Drawing on nails for beginners at home. How to paint on nails? Nail painting technique

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If you don't have the opportunity to go to a nail salon regularly, or you just want to do your own patterned nail art, it's helpful to have a list of tools on hand that will come in handy for creating it. What do you need for nail art, besides the basic set, which includes a base, fixative varnish, cuticle pusher, file and nail polish remover? Save our cheat sheet.

  • Matte top coat. It is necessary in order to instantly make a glossy coating.

© valentinakadyrova

  • Corrective pencil. To make a neat manicure, it is not necessary to be a professional - it is enough to know how to correct inaccuracies in applying varnish. For this, a special pencil is suitable, the tip of which is soaked in nail polish remover. They can easily erase the excess around the nail plate.
  • Remover for glitter. They are also produced in the form of fabric discs. Such a tool will help to remove both small and larger glitter in no time.

© nyxcosmetic.ru

  • Repairing nail treatment. If you are a fan of extended nails or often do manicures with gel polish, then you are probably familiar with the problem of dry and brittle nails. Take a break for at least a week and limit yourself to using a restorative and strengthening nail product for this time - apply it before bed and see how your nails regain their healthy look.

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  • Ribbon for nail design. Use very thin in a metallic shade - you can stick it on your nails to complement patterned nail art, or use it to draw a thin and even line along it.

© nailartbymami

  • Foil for nails. Paint your nails with your favorite color polish, apply special foil glue, and then apply the foil with quick, jerky movements - it will leave beautiful chaotic patterns on your nails.

  • Dotter. If you want to draw large scattered dots on your nails or line them up, use a dotter. It is the best fit for a polka dot manicure.

© valentinakadyrova

  • Thin brush. It can be bought at any art store, and then used in nail art to make thin and neat drawings. If you use varnishes of several shades at once in a manicure, do not forget to thoroughly clean the brush each time before you pick up a new shade of varnish.
  • Loose glitter. It will instantly turn a manicure into a festive one, one has only to apply it in an even layer on a base coat that has not yet dried. Glitter also decorates the tips of the nails, and you can also use it to achieve an ombre effect. Take a look, for example, at Face & Body Glitter from NYX Professional Makeup.

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  • Rhinestones. If you want to get a voluminous manicure with a "3D effect", use rhinestones.

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  • Pearls. Small balls of mother-of-pearl color will instantly make the manicure more “girly”. Use only those that are intended for manicure, and combine, for example, with red varnish (decorating the hole at the base of the nails with pearls).
  • Stickers. If you do not have time for beautiful nail art, buy stickers with a ready-made design.

© valentinakadyrova

  • LED lamp. Most gel polishes require its use in order to quickly make the coating hard and more resistant.
  • High-quality varnishes of classical shades. Translucent, scarlet, dense white and black varnishes are a basic set that is a must-have not only because it is a classic, but also because it is most often used when creating patterned nail art.

© rafinails

  • Nude polishes. They are good because they are almost invisible, but they make the manicure neat, and also visually lengthen the nail plate. Such varnish is an excellent choice, for example, for an interview.

© essiepolish

  • Metal varnishes. Gold, rose gold, lilac, azure and silver will go with almost any outfit.

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  • Lucky shades of precious stones. They are usually very tight and are great for adding a festive flair to an evening outfit. In some cases, they look like a worthy alternative to real jewelry.
  • Neon varnishes. To instantly “revive” a manicure, use colors such as fuchsia, bright pink, orange, yellow.

© valentinakadyrova

Nail designs for beginners are a great way to add variety to your regular manicure. Drawing them is not at all as difficult as it seems. Moreover, the trend is simple and neat patterns on the nails. There are many techniques for applying drawings on nails, with perseverance and accuracy, they are available to any beauty who loves to take care of her hands and loves manicure.

Constant training in drawing will help you gain experience and “fill your hand”, and over time it will be possible to decorate nails not only for yourself, but also for your friends. And if you wish, you can even turn this occupation into a profitable profession.

Advice! For beginners, it is not necessary to immediately buy the most expensive fixtures and materials. At first, you can even practice on simple watercolors that are easily washed off.

There are several basic techniques for creating simple designs on nails. But first you need to prepare the workplace, tools and auxiliary materials.

