Names of foreign Santa Clauses. Santa Clauses from around the world

On New Year's Eve, all the children wait with bated breath for the gifts that the fairy-tale grandfather will pull out of the bag. But not in all countries a gray-haired old man comes to them. After all, many nations have their own traditions. We decided to meet Santa Clauses from different parts of the world and talk about those who, tirelessly, will give happiness, smiles and festive mood all these days.

Ukraine and post-Soviet countries:Father Frost. A gray-haired grandfather with a big beard, wearing a long red or blue sheepskin coat, has been visiting children in post-Soviet countries since the 30s of the last century. Until this time, Christmas trees were banned in the Soviet Union as a “relic of the past.” Historically, among the Slavic peoples, Moroz, Morozko, is a short old man who causes bitter frosts. Belarusians call him Zyuzya.

Poland and Ukraine:St Nicholas. Christian is a prototype of Santa Claus and Father Frost. According to legend, he puts gifts in socks, and naughty children get rods. In the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary this character is called Mikalas, in Germany - Nicholas. Over the past few years, Ukrainian traditions have been revived -.

USA, Canada, UK: Santa Claus. The name comes from a corruption of the Dutch sound of St. Nicholas. The Dutch founded a colony in America in the 17th century. Now the arrival of the jolly Santa is awaited in all English-speaking countries.

Finland and Scandinavian countries: Joulupukki. Despite the fact that Lapland is considered the birthplace of Santa Claus and his residence, known throughout the world, is located here, the Finns have their own grandfather. His name is Joulupukki (literally – Christmas goat). Now the image has almost merged with Santa in appearance, but sometimes Joulupukki is depicted in a goat skin or in a goat cart.

France: Père Noël. This fairy-tale character enters the house to give gifts through a chimney. Père Noël wears wooden shoes and places gifts in his shoes.

Italy: Babbo Natale. This is the name of the Christmas grandfather who appears to Italian children. But in this country it is not only he who gives gifts, but also the fairy Befana, who delivers sweets.

Mongolia: Uvlin Uvgun. This grandfather has a striking hat with horns and is dressed in traditional cattle breeder clothing. Among the Mongols and Kalmyks and Buryats, the New Year is Tsagan Sar, the holiday of shepherds. It occurs two months after the winter solstice. And Uvlin Uvgun is the main shepherd.

Already from the first days of December, people around the world begin to prepare for the New Year. And the most fabulous, most welcome guest at this holiday, of course, is Santa Claus. All children want to receive a Christmas present from their kind grandfather and write letters to him. To ensure that letters reach the recipient, children send them in the most incredible ways: they put them in the freezer, throw them out the window, leave them under the tree, or send them by mail. Everyone wants to be at least for a short time in a magical fairyland where Santa Claus lives. And if you ask a child where the magical grandfather lives and what his real name is, you may get somewhat contradictory answers, because there are different Santa Clauses for children in different countries of the world.

A real earthly person, whose image formed the basis for many good characters from different countries and cultures. During his lifetime, he performed real miracles and was considered the patron saint of children. In Poland, St. Nicholas Day begins a series of winter holidays, it is celebrated on December 6, followed by Christmas and Sylvester. Saint Nicholas, as in his lifetime, is the patron of all children. He encourages them with his gifts, and the child’s parents help him in this.

Santa Claus

This is a good wizard in whom children in the USA, Canada, Great Britain and Western European countries believe. The prototype of Santa is St. Nicholas, and over time in America the image of an elf was invented who sneaks into the house through the chimney pipe to put gifts for children. He travels on a reindeer sled. The good wizard was named Santa Claus. Soon, the kind fat man became a welcome guest at the Christmas holidays. He wears a red jacket, pants and a hat with a brim. Not all children in America can be reached by Santa on his reindeer, so he has a ship and, in some cases, a surfboard to travel to warmer areas. Children love Santa and leave him cookies and milk.

