What kind of makeup for big eyes? How to paint big eyes with a pencil

Makeup for big people blue eyes features a large selection of techniques and shades. Of course, who doesn't want to have big blue eyes? It’s not so simple, because not everyone is naturally given the ideal almond-shaped eye shape; some girls suffer from the fact that their eyes, although large, are very round, close-set, or slightly bulging. The right make-up will help emphasize the depth and expressiveness of large blue eyes, and minor flaws- hide!

If you want to make your make-up more expressive and bright, use dark blue color shadows, and if deep - then orange or hot pink. There is no need to enlarge large eyes, so avoid very light and pearlescent shadows which add volume to the eyes. You are very lucky, big, and even blue eyes really love dark color scheme . While other girls need to be careful with dark eyeliner and shadows, you can safely use it all. And everyone’s favorite shooters? It's easy for you!

a win-win

How to apply?


The first rule is the placement of accents. You need to know which areas of the face should be given special attention and which areas should be left alone. In any case, big blue eyes look impressive even without makeup, you just need to complement the image with a minimum of makeup.

Secondly Draw out the eyes round shape

cat arrows will help. Don't be afraid to use liquid eyeliner, after a little practice you will learn how to use it, there is nothing complicated about it. The arrows can be either bold or thin, the main thing is that they lengthen the eye.

Third Shift the emphasis from the eyes to the lips, or, say, cheekbones. Correctly selected blush will force you to pay attention to facial features that can be successfully emphasized with them. In this case, you should only lightly line your eyes with a dark pencil and a minimum of shadows. There will also be an emphasis on the lips excellent option - first of all, all attention will be focused on juicy and, and big blue eyes will only add tenderness and depth to the image. Of course, even without paying attention to the eyes, it is necessary to highlight them somehow - with a pencil, eyeliner, a small amount of shadow. Pay attention to your eyebrows. Ungroomed eyebrows will further indicate an imperfect eye shape, if such is the case.


By the way, the make-up technique for big eyes also slightly different from the traditional one. In this case, it is necessary to apply dark shadows to the outer corners of the eyes, and shade them in this direction, starting from the inner corner. This make-up will ideally hide the bulge of the eye.


The main thing - remember, under no circumstances should you use pearlescent shadows, sparkles and shiny liners when making up large eyes. Your already large eyes will become simply huge and out of place.

By the way, despite the fact that many girls are trying to somehow correct the shape of their eyes, to make them smaller, larger, more expressive - some have gone very far. On the wave of popularity Japanese anime— many girls fell in love with shocking doll makeup, making just saucer eyes on their faces. Their eye makeup starts much lower than the lash line on the lower eyelid, and the empty space is carefully filled in with white flowers, thus making the eyes so unnaturally large that it becomes a little scary. But, as they say, the markers are different in taste and color.

Makeup example

We will now tell you the main points that you should pay attention to, but here step by step photo you will find below.


It's best to start our makeup for big-eyed beauties with the eyebrows - the frames of the eyes. They need to be given correct form, depending on the characteristics of your face, by the way, having visited only once beauty salon- you can find out from the professionals what kind of the shape will fit best for you! Choose the color of the pencil regardless of the color of your eyes; here you should pay more attention to the color of your hair. Agree, a blonde with black eyebrows looks very bad.

The basis

Use concealer to hide the circles under your eyes and eliminate minor skin imperfections. Then apply foundation suitable color and a base for the shadows. We want to get long-lasting makeup!

Eyeliner and shadows

Eyeliner is easy must have for girls with big eyes. Arrows can be drawn on both the upper and lower eyelids. Why not? The line of the arrow should expand from the inside of the eye to the outside. If you do decide to use shadows, choose dark shades. They are applied both to the inner and outer corner of the eye - to the entire moving eyelid. In the middle of the eyelid, you can add shadows several tones lighter. Carefully blend everything that appears on your eyelid. The lower eyelid should also be tinted with dark shadows. By the way, don't forget about eyelashes! Touch them up with black mascara.


Lip makeup will help complete the look. Draw their borders with a pencil to match the natural color, and then apply matte lipstick delicate shades. You can top them off with lip gloss, this will add sexiness and attractiveness.

The main thing is not to consider all advice mandatory! Each girl has her own special appearance, so try, try and try again! You are sure to find the blue eye makeup that suits you!


