Statuses and phrases about the new year. New Year is a time of fairy tales and magic

A few years ago, the modern concept of "status" was completely different. After the global spread of social networks, this word has gained additional meaning. It is advisable to study the statuses about the New Year 2020 in advance, because folk wisdom and the statements of other people sometimes most accurately reflect the thoughts of a person who is unable to formulate them so beautifully or in an accessible way.

Varieties of statuses

Despite the unity of the general meaning of statuses for social networks, you can find many differences in these printed "ads" on a personal page. Moreover, a lot depends on the mood of the user, on his creative abilities and on the banal desire to be original or simply heard.

You can apply the following classification of statuses:

  • simple and short;
  • with thought-reflection;
  • with humor or;
  • with original content
  • with congratulations.

This is just one way to "sort" mental sketches, but based on it, you can distribute the statuses into groups, allowing people to choose the most optimal option. Having a list of groups and the phrases contained in them, making a choice is simple and fast.

Simple and short statuses

Such New Year's statuses are suitable for busy people, as well as for those who do not really want to "bother" about what they are going to write on their page. In a short form, there can be jubilation, congratulations, some kind of wish, or simply a statement of fact.

Hurrah, comrades! The New Year is coming soon folks!

Happy New Year! Happy Year of the Rat!

Another Santa Claus has arrived! Happy New Year!

All love, happiness and fulfillment of desires! Happy Year of the Rat!

May all your dreams come true this year! Happy Holidays!

Just with NG! Just congratulations!

The holiday has finally arrived! Happy New Year everyone!

All-all-all! Health, love and money in the New Year!

A short wish to all - take care of the liver! Happy New Year!

Sometimes people, in contrast to the brevity of the presentation, want to express their thoughts more voluminously. In such situations, completely different statuses are used.

New Year's status-reflections

Mental sketches of this kind can be extremely obvious or, conversely, expressed profoundly. At the same time, they are always meaningful, with some started or finished idea. This option is suitable for both personal statuses and for publication in a group or community.

Now I really want to go back to childhood and believe in a fairy tale again, to tremblingly believe in the New Year's miracle, with bated breath waiting for the fulfillment of desires.

With each successive year, you notice that time is running faster and faster. It seems that each subsequent year becomes a few days shorter. Do not forget about it, enjoy all the days, and do not rush your life in anticipation of some event, because soon the days will start to run like crazy!

Sometimes it's so interesting to look into the future to find out if your life will be happy, if you will get wealth and if new love is waiting around the corner. In the New Year, you usually want to believe in the best, but life always does it its own way!

Waiting for the New Year wakes up a little girl in me, fascinated waiting for the holiday. Sometimes you really want to joyfully run up to the Christmas tree with gifts or go outside to play snowballs, or just eat an icicle, hoping that you won’t get sick before the holiday.

If you think about it, several weeks of preparation, shopping trips, a lot of money spent on gifts and outfits are needed only in order to somehow highlight the first minute of January 1st.

For many years in a row, I simply do not have a New Year's mood. Before, I didn’t understand why this was happening, but now I tell everyone - go to the store, look for small gifts for colleagues, spend money on cute trinkets for the house, choose the best gifts for loved ones, but don’t spare your time for this. Then, somehow imperceptibly, the holiday will penetrate into the soul, giving an incomparable feeling of magic!

Happy New Year 2020.... Well, it's like we have 2020 here, and you look at other countries - some of them even live in another millennium... Here you go back to the future.

Each of us should remember that we should not rely on horoscopes and the coincidence of the symbol of the New Year with our own astrological animal! Much, very much depends on our efforts, and not on the year of which little animal we were born!

These often thoughtful and beautiful statements do not always carry congratulations on the holiday. At the same time, it is the statuses with wishes and congratulations that most people love.

Congratulatory status wishes

Wishes expressed in statuses always create a festive mood even for those who are a little skeptical about the New Year. They are appropriate both on personal accounts and on those that belong to a group, some thematic community, or even a commercial company. All you need to do is choose the most suitable wish.

May your life in the New Year shine brighter than festive fireworks, be filled with a sense of body, anticipation of magic and immersion in love!

I wish no one to face betrayal this year of the Rat! Let only devoted and loving people surround you all, and let enemies and competitors forget about all the negativity, going about their business, leaving you alone!