Babbo Natale

In Italian it is Father Christmas. He is the most welcome guest in every home in Italy during the Christmas holidays, whose image is also associated with St. Nicholas. Babbo Natale travels on a sled and reindeer, but he leaves gifts under the Christmas tree. Children write letters to him and send them to Lapland, but not everyone will be able to receive gifts, only obedient children.

Dong Che Lao Ren or Shan Dan Laozhen

That's the name of the Chinese grandpa. He looks like an old sage and wears traditional clothes for eastern countries, a silk robe, usually red, an ornate headdress with pompoms, leans on a staff and moves on a donkey. Exotic appearance does not prevent Shan Dan Laozhen from having much in common with his European and American colleagues. A Chinese grandfather puts gifts in socks hanging on the walls. Laixi envelopes are a traditional gift in China.


Another exotic Santa Claus, who spends the entire “golden” week visiting the homes of Japanese children. Segatsu-san wears a blue kimono. Adults build special gates for the welcome guest, and children wear beautiful things, attracting good luck and health. During the holiday, various games are played, and images of sailing ships are hidden under pillows. Instead of Segats-san, parents give gifts. Recently, a new hero named Oji-san has appeared in Japan. The new Santa Claus is dressed in a red sheepskin coat, travels by sea and brings gifts. His image has already become a favorite among Japanese children.


Translated as “Yule Goat”, it means the Christmas grandfather who brings gifts to children at Christmas. The image of Joulupukki is associated with the winter solstice. Then they received gifts from the Yule goat. Until recently, Joulupukki wore the skin of a goat and had small horns, but now he is becoming more and more like Santa Claus, wears a long sheepskin coat with a small splash of national color for Finland, and warns of his appearance with a bell. Unlike the good Santa Claus and Nicholas, Joulupukki is not such a good hero. He doesn’t even bring gifts to good and obedient children, but he takes away bad and disobedient children for re-education.


The Irish Santa Claus named Daid-na-nolag, which translates as Father Christmas, has a very unique image. In a land full of legends and fairy-tale elves, this Irish Father Christmas is more like an astrologer, wearing a green fur coat, a staff decorated with herbs and a wreath instead of a hat. According to tradition, to see their future, girls put fragrant herbs under their pillow at night, and the holiday itself in Ireland is filled with unusual events and mysticism.

Yamal Iri

Congratulates the peoples living in the North on the New Year holidays. The image of Yamal is based on mythical characters; it is the embodiment of the best qualities of the northern peoples. Yamal Iri is an old man who wears a malitsa and jewelry made from mammoth bones, and his hair is braided. He rests on a magic staff, decorated in the national style. Grandfather gets around on a team of reindeer, but in a modern interpretation he has already learned to ride a snowmobile.

Father Frost

The most long-awaited guest at the New Year's holiday for all children of almost all Slavic countries. According to legend, Father Frost is the strict but fair master of winter, Morozko. Now he is a gray-haired old man, in a long fur coat and a hat, in warm felt boots and huge mittens, he leans on a magic staff and can even freeze with it. But where he lives is difficult to say. There is a version that grandfather lives in Lapland, someone claims that he lives in the North Pole. He comes to the guys in a sleigh, he himself controls three horses, but he can also come on skis. They say that Santa Claus has a bottomless bag, so he only takes gifts from there himself, accurately guessing who he has prepared which for whom. He always appears at the holiday together with the Snow Maiden, who is his granddaughter. The image of the Snow Maiden is based on frozen water. Santa Claus, despite his advanced age, loves to play with children under the Christmas tree, dance in circles and endlessly listen to children's poems and songs. He leaves gifts for the children under the Christmas tree.

New Year is a favorite and long-awaited holiday. Each nation has its own traditions, how to prepare for it and how to greet it. On New Year's holiday, people believe in miracles, in magic, in the fulfillment of dreams, which will certainly happen if the most welcome guest for this holiday appears on the doorstep of the house, no matter what his name is - Father Frost, Santa Claus, Zyuzya, Tovlis Babua, Dzmir Papi, Sintarklaas or Yultumts.

