What hair color suits me. How to choose hair color: basic rules

All women are adventurers by nature. The desire to radically change the appearance is characteristic of each of us. But far from every young lady knows how to choose the right hair color. Such ignorance often threatens us with disappointment. This is good if you manage to choose the right hair dye color. Luck is a good thing, but it is not at all constant.

Color matching is not an easy task, but it can be mastered to perfection. Moreover, once you know your color type, you will forget about the torment of choice for the rest of your life. Therefore, information on how to choose hair color will not be superfluous.

Color features of the skin

Our hairstyle should be combined with skin and eyes. Only then can we talk about the ideal image. Otherwise, inappropriate paint can nullify all efforts.

The shade of our skin depends on two dyes - hemoglobin (to a large extent) and carotene (to a lesser extent). If its tone is slightly bluish (in other words, cold), hemoglobin is to blame. In the case when the skin of a woman has a yellowish (warm) tint, we can talk about the influence of carotene.

There are two more important pigments that determine the saturation of hair and skin color. These are melanin (dark, black-brown pigment) and omelanin (yellow-red pigment).

Let's talk about colors

If you still do not know how to choose the right hair color, it does not matter. First you need to decide on your color type.

Of course, there are no less shades of color than women on the planet. But, nevertheless, stylists divide them into 4 categories, named by analogy with the seasons. However, in order to decide how to choose the right hair color, it will be enough for you to find out: you belong to a warm (autumn-spring) or cold (winter-summer) type.

Warm type of girls

This definitely applies to you if:

Ladies who belong to the "autumn-spring" class should also choose shades corresponding to the period. For example, bronze or gold. And remember: hair color should be darker than skin. But it is better to refuse black with blue.

cold type

  • From childhood, pinkish or white skin.
  • Blue or brown eyes.
  • Hair can have any shade, but not red.

The summer-winter color type dictates its own laws. It is better for such young ladies to avoid red or golden shades. But they are perfect for ash and blond.

Defining your type

These are general rules for everyone, but often in life you have to observe various combinations: for example, blue eyes and red hair. How to be in that case? How to choose a new hair color?

In any case, experimenting in the hope of "maybe" is not worth it. It is better to take a closer look at yourself. There are many methods for this. Pretty exciting, by the way, so you won't be bored.

Our skin and hair color

We have already understood that these 2 colors should be in harmony with each other. Then we carefully look at the skin and determine the color of the curls:

The eyes are not only the mirror of the soul

Yes Yes exactly. They are also an indicator of what type of woman you are. It is the color of the eyes that will help you determine the tone of the paint.

  • Green and brown eyes go well with dark red, golden, red curls.
  • But cool shades are perfect for gray and blue: ash blond, light golden.

We study the wardrobe

Do you know how sophisticated fashionistas choose hair color? They open the doors of wardrobes and look: what colors of clothes prevail in their wardrobe. This will be directly related to the shade of your curls.

What will the jewelry box tell about?

There is another way that gives an answer, how hair color is chosen. Pull out the jewelry you wear the most and see:

  • The predominance of silver indicates that you are a lady of a cold type.
  • If you have more gold, then warm colors will suit you.

There is an easier solution: stock up on silver and gold foil. Bring alternately 2 strips to the face. Silver will be better combined with a cold type. With warm - gold.

Dark-skinned women and their color type

Most often, such skin is found in southern women. Dark-skinned women also need to know what type they are.

There is a good way to determine your skin tone. Look closely at the veins.

  • If they are blue, then your type is cold.
  • If the veins are greenish, you are a warm type.

It happens that it is impossible to see the veins. Some ladies get nervous because they don't know how to choose a hair color. The photo will help you with this. You need to take a picture on the street on a bright day. About any make-up, of course, there can be no question. At home, in a graphic editor, you can check your shade - whether it is warm or cold.

How to choose a hair color for swarthy girls?

When you decide on your type, everything will become extremely simple.

Those who belong to the "autumn-spring" type should pay attention to the chocolate color. It will allow you to look younger, even if you are well over 40. Black lovers should know: it is better to abandon the shade of the raven wing, and give preference to charcoal pigment.