May these New Year's days give you rest from the hustle and bustle, fill your soul with peace and bring a sense of security from all troubles! Happy New Year!

This New Year is bound to take you to a better life! I wish you that all problems disappear, loans are paid off, love is found, and health is strengthened! Happiness and tenderness in the New Year to all!

I wish all people warmth and light, tenderness and love, prosperity and comfort! May this make each of you happy so that you too can bring light and tenderness to the whole world! Happy New Year, my warm, dear and beloved people!

May a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy and an ocean of love come to your home! Let money rain on you, happiness sparkle with splashes and streams of fulfilled desires flock to the house!

So I want to give everyone faith in the magic of New Year's Eve, so that everyone can make a wish and get the most necessary and cherished. Therefore, I wish you that your brightest cherished dreams come true and nothing could prevent this!

Sometimes in different social networks people behave in different ways. In one place a person is strict and restrained, in another - a cheerful joker. However, often people just love funny statuses, even if they themselves are an example of calmness.

Funny new year statuses

Such notes are usually just fun, sometimes a little cheeky, often mixed in style. Some of them can be published in groups and communities dedicated to youth movements or humor, but it is better not to post them in serious publics and on the accounts of commercial companies. However, often this option is best suited for a personal page.

Soon we will have the shortest day of the year. This is the first of January - you just woke up, it is already getting dark outside the window and in a few hours the second number will come!

I see you are sitting here, clicking with your mouse, rummaging around in social networks ... Do not click through your happiness, go visit for the holidays!

E-Mine! How cool that the New Year is coming soon! Smile people, enjoy life!

I am not Vanga, but I predict that most people will commit the sin of gluttony! Happy holiday to all of us, the great sinners of tangerines and olives!

With the upcoming squeaky gray year! Cheese for all of you and crackers!

The Christmas tree is much cooler than any mistress. With a Christmas tree, everything is simple - every year a new one, you part without problems, and she cannot take gifts back!

The rat will soon come into the house and she will gobble up all the cheese!

You just have no idea how much I was looking forward to the New Year! Finally, I can get enough sleep over the weekend for at least a few days in a row!

How is 2020 already? When 2019 is over...

All I want to do is eat, drink and sleep! Santa Claus... Turn me into a cute fluffy and terribly happy cat in the year of the Rat!

Happy New Year! Yes ... Here is such a short congratulations ...

Long live tangerines, Olivier and champagne! It’s okay to thump and eat, it’s allowed to be lazy!

There are also some unusual statuses. They are required by those who think differently or simply want to stand out in a special way among hundreds of playful or serious holiday greetings.

original statuses

This category includes allegorical, ornate, and sometimes even a little frilly congratulations. Poetic variants can also be attributed to this type of status. They are quite unusual, because. for some reason, even a short verse can rarely be found in everyday statuses. At the same time, poetic congratulations can have a playful, standard, and solid look.

On this glorious New Year
A rat will enter every house!
Lots of light and heat
She must bring it!

Slowly spinning snowflakes, the thinnest, like the most exquisite lace. Those who have left their wooden windows right now can enjoy the beauty of frosty patterns on glass. Before the holidays, the world is in motion, but nature is still beautiful, you just need to take a moment to see this natural splendor!

The tangerines are on the move
So it's New Year's Eve!
May good luck every hour
This year spoils us!

How can foreigners understand Russians if we even celebrate the New Year on December 31 and January 13? If we add to this the adult New Year holidays, then I feel sorry for the foreigners!

Smells like tangerines
And the snow is coming!
With Nastya, with Irina
Let's meet the New Year!

You don't have to be a magician to give people a miracle! Buy a bigger bag of candy, put on a Santa Claus costume and walk the streets handing out sweets to everyone you meet. This will give both you and them an indescribable feeling of festive magic!

Wonderful New Year
Let the dream come true!
May it be a wonderful year!
Let beauty surround!

The power of New Year's magic is known to all young children - a sparkling wish made at this moment often comes true. I wish everyone to find the boundless power of children's desires!

My dear Santa Claus!
Give the house a down payment!
And the Snow Maiden for the sake of laughter
Pay off your mortgage!

Statuses about the New Year 2020 are needed for those who do not want to spend time formulating their own thoughts in the form of beautiful or simple phrases. The modern world is extremely dynamic, and a selection of statuses allows you to quickly find the right phrase from a variety of options, without wasting such precious time. It is also convenient for those people who just want to congratulate the whole world on the holiday in a special way.

