Shatush for brown hair. Hair coloring using the Shatush technique: vacation mood and Hollywood volume Who suits Shatush

Shatush coloring is a modern hair coloring technique, which is also called French highlighting. Photos before and after the shatush session clearly demonstrate all the advantages of the method.

The word “shahtoosh” itself translated from English means “goat fluff”, or rather the expensive wool of a special breed of goat, which is distinguished by its extraordinary softness.

The shatush coloring method was invented by Italian stylist Aldo Coppola, who owns a chain of world-famous beauty salons. At first, coloring was available only to celebrities and Hollywood actresses, which reflected their belonging to the luxury, elite class.

The second name of the method is French highlighting. Shatush received it because of the special love of French women for this type of coloring. French women are known for their ability to look stylish in any situation, so they appreciated the technique for adding a special chic to the image.

The main feature of coloring shatush is the effect of sun-bleached strands.

It is created thanks to a soft transition of tones from roots to ends with lightening of the latter. When dyeing, tinting compounds are used that are close in shade to the natural color of the hair to give it a natural look. This method is called color stretching.

Who is suitable for Shatush coloring?

Shatush is a universal coloring technique that is suitable for almost every woman. For young girls, coloring will add zest and emphasize natural beauty, while for older women it will add charm and elegance.

Coloring looks good on long hair and shoulder-length haircuts such as bobs or bobs. The natural hair color using the shatush technique does not matter. For each shade there is a suitable palette of colors that matches perfectly with the natural hair color.

If you follow the technique, coloring shatush looks equally advantageous on hair of different lengths

However, blondes with too light a hair shade are advised to choose a different coloring method, since with this color the result of shatush may be invisible.

Factors influencing the choice of technique: length, structure, hair density

Despite the versatility of the technique, the quality of coloring depends on several factors.

Hair length is one of them:

  1. Shatush looks most impressive on long hair, because on them the beauty of coloring is fully demonstrated. Even when creating collected hairstyles, the coloring does not lose its originality. A variety of braids and weaves will only emphasize the peculiarity of coloring.
  2. Short haircuts such as pixie and garcon are not suitable for shatush. The hair length will not be enough to properly distribute the pigment and achieve the desired effect.
  3. Shatush can be done for any hair thickness. For hair that is too thin, dyeing will give it fullness and volume, and will dilute the natural thickness with the effect of burnt hair.
  4. Shatush looks good on straight or wavy hair. Straight and curled hair will demonstrate coloring especially well, but small curls are not suitable for French highlighting. Against the background of their structure, the transition of shades will not be noticeable.

Advantages of technology

Shatush coloring has become widespread throughout the world due to its undeniable advantages:


There are not so many negative features of coloring and they are rather subjective in nature:

  • Shatush is a rather expensive dyeing method. Its cost varies depending on the length of the hair;
  • dyes containing ammonia are used to lighten strands, which negatively affects hair health;
  • Shatush is quite complicated to make, so its version without backcombing is not recommended to be made on your own;
  • girls with natural blonde should choose a different dyeing technique, since on a light shade of hair the color transitions that shatush suggests will not be visible;
  • the minimum hair length required for coloring is shoulder length;
  • Before you start dyeing, you need to carry out a course of treatment for damaged hair.

Choosing a shade for brown hair

Coloring shatush, the photo of which is presented below, looks very organic on light brown hair. Using different shades of tinting, the effect of natural burning of strands in the sun is created.

Shatush can be done on any shade of light brown hair. Only very light blondes are not suitable for this technique. Hair dye should not differ too much from the natural color. Lightening by 1-2 tones is enough.

The following shades are suitable for tinting lightened strands:

It is important to note that the curls that frame the face should be lighter than the bulk of the hair.

Choosing a shade for dark and black hair

Dyeing shatush (you can see the photo below) on dark and black hair allows you to use absolutely any shades, both natural and bright colors, to tint strands.

The peculiarity of shatush for dark hair is that for lightening it is necessary to use an oxidizing agent of a higher percentage, which depends on the thickness of the hair and the natural color of the hair. For fine hair, an oxide of 3% is enough, and dyed black hair will need an oxidizing agent of 6-9% or a special lightening powder.

Shatush looks most natural on undyed hair. Black pigment does not always combine well with natural shades, so many hairdressers pre-wash the black color with several tones.

Shatush for dark hair is a favorite among women over 40 years old. It visually rejuvenates the face , and makes the image more chic and attractive.

Choosing a shade for blond hair

Dyeing shatush (photo below) on light shades of blonde differs in that hair tinting is an optional stage of the procedure. Lightened strands on such hair look natural without additional manipulation.

Before applying the coloring composition, you must make sure that the selected shade has a difference of at least 2 tones from the natural hair color. Otherwise, due to the lack of color transition, the meaning of coloring is lost.

