How to raise a kitten obedient and affectionate. Raising a kitten

When a small fluffy ball appears in the house, it is important not only to provide him with proper care, but also to take care of the competent upbringing of the crumbs so that he grows into a smart, docile and obedient cat. How to properly raise a kitten and what are the features of communication with a baby?

Veterinarians and trainers unanimously argue that the education of a kitten should begin as early as possible. Best of all, kids in the age category up to six months lend themselves to learning and development. It is this time that should be devoted to the development of the baby, instilling in him certain behavioral skills. If time is lost, it will be much more difficult to re-educate a teenage kitten.

Despite the fact that the baby really wants to be pampered, you need to explain to him from a very early age what can and cannot be done. Already a three-month-old kitten should know where his toilet and toys are. To understand that spoiling furniture, sharpening claws on walls, scratching and biting is strictly prohibited.

However, the right tactics must be used. Physical punishment, loud screams, will make the kitten nervous, angry, intimidated. In addition, many cats, to which such measures are applied, begin to take revenge on their owners.

The best method of raising a kitten is to prevent unwanted behavior. However, what to do if the offense has already been committed? For educational purposes, a loud clap or splashing the baby with water will be enough. If you repeat these actions regularly, the baby will clearly learn what he should not do and at the same time will not receive psycho-emotional trauma.

To accustom a pet to order should be strictly observing its regimen and daily routine. The kitten should have its own sleeping place, toilet, feeding place. It is recommended to give food to the baby at certain hours, at the same time. At the same time, it is important for the owner himself not to violate the rules established by him. For example, if one time the owner punished the baby for a misconduct, and the other time he ignored his action, the educational moment will be missed.

If the owner teaches the animal to eat in a strictly defined place, then in no case should you feed him from the table, etc. The correct upbringing of a kitten is not based on severity and cruelty, but on the observance of order and discipline.

Education of personal qualities

Most people who get a cat dream of being affectionate and tame. But few people know that the character of the animal is also formed at a young age and depends on education.

If the owner wants to raise a kitten tame and kind, then you need to try to give him enough time, not leave him alone for a long time, take the baby in his arms more often, play and talk with him. Scientists have proven that cats, although they do not understand words, receive certain information from the tone, intonation of a person.

How to house train a kitten

When purchasing a kitten, it is recommended to take care of a comfortable sleeping place for him. Experts do not recommend owners to allow a cat to sleep in the same bed with them. Not only is it unhygienic, but also in the understanding of the animal, sharing a sleeping place with him, the owner seems to equalize positions, and the owner must still be the unequivocal leader.

In addition, conscientious sleep with a kitten is simply dangerous. For example, you can accidentally crush the baby, inflict serious injuries on him. There are cases when cats scratched a person in a dream. If the claws accidentally get into the eye, the most sad consequences are possible, up to complete blindness.

It is necessary to equip the kitten with a comfortable sleeping place, suitable for him in size, protected from noise and drafts. Often, babies do not want to sleep alone and come to bed with their owners. In this case, you should calm the kitten, and then take it to its own sleeping place.

In this matter, you should be gentle, but at the same time steadfastly observe your positions. Once you let the kitten fall asleep in bed with the owner, the process of further accustoming him to a sleeping place will be extremely difficult and can be significantly delayed.

Toilet training

Nail sharpener

Both kittens and adult cats love to sharpen their claws. The owner of the animal should make sure that it does not do this about furniture or wallpaper. To do this, the baby needs to purchase a special scratching post and teach how to use it (read).

This is done elementarily. You just need to put the baby's paws on the surface of the scratching post so that he can feel how his claws cling to it. Soon the kitten will be happy to use this toy.

But what to do in those cases when the baby still prefers the upholstery of the sofa or the walls of the apartment to the scratching post? In such a situation, it is strictly necessary to explain to the kitten that this cannot be done and take it to the scratching post.

In addition, you can treat the furniture with orange peel. Cats do not like the smell of citrus, so this simple trick will help wean the kitten from spoiling the decor of the apartment.

play with kitten

Raising a tame, flexible, healthy and fully developed kitten is simply impossible without games. Be sure to find time for communication and fun with the baby. For these purposes, special toys, balls and candy wrappers tied to a string are suitable.

Most importantly, it is important to make sure that the toy is made of safe materials and is not too small so that the kitten does not accidentally swallow it.