Winter holidays are a magical time when you want to do exceptionally interesting New Year's things. Quotes prepared by us about the New Year, Santa Claus, winter, celebrations and gifts will instantly create a festive mood. Some of them will cause a smile, others - nostalgia, others will make you think seriously.

Quotes About New Year

How great it is to make yourself a cup of fragrant tea, wrap yourself in a blanket and read quotes - this is a great activity for the New Year. Choose a funny saying and insert it into a friendly greeting, find a motivating quote for your own self-development, put a suitable phrase as a New Year's status on social networks.

We open the book. Her pages are clean. We're going to fill them in ourselves. The book is called Opportunity, and its first chapter is called New Year...

This is the meaning of the New Year - to get another chance, a chance to forgive. To do better, to do more, to give more, to love more and not worry about what would have been, but to perceive life as it is.

May this winter be fabulously beautiful for everyone, may it smell of chocolate, sound like a violin, warm up with a warm blanket, a cup of tea, good films, books, pleasant meetings.

The New Year is a good excuse to leave some people in the old.

The most dangerous winter disease is under-hugging! Strengthen your immunity - hug!

- I told you - we will not make snowmen.

And you talk less and ride more!

The more wishes you have, the more they will come true.

Probability theory

The main thing ... wish!

Wish you Happy New Year 3 Sh:

The fizz of champagne

Rustle of banknotes

Whispers of a loved one or beloved in the ear.

I love that feeling of anticipation. When you already imagine a Christmas tree sparkling with many lights, gifts and even the smell of tangerines and magic ...
Every minute the New Year is getting closer to us. Soon we will be able to make the most cherished wish and it will surely come true!

In the New Year, they forget what happened and wait for what will happen. But the past is always with us. It tries to interfere with the present.

It doesn't matter where you celebrate this New Year. It is important - with whom.

I want the New Year to come soon. It feels like something will change...

Phrases from cinema

Each person has a set of films that he reviews from year to year, quoting this or that character by heart. We have selected the most famous and favorite replicas.

The Devil Wears Prada movie

I never went crazy on New Year's holidays. I don't remember who first called them an amateur night, I think it was Hugh Hefner, who said he prefers the other three hundred and sixty-four days of the year to New Year's, but I'm ready to agree with that. Forced drinking and entertainment does not guarantee that you will have a good time.

The Devil Wears Prada

Fairy tale for children, 500 rubles.

The Irony of Fate. Continuation

Happy Parkinson!

Bad Santa 2

The first one somehow woke up, wow!

Already in the evening we crawl into the kitchen with the chimes beating in the head, closer to the Olivier deposits,

And there is already a little spilled. Slightly means a little less than a litre.

We lie quietly on the second, we are ill, we watch Irony and Charodeev.



Gilbert K. Chesterton

For all the millennia of the existence of the human race, tens and hundreds of thousands of long and concise, sweet and sharp, beautiful and not very statements on various topics have been invented. The authors of aphorisms did not ignore the New Year either. The Christmas tree, the festive table, food and drinks, outfits, the way of celebrating, human customs - the subject is quite wide. All shades and facets of the holiday are reflected in dozens of aphorisms about the New Year.

The point of the New Year is not to gain another year, but to gain a new soul.

Gilbert K. Chesterton

Time has no divisions or marks to indicate its passage; neither thunder, nor lightning, nor the roar of trumpets announces the coming of the New Year. Even as the new century begins, only we mortals ring the bells and fire the pistols.

Thomas Mann

Peter I the Great

In honor of the New Year, make decorations from fir trees, amuse children, ride sleds from the mountains. And adults should not commit drunkenness and massacre - other days are enough for that.

Peter I the Great

If during the celebration of the New Year it came to the cake - the holiday was not a success!

Mikhail N. Zadornov

If you see a sober Santa Claus, then most likely it is Santa Claus.

Yanina Ipohorskaya

They say: on New Year's Eve

Whatever you wish -

Everything will always happen

Everything always comes true.

Sergei Mikhalkov

New Year. The time of promises and faith that in the morning everything will start anew, it will become better and happier.

Ya. Vishnevsky

We sacredly promise ourselves that from the New Year we will stop doing everything that gave us the greatest pleasure in the old one.