The best shades for a light shatush would be:

  • ashen;
  • light wheat;
  • pearl;
  • white.

A tan especially emphasizes the beauty of the shatush, and pallor in combination with bleached hair, on the contrary, creates a sickly appearance and gives the skin an earthy tint.

Choosing a shade for red hair

Coloring shatush (photo can be seen below) on red hair is performed extremely rarely. There are not many shades that look harmonious with natural red hair. The reason for this is the inability of red hair to fade in the sun.

Shades that go with red hair color:

  • caramel;
  • red;
  • golden;
  • honey;
  • copper.

The color of the strands is selected according to the client’s color type. The choice of cold or warm shades depends on the natural color of your hair and skin. Red and copper tones are suitable for dark-skinned girls, and honey and caramel tones for pale girls.

Shatush for long and short hair: differences in coloring

The technology for coloring shatush for long and short hair is no different, but has some features:

Short hair length that covers the neck is optimal for coloring.

There are many haircuts that suit the length, but shatush looks best with:

  • bob;
  • long bob;
  • asymmetrical haircut;
  • styling in waves;
  • straight hair with careless styling.

Long hair will allow you to perform shatush without much difficulty, so beginners are advised to master the technique at this length.

Preparing tools

The set of tools for shatush is the same as for performing standard highlighting.

To dye your hair you will need:

Dishes for diluting paint should be silicone or ceramic. Metal containers can oxidize the paint, and the result of painting will be unpredictable.

If the procedure is carried out at home without the participation of a colorist, special attention should be paid to the choice of paint to avoid the effect of yellowness and other undesirable reactions.

Strands that have already been dyed should not be covered with foil or a plastic cap. For high-quality lightening, free access to oxygen is necessary. Coloring using this technology is called “open highlighting”.

Preparing for coloring

The main stage of preparing hair for dyeing shatush is its treatment, because additional lightening of damaged and brittle hair will negatively affect its health and appearance.

2-3 weeks before the session, you should refrain from dyeing with ammonia dyes and carrying out any procedures that involve treating your hair with products containing chemicals.

It is not advisable to do:

  • keratin straightening;
  • lamination;
  • botox for hair.

It would be a good idea to have your hair cut to remove split ends and give your hair a well-groomed look.

To restore the hair structure, you can conduct a course of salon treatments using ampoule products or make nourishing and moisturizing masks at home.

Step-by-step instructions for dyeing hair at home

Even a non-professional master can perform shatush at home. The main thing is to take care in advance of having all the necessary tools and study in detail the progress of the staining procedure.

In addition to the basic tools, you need to take care of the presence of two mirrors, which are placed parallel to each other. This will help you see the back of your head and apply the paint without assistance.

Coloring stages:

Stages of combed hair coloring

The advantage of shatush with fleece is that it can be made without special skills. Even a novice hairdresser can handle coloring with a standard set of tools.

Instructions for making shatush with fleece:

Step-by-step coloring without combing

Coloring shatush without backcombing is a more complex technique that is practiced only by professional colorists.

Step-by-step instructions for painting:

  1. The master selects several strands from the entire mass of hair in a chaotic manner and fastens them together.
  2. Lightening paint is applied by hand, brush or using a round comb, avoiding uniform coloring of the strands.
  3. The colorist independently regulates the intensity of lightening and washes off the dye when the hair is sufficiently lightened.
  4. The strands are tinted with a shade that harmonizes with the natural hair color, and a nourishing mask is applied.

What to do with bangs?

When dyeing shatush, bangs are usually left in a natural shade. It is used to give a hairstyle a new accent or to refresh a boring haircut.
Thick, straight or side-combed bangs suit long hair. It harmonizes with lightened strands that frame the oval of the face and visually reduce it. This creates a feminine and elegant look.

Short haircuts go better with asymmetrical oblique bangs, which are sometimes also dyed using the shatush technique. This option looks strict and original, and is suitable for hair of any shade.

What is the difference between the shatush technique and highlighting, balayage and ombre?

Modern coloring techniques such as shatush, balayage and ombre are considered types of highlighting. Despite their similarity, each method has its own characteristics.

Shatush dyeing differs from other coloring methods in the way the dye is applied and the distribution of shades on the hair. The diagram in the photo below clearly demonstrates this difference.

Highlighting – lightening individual thin strands of hair using foil. Modern types of highlighting (California, Venetian) create the effect of sun highlights on the hair. It is achieved through the use of 2-4 cool shades close to the natural hair color. This coloring technique is ideal for fair-haired girls.

Ombre involves a transition from a dark color at the roots to a light shade at the tips. The technique is performed using gradient hair coloring, in which one color smoothly gives way to another. For this effect, more than 8 shades of paint are used. Ombre is used not only for classic dyeing in natural colors. It looks unusual with a color palette of paints.