Soon the New Year will be knocking on the door of every home, and all the inhabitants of our vast planet are looking forward to it with great impatience. Adults want to quickly complete all their urgent tasks in the old year and have a great rest during the upcoming holidays. And the kids, of course, expect wonderful gifts and fabulous magic from the New Year’s celebration.

Every child in Russia knows well who Father Frost is. This is a kind grandfather with a beautiful staff, in a long bright fur coat, with a snow-white beard and a large bag of holiday gifts. This amazing and charming image is familiar to all of us from early childhood, from the time of New Year's matinees. The snowy residence of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden is located in Veliky Ustyug, where postcards and letters with children's wishes are sent.

In countries around the world, Santa Claus is called by completely different names. Let's figure out who children are expecting in various places around the world on New Year's Eve, and what kind of fairy-tale characters there are.

Original names of Santa Clauses

- a chubby favorite of American and Australian children. Dressed in a short purple jacket and pants, with a funny cap on his head.

A good-natured old man rides through the air on fast reindeer and enters the house through a chimney. Santa Claus from Australia can dress much more original, for example, come to congratulate children in swimming trunks, because it is very hot there in winter. But such an outfit does not confuse anyone, but only makes Australian kids especially happy.

– lives in snowy Lapland (Finland). It was not by chance that he was given such a sonorous name. In ancient times, a grandfather dressed in goat skin delivered New Year's gifts on a white goat.

Translated from Finnish, “joulu” means Christmas, and “pukki” means goat. All letters with fabulous wishes are written by thousands of children in Lapland, the city of Rovaniemi. Finnish children adore their Joulupukki because he is very kind and has the most wonderful cap in the world.

Previously, Finnish children were very afraid of Joulupukki, who punished or carried away naughty children. It is not for nothing that Joulupukki is translated from Finnish as “Christmas goat”. Modern Joulupukki has become much nicer and even brings gifts to children.

- lives in Denmark and Norway. These are wonderful characters - dwarfs with small beards, kind eyes and bright knitted caps.

It is Nissa who helps choose the most beautiful Christmas tree for the holiday! Norwegian gnomes climb to the top of the fluffiest spruce tree and swing the tree until people notice. The most important brownie, Nisse, lives near Oslo, in the town of Drebak.

Norwegian "Santa Clauses" are little brownies. Nisse are kind and help people around the house. But gnomes work exclusively at night, when people are sleeping.

(Father of Christmas) is a wonderful, kind old man with a gorgeous white beard from old England. Grandfather is dressed in a cute red suit and black morocco boots.

Local children love to tell him different rhymes and sing funny songs, for which he gives them candies and toys.

Every child in the United Kingdom tries to behave well all year long so that Father Christmas can give them the coveted gift on Christmas Day. In England, children are required to write a letter to the English Santa Claus with a story about their own achievements and desired gifts and throw the letter into the fireplace.

- beloved Santa Claus from France. Translated from French it means “Christmas Father”. On a dark night, he rides up to any house on a gray donkey and gives New Year and Christmas gifts with all his heart.

Pere Noel quickly enters the house through the chimney and carefully places his gifts in specially displayed boots and shoes.

Pierre Noel translates as "Grandfather January". And he is not accompanied by the Snow Maiden, but by the strict gnome Pierre Fouétard with a rod, who carefully checks that only obedient children receive gifts.

- a New Year's character from Japan, translated as "Mr. New Year." Dressed in a beautiful blue kimono, he walks cheerfully throughout the “golden week” before the New Year holidays.

He joyfully looks into the windows of houses, although he does not give gifts; gifts are given to children by parents.

Segatsu-san congratulates the Japanese for 7 days - “golden week”. But today, increasingly, little Japanese residents are waiting for Oji-san, who is similar to the American Santa Claus.

Of course, you ask: “Which of them is the best, kindest and most magical?” Perhaps it's not that important. The most important thing is that all Santa Clauses from all countries love their children, they manage to come to every child on New Year’s Eve and give only desired and wonderful gifts.