Dark-skinned young ladies with a cold appearance have fewer problems. They fit a wide range of colors. If desired, they can even turn into a blonde. The main thing is to abandon the Nordic blonde. But you can choose light brown with a blue or silver tint, light chestnut. Both light chocolate and black will look good. True, stylists say that it is better not to resort to total coloring, but to choose highlighting. But this is up to you.

How to choose red hair color?

From time immemorial, this color has been considered one of the most extravagant. Actually, this is not surprising. After all, redheads are usually chosen by daring natures, who do not like conventions and live by their own rules.

There are a huge variety of shades of this color, which is very difficult for an uninitiated person to understand. But you are now armed with the relevant knowledge. So, how do you choose a hair color if you want to become a redhead?

  • Blondes are perfect for light chestnut, honey, a shade of cinnamon.
  • Brunettes should choose mahogany or ripe plum.
  • Fair-haired people will look great with bright red or copper-red hair.

Do not lose sight of your color type:

  • Owners of fair skin are advised by stylists to give preference to honey or golden shades of red.
  • Dark-skinned and swarthy can safely choose a golden chestnut. But it is better to refuse red with a hint of copper and bright colors.

I want to be blonde!

Then why not become one? The main thing is not to forget about your color type. For warm skin tones, choose golden blondes, for cold skin tones - ashy. If your skin color is neutral, you can rejoice: almost any tone from this palette suits you.

However, it is worth remembering: blond is a rather expensive color. You need to take care of such hair more carefully: follow the roots, tint to avoid a rusty shade of hair, because the paint is quickly washed out.

Choosing black color

We are all different. Someone constantly lightens their hair to get rid of an annoying dark color (and most of them are). And someone, on the contrary, all his life dreams of becoming a burning brunette. Black shades will look especially harmonious if you have olive or dark skin.

But do not forget: black is the most difficult color. It is very difficult to get rid of it. It will be almost impossible to go back to natural without damaging the hair.

Practicality and charm of chestnut

Chestnut color is one of the most versatile. It adds brightness and depth to nondescript hair shades. In addition, chestnut requires a minimum of care. Yes, and the paint, which is in a wide range on store shelves, is elementary in use. And chestnut shades are recommended for those who have damaged hair. This color reflects light well, so it prevents dryness and brittle curls.

As you can see, color matching is a whole science. But, having mastered it once, you will easily navigate in the endless sea of ​​all tones and shades.

A detailed description and comparison of hair color with a woman's color type.

No matter how beautiful a woman is, she always wants to be even more beautiful. Very often, women experiment with hair color. From the article you will learn what color to paint, depending on individual characteristics.

Red, dark red, light red hair color who suits and who does not suit?

Redheads are credited eccentric character and passionate nature, but still this color is not for all the ladies. Therefore, if you decide to radically change the image, you should pay attention to certain nuances:

  • Colors are suitable for women with pink skin cool red color
  • Matches peach skin warm shades of red
  • Pale-faced girls should pay attention to light red shades that repeat the natural tone as much as possible.
  • Swarthy beauties should pick dark red or even terracotta color. This way you will highlight dark eyes and eyebrows as much as possible.
  • It is best to dye your hair in any red shade green-eyed women, although if you focus on the color of the eyes, then the red hair blows suits any eyes
  • Do not dye your hair bright red if you for 45. It will look unnatural and such a shade will give you a couple more years. Also choose the right tone of eyebrows and lipstick, otherwise the combination of red hair color with too black eyebrows and lilac lipstick will not only not suit you, but will also make your appearance ridiculous
Redheads are passionate natures

Who suits copper hair color?

Copper color is quite versatile due to the versatility of shades. Let's look at the variety of options:

  • Light copper color is also called wheat, but still has copper notes. It suits any eye color and medium skin tone
  • Classic copper should be chosen by women with any eye color, except gray. Gray eyes will seem too faded in combination with bright hair.
  • dark copper choose mainly swarthy ladies. After all, it combines a chocolate tone with red tints, which are ideal for girls with a winter skin color type.
  • We recommend picking a copper-blond color light-skinned and light-eyed girls. It is not too saturated and will perfectly emphasize the tenderness of ladies with the indicated color type.
  • Copper-golden color is suitable for both light and swarthy girls. But the color of the eyes is best combined with brown. The image created by such a combination will certainly please the owner.