Balayage is a type of ombre in which the gradient is not performed with a sharp transition between contrasting shades, but using a soft palette of colors to create a smooth change of color.

The technique of coloring shatush will add elegance and refresh any look, therefore it is considered universal and is very popular among women of all ages. Photos of highlighting in different shades will help you make your choice and choose the best option.

Article format: Olga Pankevich

Video about hair coloring using the shatush technique

Options for fashionable coloring of shatush:

As we dive into the world of coloring, let's start with the basics, which have been popular for at least several years. Jessica Parker/

The name of this coloring technique has French roots, going back to the word “shadow”. This is traditionally the name for creating a smooth gradient (gradual) transition from darkened roots to lighter tips. “Regrown roots” is approximately it, ombre, in its most budget-friendly version.

It is believed that one of the first celebrities to popularize this technique was Sex and the City star Sarah Jessica Parker, who showed off her “regrown roots” (dyed at a fashion salon, of course) in 2010.

But quite quickly, ombre outgrew the stage of naturalness and acquired color variations, when the ends were no longer lightened, but were sometimes painted in rather bright colors. By the way, an interesting option for the brave.

Yes, if in a hairdresser they offer you to do a gradient or degrade, know: it’s still the same ombre, only under a different name.

A sombre will work if the traditional ombre is given the prefix c- - soft, soft. The transition of colors here is as soft as possible, almost unnoticeable. Most often, a sombre is done like this: the bulk of the hair is untouched, only slightly, literally by 0.5–1 tones, lightening individual, rather wide strands. The result is the effect of slightly sun-bleached, completely natural hair.

One of the most gentle coloring techniques. Balayage is, essentially, highlighting thin strands of hair, not along the entire length, but only at the ends - a maximum of ⅔ of the total length.

Gisele Bundchen / Penelope Cruz / Jennifer Aniston

To understand what this technique looks like, just remember Jennifer Aniston - the Hollywood star has been wearing bronze almost without taking it off for many years.

Brond is the same highlighting (lightening clear thin strands of hair), but not in one lighter tone, but in different ones to create the effect of a natural play of light. However, there is a strict restriction: bright colors are not allowed, only blond and brown tones are acceptable. Actually, the very name of the technique - bronde - is a mixture of the English words blond and brown.

Another variation of lightening individual strands in one or more shades, but with a key nuance: the color transition occurs horizontally. The traditional situation for ombre or bronde, when part of the hair is lightened only at the ends, and individual lighter strands can start almost from the roots, is unacceptable here. The color transition in this case has, although somewhat blurred, a fairly distinct horizontal boundary.

What's new: nude, grombre, flamboyage and others

The good old stuff is good, but you always want something new. Here are a few more techniques that burst into the world of coloring quite recently, literally a year or two ago.,

Stylists love to create new concepts by combining old names, and this is the case: the word grombre comes from the merger of gray (gray) and ombre (ombre). You've probably already guessed: it's still the same ombre, but with an emphasis on gray - ash, steel, gray - hair. An ideal option for those who discovered the first one and now decided to “age gracefully,” but this rather provocative coloring is also popular among very young girls. Alba/

Nude is when there is healthy, beautiful, well-groomed hair, but it’s as if it’s not there. They do not attract attention to themselves, allowing the emphasis to be placed on something else: the look, transparency, and other characteristics of the image. Coloring is done as naturally as possible, exclusively in restrained, neutral, natural tones that match the color type, eye and skin color.

Another fruit of hairdressing incest: it comes from the symbiosis of the words “balayage”, “ombre” and the adjective flamboyant (catchy). The creator of flamboyance, Italian stylist Angelo Seminara, says that with the help of this mix technique he tried to create the most bright, iridescent, vibrant hair color. Judge for yourself how well he succeeded.

This technique involves coloring in such a way as to create the effect of a reflection of light on the hair. Strobing is quite complicated to perform: there is no single algorithm for highlighting strands; the master chooses the tones and location himself, focusing on features, skin color and other factors.

An extraordinary and largely cruelty-free hair coloring option. The name comes from the Latin word “juicy”, and the mix of colors in which the hair is dyed is designed to remind one of nature: green grasses, flowering meadows, mysterious lakes overgrown with various greenery.

This type of coloring is chosen mainly by girls of creative professions. Of course, you don’t go to the office with a succulent. Although…

Shatush on black hair is an excellent choice to rejuvenate and refresh the face, making the image more stylish and attractive. Any girl can dye her hair, regardless of hair length. Full care of your curls will prolong the effect of the procedure and at the same time make them healthier.

Coloring using the shatush technique will allow you to change the image and give it original shape. Properly selected shades and high-quality execution are the key to obtaining a magnificent and radiant result, the essence of which is to create the effect of hair bleached by the sun's rays.