A set of accessories for painting on nails

Simple patterns on nails for beginners can be drawn using improvised materials. For drawing drawings you will need:

  • scotch;
  • needle;
  • foil;
  • glitter sprinkles;
  • thin brushes;
  • varnishes of various colors;
  • toothpicks;
  • cotton buds;
  • nailfile;
  • nail polish remover, etc.

Advice! The workplace should be well lit, it is better to use a table lamp with an ordinary incandescent lamp (not fluorescent), as it does not distort colors.

Preliminary preparation

Before starting to paint patterns on nails, it is important for beginners to know that a manicure should be done on the hands.

Now you need to stock up on patience, perseverance and accuracy.

Advice! You can practice drawing patterns on paper blanks made in the shape of a nail and having the same dimensions.

Scotch to help us

To create patterns on nails for beginners, it is important to consider the main popular techniques in stages, for example, using adhesive tape. You can also buy special self-adhesive strips for manicure, they are sold in nail art stores.

So a simple, but at the same time original and neat manicure in two colors is ready! Now, using this technique, you can create patterns in the form of triangles, diamonds and multi-colored stripes.

Using this method, you can also do french manicure.

Advice! A very beautiful manicure will turn out, for example, if you cut out a pattern template in the form of stripes, circles from adhesive tape.

Patterns on nails in dot technique

By drawing neat dots on the nails, you can get original patterns that will look quite good for beginners. You can buy special tools for spot painting, or you can get by with improvised means:

  • toothpicks;
  • hairpins;
  • thin rods.

Using different devices, you can get dots of different diameters, so small dots are obtained if you use toothpicks, and large ones if you use the back end of the pencil, you can even leave prints with an elastic band on its tip. A drawing is created from dots, these are flowers, patterns, animals, figures. You can simply decorate the nail with a series of dots from the base to the edge of the plate.

A variant of dot painting is drop painting. A larger drop is placed in the center of the nail, and smaller droplets are located around.

Advice!When mastering this technique, you can buy professional tools for dot painting. They are called dots.

Gradient nail decoration

Another pattern for beginners is presented step by step. It looks very impressive, and it is created easily and simply with the help of eye shadow and a sponge. To do this, the main color varnish is applied to the nail, after drying, eye shadow is applied to it with a sponge, and now the resulting colored enamel is covered with a colorless varnish.

Advice!It is better to pre-check the interaction of the transparent varnish and the shadows planned for application in order to exclude their ugly spreading or unnecessary reaction.

Draw with a needle

Drawing patterns with a needle is quite suitable for beginners. According to the technique of execution, it is somewhat reminiscent of dot painting, but it has its own characteristics. All you need to create a drawing is an ordinary needle, and multi-colored varnishes - 2-3 pieces. There are no restrictions on color, the main thing is that the colors do not merge with each other. Varnishes of contrasting colors will look very nice. So, the step-by-step technology of applying a pattern with a needle:

  1. Nails are covered with colorless varnish. This is necessary to protect against possible scratches received from the needle if you press too hard on the plate.
  2. After the varnish dries, the main varnish of the chosen color is applied on top.
  3. A drop of another varnish is applied on top, and until it dries, a drawing needs to be done with a needle. Gently immersing the needle directly into a drop of contrasting varnish, and moving it in different directions, form a pattern or pattern.
  4. After the resulting pattern has dried, a transparent varnish is again applied on top to fix it. Thus, you can either mix varnishes with each other, or get thin lines - it all depends on your imagination! You can get an abstract, ornate pattern or tropical flower petals.

You can create a specific pattern. For this, for example, a large red dot is placed in the center. This will be the center of the flower. Now the outline of the petals is drawn with a needle from the center. The lines can be painted over with a varnish of a different color and shaded with a needle. After complete drying, a fixing base is applied.

Advice! It is better to practice on a paper blank first.

Drawing patterns with a brush

How to draw patterns on nails for beginners with a brush? Actually, it's not as difficult as it seems. For example, to create a geometric pattern, you will need: a base, a base coat, varnishes of two colors, a thin brush. In terms of complexity, this technique is comparable to needle drawing, and for beginners it is quite suitable:

  • nails are covered with a base base;
  • mentally draw a line across the nail, dividing it into two equal parts.

