There is brown discharge during pregnancy. When is brown discharge normal?

Pregnancy is a period of real discovery. Unfortunately, these discoveries are not always pleasant: while waiting for the baby, the expectant mother may encounter various diseases, so special attention should be paid to her health, without neglecting visits to the doctor and taking the necessary tests.

Very often during pregnancy, women are faced with such a not very pleasant and frightening phenomenon as brown discharge. Such discharge should not be ignored - in the vast majority of cases, brown discharge signals the development of some disease, so you should immediately consult a doctor. Often, brown discharge signals an increasing risk of miscarriage, so timely contact with specialists will increase your chances of maintaining the pregnancy and the long-awaited meeting with your baby.

What factors can lead to brown discharge during pregnancy? And what diseases can discharge of different colors signal? We will try to talk about the most common situations and convince you that turning to specialists is necessary.

So, if we are talking about brown discharge in early pregnancy, then it is quite possible that the expectant mother’s body is trying to get rid of the blood that remains in the cervix. There may be another reason, namely, increased sensitivity of the uterine cervix: as a result, after a transvaginal ultrasound or after sex, slight brown discharge may occur. They usually go away on their own within a few days. In this case, no treatment is required.

Light brown discharge may be a symptom of human papillomavirus or other vaginal infections. If you suspect any sexually transmitted diseases, you must immediately take a smear test for STIs - do not delay, because in this case you risk not only your health, but also the health of your baby.

If we are talking about yellow-brown discharge during pregnancy, then this is also one of the symptoms of infection in the vagina. If you have had a smear test for STIs, and as a result, infections have been ruled out, then it is quite possible that the yellow-brown discharge is a consequence of inflammatory processes occurring in the pelvis - this could be salpingitis, adnexitis.

Dark brown discharge during pregnancy can also represent implantation bleeding, which occurs one month after the last period or two weeks after fertilization. This is a normal variant, and, accordingly, no treatment is required in this case.

However, dark brown discharge can also signal a molar pregnancy, which occurs due to the presence of abnormalities of the placental cells and improper development of the embryo. You can also talk about an ectopic pregnancy if you are dealing with brown spotting - in this case, the development of the embryo occurs outside the uterus (tubal pregnancy, ovarian, abdominal, cervical, and so on). In any case, it is necessary to terminate the pregnancy.

Red-brown discharge is also dangerous, as they are often a sign of a threatened miscarriage. Red color usually indicates the possibility of detachment of the ovum. If such discharge is accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen, vomiting, or dizziness, you should urgently call a doctor and go to the hospital.

Scanty brown discharge can occur due to hormonal imbalance in the body of the expectant mother, and usually indicates progesterone deficiency. Don’t be lazy to donate blood for hormones and progesterone during pregnancy - this is very important. It is quite possible that after reviewing the hormone tests, the doctor will prescribe you Duphaston - after taking this drug, brown discharge is physiological. There is no need to sound the alarm or self-medicate - only your attending physician should select all hormonal medications.

Brown mucous discharge may well occur after sexual intercourse if the internal genital organs of the expectant mother are hypersensitive, or if there is excess vaginal lubrication.

Pink-brown discharge may indicate the presence of occult blood in the uterus. If you experience intense pink-brown bleeding, you should contact your doctor immediately.

Remember that brown discharge is not a physiological norm(except for cases when discharge appears a month after the last menstruation), so do not hesitate to inform your doctor about this, who, based on the nature of the discharge, will prescribe certain tests for you and will be able to determine the cause of the discharge and prescribe appropriate treatment. Remember that brown discharge during pregnancy is a signal that some kind of malfunction has occurred in your body, and your timely reaction to it will preserve your health and the health of your baby.

The body of a pregnant woman is full of mystery and unpredictability. The processes occurring in it are striking in their scale and are often even inexplicable. But they also scare expectant mothers. After all, this is a child’s temporary home, it is a mechanism that supports his life, and when pregnant women observe certain processes, phenomena, changes in their body, this, to say the least, worries them.

Particular concern arises when brown discharge appears from the vagina. In some cases this may be normal, but more often it poses a threat to pregnancy. Therefore, if you observe something similar in yourself, you should contact a gynecologist urgently.