Advantages and disadvantages of shatush for black hair

The advantages of the method include:

  • the ability to change the image without changing the main hair color;
  • procedure time;
  • saving money, since after painting you will have to visit the salon in 3-4 months;
  • Due to the smooth transitions of colors, the image becomes elegant and sophisticated.

The procedure has its disadvantages:

  • the possibility of ruining the ends if painting is done incorrectly;
  • a sharp transition from one color to another will give the hairstyle an awkward outline.

Popular techniques

Shatush is made in two variations: with and without fleece. In addition, it is important to choose the appropriate shade of dye, since today there are a huge number of them:

  1. . These shades look bright and natural at the same time. They should be used when painting for the summer. Warm caramel color refreshes cool-toned black locks. This shade looks good with brown strands, but the effect is washed out.
  2. . It is in trend today, as it refers to cold natural tones. A fashionable gradient made on black hair with a transition to ash will add aristocracy to the image.
  3. . It looks good on dark brown, chocolate and black hair. The hairstyle becomes original, stylish and at the same time retains its naturalness.
  4. . The most popular when performing shatush on black hair. Does not create a sharp contrast, while the hairstyle becomes voluminous, fresh and natural.
  5. Copper. Its peculiarity is that it creates the most natural effect on dark hair. Best used on curls with chocolate overflow. In other cases, the hairstyle will look stylish, but you won’t be able to get a natural effect.
  6. Golden. It looks great on naturally black hair, giving it shine and shine.
  7. Silver. It is only suitable for black, undyed hair. Then the gradient won't seem so sharp.

Shatush and hair length

On short and medium

Dyeing on short hair is not so easy, but it is possible if you contact an experienced hairdresser. The technique has its own characteristics.

With a fashionable gradient, the lady will look younger. By creating the effect of burnt hair, the face becomes fresh and youthful. In tandem with a playful short haircut, every girl will emphasize youth and naturalness.

The hairstyle will look ridiculous if you do the shatush on too short curls (length 2-8 cm).

To achieve a smooth transition, the hair length should reach the shoulders. Then the shatush looks appropriate both with a ponytail and with loose curls.

It looks most impressive on a gradient. This length allows you to create the necessary smooth transition, so that the coloring looks natural.

The peculiarity of the shatush on medium and short haircuts is that the bleached strands will frame the face favorably. It’s just that on long ones, the bleached ends are not as pronounced and noticeable as on short ones. Consequently, such painting will make significant adjustments to the overall image.

On long

This technique most often adorns long black hairstyles. They open up wide possibilities for creativity: you can determine which hair to lighten and in what quantity. You can apply the dye to the very ends or start dyeing from the middle of the strands.

This technique also has its own characteristics:

  1. If a girl is not ready to radically change her appearance, then she just needs to lighten just the ends. If desired, you can cut them off and return the hairstyle to its original appearance.
  2. If you need to significantly change your hairstyle, then start lightening your curls a little above shoulder level. It is not necessary to treat all the strands below with the same light colors. You can combine lightened ones with natural dark ones.
  3. After painting, they need careful care. It includes the use of nourishing and moisturizing masks, because shatush looks impressive only on well-groomed curls.

Shatush technique

To create the effect of burnt hair, you don't have to go to the salon. You can update your hairstyle at home if you prepare the following materials and tools:

  • bowl (not made of metal);
  • brush;
  • clamps;
  • gloves;
  • comb;
  • clarifier;
  • cape


  1. Dirty hair is dyed, so do not wash your hair 2-3 days before the procedure. It is necessary to lightly moisten the curls with warm water.
  2. Divide the hair into several strands and secure them with clips.
  3. Combine powder and liquid to prepare clarifier.
  4. Apply the mixture to your hair and wait 10 minutes.
  5. Rinse the mixture from your hair, pat dry with a towel and dry.
  6. Put on a cape, squeeze the paint into a bowl, and apply it evenly over your hair with a brush.
  7. Wait 20 minutes, wash off the paint with warm water without using shampoo.
  8. Dry and style curls.

Shatush for black hair is a great opportunity to transform your hairstyle, give it freshness and at the same time naturalness. It is on dark curls that the gradient looks most advantageous. With black hair, there are ample opportunities for experimentation due to the wide color palette.

Shatush is a popular tinting, widespread due to the fresh and bright appearance of curls, ease of execution and ease of care. This type of lightening has taken the lead as the most budget-friendly. And in this case, cheap doesn’t mean bad: it’s just that the shatush won’t require a lot of paint and will have to be renewed no more often than after three months. Dyeing can be done to any original color, but shatush looks brightest on dark hair. Before and after photos show the original look of a homogeneous mass of hair and a lively highlight appearance.

