Game-lesson on the formation of cultural and hygienic skills. Didactic games and exercises on CG Outdoor games on the topic of cultural hygiene skills

Wooden frames with various fasteners: large buttons, small buttons, buttons, bows, lace that goes through a hole, lace that wraps around hooks and loops, strap fasteners, Velcro fasteners. Material. As an example, we give the work with the "bow" clasp. A square wooden frame, covered with a fabric of two halves, on the inside of which 5 ribbons are sewn. The ribbons of one half are different in color from the ribbons of the other. Purpose: untying and tying bows, development of motor skills, coordination of movement. Age: about three years old. How to work with material The teacher begins to untie one bow after another from the bottom up. He takes the ends of the ties and pulls them in different directions. Tying a bow is a very difficult act. Through analysis of the course of events and repetition, the child understands the course of action more clearly. He unties all the knots from the bottom up, folds the halves of the fabric in different directions and straightens the ties from different sides. With two hands, he takes the halves of the fabric in the corners and combines them in the middle. He takes the two lower strings and puts them on top of each other crosswise. Actions with ties are performed not with the whole hand, but only with a brush. The same happens with all other ties. Then the teacher puts the end of the upper tie under the lower one and pulls on it. This is how the knot is made. From one tie, he forms a loop and holds it at the very knot with his thumb and forefinger. With the thumb and forefinger of the other hand, he leads a loose tie from front to back around the loop and pushes it through the resulting hole above the knot. Then the teacher performs the action with two loops at the same time, so that they form a “bow with equal ends. The child can repeat the exercise completely or only part of it. Error control: fabric halves do not fit together. The bow unties itself. Application: tie a bow on your own clothes or on the clothes of another child. Help in acquiring independence.


"Boarding School No. 18"

Methodical development


health-forming and health-saving activities of preschool children

"Didactic games as a means of developing cultural and hygienic skills in children of primary preschool age"

Compiled by: Chepelkina O.V.



Table of contents

Introduction……………………………………………………………………..…. 4

Main part………………………………………………………………… 8

Conclusion…………………………………………………………………….. 22

References…………………………………………………………… 23

Annex 1…………………………………………………………………. 25

Appendix 2…………………………………………………………………. 28

Annex 3…………………………………………………………………. 35


The choice of the topic is connected with the need to solve the problem of health protection and health formation in preschool children. One of the main tasks is the education of cultural and hygienic skills in preschool children, which can be effectively solved through playing activities, because. at preschool age, the game is the leading activity, through the game the baby remembers better, establishes cause-and-effect relationships. This problem is especially relevant at the younger preschool age, since this period is sensitive - the most favorable for development, therefore, it is at this age that the foundation of all useful and necessary skills in life is laid.

In addition, educating children in personal and public hygiene skills plays an important role in protecting their health and promotes proper behavior in everyday life and in public places. In the process of daily work with children, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the implementation of personal hygiene rules becomes natural for them, and hygiene skills are constantly improved with age.

This project is designed to work with children of the younger group and interact with parents on the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children.


The current situation in the country requires a new level of professionalism in the field of child personality development, innovative views on the problem of educating the need for a healthy lifestyle in preschool children.

The basis for the full-fledged physical development of a preschool child is to introduce him to the basics of a healthy lifestyle. The concept of the Federal State Educational Standard provides for the creation of conditions for improving the quality of preschool education and, along with other measures, involves the creation of conditions in preschool educational institutions to preserve and strengthen the health of pupils. A separate educational area in the Federal State Educational Standard is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bPhysical Development, one of the goals, which is the formation of the values ​​\u200b\u200bof a healthy lifestyle, mastering its elementary norms and rules. In introducing children to a healthy lifestyle, it is important for preschoolers to master the basics of hygiene culture. The education of cultural and hygienic skills is aimed at strengthening the health of the child. At the same time, it includes an important task - the education of a culture of behavior. Caring for the health of children, their physical development begins with educating them in love for cleanliness, neatness, and order. In kindergarten, children are brought up: skills to keep the body clean, food culture, maintain order in the environment, as well as the correct relationship of children with each other and with adults. Particular attention in preschool institutions is paid to the formation of a new skill,habits, when children have new responsibilities, new things, a new type of activity that children must master. At the same time, children are taught to do not only what they like, but also what is necessary, overcoming difficulties of a different nature. However, faced with the task of educating cultural and hygienic skills in preschoolers, the educator cannot always determine the direction, sequence of his work, clearly present the result of the upbringing process, and identify the most appropriate forms and methods of influence.

Among the problems that attract the attention of modern researchers, those related to the search for ways to improve the quality and effectiveness of targeted education and training in the current crisis situation in the economy, spiritual and cultural spheres of our society are becoming increasingly important. One of these ways is the didactic game. The value of didactic games lies in the fact that they are created for learning purposes. Thanks to their use, it is possible to achieve more solid and conscious knowledge, skills and abilities. Didactic game awakens children's imagination. Creates an upbeat mood. The classics of Russian pedagogy K. D. Ushinsky, A. S. Makarenko, V. A. Sukhomlinsky in their theoretical works and practical experience paid special attention to the game, noting its beneficial educational, teaching and developing opportunities and pointed out the need to develop games for preschoolers. This saying is relevant even today.Among the various means and methods for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, nevertheless, gaming and, in particular, didactic games are considered the most effective, which make it possible to solve various pedagogical tasks in a playful way that is most accessible to preschoolers, so we consider the topic under consideration to be relevant. And how it is initially thought out, planned and organized, depends on whether it will promote health, physical and mental development, as well as the education of cultural behavior.

Having studiedtheoretical material on the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children of primary preschool age, it can be concluded that scientists, as a rule, consider this problem as a whole, without focusing on the characteristics of a particular age of the child. Therefore, the topic of my research was:Formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children of primary preschool age.

Practical significance This work consists in the fact that the project developed by me on the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children of primary preschool age has been tested and can be introduced into the practice of the teacher of a preschool educational institution.

Relevance lies in the fact that the formation of cultural and hygienic skills requires special attention in relation to children of primary preschool age. Along with the organization of the correct regimen, nutrition, hardening, a large place in the work of the kindergarten is given to educating children in cultural and hygienic skills and habits. Among the various means and methods for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, the most effective are gaming and, in particular, didactic games, which make it possible to solve various pedagogical tasks in a playful way that is most accessible to preschoolers.

The goal is to form the simplest skills of neatness and self-service, to lay the foundation for a hygienic culture.


1. To form in children the ability to serve themselves independently.

2. To cultivate the desire to be always neat and tidy.

3. Learn to use personal hygiene items for their intended purpose


1. From simple to complex.

2. Availability.

3. Educational and developmental orientation.

4. Activity and independence.

5. Accounting for age and individual characteristics.

6. Preservation of a positive emotional mood of children, activation of curiosity.

Goals and objectives are implemented in the process of various types of children's activities: play, direct educational, practical.

The methodological development reveals the tasks and content of work on the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children, which children should be able to do by the end of the year, an approximate long-term plan for the work of a teacher with children has been developed, the content of which is selected thematically and is proposed to be planned monthly.

Tasks and content of the work:

1. To form in children the ability to independently serve themselves (during undressing, dressing, washing, eating).

2. Teach children under the supervision of an adult, and then wash their own hands as they get dirty and before eating, dry their face and hands with a personal towel.

3. Learn to clean up with the help of an adult.

4. To form the skill of using individual items (handkerchief, napkin, towel, comb, pot).

5. Encourage children to be independent while eating, teach them to hold a spoon in their right hand.

6. Teach children how to dress and undress.

7. Learn to take off clothes, shoes (unfasten buttons in front, Velcro fasteners) with a little help from an adult.

8. Teach in a certain order to carefully fold the removed clothes.

9. Learn how to properly wear clothes and shoes.

By the end of the year, children can:

1. Wash your hands on your own, wash your face, dry your hands with a personal towel (at first under the supervision of an adult).

2. With a little help from adults, correctly put on and take off clothes, shoes, unfasten buttons in front, Velcro fasteners.

3. Eat with a spoon on your own, drink from a cup, hold them in your right hand.

4. Independently use individual items - a handkerchief, a napkin, a towel, a comb, a pot.

5. Learn the order of dressing and undressing.

6. Carefully fold removed clothes and shoes.

Main part

Consider what cultural and hygienic skills are formed in different periods of preschool childhood.

First junior group.

Personal hygiene: when reminded by adults, washes hands before eating and after contamination, wipes them dry. Washes face, uses individual towel, handkerchief. He wipes his feet at the entrance.

Self-service: taking off and putting on clothes in a certain order, unbuttoning and fastening buttons in front, unlacing shoes, folding clothes. He notices untidiness in clothes, with the help of adults he puts himself in order.

Food culture: eats independently and neatly, holds a spoon in his right hand, chews food thoroughly, uses a napkin with a reminder of an adult, thanks after eating.

Labor activity: performs the simplest assignments of adults, helps to bring toys to the playground, bring and remove material for classes, collect paper from the floor, leaves on the site. Helps the nanny to put chairs to the tables, bring plates of bread. Lays out pencils, boards, puts away toys. Collects sticks, pebbles on the site.

Second junior group.

Personal hygiene: when washing hands and washing, roll up sleeves, do not splash water, do not wet clothes, use soap. He knows how to dry himself with a towel, hang it in a certain place. Brushes teeth, uses a handkerchief in a timely manner.

Self-service: independently dresses and undresses in a certain sequence with little help, neatly folds and hangs clothes, turns them right side out, tries to fix problems in clothes himself, if necessary, turns to an adult.

Food culture: chews food well with a closed mouth, uses a fork, wipes lips and fingers with a napkin without being reminded. Leaving the table, thanks, quietly pushes the chair.

Labor activity: maintains order in the group room and on the site, cleans toys, books, building materials. Handles objects with care. Sets the table with adults, lays out spoons, napkins, arranges bread bins. Watering plants. Collects leaves, garbage on the site, provides assistance to adults.

Middle group.

Personal hygiene: he washes himself thoroughly, washes his hands correctly before eating, when dirty, after going to the toilet, knows how to use a comb, handkerchief, brushes his teeth at night, covers his mouth with a handkerchief when coughing, turns away.

Self-service: Greater independence in self-care (undressing, dressing, buttoning, lacing shoes). protect clothes and shoes. Noticing problems in clothes, he eliminates them on his own, with the help of an adult, puts clothes in order (cleans, dries).

Food culture: independence increases, knows how to properly use cutlery (spoon, fork, knife), napkin, takes food little by little, eats silently, rinses his mouth with water after eating.

Labor activity: watering flowers, feeding animals, changing their water. Maintains order in the group and on the site, wipes chairs and building material with a damp cloth. Washes toys, washes doll clothes, helps the teacher with repairing books. On duty in the dining room. Helps the nanny lay out napkins, hang up towels, and make the bed. On duty for classes.

Senior group.

Personal hygiene: monitors the cleanliness of the body, knows how to wash his feet, thoroughly cleans his teeth, rinses his mouth with water without prompting after eating. He asks to change his handkerchief in a timely manner, puts his hair in order, independently conducts wet rubdowns to the waist.

Self-service: improves skills acquired earlier, cleans coats, learns to wash socks, handkerchief. He quickly dresses and undresses, puts clothes in the closet correctly and neatly, puts shoes on, takes care of shoes (washes, cleans), sports equipment. Tactfully tells a friend about a problem in his suit, shoes, helps to eliminate them.

Food culture: sits at the table neatly with clean hands, combed. Eats neatly, skillfully uses cutlery. Keeps the correct posture at the table, does not interfere with comrades, provides assistance if necessary.

Labor activity: observes cleanliness and order in the group. Independently and conscientiously performs the duties of a duty officer, fully sets the table. On the site sweeps and clears the paths from debris, in winter from snow. Regularly performs some duties at home: cleans the bed, toys, books, waters the plants, helps set the table. He does everything he can.

Preparatory group.

Personal hygiene: the habit of independent, quick and thorough implementation of the skills acquired earlier has been developed.

Self-service: quickly dresses, undresses, keeps clothes and shoes clean, sews on a button, washes a scarf, socks, apron. Must always be neat, tidy, have an attractive appearance.

Food culture: consolidating and improving the skills acquired earlier. He sits right at the table, does not put his elbows on the table, takes bread from a common dish with his hands and eats, breaking off pieces.

Labor activity: consolidation and improvement of skills acquired earlier. On the site: digs up beds and flower beds, plants seedlings, seeds, weeds, spuds. Takes care of the order in the group and at home.

Thus, educating children in the skills of personal and public hygiene plays an important role in protecting their health, and promotes proper behavior in everyday life and in public places. Ultimately, not only their health, but also the health of other children and adults depends on the knowledge and implementation of the necessary hygiene rules and norms of behavior by children.

Didactic games are a good form of exercise in mastering cultural and hygienic skills. Using them, the educator reinforces the skills that are developed in everyday life in children. At the same time, a prominent place is given to didactic games: “Feed the doll for dinner”, “Put the doll to sleep”, “Let's dress the doll for a walk”, etc. Particular attention should be paid to the game method, because the game is the leading activity of a preschool child, through the game the child remembers better and establishes causal relationships. All didactic games can be divided into three main types:

1. Games with objects (toys), in which plot-didactic games occupy a special place, where children perform certain roles, and dramatization games that help clarify ideas about various objects.For example,a game"Water, water!"helps to clarify ideas about various hygiene items, as well as to instill a desirechildrento independence in the implementation of hygiene procedures.

2. Desktop printed. These games are diverse in content, learning tasks, design. They help clarify and expand children's ideas about the world around them, systematize knowledge, and develop thought processes.An example of this type of game is"Mixed Pictures", where the child needs to match the image of a comb to the image, for example, of a disheveled girl.Lotto game "How do we dress?" will help develop children's skills in self-care and appearance culture.

3. Word games are distinguished by the fact that the process of solving a learning problem is carried out in a mental plan, on the basis of representations without relying on visualization.Here an example would bea game"Name what you need", where children must remember and name the items that are needed in order for their hands to become clean and dry.

Fordevelopment of cultural and hygienic skillsIt is advisable to use all types of didactic games. The main goal of didactic games for masteringculturally-hygienic skills is that they, correctly selected and organized by the teacher, gradually become part of independent activitypreschoolers. According to the authors of modern pedagogical technologies N. Ya. Mikhailenko and N. A. Korotkova, for the formationculturally- hygiene skills are very suitable for games - experiments(closely related to didactic activity). The main action for the child in suchgames- this is a manipulation with a certain object on the basis of a plot given by the educator. Their purpose is not onlydevelopment in childrencognitive interest, but also in the practical consolidation of cultural and hygienic skills. For example,a game"Soap Gloves"introduceschildrennot only with the properties of soap, but also teaches them to lather their hands thoroughly from all sides. Powerful needchildrenin new impressions gives the activity of experimentation a high potential, accompanied by an emotional upsurge. As another example, we can cite a variety of devices (from the Montessori system that preparechildrento exercise in everyday life). Various frames are used here, as well as toys made of fabric or leather, with which children learn: to connect and disconnect hooks and loops, fasten buttons or lace up, etc.Games-experimentation is characterized by trial and error, which helps to repeat hygiene and self-care activities in different forms, thereby reinforcing acquired skills. Also, forcultural development-hygienic skills and abilities, it is advisable to use a role-playing game. INgames for children of primary preschool agereflects a variety of everyday scenes and new impressions about the life and work of people(hairdresser, family, kindergarten). Children begin to distinguish between real and imaginary game situations.