When is brown discharge normal?

On days 6-12 after conception, the egg reaches its future home and begins to attach to the wall of the uterus. This period is called implantation, and it may be accompanied by slight vaginal discharge. Often women who do not suspect the onset of pregnancy perceive them as an early start of menstruation. However, it should be noted that implantation bleeding is accompanied by discharge of a creamy consistency, predominantly beige or colored. If they change to dark brown, this may be a warning sign.

It also happens that a brownish “daub” appears in subsequent months on the days of expected menstruation. This occurs due to hormonal imbalance.

Risk of miscarriage

However, most often, brown vaginal discharge is a clear sign of the threat of interruption. Due to the detachment of the fertilized egg, blood leaks beyond its walls, which is observed in the form of brown bloody discharge. In addition, a woman may feel nagging pain in the lower abdomen, often accompanied by dizziness and vomiting.

In such cases, the pregnant woman is prescribed treatment aimed at maintaining the pregnancy, and strict bed rest is prescribed. This helps to avoid the unwanted.

Ectopic pregnancy

Egg rejection is always inevitable when it occurs. Therefore, brown spotting may be one of the symptoms of this pathology. In this case, action must be taken immediately. And the sooner a diagnosis is made and the necessary measures are taken, the more likely a woman will be to preserve her reproductive system.

Intrauterine pregnancy can often be detected during pregnancy. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe additional examinations.

Sign of the disease

Many gynecological diseases can be accompanied by bloody discharge, including brown discharge. This happens with some genital tract infections, with. Pregnancy is not at all an obstacle to the progression of sores. And often, on the contrary, he is a good provocateur. Of course, ideally, all ailments should be dealt with at the stage.

Placenta previa

The appearance of brown discharge at a later stage may indicate placenta previa. This happens due to the very close location of the placenta to the cervix when it (that is, the placenta) is low enough. The growing uterus can disrupt the integrity of the vessels in the upper layers of the placenta, and slight bleeding occurs. In this case, it is advisable to examine the placenta by ultrasound on the days of discharge.

Harbinger of childbirth

If your pregnancy is already over and you notice brownish discharge, this is most likely a mucus plug that has come off. This means it’s time to prepare for childbirth: the process will begin very soon. But when exactly - this is individual. From the moment the plug comes out until labor begins, it can take from two hours to two weeks.

What to do

In general, only one thing can be said for sure: in order not to risk your health and pregnancy, you need to see a gynecologist in any case and as soon as you notice brown discharge. There is no need to guess how normal they are, because most often there is nothing in common between brown discharge during pregnancy and the norm.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Expecting a baby is a joyful, but also exciting time. Moreover, the latter can be caused by both objective reasons and far-fetched ones. The expectant mother will always find a reason to be nervous. One of the disturbing circumstances is brown discharge in the early stages of pregnancy. It is this time that is very difficult and can become decisive for the very existence of the fetus.

Read in this article

Should you worry if you notice discharge?

Inexperienced women are confident that any vaginal discharge will stop before the pregnancy is completed, and when they realize that they were mistaken, they begin to panic. Excitement is much more dangerous than the mucus itself, because its origin is completely natural. In order not to expose yourself and your unborn child to unnecessary risk for a trivial reason, but also not to miss a possible threat, it is worth determining why brown discharge in the early stages of pregnancy can occur in principle. In assessing them, not only the fact of their appearance is important, but also the nature, sensations with which they are accompanied, time and frequency.

Initial symptoms of pregnancy

Often, among the newly discovered features of the body, there are those that are considered as signs of pregnancy in the early stages, brown discharge is one of many among them. They are light in color, quite abundant, and painless. They can appear before the fact of conception has been established; they are a derivative of strengthening the secretory functions of the reproductive organs and increasing the level of hormones.

This pale brown discharge in the early stages of pregnancy should not have an odor or cause any discomfort. And they also disappear quite quickly, as soon as the body adapts to the existence of an embryo in it.

Pregnancy and menstruation

No matter how ridiculous this phrase may seem, such a thing, although rare, does occur. Conception occurs only at a certain stage of development of the female reproductive cell, that is, when it is mature. This happens approximately in the middle between menstruation. And the next critical days after fertilization are impossible at normal times.