After reading the article, you:

  • you will see photos of hair “before” and “after” coloring;
  • hear real reviews from those who have already tried shatush on themselves;
  • compare prices for the service in Moscow and the regions;
  • figure out what length of shatush is most suitable;
  • learn how to use the technique at home and whether it’s worth it;
  • watch a video with dyeing instructions from professionals;
  • elaborate on individual types of shatush.

Happy reading!

What is shatush?

Shatush is a variant of hair coloring by partial lightening with an indentation from the roots. The latter made this type of coloring so popular: it does not spoil the appearance of the hairstyle, since it does not penetrate into the roots, and does not require frequent adjustments due to the distance from the roots and the lack of clear color boundaries. Achieving a multifaceted and natural result is achieved by using 1-3 shades 2-3 shades lighter than the “base”. Choosing more colors will make the hairstyle bulky and deprive it of its visual “naturalness”. Successful coloring creates visible volume and brightens the image.

Coloring is used to disguise gray hair if the graying areas make up less than 30% of the total volume. It is not recommended to carry out this type of coloring in case of using natural dyes (henna, basma), immediately after perm. Natural curls are straightened before application for a clearer distribution of the bleach. Haircuts, trims, and restorative procedures are done before coloring; styling products are not used on the eve of coloring; hair is not washed. Before painting, leveling staining is sometimes applied.

There are two main shatush techniques: with and without backcombing. The first is easier to perform and can be applied at home, the second requires professional skills and experience. Both options are performed 2-3 days after washing your hair. They use both a professional lightener and tinting agent, as well as paint of the desired shade. Both methods allow you to achieve the desired result: naturalness, well-groomed, radiant and fresh look.

L"Oreal Paris Casting Creme Gloss Permanent hair dye-care

15 photos “Before” and “After”

Do you want a noticeable transformation and maintain a natural look? Choose shatush for dark hair. Photos before and after will allow you to see how dark brown, chestnut, chocolate and black shades of the main tone are played out.

L"Oreal Paris Excellence Permanent hair color cream

Real reviews

Reviews from girls about coloring shatush are mostly positive. Provided you contact a professional, clearly describe the task, and provide care before starting the procedure, the result will meet your expectations.

Unusual coloring, suitable for any length and color. The result is a natural color that lasts longer than dyeing or highlighting. Perfectly hides gray hair. Among the disadvantages, I note the rather high cost. Difficult to do on your own at home.

Shatush looks natural, it’s not difficult to do it yourself, there’s no fear of ruining something. I didn’t see any downsides because I was delighted. There is one drawback: my hands get numb because I did it myself. My main goal was to become lighter, having an even dark-dark chocolate color, and I achieved this.

It turned out very beautiful on dark hair! And as a person with extensive experience in coloring and understanding my data, I am convinced and believe that I can go through this coloring for 3 months calmly. The result is a lasting effect. Ease of care is important to me. The procedure lasted 3 hours, the length was below the shoulder blades. First, the strands are combed all over the head, then they are dyed, but not to the roots, and all the hair is tinted. I advise everyone who does coloring on long curls, you won’t have to worry about it!

Constant Delight paint

Price in Moscow and regions

The price for coloring shatush varies depending on the length, structure and density of the curls. Coloring bobs and lengths below the shoulder blades requires different amounts of dye, tonic and labor costs. The cost of coloring in Moscow and the regions also differs.

The table shows prices (in rubles) for painting shatush in different regions.

By hair length

Most often, shatush is performed on medium-length hair and long curls. On owners of long and semi-long strands, the transition of tones corresponds to the highlights of natural burnout, lightening emphasizes the natural and chosen base color. It is more difficult to do shatush haircuts for short haircuts, but some of them (bob, long bob) are suitable for a full, zonal shatush.


Shatush for dark short hair not easy to do. To achieve a smooth color transition, you will need sufficient length, at least to the middle of the neck. This type of coloring is suitable for you if your haircut:

  • elongated bob;
  • long bob;
  • Cascading haircuts below the chin.

The shorter the length, the thinner and sparser the strands for dyeing and the smaller the distance from the roots.

Olia Permanent cream hair dye, 160 ml


Looks more advantageous shatush for dark hair of medium length. Photo demonstrate how the length allows you to distribute the paint from the ends to the middle zone of the curls and achieve the effect of natural fading. The length from the shoulders to the shoulder blades with any haircut option is perfect as the basis of a shatush.

ESTEL Celebrity hair dye-care


You will look elegant and natural by doing shatush for dark long hair. The length below the shoulder blades leaves room for the dye to stretch and give the curls a natural burnout effect. A chaotic choice of strands allows you to place accents in certain areas: near the face, on the bangs. Make a distance from the roots of up to 15 cm. Unsuccessful dyeing on long curls is easy to cut off.