The most popular among kids are games with dolls, which are their closest partners in the game. Child psychologists Yu. A. Afonkina and G. A. Uruntaeva advise: “Pay attention to the baby’s games - here he put the doll at the table and is going to feed it. Tell him: “You always wash your hands before eating. Have you forgotten to wash your daughter's hands?" Or another situation. The child puts the doll dressed to bed. You need to remind him: “Before going to sleep, you always take off your clothes and fold them neatly. Your daughter doesn't want to sleep dressed either." Toculturally- hygiene skills were instilled harmoniously, you can offer the children the following role-playing game: bring a large doll into the group, say that she came to the kids and will live with them. Children get acquainted with the toy, give it a toy closet in the locker room, together with the teacher set up a bed in the bedroom, allocate a place at the table in the puppet corner, etc. They come up with a name for the doll. Then grafted onto the dollcultural and hygienic skills. The doll sometimes evaluates actionschildren. Thus, games become an indicator of theskills, and they, in turn, enrich the content of children's games.An obligatory component of the game is its rules, thanks to them the teacher during the game controls the behavior of children, the educational process. Thus, the obligatory structural elements of a didactic game are: teaching and educating tasks, game actions and rules.

The management of didactic games is carried out in three directions: preparation for the game, conduct and analysis.

In preparation forconducting a didactic game includes:

Game selection according todidactic tasks;

Determination of the place and role of the game in the system of education and upbringing;

Establishing the relationship and interaction with other forms of educational work;

Preparation of gaming equipment;

Determining the time of the game in the mode of the day.

Conducting didactic games includes:

- Familiarization of children with the content of the game, with didactic material that will be used in the game (showing objects, pictures, a short conversation, during which the knowledge and ideas of children about them are clarified);

- Explanation of the course and rules of the game. At the same time, the teacher draws attention to the behavior of children in accordance with the rules of the game, to the precise implementation of the rules by children (what they prohibit, allow, prescribe);

- Show game actions , during which the teacher teaches children to perform the action correctly, proving that otherwise the game will not lead to the desired result (for example, one of the children is peeping when you need to close your eyes);

The degree of direct participation of the educator in the game is determined by the age of the children, their level of preparation, the complexity of the didactic task, and the game rules. Participating in the game, the teacher directs the actions of the players (advice, question, reminder);

Determining the number of players;

Development in children of a game mood, desire to play;

Managing the course of the game, ensuring the activity of all children, helping those in need;

Summing up the game - this is a crucial moment in the management of the game, since the results that children achieve in the game can be judged on its effectiveness, on whether it will be used with interest in the independent play activities of children. When conducting the results, the educator emphasizes that the path to victory is possible only through overcoming difficulties, attention and discipline.

Game analysis aims to:

Identification of methods of its preparation andholding;

Identification of individual characteristics in the behavior and character of children;

Complicating the game and enriching with new material.

At the beginning of the game, it is necessary to interest the children, then there is an explanation, and then the children perform the necessary actions. The teacher must control that the tasks are completed in the game. In the younger group, the teacher conducts the game from beginning to end. The game is best played in different ways. The teacher must in advance (for a word game) pick up words in case of difficulty for children. Leading games, you must try to use a variety of means of influencing preschoolers. Acting as a participant in the game, imperceptibly for them to direct the game, support their initiative, empathize with them the joy of the game. Sometimes to talk about an event, creating an appropriate game mood and supporting it during the game. It is possible not to get involved in the game, but as a sensitive director, to preserve and preserve its amateur character, to manage the development of game actions, the implementation of the rules and imperceptibly for children to lead them to a certain result. Supporting and awakening children's activity, do it most often not directly, but indirectly: express surprise, joke, use all sorts of game surprises, etc. In the organization of a didactic game, the age aspect is very important. So, for example, children of the first younger group still do not know how to play on their own, so we, as educators, take an active part in games with them. This helps children learn the game.

Finishing the game, we consider it necessary to arouse children's interest in its continuation, to create a joyful perspective. We usually say things like: “The new game will be even more interesting” or “Next time we will play even better.” With this in mind, we develop variants of games familiar to children and create new, useful and exciting ones.

Mandatory requirement fordidactic games, this is the active participation of the child in them. Sometimes in practicegames are aboutthat the teacher is playing, and the children are just watching. Such games are ineffective. The teacher does not have to do anything in the game for the child, he only needs to help. Training should take place in a relaxed, playful way and be invisible. Consider several options for organizing the work of a teacher in teaching children the ability to set game tasks. The choice of one or another version of the guide will depend on the existing playing skills of the children.

1. The child does not know how to set game tasks and for this reason is not included in the game. In the game, the adult and the child decide it together, while the initiative first belongs to the adult, he is the bearer of the gaming experience.

2. The child already has some play experience, which is expressed in the fact that sometimes he independently sets play tasks, and sometimes he experiences difficulties. A joint game is organized in such a way that the initiative first belongs to an adult, he prompts, advises. Gradually, the initiative passes to the child.

3. The child has mastered the ability to set game tasks, and therefore in games he sets them on his own. An adult does not disregard a playing child, he encourages him, approves, inspires confidence. In such cases, the game initiative belongs to the child, he plays alone, an adult can join the game to assist in setting up a new original, in other words, initiative game task.

Thus, the method of conducting a didactic game has a positive effect on the formation and consolidation of cultural and hygienic skills through the use of a number of pedagogical techniques, taking into account the age of children: direct teaching, demonstration, exercises with actions in the process of a didactic game, a systematic reminder of the need to follow the rules.

Organization of work on the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children of primary preschool age by means of didactic games

The calendar - thematic plan should be implemented within eight months, in the first and second half of the day. Work should be carried out in the morning and evening periods, both individually and in subgroups. The main condition is the regularity of work, as well as the continuity of the educational process. Only in this case, the skills formed in children become conscious actions, and then a habit. All games are divided into groups:

Formation of personal hygiene skills;

Formation of neat eating habits;

Formation of skills of taking off and putting on clothes in a certain order;

Formation of hand washing skills.

Every two months, games of one group are purposefully organized, and in free time, at the request of the children and taking into account the formation of skills, games of the previous weeks were organized.

The first two months are devoted to games on the formation of personal hygiene skills: “What a doll needs”, “Clean children”, “Let's brush our teeth”, “What can you say about them”, “Doing a haircut”, “Tanya's doll caught a cold”, “Fountains” . Also, these games help to consolidate children's knowledge about hygiene items and their purpose. For more successful formation and consolidation of personal hygiene skills, games are held that combine verbal and visual methods. The demonstration of any game action is given to children in such a way that individual operations are singled out - first the most significant, then additional ones. Operations are in strict order with a small interval (no more than 5-10 seconds). Showing the action to the kids is necessarily accompanied by pronunciation (“Now let's put some water in our mouth and release the fountain”). This helps children to see the most significant points, to comprehend the action as a whole. The explanation of the new action is first given in great detail, then gradually narrowed down to a reminder of the rule that was addressed to all or individual children. Particularly successful is the indirect form, when you express confidence in advance that the children will correctly follow your instructions. For example, when conducting the game “Let's brush our teeth”, the teacher says, “Now I will see how the children brush their teeth correctly. It's all top down, I guess." Thus, you not only point out to the children their actions, but also remind them how to correctly follow this instruction. Try to get preschoolers to perform actions accurately and clearly, in the correct sequence. In some cases, it is necessary to perform a complete passive demonstration of actions in order for the child to learn the necessary actions.

The next two months are devoted to games for the formation of neat eating skills at the table: “Let's treat the dolls with tea”, “Let's feed the Katya doll with lunch”, “Take lunch”, “How we fed Khryusha and Stepashka”, “Staging the plot from the fairy tale “Fedorino's grief” . In games, children get acquainted with the purpose of dishes, learn to perform object-play actions (place cups, saucers, lay out spoons, feed the doll with a spoon from a deep plate, give the doll compote to drink). Didactic games with dolls are of particular interest to children. These games help to activate even the most shy and inactive children, to promote the manifestation of children's creativity. When the game is played collectively, children have the opportunity to help each other. By providing direct assistance to their peers, children themselves strive for the correct and high-quality performance of game actions and operations. To enrich the content of didactic games, literary plots and familiar characters are used that are interesting for children: “Fedorino's grief”, Khryusha, Stepashka. Games are organized in the form of small scenes. Children are assigned roles that are educational in nature. Children with great pleasure are included in this game. They try not only to correctly perform game actions, but also to give explanations why this should be done. Along with the mechanical skill comes the verbal assimilation and consolidation of the names of the main operations and tableware. The interest, attention of children to everyday activities, the susceptibility of the nervous system provide additional opportunities for the teacher to quickly teach children a certain sequence of operations that made up each action, techniques that help to complete the task quickly, economically.

At 5-6 months, didactic games are held related to the development of skills in taking off and putting on clothes: “Let's teach the doll to dress, undress”, “The doll goes for a walk”, “Find a pair”, “Let's help Tanya doll put things in place”, “ Clothes, shoes, hats. Children consolidate skills in sequential dressing and taking off clothes, fastening buttons and fasteners, tying shoelaces, choosing clothes according to weather conditions and dressing them in the right sequence. At the beginning of games, conversations are held with children that contribute to the correct implementation of game actions. Skills are developed according to the principle of complication. First, the teacher demonstrates the actions on the doll, then attracts the child and the process was carried out jointly. The next step is to dress the doll yourself, without breaking the sequence. And as a reinforcement of the skill, the child is invited to dress himself or his peer.

The seventh and eighth months are devoted to the formation of hand washing and personal hygiene skills through organized games: “Let's make boats”, “Water - water”, “Soap gloves”, “How Moidodyr gave soap to Ilya”, “Wash your hands”, “Washer”. In the process of games, the skill of children is consolidated to consistently perform actions when washing their hands, to lather their hands from the outside and inside, to wash their faces on their own. For such games, it is necessary to specifically select sets of materials for hygienic education: a variety of plot pictures, symbols. During the games, the teacher informs the children of a variety of information: about the importance of hygiene skills for health, about the sequence of hygiene procedures in the daily routine, and formed an idea in children about the benefits of clean hands. In the work, the reception of encouragement is widely used, but try not to abuse it. The main thing is to make sure that the fulfillment of the requirements of an adult becomes the norm of behavior, the need of the child. In some cases, you have to use censure, but do it in an indirect form, without naming the children. The inclusion of the fairy-tale character "Moydodyr" in the game helps children to give a moral assessment of the actions of the heroes of the fairy tale. Undoubtedly, at first it is still based on the transfer of the general emotional attitude of the child to the character: if you like it, it means good, if you don’t like it, then it’s bad. But gradually the children will formulate explanations: bad, because he is dirty, unwashed, everyone is afraid of him, they don’t want to be friends with him, everyone runs away from them. Work contributes to the fact that children will develop moral concepts of "good", "bad".

Accompany all cultural and hygienic activities carried out with children with nursery rhymes, which will significantly enliven the self-service process.

Organized work on the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, in my opinion, has an impact on the development of moral feelings of preschoolers. Children experience pleasure from the fact that they first perform actions together with an adult, and then independently. But children experience even greater pleasure from correctly performed actions, which is confirmed by the corresponding assessment of an adult. The desire to earn approval, praise is an incentive that encourages kids to perform actions correctly: "I'm good, because I'm doing everything right!".


The primary tasks of raising a small child should include the task of developing cultural and hygienic skills. Cultural and hygienic skills are a very important part of the culture of behavior. The need for neatness, keeping the face, body, hair, clothes, shoes clean is dictated not only by the requirements of hygiene, but also by the norms of human relations. Children should understand that if they regularly follow these rules, then they will show respect for others and the idea will arise that a sloppy person who does not know how to take care of himself, his appearance, and actions, as a rule, will not be approved by people around him.

For the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, the most suitable form is a didactic game. It is no coincidence that didactic games have taken a strong place among the methods of teaching and education; in the process of such games, children are taught to solve cognitive problems, first under the guidance of a teacher, and then in an independent game. Including didactic games in the pedagogical process, it is necessary to select those that are available to children. The didactic game is aimed at the development of memory, thinking, creative imagination, the development of cultural and hygienic skills. It develops perseverance, space for the manifestation of independence. The didactic game is also good because the child immediately sees the final result. The game helps to draw children's attention to the sequence of actions, helps to maintain independence in self-service. Games help the baby not only realize the need, but also feel the desire to wash, dress, etc. on their own. games develop a positive attitude towards personal hygiene and self-care. New knowledge, skills and abilities obtained and formed in the game increase the child's self-esteem.


1. Boguslavskaya, Z. M. Educational games for children of primary preschool age / Z. M. Boguslavskaya, E. O. Smirnova. - Moscow: Education, 1991. - 207 p.

2. Bondarenko, A.K. Didactic games in kindergarten: A guide for a kindergarten teacher. - Moscow: Education, 2013.

3. Belostotskaya, E. M. Hygienic foundations for raising children from 3 to 7. / E. M. Belostotskaya, T. F. Vinogradova. - Moscow: Enlightenment, 1991

4. Boguslavskaya, Z. M. Educational games for children of primary preschool age: book. For a kindergarten teacher. / Z. M. Boguslovskaya, E.O. Smirnova - Moscow, 1991.

5 . Bolotina, L. R. “Preschool Pedagogy: Textbook for Students of Secondary Pedagogical Educational Institutions. 2nd edition. / L. R. Bolotina, T. S. Komarova, S. P. Baranov - Moscow: Publishing Center "Academy", 2013.

6. Developmental and educational psychology. // M. V. Matyukhina, T. S. Mikhalchuk, Prokina, N. F. et al.; Under. ed. Gamezo M. V. and others - Moscow, 2010. .

7. Volchkova, V. N. Development and education of children of primary preschool age: A practical guide for kindergarten teachers / V. N. Volchkova, N. V. Stepanova. - Voronezh: TC "Teacher", 200 - 392 p.

8. Glebova, I. Yu. Features of the management of didactic games for preschoolers // Theory and practice of education in the modern world: materials of the IV Intern. scientific conf. (St. Petersburg, January 2014). - St. Petersburg: Zanevskaya Square, 2014. - S. 33-35.

9. Preschool pedagogy / edited by Loginova, V. I. and Samorukova P. G. - Moscow: Education, 1988 - 256 p.

10. Healthy baby: Program for the improvement of children in the preschool educational institution. / Ed. Beresneva, Z. I. - Moscow: TC Sphere, 2003 - 32 p.

