no children. But the court still remembered them.

In addition, Gabibov had previously been prosecuted. He was tried for kidnapping and served five years. Do you think this became an aggravating circumstance? Not at all: Samir’s criminal record has been cleared.

Hearing the new verdict, Gabibov just smiled. And Gulnar’s friends burst into tears.

In the courtroom, Gabibov was handcuffed. He will wait for the stage in the famous “Crosses”.


Let us remember that for more than a month after the murder, Gabibov managed to avert suspicion from himself: he assured the police and Guli’s relatives that she simply left home and did not return. The deception was revealed only at the end of May 2016.

During the investigation and at trial, Samir fully admitted his guilt and showed where he buried the body. True, he constantly changed his testimony. At first he insisted that he accidentally pushed Gulya and she fell, hit her head and died.

When forensic experts counted 32 injuries on the girl’s body (half in the head and neck area), Samir admitted: he beat his wife to death.

But he found an excuse: according to him, before her death, Gulya admitted to him that she had been intimate with another man, sent him her photographs and was even going to meet on the afternoon of April 23. Gabibov insisted: he simply lost his head with rage.


At the last court hearing, Gabibov appeared with an impressive sports bag in his hands. He, understandably, did not count on being released.

I want to apologize if I... - said Gabibov on the last word and faltered. “There wasn’t a day when I didn’t think about it.”

He also stated that he was ready to compensate for the damage to the Gulnar family - but only material damage.

“What happened, happened,” Gabibov sighed.

He did not miss the opportunity to communicate with the judge: they say, I admitted everything and repented, I ask you to take this into account.

Before the verdict was announced, Samir was noticeably nervous. However, he was apparently satisfied with the verdict.

But the family of the deceased girl insists: the sentence should be harsher.

Why did the judge reduce the sentence by a third? Did Samir cooperate with the investigation? He denied everything until the very end, he confessed only under the weight of evidence,” Guli’s father Sujayat Veliyev told KP. - Thanks to Komsomolskaya Pravda for following this case. If there were no journalists, there would be no resonance - Samir would have received even less.

Let’s add: Gulnar’s father and mother filed two claims for compensation for moral damages totaling 10 million rubles.

The judge awarded 5 million.

The Veliyev family did not rule out filing an appeal.

An Azerbaijani man who killed his wife immediately after the wedding received 10 years of strict regime.Alexandra KRYLOVA