But this is if the egg was the only one. And when two female gametes mature at the same time, one unites with the sperm, the second cannot disappear without a trace. Within a few days, the unfertilized egg degrades and disintegrates, forming. This set of tissues creates a slightly altered hormonal background, which provokes brown discharge in early pregnancy. They contain a small volume of blood, as well as cervical mucus and inner lining tissue. All this is similar to the harbingers of normal menstruation, but ends much faster.

Embryo implantation

After the embryo penetrates the main female organ, it needs to gain a foothold there. After all, this place will become his abode until birth, as well as a means for development and a source of nutrition. While the still tiny fertilized egg is screwed into the uterine mucosa, which by this time takes on the appearance of a porous, loose canvas. The endometrium is full of blood vessels, their number and size grow to provide acceptable living conditions for the embryo. It is impossible for the fertilized egg to penetrate into its thickness without damaging some of them. It causes in early pregnancy. They last ten hours, maximum two days. During implantation of the fertilized egg, no noticeable pain is felt; in the worst case, a pulling sensation is noted.

If you were planning to conceive, then if spotting brown discharge appears, limit yourself to sudden movements, as well as having sex, do not take a hot bath or douche! Give the egg time to firmly attach itself inside.

Mucus plug

The entire reproductive system begins to work for the safety of the fetus. The same thing does and, which at this stage increases the volume of mucus. It is required to block the cervical canal, that is, access to the uterine cavity for unwanted microorganisms, as well as maintaining the vaginal flora. Mucus is also a sign of an increase in progesterone in the blood. The separation of a certain number of cells from the plug provokes light brown discharge in early pregnancy. They are painless and do not cause any other discomfort. And it is not blood that gives them a brownish tint; this is the natural color of some types of cervical mucus.

"Memory" of the reproductive system

The onset of pregnancy entails changes in hormonal balance. Predominant importance belongs to . But for the development of the process without problems, especially at its beginning, there is not always enough hormone. Its slight deficiency results in periodic brown discharge in early pregnancy. They are recorded during the period when the onset of critical days was expected. This is not dangerous if you follow the regime and be especially careful during this period. In some women, similar discharge is observed after the end of the early term, which does not prevent them from carrying and giving birth normally.

In the majority of pregnant women who recorded them in themselves, when measuring the concentration of hormones, an increase in testosterone was detected. This requires adequate treatment, in some cases in a hospital department. If you are worried about the nature of the appearance of discharge, it would not be a bad idea to go to a gynecologist and determine the cause of its appearance.

When to be more careful

The causes of brown discharge in early pregnancy are by no means natural in every case. There are many pathological circumstances that can interfere with normal pregnancy if they are not corrected. Some doom the fetus to absolute death, out of fear. But a woman in almost all negative situations can be saved without depriving her chances of a happy pregnancy in the future.

The cervix is ​​covered with a very delicate layer of epithelium, which is easily damaged or changes its structure. They are formed on the organ. Pregnancy, due to the hormonal explosion carried by the reproductive system, contributes to this. But often erosion appears even before it, but you will have to get rid of the disease after childbirth.

Damaged epithelium is not a hindrance to the situation, but it can cause a woman to see small brown discharge in the early stages of pregnancy. More often they are contact, that is, when erosion comes into contact with an instrument during an examination or with a genital during sex. If the mucus does not come out immediately after this, the blood has time to oxidize and give them that color. To avoid contact discharge, your doctor may recommend not having sex for a couple of weeks, and then be more careful with physical intimacy in the future.

Features of the attachment of the fertilized egg

We are no longer talking about the process itself, which will take little time, but about the localization of the fertilized egg. Sometimes it chooses a point that is too close to the cervix. And since the embryo is attached with the help of the villi of the shell, in this case they will touch this part of the organ. In the future, the volume of tissue around it will increase, which will cause mucous brown discharge in early pregnancy.

Detachment of the fertilized egg

Due to a lack of progesterone or other hormonal deficiency, the villi that hold the embryo to the uterine tissue may weaken and slowly separate. At the same time, brown-pink discharge will be observed in the early stages of pregnancy. This condition is already threatening to the fertilized egg. Embryonic detachment is accompanied by vascular damage, which makes the mucus color varied (from bright red to brown). Its consistency also varies. If pain is also present, the risk of interruption increases.