Perhaps the eyes are the most powerful weapon of the weaker sex. By using female gaze You can charm, give hope and break your heart. That is why the fair sex pays maximum attention every day using modern means.

By using simple secrets Using cosmetics can hide many flaws in appearance and emphasize advantages. Next we will talk about how to properly do makeup for bulging eyes.

Big eyes are beautiful in themselves, regardless of their color. the main task when applying makeup, do not try to enlarge them even more, but give them the necessary depth and make an exquisite cut, like for a precious stone.

This means that when applying makeup for large bulging eyes, you should try to avoid large quantities cosmetics, otherwise its inept use can play a cruel joke - the eyes will look even more bulging.

When creating make-up, special attention should be paid to pencils, eyeliners and mascara: all lines applied must be impeccably thin and neat. The pencil should be soft and sharply sharpened, and the eyeliner should be with a thin brush. It is a must-have in makeup for round, bulging eyes. To avoid the effect of wide eyes, it is better to draw the contour of the lower eyelid along the inner side of the eyelash growth, and upper eyelid- only slightly in the interlash space. By the way, young people can tint the lower eyelid, but older women should refrain from painting it.

Mascara to add volume, and even applied in several layers, will not work in our case - it is better to buy the most ordinary one and apply it once. You can coat your eyelashes well with mascara at the outer corner to visually lengthen your eyes. In this case, it is better for brunettes to use black, and for fair-haired people it is better to use brown.

Makeup for bulging eyes welcomes the use of shadows dark shades to add depth to the look. The tone is applied to the middle of the eyelid and smoothly shaded to the inner corner of the eye.

Basic makeup requirements for bulging eyes

  • Try to avoid pearlescent pencils and shadows - mother-of-pearl makes your eyes appear even more bulging in bright light. It is better to use matte shades.
  • Since our goal is to slightly lengthen the shape of the eye, it is allowed to draw a line with eyeliner beyond the natural contour.
  • It is advisable to apply mascara only to the upper eyelashes, focusing on the outer corner.
  • Eyebrows should not be plucked into a thin line, they should be natural shape. It is enough to tint them with a pencil a shade darker.
  • You should always apply shadow to the area under your eyebrows light colors- this will help correct the shape of the eyes.

Let's talk about the color of the shadows

Now a little about shadows:

  • For those with blue eyes, almost all shades of eyeshadow are suitable, with the exception of blue, but the greatest effect will be achieved by using pearl, gray, plum and peach.
  • Makeup for curves brown eyes implies an emphasis on turquoise, blue or lavender.
  • The depth of green eyes is most favorably emphasized by various shades of plum, copper, brown and pink.

Don't be afraid to experiment with the color of your home. As a result, you will be able to choose exactly the one that suits you best, and in the future you can use it as a basis. But you shouldn’t limit yourself to just one tone; the game of contrasts looks very advantageous. In this case, you should take into account not only the color of the eyes, but also the shade of the skin, hair and other nuances.

Secrets from experienced specialists

  1. We prepare the face for applying makeup - first apply moisturizer, then light foundation And
  2. We correct the shape of the eyebrows and tint them with a pencil.
  3. Draw a pencil outline along the inner edge upper eyelid.
  4. Apply selected shadows of non-flashy tones from the eyelash line to the eyebrow arch and shade, slightly extending beyond the eyelid.
  5. We finish the makeup for bulging eyes with mascara, carefully painting the eyelashes external corner.

For evening makeup, you can not limit yourself to just one eyeshadow color, but add another shade. And we mean that the shadows should be matte, without a weighting effect.

The nuances of makeup

Makeup for large bulging eyes requires visual lengthening at their outer corner. For these purposes we will need liquid eyeliner. When applying it, it is better to widen the contour of the line at the end - this will narrow the eyes, which is what we need in this case. For daytime makeup The ends of the arrows can be shaded, and for evening, apply the line again with eyeliner.

Apply cold shade shadows to the entire surface of the moving upper eyelid, and more dark tone- onto the protruding part of the eyelid and lightly blend to the sides.

If the eyes are bulging, and also widely spaced, then it is necessary to visually narrow the distance between them. Dark shadows will help us with this - they are applied to the inner corner of the eye and carefully shaded.