I'm a year younger again than I'll be next January!

Yanina Ipohorskaya

Sayings from literature

A huge number of sayings about the New Year have entered the golden fund of world literature. In almost every book that takes place in winter, there are reflections of the author about the holiday, which marks the beginning of a new, better life. Different genres are presented both by encouraging and motivational encouragements, and by caustic expressions about the weakness of human nature and hope for a chance.

Ch. Dickens

These are joyful days - days of mercy, kindness, forgiveness. These are the only days in the entire calendar when people, as if by tacit agreement, freely open their hearts to each other and see in their neighbors - even in the poor and destitute - people like themselves, wandering along the same path to the grave, and not some creatures of a different breed, which befits to go a different way.

Ch. Dickens

And you will meet this year without me.

When you could fully understand

When you knew how much I love you

You would fly to me on wings.

Konstantin Mikhailovich Simonov

New Year's Day is a harmless holiday, in part because it does not bring any benefit, and can be used as a scapegoat for indiscriminate drinking and friendly fights.

Mark Twain

These are the warmest memories - a luminous Christmas tree, tinsel creepers around the house, crackers with surprises, chocolates in gold foil and an exciting expectation of miracles, gifts.

Elchin Safarli. Recipes for happiness. Diary of an Oriental Culinary

Getting ready for the old New Year. We will eat the fresh lost Olivier and silently sing merry sad songs. So what? As you name the holiday, so you will celebrate it ...

Evgeny CheshirKo. Brownie's diary

Do you use proverbs in everyday life?


New Year ... There were many different ones,

Each in coniferous paws carried joy.

I used to love this holiday

Now I can't hold back my tears.

Maria Borisova

None of you are distinguished by the beauty and uniqueness of a snowflake.

Chuck Palahniuk

Sayings of famous people

What is said is not always immediately clear. Sometimes you have to re-read the lines several times in order to gather your thoughts - that's why books with meaning are beautiful.

The New Year is a sad parting with old illusions and a joyful meeting with new ones ...

Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya

The new year will change what you believe in the most. Imagine that the New Year will come tomorrow, program your mind that tomorrow your life will change, that you will begin to think more positively, you will begin to develop, change yourself, and then the changes will not be long in coming.

Nver Simonyan

Today is the first page of a 365 page book. Write it well.

Brad Paisley


The quotes about the New Year's holiday cited in the article are quite diverse and allow you to look at the usual traditions, attributes, thoughts and behaviors from a completely different angle.

What phrase struck you the most?

The New Year is, perhaps, the most wonderful holiday, which is eagerly awaited not only by children, but also by adults. This is the time of gifts, fulfillment of desires and real magic. On the eve of the holidays, children write letters to Santa Claus, and parents run around the shops in search of cherished gifts for their children. Traditionally, the holiday begins to be celebrated on the evening of December 31, before meeting it, you need to spend the outgoing year. There are many jokes about the fact that the holiday begins on December 31st and ends at least on January 7th. No wonder, because during the New Year holidays you need to do so much: meet all your friends and visit all your relatives. On this magical holiday, everyone deserves warmth and attention.

Statuses for the new year 2019

In 2019 I wish you 12 months without illness, 53 weeks of all the best, 365 days of happiness, 8760 hours of success, 525600 minutes of love, and 315360000 seconds of pleasant moments.

The anticipation of the New Year awakens a child in me... As in childhood, waking up in the morning, I want to see a Christmas tree with gifts under it... I want to play snowballs and eat snow and not think about getting sick.

May Happiness knock on your door on New Year's Eve ... And God forbid that you are at home at this moment!

Tangerines are on the move, so the New Year is coming soon!

I love winter and the feeling that the holidays are approaching ... New Year's Eve ... Days of wish fulfillment, faith in miracles and fairy tales!

New Years is soon! May all of you ... have someone nearby who will clean your tangerines ... And the one who will steal these tangerines from both of you ...

My status went into the forest, probably behind the Christmas tree.

Funny and Cool Quotes

I want a little man... small, plump, with gifts... Santa Claus, I'm waiting!

Soon we will sit out on the Internet, we will not celebrate the New Year, but update it.

Never stick snowflakes on the refrigerator for the New Year - they remind the drunken guests of the letter Z.