Black, blue-black, mahogany hair color suits who suits and who does not suit?

Black is in fashion for any weather.. This color is so relevant that many people wear it all their lives. But still you need to figure out who suits, and who does not have such a black shade of hair:

  • Black color goes to swarthy and fair-skinned women with green and brown eyes.
  • Those who are naturally blondies should not drastically change their hair color, as this will give you a gloomy look, and returning to their native color will not be easy at all.
  • It is also undesirable for girls with blue and gray eyes to paint black, as they will lose the previously noticeable expressiveness of the eyes.
  • Shades of black are most often divided into simple black, blue black and plum black:
  • Blue-black in the sun has a bluish tint and a very rich color. Suitable for girls with dark skin and dark eyes
  • The plum shade also looks very bright on the woman-winter color type.

Video: Who suits black hair color?

Ashy, ash blond hair color who suits?

Ash color is also diverse. To present the full picture, let's take a closer look at each shade:

  • For all girls with blue eyes and fair skin ash blond color is perfect. But it is very important that there are no inflammations and pimples on your face, as the new hair color will set off skin problems even brighter.
  • This color is a great idea for graying women - a natural tone will help you stay spectacular and not worry about the weekly touch-up of the roots
  • An ashy shade will make the image of fair-haired beauties more vivid and saturated. But the color needs high-quality care, use masks and balms so that the hair color remains as bright as on the first day after dyeing
  • But for brunettes, it’s better to abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdying your hair in such a tone - you will get painful appearance instead of the expected beauty

Who suits red, mahogany, cherry hair color?

One of the brightest and sexiest is the red hair color. But only very brave young ladies decide on such a painting. In addition, there are certain restrictions for this hair tone:

  • Mahogany is the color that women love. with gray hair. And they do it right, because this color tends to visually smooth out wrinkles. In addition, if you choose the right tone of clothes, then the resulting bright image will appeal not only to you, but also to those around you.
  • Cherry blossom discreet and intelligent if you are dark-eyed with olive skin, then this tone is just for you
  • Red color for impudent young ladies. Moreover, both bright highlighting and full hair coloring will look spectacular. It suits absolutely all types of women and will decorate both blondes and inveterate brunettes.

Video: Who suits red hair?

Dark, chestnut hair color suits who?

Chestnut color is always in fashion, it suits all color types, but you should still choose a shade according to individual characteristics:

  • Add sophistication by changing the hair color to cool chestnut, elegance - to chestnut with a hint of cherry
  • A huge plus is that the chestnut color looks spectacular on women who have both long and short hair
  • Dark chestnut color will give you seriousness, and light chestnut on the contrary - tenderness
  • The chestnut color looks great on any color type, but after painting it should be borne in mind that you need to choose the appropriate makeup, and for this the natural range is ideal

Video: Who suits chestnut hair color?

Gray, gray hair color suits who?

Anyone who wants to change their hair color to gray or gray should consider the following nuances:

  • It suits girls who have fair skin
  • Also for representatives summer color type this shade will be very beautiful, it will create a gentle look for girls
  • If you have gray or blue eyes, then this color is the best choice.
  • You also need to make sure that the skin of the face was smooth and without flaws, because gray and gray hair color will reflect even more uneven skin
  • It is better for women with dark skin to abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgetting gray curls, this look will be ridiculous
  • Black-eyed people should also forget about this color - it will look very unnatural in this case.

Video: Gray hair color - trend 2016

Wheat, hazel hair color suits who?

Walnut and wheat color is a very warm and delicate shade that is ideal for women with an autumn color type. You can safely prepare for painting with these tones if:

  • Your skin has a bronze or pale golden color
    You were born and your natural color is blond or light chestnut
  • You have previously dyed red and this shade suits you
  • You light eyebrows and green or brown eyes

Who suits blond, dark blond and light blond hair color?

The light brown color goes to many women, but still, in order not to get into an unpleasant situation after painting, certain rules should be understood:

  • Light blond is great for fair-skinned girls. Even if your hair is naturally or previously dyed dark, even with the help of folk methods you can get a natural light brown color.
  • Light brown color is best suited for girls who have a natural color with a pleasant golden hue
  • Dark blond, like its previous counterparts, is also quite versatile. It will give brightness and attractiveness to a woman who wants to change her appearance.