Santa Clauses from different countries

Now, if there are a lot of “New Years” in different countries throughout the year, then what can we talk about Santa Clauses! This popular Grandfather does not wander through his native forests and villages, but on New Year’s Eve he also manages to delight with his presence everyone who is expecting him and sincerely believes that Grandfather Frost will certainly come! So what kind of “overseas Santa Clauses” are they and where do they live?

Russia- Father Frost.

This is a tall old man with a long white beard, in a red fur coat, with a staff and a bag of gifts. But before, the ancient Slavs imagined him as a short, stooped old man with a long gray beard. He walks through forests and fields, knocks with his staff and freezes water bodies with ice. He does not like those who complain about the fierce winter, but to those who rejoice, on the contrary, he gives vigor and a healthy, hot glow. The image of our grandfather Morosh, which has survived to this day, was created by Soviet filmmakers in the mid-30s of the 20th century.

Meet the brother of Father Frost from Tatarstan -

Kysh Babay

Kindgrandfather Kysh Babai , with whom his snowy granddaughter, Kar Kyzy, always comes, congratulates the children on the New Year in Tatarstan. This winter wizard's costume is blue. Kysh Babai has a white beard, sly eyes and a very kind smile.New Year's events with the participation of Kysh Babai in Tatarstan are accompanied by the presence of characters from Tatar folk tales - Shurale, Batyr, Shaitan. Kysh Babai, just like our Santa Claus, gives gifts to children - he always has a bag full of them.

America Santa Claus . Gray hair, a neat beard trimmed short and a mustache. Red sheepskin coat, trousers and cap. A dark leather belt with a buckle fits around his thick belly. Thin white gloves. Often wears glasses. He smokes a pipe (although lately he has been trying not to “press” on this element of the image), travels through the air on reindeer, enters the house through the chimney and throws gifts into shoes and stockings left near the fireplace. The children leave milk and chocolate chip cookies for him.

Santa is a middle-aged man, overweight, cheerful and cheerful. Usually one appears, but may be accompanied by gnomes and elves. The name “Santa Claus” first appeared in the press in 1773.

In Australia -Santa Claus, Since the climate does not allow wearing a fur coat, here Santa appears in a red bathing suit, but always in a hat with fur.

Brother of Santa Claus -

Sinterklaas from Holland

This winter wizard is a lover of sailing, because every year on New Year’s and Christmas he sails to Holland on a beautiful ship.

He is accompanied by many black servants who help in his travels, as well as in preparations for the New Year's celebrations.

Brother of Santa Claus in Italy - Bubbe Natale

The Italian winter wizard comes to every home. He doesn't need doors - he uses the chimney to get down from the roof into the room. In order for Bubbe Natale to have a little something to eat from the road, the children always leave a cup of milk by the fireplace or stove.

The good fairy La Befana gives gifts to the children of Italy, and the mischievous children receive coal from the fairy-tale evil sorceress Befana.

In appearance, she resembles Baba Yaga from Russian fairy tales, but unlike Baba Yaga, Befana is terrible on the face, but kind on the inside. On New Year's Eve, she flies through the chimney into each child's house and leaves gifts for good children, although some people find coals instead of sweets. These are also candies, only black, with a hint of bitterness. This is how Befana hints to girls and boys: remember, did you behave well last year, did you upset your parents?

Joulupukki in Finland - the brother of our Santa Claus, who lives in the mountains

The name of this winter wizard is translated, like "Father Christmas". Joulupukki's house stands on a high mountain, and his wife, the kind Muori, also lives in it. A family of hardworking gnomes help Joulupukki with the housework.

Joulupukki himself wears a jacket made of goatskin, a wide leather belt, and a red cap.