11. Zaitsev, G.K. Lessons from Moidodyr. SPb. 2015.

12. Kozlova, S. A., Kulikova, T. A. Preschool pedagogy / S.A. Kozlova, T. A. Kulikova. - Moscow: Academy, 2005 - 467 p.

13. Krupskaya, N.K. About preschool education. - Moscow: Education, 1973.Game set / E. Yu. Konina. - Moscow: Iris - press, 2007 - 12 p.

14. Makarenko, A. S. Lectures on the upbringing of children. - Op. - Moscow: 1957, vol. IV, 367 p.

15. Makarenko, A. S. Lectures on the upbringing of children // Ped. Cit.: In 8 vols. - Moscow: 1984. - T. 4. - P. 63

16. Mendzheritskaya, D.V. Education of children in the game / D.V. Mendzheritskaya. - Moscow: Education, 1979 - 175 p.

17. Meremyanina, O. R. I grow up with the doll: Methodological guide / O. R. Meremyanina. - Barnaul: AKIPKRO, 2008 - 221 p.

18. Peterina, S. V. Education of a culture of behavior in preschool children / S. V. Peterina. - Moscow: Education, 1986 - 141 p.

19. Smirnova, T. Collecting a doll for a walk / T. Smirnova // Preschool education. - 2008 - No. 10 - P.53 - 59.

20. Sorokina, A. I. Didactic games in kindergarten: A guide for a kindergarten teacher. - Moscow: Education, 1982. - 96 p.

21. Collection of didactic games aimed at the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children of primary preschool age / comp. O. Yu. Shalomova, Kamyshlov, GBOU SPO SO "KPK"

22. Uruntaeva, G.A. How to introduce your baby to hygiene and self-care. / G. A. Uruntaeva, Yu.A. Afonkina - Moscow: Education, 1997.

23. Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated September 1, 2013

Annex 1

Calendar - thematic plan for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children of primary preschool age by means of didactic games (for 8 weeks)


"Clean Children"

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about hygiene items and their purpose

"Let's brush our teeth"

Goal: Continue teaching your child how to brush their teeth

"Doing hair"

"What can you say about them"

Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with hygiene items and their use.

"Doll Tanya caught a cold"

Purpose: To show the correct use of a handkerchief.


Purpose: to consolidate the practical skill of the child in rinsing

3-4 months Formation of neat eating skills at the table

"Let's treat the dolls with tea"

Purpose: to acquaint the child with the purpose of dishes, to teach how to perform object-game actions (arranging cups, saucers, laying out spoons)

"Let's feed the doll Katya lunch"

Purpose: to teach to feed the doll with a spoon from a deep plate, put the second in a shallow plate (pasta sticks, mugs, cutlets, etc.), drink compote; teach children the cgn that is needed before eating "Let's teach the doll to wash the dishes"

"Let's teach a doll to wash dishes"

Purpose: to form skills in using dishes, keep them clean

"Take Lunch"

Objectives: to consolidate knowledge of the names and purpose of furniture and utensils for the dining room; to teach correctly and beautifully to set the table, the culture of behavior at the table; form the basis of an attentive and caring attitude towards partners in the game

Dramatization of the plot from the fairy tale "Fedorino's grief"

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about the culture of food.

"How we feed Khryusha and Stepashka"

Purpose: to form the ability to set the table, to cultivate a culture of behavior at the table.

5-6 month Formation of skills of taking off and putting on clothes

"Let's teach the doll to dress, undress"

Purpose: to teach children to put on and take off clothes sequentially.

"The doll goes for a walk"

Purpose: to teach children to choose clothes according to weather conditions and put them on in the right sequence.

"Find a Pair"

Purpose: to teach children to distinguish between paired shoes and clothes; choose the right one for the left option.

"Let's help the doll Tanya put things in place"

Purpose: to train children to neatly put things in a locker.

"Clothes, shoes, hats"

Purpose: to exercise children in putting on clothes and fastening various fasteners (zippers, buttons, laces).

7-8 month Formation of hand washing and personal hygiene skills

"Let's Make Boats"

Purpose: to teach the child to consistently perform actions when washing hands, to imitate the actions of an adult.

"Water, water"

Purpose: to form in children the desire to independently perform CGN.


Purpose: to consolidate the practical skill of the child in washing. "Soap gloves"

"Soap Gloves"

Purpose: to exercise the child in the ability to soap his hands from the outside and inside

“How Moidodyr gave Vanya soap”

Purpose: to train children in the ability to wash

"Wash your hands"

Appendix 2

Didactic games aimed at the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children of primary preschool age.

clean children

Purpose: To test children's knowledge of hygiene items and their purpose.

Stroke: The teacher tells the children that she wants to make sure that they are clean and tidy: let them say what is needed to keep their hair, hands and face clean (the more they can tell about this, the better). Then the teacher says: "Hands" The children she calls answer: "Soap, brush, towel." In a similar way, children react to the words “hair” (comb, brush, scissors, shampoo, soap), “bathing” (bath, towel, shower, washbasin, sponge, soap, etc.). Option. The teacher asks the question: “What do we need when we get up in the morning?” Children know what they should name the hygiene items that are used in the morning (hand brush, paste, soap, handkerchief).

What does a doll need?

Purpose: To exercise cultural and hygienic skills.

Benefits: pictures of items used in washing, eating, dressing, soap, toothbrush, towel, toothpaste, comb, hand brush, hairpin, hairband, tablecloth, vase, tray, mug, spoon, plate, tableware device, socks, boots, cap, dress, blouse, skirt, gloves, jacket).

Move: the teacher introduces the children to the pictures, asks them what each item is for, then shuffles the pictures and distributes them, takes the doll and tells the children: “Our doll got up and would like to wash, but with what?” Children bring pictures on which they are drawn items needed by the doll for washing. Game continues. The teacher directs the game so that all activities alternate. For example, she says: “Our doll has washed and would like to comb her hair, but with what? Our; the doll has washed herself, but has not had breakfast yet. What will we give her to eat? Our doll is going for a walk, what will she wear?

What can you say about them!

Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with hygiene items and their use. Supplies: comb, nail brush, soap, towel, washbasin, scissors, water in a mug, rubber dolls.

Progress: hygiene items lie near the teacher on a table and on a chair. The teacher calls one child by name: “Petya, tell me, what do you see here?” The child names individual objects and shows them. If he missed something, other children supplement him until all the items are named. Next, the teacher asks another called child the following question: “Yana, do you have soap at home?” When the child answers in the affirmative, the teacher asks: Bring soap. Look at it carefully and smell it. What are we doing with it?

« What do we need soap for?

If the child has not said something important about the soap, the teacher can call the next child. (When the soap is no longer needed, she puts it aside.) The teacher can also ask leading questions: “Why did mom buy soap?” (She wants to do the laundry.) "What will mom do when the towel gets dirty?" (She washes it.) “What does mom need a comb for? What kind of combs do you have at home?”. In conclusion, the children wash and bathe the dolls, wipe them, etc.

Let's treat the dolls to tea

Purpose: to acquaint children with the purpose of dishes, to teach them to perform object-game actions (arranging cups, saucers, laying out spoons).

Equipment: dolls, children's furniture and dishes (two cups, two saucers, two spoons, a kettle).

Move: an adult says to the baby: “Dolls came to visit us, they should be seated at the table, treated with tea. Let's arrange the cups and saucers. Now spread the spoons to the cups. Pour tea into cups. Give tea to our guests." If the child is having difficulty, show how to act. At the end of the game, the adult sums up: “We poured tea into cups, the dolls drank tea”, says a nursery rhyme: We will put the kettle on the table, we will arrange the saucers, the cups, We will meet the guests, treat the dolls with tea!

The doll goes for a walk

Purpose: to form in the child ideas about clothes, to consolidate the ability to perform subject-game actions.

Equipment: doll. Game progress: an adult says that the doll is going for a walk: "Let's help the doll get dressed, it's cold outside," invites the child to get clothes from the locker: hat, jacket, shoes. Then the adult takes each thing in turn, shows it to the child, slowly saying: We put on a jacket, we put our hands in the sleeves, we fasten the buttons. Here, put on your coat! We put on shoes on the legs, Here are the laces, I will help you tie. Here, the shoes are put on the legs. We put a hat on our heads. So, they put on a hat, the doll was going for a walk, she can go for a walk. In order to reinforce the child's ideas about clothes, the game is repeated with another doll, the child is given the opportunity to act independently.

Vodka, vodka!

Purpose: to cultivate the desire for independence in the implementation of self-service skills.

Equipment: two dolls.

Move: an adult shows two dolls to the children and says that the dolls want to have dinner, but their hands and face are dirty. The adult asks: “What should be done? - We need to wash the hands of the dolls! Let's ask for some water: Water, water, wash my face, so that my eyes sparkle, so that my cheeks turn red, so that a tooth bites, so that my mouth laughs! Shows and tells the children how to wash the hands and face of the dolls before dinner. Then he invites the children to wash their hands and face, while the adult repeats the nursery rhyme "Water, water!"

Wash your hands

Purpose: to consolidate the practical skill of the child in washing hands.

Equipment: rubber hare.

Stroke: an adult addresses the child: “We came from a walk, we need to wash our hands. The bunny will watch us wash our hands.” An adult puts the toy on the edge of the washbasin and shows the child to move his hands under running water. At the end of the procedure, an adult praises the child on behalf of the bunny.

Let's make boats

Purpose: to teach the child to consistently perform actions when washing hands, to imitate the actions of an adult

Move: an adult draws the child's attention to the fact that when washing hands, one must follow the sequence of actions: roll up the sleeves (the adult says a nursery rhyme: "Whoever does not roll up the sleeve will not receive water!"); open the faucet; fold the palms of the hands in a "boat"; put your hands under a stream of water; Close the tap; dry your hands with a towel. Then the child is asked to perform actions, imitating an adult who draws the child's attention to the position of the hands.

soap gloves

Purpose: to teach the child to lather his hands from the outside and inside.

Equipment: baby soap, towel

Move: an adult brings the child to the washbasin, stands behind him, picks up soap and shows circular movements of the hands when soaping. Then he gives the child a piece of soap and asks him to repeat the soaping movements. Movements must be done until white foam is formed. The attention of the child is drawn to the white pens, the adult says: "Here, what kind of gloves we have - white!" Next, the adult helps the child wash off the foam under running water, while saying one of the nursery rhymes: Patties, patties, wash my paws with soap, Clean palms, here's bread and spoons! Water gurgles in the tap. Very cool! Masha Yegorova herself washes her hands (an adult calls the name of the child). We know, we know, yes, yes, yes! Where is the water hiding? At the end of the game, the adult praises the child, draws attention to his clean hands. If necessary, joint actions of an adult and a child are used.


Purpose: to consolidate the practical skill of the child in washing.

Equipment: mirror, towel.

Move: an adult brings the child (after sleep) to the bathroom, asks to look at himself in the mirror, draws his attention to the eyes, mouth, cheeks, etc. Invites the child to wash with him, while showing how to do it. An adult says a nursery rhyme: Come out, Voditsa, we have come to wash! Pour on your palm, in it-knife-ku ... No, not a little - dare, We will wash more cheerfully! At the end of washing, the adult teaches the baby to wipe his face dry with a towel, asks him to look at himself in the mirror, says: "Ai, what a clean child, look at yourself in the mirror!"

Doing a haircut

Purpose: to teach the child to hold a comb in his hand and comb his hair with movements from top to bottom.

Equipment: a mirror, a hairbrush, an elegant doll.

Move: an adult shows a doll to a child and draws attention to her hairstyle: "Look, the doll has a beautiful hairstyle: long, even hair, a bow. A beautiful doll! Let's make you a beautiful hairstyle!" An adult combs the child's hair in front of a mirror, then asks the child to try to do it himself: he gives the comb to the child's hands while helping to hold it, to lead the hand with the comb down. At the end of combing, he asks the child to look in the mirror, draws his attention to the fact that he has become as beautiful as a doll

"Let's brush our teeth"

Purpose: to teach the child to brush his teeth.

Equipment: two toothbrushes, a glass of water, a mirror.

Move: an adult asks the child to look in the mirror and smile, while drawing his attention to his teeth. Then he says that the teeth should not hurt, you need to brush them. An adult takes out two brushes: he gives one to the child’s hands, and the other shows how to brush the teeth with a brush, while saying a nursery rhyme: Mouth, mouth! Where are you mouth? Teeth, teeth! Where are your teeth? Cheek, cheek! Where are you bitch? There will be a clean daughter! At the end of the game, the adult together with the child look in the mirror and smile, showing clean teeth. If necessary, joint actions of an adult and a child are used.


Purpose: to consolidate the practical skill of the child in rinsing the mouth.

Equipment: glass.

Move: an adult brings the child to the mirror in the bathroom and offers to start fountains, says a nursery rhyme: Let's get some water in our mouth, let the fountain come to life! An adult takes water into his mouth and shows how to release water from his mouth, then how to rinse his mouth. The child is asked to do the same. At the end of the lesson, the adult praises the child

The doll got sick

Purpose: to teach the child to use a handkerchief

Equipment: doll, handkerchiefs.

Move: an adult shows a doll to the children and says: “Here is Masha’s doll, she is sick, she has a runny nose, it’s hard for her to breathe through her nose. She has a handkerchief in her pocket. Let’s help Masha clean her nose!” Adult say a nursery rhyme Masha got sick, it's hard for her to breathe, We'll wipe her nose with a handkerchief! An adult shows the children how to properly use a handkerchief by demonstrating it on a doll. Invites children to repeat the action.

Annex 3

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills in the daily routine

Action plan for the education of cultural and hygienic skills in regime processes in their age group (Second Junior)

Place clothes neatly on the chair.

Dress yourself after sleep.

Demonstration and explanation, exercise and control.


(formation of cultural and hygienic skills)

jumbled pictures

Game tasks. To consolidate and test cultural and hygienic skills.

Help A series of large pictures to which the children find matching small pictures. For example, to a large picture, which depicts a disheveled girl, - a comb; to the picture, which depicts an untidy boy, - soap and a brush; to the picture of a girl in dirty shoes - a brush, etc.

Game progress. The teacher hangs a large picture on the board depicting an untidy child, and gives the children small pictures on which toilet items are drawn. Children look among their pictures for an object that needs to complement the big picture. When they give the picture to the teacher, they must explain its purpose, for example: “Here is soap and a brush for washing.” Or: “Here is a comb for the girl to comb her hair.”

clean children

Game tasks. Check children's knowledge of hygiene items and their purpose.

Game progress. The teacher tells the children that she wants to make sure that they are clean and tidy: let them say what is needed to keep their hair, hands and face clean (the more they can tell about this, the better).

Then the teacher says: "Hands." The children she calls answer: "Soap, brush, towel." In a similar way, children react to the words “hair” (comb, brush, scissors, shampoo, soap), “bathing” (bath, towel, shower, washbasin, sponge, soap, etc.).