Only in our country on New Year's Eve the congratulations of the president go through all channels, but they watch it only through the first one.

New Year's Eve is a dinner ending with breakfast.

Grandfather Frost, I would ... Gazprom shares - so that I don’t bother you anymore.

If a fat uncle comes up at night and puts you in a sack... don't freak out! It's just that someone asked Santa Claus for you for the New Year;)

Dear Grandfather Frost, for the New Year, put a piece of happiness under the Christmas tree for me..180 cm tall, please.

My children are already writing a letter to Santa Claus! And Santa Claus sits next to him on the couch and goes nuts!

Get ready for the New Year! I even moved the scale back 5 kg ...

December is nearing the middle, it's time to decide what to dress up for the night from December 31 to January 9.

- How did you spend New Years?
I don't know, they haven't told you yet...

Statuses with meaning

Snow… Adults say that it is frozen water, but children know better: these are small stars with a magical taste of the New Year.

I'm getting ready for the New Year, it seems the liver suspects something.

Dear Santa Claus, cotton beard, I don't need gifts! Increase your salary!

New Year is such a time when a call at 3 am is more glad than a call at 10 am.

The new year is a good excuse to leave some people in the old.

Someone dreams of a new life. And for some, the New Year is enough.

Every man should be a little Santa Claus for his family, help his Snow Maiden create a fairy tale and give gifts, well, and if this does not suit anyone, there is also a deer vacancy.

Beautiful statuses about the New Year

New Year gives us a great chance to change our lives for the better. This is an occasion to abandon the familiar, but so boring, step over fears, leave doubts behind, smile at the world around and start building your own destiny according to your own, exclusive project.

To the beat of the clock, exactly at twelve,
The world will change around.
We are in a fairy tale, as if
Let's go back to childhood...

They say that everything always comes true on New Year's Eve, even the fact that the whole year cannot be fulfilled!

Dear Santa Claus!!! I want to apply! Put only five boxes under the Christmas tree for my friends: fill the first with health, the second with good luck, the third with kindness, the fourth with patience, and put faith in the fifth! And one more thing - I beg you, tie all these boxes with a ribbon of happiness! Thanks, Santa Claus. I will be waiting very much...

As we get older, the New Year's wish list gets smaller and smaller, and what we really want can't be bought with money.

There are many aphorisms about the New Year. Some of them are playful and amusing, while others inspire philosophical reflection and encourage change. Choose the expressions you like for your statuses, give the New Year mood to yourself and others!

And for those who are looking for cool phrases about the New Year in order to post a cool New Year's aphorism or status on their page in social networks, I have put together an excellent selection of New Year's cool phrases (statuses and aphorisms) that will delight you and your friends.

New Year's short jokes - aphorisms, phrases, statuses

Serpentine (a collection of New Year's aphorisms-statuses)

* It's good that not all New Year's wishes come true! Where would we get so many?

* You can't see the Christmas tree behind the decoration!

* The uninvited guest was greeted like a native - with a stone in his bosom.

* We met the New Year in a noisy company - she came and everything of the past.

* Before exposing the masked man, one must be prepared to face the truth.

* New Year's wish: buy foreign currency - it's the perfect paper for confetti!

* In the company of Snow Maidens, the drunk Santa Claus behaved like a scumbag.

* Breading goryushko, even at the New Year's table one should not become like a hippopotamus.

* New Year's top show: Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are steaming in the bath, and the oligarch is on the bunk.

* Not every face mask hides the original face of a mug.

* In just one New Year's Eve, you have to pay with another year of life.

* At the carnival, Santa Claus spoke of his Snow Woman with such warmth that she melted before our eyes.

* Russian folk attraction: having grabbed too much at the New Year's table, measure seven times on the forehead of the neighbor on the left, before punching the neighbor on the right into a penny.

* The Snow Maiden was at her best - she danced on the table all New Year's Eve.

* A snowman is made from last year's snow. The hard-to-reach Snow Maiden pretends to be.

* At the masquerade ball, the husband affectionately called his wife "hanger". On the grounds that half a century is happy to hang on her hook.

* "A Christmas tree was born in the forest ..." - these are words. "Cut down to the very root ..." - business.

* Maybe real happiness will be possible if Christmas trees stop being synthetic.

* Santas love Snow Maidens because they do not live up to the age of the Snow Woman.