In Greece and Cyprus- The name is Santa ClausVasily.Children sing a song: “Saint Basil, where are you, come, Saint Basil, give me happiness, fulfill all my desires.” Here the prototype of the Nativity saint is Basil the Great of Caesarea, a younger contemporary of Nicholas. Saint Basil turned out to be Christmas for the reason that his memory is celebrated by the Greek Church on the first of January. In the guise of a modern Greek St. Vasily has many features from his Western brother. He is depicted as an old man with a white beard,who goes around houses and gives gifts to children.

Yakut Ehee Dyl - northern brother of Santa Claus

Ehee Dyl has a wonderful and strong assistant - a huge bull. Every autumn this bull comes out of the ocean and tries to grow big horns. The longer this bull's horn grows, the stronger the frost will be in Yakutia.

The Yakut brother of Santa Claus is powerful Chyskhaan

The winter wizard from Yakutia has a unique costume - he wears a hat with bull horns, and his clothes are simply stunning with the luxurious decoration. The image of Chyskhaan - the Yakut Bull of Winter - combines two prototypes - a bull and a mammoth, symbolizing strength, wisdom and power.

According to the legend of the Yakut people, in the fall Chyskhaan comes out of the ocean onto land, bringing with it cold and frost. In the spring, Chyskhaan's horns fall off - the frosts weaken, then his head falls off - spring comes, and the ice carries his body into the ocean, where he is miraculously restored until the next autumn.

Yakut Chyskhaan has his own residence in Oymyakon, where guests can come to him and receive cold and frost as a gift.

Pakkaine – Karelian brother of Father Frost

This is the younger brother of Santa Claus, because Pakkaine is young and does not have a beard. He has a permanent place of residence near Petrozavodsk, in a tent.

Pakkaine has dark hair, he dresses in white clothes, a light sheepskin coat, a red cape and blue mittens. Pakkaine gives gifts and sweets to the children of Karelia and scolds the most mischievous ones for disobedience.

Yamal Iri - brother of Father Frost from Yamal

This winter wizard has a constantregistration in Yamal, in the city of Salekhard. Although Yamal Iri came out of the ancient legends of the indigenous Northern peoples, today he lives a completely modern life, uses the Internet and telephone.

By knocking on his magic tambourine, Yamal Iri drives away evil forces. If you touch the magic staff of Yamal Iri, then all your wishes will come true. Yamal Iri's clothing is the traditional attire of the northern peoples: malitsa, kitties and jewelry made from mammoth bones.

Pere Noel – brother of Santa Claus from France

. Literally Père Noel translates as Father of Christmas. He arrives with his old grandfather Shaland. Père Noël gives gifts to good children, and Chalande uses rods for naughty children. To appease Shaland, the children must sing a song in honor of his arrival. In France, Christmas is not a very family holiday, and most people celebrate it with friends in clubs, restaurants, loud music, champagne, etc.

St Nicholas from Belgium - the oldest winter brother of Santa Claus

Saint Nicholas is considered the very first, eldest Santa Claus. He is dressed in a snow-white bishop's robe and miter, and this wizard rides on a horse. Saint Nicholas congratulates children in Belgium and gives gifts; he is accompanied everywhere by the Moor Black Peter, in whose hands there are rods for mischievous children, and behind his back there is a bag of gifts for obedient children.

Every family that shelters St. Nicholas will receive a gift from him

Golden Apple.

In Sweden and Denmark -just like in France there are two Santa Clauses: a stooped grandfatherYultomten(Yolotomten, Yul Tomten) is a little old man who lives in the forest and rides in a cart pulled by foxes. He is helped by a dwarf with a beard, Yulnissar. Both of them are kind and leave gifts for the children on the windowsills for the New Year.

In India– the duties of Grandfather Mgoroz are performed by the goddessLakshmi(goddess of happiness and prosperity). She is described as a goddess of incredible beauty, standing on a lotus and holding a lotus in both hands.