One of the parts is painted over, for example, with blue varnish; using black varnish and a thin brush, a black strip is applied, separating the painted blue part. The result is a manicure with a clear contour of varnishes in contrasting colors.

The finished pattern, as usual, is covered with a base base. With a thin brush, you can draw “leopard patterns”, for this, brown spots are first drawn, then they are outlined with black varnish.

Advice! If it is difficult and inconvenient to draw on the fingers of the right hand with the help of the left, you can choose only one nail for applying the pattern, and cover the rest with varnishes in contrasting colors.

decor decoration

With the help of decorative elements, you can easily decorate your nails for the holiday; this will require glitter sprinkles, rhinestones, sparkles, etc. You will also need a colorless varnish, base varnish. The technique of applying patterns using decor elements is very simple:

  • Nails are covered with a colorless base.
  • If desired, a varnish coating of a different color is applied.
  • After drying, decorative elements are laid out on the surface in the right order.
  • The base coat is applied again on top.

Glitter powder applied on top of white polish

Advice! In order for the decor not to crumble ahead of time, you should try to choose elements that are as close as possible to the nail.

Applying patterns with tulle

With this method, the nail acquires an interesting openwork pattern. To do this, you need a piece of tulle with a beautiful small lace. The nails are prepared, as with other techniques (varnish base, base color), preventing the second layer of base color from drying completely, a piece of tulle is applied to the nail plate, pressed for a while and removed. It turns out the imprint of openwork tulle on enamel, and now you just need to cover it with a transparent varnish to fix it.

Advice! The pattern can be selected for each finger individually. And instead of tulle, take a knitted fabric or velvet.

Acrylic paints will decorate your fingers

This method of applying patterns is also suitable for beginners; in terms of complexity, it is equivalent to painting with varnish using a thin brush. Some beginners may find it even easier to complete.
For example, you can draw a branch. To do this, you will need yellow and green paints. It is carried out in the following steps:

  1. Varnish of some soft color is applied.
  2. From left to top, two curved lines are drawn with a brush - these will be branches. The lines are drawn with bright yellow acrylic paint.
  3. With the same brush, small leaves are drawn on the branch.
  4. The middle of the leaflet is tinted with lighter paint.
  5. Everything is covered with a colorless varnish for fixing.

Advice! Do not forget about applying a transparent varnish as a fixative. Without it, the paints will quickly be washed off with water.

Nail trends 2016

Neat and well-groomed nails do not go out of fashion. Short nails are in trend this year. Almond-shaped nails do not lose popularity, giving the image harmony.

The color scheme is distinguished by non-standard colors, for example, turquoise shades are suitable for red-haired beauties, and denim style will be interesting for young girls. Shades of coral color are already a classic for feminine and elegant.

Fashionable this season, the mint color will not disappear in the fall. Nude nail polish is also popular, and the most daring girls are already using yellow vinyl, dark lavender and hot coral. The pink color, which has also become a classic, does not leave "from the stage". Interesting varnish "confetti". It unusually combines coral and violet particles, there are also particles of a calm pink color of various sizes.

Styles and directions of nail design in 2016

Patterns and decorative elements on the nails have already become a tradition of nail art. Geometric figures are in demand this season, as well as drawings in the form of squares, cells or triangles.

Thematic decor

There were also interesting "frames". The main color is framed along the contour with a varnish of a contrasting color. The tradition of monolacquer in the design of nails does not get old either.

You can dilute the image by designing a pair of fingers, simply highlighting them with varnish of a different color. Summer passed under the sign of brightness and luxury. Combinations of bright manicure with decorative elements in the form of massive jewelry are in fashion. Stripes on nails are still popular. At the peak - a blue base with a white stripe, in tone with the now fashionable marine outfits.

Lunar manicure does not lose its position. Its most sought-after look is a black matte finish with a silvery and shiny lunula.

To create a geometric design, you need to use at least 3 types of varnish. New combination: beige - black - white. For several seasons, the theme of geometry is still relevant. The side jacket is also interesting, this is when a strip of white is drawn on the side of the nail.

The so-called unusual lacquer blots are also in demand. There is also a trend towards the natural look of nails in fashion, as a result, flesh-colored varnishes are popular. Transparent varnish is also in trend.

Don't be afraid to experiment

Women always dream of having beautiful and well-groomed nails. It is not worth chasing fashion trends, instead you can become the creator of your design, only starting from fashion trends as a starting point.