Do not let the baby play with hands, hair, clothes of the owner, scratch. When the baby turns into an adult cat, it will be extremely difficult to wean him from this habit, and such games can lead to injuries, cause damaged clothes, jewelry, etc.

In most cases, cats begin to gnaw on indoor plants not because of their malevolent nature or lack of education, but because of a vitamin deficiency. This problem can be solved by providing the kitten with a properly balanced diet, appropriate for its age category.

You can also plant a special one for cats on the windowsill, the seeds of which are sold at any pet store. You can wean a kitten to gnaw indoor flowers using a spray bottle or the same loud clap. It should be remembered that some indoor and dangerous for the baby, so just in case they should be removed to where the kitten can not get them.

Daily routine for a kitten

By nature, cats are nocturnal animals, however, with a little effort, it is quite possible to accustom a kitten to daytime activities. To do this, the owner just needs to keep the baby from sleeping during the daytime. Then, tired, he will fall asleep calmly in the evening.

A few days will be quite enough to form the correct sleep and wakefulness regimen for a pet. They will help prepare the baby for sleep and active games in the evening.

Proper Care

Raising a kitten includes competent care for the crumbs. In order to provide it to your pet, you should pay attention to the following recommendations of experts:

  1. Teach your kitten to hygiene from an early age. Brush his coat regularly.
  2. Carry out water procedures for the kitten. It is best to teach your baby to water from an early age.
  3. Once every 1.5-2 weeks, clean your eyes and ears. If you do not accustom the baby to such procedures, caring for an adult cat will be extremely problematic.
  4. Use high-quality kittens for bathing, designed for its age category and coat type.

Such care for a kitten will teach him discipline and help the owner to establish contact with his pet.

What to do if your beloved fluffy pet bites, scratches, bullies other pets? Such behavior may indicate a lack of attention from the owner or the desire of the animal to assert a leading position.

In such cases, the best method of education is to ignore the cat. It is recommended to strictly explain to the animal that this cannot be done and not to communicate or play with it for several hours.

The owner is responsible for his pet and health, character and life expectancy depend only on him. The process of upbringing is one of the most important, since habits acquired in childhood will become acquired instincts in adulthood. Today we will talk about how to raise a kitten. Consider the distinctive features of the procedure, the nuances and pitfalls.

Fundamental concepts

Raising a kitten is a painstaking process in which a lot depends on the owner. From an early age, it is worth educating the animal in the norms and rules of behavior that can become acquired instincts in the future.

Many owners perceive a kitten as self-sufficient and intelligent animals (and this is true), but the basis of their behavior is a program developed throughout the evolutionary process. Therefore, it is important to start raising a kitten from an early age, which we will do now.

For ease of perception, we will divide the narrative into several thematic blocks.

secluded place

You need to start raising a kitten with good sleep and consolidating the lessons learned earlier. It is generally accepted that the pet has its own place to sleep.

Many breeders allow fluffies to sleep with them in bed, but according to experts, education does not allow this. The fact is that the kitten perceives you as the leader of a small organizational structure - the pack. The bed is the focal point of your specific smell, and allowing your pet to sleep next to you, you rely on an equal position in the hierarchical system.

It is not uncommon for a kitten, not bothering to ask permission from the owner, settled on the bed. This is another confirmation of ineffective upbringing, neglect and familiarity, and destroyed authority is the path to behavioral problems.

If the kitten is afraid to be in his own house and he came to you at night, take him back and stay with him until the dreams come. Take care of creating the maximum comfortable place for the kitten. He will certainly appreciate your efforts and remember you as a caring leader, and the educational process will go "on track".

Returning to the problem of co-sleeping. There is another reason for the contraindication: during sleep, a person can accidentally crush the baby, scare him and run into sharp claws. Cases of injuries to the eyes and limbs from unintentional attacks of frightened animals are often recorded.

We sharpen claws on the sofa ...

Fluffy claws need constant care, as this creates the possibility of unforeseen situations.

However, even trimmed limbs “itch” and the kitten has to get rid of itching in any way possible.

The solution to the problem with education will be the acquisition of scratching posts, which differ in material and manner of execution. It is important to introduce the fool to the new rules of the game - bring his paw to the surface of the tool and show how to start using it. Soon, the need for accompaniment will disappear, and the baby will independently “take out anger” on a soulless object.