Usage voluminous mascara for large bulging eyes it will make the look more daring and even vulgar, so mascara should be ordinary. It is enough to paint only the upper eyelashes in one layer.

In this case, the eyebrows can be given any shape: straight or arched, as long as it matches the rest of the look.

How to apply makeup correctly

  • Makeup base is not applied to the entire face, but only to the middle, on the chin and under the eyes. Lightly blend the product with your fingers, patting it into the skin.
  • Now it's your turn foundation. It is applied with a brush to the face and neck.
  • We hide skin imperfections with concealer. Apply a few dots under the eyes and blend thoroughly with your fingertips.
  • Using a soft large brush, apply powder to the face and refresh it with a few movements.
  • Apply a gentle shade of blush to the cheekbones.

Applying makeup to the eyes

Now let's get to the main thing:

  • Eyebrows should be visually raised and outlined with a pencil, increasing their length.
  • The shadow base should become a faithful companion when masking puffy eyelids. Be sure to apply the product to the upper eyelids.
  • Light matte shadows Highlight the area under the eyebrows and apply at the outer corner. Pearlescent and shiny shadows are not recommended.
  • Now apply dark-colored shadows to the outer side of the eyes using an applicator.
  • For drooping eyelids, it is better to use eyeliner. The contour should start from the middle of the eye and end at the outer corner, gradually expanding it.
  • Apply voluminous mascara in several layers. It's better to use false eyelashes.

Makeup is ready.

Using modern cosmetics and taking advice from experts, you can correct flaws in your appearance and achieve amazing results.

Correct makeup for large eyes - a guarantee of popularity from the male half. Girls with big eyes have always been and will remain an object increased attention With male side. Eyes wide open open look their owners stand out from the crowd.

There is nothing extraordinary in the principles of makeup for large eyes, because... Almost any cosmetics suits big-eyed girls. The only thing you need to pay attention to Special attention, this is a properly selected shadow palette. Incorrect choice colors will spoil the decent beauty of the eyes. Therefore, when selecting shadows, you need to take into account the shape and, of course, the color of your eyes.

Classic makeup for big eyes

Big-eyed girls are not recommended to pluck their eyebrows thin line; they should be evenly curved, of medium thickness, beautiful color. For a classic design, select shades of light and dark colors

  1. . Light ones are applied to the fixed part of the eyelid, dark ones - to the fold up to the eyelashes and to the outer side of the eyes. Everything is carefully shaded.
  2. For large eyes, green. Owners of such eyes need to choose shades of golden, brownish shades. Tones such as purple, terracotta, orange, lilac, and pink will look great. For blue-eyed people. Makeup foundation for big women blue eyes - shadows with slightly orange tint
  3. , as well as pink, copper, brown, peach, plum. All of them accentuate the natural blue color.

For brown-eyed people. Girls with brown eyes are recommended to apply shades of blue-blue, gray tones. The simultaneous use of these shadows is good for makeup; you just need to shade the boundaries of the transition of tones well.

  1. Makeup for different types of eyes Makeup for round eyes . Of course, if you simply outline round eyes, this will only visually enhance their roundness. Such an emphasis will not be positive in makeup. Girls with such eyes need to visually stretch the shape of their eyes. This is achieved by making eyeliner by extending the arrow from eyes to the outer one, and the eyeliner needs to be moved slightly beyond the boundaries of the eyelid. When applying shadows of dark colors, they are also brought beyond the eyelids and shaded well.
  2. For close-set eyes. Features of makeup for large eyes, located close to the bridge of the nose, consist of painting the inner corner of the eye with light shadows or a light pencil. Be sure to shade this side of the eye well. The outer side is painted with dark shadows. Eyeliner is coming slightly raised above the eyelid and slightly beyond its border.
  3. For wide-set eyes. To visually bring the location of far-set eyes closer to the bridge of the nose, darkening the inside of the eye using a dark pencil or eye shadow of the same color will help. Again, all this needs to be carefully shaded. For the rest of the eyelids, shadow is applied towards the eyebrows.
  4. Makeup for bulging eyes. Owners of such eyes, of course, must visually hide the convexity of their shape. This is achieved by applying dark shadows for eyelids almost to the very border of the eyebrows. Directly under the eyebrow, it is advisable to put shadows slightly darker than the natural color of the skin. Matte cool shadows will help hide the bulge of your eyes. Shades such as shiny and pearlescent are unacceptable.