Who suits white, blond hair color?

White hair color is not for everyone, so be sure to read the recommendations so as not to be upset after unsuccessful painting:

  • If you were born a blonde, and you already went to school dark, then you can safely lighten up. Moreover, we can bet that everyone admired the little blonde
  • Dark-haired women with brown eyes and dark skin should avoid light colors.
  • green-eyed women with brown hair are also not desirable to paint in a similar color. Better pay attention to the red
  • If you have dark hair, but fair skin, then lightening will decorate your image.

But again, we remind you that blondes should only be with perfect skin. If there is acne or pimples on the face, then you can paint only after careful treatment by a cosmetologist.

Video: How is it to be a blonde?

Who suits caramel hair color?

To get the perfect staining result, you need to consider how long hair and natural complexion. This shade is not suitable for everyone, so consider certain nuances:

  • Best for image change brunettes who have brown eyes
  • Blue-eyed people will also be excellent candidates, but only if their natural color is darker than caramel by no more than 2 tones.
  • If you have dark hair, then be prepared for the fact that you should lighten up first.
  • The caramel shade looks very unusual on dark-skinned women.
  • Women with pale skin will also like this shade, but with this combination it will look more like a blond.
  • redheads and blondes can also experiment with caramel coloring. In this case, a new shade will add brightness and freshness to your image.

Caramel hair color gives the female appearance of tenderness and mystery. If you are not yet ready to change your dark color and radically lighten your hair, then first experiment with clarified strands.

Hair color brown, chocolate, milk and bitter chocolate who suits?

If you decide to change your color and choose a dark chocolate shade for this, then you should make some efforts so that it does not look too faded against the background of makeup. It is suitable for swarthy brown-eyed ladies or women with green eyes.
Milk chocolate is a very popular color and is somewhat similar to caramel, but with more brown notes. It is suitable for women who have fair skin and light blue or hazel eyes.
Brown should be chosen by swarthy brown-eyed ladies who were born dark-haired. Fair-skinned girls with blond hair should choose a tone of light chocolate, this ideal color will emphasize their tenderness and give brightness to the image.

Hair color "Milk chocolate"

Chocolate color is suitable for both swarthy and peach-skinned girls. Eye color in this case will look advantageous brown and green.

Video: Who suits chocolate hair color?

Who suits platinum hair color?

  • Platinum color is great for women with peach skin
  • You should not choose it for dark-skinned women, as in this case the appearance will be vulgar
  • Eye color is of secondary importance, but still platinum goes perfectly with blue eyes.
  • Easily repainted in platinum fair-haired girls
  • If you have brown or even darker hair, then you should bleach it. In addition, in the future, you will constantly have to deal with growing roots, which, after painting, will differ from the tips.

Girls who nevertheless decided to change their image from a brown-haired woman, and chose a platinum color, should stock up on good hair care products, as peroxide will make their hair brittle and dull.

Hair color eggplant, purple who suits?

  • Eggplant hair color is preferred ladies over 50. But still, we advise all girls to use it, since it has a great advantage - it is suitable for girls with any skin color type.
  • Eggplant and violet tend to emphasize skin imperfections, so if you have acne or inflammation, then you should refrain from painting for now.
  • Very nice eggplant and violet combined with dark curls
  • You can first experiment and make purple strands or mix two colors with full painting
  • If you have green eyes and pale skin, then eggplant will definitely suit you. But you should also start from what kind of hair you repaint. If dark - then the color will be bright and saturated, light - too aggressive
  • A great place to start would be to use tinted shampoo. So you look at the result and more confidently make a decision to change the color of your hair.

Beautifully dyed hair adorn any woman. You just need to choose the right color and you will be irresistible.

Video: What hair color to choose to look younger?

Who is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word "blonde"? Luxurious Marilyn Monroe in a flowing dress, like in the movie "The Seven Year Itch"? Or frivolous divas in the style of Paris Hilton from bearded jokes? And although the prevailing stereotype: “Gentlemen prefer you-know-who” seems to be a long time in the past (Modern men are more likely to pay attention to a spectacular figure and an outstanding mind), this does not prevent thousands of women around the world from making daily choices in favor of blond hair. curls.