If the kitten, in the presence of a scratching post, continues to scratch the furniture, forbid it. Say the word "No" as sternly as you can. Since Furies are very sensitive to tone of voice, this simple method will work just fine if you have the right level of authority.

We prepare and accustom to a latrine

A small kitten needs to be accustomed to a tray or a special place for relief. Many owners of toddlers complain about insufficient parenting and problems with cleaning up excrement. This is not the fault of animals, since evolution did not prepare them for the norms of upbringing in a home environment. Therefore, you need to assign the required habits to the baby.

  • Buying a kitten and professional breeders guarantees the initial upbringing of the ward. You just have to buy a tray with a similar filler that the familiar smell refreshed the acquired knowledge. Just put the kitten in a container with a small border after eating.
  • The same strategy will help in the stage of cultivating the habit of defecation in the intended place. Place the tray and bowl of food close to each other, because babies have little control over the excretion of excrement. After eating, shake the drive, and instinct will make the underage cat dig a hole in a suitable place.

Do not scold the animal for excrement in the wrong place, in no case poke it into a puddle for educational purposes. Soak a cloth in the liquid and smear the tray with it, then clean the place of the “catastrophe” and carefully remove foreign odors.

If the habit of urinating in one place is not eradicated over time, consider moving the tray, and the problems will be solved by themselves.

Keep the kitten's stool clean: change the filler regularly, get rid of contaminated areas in a timely manner.

It is important to know!

Small males of the Feline family often "mark" the corners of the apartment. This is an important instinct, and brute force should not be used on an animal for educational purposes.

Our claws tear things...

A small pet, once in the unfamiliar conditions of a home apartment, shows remarkable curiosity and is easy to educate. Showing early interest in the environment is a normal adaptation process. However, torn things, curtains and a bedspread are too much. If you do not raise a kitten, its adult incarnation will do the same.

As soon as you notice the manifestation of "play", teach the kitten with water, preferably with a spray bottle. Fluffy, for the most part, do not tolerate water, and isolated cases of getting wet will not cause much harm to the body and psyche.

Misuse of claws and teeth

The cat often tries to show fullness of feelings or play with our limbs (in particular, fingers). Raising a kitten requires patience and perseverance, which the owner must demonstrate.

You can't use your hands while playing, as the kitten's perception will fix the limbs as a hilarious inanimate object. A good way to wean a baby from leprosy is to purchase special toys, the design features of which will arouse considerable interest in the caudate, and contribute to the playful form of education.

If all else fails, and the hands continue to be supplemented with nets of fresh scratches, lightly click the little one on the nose. For him, this is an offensive signal to think about “abuse of authority”, because this is what a cat mother often does when taking steps to educate.

congenital features

By nature, every cat is a proud and affectionate animal, obeying the owner only from the practical side. Innate egoism consists in a response to the actions of the "big brother". If his behavior is hostile, the baby, and then the adult, will be closed and aggressive.

Practicality is manifested in the fact that the kitten will never perform manipulations that do not benefit him. Therefore, one of the methods of education is to depict any negative action in an unfavorable, useless light. Then it is worth showing another, more attractive pastime.

The rules of education and training were developed over the years of close attention to the representatives of the furry kingdom. Here are the results of many years of work:

  • Educational activities are initiated from the first day of joint stay in an apartment / house.
  • Do not encourage the kitty to be familiar, show that you are the master of the situation here and require certain rules to be followed.
  • Taboo on aggressive behavior and the use of brute physical force.
  • Do not intimidate your pet with loud screams or sudden movements of the limbs.
  • A proud pet will not tolerate humiliation. If you poke your nose into his puddle, it will cause an outbreak of resentment and vendetta in the future.
  • A good attitude will help to raise a kitten affectionate and tame.
  • The cat's perception is keenly aware of your emotional state and voice accompaniment. Therefore, to indicate an error, a rather sharp “chopped” phrase is enough: “No!”, “No!”, “Shoot!”.
  • The mental abilities of cats are at a high level, but it will take time and effort to acquire skills, habits and skills.