Option. The teacher asks the question: “What do we need when we get up in the morning?” Children know what they should name the hygiene items that are used in the morning (hand brush, paste, soap, handkerchief).

What does the doll need?

Game tasks. Exercise cultural and hygienic skills.

Pictures depicting items used in washing, eating, dressing, soap, toothbrush, towel, toothpaste, comb, hand brush, hairpin, hairband, tablecloth, vase, tray, mug, spoon, plate, cutlery , socks, boots, cap, dress, blouse, skirt, gloves, jacket).

Game progress. The teacher introduces the children to the pictures, asks them what each item is for, then shuffles the pictures and distributes them, takes the doll and tells the children: “Our doll

I got up and wanted to wash myself, but with what?”

Children bring pictures on which objects are drawn that the doll needs for washing. Game continues. The teacher directs the game so that all activities alternate. For example, she says: “Our doll has washed and would like to comb her hair, but with what? Our; the doll has washed herself, but has not had breakfast yet. What will we give her to eat? Our doll is going for a walk, what will she wear?”

What can you say about them!

The task of the game. Familiarize yourself with hygiene items and their uses.

Benefits. Comb, nail brush, soap, towel, washbasin, scissors, water in a mug, rubber dolls.

Game progress. Hygiene items lie near the teacher on the table and on the chair.

The teacher calls one child by name: “Petya, tell me, what do you see here?” The child names individual objects and shows them. If he missed something, other children supplement him until all the items are named.

When the child answers in the affirmative, the teacher asks: Bring soap. Look at it carefully and smell it. What are we doing with it? What do we need soap for?

If the child has not said something important about the soap, the teacher can call the next child. (When the soap is no longer needed, she puts it aside.)

The teacher can also ask leading questions: “Why did mom buy soap?” (She wants to do the laundry.) “What will mom do when the towel gets dirty?” (Washes it off.) “Why does mom have a comb? What combs do you have at home?

In conclusion, the children wash and bathe the dolls, dry them, etc.

"Let's treat the dolls to tea"

Purpose: to acquaint the child with the purpose of dishes, to teach them to perform object-game actions (arranging cups, saucers, laying out spoons).
Equipment: dolls, children's furniture and dishes (two cups, two saucers, two spoons, a kettle).

The course of the game: the adult says to the baby: "Dolls came to visit us, they should be seated at the table, treated with tea. Let's arrange the cups and saucers. Now put the spoons in the cups. Pour the tea into the cups. Let our guests drink tea." If the child is having difficulty, show how to act. At the end of the game, the adult sums up: "We poured tea into cups, the dolls drank tea", says a nursery rhyme:

Put the kettle on the table

Saucers, cups we will arrange,

We will welcome guests

Give tea to dolls!

"The Doll Goes for a Walk"

Purpose: the formation of the child's ideas about clothes, the ability to perform object-game actions.

Equipment: doll.

Game progress: the adult says that the doll is going for a walk: "Let's help the doll get dressed, it's cold outside," invites the child to get clothes from the locker: a hat, jacket, shoes. Then the adult takes each item in turn, shows it to the child, slowly saying: We put on a jacket, we put our hands in the sleeves, we fasten the buttons. Here, put on your coat! We put on shoes on the legs, Here are the laces, I will help you tie them Here, put on the shoes on the legs We put on a hat on the head.
So, they put on a hat. The doll is going for a walk, she can go for a walk. In order to reinforce the child's ideas about clothes, the game is repeated with another doll, the child is given the opportunity to act independently.

"Water, water!"

Purpose: to cultivate the desire for independence in the implementation of self-service skills.

Equipment: two dolls.

Game progress: an adult shows two dolls to the children and says that the dolls want to have dinner, but their hands and face are dirty. An adult asks: "What should be done? - We need to wash the hands of the dolls! Let's ask for some water: Vodichka, some water, wash my face so that the eyes sparkle, so that the cheeks turn red, so that the tooth bites, so that the mouth laughs!" Shows and tells the children how to wash the hands and face of the dolls before dinner. Then he invites the children to wash their hands and face, while the adult repeats the nursery rhyme "Water, water!"

"Wash Your Hands"

Purpose: to teach the child to wash their hands.

Equipment: rubber hare.

The course of the lesson: an adult addresses the child: "We came from a walk, we need to wash our hands. The bunny will watch how we wash our hands." An adult puts the toy on the edge of the washbasin and shows the child to move his hands under running water. At the end of the procedure, an adult praises the child on behalf of the bunny.

"Let's Make Boats"

Purpose: to teach the child to consistently perform actions when washing hands, to imitate the actions of an adult.

Course of the lesson: an adult draws the child's attention to the fact that when washing hands, the sequence of actions must be followed:

roll up your sleeves (an adult says a nursery rhyme: "Whoever doesn't roll up his sleeve won't get some water!"); open the faucet; fold the palms of the hands "boat"; put your hands under a stream of water; Close the tap; dry your hands with a towel.
Then the child is asked to perform actions, imitating an adult who draws the child's attention to the position of the hands.

"Soap Gloves"

Purpose: to teach the child to lather his hands from the outside and inside.
Equipment: baby soap, towel.
The course of the lesson: an adult brings the child to the washbasin, stands behind him, picks up soap and shows circular movements of the hands when soaping. Then he gives the child a piece of soap and asks him to repeat the soaping movements.
Movements must be done until white foam is formed. The attention of the child is drawn to the white pens, the adult says: "Here, what kind of gloves we have - white!" Next, the adult helps the child wash off the foam under running water, while saying one of the nursery rhymes:

For example:

Sweeties, sweeties, wash my sweets with soap,

Clean palms, here's bread for you, and spoons!

Water gurgles in the faucet. Very cool!

Masha Yegorova herself washes her hands

(adult says the name of the child).

We know, we know, yes, yes, yes! Where is the water hiding?

At the end of the game, the adult praises the child, draws attention to his clean hands. If necessary, joint actions of an adult and a child are used.


Purpose: to teach the child to wash.

Equipment: mirror, towel.

Course of the lesson: an adult brings the child (after sleep) to the bathroom, asks to look at himself in the mirror, draws his attention to the eyes, mouth, cheeks, etc. Invites the child to wash with him, while showing how to do it. An adult says a joke:

Come out, Voditsa, we've come to wash!

Lean on the palm, in it-knife-ku ...

No, not a little - dare,

Let's have fun washing!

At the end of washing, the adult teaches the baby to wipe his face dry with a towel, asks him to look at himself in the mirror, says: "Ai, what a clean child, look at yourself in the mirror!"

"Doing hair"

Purpose: to teach the child to hold a comb in his hand and comb his hair with movements from top to bottom.

Equipment: a mirror, a hairbrush, an elegant doll.

Game progress: an adult shows a doll to a child and draws attention to her hairstyle: "Look, the doll has a beautiful hairstyle: long, even hair, a bow. Beautiful doll! Let's make you a beautiful hairstyle!" The adult combs the child's hair in front of the mirror, then asks the child to try to do it himself: he gives the comb to the child's hands, while helping to hold it, to lead the hand with the comb from top to bottom. At the end of combing, he asks the child to look in the mirror, draws his attention to the fact that he has become as beautiful as a doll.

"Let's brush our teeth"

Purpose: to teach the child to brush his teeth.

Equipment: two toothbrushes, a glass of water, a mirror.

The course of the lesson: an adult asks the child to look in the mirror and smile, while drawing his attention to his teeth. Then he says that the teeth should not hurt, you need to brush them. An adult takes out two brushes: he gives one to the child’s hands, and the other shows how to brush the teeth with a brush, while saying a nursery rhyme:

Roth, mouth! Where are you mouth?

Teeth, teeth! Where are your teeth?

Cheek, cheek! Where are you bitch?

There will be a clean daughter!

At the end of the game, the adult and the child look in the mirror and smile, showing clean teeth. If necessary, joint actions of an adult and a child are used.


Purpose: to teach the child to rinse his mouth.

Equipment: glass.

The course of the lesson: an adult brings the child to the mirror in the bathroom and offers to start fountains, says a nursery rhyme:

Let's put some water in our mouths, let the fountain come to life!

An adult takes water into his mouth and shows how to release water from his mouth, then how to rinse his mouth.

The child is asked to do the same. At the end of the lesson, the adult praises the child.

"The doll got sick"

Purpose: to teach the child to use a handkerchief.

Equipment: doll, handkerchiefs.

Game progress: an adult shows the doll to the children and says: "Here is the Masha doll, she is sick, she has a runny nose, it is difficult for her to breathe through her nose. She has a handkerchief in her pocket. Let's help Masha clean her nose!" Adult say a joke:

Masha got sick, it's hard for her to breathe,

We will wipe our nose with a handkerchief!

An adult shows the children how to properly use a handkerchief by demonstrating it on a doll. Invites children to repeat the action.

"Snub noses"

Purpose: to teach the child to use an individual handkerchief.
Equipment: individual handkerchiefs.

The course of the lesson: an adult says a nursery rhyme, demonstrating each action:

Handkerchief in pocket (takes handkerchief out of pocket)
We will wipe our nose with them (shows the action with a handkerchief),
So that the spout, our snub, is clean again (puts the handkerchief in his pocket).

An adult asks each child to show how he knows how to use a handkerchief

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Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Sverdlovsk Region State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education of the Sverdlovsk Region "Kamyshlov Pedagogical College" A collection of didactic games aimed at developing cultural and hygienic skills in children of primary preschool age. Kamyshlov, 2015
1 Collection of didactic games aimed at the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children of primary preschool age / comp. O.Yu. Shalamova, Kamyshlov, GBOU SPO SO "KPK". The collection includes didactic games aimed at developing cultural and hygienic skills in children of primary preschool age. The collection includes the content of didactic games, a list of references. The collection can be used by teachers of preschool institutions, students in preparation for practice and its implementation, parents interested in the development of cultural and hygienic skills. Head: A.V. Semenova - teacher of valeological disciplines
2 Contents: 1. Explanatory note to the collection of didactic games aimed at the formation of cultural and hygienic skills……………………………………...3 2. Didactic games aimed at testing knowledge about hygiene items… ……………………………………………………………………………….…….4 3. Didactic games aimed at teaching washing……………… ……………………………………………………………………..9 4. Didactic games aimed at teaching dressing and undressing…….…………………… …………………………………………………...……...17 5. Didactic games aimed at consolidating children's knowledge of tableware, developing neat eating skills………… ……………………………………………………………………...................................23 6. List literature used…………………………………………………...…….29 Appendix
Explanatory note
“Caring for a child’s health is not just a complex of sanitary and hygienic norms and rules ... and not a set of requirements for the regime, nutrition, work, rest.
V. A. Sukhomlinsky
Cultural and hygienic skills in the general system of raising a child are of great importance. Hygiene habits help raise children to be healthy and strong. From an early age, children should be taught to wash their hands before eating, to walk clean, to wipe their feet, to be in the fresh air more - this largely protects them from disease. The idea of ​​including games in the process of education and upbringing has long attracted the attention of teachers. K.D. Ushinsky emphasized the ease with which children acquire knowledge if they are accompanied by play. The same opinion was shared by teachers Makarenko A.S., Tikheeva E.I., Udaltsova E.I., Sorokina and others. They found that with the help of a didactic game, preschoolers use their knowledge in new situations. So, one of the forms of work with children of primary preschool age is a didactic game that can help adults develop hygiene skills in children. Didactic games are very important for the mental, moral, aesthetic, as well as physical education of the child, which includes not only the development of physical qualities, but also cultural and hygienic skills. On them, the teacher has the opportunity to systematically, gradually complicating the material, develop the perception of children, provide them with available information, form skills and some important qualities. In the game, the child imperceptibly assimilates the information and skills that the adult considers necessary to give him. The planning of didactic games should take a significant place in the planning of all educational work with children. Being an effective teaching tool, they can be an integral part of the lesson, and in the younger group, the main form of organizing the educational process. In addition, during the hours allotted for games, didactic games are planned and organized both in joint and independent activities of children, where they can play as they wish as a whole team, in small groups or individually. The plan should provide for the selection of games and material for them in accordance with the general plan of pedagogical work. This collection presents didactic games for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, to test and consolidate the knowledge and skills of children 3-4 years old. The collection includes: "Games to test knowledge about hygiene items", "Games aimed at learning to wash", "Games aimed at learning to dress and undress", "Games aimed at consolidating children's knowledge of tableware, teaching behavior at the table"