The main difficulty is to realistically assess your chances of success: does not every girl understand if this color really suits her? Let's figure out whether it is worth trying on the image of "legally blonde" or it is better to wait a little with these bright changes ...

We made 5 points in which we highlighted all the pros and cons of blondes. If there are more pluses for you - our congratulations: this is your color! If the cons outweigh the scales, do not despair - over the past 20 years, the Miss World contest has only been won four times, which means that brunettes today are no less bright and attractive.

Item number 1. Appearance type

If you are naturally the owner of blond hair, whitish skin and blue or green eyes - your type is "spring girl". You radiate warmth and tenderness. Therefore, you need to dye your hair in natural warm shades: honey, golden, sandalwood. Lightening of individual strands, highlighting, coloring using the shatush technique will look great. The main thing is not to overdo it with contrast - you are a romantic nature!

Noble facial features, a slight blush, a cold look and ashy hair color - do you think the real snow queen? No, this is a typical representative of the summer color type. Hair, most often straight, possibly split, burn out in the sun. Therefore, we do not advise you to try bright shades of blond. Look for a wheaten or ash brown shade - they will give a lively shine to the hair.

Autumn, paradoxically, is also a warm girl: the skin is golden, often with freckles, it does not tan well in the sun. Hair red, or with a red tint, curly. The eyes are brown or green. In general, if you are like Julia Roberts, then sandalwood shades are the best option. Although, for starters, remember Roberts as a blonde in the movie "Captain Hook" ... Have you changed your mind about makeup yet?

It is easy to confuse a winter girl with summer and autumn. You have milky skin, your hair is usually dark, your eyes are deep cold shades. Becoming a "blonde" in this case is quite difficult, but possible. However, get ready for the fact that the result may surprise you unpleasantly.

Pros: if the color type allows, the stylist will definitely approve the new image.

Minuses: the likelihood of looking vulgar and awkward still remains.

Item number 2. Age

It takes a lot of work to make blonde hair look well-groomed and healthy. And home procedures are often not limited to business. Damaged hair is not able to retain the pigment for a long time - you need to be prepared for the fact that you will be an exemplary blonde (as just after dyeing) in just a couple of weeks. It is necessary to use special products from the first days after staining. Pay attention to healing, hypoallergenic beauty products that contain

Ever since the Middle Ages, blondes have been considered true beauties, ladies of noble blood, the personification of purity. Such girls refused makeup and got rid of eyebrows, so that nothing would spoil the purity of their body and face. (Brunettes and redheads were much more likely to be burned at the stake.) In literature, blond divas have always radiated confidence, evoked thoughts of purity and nobility. Most princesses, good sorceresses, angels, fairies are golden-haired. In the 20th century, the image of a blonde has undergone major changes - they have turned into fools and silly people, whom everyone loves, but no one takes seriously. On the screens, they often appear in the image of an unintelligent, charming person, without pretensions to a thoughtful attitude to life or intellectual ambitions. Judging a woman by her hair color alone is a sign of narrowness. What influential blonde women successfully prove: say, political leaders such as Margaret Thatcher or Hillary Clinton. Nevertheless, stereotypes in society are, most often, much stronger.

Pros: others will see in you a subtle, romantic, immaculate nature.

If you want to change the image, many resort to hair coloring. To obtain good results, it is necessary to take into account the features of the appearance and figure of a woman.

There are several simple ways to determine the right range of colors that will successfully complement your image, help to emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws.

How to choose the right hair color

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of the tone of hair dye, you need to carefully approach this issue. The following recommendations are important:

  1. Shades of eyes, skin and hair must match. It is better to choose colors 1-2 tones darker or lighter than natural.
  2. When choosing a paint, evaluate the condition of your skin. Very dark or light colors emphasize imperfections.
  3. To more accurately determine the color scheme, use the paint map.
  4. Before applying a long-lasting product, try tinted shampoos / balms of the desired tone. They will give temporary results. If desired, you can quickly return the original tone of the hair.