L"Oreal Paris Preference Permanent hair dye Recital

How to do it at home?

At home, shatush with backcombing is more often performed; it does not require mathematical precision of movements and mistakes made with this dyeing method are not so noticeable. The option with fleece is done in several stages:

  • pin up hair with clips/gather it into a ponytail at the back of the head;
  • divided into strands of about 2 cm;
  • each strand is combed heavily;
  • with short strokes of the brush, apply the coloring solution to the combed strands;
  • keep the composition for 10-40 minutes depending on the desired degree of lightening;
  • wash off the paint and brightening composition;
  • rinse hair with balm, fixative, and toning agent.

The technique allows the paint to penetrate the strands unevenly, coloring only part of them and not forming clear transitions.

The second method is used mainly by professionals:

  • hair is combed and divided into segments;
  • in the direction from the tips to the middle part, a lightening composition is applied to some strands;
  • the paint is stretched, achieving a smooth color transition;
  • wash off and tint.

When choosing a color, be guided by your initial data. The main rule for brunettes is to choose a dye that is 2-3 shades lighter than the base color, not shades of blonde. The effect of strong lighteners does not meet expectations: the transitions are contrasting and unnatural, the curls are severely damaged and look unhealthy.

For girls with predominant warm shades in appearance - reddish and brown hair, brown, gray-green eyes and golden, dark skin (spring and autumn) warm tones slightly lighter than the main tone are suitable.

Owners of winter and summer color types (bright contrasting appearance: dark/light curls and black/blue eyes, light skin) are recommended to choose cool shades for tinting.

Cream paint ESTEL


The presented video shows step-by-step dyeing of dark hair using the shatush technique.

Shatush on square

Shatush for short haircuts is performed with a minimum hair length of 12-15 cm. A shorter length does not allow for soft color transitions and the effect of natural lightening under the sun. There are several options for shatush on a square:

  • shatush from the tips to the middle zone throughout the entire volume of the head;
  • zonal lightening of the ends with a soft upward stretch of paint (bangs, elongated front strands, longer parts in an asymmetrical bob).

This type of dyeing for short dark hair is inexpensive, the area of ​​dyeing is small, and frequent correction is not required.

Matrix paint

For dark brown hair

Carrying out painting using technology shatush for dark brown hair leaves you with a wide choice of tinting shades:

  • dark blond curls of a cool tone, with an ashy tint, are suitable for shades of light and medium blond, coffee with milk, reddish shades of cherry and mahogany;
  • for dark brown hair with a warm shade, closer to chestnut, nut, caramel, and red shades are suitable;
  • This technique is also suitable for lovers of creative coloring - in this case, the strands are lightened by two or three tones and tinted in the selected bright color, selected in accordance with the main tone (cold to cold, warm to warm).

Dyeing dark hair using the shatush technique is somewhat similar in effect to bronzing, multi-stage strand dyeing in several tones, but is much simpler to perform.

Londa permanent cream hair dye

For straight hair

Shatush looks equally impressive on straight and curly strands. It is easier to perform this type of dyeing on straight hair than on curls: it is easier to determine the order in which the dye is applied and control the intensity of lightening. Among hairstyles for straight-haired people, the technique creates maximum effect and shimmer on cascading haircuts and various options for ladders.

L"Oreal Professionnel paint

With a bang

Shatush is one of the most popular colorings of the last two years and is used by owners of a wide variety of hairstyles. Haircuts with bangs are colored in two ways:

  • without touching the bangs and with a distance from the roots equal to it (more often used when there are straight short bangs);
  • with dyeing 1-2 thin strands on the bangs (elongated, side-swept options).

GARNIER Color Naturals Permanent hair color cream, 110 ml


Shoulder-length strands already allow you to achieve beautiful transitions of tones. You can stop at one light shade and play with it by stretching it along the length, focus on the front strands, or choose colored tinting.

L"Oreal Professionnel paint

Ash shatush for dark hair

Ash dyeing is performed on light, dark and light brown hair. It attracts attention; this bright coloring does not pretend to create a natural effect. The ash shade suits girls with a “cold” color type. For other types, this coloring sometimes makes them look older, emphasizes shadows and wrinkles on the face, and evokes associations with gray hair. If ashy suits you, then feel free to go to a professional.

Ash shatush is made in two stages:

  • lightening or “washing” the pigment;
  • toning.

The first stage is mandatory for owners of dark curls, but it is very harmful to the hair. Pay attention to recovery: masks, keratin nutrition.

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Light and beautiful shatush

Shatush, made for medium hair and long strands using lightening and tinting in colors 2-3 tones lighter than the base, gives a natural look and shine. Brunettes are suitable for soft, non-contrasting transitions:

  • from black to reddish brown;
  • from chestnut to copper;
  • from brown - to coffee with milk tone;
  • from dark blond to medium blond;
  • from medium brown - to caramel, nutty, wheat.