Dark eyeliner on the lower eyelid is allowed, extending beyond external boundaries eyes.

Japanese makeup for big eyes

This makeup method for large eyes gives them an almond shape with the effect of expressiveness and depth in the look. For Japanese style You will need white, milky, slightly silvery shadows. The eyeliner should be very thin and neat, extending slightly beyond the outer boundaries of the eye.

Light beige shadows are applied under the eyelashes. Mascara must be applied, and eyebrows must be tinted with a brown pencil.

Most of the fair sex make a lot of efforts to visually enlarge their eyes and give them expressiveness. But some lucky women have naturally large eyes, but they also need to be highlighted with makeup to make them as attractive and sexy as possible. Makeup for large eyes has its own secrets and nuances that you should know.

Note that large eyes are extremely rarely ideal, requiring minimal cosmetic correction. Often large eyes are bulging, round, close or far set. Taking these points into account, it is worth doing makeup so that the shape of the eyes approaches the ideal, almond-shaped shape.

If your eyes are almond-shaped, then you can choose any technique to perform makeup. You just need to highlight such eyes a little, pay attention to them natural beauty, enhance the attractiveness of the eye. What you should pay attention to is the color scheme, which should organically fit into general makeup and highlight eye color.

You should try to “stretch out” round-shaped eyes. To do this, the contour of the eye should be highlighted, starting from the inner corner of the eye. Towards the outer edge of the eye, the line needs to be slightly expanded. Shadows are applied throughout the eyelid, shading them closer to the temple.

When correcting bulging eyes, you should use dark shadows. They are applied to the entire eyelid, with the most dark shade Apply to the center of the eyelid and blend towards the outer corner of the eye. Black and deep blue shadows will add magical attractiveness and expressiveness to the look, while “revealing” them widely.

If large eyes are set wide apart, then the task of makeup is to visually reduce the distance between them. This can be done by highlighting very brightly and clearly inner part eyes. The brow area is filled with light shadows, and then the entire eyelid is covered with the main shade. Finally, shadows of a darker shade are applied. They are distributed as close as possible to the bridge of the nose along the eyelash growth line. Note that if you apply dark shadows not only to the upper, but also to the lower eyelid, your eyes will become larger and brighter. You definitely need to shade the shadows well; the less noticeable the transitions between shades are, the more natural and organic the makeup looks. To complete the makeup for large, wide-set eyes, apply mascara. There shouldn't be a lot of it. Considering that the eyes are already large, there is no need to apply mascara in several layers, unnecessarily weighing down the eyelashes. One layer is enough. When applying mascara, emphasis should be placed on the eyelashes located at the inner corner of the eye.

If the eyes are set close, they need to be visually distanced from each other. To do this, it is necessary to select the outer part of the eye, that is, the area that is located closer to the temples. The brow area is filled with shadows warm shades and shade it so that a “tail” is formed, tending to the temples. Using an underwater pencil, highlight the eyelash growth line, while it needs to be slightly raised towards the outer paradise of the eye. It is important to shade the underline to make the makeup more natural. The last stage is applying mascara. Special emphasis should be done on the eyelashes located on the outer corner of the eye. The eyelashes of the inner corner of the eye remain practically without makeup.

If the shape of your eyes completely suits you, then it is quite acceptable to experiment with various variations makeup. The main thing is to decide on a color scheme that will emphasize natural beauty, will make the look more expressive and deep.

In conclusion, let’s look at the features of makeup for large eyes. Do not forget that dark colors, as a rule, visually make the eye smaller, while light colors, on the contrary, visually open the eyes. Note that a similar play of shades is used not only by makeup artists, but also by stylists when choosing clothes.

When deciding on the color of the shadows, you need to take into account the color of the eyes. For example, karim suits the eyes decoration with brown warm shadows. When making blue eyes, you should use shades of cooler shades. But all rules have exceptions, and modern trends allow fashionistas to write their own rules. Thus, it is permissible to apply shadows contrasting shade eye.

When making up for large eyes, it is important not to forget about eyebrows. Thread eyebrows do not suit large eyes, and in general they have not been in trend for a long time. Eyebrows should be of natural width, but in well-groomed condition. Extra hairs It is imperative to pluck it in a timely manner. It is recommended to leave the eyebrow color natural; you can emphasize it with a pencil, repeating natural color hair.