Fetal freezing

The development of the embryo sometimes stops for various reasons. Medicine has not yet figured out how to deal with this. And calculating a frozen pregnancy before 5 weeks can be quite difficult. The heartbeat of the embryo is not yet recorded, so the woman has to rely only on her feelings. It is possible to suspect a stop in development if:

  • scanty brown discharge appeared in the early stages of pregnancy;
  • toxicosis has passed;
  • the mammary glands became soft and decreased to their previous volume;
  • has passed typical of the first trimester.

It is unrealistic to return the embryo to its normal state, but the woman needs to carry out and then recover. Leaving decaying fetal tissue in the uterus means a high risk of inflammation.

leads to the inevitability that this pregnancy will not end in childbirth. It becomes fixed in the fallopian tube or cervix, which does not provide a chance for normal development and threatens not only gynecological health, but also life. If dark brown discharge is noticed in the early stages of pregnancy, there is increasing pain in the abdomen, which is localized in the lateral part, there is a point in additional examination to identify the location of the embryo.

Early detection of this gives a chance to preserve the fallopian tube and subsequent successful conception and gestation. The embryo can be removed without removing the organ. In a different scenario, when a woman endures unbearably for superstitious or other reasons, the fallopian tube may rupture. The fetus grows, its walls stretch and cannot stand it, causing bleeding from the vagina, unbearable pain and the threat of death.

Hydatidiform mole

With this diagnosis, there is no one to save except the woman herself. Fortunately, it is rare, occurring once in a thousand cases of successful pregnancy. In the full form of the disease, in the uterus there is a set of cells similar in chromosomes to the paternal ones and without any hints of the maternal ones. No medical miracle will make them a healthy child. And if liquid brown discharge is noticed in the early stages of pregnancy, we can talk about treating the woman. She may need to have a curettage done.

Doctors call other manifestations of complete hydatidiform mole:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • increased body temperature;
  • quickly turning the discharge color to bloody.

The disease also exists in incomplete form, when the structure of the placenta changes. In this case, the fetus has a chance to survive if the woman receives help in time with the correct diagnosis.

Many of them are hormonal in origin and often deprive a woman of the chance to become pregnant. But if she succeeds, the process requires special control for a successful outcome. Red-brown discharge in early pregnancy can occur with uterine fibroids, polyps or endometriosis. These are completely different diseases, but each is characterized by an increase in the volume of mucus removed from the vagina before conception. Pregnancy in women with the listed diagnoses has the following features:

  • with fibroids, discharge occurs on “red” days, that is, the menstrual schedule;
  • with endometriosis, mucus appears randomly, but if the tone of the uterus does not increase, there is no harm to the embryo;
  • the polyp can cause brown, foul-smelling discharge in early pregnancy, especially when it grows in the area of ​​the cervical canal. This also puts the expectant mother at increased risk for miscarriage. But if you follow the recommendations of a gynecologist and are monitored by a good specialist, everything usually ends well.

Bacteria that cause STIs can also enter the body during pregnancy. Of course, many people take all the tests when planning or at the very beginning of the process. But since sexual life is not prohibited during its normal course, the chance of infection does not disappear. Many infections transmitted from a partner will be indicated by yellow-brown discharge in the early stages of pregnancy. They not only have a frighteningly strange appearance, but also:

  • cause discomfort in the form of itching, burning of the genital mucosa;
  • spread evil, perhaps putrefactive.

The risk of miscarriage with such an infection increases many times over. There is a lot of negativity for the development of the embryo itself. Therefore, an appointment with a doctor should be made as soon as possible for a quick diagnosis and the same relief from the disease.


Not every pregnancy ends in childbirth, especially if the woman was not careful, or there are circumstances that could interfere with the normal course of the process. Abortion most often occurs at its initial stage, when the embryo is most defenseless. If heavy brown discharge occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, this may be the main indicator of the onset of a miscarriage. They pass with gripping pains, spotting, and then the color becomes bloody.