It is quite possible to independently create a pattern and decorate nails, especially since, as it turned out, it is not so difficult - the main thing is to follow the rules and know the secrets of performing techniques. No need to be afraid to connect your imagination and design capabilities, no need to be afraid to experiment.

Who knows, maybe next season it will be your design that you yourself came up with that will be taken as the basis?

Recently, it has become fashionable to depict various patterns and patterns on the nails. Of course, complex images can only be performed by true professionals. However, there are such compositions that it is quite possible to make yourself. In order to make drawings on the nails at home, you need a little patience and practice.

Before you start drawing pictures on the nails, you need to give the nails the desired shape. This can be done with a nail file with a diamond, sapphire or diamond coating. Do not use metal files, they can damage the nail. If the shape of the nails suits you, you can proceed to the next step.

How to draw on nails video

How to draw on nails? It is worth taking the choice of colored varnishes with all responsibility, since their range is quite wide, and the quality is different. Do not be afraid to buy varnishes from different manufacturers, because only in this way you can find the most suitable products for your nails. Performing drawings on nails at home, use acrylic paints. They look great on nails, are easy to use, and even cost a fraction of the price of some nail polishes. It is also worth taking care of the tools for drawing on the nails.

Drawings on the nails

You can purchase a special manicure kit. It includes several brushes of various thicknesses that will help make the drawing on the nails more perfect. Improvised tools in the form of hairpins, needles, toothpicks are also perfect - they will help to apply small dots and draw thin lines. Drawings on nails at home can be depicted on both natural and artificial nails. Make sure you have cotton swabs and nail polish remover on hand. They will help eliminate minor errors.

Simple drawings on the nails

How to paint on nails at home

Do not be afraid to implement your own ideas on nails. Here you can let your imagination run wild. Otherwise, you can take ideas for drawings from the Internet, magazines and other sources. It will be useful to attend manicure courses for beginners. The master will tell and show how to draw individual elements and connect them together. Such lessons can replace years of practice.

So, we begin to make drawings on the nails at home. To do this, cover the nails with a base coat. It can be clear, beige, light pink or more intense nail polish. It is better to apply the coating in two layers and allow to dry well. Let's move on to the drawing. The brush must be dipped in varnish, removing its excess. We start making simple drawings - flowers, lines, circles, etc. This is where the flight of fantasy begins.

Nail design video

Do not clutter up the drawing too much. In view of the lack of experience, it is better to make simple drawings on the nails at home, for example, one flower or a couple of abstract lines. Over time, you will learn how to combine elements with each other, and the drawings will be more complex and professional. Do not try to immediately draw a work of art. Otherwise, you may be disappointed in your abilities and quit learning nail art.

Photo of nails

After the drawings on the nails at home take on a complete look, a fixative in the form of a clear varnish or a layer of acrylic should be applied on top. In order for the pattern to remain on the nails as long as possible, it is necessary to cover the nails with a colorless varnish every 2-3 days. In this way, the brilliance will be maintained and the pattern will remain just as unsurpassed.

Nail design leopard nails

How to draw on nails

Photo of nails

Drawings on nails photo

When working around the house or in the garden, it is better to wear special protective gloves. Such measures will help protect the nails from the negative effects of harmful factors, as well as extend the life of the pattern. Particular attention should be paid to drawings on short nails. Owners of such nails will agree that making them attractive is not as easy as long nails. Drawings for short nails can become the main element of a flawless and beautiful manicure, as well as give your hands an attractive and well-groomed look.

Drawings on nails photo

At first glance, it seems that drawings on short nails are difficult to apply, but with a little practice, you will do all this without much difficulty. For owners of short nails, the main thing is to choose the right pattern and correctly place it. The design should be simple, without any special decorations, otherwise the manicure may look careless.

Drawings on the nails is not very difficult to create. The main thing is to have different shades of varnishes, glosses and acrylic paints on hand. And all this is complemented by special stickers and rhinestones. Nails can be decorated with drawings not only in special cases, but also when creating everyday manicure.

Before you start painting nails, you need to prepare the work surface by cleaning the nail plates, filing and polishing. The cuticle is gently moved to the side. Having finished the preparatory stage, attention can be focused on the design of nails. Below we will describe the processes for creating several simple designs for short nails.