* New Year's miracles: after the New Year, more Christmas trees are thrown into the street than were thrown into the market.

* At the masquerade ball, the Hare was not treated to champagne. They said that and so oblique.

* First there were antics and jumps. Masks and carnivals were invented later.

* Well, Santa Clauses are gone! First they gave gifts in bags, then black cash in envelopes, and now they give gift cards and promotions.

* In the New Year, the "comedy club" promised to work hard. At the cash register last year, he has already done a good job.

* New Year attraction: the snake charmer's wife starts to hiss as soon as the fakir starts to stick out.

* Alcohol has a harmful effect on memory: before you have time to raise a toast to your health, you immediately forget about it.

* If instead of a gift for the New Year you were given a good mood, accept it with gratitude. The New Year will pass, but the good mood will remain.

* Sign: if a goose dreamed of apples, then a pig in oranges will invite you to the New Year's table.

* At the New Year's table, the circle of witticisms of the toastmaster did not fit into any framework.

* The truth in wine is one of the most pleasant varieties of error.

* Survived! Some live according to the eastern calendar, others according to the Julian, others according to the Gregorian, but no one lives according to the labor calendar.

* Plays in contrast! - Grandfather Frost admired the theatrical gestures of Baba Yaga in the role of the Snow Maiden.

* Do not wish new happiness in the New Year, do not push people to divorce.

* Everything I have, I owe to my queen! - the Naked King admitted at the masquerade ball.

* If you have not waited for a gift of fate, try to enjoy the little things in life - they are found at every step.

* Grandfather Frost got a chill on his skin from the kiss of the Snow Maiden.

* From under the ax - and immediately to the pedestal! - the poet envied the Christmas tree.

* The demand for carnival balls is determined by the scale of the swindle.

* New Year's wishes, of course, come true. Specific boys and for good money.

* Carnival mask: anaconda with the smile of the Mona Lisa.

* Amazing plans for the future! So many years have passed, and they are as good as new!

* New Year's shortage: it's still five minutes to the clock, and Santa Claus is already without a wand.

* Sentry! The coming year surrounds the defenders...

* The New Year comes and goes, but plans for the future remain.

Collection of New Year Jokes and aphorisms.

Good news - New Year!

Who happy new year, and who without ...

Writing a date at the beginning of the year is like putting on new shoes.

Who does not believe in Santa Claus - waiting for Santa Marasmus.

It doesn't matter how you met the New Year, the main thing is how the New Year will meet you.

I change Santa Claus for Santa Teplonos!

Before the New Year is still winter, after - a hangover ...

The New Year is coming, but all the old ones remain with us...

The New Year is a great excuse to quit.

Happiness can be borrowed from a Christmas tree that has survived the New Year.

Let unknown people in masks meet only at the New Year's carnival!

Do not destroy the Christmas trees - they are completely green!

Do not destroy the Christmas trees - even for the sake of "greenery"!

All the stars are good, especially those hung on time ... on the Christmas tree.

The first in the new year to raise prices are those whose services it is impossible to refuse.

Full of glamour: New Year under an artificial Christmas tree in the company of an inflatable woman.

Santa Claus has the biggest pension - he earns money only once a year.

In order not to oversleep the New Year - spend the old one with kefir, fresh cucumbers, beer, herring ...

Pavlik Morozov is the grandson of Santa Claus.

Holidays in winter are the dream of janitors and Santa Clauses.

New Year is the time of a sharp transition from drugs to vodka and back.

NG formula: medicines - vodka - medicines *2.

Stack for the New Year: - do not miss it!

Birthday is a privatized New Year.

In the best of times, the CIS was deciphered only - "Happy New Year!"

Time erases, but does not bleach.

May the New Year be happy! And we... as always...

“The holiday is coming to us ...” - and then you will kick out the hell.

At the beginning of the year, production decreases sharply, but the liver increases.

By the New Year, everyone working - on a salary!

I didn’t have time under the palm trees - celebrate New Year under the tree ...

We all walk under icicles...

The New Year will certainly come! And his leg will be heavy...

New Year - it's time to take stock. And let them not let down the lead!

A year of trials has passed... The Year of Serious Trials is coming.

You don't have to be Nostradamus to predict: We'll still suffer in the new year...

You will not wait for simple human warmth from power engineers.