Video tutorial "How to do makeup for large round eyes"

Many girls have to make a significant effort to make their eyes look a little bigger. Those with large eyes are largely lucky - after all, they have always been considered a significant advantage, decorating any face and attracting the attention of the opposite sex. Such girls usually go different kinds makeup, you just have to choose it in accordance with your color type, the shape of your eyelids, and the shape of your eyes.

Women endowed with large eyes by nature can be called real lucky ones, because they add expressiveness to the face, attracting glances. At the same time, you should not assume that for large eyes there is no need to apply makeup. To make your look as attractive as possible, you will need to highlight them with makeup.

It is worth noting that large eyes are not always different perfect shape. Quite often there are eyes that are too close or too wide, and it is also not uncommon for them to be too convex and round in shape. It’s easy to choose the most suitable makeup by determining the features of your eye shape. If necessary, imperfections can be corrected, while emphasizing the beauty of the look, using thoughtful makeup for large eyes. Taking into account individual characteristics appearance, it is worth choosing it so as to bring it as close as possible to the correct almond shaped, since it is she who is traditionally considered winning.

When selecting suitable makeup for large eyes it is worth considering general principles use visual correction. Just like when choosing clothes, bright hues help you focus on certain areas, dark ones optically reduce volumes. Thus, using eye shadow in dark shades, you can visually reduce the size of your eyes, while light colors will emphasize your wide-open gaze. Correct Application These techniques will help adjust the proportions.

In addition, those with eyes big size It is recommended that you pay attention to the care of your eyebrows - they need to be well-groomed and of a natural, medium width. It is worth considering that thin eyebrows in the form of strings have long been out of date, and besides, they do not suit those with large eyes - for them, a smooth, slightly curved eyebrow shape is considered the most advantageous. To maintain its optimal condition, it is necessary to remove excess hairs in a timely manner.

It is recommended to support natural color eyebrows, if necessary emphasizing it with shadows or a suitable pencil rich shade. Some stylists recommend using a minimal amount of mascara in makeup for large eyes, since they supposedly do not need additional highlighting. This thesis can be disputed, since high-quality colored eyelashes create a seductive shadow around large eyes (this requires that the eyelashes look quite natural). In addition, to give the face additional texture and expressiveness, stylists recommend using at least three shades in makeup for large eyes.

Almond shape

If you have a natural almond-shaped eye shape, you can use various techniques makeup. Such eyes do not require special correction; it is enough to slightly emphasize their natural beauty to make the look more expressive. In this case, it is necessary to choose a color scheme that suits the appearance, highlighting the color of the eyes. In addition, it is important to ensure that the makeup for large eyes is harmoniously combined with the overall makeup.

Round and bulging eyes

For those with round eyes, when applying makeup, the priority is to visually “stretch” them to bring them closer to an almond shape. It is worth considering that round eyes outlined along the contour can give the face a surprised and somewhat naive expression. It’s easy to visually “extend” the shape of round eyes using eyeliner - to do this, you should apply it, starting from the inner corner of the eye, in the form of an expanding arrow, reaching the outer corner of the eye and slightly protruding beyond the contours of the eyelid. Dark shadows applied throughout the eyelid to elongate (slightly extending beyond the outer contours of the eyelid) must be carefully shaded closer to the temple, so that the transitions are imperceptible.

A fairly common problem for owners of large eyes is too protruding eye sockets. In such cases, many stylists recommend using a black pencil to make up large eyes - with its help you can adjust the image, giving it a touch of drama and slight extravagance.

When choosing makeup for large, bulging eyes, you should use matte shadows. The darker ones should be used to cover the most prominent areas, and then shade the transitions to obtain the most natural effect. To do this, stylists recommend using matte cool shades, such as dark gray, as well as muted gray-blue and purple. You should not use shadows and pencils with pearl particles or satin shine for makeup, as they make bulging eyelids look unattractive.

Closely placed eyes

If the eyes are too close to each other, they can be visually distanced by using some correction techniques. In the inner corner of the eye you should put a dot with light shadows or a pencil and shade it. To highlight the eyes from the outside, i.e. closer to the temples, this part of the eyelid under the eyebrow must be covered with dark shadows of warm shades, extending them towards the temple. After this, you need to highlight the root zone of eyelash growth with a pencil, moving it slightly upward from the outer side of the eyelid. The resulting line needs to be gently shaded. Next, you need to apply mascara to your eyelashes, paying special attention to the area from the middle of the eye to its outer corner, while the eyelashes from the inner corner of the eye should not be painted.