At an early stage of pregnancy, it more often happens when the embryo slips out of the uterus, but amniotic fragments remain inside. They must be removed by cleaning the cavity, otherwise the woman risks bleeding.

A miscarriage can last up to 3 days, and in its first two stages there is a chance to save the fetus if you get help in a timely manner.

How to deal with discharge

When a woman begins to have brown discharge in the early stages of pregnancy, and she cannot determine its nature, emergency help should be called. This is even more necessary if you experience pain or other painful symptoms. Until medical help arrives, she should lie down with her feet on a slight elevation. The pose should be comfortable. For pain, you can take an antispasmodic.

If the discharge does not cause anything other than anxiety, you need to go to the doctor for examination. Let a specialist dispel all doubts rather than suffer in the unknown and wait for a real threat to pregnancy. Moreover, you should not take medications on your own. It is impossible to choose what you need at random, and too much will harm the fetus and can provoke a real threat.

Brown discharge noticed in the early stages of pregnancy cannot be interpreted unambiguously. And therefore you should leave this responsibility to your doctor. And the woman herself should do everything possible for a successful pregnancy, which cannot be entrusted to anyone: follow the regime, drink, and do not refuse hospitalization. Now there is every chance for the birth of a healthy child, even under very problematic initial conditions.

information In more rare cases, a woman may experience inflammation of the internal genital organs. Surgical treatment - cleaning the uterine cavity.

In the second trimester

Premature birth

dangerous Starting from the 20th week of gestation, premature onset is possible.

Most often it occurs due to infections in the mother and fetus, frequent concomitant pathologies in women, etc. Brown discharge can occur when the cervix opens and precedes the appearance of red bloody discharge and.

This condition is also accompanied by severe cramping pain in the abdominal area and nagging pain in the sacrum. Requires immediate medical care, hospitalization in an obstetric hospital and delivery. In an extremely rare case, with an immediate response from a pregnant woman, it is possible to stop and prolong the gestation of the fetus as much as possible until it is more ready for independent life. Regardless of the stage of pregnancy

In any of these conditions, the development or exacerbation of an existing pathology in a woman is possible, which is also often accompanied by brown discharge.

Cervical erosion

information It is a fairly common pathology in modern women and in almost all cases it occurs at a young (even teenage) age.

It is a violation of the structure of epithelial cells, ulcerations on the mucous membrane. Brown, scanty, slightly spotting discharge during pregnancy occurs after contact of the damaged area with a foreign object (gynecological examination, sexual intercourse). Most often, they are not accompanied by any additional symptoms, disappear after 1 day and do not require medical intervention during pregnancy.

Inflammatory and infectious processes of the genital tract

Any sexually transmitted infections (both sexually transmitted and common bacterial) can cause brown spotting at any stage of gestation. A woman could become infected with an infection many years before conception and be a carrier of the infection, and against the background of hormonal changes and a somewhat reduced immune system, these bacteria became more active, their numbers increased, and a clinical picture of the disease arose.

A man who became a source of infection in a woman could get the disease not only through sexual contact, but also through illness:

  • cystitis (inflammation of the bladder);
  • prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate);
  • urethritis (inflammation of the urethra), etc.

In addition to brown discharge, a woman may be bothered by:

  • unpleasant odor of these secretions;
  • viscous consistency;
  • discomfort in the lower abdomen and pelvis.

information The most common treatment is antibiotics in the form of suppositories, vaginal tablets or oral tablets, with minimal exposure to the fetus.

Injuries to the vagina and cervix

This condition can occur due to domestic or violent damage. In cases where the injury is minor, the disruption of the integrity of the mucous membrane is insignificant, the discharge may be brown or brown-red, accompanied by discomfort in the area of ​​the injury and itching. Examination by a gynecologist in the speculum also causes discomfort and increased bleeding. Treatment depends on the extent of the damage, ranging from disinfectant solutions to surgery.

Polyps in the vagina and cervix

The expectant mother can have benign small ones both before pregnancy and manifest themselves at any time during pregnancy. At the slightest touch to the polyp (sexual intercourse, examination by a gynecologist, etc.), it begins to bleed. This manifests itself as brown spotting and is not accompanied by additional symptoms.