Winter should be snowy, like a woman - tender.

Winter should be gentle, like a woman - snowy.

In winter, you just want to put something behind your collar.

In winter, health rests on snot.

In winter, a car boom in Russia: all you hear is “boom! Boom!! Boom!!!...".

"New Year's action": Buy at least something from us, otherwise you WILL GET!!!

It is bitter to watch how they remove the Christmas tree, under which you did not dance ...

The New Year is coming, and we are defending ...

When you “need” to work on December 31st, the “New Year's celebration” turns out not to be New Year's, but old-fussy.

Any "novelty" contains horseradish.

"Miracles of the free market" - clearly not New Year's.

The opposition is protesting against the onset of winter!

If everyone drinks not what they bring, look for another company on NG.

How difficult it is to give up "flu" sex.

If the wipers worked better, maybe Spring would come earlier ...

The cat can't make anything but scream.

We will all be there and then - as here and now ...

And we will celebrate the Chinese New Year in Russian!

Give people joy, not shiny trash!

* Life will turn for the better .... Be the best!!!

* New Year is good! !,


Get ready! New Year is not far off! (collection of New Year's aphorisms)

Let's dance, children, for sweets, dance!

Who in the year of the Pig puts a pig on the table,

She will help him finish the salad.

For the year of the pig! Let's forget fat for a year!

Well, for you! YOUR year, my sheep!

Kurnuli ... Arrows stood on the clock -

And the New Year never comes!

The chimes are beating!! What a headache!!!

How do you like a monkey suit!

Who-o-o-o here shouted: "Humpback, come out!" ???

There are no gifts in the bag for non-drinkers!

I am Santa Claus for adults, not children.

Well, who do we have today instead of the Christmas tree?

I do not need a snake as a gift in the year of the Snake !!

What bastard dressed up as Death?!

Ah, is that you? Well, let me celebrate a holiday!

Hey you! Open-r-r-dig! The toilet is not the bedroom!

Tears-z-z-zay, cattle, from the Christmas tree!

Got drunk, bastard?! You shine like a garland!!

Eleven! Twelve! Stop!! Don't drink!!

Get drunk, don't get drunk!

First, pour a stack of Tuzik !!!

And on Kamcha-a-a-atka they already drink after a hangover.

With a bag of gifts, with a girl under his arm.

Health - the sea, if you drink too much!

Turn on the TV! Five minutes to twelve!!

Medvedev? Putin? Who is in charge now?

Don't let the snowman in! We have a bachelor party!!

Didn't you see the bag of gifts?! Disperse!!

Grandfather! Where are the gifts?? How - "Not deserved!"???

The same thing every year! Enough!!

Came with a scythe and in a hoodie.

They didn’t let me on the Christmas tree, you bastards!

I wish to be! Beloved and desired!

And so that the man was faithful, constant!

I am Santa Marasmus! Let me quarrel!

I am Grandfather Makar! Have you lost your calf?

I am Grandfather Mazai! Don't need bunnies???

I am Santa Bear! Pour mead!

I am Grandfather Mormon! Who is for polygamy???

I am Santa Morpheus! No need for sleeping pills?

I am Santa Claus! Didn't you see the snowman?

I am Santa Claus! Did you find the bag?

What is your name, grandfather? Joulupukki???

Year of the Rabbit!!! Bite and be fruitful!

And Santa Claus is naked! Only a fur coat!

Oh-oh-oh-oh, New Year! Again a mountain of gifts!

Again, not what you want to get.

Husband whispers with a hangover timidly,

Sniffing a vodka cork:

And where, Man, a box of vodka?

And here I am!!! You didn't expect me???

A frozen nose sticks out the window

A man with a bottle... Santa Claus!

Do not drink in winter under the Christmas tree near the garland:

Do not waste, girlfriend, ink and paint:

On New Year's Eve you will wear a mask ...

What the hell is a bear from Artyom?

A rodent suits him... Bunny!

At the lesbian, at Madame Morozova

And the Christmas tree will also be pink on holiday!