Widely placed eyes

If the eyes are too wide apart, these proportions can be evened out using accents in the inner corners of the eye, applied with dark shadows or a pencil. This type of makeup should be carefully shaded. When distributing shadows, you should point the brush upward, towards the eyebrows. Next, makeup for large eyes can be done in conventional technology, it is recommended to minimize the use of light colors.

How to choose a color scheme

If shape correction is not required, makeup for large eyes can be done using any technique, depending on the situation. In this case, you will need to pay due attention to the selection of tones, since it is required that color scheme in makeup for large eyes, it emphasized their shade and natural beauty. Selecting them correctly depending on the color of the iris will help make the makeup expressive and give depth to the look. Modern tendencies allow the use of shadows contrasting colors eye shades.

Makeup for large brown eyes looks harmonious in warm beige-sand and chocolate tones. In addition, in most cases, lavender and turquoise shadows will look advantageous. Milky, shade Ivory, as well as various shades gray will give big brown eyes extra depth. To make up large brown eyes, it is recommended to combine several harmoniously matching shades.

The blue color of the iris is softly emphasized by shades of peach-pink and linden, as well as creamy, copper and cool brown tones. To apply evening makeup for large blue eyes, you can use enough bright shades yellow and orange.

Owners of green eyes should pay attention to shades of copper, gold, green and Brown. When using a brighter burgundy or violet shade the greenish iris may visually acquire a more saturated emerald color. Chocolate brown shades, as well as smoky gray and khaki shades look harmonious in makeup for large green eyes.

How to apply makeup for big eyes

In order for the result of makeup for large eyes to be most expressive, proper distribution of shadow shades is necessary. To make up large eyes using two or three shades that combine with each other, you can use one of the following methods:

  • cover the moving eyelid from the lash line with dark shadows. Apply a light highlight to the area under the eyebrow. After this, you should shade the transitions, and then carefully paint over the eyelashes, depending on the time of day and the desired effect, with one or several layers of mascara;
  • First, you should apply a layer of lighter shadows to the entire area of ​​​​the moving eyelid, and then cover the darker area below the crease of the eyelid and highlight the outer corner of the eye. Next, you need to apply mascara to your eyelashes.

This makeup for large eyes can be done in various shades, selecting them according to your needs.

Smokey Anse technique

The technique of applying “smoky” makeup in the form of smoothly shaded shadows of several shades of varying intensity is currently very popular. Such makeup for large eyes “with languor” will look very harmonious, give them expressiveness and add sensuality.

To achieve this result you can apply the following step by step guide applying makeup for large eyes:

  • First, a foundation should be applied to the eyelids to even out the skin and ensure a smoother application of cosmetics;
  • After the base product is completely absorbed, you need to use a small amount of corrective product - it should be applied under the eyes, as well as in the area between the eyebrows. This will hide dark spots, as well as fine wrinkles, lighten the area near the eyes and make the look bright;
  • Next you need to use translucent powder;
  • After this, you need to apply shadows of peach-pink, cream, sand or beige shade. Next, you will need to shade them to the outer corner of the eye;
  • Further techniques for applying shadows will depend on individual data. If the eyes are set wide enough, it is necessary to emphasize the semicircular area above the crease of the eyelid, using shadows of medium intensity. If you have closely placed eyes, you need to paint the eyelids on the inside (closer to the bridge of the nose) with shadows of a fairly dark shade and carefully shade them;
  • after this, lines in the form of arrows should be drawn on the root zone of the eyelashes with a black, smoky gray or brown pencil (or use eyeliner);
  • Next, near the line drawn with a pencil or eyeliner, you need to apply “smoky” shadows, placing them lightly on the extension towards the temples, and then carefully shade them to achieve the “smoky ice” effect. For these purposes, chocolate brown shades, gray, dark blue or purple are suitable;
  • After this, you should carefully remove excess shadow with a napkin, and then use mascara.

This makeup for large eyes looks quite impressive, both for blondes and brunettes.

Makeup for big eyes video

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