The Importance of Daily Routines and Play

Our children learn the world by playing. Why don't little cats act in a similar way. Evolution “thought” about the same, so the young years of a kitten are associated with the need for mental and active games, proper education. A few tips on this topic are provided below.:

  • for a change in the “rope-hide-and-seek” scheme, buy a few toys, show the kitten how to use them, and interest him. At the same time, accustom the baby, then the person's hands are only for affection, and not the object of conscientious bullying;
  • active forms of pastime are designed to improve and develop the physical capabilities of the body, contribute to its growth and development;
  • watch the constancy of your own actions, since the discipline to be instilled should have a role model - you. A different reaction to the same type of situations, in the eyes of a kitten, is evidence of the failure of the leader of the pack;
  • the formation of the correct daily routine for a kitten is an important stage not only in education, but also in the development of a kitten. Rational meals, time for daytime sleep and games are the key to discipline, which will develop into a habit of an adult pet.

Instead of a conclusion

The main task of the owner is to get a well-mannered animal. To this end, hundreds of studies and observations are being conducted, questions of behavior and innate characteristics of cats are being discussed. However, you must show affection and care towards the kitten, and the instilled rules of behavior, over time, will become an acquired instinct.

The appearance of a small fluffy pet in the house always brings joy. People play with a kitten with pleasure, but not everyone immediately begins to think about the methods of raising a baby. Then, when the kitten becomes an adult cat, problems may arise. Take care of the proper upbringing of your pet, act thoughtfully and purposefully. It is quite difficult to train a cat, you will need to establish a trusting relationship with the baby, to accurately determine the hierarchy in order to raise a kitten well. Then he will behave perfectly, acquire the necessary skills, become affectionate and obedient, you will always be comfortable with him.

Establishing a trusting relationship with a kitten
In the process of raising a kitten, it is important to remember that cats are almost not amenable to conventional methods of training. Any pressure they perceive very sharply. A kitten cannot be raised in the same way as a puppy. The most important thing is to achieve the establishment of partnerships, but at the same time determine your place in the hierarchy.
  1. Regular communication. Constantly communicate with the kitten. He needs to be stroked, caressed, gently called by name. Praise him for any achievement. Take the baby in your arms carefully, try not to hurt him. The kitten should always feel comfortable with you. Pay attention to him, even if you have a lot to do. It is especially important to caress the baby when he was left alone for a long time before.
  2. Protection. A small kitten from a very early age begins to appreciate your care. The animal can be shy, vulnerable. The kid will immediately experience stress if he hears a sharp sound of a car, a scream. You need to become a reliable protection for him, which will protect him from everything incomprehensible and terrible. A kitten, sitting in your arms, needs a feeling of warmth and complete security.
  3. Comfort. It is important for the baby to feel comfortable. Create good conditions for him, stick to a strict schedule, do not disturb him when he sleeps or rests. Explain to the children that it is impossible to play with the kitten all the time: it makes him feel bad, he gets tired.
  4. Purposefulness. Your actions should be purposeful and understandable to the baby: this is the only way you can properly raise a kitten. Don't use double standards. Adhere to a single system of education, teach to observe a number of rules of conduct. React to pranks in the same way, regardless of your mood at the moment. If you need to scold the baby for something, convince him not to do this again, you need to repeat the educational procedure every time. Then the kitten will eventually understand what they want from him, he will develop the necessary reflexes. Never leave faults unattended, do not allow to do what was forbidden yesterday.
  5. Calmness and lack of corporal punishment. Pay attention to an important point: cats do not tolerate strong pressure. A kitten cannot be beaten, held by the ears, deprived of food for pranks. Such actions on the part of the owner will only cause the opposite effect. Aggression will appear, the kitten will begin to violate the established rules to spite you. Be persistent, but do not hit the baby. Remember that the kitten is very fragile, delicate, it is easy to cripple it. Never hit him on the head, never hit his nose. The kitten can get sick, become nervous and shy.
  6. Persuasiveness. A trusting relationship should be established with the kitten. A loving animal will definitely respond to comments. You just need to tame the baby, convince him to obey you. This will help your kindness, tenderness, perseverance.
  7. Owner's place. Determine your place in the hierarchy clearly. Animals are well aware that the head of the family must be obeyed. You can play as a kitten, let him sleep in bed with you, but this tiny baby must always understand that you are the owner. Your friendship should be formed as a partnership, but you should be in charge and emphasize your status. Keep a small distance.
  8. Confidence. You can convince the kitten to behave well, explain to him what to do, scold him for pranks. Refrain from showing aggression, anger, try to control yourself. Even when you stop the kitten's actions with a sharp shout, you should demonstrate confidence and self-control. You are the master of the situation, the leader. The animal will certainly feel this, recognize your authority.
Always be persistent, consistent, more often show care and kindness. Then you will definitely be able to raise a kitten affectionate and obedient.