Light and beautiful shatush is obtained on healthy hair, so before and after coloring, take care of your hair with nourishing ingredients. The “after” photo shows how ordinary hairstyles are transformed as a result of using the shatush technique.

Cream paint OLLIN Professional

  • practically does not harm the hair cuticle;
  • the hair visually becomes fuller and more voluminous;
  • does not require frequent correction; growing roots do not stand out, but look natural;
  • any hairstyle will look good;
  • gray hair is well disguised;
  • The execution session takes little time.

The effect of burnt hair is achieved by using two very close colors. The shatush technique is applied to the entire length and is more suitable for those with dark hair color. When painting, a smooth transition is made from dark to light. Overgrown light roots do not look aesthetically pleasing. Gray strands are suitable only if there are no more than 30%.

For the shatush effect, both natural and artificial dyes are used. The first ones treat hair and give it a natural shine. Can be applied to already colored hair. The most popular colors are all shades of wheat, walnut, gold, beige, as well as ash with pearls.

The technique is not suitable for hair damaged by perm or dyed with henna.

The salon procedure includes the following steps:

  • The hair is divided into two centimeter strands.
  • Since coloring begins from below, the upper strands are fixed with clips on the top of the head so as not to interfere.
  • Before applying the dye to the strand in short strokes, comb it well. The roots are left intact.
  • Depending on the desired color, keep the dye on the hair from 10 minutes to half an hour. You will get very light ends if you leave it on for 30 minutes, more natural if you leave it on for 10 minutes.
  • Wash off the coloring composition with clean running water.
  • To neutralize the bleach, the hair is tinted.

Ombre, shatush, sombre: what to choose?

Complex hair coloring is becoming more popular every day, and its variety is wider. Which technique to choose to look impressive and how they differ from each other is an increasingly common question on forums and social networks.

During ombre, the result is a flow of dark into light or vice versa. Suitable for hair of any color, as it can be dyed to the desired shade. Usually they remain natural until the middle of the strand, then with a smooth transition they can even turn into bright acid pink. You can choose a less flashy color. It differs from the shatush in its color border. It is carried out horizontally, with a smooth gradient, so it looks brighter.

A softened version of ombre is sombre. This technique involves lightening the hair by only half a tone, a maximum of one tone. It can happen naturally if you cut strands colored using the ombre technique.

Shatush highlighting is a color stretching technology in which small strands of hair are dyed in a chaotic manner. The roots remain intact. The backcombing of strands forms the boundaries of the flowers. The technique is performed outdoors.

Advice! Color transition techniques are similar to each other, but the right coloring method will turn any modest person into a real Hollywood star.

What is the difference between shatush, balayage and bronding?

The name bronding is derived from blond and brown in Latin. It is the transition between these colors that the masters make when performing the technique. The result is an image of a brown-haired woman with the effect of burnt hair with a beautiful honey or caramel tint. The difference between the tones is no more than three shades.

Bronding provides a soft shimmer of shades that creates visual volume and thickness of the hair.

The following technique of smoothly dyeing hair in different colors is named after the French word “revenge”. As if sweeping away, the master applies dye to the strands during balayage. Most of the brush strokes are brushed horizontally across the top layer, imitating sun-bleached hair. It differs from ombre and sombre in the precision of its execution. Not suitable for those who want to radically change their appearance.

Shatush differs little from the listed techniques, but it wins in simplicity and speed of execution.

California highlighting - shatush using special technology

A gentle way to color hair is California highlighting. The master obtains natural shades and natural highlights without the use of foil. The effect of naturalness is achieved thanks to smooth transitions of noble shades of golden sand, sweet aromatic caramel, spicy cinnamon and tree bark. The hair becomes shiny and a visual effect of volume is created.

The main difference between lightening strands and highlighting them is the degree of naturalness. The California variety offers greater dark-light contrast than the shatush. It, in turn, guarantees a soft transition from dark, rich roots to light ends.

California highlights look best on dark and light brown hair. Deeply dark roots smoothly transition into other tones. Vertical strands are colored unevenly and have different widths.

The coloring paste is based on beeswax. It gently lightens hair and does not cause significant harm to it. The paint does not leak because it has a thick base. Doesn't dry out hair.

True California highlights give your hair up to five different shades, which is the closest thing to real sun exposure.

Shatush technique at home

Before painting yourself, you should first prepare a plastic comb, a brush to evenly distribute the coloring composition, a shower cap or polyethylene and an elastic band.