To choose the right color scheme, you can use one or more methods. Popular ways:

  • by color type;
  • to the eyes;
  • to skin tone, face shape;
  • with a test;
  • through online resources.

According to the color type of appearance

Choosing the right hair color will help determine the color type of appearance. When it is detected, the shades of the eyes and skin are also taken into account. You can determine the appropriate tone for coloring using the table:

Color type

Characteristics of the color type


Winter (cold)

Very light to very dark

Black, brown, blue, gray

Dark, light ash

  • black;
  • fair-haired;
  • ashy.

Spring (warm)

Light (green or blue)

From light blond to brown

  • golden;
  • light brown;
  • red dark.

Summer (cold)

Light, cool colors

Light (gray, blue, hazel)

brown, blond

  • light brown;
  • wheat;
  • blond.

Autumn (warm)

Golden, olive, bronze

Hazel, hazel (light eye color is also possible)

Red, brown

  • milk chocolate;
  • copper shades;
  • dark blond;
  • chestnut;
  • black.

Under eye color

The selection of hair color can be carried out in accordance with the shade of the eyes. The following recommendations should be observed:

  • Women with dark eyes (black, brown) and swarthy skin, tan, shades from dark blond to black are suitable. Fair-skinned should choose chocolate, red, copper. If the eyes have a light brown tint, you need to use golden or amber paint.
  • Owners of green eyes are suitable for a red-red palette (golden, fiery). If it is difficult to decide on such experiments, it is recommended to choose an option from a chestnut range. With marsh eyes, dark blond goes well.
  • To match the paint to blue eyes, it is necessary to take into account their shade. Ashy, light blond are suitable for cold colors. If blue eyes are interspersed with brown, a good option would be coloring in caramel, red, golden. Saturated color is combined with light chestnut strands.

For fat girls

A suitable coloring option for girls with a full figure and face is a shade that is as close to natural as possible. To divert attention from shortcomings, it is recommended to use various techniques: highlighting, ombre, coloring. The combination of several tones will emphasize the liveliness of the color, visually make the face slimmer.

Overweight women should not choose too dark or light colors.

How to pick up online

An online hair color test can help you change your appearance. The principle of operation of resources is based on a single algorithm:

  1. Upload a photo in front. The picture must be clear.
  2. In the photo you need to indicate the contours of the mouth and eyes (sometimes the entire face).
  3. Then you need to choose a hairstyle and coloring option from those offered.
  4. Save the completed option to your computer.

This feature is offered by a large number of sites. List of popular resources according to user reviews:

  1. Hair (domain.su). A site in Russian will help you choose a haircut and coloring for women and men for free. To start the test, you need to upload a photo in which all facial features are clearly visible, or take a picture using a webcam. The next step is to set the pointers along the edges of the lips and eyes. Then mark the contours of the face. After this procedure, options for suitable hairstyles will open. At this stage, you can choose the tone of the strands (button on the right). To save the result you like, click "Authorization", go through the suggested steps.
  2. Makeoveridea (domain.com). An international site with a language selection option. With the help of the resource, you can choose the coloring option online. A feature of the service is a large database of hairstyles, the ability to choose makeup, try on accessories. The result is saved on the PC. To work with the resource, you need to upload a clear front-facing photo from your computer, set pointers in the necessary places. Then you can choose the hairstyle and tone of the strands using the menu on the left side of the window. To save the option you like, click "download result".
  3. Instyle (domain.com). The site is in English and will help you try on the hairstyles of Hollywood stars. The resource assumes the use of a standard algorithm. To get started, you must press the red Start your makeover button to upload a photo - Browse. The Zoom link will help you center the image on the screen. The Next button will need to be used to go to each next editing step. To choose a paint, you need to choose the option you like from the Change hair color menu. To save the result, click Save makeover.