Teaching a kitten basic skills
When playing with a kitten, remember: raising a baby requires certain time and emotional costs. You have already taken the animal into the house, you are responsible for its fate. It is necessary to make the kitten obedient, contact, smart and kind. At first, it may be difficult to cope with certain tendencies of a kitten, but everything is surmountable. But then you will enjoy communication with a wonderful cat!

  1. Hygiene. Kittens need to be potty trained immediately. Have you adopted a baby from the family? Specify what kind of filler the kitten used there, what shape the tray had. Buy the same things. So it will be easier for him to get used to the change of scenery. A kitten taken from the street can also be taught to the tray. Most often, animals go to the toilet after sleeping, eating. Keep an eye on the baby, and at the right time, transplant him into a tray with a filler. Teach him gradually, but very persistently. If he himself goes into the tray, be sure to praise him, treat him with something tasty.
  2. Game by the rules. It is useful and pleasant to play with a kitten. Use sticks, bows, balls, special mice. It is advisable not to play with the baby with your hands. While he is small, bites and scratches will be small, but an adult cat can injure quite a lot. From childhood, explain to the animal that it is impossible to scratch and bite the owner.
  3. We sharpen our claws. Be sure to teach your kitten to sharpen its claws in the right place. You can buy a special scratching post in the store. If you wish, you will be able to make it yourself, using a piece of carpet or a wooden board. Show the baby that the claws should be sharpened exactly in the designated place: carefully run the kitten's paws along the scratching post. Forbid tearing furniture, sharpening claws on carpet or wallpaper. Praise your kitten every time he uses the scratching post.
  4. Name. Teach the kitten to immediately respond to the name. Choose a nickname short and sonorous. Reward and praise the animal when it comes to your call.
  5. Walks. The kitten must be able to walk on a leash. It is advisable to choose the most suitable leash in the store, strong enough, thin, soft. First, put a small rubber collar around your neck for a while so that the animal gets used to wearing it. Then you can rehearse walks on a leash at home, and then go outside.
It is also advisable to teach the kitten not to leave the house without your permission, to sit quietly in your arms. It is important to always follow the daily routine and feed the kitten on a schedule. All this will perfectly discipline your pet, help to raise a kitten. Then an obedient cat will grow out of the baby.

Kittens less than six months old lend themselves best to learning, and the baby acquires most of the behavioral skills before three months. But this does not mean that an older kitten will not be able to instill good manners. It is in your power to raise a pet and correct any unwanted behavior. The main thing is to understand the peculiarities of perception of the world in your crumbs.

Kittens need constant supervision, just like small children. They must learn from the very beginning what can and cannot be done, such as damaging furniture, wallpaper and house plants. But punishment is a bad decision, because cats do not associate punishment with the actions taken. They have a weak short-term memory, and already 10 seconds after the misconduct, the kitten will not understand why you are so unhappy.

Prevent, don't punish

Imagine a baby went to the toilet in the wrong place. You came home, saw this disgrace, found a kitten and punished him. You think you did the right thing. What does the little one think? He was delighted at your arrival, ran out to meet you, and you grabbed him, for some reason poked his nose, and then also spanked him. Most likely, he will think that the behavior of the hostess is unpredictable, that his whole familiar world is very fragile, and therefore it is necessary to actively protect his territory, that is, mark it. As a result, the effect of punishment will be the opposite of what was expected.

Unwanted behavior can and should be prevented. When a cat does something wrong, just startle it with a clap or splash with water. Repeat this always, then the cat will quickly learn what is worth doing and what is not.

Don't break your own rules

Remember that kittens, like adult cats, live according to the laws of nature. They will not understand if one day you caress them and allow everything, and on the other, when you come home in a bad mood, “arrange dispersal”.

If you forbid something, then this rule should always work. If the kitten got into the habit of clinging to your legs or arms, it hurts and scratches to the point of blood - this is also from a lack of education: you should not play with the baby, using your own limbs as a toy. Remember: hands are only for affection.