jumbled pictures
TaskEquipment: a series of large paintings: disheveled girl, untidy boy. Small pictures for children, which depict hygiene items (comb, soap, brush). Game rules: at the request of an adult, find among their pictures an object that needs to be supplemented by a large picture, explain its purpose. Game actions: find among your pictures an object that needs to complement the big picture, explain the purpose of the object.
Game progress
An adult hangs a large picture on the board depicting a disheveled girl, and gives the children small pictures depicting hygiene items (comb, soap, brush) - Guys, look who is shown in the picture? - Look at the girl, what is she like? - Do you like this girl? - What should be done so that she is not shaggy? - How will we comb the girl? (Children are looking for among their pictures an object that needs to be supplemented with a large picture depicting a disheveled girl). - What is shown in the picture that you have in your hands? - Why do you need a hairbrush? The teacher hangs out a picture of an untidy boy. - Guys, look who is depicted in the picture? - Tell me, which boy? - What does a boy need in order for him to become neat? - Show a picture that shows what the boy needs in order to wash himself? Children show pictures of soap, brushes. What is soap for? What else does a boy need? Why do you need a brush? -Well done! You did everything right. Tell us what the objects shown in your pictures are for? - Well done! methodical recommendations: To When the children give the picture, they must explain the purpose of the object depicted on it, for example: “Here is soap and a brush for washing” or: “Here is a comb, it is needed in order for the girl to comb her hair. If necessary, an individual explanation is provided.
clean children
Task: test children's knowledge about hygiene items and their purpose. Equipment: pictures of soap, towels, combs, toothbrushes , handkerchief. Game rules: at the request of an adult, show hygiene items necessary to perform this procedure. Gaming actions
show a picture depicting the hygiene items necessary to perform the hygiene procedure.
Game progress
An adult tells children that he wants to make sure that they are clean and tidy. - What do you need to keep your hair clean? - What you need to keep your hands and face clean (the more they can talk about it, the better). - Let's play a game with you! I will name the words, and you will show pictures of the hygiene item that matches this word. For example: Teeth - toothbrush, paste. Then the adult says: - Hands (He calls the name of the child, he must show the picture: “Soap, brush, towel”). - Hair! - Bathing! etc. The result of the didactic game: the level of knowledge of children about hygiene items and their purpose. Guidelines: The game is played with a group of children. If you find it difficult to complete the task, you need to ask leading questions. If necessary, individual work is carried out.
Magic chest
Task: to consolidate children's knowledge about hygiene items and their purpose. Equipment: doll Katya, a magic chest, a soap dish with soap, a towel, water in a jug, soap bubbles. Game rules: solve the riddle. Talk about hygiene items. Gaming action: listens to riddles, guesses them. Consider hygiene items and talk about their purpose.
Game progress.
There is a knock on the door. The teacher goes out and returns with the doll. - Guys, Katya doll came to visit us, hello, Katya doll. Let's say hello to Katya. Look how neat Katya is. She has a clean outfit, beautiful hair. Do you like how Katya doll looks like? Guys, are we as neat and tidy as Katya? - Katya wants to see what we can do and what we use to be just as neat and tidy. Katya brought a magic chest. (The teacher takes out a magic chest) - Do you want to know what is there? To do this, you will need to solve a riddle. Listen carefully:
6 If our hands are in wax, If a blot has settled on the nose, Who then is our first friend Will remove the dirt from the face and hands? (The teacher pulls out a jug of water and pours it into a basin) - Yes, this is water. What does water do? - Come and touch it. Tell me what is she like? - Smell - no smell - Transparent - I will throw stones - they are visible. Indeed, the water is clear. - Why do we need it? How do you think? - Yes, we really need water, we cannot live without water. Let's show the Katya doll how we wash ourselves. All together: Roll up your sleeves - Open the faucet - water. Wash my eyes, wash my cheeks, wash my ears and hands. Look, crumbs, At your palms. Ah, what crumbs, Clean palms. V: Well done! Listen to the second riddle. It slips away like a living thing, But I won't let it out, It's quite a clear matter - Let it wash my hands. B: (pulls out soap in a soap dish) Yes, it is soap. Touch it, what is it? - That's right, the soap is smooth, fragrant, fragrant, it can be of different colors. When wet, it foams and becomes slippery. Why do we need soap? - Soap melts in water, so I dissolved it in water and I got magic soapy water. Do you want to play? Katya's doll has magical "Soap Bubbles" in the chest, she invites you to play with them. We will blow soap bubbles. To do this, we need to take a lot of air into our mouths and exhale with force. Let's try. How well you are doing. Well done. Doll Katya will watch us play with soap bubbles. Take bubbles and start blowing. Well done. - Well done. Listen to another riddle. Both terry and smooth happen, Who washed himself, he does not forget about him Adult, baby Wipes ... (The teacher takes out a towel from the bag) - Touch, what is it like?
7 - Tell me, why do we need a towel? - Do you guys have a towel? Where is your towel kept? - Do you use only your towel? - Well done doll Katya and I are very glad that you know everything so well. She gives you bubbles. Doll Katya says goodbye to the children and leaves. The result of the didactic game: children have knowledge of hygiene items and their purpose. methodical recommendations: the game is played as a group of children , as well as individually , if necessary, provide individual assistance, ask leading questions. At the end of the game, praise all the children.
What does the doll need?
Task: to consolidate knowledge about the purpose of hygiene items. Equipment: to pictures depicting hygiene items, clothes, dishes. ( Annex 1) Gaming rules: look at pictures that depict hygiene items, talk about their purpose. Gaming actions: consider pictures that depict hygiene items that a doll needs to perform cultural and hygienic skills. Talk about the purpose of hygiene items.
Game progress
There is a knock on the door. - Guys, listen, someone is knocking. Let's see who's there! The teacher comes out, brings the doll. The doll has an envelope in her hands. - Look, guys, Katya's doll came to us! The doll says hello. Children greet the doll. The doll tells the children that she has pictures of objects, but she does not know what they are for. - Guys, can we help Katya? The teacher takes out pictures of hygiene items from the envelope. - Guys, look what is shown in the picture? What is soap for? - Well done! Soap is needed for washing. Shows a picture of a toothbrush: - What is shown in the picture? - What is a toothbrush for? - That's right, brush your teeth with a toothbrush! Shows a picture of toothpaste: - What is toothpaste for? Well done, we use toothpaste when brushing our teeth! One by one, he takes pictures of hygiene items from the envelope, asks the children what each item is for, then shuffles the pictures and distributes them, takes the doll and says to the children: - Our doll got up and would like to wash, but with what? Children bring pictures on which objects are drawn that the doll needs for washing. The teacher thanks the children on behalf of the doll.
8 - Our doll washed her face and would like to comb her hair, but with what? - Our doll has washed herself, but has not had breakfast yet. What will she eat with? - Our doll is going for a walk, what will she wear? Children bring pictures on which the objects needed by the doll are drawn. The doll thanks the children. He says he wants to stay and play with the guys. - And now you guys can play with Masha doll. The result of the didactic game: children have knowledge of hygiene items and their purpose. Guidelines: If you find it difficult to complete the task, you need to ask leading questions. If necessary, individual work is carried out. First you need to introduce children to pictures that show hygiene items used when washing, eating, dressing: soap, toothbrush, towel, toothpaste, comb, hairpin, tablecloth, vase, tray, mug, spoon, plate, socks, boots, hat, dress, blouse, skirt, gloves, jacket. And then play the game.
What can you say about them?
Task: consolidate knowledge about hygiene items and their use. Equipment: comb, soap, towel, basin, scissors, water in a mug, rubber dolls. Game rules: at the request of an adult, bring a hygiene item and tell about its purpose. Gaming actions: bring a hygiene item to an adult and talk about its purpose.
Game progress.
Hygiene items lie near the adult on the table and on the chair. An adult calls one child by name: -Petya, tell me, what do you see here? The child names individual objects and shows them. If he missed something, other children supplement him until all the items you have been named. Then the adult asks another called child the following question: - Yana, do you have soap at home? When the child answers in the affirmative, the adult asks: -Bring soap. - Look at it carefully and smell it. -What are we doing with him? Why do we need soap? If the child has not said something important about the soap, the teacher can call the next child. (When the soap is no longer needed, she puts it aside.) The teacher can also ask leading questions: - Why did mom buy soap? (She wants to wash, wash) -What will mom do when the towel becomes dirty? (Washes it.) -Why does mom have a comb. What combs do you have at home. In conclusion, the children wash and bathe the dolls, dry them, etc.
9 The result of the didactic game: children have knowledge of hygiene items and their use. Guidelines: The game is played with a small group of children. If you find it difficult to complete the task, you need to ask leading questions. If necessary, individual work is carried out. You should pay attention to the fact that children wipe the dolls dry. The child will learn such skills and will use them in everyday life. If necessary, an individual explanation, demonstration is carried out.
Doing a haircut
Task: to form children's knowledge about the purpose of a comb, to teach a child to hold a comb in his hand and comb his hair with movements from top to bottom. Equipment: a mirror, a comb, an elegant doll. Game rules: with the help of an adult, comb your hair, take the comb in your hand, guide your hand with the comb from top to bottom. Game actions: take a comb, comb your hair.
Game progress
An adult shows a doll to a child and draws attention to her hairstyle: "Look, the doll has a beautiful hairstyle: long, even hair, a bow. A beautiful doll! Let's make a beautiful hairstyle for you!" What do you need to get your hair done? An adult combs the child's hair in front of the mirror, then asks the baby to try to do it himself: he gives the comb to the child's hands, while helping to hold it, to lead the hand with the comb from top to bottom, accompanying the nursery rhyme: I scratch, scratch, hairs, I comb scarves. Grow, braid, to the waist, Do not drop a single hair. Grow, braid, to toe - All the hairs in a row. Grow, braid, do not get confused - Mom, daughter, obey At the end of combing, she asks the child to look in the mirror, draws his attention to the fact that he has become as beautiful as a doll. The result of the didactic game: know about the appointment of a comb, the prerequisites for combing hair on their own have been formed. Guidelines: the game is played after sleep. Draw the attention of the child to the need to comb the hair. The game is played with each child individually, the rest of the children at this time can be spectators. You can invite the children to comb each other. At the end of the game, praise the child.

Vodka, vodka!
Task: to cultivate the desire for independence in the performance of hygiene procedures. Equipment: two dolls. Game rules: wash the hands and face of the dolls, following the washing algorithm. Game actions: wash the hands of the dolls, then wash yourself
Game progress.
An adult shows a doll to the children and says that the doll wants to have dinner, but her hands and face are dirty. An adult asks: "What should I do? - We need to wash the hands and face of the doll! Let's ask for some water: Vodichka, some water, Wash my face, So that the eyes sparkle, So that the cheeks turn red, So that the tooth bites, So that the mouth laughs! Shows and tells the children how to wash the hands and face of the dolls before dinner.-Roll up the sleeves, moisten the hands, lather the hands until foam appears, rinse the soap off the hands, wash the face, wipe the face, hands dry, hang the towel in their cell.Next, invite the children to wash the hands of the dolls, and then your hands and face, while repeating the nursery rhyme "Vodichka, vodichka!" Result didactic games: a desire to independently perform hygiene procedures is formed. Washed hands. Guidelines: The game can be played both with a group of children and individually. The number of equipment should correspond to the number of children. Provide individual assistance as needed. At the end of the game, praise all the children. Encourage children to wash their hands. The playable character may change.
soap gloves
Task: to form the skills to lather hands from the outside and inside. Equipment: baby soap, towel. Game rules: lather your hands until foam is formed. Game actions: take soap, lather your hands until foam forms.
Game progress.
An adult brings the child to the washbasin, stands behind him, picks up soap and shows circular movements of the hands when soaping. Then he gives the child a piece of soap and asks him to repeat the soaping movements. Movements must be done until white foam is formed. The attention of the child is drawn to the white pens, the adult says: -Here, what kind of gloves we have - white! Next, the adult helps the child wash off the foam under running water, while saying one of the nursery rhymes: For example: Patties, patties, wash my paws with soap, Clean palms, here's bread and spoons for you! Water gurgles in the faucet. Very cool! Masha Egorova herself washes her hands (an adult calls the name of the child). We know, we know, yes, yes, yes! Where is the water hiding? The result of the didactic game: the child has developed the skill of soaping hands from the outside and inside. Guidelines: the game is played individually. At the end of the game, praise the children, draws attention to his clean hands. Encourage children to wash their hands.
Wash your hands
Task: develop hand washing skills consistently. Equipment: rubber hare (character can be changed at the discretion of an adult) Game rules: follow the correct hand washing sequence Game actions: roll up your sleeves, turn on the faucet, wet your hands, take soap, lather your hands, rinse off the soap with water, turn off the faucet, dry your hands with a towel, hang the towel in your cell, roll out your sleeves.
Game progress.
An adult addresses the children: - We came from a walk and are going to eat. - Can you eat when your hands are dirty? What needs to be done to keep them clean? Wash your hands and fruits so that there is no trouble. There are such viruses, harmful viruses. They get into the child's mouth, their stomach hurts. These are viruses, viruses-vredilusy. Bunny will watch as we wash our hands.
12 An adult puts the toy on the edge of the washbasin. Shows the sequence of washing hands, accompanying the demonstration with words. - Roll up your sleeves. (rolls up sleeves) Reading nursery rhymes: Hands must be washed clean, Sleeves must not be wet. - We open the faucet (opens the faucet) - Wet our hands (puts our hands under the faucet) - We take soap (takes soap) - We lather our hands until foam appears (soaps our hands) - Put the soap in the soap dish (puts soap in the soap dish) Shows hand movements, explaining, that you need to wash each finger. Now ask your child to "remove" these gloves with water. - Shake off the water from your hands, turn off the tap. - Take a towel, wipe your hands dry, hang the towel in your cell. (dries his hands, weighs the towel in place) Reading nursery rhymes: I like to hang in place - You will remember this. Wipe your hands, hang them in the washroom. - We unbend the sleeves (unbends the sleeves) At the end of the procedure, an adult praises the children on behalf of the bunny. Result didactic games: the skill of washing hands is formed, they have an idea about the sequence of this procedure. methodical recommendations: provide individual assistance as needed. At the end of the game, praise all the children. Encourage children to wash their hands. The playable character may change. In order for children to better master handwashing skills, the game should be played individually or in a subgroup. When teaching how to wash hands, be sure to tell your child in what order to perform this important procedure.
Task: develop washing habits. Equipment: mirror, towel Game rules: wash, following the washing algorithm. Game actions: turn on the faucet, fold up your sleeves, put your hands under the stream of water, wash your face.
Game progress.
An adult brings the child (after sleep) to the bathroom, asks to look at himself in the mirror, draws his attention to the eyes, mouth, cheeks, etc. - The eyes cannot wake up, so that they wake up, you need to wash them. - Wash your cheeks. Invites the child to wash with him, while showing how to do it. - Roll up your sleeves (rolls up your sleeves) - Open the faucet (opens the faucet) An adult says a nursery rhyme:
13 Come out, Voditsa, we have come to wash! Pour on your palm, in it-knife-ku ... No, not a little - dare, We will wash more cheerfully! - We wet our hands. - We take soap, we lather our hands until foam appears. (takes soap, lathers her palms) - Wash off the soap - Now we will wash our face. - We collect water in the palms, etc. Remind the children to wash their faces with their heads tilted over the sink so as not to splash their shirt or dress. At the end of washing, show the child how to wipe his face dry with a towel and hang it back in his cell. - Ai, what a clean child, look at yourself in the mirror! The result of the didactic game: washing skills and ideas about the sequence of actions when washing were formed. Guidelines: the game is played with a subgroup of children, if necessary, provide individual assistance. At the end of the game, praise all the children. Draw the attention of children to the need to wash.
Let's wash Masha's hands
Task: to form hand washing skills by performing a sequential chain of actions. Encourage verbal accompaniment of actions. To consolidate children's knowledge of hygiene items. Activate vocabulary: soap, towel, water, flow, wash. Equipment: basins, towels, soap, doll. Gaming rules: wash the hands of the doll, following the sequential chain, pronouncing each action. Game actions: bend the sleeves, moisten the hands of the doll and soap in the basin, then lather them, then rinse the soap in water, put in the soap dish and rinse the hands of the doll, then wipe them with a towel.
Game progress
Doll Masha comes to visit the children. Gets well with children. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that the doll has dirty hands. Reads an excerpt from a poem by A. Barto: Oh, you dirty girl, Where did you smear your hands like that? Black palms, On the elbows - paths. - Look, guys, what Masha's dirty hands are. What do we do? Children offer to wash the hands of the doll. They consider the necessary items and, with the help of an adult, name them: a basin, soap, a towel. An adult asks questions about each item, about its purpose, shows a sequential chain of actions: turn up the sleeves, wet the hands of the doll and soap in the basin, then lather the hands, then rinse the soap in water, put it in the soap dish and rinse the hands of the doll, then wipe with a towel.
14 At the same time, he reads a poem: Squish-squish with pens, Full of washing the basin. Don't touch, Masha, with a soapy pen your eyes. And the water gurgles, And the water foams. The car will wash. Get dressed, get dressed. Then the teacher invites the children to wash their hands with the doll. Distributes the items necessary for this, asks leading questions (What is it? What for? Etc.) The children wash their hands one by one. Result didactic games: the skill of washing hands is formed, has ideas about the sequence of actions when washing. The hands of the doll are washed. methodical recommendations: the game is played with a subgroup of children or individually, if necessary, provide individual assistance. The game is played with each child individually, the rest of the children can be spectators at this time. Similarly, the game is played with another group of children. At the end of the game, praise all the children. Encourage children to wash their hands.
Teach the Clumsy to wash their hands
Objective of the game: consolidate existing cultural and hygienic skills . Equipment: baby toy, soap, towel. Hand washing algorithm. Game rules: wash your hands following a sequential chain of actions. Game actions: open the faucet, bend the sleeves, moisten hands and soap under the stream, then lather them, then rinse the soap in water, put in the soap dish and rinse hands, shake off the water from them, then wipe with a towel
Game progress.
There is a knock on the door. The educator brings the little baby Neumeyka. He draws the attention of the children to Neumeyka with a box in her hands, her hands are dirty, she says that she wants to play with the children. - Wait, wait, Neumeyka, what rule have you forgotten? Tell kids! - It turns out that Neumeyka has not yet learned how to wash his hands, I propose to teach him. We go to the washroom. “We know, we know, yes, yes, yes Where is the water hiding? Come out, water, We have come to wash! Pour on the palm of your hand By - it - a knife - ku No, not a little - Dare We will wash more fun "
15 The children explain to Neumeyka and show how to open the faucet so that water runs, so that the spray does not fly and flood the floor. - Who will show you how to wet your hands? - Now you, Neumeyka, try to do it yourself! Adult on behalf of Neumayka: Show me how to soap my hands? - Now the guys will show you. Neumeyka: Oh, what to do, hands in "gloves"? Children show how to wash their hands under the stream, making a “lock”, shake off and dry their hands with a towel. The fool repeats after the children. “Pour clean water, wash us cleanly, cleanly Hands, wash hands, Do not forget anything. Wash, wash, pour on Wash off the mud We washed ourselves quickly, Wiped clean We are now neat, neat Everyone looks at us nicely Smile to each other! »
We leave the washroom, we play an imitation game:
Did you wash your hands? (washed) Ears washed? (washed) Did you wash your cheeks? (washed) Everything was washed, nothing was forgotten! And now we are clean, Fluffy Bunnies! Neumeyka thanks the children for teaching how to wash. The teacher invites the children to show their mothers at home how they know how to wash themselves. - Guys, your hands are clean, so you can take toys, look at books, and play board games. The result of the didactic game: the skill of washing hands is fixed, correctly performed hand washing sequence. Washed hands. Guidelines: The game is played with 3-4 children. Show the children how to wash their hands first. Then ask the children to repeat. Provide individual assistance as needed.
grimy girl
Task: to form the skill to consistently bathe the doll. Equipment: doll, bath, soap, body washcloth. Game rules: bathe the doll following the sequence of game actions. Game actions: answer the questions of an adult, bathe the doll.
Game progress
The doll Masha comes to the children. An adult says to the children: - Look, guys, Masha is dirty. Where have you been, Masha? An adult on behalf of the doll says: "I walked." - What should be done? - What do we need to wash Masha? (An adult takes out a bath, soap, washcloth). Why do you need a bath? What is soap for? - Why do you need a washcloth? An adult, performing, pronounces actions: we collect warm water in the bath, undress the doll, put the doll in the bath. We lather the washcloth, rub the handles, etc. He accompanies his actions with reading nursery rhymes: The doll does not cry in the bath, It will sit for at least an hour. He likes to wash, which means the doll is smart with us. After the show, he invites the children to buy a doll. Result didactic games: formed skill bathing dolls, have ideas about the sequence of bathing. Guidelines: the game is played with a subgroup of children, 3-4 children. The rest of the children at this time can be spectators and prompt others. First, the adult shows the children how to wash the doll. Then he invites the children to wash the doll. Provide individual assistance as needed.
Let's teach the teddy bear to make foam
Task: to form the habit of consistently washing hands, lathering them until foam is formed, washing off the soap, washing the face, using an individual towel. Build personal hygiene skills. Equipment: toy bear, nursery rhymes on the development of cultural and hygienic skills in children. Gaming rules: show the sequence of washing hands, lather them until foam appears .. Game actions: open the faucet, bend the sleeves, moisten hands and soap under the stream, then wash them, then rinse the soap in water, put in the soap dish and rinse hands, shake off the water from them, then dry with a towel
Game progress.