Treatment during pregnancy is generally not carried out, but after delivery these neoplasms should be delete, because over time, the process of cells degenerating into malignant ones may begin.

The female vagina has its own microflora, so various discharges can be both a sign of normal functioning of the reproductive system and a signal of the development of pathological processes. During pregnancy, a woman’s body is completely reconfigured, various atypical sensations are possible, but the occurrence of brown discharge during pregnancy should alert the expectant mother.

Normally, female lubricant has a transparent structure and is a consequence of the proper functioning of the genital organs. But do not panic when impurities of a different color appear in the discharge. This phenomenon may indicate either the presence of pathology or be a normal sign of pregnancy.

Important! Only a gynecologist can determine the cause of dark discharge, and you must immediately attend a consultation. A pregnant woman is strictly prohibited from diagnosing and self-medicating!

Brown discharge during pregnancy is a mixture of vaginal lubrication and blood clots. This phenomenon may:

  • signal the presence of bleeding in the female body, its intensity will be indicated by the color of the mucus;
  • be a normal sign and signal the attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus after fertilization, or the release of a mucus plug before childbirth.

The very rich color of the discharge indicates the duration of the period of accumulation and movement of the mass with blood particles, which has completely coagulated. Often, such blood clots in the discharge have uterine and cervical etiology. Light brown shades of discharge during pregnancy most often signal the presence of microtrauma to the tissues of the genital tract, and is also a symptom of bacterial damage.

With the onset of pregnancy, a woman experiences many physiological changes. The functioning of the endocrine system changes, the immune system is suppressed (protection against fetal rejection), and the genitourinary system can withstand major changes. Brown discharge during early pregnancy is most often a normal sign. This happens due to the peculiarities of the attachment of the fertilized egg, which is “screwed” into the wall of the uterus, violating the integrity of the tissue, which is why a small amount of blood enters the lubricant. Implantation occurs in the first two weeks after fertilization, so the expectant mother may not yet know about her situation.

Important! Such discharge should not cause discomfort to a woman. If painful or pulling sensations, itching or an unpleasant odor occur, or the duration lasts more than 2 days, you should consult a specialist.

But there are pathologies when such discharge should become a reason for an urgent visit to a medical institution:

  • Possibility of miscarriage. In this case, the appearance of blood in the lubricant indicates the beginning of fetal detachment, which violates the integrity of the capillaries. This often happens due to a lack of the hormone progesterone, which supports pregnancy until the full formation of a full-fledged placenta. The woman notes the appearance of a nagging pain, possible nausea, and rarely vomiting. The situation requires urgent medical attention and a state of complete rest. Specialists carry out diagnostics and prescribe medications containing progesterone, which allows removing the cause of abruption and restoring normal pregnancy processes.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the fertilized egg becomes attached to the uterine tube, which, as the fetus develops and enlarges, leads to rupture of the tube and dangerous bleeding. A woman may notice both brown-colored lubricant discharge during pregnancy and pain on a certain side of the uterus with a pronounced pulling character. The situation also requires immediate referral to a doctor if an ectopic pregnancy is confirmed - the fetus is removed by an invasive method. There is no other treatment for this pathology, since we are talking about the life of the mother.
  • Bubble drift. This pathology is caused by a deviation in the chromosome complement of the fetus. Instead of the development of a full-fledged placenta, a benign tumor is formed, which consists of a large number of small cysts filled with fluid. In exceptional cases, with such a pathology, the birth of a normal baby is possible, but most often the embryo dies in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. With a complete hydatidiform mole, all the tissues of the placenta change, and the fetus dies in the 1st trimester. When cysts (in the form of small bubbles) enter the uterine tissue, they have a high chance of entering the bloodstream and metastasizing in other organs (most often in the lungs or vagina). Treatment consists of complete removal of the fetal tissue, sometimes the uterus. Hydatidiform mole can provoke the development of cancer.

Normal scanty brown discharge in early pregnancy should be creamy in thickness and not cause discomfort to the woman. Sometimes such phenomena are caused by a hormonal imbalance in a pregnant woman and they occur during the supposedly next menstrual cycle. Such discharge does not pose a threat to a woman, but sometimes appears for several months during pregnancy.