How to choose paint for hair color

To choose a good paint, you need to consider the natural color of your hair. The following guidelines should be followed:

  • Redheads. For such hair, tones from a chestnut, chocolate, ashy palette are suitable. Experts consider appropriate and red shades. You should not use blond, because the color will give yellowness. For the same reason, light brown and wheat shades will not work. Black may not match the skin tone of redheads.
  • Fair-haired. Owners of this color can pick up paint from ash, caramel, chestnut, chocolate tones. When using blonds, yellowness may appear. To get rid of the unwanted effect, it is recommended to use silver, purple tint balms. When choosing black, you need to consider that you will have to tint the roots twice a month.
  • Dark. Brunettes are advised to choose an option from a dark chestnut, chocolate palette. To obtain a hazel color, you will need lightening, which often leads to damage to the hair. For this reason, coloring in light golden, blond is not recommended.
  • Light. Blondes who want to change their appearance are suitable for caramel, red, ashy, honey, golden, light chestnut colors. Milk chocolate, cold platinum looks good.
  • Gray-haired. If a woman wants her hair to look natural, it is recommended to choose an option 1-2 shades lighter than natural. Wine or light honey paints will help to give a fresh look. It is not recommended to use ashy, beige.


Mysterious, passionate, burning, rich and deep - stylish black hair color is very often chosen by strong and self-confident natures.

Why do women wear black?

The black color of the strands has several advantages, thanks to which it has become insanely popular:

  • This is the best way to stand out from the crowd and change something in yourself;
  • Adds decisiveness, confidence, mystery and even bitchiness;
  • It helps to create the image of a very strict, businesslike and intelligent lady, who in an instant will become a fatal beauty or impregnable lady;
  • Makes fine hair look fuller and thicker.

Who suits black?

Who is this tone for? Alas, not all! Girls with fair skin and brown or green eyes can turn into a brunette.

But black has much more contraindications. Who is he definitely not for?

  • Natural blondes;
  • Owners of gray or blue eyes and very dark skin. True, some women go against the recommendations of stylists and successfully create extravagant images;
  • Girls with problem skin (freckles, scars, rashes, wrinkles, etc.);
  • Women with yellow teeth;
  • Soft, timid and supple natures. Remember, this shade leaves a certain imprint on the character. Brunettes can make a very different impression - from a sultry beauty and a smart companion to an informal girl or a witch. By changing the color of your hair, develop an appropriate demeanor. If you behave cautiously and insecurely, the effect will be exactly the opposite - you will be considered not a femme fatale, but simply an eccentric.

What difficulties await brunettes?

Although black looks very impressive, it can create a number of difficulties:

  • You will not be able to return to your previous shade or repaint in light;
  • Getting a brunette out of your hair will be extremely difficult;
  • Dark shades will make you look older, and other signs of aging will become more visible. That is why it is not recommended for mature women. The only exceptions are natural brunettes;
  • To keep the brightness and shine of the dyed hair, she will have to devote a lot of time and effort. Otherwise, the strands will be dull and unkempt;
  • Black makes the face look thinner and more tired.

Black color palette

Black hair color is represented by several luxurious shades.


The blue-black tone in the sun acquires a strong shine and a slight blue. It is ideal for women with dark skin - with this combination you get an Asian type of appearance.

natural black

The hue of the raven wing or deep black is now very popular. The owners of this shade have long been considered passionate, hot and attractive natures, carrying a secret.

Black with red

The combination of a brunette with a red tone looks very unusual. The duet of these two opposites - cold and warm - creates a youthful image. It is also called black caramel. This is the perfect choice for tanned skin and dark eyes.

Black chocolate

Another trendy shade, known as dark chocolate or black-brown. It blends perfectly with both swarthy and fair skin and perfectly sets off the glow of dark brown eyes.

Black tulip or plum black

Hair color black tulip provides for the presence of an eggplant or reddish tint. It is perfect for the owners of the winter color type of appearance.

Ash black

The ash black shade is often referred to as graphite. Its popularity has not faded for many years. A beautiful ashy undertone adds volume to the hair and makes the image stylish. Girls with white skin and gray or blue eyes can look at him.


This shade is universal, as it suits all skin types. Ebony dyed hair looks silky and incredibly beautiful.

Black coffee

Another delicious tone is rich, with barely noticeable brown notes. It will be a good choice for girls with brown eyes and any skin tone - tanned, fair or olive.

Violet black

It is distinguished from the black tulip by a bright purple tint. Demanded among ladies of elegant age. Looks very fresh, natural, interesting.

How to care for black hair?