17 The children are returning from a walk. Educator - Guys, we have come from a walk, look who meets us (bear toy). Mishutka wants to look at your hands, show him. Mishutka: - Oh, guys, how dirty you are, what dirty hands you have. What needs to be done to make them clean? Educator: - That's right, they need to be washed. Mishutka will see how we can do it. Invite the children to the washroom, remind them to roll up their sleeves before washing their hands. Who does not roll up the sleeve, He will not receive water. (help the children roll their sleeves up) Educator: - open the tap, put our hands under water (we wet them, then take soap and lather our hands so that foam appears, put the soap in the soap dish, and wash the hands, make “soap gloves”, three palms with I’ll take a piece of soap and rub my hands with warm water Educator - Vanya, what did you soap your hands with?. Guys, smell how it smells, okay? You can say about it - it is fragrant. What? Educator - After that we put our palms under the water and wash off all the foam.(check that all the children wash off the foam well from their hands, then offer to wash their faces) handles over the sink, so as not to splash on the floor. We find our towel, take it off, wipe our face and hands dry on dry. Lena, how do we wipe it? We washed our hands with you, let's show Mishutka how clean they are. Wash clean, water do not be sorry, There will be palms of snow whiter. Mishutka: - Well done, guys, everyone washed their hands cleanly, but what did you wash them with? Did you wipe? Now I know how to wash my hands and make lather. The result of the didactic game: the skill of consistently washing hands is formed, hands are washed. methodical recommendations: provide individual assistance as needed. At the end of the game, praise all the children. Encourage children to wash their hands.
In the process of organizing dressing and undressing, you need to constantly encourage children to be independent. To help some, to suggest to others where to start dressing and undressing, to offer others to turn to their comrades for help.
Dressing for a walk with Katya
Task: to form the correct sequence when dressing, self-dressing skills. Equipment: Katya doll in seasonal clothes. Game rules: show the doll the correct sequence when dressing Game actions: dress in a certain order.
Course progress.
The teacher brings a doll Masha dressed in outerwear into the group and turns to the children: - Children, look who came to us. This is Katya doll. Katya was going for a walk, but it was cold outside, so she dressed so warmly. Let's get dressed and go outside to play. One, two, three, four, five We're going for a walk. (The teacher goes to the locker room with the children). - I'll put Katya's doll right here, she will watch how the guys get dressed. And you take off your sandals, put them in the locker. If you want to take a walk, You need to dress quickly, Open the closet door, Dress in order. - Put on your socks first. Gather a sock into an accordion, And put it on your leg. You take another sock. Pull it on in the same way. - Wear socks? - Yes. - We put on all the pants. Now get up and put on your pants. - All the guys have warm pants. In these pants, the guys will not freeze on the street. (Name of district), what color are your pants? (Red). Right. And you, (Name of district)? (Blue). And you, (Name of district)? (Blue). Well done. All the pants are on, and now what should we wear, Nastya? - Jackets. - Right. Who has blouses, and who has sweaters. And the Masha doll is looking at you guys. Here, Masha, how the guys are trying to dress themselves. Look, it's getting cold outside. It's blouse time
19 Children to dress. - Put on blouses, sweaters. Carcasses - tutushki Where are your ears? Ears in a hat, paws will not reach (Children put on hats). So that the ears do not hurt Quickly put on a hat. And then a jacket For a long walk. Well, here are our jackets. The guys still can’t fasten zippers on jackets, so we will help them. And tie scarves. (A teacher with a nanny helps children). One, two, three, four, five We're going for a walk. I tied a striped scarf to Nastenka. Let's put boots on the legs. And let's go for a walk, Jump, run and jump. Let's put boots on the legs. Good boots Don't get cold feet. - It remains to put on the guys mittens. So as not to freeze Five guys are sitting in a knitted stove. - It's about mittens. We put on mittens, we all go outside together. The result of the didactic game: skills are formed to dress consistently with a little help from an adult. Dressed for a walk. methodical recommendations: during the game, it is necessary to take into account the formation of dressing skills in children. Provide individual assistance, praise children.
Let's teach Katya to undress
Task: to form the habit of consistently undressing; hang and fold clothes neatly. Equipment: doll, clothes (character may change) Game rules: undress the doll, observing the sequence. Game actions: remove the dress, shoes, tights, hang neatly on a chair, put the doll to sleep.
Game progress.
The teacher shows the doll to the children. - The doll is going to bed, let's help the doll undress? The teacher undresses the doll, while pronouncing his actions: - We take off the dress! - Take off your shoes! - Take off your tights. Then invite the child to undress the doll on their own. - (Child's name), undress the doll! What do we shoot first? Etc. - We undressed the Katya doll, now put her to bed. The result of the didactic game: The doll is undressed in the correct order. Guidelines: the game is played with a subgroup of children, 3-4 children. The number of equipment should correspond to the number of children. First, the adult shows the children the sequence of undressing, while accompanying the actions with words. Then invite the children to undress the doll on their own and put it to bed. Provide individual assistance as needed.
Teach Katya to dress / undress
Task: to form the skill of consistently dressing / undressing according to the algorithm of actions, according to the season of the year, the weather, to form the skill of neatness. Equipment: pictures depicting Katya doll (winter and summer clothes, pictures depicting items of clothing. (appendix 2) Game rules: dress and undress the doll in sequence. Gaming actions: arrange the cards with the image of clothes in the sequence of dressing and undressing.
Game progress.
The adult says that the doll is going for a walk, but does not know what to wear, it is winter (spring, summer, autumn) and it is very cold outside (options are possible) - Let's help the doll get dressed? - Let's put tights on the doll! (the child posts the corresponding picture) - Now let's put a blouse on the doll! (the child puts the corresponding picture) - Let's put the pants on the doll! (the child uploads the corresponding picture) - Let's put boots on the doll! (the child puts the corresponding picture) - Let's put a hat on the doll! (the child uploads the corresponding picture) - And now we will put on a scarf and mittens for the doll. Doll Katya returned from a walk, the child is invited to undress her, laying out the cards in sequence. Result didactic games: the skill of the sequence of the process of dressing / undressing was formed according to the algorithm of actions Guidelines: The game is played individually. When conducting the game, it is necessary to take into account the degree of awareness of the child about clothes. Invite the child to dress the doll, while saying the sequence of actions when dressing and undressing.
Dressing the doll after sleep
Task: to form the ability to reproduce 3-5 consecutive actions; to consolidate knowledge about garments and the order in which they are put on. Equipment: doll, doll clothes, bed with bedding. Gaming rules: properly dress the doll, following the sequence when dressing. Game actions: wake up Katya, put on her knees, put on tights, a dress, shoes.
Game progress.
An adult turns to the children: - Today Katya promised to come to us, but something is not there. No Katya. Let's call Katya together! Katya, Katya, come to us! Katya doesn't answer. An adult brings a crib, Katya sleeps in it. Brings a chair on which Katya's clothes lie. - Get up, Katya, we'll dress you. Well, get up, get up, Katya. Sit down, Katya. Christina, what is it? (points to tights) - We'll put tights on Katya. Alyosha, what is this? (shows a dress) - We'll put a dress on Katya. Seryozha, what is it? (points to shoes) - We'll put shoes on Katya. After Katya is dressed, the teacher brings different dolls and their clothes, distributes to the kids and offers to dress the dolls, while encouraging the children to pronounce the words denoting the names of the clothes, and helps them perform actions with different types of clothes (put on a dress, shirt, etc. .). The result of the didactic game: reproduce 3-5 consecutive actions; knowledge of clothing items and the order in which they are put on is consolidated. Dressed up doll. Guidelines: the game with the same content should be repeated. But it must be done with another acting character. Instead of a doll-girl Katya, you can put to bed and put on a doll-boy Petya or a doll-girl Tanya after sleep.
Each leg is in its own house
Task: to form the skills of children to put on tights on their own, distinguish between parts of clothing and act correctly in accordance with the goal (take tights by the elastic band, focusing on the mark; find holes for each leg; put on tights, gathering them into an accordion). Equipment: children's tights. Game rules: put on pantyhose Game actions: take pantyhose, sit on a chair, attach pantyhose to yourself, and find a mark, put on pantyhose.
Game progress.
The game takes place after sleep. The adult offers the child to take tights from the chair, sit on the chair, attach the tights to himself and find one strip on the claws. - Make sure that the strip is in front. Found? Well done. Now put it on: each leg - in your house, and so that the heel immediately gets into its place, let's make an "accordion" with you.
22 - Hid the right leg in the house? Now make an "accordion" for the left leg. Each leg - to its own ... (encourages the child to complete the phrase) house. Check: are both legs in their houses? Now hide your legs in the houses, pull up the tights to the knees. Okay, now get up and grab the rubber band. Pull your tights up. Check: was there an elastic band on the belt? Hey, yes (child's name)! Oh, well done, he put on tights! The result of the didactic game: the skill of putting on pantyhose is formed. Tights are on. Guidelines: The game is played individually. Provide assistance in case of difficulty, using the technique of joint performance of actions with the child so that he gets the necessary muscle sensation. It is necessary to evoke positive emotions in the baby associated with achieving success in self-service.
We now know how to dress ourselves for a walk
Task: to form the habit of dressing, self-service, to consolidate the sequence and methods of rational performance of actions. Equipment: dressing room equipment; a subject - schematic model of the sequence of dressing for a walk (subject pictures depicting items of clothing: 1) tights, 2) socks and boots, 3) sweater, 4) cap, 5) jacket and scarf); game character Parsley. Game rules: correct show the sequence of putting on clothes. Game actions: put on socks, pants, boots, jacket, hat, coat (jacket), scarf, mittens.
Game progress.
Children go to the locker room, sit near their lockers. The playable character Petrushka appears (a character of the choice of an adult). Parsley. Hi guys! Where are you going? For a walk? This is good. Today is wonderful weather. Tell me, which of you dresses for a walk yourself? Adult: Petrushka, all the guys here already know how to dress themselves. And if, suddenly, someone forgets what to wear next, then he will look at the pictures that will help him remember the sequence of dressing. The teacher draws the attention of Petrushka and the children to the subject-schematic model of the sequence of dressing for a walk. Leading children's activities, an adult uses a game character who actively empathizes with the child, but, as a rule, only notices mistakes, not knowing how to correct them: “Your shoes quarreled, your socks look in different directions. How to reconcile them? (The child put the right shoe on the left, and the left shoe on the right foot). “I put on a sweater, and then what to wear? Oh, I don't remember! How to find out?" Parsley encourages children to help each other, stimulates their emotional responsiveness, paying attention to the manifestation of attention to a friend, responsiveness, desire to help, ability to thank. Result didactic games: the sequence of putting on clothes is fixed. Properly dressed.
23 methodical recommendations: constructing the educational situation that has arisen, it is necessary, on behalf of the doll, to ask questions that activate the child and allow him to realize the ways of self-control. Praise should be well-deserved, cause a desire to overcome difficulties, achieve results. To consolidate the game, play several times, changing characters. It is necessary to teach the child elementary self-control, the sequence of dressing for a walk; fix the names of objects; be able to offer help, to thank for it.
The doll goes for a walk
Task: formation of ideas about clothes, the ability to perform a sequence of dressing. Cultivate accuracy, respect for clothing; desire to take care of the doll. Equipment: a set of doll clothes; doll. Gaming rules: correctly dress the doll for a walk, following the sequence. Gaming actions: dress the doll in socks, pants, boots, a hat, a scarf, mittens.
Game progress
The adult says that the doll is going for a walk: "Let's help the doll get dressed, it's cold outside," invites the child to get clothes from the locker: a hat, jacket, shoes. Then the adult takes each item in turn, shows it to the child, slowly saying. - we put on a jacket, put our hands in the sleeves, fasten the buttons. - Here, put on a jacket! We put on shoes on the legs, here are the laces, I will help you tie. - Here, the shoes are put on the legs. We wear a hat on our heads. Here, put on a hat. The doll is going for a walk, she can go for a walk. In order to reinforce the child's ideas about clothes, the game is repeated with another doll, the child is given the opportunity to act independently. The result of the didactic game: the child has an idea about clothes, the ability to perform a sequence of dressing. Dressed up doll. Guidelines: in order to reinforce the child's ideas about clothes, the game is repeated with another doll, the child is given the opportunity to act independently. Leading children's activities, an adult should only notice mistakes, not knowing how to correct them, the child must find the mistake himself.
Teach the doll Katya to undress after a walk
Objectives: To continue to develop the skill of undressing sequence. Equipment: 1. Doll dressed for a walk. 2. Wardrobe for doll clothes. Game rules: correct show the doll the undressing sequence. Game actions: remove mittens, scarf, fur coat, hat, boots, pants from the doll. Game progress: - Doll Katya returned from a walk. Let's help her undress.
24 -Let's show Katya in what order to undress. First, take off the mittens, untie the scarf. Untie the scarf. The scarf is striped. (Z. Alexandrova. “Katya is in a manger.”) -Where should I put a scarf? (on the shelf in the closet). -Right. Things need to be cleaned up. You won't have to look for them. (A. Barto. “Masha the confused”) - And now, what can we help Katya to shoot? (fur coat, raincoat, jacket). -Where will we hang a fur coat (cloak, jacket)? (into the cupboard). - And now what will we help to remove the Katya doll? (hat) -What have we not removed yet? (boots). -My doll Katya has small, red boots, and what kind of boots do you have? (large, blue). -Where will we put the boots? (on the shelf). - Take off your new boots. - Guys, Katya asks, can we go to play already? (No). What else needs to be removed? (trousers). -Katya's doll has small, blue pants, and what are yours? (large, blue). -Where should you put your pants? (on a shelf, in a closet). - Everyone undress! Go play! Can't again? Why? (forgot to wear sandals). -Forgot to wear sandals! Here they are - the sandals of our little Katya. This one is on the right foot, this one is on the left foot. (E. Blaginina. “Let's teach how to put on shoes and brother”) - And now you can play? (No, you have to wash.) Result didactic games: perform 2-3 familiar actions with the doll, the sequence of taking off clothes. Undressed doll. Guidelines: in order to reinforce the child's ideas about clothes, the game is repeated with another character, the child is given the opportunity to act independently. Leading children's activities, an adult should only notice mistakes, not knowing how to correct them, the child must find the mistake himself.