Drawing "Night sky"

  • black or dark blue varnish for the base layer;
  • silver varnish or stickers for nail art "stars and moon";
  • silver rhinestones;
  • clear nail polish;
  • tweezers.

Application method:

  1. First you need to apply black varnish in two layers and let it dry thoroughly.
  2. If you are in a hurry when creating designs on your nails, you can use a hairdryer to dry.
  3. With the help of silver varnish and a thin brush, you need to draw the stars and the moon, or stick stickers of the stars and the moon with tweezers.
  4. The stickers need to be pressed down so that they stick well.
  5. Coat everything with clear varnish.
  6. Until it dries, decorate the nail plates with rhinestones and dry the varnish.
  7. Apply a layer of fixing varnish.

Drawing on the nails "Falling snow"

For manicure you will need the following materials:

  • white acrylic paint;
  • light blue glossy varnish for the main layer;
  • thin brush;
  • fixative varnish;
  • silver rhinestones.

Application method:

  1. First, a blue glossy varnish is applied in two layers and dried.
  2. Then, using a liner brush and white acrylic paint, three crosses are drawn (one in the upper left corner, one in the middle right and one in the lower left).
  3. Next, diagonal lines intersecting each other are drawn, each of which passes through the middle of the cross.
  4. After drying the acrylic paint, a top layer of fixing varnish is applied and a rhinestone is applied on top - right at the center point of the cross and intersecting lines.
  5. At the end, the nails are covered with a final layer of fixing varnish.

So, you are convinced that drawings on nails at home is not at all difficult!

Drawing on the nails "Snake"

For manicure you will need the following materials:

  • golden nail polish;
  • fixing varnish;
  • black acrylic paint;
  • thin brush.

Application method:

  1. First, two coats of golden polish are applied to the top of each nail.
  2. After it dries, using a liner brush and black acrylic paint, snakes are drawn on the nails of the ring fingers.
  3. On the rest of the nails with black paint we depict snake skin.
  4. After the paint has dried, two layers of fixing varnish are applied and dried thoroughly.

Pattern "Polka Dots"

For manicure you will need the following materials:

  • white nail polish;
  • fixing varnish;
  • a set of dots;
  • colored varnishes to create "peas".

Application method:

  1. The nails are covered with two layers of white varnish and dried.
  2. Then a fixative varnish is applied and until it dries, several colored dots are placed on top with dots.
  3. The varnish is dried and covered with a layer of fixing varnish.


A selection of the simplest and most unusual nail designs that you can do yourself!

Absolutely every girl who wants to create a unique bright and fashionable image can make a manicure with drawings and decorative elements! Do you want to create a manicure with a variety of beautiful patterns? - Then the women's magazine Women's Tricks will teach you how to create drawings on nails at home!

How can you make drawings on nails?

The most favorite and easiest option for a beginner. And all thanks to the ease of application and stylish elegant look! You can make several parallel strips at the tip or along the entire nail plate. You can make them with varnish and a brush or special adhesive strips.

Scotch. Ordinary stationery or paper tape is an excellent template for creating perfect nail art. Starting from a variety of stripes, ending with patterned elements, you will get a stylish and fashionable manicure at home!

Dots. A good option for beginners, drawings are made using a special dots tool, which can easily replace a toothpick. Dots can be applied randomly or in the form of animals, flowers, geometric shapes, etc.

Needle drawings. Making drawings with a needle on the nails is very simple, the main thing is to have patience and the desire to make a unique stylish manicure. First coat the nail surface with a base coat. Then apply varnish, make a few drops with a different color and connect with a toothpick or brush into several lines. Finish with clear varnish.

Decorative elements. If you are worried that you will not be able to make drawings on your nails yourself, use decorative elements - stickers, rhinestones, glitter and other other design details. They are applied very simply - after color coating, apply rhinestones on a dry nail and fix with a transparent varnish.

Not everyone can afford to go to salons, but you can make a beautiful manicure at home. You can diversify the design with drawings. Consider beautiful and modern designs on the nails.

A beautiful manicure is an important part of the image for any woman. After all, men often pay attention to women's hands and how well-groomed they are. Not everyone can afford to go to salons, but you can make a beautiful manicure at home. You can diversify the design with drawings. Today Manikurchik.ru will give you ideas for nail designs that can be done without any special skills.