In order for your hair to remain so juicy and beautiful for a very long time, as shown in the photo, provide it with proper care:

  • Refuse the frequent use of ironing - it will provoke the loss of strands;
  • The dark tone loves volume, but tight hairstyles do not suit him at all;
  • Choose a special shampoo for colored hair;
  • Tint overgrown roots in time;
  • Regularly make nourishing masks with minerals, vitamins and proteins (every 7 days);
  • Wash your hair not in hot, but in warm water;
  • For rinsing, brew sage, chamomile, yarrow or nettle;
  • Dry your hair outdoors;
  • Comb with a comb with blunt sparse teeth.

The best paints for brunettes

What is the best way to dye your hair in a dark shade? Of course, basma, which is combined with henna and natural coffee, can be safely called the safest remedy. There are ingredients in basma that give strands shine, accelerate their growth and protect them from falling out. True, the color does not remain saturated for a very long time. But if this does not stop you, use our instructions.

Step 1. Mix basma with henna in a ratio of 2: 1.

Step 2. Pour boiling water over the resulting mixture and stir until smooth.

Step 3. Cover this container with a lid and leave for 40 minutes.

Step 4. Be sure to test on a thin strand at the back of your head.

Step 5. Apply the finished composition to wet and clean hair - first to the roots, and then to the entire length.

Step 6. Wait 1.5 hours and wash your hair.

If staining with basma does not suit you, choose the best paint - resistant or without ammonia:

  • Garnier Olia - contains natural substances, shows the maximum expressiveness of the shade, has a pleasant smell, is well applied. The hair after the procedure becomes shiny and soft;
  • Dyes from Palette - give a persistent and bright tone. They contain ammonia, which is categorically not suitable for thin and dry strands. Pallet offers 3 classes of dyes that are distinguished by durability. These are tint balms (washed off 6-8 times), semi-permanent paints with vitamins and persistent paints;
  • Syoss;
  • Estel;
  • Wella;
  • Schwarzkopf;
  • L'Oreal;
  • C'Ehko.

By the way, find out which shade of hair is right for you:

Rules for painting black

  • Rule 1. If the decision to become a brunette is not yet final, use a tinted balm or mousse.
  • Rule 2. To keep the structure, strictly follow the instructions. An improperly diluted or overexposed composition can lead to hair breakage, hair loss and dandruff.
  • Rule 3. Give preference to gentle means.
  • Rule 4. Do not be too lazy to create a greenhouse effect - tie a bag and a warm towel around your head. True, this applies only to dyes without ammonia. Resistant paints do not need this.
  • Rule 5. If you need to color only the roots, do not touch the rest of the hair. In case of urgent need, treat your hair with paint 5 minutes before washing.
  • Rule 6. In order not to stain the skin, lubricate the forehead and ears with cream.
  • Rule 7. The day before the procedure, apply a smoothing agent to the hair. Then the paint will lie evenly, and the color will come out more saturated.

How to update the black tint?

To maintain the brightness and depth of black hair, use these recipes.

  • Rinse with rosemary. Pour 1.5 liters of water 2 tbsp. l. rosemary and cook for 3 minutes. Cool, filter and use for rinsing;
  • Linden mask. Pour 5 tbsp. l. twigs, flowers or linden leaves and cook until a third of the liquid has evaporated. Apply to hair for an hour;
  • Egg mask. Mix 6 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 6 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar and 3 yolks. Keep half an hour;
  • Combing with a decoction of walnuts. Pour a liter of boiling water 10 gr. tea leaves and 10 walnut leaves. Boil for a couple of minutes, cool, filter and pour into a dark glass bottle. Comb your hair every day by dipping the comb in the product. Store the rest of the decoction in a cool and dark cabinet;
  • Walnut shell mask. Mix 10 gr. cloves, 200 gr. young walnut shell and 250 gr. olives (chopped) Pour 3 liters of water and cook until half of the liquid has evaporated. Let the mixture cool and add 25 gr. Apply to dry hair for 4 hours;
  • Spruce bark mask. Boil the bark with boiling water and soak the hair with this decoction. Wash off after an hour;
  • Infusion of henna and basma. Combine henna and basma (25 grams each), pour 1.5 liters of boiling water over them. Cool and filter. Use for rinsing.