"Katya doll is having lunch"
Task: to form children's knowledge about tableware, about the culture of behavior during meals, a caring attitude towards the doll. Gaming rules: correctly find and select dishes for dinner. Accurately show items. With the right choice of dishes, the children clap their hands, if they make a mistake, they threaten with a finger. Game actions: n close the toy table for feeding the doll, lay a tablecloth, put dishes, a napkin holder, put a chair, put the doll at the table.
Game progress.
There are dishes on the table: tea, dining, kitchen. Doll Katya is sitting at the table. “Children, Katya needs to be fed dinner,” the adult says and points to the table where the doll is sitting. - And here is the dishes. (Points to a table standing aside.) Let's play like this: put on the table only what is needed for dinner. Alternately, at the invitation of an adult, the children find the desired item. If the object is correctly selected, everyone clap their hands, in case of an error they threaten with a finger. Turning to the child: - What will you put Katya on the table? - I'll put this here. - How does is called? - Deep plate for soup. As a sign of approval, the children clap their hands, and the child places a plate in front of the doll. At the request of an adult, children find in this way all the items that are needed to feed the doll: plates (deep and shallow), fork and spoon (large and small), bread box, cup; correctly they are called and beautifully arranged on the table. Do not forget to put a glass with napkins, lay a tablecloth. And for every correct action, the children clap their hands. At the end of the game, an adult asks to wish Katya a good appetite, and after dinner, one of the children asks the doll to remove everything from the table. The result of the didactic game: formed the knowledge of children about tableware, culture of behavior during meals. Properly set table. methodical recommendations: the game should be played with 3-4 children so that all children are active. Provide individual assistance as needed. Leading children's activities, an adult should only notice mistakes, not correct them, the child must find the mistake himself.
Let's treat the dolls to tea
Task: to form children's knowledge about the purpose of dishes, to teach them to perform object-game actions (arranging cups, saucers, laying out spoons), to cultivate a culture of behavior during meals, to teach children to give tea to dolls (later other toys: a bear, a hare, etc.) Equipment: dolls, children's furniture and dishes (two cups, two saucers, two spoons, a teapot).
26 Gaming rules: correctly find and select dishes for tea drinking. Accurately show items. With the right choice of dishes, the children clap their hands, if they make a mistake, they threaten with a finger. Game actions: correctly set the toy table for treating dolls with tea, lay a tablecloth, put dishes, a napkin holder, put a chair, put the doll at the table.
Game progress.
The adult says to the child: “Dolls have come to visit us, they should be seated at the table, treated to tea,” the adult says and points to the table. - And here is the dishes. (Points to a table standing aside.) - We will put on the table only what is needed for tea drinking. Alternately, at the invitation of an adult, the children find the desired item. If the object is correctly selected, everyone clap their hands, in case of an error they threaten with a finger. Turning to the child: - What will you put the guests on the table? - I'll put this here. - How does is called? - Mug .. As a sign of approval, the children clap their hands, and the child puts a mug in front of the doll. At the request of an adult, children find all the items that are needed for tea drinking in this way: cups, saucers and a small spoon, a vase for sweets, a cup; correctly they are called and beautifully arranged on the table. Do not forget to put a glass with napkins, lay a tablecloth. Why do you need napkins? - Now spread the spoons to the cups. Pour tea into cups. Give tea to our "guests". -You need to sit straight at the table, do not chop and do not talk with your mouth full. And for every correct action, the children clap their hands. At the end of the game, an adult asks to wish Katya a good appetite, and after dinner, one of the children asks the doll to remove everything from the table. At the end of the game, the adult asks to wish the "guests" a good appetite, and one of the children, after drinking tea, "guests" to remove everything from the table. At the end of the game, the adult sums up: “We poured tea into cups, the dolls drank tea,” says a nursery rhyme: We will put the kettle on the table, Saucers, we will arrange the cups, We will meet the guests, treat the dolls with tea! -Well done! After the game, children play with dolls Result didactic games: formed the knowledge of children about tableware, the culture of behavior at the table. Properly set table. Guidelines: before the game, it is necessary to identify the level of knowledge of children about the items of utensils and their purpose. It is necessary to manage the game in such a way that all children are involved. If necessary, play individually.
Treat the animals to tea
Task: to form knowledge about the purpose of dishes, the skill to perform object-game actions (arrange cups, saucers, lay out spoons). Equipment: toys (bear, bunny, etc.) children's furniture and utensils (two cups, two saucers, two spoons, a teapot). Gaming rules: properly set the table, put all the necessary items on the table. Game actions: lay a tablecloth, put a vase with cookies in the middle of the table; put saucers around the vase, and a cup on each saucer; put sugar bowl and teapot
Game progress.
The adult says to the baby: Dolls came to visit us, they should be seated at the table, treated to tea. - Let's set the table for the guests. What will we feed them? (Tea and biscuits.) An adult explains to the children the sequence of arranging devices for tea drinking. - First you need to lay a tablecloth. - Put the bowl of cookies in the middle of the table. - Saucers should be placed around the vase, and a cup should be placed on each saucer. - Place a dessert plate next to each saucer. Each guest will put a cookie on the dessert plate. - Put a teaspoon to the right of each saucer. - Last put the sugar bowl and teapot. They should also be placed in the middle of the table so that it is convenient for each guest to take sugar and pour tea. After the table is laid, the teacher summarizes the statements of the children. Look, everything on the table is dishes. Tea is drunk from this dish. Such utensils are called "tea utensils". In conclusion, the children sit down at the table with their favorite toys and “treat” them with tea. After the game, the teacher invites the children to help their mother set the table for evening tea in the evening. Result didactic games: formed knowledge about the purpose of dishes. The table is properly set. Guidelines: If the child is having difficulty, show how to act. Each child is given a short instruction like: "Dima, put the bowl of cookies in the middle of the table." All children carry out instructions, arranging tea utensils on the table. The teacher comments on their actions: "Sasha puts a vase of cookies on the table." And so on.
We are eating
Task: to form the ability to eat independently and neatly, to observe the culture of food. Equipment: set table, bear toy Game rules: eat carefully, observe the culture of food.
28 Game actions: sit quietly at the table, while eating, bend over the plate, do not turn around at the table, chew food with your mouth closed. Thank you after eating.
Game progress
The game is played during lunch. Before the children sit down at the table, the teacher asks if everyone has washed their hands. Then, sitting down at his table, he says: “Look, children, how I sit: deep, on the entire seat of the chair, my back is straight. I put my feet under the table next to me. With my left hand I take bread, if necessary. I hold the plate. With my right hand I hold a spoon. The teacher reminds these rules calmly and affectionately. Then he says: “Look, children, how I hold a spoon between my index and middle fingers, hold the big one on top. I pick up an incomplete spoonful of soup so as not to spill it. Eat from the wide edge of a spoon. Try to chew food well with your mouth closed, eat silently, without being distracted from eating. The children start eating. The teacher monitors how they eat, if necessary, makes the necessary remark. When the children move on to the third course, there is a knock on the door, and Mishutka appears with the nanny. Mishutka greets and wishes the children bon appetit. The teacher sits him at the table and asks if he is hungry. Thank you, Mishutka answers, I'm full. Came to visit you. “We are happy for you, Mishutka,” the teacher says, “and we want to treat you to compote.” The teacher treats the bear cub, and he whispers something in the teacher's ear. Children, - the teacher addresses the kids, - Mishutka really liked that we are so clean. In addition, he knows such a secret: that after eating a spoon should be put on a plate, and then the tablecloth will remain clean. Let's say Mishutka thank you for this advice. And now, Mishutka, look how beautifully our children are sitting: their backs are straight, their legs are placed side by side. The bear thanks the children for the treat and says goodbye. In subsequent exercises, other actions are shown: how to tilt the plate away from you, eat fruits from compote with a teaspoon, use a napkin correctly The result of the didactic game: eat carefully, observe food culture. Guidelines: the game with approximately the same content should be repeated. But you need to spend it with another character. Instead of a Mishutka toy, for example: a bunny, Katya doll, etc. can come.
Get to lunch
Task: to form knowledge of the names and purpose of furniture and utensils for the dining room; to form the skill to properly and beautifully set the table, the culture of behavior at the table, to use cutlery correctly; to form the basis of an attentive and caring attitude towards partners in the game. Equipment: doll, furniture, tableware; dinner tablecloth, tea tablecloth, table and tea napkins; apron, scarf, a pair of mittens - grips Game rules: set the table properly. Game actions: put on scarves, aprons. Lay a tablecloth, put dishes for soup, a second, mugs for compote, put a napkin holder on the table. Seat the dolls at the table, “feed” dinner.
Game progress.
The children play with the doll on their own. The teacher invites the children to feed the doll. The doll sits at the table. But here's the problem: there is something out of nothing. Children usually laugh. The doll is upset. It is necessary, together with the children, to console her: “Now we will set the table.” It is necessary to prepare as many different dishes as possible in advance so that the children can make the right choice and set the table for breakfast, lunch or dinner, as they wish. A scarf and an apron are put on the doll, she will help the children, set the table. The teacher asks the children questions on behalf of the doll: “What, first of all, do you need to put on the table? And from what will the doll eat the second dish, drink compote? Sometimes the doll makes a mistake, for example, puts a cup not on a saucer, but on a plate. If the children themselves do not notice this, it is necessary to attract their attention. Finally, everything is ready: the nanny serves food to the doll, and the teacher teaches her to sit at the table correctly, use cutlery, eat, thank for the food. The doll may ask: “What is the spoon for? After all, it’s more convenient to eat with your hands, isn’t it, children?” And the teacher asks the children to tell the doll what to eat the first course, the second, fruits from the compote. Then the doll asks: "And what should be done after eating, children?" etc. After the game is over, the children play on their own, invite other dolls to visit, serve a tea table, etc. Option. Pinocchio, Cheburashka, Khryusha, and other fairy-tale characters are invited to Malvina for lunch. Children teach dolls how to properly set the table, skillfully use cutlery, etc. The result of the didactic game: formed knowledge about the purpose of furniture and utensils for the dining room. The table is properly set. Guidelines: directing children's activities, an adult only notices mistakes, does not correct them, the child must find the mistake himself. If the child does not cope, you can ask leading questions.
30 List of used literature 1. Belostotskaya E.M., Vinogradova T.F. and others. Hygienic foundations for raising children from 3 to 7. - M.: Education, 1991. 2. Bondarenko A.K. Didactic games in kindergarten. - M .: Education, 1991. 3. Belostotskaya, E.M. Vinogradova T.F., Kanevskaya L.Ya., Telenchi V.I. Hygienic bases of education of children from 3 to 7 years: Book. for doshk workers. institutions/.; Compiled by Telenchi. V.I.-M.: Enlightenment, 1987.-143p.:ill. 4. Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. Development and education of children of primary preschool age: A practical guide for kindergarten teachers. - Voronezh: TC "Teacher", 2001. 5. Likhacheva A.A. Meeting with Moidodyr. //Preschool education №9 - 2004. p.56 6. From birth to school. Approximate basic general educational program of preschool education / Ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. – M.: MOSAIC-SINTEZ, 2012. 7. Mendzheritskaya D.V. Educator about children's play. - M.: Enlightenment, 1982. - 128 p. 8. Meremyanina O.R. Together with the doll I grow up: a methodological guide. - Barnaul: AKIPKRO, 2008. 9. Sorokina A.I. Didactic games in kindergarten. M., 1982. 10. Smirnova T. Gathering a doll for a walk. / / Preschool education. - 2008-№10

Tatyana Zhukova
Didactic games for the formation of hygiene skills in younger preschoolers

Didactic game"Mixed Pictures"

Target games. Fix and check culturally- hygiene skills.