In Germany Vainachtsman, Christkind, Niemand, Santa Nikolaus . SantaNikolaus modern New Year's wizard. He comes with his assistantKnecht Ruprecht , who keeps a journal detailing the actions of children. In the 19th century. Ruprecht performed not only secretarial duties: he grabbed the most notorious naughty people, put them in a bag or in the huge pocket of his raincoat and carried them into the forest. The oldest New Year's character isNiemand (Nobody). German children blamed him when they were naughty or broke something. On a festive night, he came on a donkey and brought sweets to obedient children. For these sweets, the children put a plate on the table and put hay in their shoes for his donkey. On the evening of December 24, when the Christmas trees are already lit, it comes according to traditionVainakhtsman (Father Christmas) andChristkind .

Father Christmas is introduced as a friendly old man with a long white beard, a red hat and white fur, a bag of gifts and a rod. Sometimes he goes with himPolznickel . He is dressed rather creepily, in contrast to the beautiful and meek Christkind. He wears a fur coat turned upside down, intercepted by a chain, and in one hand he holds a rod for punishing the disobedient. It is interesting that Polznickel, unlike Vainakhtsman, is trying not to be allowed into the house. He walks the streets, catching people walking, scaring them with his chains and even forcing them to eat onions and garlic, which he specially carries with him.

But Polznickel is not considered evil, but rather stern and fair. It is believed that he scares away evil spirits with his chains. Christkind appears in a white outfit, holding a basket with traditional apples, nuts and sweets. Children could tell Christkind poems and sing songs, and for this they received gifts. Christkind gives gifts only to obedient children, and the disobedient ones are left empty-handed.

IN Georgia– “Tovlis papa”, “Tovlis babua”

In Mongolia - Uvlin Uvgun, and he is accompanied by Zazan Okhin (Snow Maiden) and Shina Zhila (New Year boy). New Year in Mongolia coincides with the cattle breeding holiday, so Uvlin Uvgun wears the clothes of a cattle breeder: in a shaggy fur coat and a large fox hat. In his hands he has a long whip, a flint, a flint and a snuffbox. It depends on him whether there will be enough milk and meat for the New Year's table.

In Norway Gifts are given to childrenNisse (Jolinisse) – cute little brownies.Nisse wear knitted caps. They also love tasty things (sweet oatmeal and a piece of butter). Even though the Nisse are caring protectors of the home, they are very vindictive - from damaging livestock to destroying entire farms. And if he wishes, he can become invisible. He loves attics and cupboards. Friendly with pets.

Later, Nisse's image was transformed into Santa's Christmas helper. At the head of the Nisse family is the son of the Nisse who first gave two silver coins to a little girl more than four hundred years ago.

And it was like this: one Nisse accidentally saw a girl who, on Christmas Eve, put out a bowl in the snow so that Nisse would leave some food for her. Nisse put two coins in the bowl. And then he liked this idea so much that every year he began to give coins and sweets to the children. It is Nissa who helps choose the best spruce, worthy of decorating the whole city! They climb to the top of the most beautiful tree and swing on it until people pay attention.

In Finland – Joulupukki. “Youlu” means Christmas, o “pukki” means goat, that is, the Christmas goat. The fact is that many years ago, Santa Claus wore a goat skin and delivered gifts on a goat. Gray hair, neat beard and mustache. Red jacket, pants and cap. Dark leather belt. Required - glasses. He lives on Mount Korvantunturi (“mountain-ear”), either in a hut or in the mountain itself. together with his wife Muori (Maria) and the dwarves. In ancient times, he went from house to house at Christmas (caroling), treated obedient children and punished disobedient ones (for which he carried rods with him). Subsequently, the educational moment was missed. The modern image and legend are largely taken from the American Santa Claus.

In the Czech Republic and Slovakia – Mikulas – comes on the night of December 5-6, on the eve of St. Nicholas Day. Outwardly similar to our Santa Claus. A long fur coat, a hat, a staff, with the top twisted into a spiral. Only now he brings gifts not in a bag, but in a shoulder box.

And he is not accompanied by the Snow Maiden, but by an angel in snow-white clothes and a shaggy little imp. Mikulas is always happy to give good and obedient children an orange, an apple or some other sweet. But if a hooligan or slacker’s “Christmas boot” contains a potato or a piece of coal, then this is definitely the work of Mikulas.