  • Pull your hair into a ponytail at the front. The coloring will be more noticeable if it is located closer to the forehead. Placing it closer to the crown will only have an effect on the ends.
  • Backcomb. Separate the strands one by one and run the comb from the ends to the roots. The strength of the contrast depends on the density.
  • Prepare the paint. If your hair is longer than your shoulder blades, you need to use two packs.
  • Carefully apply paint to the tail. There is no need to distribute it evenly, otherwise you won’t get the effect of burnt hair.
  • Wrap the tail in plastic and leave for half an hour. After 40 minutes, the dye no longer works, so it won’t ruin your hair, so you can overdo it.
  • Wash your hair with running water, dry and style.

To prevent the color from fading or turning yellow, it is enough to use a special mask for bleached curls once a week.

The entire procedure takes no more than 45 minutes.

The average price for a salon procedure is about 5,000 rubles. In order not to spoil the image, it is better to trust a professional master.

Advice!Between staining you should take a break of at least 3 weeks.

Shatush for short hair

Unlike ombre and other techniques, shatush is also applied to short hair. The advantage is that you do not need to make an even contrast transition. Here the color change is chaotic.

Since after dyeing a lot of hair of natural color remains, making shatush on short hair is quite simple. You need to comb the desired strands and lightly paint on different sides. The result is natural simplicity. If you apply the technique on all strands, you will get classic highlighting, and not the effect of burnt hair.

Stylists do not recommend doing shatush on short hair yourself. The advantage of long hair here is that it is more convenient to control the process from all sides.

Advice!You should prepare for coloring two weeks in advance. You need to actively use nourishing masks that strengthen your hair.

Shatush for dark hair

Shatush looks most impressive on long dark strands. Short haircuts are inappropriate in this case.

The transition from dark to light should not reach three tones. Two is enough. The main thing is to control that there is no clear boundary between the roots and ends, otherwise the hair will simply be divided into two zones. This effect can result from incorrect application of paint or a carelessly selected tone. Careless application using the shatush technique is the best way to get the desired effect.

Advice! The haircut should be done before dyeing, so that it is clear exactly how to apply the dye. This way you can predict the final result.

Shatush for blonde hair

Sun fading is not suitable for every blonde. Therefore, if you still have a firm decision to repaint yourself in the Shatush style, you need to take care of tanning your body. Then the hair will look natural and no one will doubt that the owner of beautiful hair was relaxing under the scorching rays of the sun.

Blonde hair absorbs the desired tones more easily and quickly and does without further tinting. The tone should only be changed by one or two, so you can use harmless ammonia-free dyes.

When choosing paint, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer. Only a high-quality product will help achieve the desired effect. Cheap products can damage your hair and require professional correction.

Those with a cold color type should pay attention to ashy shades, and those with a warm color type should pay attention to golden tones. Neutral tones suit everyone.

Shatush is rarely used on light hair, since the lightening of the ends of white curls is almost imperceptible and the burnout effect is reduced to nothing. You can paint the roots several shades darker, but then when the hair grows back, the light base will be visible, and the spectacular shatush will turn into a cheap three-color unsuccessful dye job.

Shatush for brown hair

On light brown hair, you can correctly make shatush on your own. To do this, the main thing is to use colors from the blonde palette. At home, lightening powder, 4 oxides at 3% from a trusted manufacturer, is perfect. To tint you will need paint and two oxides for it. It is better to use exactly 3% powder because it prevents the orange tint. It also has a gentle effect on the hair and therefore can be kept for a long time, and, accordingly, bring the light brown color to almost white.

First, mix the powder and oxide and begin applying the mixture to the occipital area. It is convenient to paint with V-shaped strokes. If your hair is of medium length, you need to step back at least 5 cm from the roots. Repeat the manipulations throughout your hair. On light brown hair, the bleach can be left on for about an hour. Then the desired tone is applied to damp hair.

Advice! It is advisable to carry out tinting, because after aggressive lightening, the hair scales remain open, and therefore hard to the touch. Subsequent processing helps smooth them out.

Disadvantages of coloring

There are only two disadvantages to the shatush dyeing technique.

Firstly, if you are counting on a bright effect, then it is better to choose another option. The beauty of shatush lies in its maximum naturalness and minimal change in image. These are, rather, touches that lighten the picture and give it some combination of serenity and airiness. The goal of shatush is vibrant hair that shimmers in the light, slightly sun-bleached hair, creating the effect of natural chic. Don’t forget that shatush are also the finest shawls made from Tibetan fallow deer wool; the same word defines the highest quality, real luxury.

Secondly, you should correctly assess your capabilities, especially if you decide to carry out such coloring yourself. In fact, this technique only gives the impression of ease. The result obtained depends on the exact selection of paint tone, its proper combination with the type of face and skin color, the experience of the artist and the flight of imagination in the “right” direction. Otherwise, you risk getting a hairstyle of untidy, overgrown hair of an unintelligible color, which is unlikely to be associated with any “class” at all.

Correction of shatush coloring in a peach shade (video)