Equipment: A series of large pictures to which the children match the small pictures. For example, to a large picture, which depicts a disheveled girl, - a comb; to the picture, which depicts an untidy boy, - soap and a brush; to the picture of a girl in dirty shoes - a brush, etc.

move games. The teacher hangs a large picture on the board depicting an untidy child, and gives the children small pictures on which toilet items are drawn. Children are looking for among their tartinki an object that needs to complement the big picture. When they give the picture to the teacher, they must explain its purpose, For example: "Here's soap and a wash brush". Or: “Here is a comb for the girl to comb her hair”.

Didactic game"Clean Children"

Target games. Test children's knowledge of subjects hygiene and their purpose.

move games. The teacher tells the children that he wants to make sure that they are clean and neat: let them tell you what it takes to keep your hair, hands and face clean (the more they can talk about it, the better).

Then the teacher says: "Hands". The children she calls answer: "Soap, brush, towel". Similarly, children react to words "hair"(comb, brush, scissors, shampoo, soap, "bathing" (bath, towel, shower, washbasin, sponge, soap, etc.).

Option. The teacher asks question: "What do we need when we get up in the morning?". Children know what to name objects hygiene that are used in the morning (toothbrush, paste, soap, towel).

Didactic game"Find a Pair"

Target: learn to distinguish between paired shoes and clothes, choose the right shoe for the left version, clothes for the right one.

Equipment: cut out from cardboard shoes: boots, shoes, gloves, socks, mittens, doll Masha.

move games: the teacher introduces the children to the playroom situation: “Masha, a confused woman, scattered her clothes and shoes in different corners. She can't find anything on her own. She found one sock, but she couldn’t find the other, she found one boot, but she didn’t know where, etc.” Children are invited to help Masha - confusedly find a couple of items of clothing and shoes. The teacher presents the right version of the pair (sock, boot, etc.) and prompts you to choose the left one. This gives instruction: "Find a Pair". In case of difficulty in completing the task, it helps to find a pair, draws the child's attention to the same size and color. After a while, the adult asks to find the same pair on their own. Another variant games can be carried out on children's clothing. The game helps to consolidate the ability to distinguish between left and right options for clothes and shoes, to correctly correlate on which leg or hand we put on one or another option.

Didactic game"Birthday"

Target: teach the rules of cultural behavior at a party, the ability to congratulate each other.

Equipment: guests - dolls, toys, a festive table is served with children's dishes, gifts.

move games: child (or selected character) birthday today. With the help of a teacher, he prepares for the reception guests: serves a festive table, decorates with balls, tinsel and tidies up the room. Children-guests take small gifts-crafts (pre-prepared at labor lessons). The birthday boy greets guests, greets everyone, accepts gifts and invites guests to sit at the table, showing the guest his place. Toys are placed next to the children at the table. Guests "try" treat, "drink" tea, "are eating" ice cream. Then the teacher helps the child come up with a wish for the birthday man. The teacher tells the children about the rules of behavior in away:

Say hello when you come to visit;

Do not enter the room without an invitation;

Give a gift with birthday wishes (as a gift there can be a poem, a song, a dance);

Do not make noise at the table, do not take food with your hands;

Start eating after an invitation to taste this or that treat;

Do not interrupt each other;

Use utensils and napkins while eating;

Move and move the chair inaudibly;

After the meal, do not forget to thank the birthday man;

Say goodbye before leaving;

When the guests leave, the birthday boy helps the adults clear the dishes from the table.

Each of the children should be in the role of a birthday man. teacher during games reminds children how to behave in a given situation. The game is emotional and very attractive to children.

Didactic game"Magic lace"

Target: the development of fine motor skills of the hands, to teach how to thread and pull the lace into the holes according to the plot picture.

Equipment: book game "Magic lace" and laces of different colors (yellow, red, green).

move games: the teacher, together with the child, examines the plot picture, asks to name who is shown in the picture and what he is doing. Offers the child "finish" shoelace (optionally) missing strokes (elements) V picture: ladder, swing, etc. If the child fails to perform the action on his own, the teacher reproduces these actions together with him.

Didactic game"Plant flowers in the meadow"

Target: to teach a child to thread a loop on buttons of different sizes, the development of fine motor skills of the hands, the correlation of the right and left hands.

Equipment: green canvas, on which buttons of different colors and sizes are sewn, flowers are cut out of dense fabric of different sizes with slits in the center corresponding to the buttons.

move games: teacher: “Let's plant beautiful flowers on the meadow. Find and attach the desired flower to each button. The child chooses a flower from the fabric and tries to put a button on the canvas into the slot, if the button does not fit the buttonhole, the teacher suggests trying to attach it to other buttons and draws the child's attention to the size of the buttonhole and button so that they match. So baby "plants" flowers on a green canvas. Adult praises the child along the way games for each attached flower. Children like to see the result of their actions.

Didactic game"What can you say about them?"

Target games. Get to know the items hygiene and their use.

Equipment: Comb, nail brush, soap, towel, washbasin, scissors, water in a mug, rubber dolls.

move games. Items hygiene lie near the teacher on a table and on a chair. The teacher calls one by name child: "Petya, tell me, what do you see here?" The child names individual objects and shows them. If he missed something, other children supplement him until all the items are named. Next, the teacher asks another called child the following question: “Yana, do you have soap at home?”.

When the child answers in the affirmative, the teacher asks: Bring soap. Look at it carefully and smell it. What are we doing with it? What do we need soap for? If the child has not said something important about the soap, the teacher can call the next child. (When the soap is no longer needed, she puts it aside.)

The teacher can also ask suggestive questions: “Why did mom buy soap?” (She wants to do laundry). “What will mom do when the towel gets dirty?” (Washes it off). “Why does mom have a comb? What combs do you have at home?. In conclusion, the children wash and bathe the dolls, dry them, etc.

Didactic game"Soap gloves. Bubbles»

Target: teach children to lather their hands well from the outside and inside until bubbles form. Development of inhalation and exhalation, targeted air jet.

Equipment: bathroom, baby soap, towel.

move games. teacher: “We will go to the sink, open the tap and let warm water, and now we will take soap and make ourselves beautiful "White gloves". The teacher explains step by step the process of soaping hands. Children soap their hands without water until a white foam forms, then the children put the soap in the soap dish and distribute the soap over their hands in a circular motion. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that they have turned out fashionable "White gloves".

Then the teacher invites the children to combine palms, make a small slit (hole) and gently blow into this hole, a soap bubble comes out on the other side of our palms. The teacher emotionally captures the appearance of bubbles in children. If you touch them with your finger, the bubbles burst because they are tender and airy. If children fail to inflate a soap bubble, the teacher conducts joint actions with the child, helping him to feel the joy of anticipation of the appearance of this bubble. After that, the soap is washed off under a stream of warm water and the hands are wiped dry with a towel. It is advisable to use various poems and nursery rhymes in the work. “Patties, patties, with soap wash my patties, clean palms, here's bread for you, and spoons!

“Water is gurgling in the faucet. Very cool! Masha Yegorova herself washes her face» (or the teacher says the name of the child).

“We know, we know, yes, yes, yes! Where is the water hiding? Come out, Voditsa, we've come to wash! Pour on palm, in it-knife-ku. No, not a little - dare, we will wash more cheerfully! This game with the accompaniment of nursery rhymes can be included in the holding of sensitive moments.

Didactic game"What does the doll need?"

Target games. To form in a playful way the cultural and hygienic skills of younger preschoolers.

Equipment. Pictures depicting items used in washing, eating, dressing, soap, toothbrush, towel, toothpaste, comb, hand brush, hairpin, hairband, tablecloth, vase, tray, mug, spoon, plate, cutlery, socks, boots, cap, dress, blouse, skirt, gloves, jacket.

move games. The teacher introduces the children to the pictures, asks them what each item is for, then we take the doll for washing. Game continues. The teacher directs the game so that all activities alternate. For example, she speaks: “Our doll washed herself and would like to comb her hair, but with what? Our doll has washed herself, but has not had breakfast yet. What will we give her to eat? Our doll is going for a walk, what will she wear?

Didactic game"Cooking Dinner for the Dolls"

Target: learn to distinguish food (meat, fish, cottage cheese, vegetables, fruits, etc., determine what dishes are prepared from, how many dishes lunch consists of, fixing skill differentiation by purpose of kitchen and tableware.

Equipment: dolls, a set of children's kitchen and tableware, a children's stove, models of fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, cheese, milk, cottage cheese, sausages.

move games. teacher: “Doll Masha brought a lot of different products from the store. Please tell me what products Masha brought? Children list products on dummies.

“And now we will all prepare a delicious dinner for our friends together. (dolls). What does lunch consist of? - from the first course (borsch, soup, cabbage soup), from the second course (cutlets, cabbage rolls, dumplings, potatoes, pasta, rice, vegetable salads, from the third course (juice, mineral water, compote, tea). Choose on the table the dishes that we need to prepare the first course (the pan in which we cook the soup, the second course (the pan in which we fry cutlets, potatoes, fish, the third course (pot for cooking compote or carafe for water or juice)».

The teacher, together with the children, shows and imitates the action of preparing food for lunch. For example, the teacher first asks the children how they will prepare dinner, and then explains the step-by-step preparation of the first dishes:

Rinse in a colander the necessary products for cooking the first course (meat, vegetables);

Peel the vegetables from the skin and cut on a cutting board;

Put the necessary products in the pan and pour water;

Put on the children's stove and light the burner;

After the soup is ready, ladle into bowls.

For the second dish we cook fish with vegetables. The teacher, by analogy, conducts a conversation and shows the necessary products and utensils for preparing the second course. On the third - cook fruit compote (apple, pear and lemon).

The teacher explains each action step by step to the children, and then asks what they have done, what they are doing, and what they will do. When the dinner for the dolls is ready, we begin to set the table with dishes. We lay out the prepared dishes on plates, wish you a good appetite, and the children begin to feed the dolls, while praising the dishes. After the dolls have had lunch, the children wipe them with napkins and "thank you" for a delicious lunch.

Didactic game"Wash your doll's hands"

Target: create a positive attitude towards hand washing in children, explain its necessity and importance.

Equipment: a doll, a washstand, a cabinet with a towel, a white dress.

move games: children sit in front of the play area, in which there is a washbasin, a cabinet with a towel. The teacher brings the doll Anya with dirty hands. Anya doll is going to visit and "dressing up". She "beret" dress "dirty hands" and there are stains on the dress. Seeing this, the Anya doll starts crying. teacher speaks: “Oh, Anya doll took the dress with dirty hands! Children, what should be done? (That's right, the doll needs to wash its hands.) Don't cry Anya, we'll wash your hands now."

The child leads the doll to the washbasin and washes the hands of the doll, then wipes them with a towel, takes a white dress and puts it on the doll. Anya doll says "Thank you" and goes to visit. The teacher discusses with the children what happened. Anya doll "came" from a walk and didn't wash my hands. teacher: “Children, you need to come from a walk and be sure to wash your hands”.

After formation positive attitude towards skill hand washing in progress didactic game the teacher proceeded to reinforce this skills in regime moments. In this case, the child had to master a number of sequential actions. As an example, consider the sequential steps a child needs to wash hands: roll up sleeves; open the faucet; wet your hands; take soap in your hands from the soap dish; put your hands with soap under running water and wet the soap; lather your palms, rubbing the soap until foam is obtained; do "soap gloves"; put soap in the soap dish; rub the soap in a circular motion over the entire surface of the hands; continue to do "soap gloves"; put your hands under a stream of water; Wash off the soap from the palms and the back of the hands in a circular motion; shake off water from hands; Close the tap; dry your hands on a towel.

The reproduction of all these stages of action when washing hands requires a high level of perception and development of motor skills from a mentally retarded child.

Didactic game"Pick up clothes for dolls"

Target: learn to name items of clothing, differentiate clothes for boys and girls, dress the doll in sequence.

For Katya: shirt, trousers, sweater, sneakers; dress, jacket, skirt, shoes.

Equipment: two dolls - Mitya doll and Katya doll, sets of clothes for Mitya.

move games. teacher: “Look, children, dolls have come to visit us, but they cannot get dressed, they mixed up their clothes and cannot find their things. Let's help them figure out where, whose things are. Next, the teacher invites the children to allocate pre-prepared clothes for the boy Mitya and for the girl Katya. teacher asks: What do girls wear and what do boys wear? After the children choose clothes for the dolls, one child begins to dress Mitya, and the other - Katya. The teacher at this time focuses the attention of children on the sequence of dressing. If the child cannot cope on his own, an adult helps him with joint actions. The game is carried out in subsequent versions with a change of dolls and clothes and helps to consolidate the choice of clothes for boys and girls. The teacher always praises the children for the fact that the dolls are dressed correctly and beautifully.

Didactic game"Let's dress the doll for a walk"

Target. To develop children's ideas about clothes, the purpose of things. Learn to dress consistently. Cultivate respect for clothing.

Material: doll, box with clothes.

move games: a Katya doll is sitting in front of the children. There is a beautiful box with things on the table. The teacher speaks and shows: - Katya's clothes in the box. He takes out his coat and speaks: - It's a coat. Children repeat after the teacher. The teacher calls the color of the coat (children repeat). The teacher gets cap: - On, Katya, a hat. It is put on the head.

Children take turns taking tights and a blouse out of the box. The teacher begins to dress Katya for a walk. caregiver: - First, put on a blouse. Together with the children, the teacher consistently puts on tights, a sweater, a hat, and a coat. The doll is taken out to the locker room. She watches as the children begin to dress for a walk. Some children have a teacher (doll) reminiscent of the dressing sequence, encourage children's independent actions. Doll with children goes for a walk.

Didactic game"Comb the doll"

Target: learn to display actions often performed by adults (combing). Develop cultural hygiene skills. Cultivate kindness. Use nursery rhyme to expand vocabulary.

Material: doll, cockerel, comb.

move games: a doll in a beautiful dress sits on the teacher’s table, a cockerel and a comb lies. - Children, Katya doll came to visit us. She can't brush herself. Let's help her. To comb the doll we need a comb (comb). Let's ask him to the Cockerel.

The teacher reads a joke:

Cockerel, cockerel,

Give me your comb.

Well, please, please -

I'll comb my curls.

The cockerel gives the children a comb. Children take turns approaching and trying to comb the doll. The teacher helps. The teacher reads the nursery rhyme again and offers to comb one of the children. The teacher shows the children a beautiful combed doll. Children show the Cockerel how they combed their hair with his comb and combed the doll. The teacher, the doll and the children thank the Cockerel and ask him to stay and play.