In Moldova – Mosh CraciunHe also has his own retinue - the famous Pekale and Tyndale, as well as other national characters. Mosh Krechun does not wear a red fur coat, but a traditional caftan with a belt decorated with a national pattern, and on his head is a sheep's kusma.

In Savoy - Saint Chalande.

In Ukraine Father Frost (Santa Claus). But it is Saint Nicholas, and not Father Frost, who brings gifts (mykolaichik) to children on the night of December 18-19 and puts them under the pillow.

In Lithuania – Senelis Shaltis (Elder Frost)

In Kazakhstan - Ayaz-ata literal translation sounds like Grandfather Frost.

In Cambodia (in Kampuchea) - Grandfather Heat. And the New Year is celebrated there for three days: from April 13 to April 15.

In Kalmykia - Zul.

In Karelia - Pakkaine, which translated from Karelian means Frost. Pakkaine is not young. His birthday is December 1st.

In China - Sho Hin, Sheng Dan Laoren or Dong Che Lao Ren. He will definitely visit every Chinese child and leave a gift for each one. Sho Hin is a wise old man who wears silk robes, has a long beard, and has studied Confucius, Wushu and Aikido. He travels around the country on a donkey.

In Colombia - Papa Pascual.

In Karelia - Pakkainen.

Uzbekistan – “Korbobo (to the delight of the children, on New Year’s Eve he rides into the villages riding on a donkey, himself in a striped robe and a patterned skullcap. And the Snow Maiden is with himKorgyz also wearing a skullcap and she also has many, many braids, like any Uzbek girl.”

In Romania - most often you will come across the nameMosh Jarile, but it is not so. Now in Romania they call Santa ClausMosh Krachun - Christmas in Romanian. According to Romanian legend, the shepherd Craciun sheltered the Virgin Mary. When she gave birth, he gave her and her Child cheese and milk. Since then, Saint Mosh Kraciun has been giving gifts to children..

One of the brightest and most festive days of the year is coming soon, and everyone is looking forward to it. Adults - to quickly finish all the work in the old year and relax during the subsequent New Year holidays. And children expect gifts and fabulous miracles from the New Year first of all.

Santa Claus red nose

There is no such child in Russia who would not know who he is - this Santa Claus. A grandfather with a staff, in a red fur coat, a red hat, with a long lush beard to the waist and a bag of gifts on his back... This image is familiar to almost everyone from childhood, from the time of New Year's matinees, when in a brightly decorated hall under a fragrant Christmas tree, hung with garlands, they recited all the New Year's poems to the white-bearded grandfather and his granddaughter Snegurochka. According to Slavic legends, Father Frost lives with his granddaughter Snegurochka in a deep forest, spends a whole year giving gifts and reading letters from children, and then during one New Year’s Eve delivers the desired toys or sweets to all the children. Now the official residence of Father Frost in Russia is Veliky Ustyug. This is where all the letters with childhood dreams end up. In Belarus this is Belovezhskaya Pushcha. The Belarusian Father Frost, in addition, is not limited to only a red fur coat in his wardrobe - he has blue, white, silver, etc., and he is also called Dziad Maroz or Zyuzya.

St Nicholas

Along with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, there is another New Year's character in Ukraine - St. Nicholas. This is one of the incarnations of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, a world-famous saint. His holiday is celebrated on the night of December 18-19, and traditionally children receive sweets under their pillows on this holiday. In the morning, mischievous and naughty children take out… willow rods from under their pillows. And one day I was lucky to get such twigs instead of the coveted sweets... It turned out that my mother was joking, but it was very offensive. Unlike Father Frost, Nikolai, according to legend, wore white clothes and a short beard, and came to children at night through the window.