What tools and materials are needed

The drawing will not be neat if the nails are broken, have different shapes and untidy cuticles. First you need to qualitatively and put your nails in order. Next, you can proceed to varnishing and drawing a picture.

Modern nail art involves the use of various kinds of improvised means, with the help of which beautiful drawings are obtained. Absolutely everything is used as decor materials, from stickers to rhinestones.

To create drawings, you may need:

  • Scotch
  • Fine brush
  • Needle
  • Glitter Powder
  • Nail stickers
  • Glue and foil
  • Pebbles and rhinestones
  • Varnishes and paints
  • Toothpick
  • Sponge

The selection of materials will be easy if there is an exact scheme for the future drawing.

toothpick pattern

He needs a toothpick and colored varnishes. If everything is done correctly, the result will look neat, and a manicure is suitable both for a holiday and on a weekday:

  • The nails are covered with a monophonic dark varnish.
  • A little contrast varnish is poured onto a sheet of paper.
  • Draw a pattern using a toothpick.
  • When it dries, cover with a colorless varnish.

It is so convenient to draw a heart, a flower, a twig or any other pattern - it all depends on how much free time you have and what you want to depict on your nails.

Simple drawings with a needle

If you want to create a neat pattern, then you can’t do without a needle to draw thin lines. An ornament with a needle is created on nails of any length, constantly changing color and creating contrast.

To do everything right, follow these instructions:

  1. A transparent base is applied to the nails.
  2. Bright varnish put small dots with a brush. To make it more convenient, the varnish can be poured into a small bowl or onto a sheet of paper.
  3. A drawing is drawn with a needle - all points are connected or other patterns are drawn.
  4. After all this should dry up.
  5. Fix the result with a fixative varnish so that the pattern lasts on the nails for as long as possible.

In this technique, it is very convenient to draw butterflies, flowers, twigs, since a thin needle is suitable for depicting small details.

Lacquer drawings step by step

If you are not comfortable using a toothpick or a needle, you can buy some varnishes with thin brushes and apply patterns with them.

For example, the youth pattern "sneakers" looks bright due to the use of different colors. But it will take a little time and patience to apply it:

  • Nails are covered with different colors of varnish.
  • With the help of white, draw a toe at the nail.
  • Lines are drawn along the length.
  • All stripes are connected diagonally.
  • Black varnish put dots on top of the "sock" and draw them.
  • Colorless varnish is used to fix the result.

Classic manicure became popular back in the 60s and has remained relevant ever since. This combination is suitable for both a young girl and an aged lady:

  1. Prepare your nails for applying polish.
  2. Special manicure stencils are glued to the base. They should form a semicircle.
  3. Apply 2-3 coats of base color polish.
  4. Dry it.
  5. Peel off the stickers and paint over the semicircle with a varnish of a different shade. It can also be left unpainted.
  6. Apply a top coat of colorless varnish.

brush drawings

In specialty stores there are a lot of varieties of brushes for painting. They have different lengths, shapes and thicknesses. Using them, you can create all sorts of masterpieces of nail art.

If you like to experiment, buy two different brushes. So it will be convenient to apply large and small details to decorate nails.

Tape design

Using simple tape, you can create a moon or French manicure, as well as apply complex geometric patterns to your nails. It is only necessary to think over the design in advance, and at the end cover everything with a fixative varnish.

Dots and how to work with it

Dots is a manicure tool that looks like a pencil with a ball at the end. With it, any patterns are applied. The technique of working with it is that a different shade is applied to the main color applied to the nail - the dots are gently dipped into the liquid and patterns are created over the entire surface. It is convenient for them to create points and draw lines, and the main rule when working is to apply varnish on a wet surface.

Acrylic drawings

Not so long ago, acrylic paints began to be used in creating a beautiful manicure. Their color scale is various, besides, brightness remains for a long time as paints are steady against steam and moisture.

This technique can be used to draw twigs, butterflies.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the drawings on the nails are limited only by your imagination. You can safely experiment with color solutions, combine techniques and choose the method that is less labor-intensive, but at the same time allows you to achieve better results.

Video “A simple drawing of a ladybug”

Have you already tried to show your imagination and create an original pattern on your nails? Show your result in the comments!