In general, if you follow these simple rules, there should be no problems with the baby: gradually the kitten will understand what is good and what is bad, and your life together will be filled with harmony and mutual tenderness.

An amazing creature is a cat. She knows exactly what she needs. But does the owner of this animal know that the pet can become his double in a psychological and even physical sense. Yes, it all depends on the upbringing and attitude towards your pet. Here, a kitten appeared in the family. What to do? Cats, as you know, are independent, freedom-loving and little influenced by humans. They cannot be bribed, they quickly forgive insults, but they can remember a bad attitude towards them at any moment. Therefore, in education it is important to start with kindness. Do not shout at the kitten, call it exactly by name, in no case beat him for misconduct, talk to him like a person (as you know, a kind word is also pleasant for a cat). And even more important, this is the main condition, to choose the right nickname. It is better if it is characteristic, close to a human name, perhaps individual, invented specifically for a particular kitten.

Cats are unpretentious creatures, unlike, for example, dogs. They can get food on their own, take care of their fur and claws, walk and so on. The main thing is to show your friendly attitude and love for the cat. If the animal feels aggression in its direction (and it can manifest itself daily, depending on the atmosphere in the family and the personal qualities of the owner), the cat will automatically become like him, and very unpleasant qualities may also appear, such as wildness, aggressiveness, uncleanliness. In the early stages of education, they interfere with the communication of a cat and a person. Aggression and anger turn any animal into a hunted creature that is afraid of people. Such a cat / cat will never listen to a person, but will do the opposite with pleasure. You can’t eat from the table - the cat will do it, you can’t go to the toilet in the wrong place - the cat won’t even listen, because it doesn’t want to understand the evil owner. But if the relationship between the owner and the growing cat develops as well as possible, it is important to learn to understand the desires and behavior of your pet and interpret them correctly.

  1. A cat can consciously ignore a person, but this behavior should not be taken as arrogance. This is wrong. By nature, cats are very strong and hardy animals, so in order to survive, they skillfully hide their emotions behind a mask of indifference. During illness, cats try to hide from the sight of a person; may not be allowed to approach them, for fear of looking weak.
  2. Cats are very good at recognizing the owner's voice among other people's voices. At such a moment, they raise their heads and ears high, and their pupils dilate.
  3. Cats and cats use the word "meow" only to communicate with a person, usually in order to fulfill their request, such as food. "Meow" is also used by kittens when communicating with their mother cat.
  4. Cats consider a person a member of their family (as well as other pets with whom they live under the same roof). Therefore, when cats hunt and bring prey (mice / rats) into the house, they do this in order to feed the person and earn praise. There is no need to scold the pet for such behavior and in no case, do not throw away the prey defiantly, in front of the hunter. Such behavior is regarded by cats as disrespect from the owner.
  5. Cats do not like excessive affection and attention from humans. They may experience anxiety and stress if they are often petted and held. These animals have learned in the process of evolution to hide true feelings well, in order to appear independent and invulnerable to enemies.
  6. In fact, cats and cats are not at all such domestic and cute creatures. They benefit from human contact. For example, the domestication of the cat was a random process. These animals had to live next to humans because of rodents, which have always been where human food, fodder and grain are. Accordingly, saving a person from rodents, the cat had to get used to the person, and the person to the cat.
  7. Cats and cats are excellent manipulators. They know how to get their way and do it masterfully. Especially, a person is manipulated. To achieve their goal, such as getting delicious food, cats are ready to do anything: show affection, look pathetic, and even literally shed a tear! Cats know how to behave like little children, to please a person, to be insincere when they need it. But, at the same time, cats perfectly feel the mood of the owner, have the ability to selflessly love, support in difficult times, it is not in their nature to take revenge and hate. And the relationship of this creature is always built on high and disinterested feelings.

So, it is difficult to achieve the location of a cat / cat, but it is possible. If this happens, and the relationship is trusting and friendly, such a “union” of two different systems will give a person joy and devotion from the cat, and the cat, in turn, will do everything to please its owner and bring joy.

In addition, the loss of a beloved owner can be detrimental to a pet. And if, after many years of friendship, a person decides to get rid of his cat, this will be a severe blow for the animal. A cat can get sick and die from longing for his master. Remember, a person is responsible for the one he tamed!