Saint Nicholas (Święty Mikołaj, also known as Saint Nicholas, is the name given to the New Year's character in Poland and Belgium. In these countries, Saint Nicholas Day is celebrated from December 5 to 6. The saint delivers gifts home and leaves them in boots or socks specially prepared for children. And the roots of this tradition lie deep in time. According to one legend, St. Nicholas came down into the house through the chimney, but dropped a bag of gifts, and they fell into socks drying near the fire and boots soaked from snow. In these countries, Nicholas is dressed in a white embroidered a bishop's mantle in gold (after all, he was a bishop for a very, very long time), and his servant Peter carries the gifts behind him.

Santa Claus

Another equally popular New Year's character is Santa Claus. He delivers gifts and is honored in the United States of America, Canada and Australia. This chubby old man from the Coca-Cola commercial is known to everyone. What distinguishes him from Santa Claus is his clothing: Santa Claus is not dressed in a fur coat, but in a short red jacket, as well as red pants. He has a red cap on his head, and his usual glasses on his nose. Santa Claus has a habit of laughing loudly (“Ho-ho-ho!”) and saying “Marry Christmas Every One!” The Australian Santa Claus is dressed in light shorts and a shirt (after all, it is very hot there at Christmas and New Year; it is summer in Australia). Santa rides across the sky on a sleigh with a retinue of elves and gifts, pulled by reindeer. Santa Claus places gifts for children under the Christmas tree, as well as in socks helpfully hung over the fireplace. Santa enters the house through the chimney. He lives in Lapland, where a whole army of New Year's elves and other magical creatures helps him make gifts.

Pierre Noel (Pere Noel)

This Santa Claus is French. Translated, his name means “Christmas Father.” They say that he rides up to every house on a donkey, and carries with him a wicker basket full of Christmas and New Year's gifts. Pierre Noel has an evil double - Pierre Fouétard, who instead of gifts gives children rods, he carries a whole bunch of them with him. By the way, Pierre Noel puts gifts into boots and shoes helpfully displayed in front of the fireplace, and enters the house through the chimney.


This is none other than our good old friend, Santa Claus. In Finland, he was nicknamed so strangely because this friendly grandfather rides around in a small cart pulled by a goat... Translated from Finnish, Joulupukki means “Christmas goat” . This Santa Claus is wearing a red cone-shaped hat and a red short fur coat. There are always gnome assistants next to him, and he himself looks like a gnome, just as short. He has a wife Muori, with whom they live happily ever after for many hundreds (or maybe thousands?) of years on Mount Korvaptupturi. Joulupukki has a very good ear, and knows everything that children want, even if it is said in a whisper.

This is the equivalent of Santa Claus in Norway and Denmark. This is not one character, but many. Nisse are Norwegian brownies. Small, with tiny beards and red knitted caps. Those who come during the New Year holidays are called Christmas Nisse. Chief Nisse lives near Oslo, in the city of Drøbak.

Grandfather Mikulash and Grandfather Jerzyshek

The first, Mikulas, delivers gifts to children from the Czech Republic; in his retinue there is an angel and an imp. The angel gives gifts and sweets to children, and the little devil gives coals and potatoes to naughty kids. And the second, Jerzyshek, gives gifts to the little residents of Slovakia. They are often confused because Jerzyszek and Mikulas are actually very similar, because they are brothers.

Segatsu-san and Ojou-san

These two New Year's characters come from Japan. The first of them, Segatsu-san (translated as Mr. New Year), is the traditional Santa Claus in Japan. He is dressed in a bright blue kimono, and walks around Japan for a whole week (as the Japanese themselves say - “golden week”), looking into every house, but without gifts - the parents themselves give the children gifts. For several decades, Segatsu-san has been competing with Ojo-san, dressed as an American Santa Claus and riding a reindeer sleigh.

Papa Noel

And, of course, everyone is interested in whether there is Santa Claus in Africa? Eat. And his name is Papa Noel, as in some countries of South America. There is only very little information about him, he is the most secretive of all Santa Clauses and no one knows exactly what Papa Noel looks like. But its mission is the same as that of all other analogues - to give children gifts and a festive mood.