Brown discharge in the second trimester

Various unusual discharges in the second trimester are not explained by the natural processes of pregnancy, and therefore require a visit to the doctor.

Causes of brown discharge during the second trimester of pregnancy:

  • The most common cause of brown mucus is placental abruption. The pathology is dangerous both for the mother (bleeding develops) and for the fetus, which does not receive adequate nutrition. A pregnant woman feels pain in the pubic area of ​​the abdomen, sometimes radiating to the lower back, and possible loss of consciousness or dizziness. Detachment of a small area, in which a hematoma forms on its own, does not require special therapy and does not affect the course of pregnancy. If detachment of a large area occurs, urgent medical intervention is necessary, sometimes a cesarean section is required.
  • Placenta previa. It is characterized by the localization of the child's place in the area of ​​the uterine pharynx (the junction between the vagina and the uterus). The growth of the baby increases pressure on the placenta, as well as its nutritional system, which contributes to the development of bleeding. The expectant mother feels pain in the sacrum or lower abdomen, muscle tone of the uterus, and weakness. The condition requires regular monitoring by a gynecologist to prevent early labor, bleeding, hypoxia, or delayed development of the baby. Childbirth with this pathology is carried out by caesarean section.
  • Premature labor. Possibly after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Induction of labor occurs due to the presence of infections or severe stressful situations. During the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, brown discharge is observed due to the process of dilation of the cervix. The pathology threatens the release of amniotic fluid and manifests itself in the form of pain like contractions and aching sensations in the lower back. The condition requires emergency medical attention and delivery. In rare cases, if a woman contacts an ambulance in a timely manner, it is possible to stop the birth process and prolong the pregnancy as much as possible for the full development of the baby.

Important! Any unusual discharge or aching pain in the lower abdomen or sacral area requires urgent consultation with a gynecologist. A timely visit to a medical facility will help preserve the health of the child and the expectant mother.

The appearance of brown discharge in the last trimester

All causes of brown mucous manifestations in the last trimester arise as a consequence of all the situations described above, and due to the preparation of the birth canal for delivery.

During the period of gestation, the mucous plug protected the child from various pathologies of the vaginal microflora, but a few days before birth it comes out. This phenomenon causes brownish discharge in 85% of cases.

The effect of diseases on brown discharge

At any stage of pregnancy, a woman can develop or worsen a chronic pathology, which is also accompanied by dark discharge during pregnancy.

  1. Cervical erosion. It is registered even in girls during adolescence, a common disease of the female reproductive system. The pathology is manifested by a violation of the cellular structure of the tissues of the cervix. This disease during pregnancy produces brown mucus after direct contact of damaged tissue (sexual contact, examination) with a foreign object. Often this condition does not cause any inconvenience to the woman or fetus and goes away within 24 hours, so it does not require medical intervention.
  2. Infections and inflammations of the female reproductive system. Various types of infections and inflammations (bacterial or venereal in nature) cause brown discharge. Often a woman has been a carrier of the disease for a long time, and suppression of the immune system and hormonal changes at the beginning of pregnancy made it possible for the disease to become more active. The main symptoms include itching, pain, and a strong odor. The specialist will prescribe the gentlest possible therapy to preserve the health of the fetus.
  3. Injury to the tissue of the uterus or vagina. A rare pathology, treatment is prescribed depending on the degree of injury - both disinfection of the damaged area and invasive intervention are possible.
  4. Polyps during pregnancy and brown discharge are also related. Such neoplasms can appear even before pregnancy and begin to bleed in any trimester upon mechanical contact. Treatment is usually not performed while the baby is pregnant, and after childbirth the woman must have all formations removed. Otherwise, a benign nature may degenerate into an oncological disease.

Important! The brown tint of the lubricant in most cases suggests the development of pathology or deviations in the course of pregnancy, and therefore requires a mandatory visit to the attending physician.

A pregnant woman should not engage in self-diagnosis, since some situations require urgent medical attention. Worsening pathologies increase the risk of death not only for the baby, but also for the mother. Since every woman’s body is individual, there is no point in looking for answers from friends or on forums. The attending physician will determine the cause of various phenomena and will be able to prevent in advance the development of dangerous pathologies during pregnancy.