  • Happy New Year statuses - I wish you good health In the nineteenth year! So that happiness falls generously into every family!
  • I wish everyone in the coming New Year, more joys, sweets, food on the table, and pleasure in the bed.
  • Be happy friends! May the Pig help you! Scratch your ear gently - Become a true girlfriend!
  • Every New Year, by tradition, I invite only those I love. Therefore, on this magical night, we invited a chicken and Olivier with mustard ...
  • If you scratch the belly of our Yellow Pig, And make a wish - quickly, without hesitation, Then, of course, it will come true with a vengeance. Good luck is destined for a whole year with you!
    • Many people prepare so well for New Year's Eve that they spend it quite ready.
    • May the Year of the Pig bring good luck - All difficult tasks will be solved, And showered, like rain, with Gold and silver!
    • Holiday greetings! Let the New Year be only fun without a hint of a hangover. A sea of ​​happiness, smiles, health, kindness, so that the home cup is always full.
    • On soft snow it flies on skis To you a careless, young New Year. Let luck become closer in life, Prosperity and fun will bring!
    • I wish everyone in the coming New Year not to click through their happiness with a mouse. People, let's talk in real life, it's more interesting!
  • Fun, joy, success, Sincere toasts, songs, laughter, Kindness, like stars under the sky, In short, Happy New Year to all of you!
  • All happiness and love! And the fulfillment of all, all dreams! =)))
  • Happy New Year, I congratulate you, May every hour be happy, May fate smile sweetly at you, And may all your dreams come true.
  • Happy New Year! Let all the bad things remain in the old year, and from the first minutes of the new year, life will begin to change rapidly and turn into that fairy tale in which we will be happy, healthy, loved and rich! May true friends be with us! Let only pleasant surprises happen to us in the new year!
  • It does not matter what is outside the window, rain, snow, snowstorm or blizzard. The main thing is to always be warm in the heart, which is what I wish you in this coming 2019!!! Be happy people!
  • Let the New Year be happy, Quietly wake you up in the morning, Magic doors will open, Wake up all your dreams and faith, Give you hope again, As well as joy and love.
  • I wish you a New Year Million to your personal account A yacht, a cottage in the Maldives. Live richly and beautifully. Fur coats - for wives, a jeep - for husbands. And great happiness to you!
  • To everyone who celebrates this New Year alone! You are not alone this night, there are many of us! I wish you that this holiday will be the last one spent alone! I wish you to find a beloved, loving, close person who will always be with you! Happy New Year 2019!
  • Let the year not be stingy With fun, happiness, laughter, Prosperity will knock on the house, Waiting for success in any business.
  • I wish everyone that in the New Year Grandfather Frost brings not banal gifts, but a huge bag of love, happiness and health! May this wish come true for everyone!
  • Happy New Year! Happy New Year! With new happiness and kindness. May it bring health and prosperity to every home. Let the snowflakes circle in a dance, let your dreams come true. All success and good luck, Peace, happiness, warmth.
  • May the New Year's dreams come true, Grievances will be forever forgotten, And may everything that is dreamed of now happen by all means!
  • To eat and drink, To want and be able! So that next year it was with someone and there was where!
  • Statuses of congratulations on the New Year - When the chimes strike 12 times, you do not need to run to make wishes or set off fireworks. Just enjoy the moment and think that soon love, luck, happiness and health will come into your life. I wish this to everyone, as well as the fulfillment of the most cherished dream ...
  • The clock is ticking. The old year is leaving. His last pages are rustling... What was good - let it not go away, And what is bad - will not happen again!
  • Let the bubbles of New Year's champagne fill life with fun for all 12 months. The chiming clock portends resounding happiness, and even the president's speech transforms throughout the year into well-being, increased incomes and good health. Happy New Year 2019 everyone! Love and all the best!
  • I wish in the New Year that your needs are awesome from your capabilities!
  • I wish everyone in the year of the Pig food to the fullest, but let the fat not stick to the sides. Let life make you grunt with joy and fun, and also help you avoid disgusting from others all year round. Happy New Year Piggy! All love and warmth!
  • Happy New Year, I wish you all the best in the world. So that life is like in a fairy tale Long, bright and beautiful.
  • Twelve strokes of chimes is 12 months. Let every blow bring a month of love, harmony, happiness and tenderness. And the echo from the chiming clock fills the soul with care, understanding, awe and fun. Happy New Year everyone!
  • Happy New Year! May this wonderful holiday bring us the most long-awaited and desired. Let each person find his happiness: in a person or in a favorite business, in a career or a cozy home. I wish you good health, faith in miracles and a lot of vitality! Happy holiday!