Classification of appearance types: determine which colors suit you. How to determine your color type of appearance

Of course, we all follow the fashion in makeup and clothes, but it is important to determine your own color scheme , which would be in harmony with your hair, skin, eyes. To do this, you need to know what color type you have.

The correct definition of the color type allows you to choose the right gamma in makeup and clothes and accessories.

Currently, there are various theories and techniques of color analysis. The most common of these is the so-called “seasonal” theory. It proceeds from the fact that all people, for all their dissimilarity and originality, are divided into four color types according to the seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. In this case, the color of their skin, eyes and hair is taken into account.

Each season corresponds to a certain color group. If a woman correctly defines her “season”, then she knows what nuances of colors are good for her personally and can independently judge whether any shade will suit her color type.

This theory is based on the position that the ratio of warm and cold colors in nature characteristically changes from one season to another: warm (spring and autumn), cold (summer and winter). This division has nothing to do with temperature, but comes only from the color palette of nature. All seasons have red-yellow and green-blue colors, and each type (with rare exceptions) can wear them, you just need to choose the right shades of these colors.

Color combinations dominated by yellow and red are perceived as “warm” (spring, autumn). Combinations with a large proportion of blue - "cold" (winter, summer).

To get started, try to classify yourself as a cold or warm color type. Take a closer look, is your skin more of a warm, reddish yellow tone or a cool, bluish pink?

Test to determine your color type

Choose colorful scarves in red, blue, green, yellow, purple and brown. Remove makeup from your face, sit in daylight in front of a mirror and alternately bring handkerchiefs to your face.

You will immediately feel your color, which suits you especially. With it, the skin seems soft and delicate, the lips are naturally red, the eyes become shiny, the circles under the eyes become less noticeable, and you generally become brighter and more spectacular.
Conversely, if the colors do not harmonize, then they give the skin a dry, pale gray, tired look, shadows under the eyes are visible, the eyes lose their luster, the lips appear blue.
If a bluish-pink or olive color gives a positive effect, then you are a cold color type (winter or summer), and if yellowish-pink, golden, then you are warm (spring or autumn).

It is possible that you do not have so many multi-colored scarves in stock: o). The test could be a little easier. For this test, you need 2 handkerchiefs: one is cold pink and the other is yellowish salmon pink. Scarves can be replaced with large sheets of paper in these colors.

Place each sample in turn on your face and hands in daylight.

1. Spring or autumn type - from the proximity of a cold pink color, your skin becomes pale, and your lips become bluish. Yellowish-salmon-pink, on the contrary, makes the skin fresh and golden.

2. Winter or summer type - near cool pink your skin will seem fresh, and yellowish salmon pink makes your skin dull and circles under the eyes more noticeable.

The color type theory has long gained popularity among women who study their appearance. For ladies who want to find out in more detail which color type they belong to, consider the essence of this theory and the basic rules and errors of self-determination.

The division into color types is based on two color properties that also apply to the shades of our skin, eyes and hair:

  • temperature (warm or cold);
  • purity (clear or muted).

The concept of color temperature in the theory of color types does not coincide with the definition adopted by artists (where red, yellow,
orange - warm colors, blue, purple - cold, green - neutral). Almost any color has conditionally warm (with an admixture of orange) and conditionally cold (with an admixture of blue) shades.

The purity of a hue is easy to understand by thinking of it as a mixture of colored and gray paint: the more color a hue contains, the purer it is. A pure color, even being dim, remains clear, transparent in appearance. Mixed, complex, as if hazy colors with a large admixture of gray are called muted.

Here's what cold and warm, pure and muted shades of the same color look like:

By nature, the totality of exterior colors (the so-called color) is always endowed with only one meaning from each pair: each has either a warm or cold color. Our paints are either pure or muted. There are four possible combinations of these parameters - four color types, which were named the same as the seasons:

  • Spring: warm and clean colors;
  • Summer: cold and subdued;
  • Autumn: warm and muted;
  • Winter: cold and clean.

Why is such a division necessary? It has been noticed that any appearance is decorated only with those colors that coincide with it according to these
characteristics. They do not depend on our preferences, and their number is the same for everyone. Each person truly paints only a quarter of the existing shades. To find them, we define our type.

Despite the simplicity of this system, a large number of myths are associated with it, confusing self-determined. We will try to dispel these myths.

1. Each season has its own shades of any color.
You can often hear: "Red suits me, so I'm winter." No. Each of us has our own shade of red, green, yellow, blue. Only three colors are limited in use: black, white and orange. We will talk about this in more detail when we analyze in detail each of the types of appearance.

2. Color type cannot change
“I dyed my hair and my color type has changed.” The color type is given to us by nature for life and is determined by the characteristics (not color or lightness!) of natural colors. It cannot be changed by dyeing your hair and putting on lenses, tanning or turning gray; only visibility will change. And hair dyed in the wrong color will nullify all efforts to use its colors.

3. There are no mixed types
Sometimes it seems that the eyes have a warm tint, while the hair is cold. This is not at all uncommon: the colors of our appearance are so complex and nuanced that it makes no sense to try to separate them into warm and cold “by eye” (according to the color of hair, eyes, moles). Almost any hair has golden highlights; our eyes are made up of many different shades; light skin seems colder than tanned. You can see if you belong to a warm or cold color only by reacting to the color.

Many people try to determine the color type by the degree of lightness: it is generally accepted that the appearance of Summer is lighter than that of Winter, and Spring,
respectively, lighter than Autumn. There are statements that Summer cannot have brown eyes, green-eyed ones always refer to Autumn, Spring is always blonde ... This is not so.

In each color type, any eye color can occur; any season can have blond or dark hair. Paleness of the skin, ease of tanning are also not significant indicators.


You may have noticed how lost in dark colors or, worse, in a combination of black and white, the delicate appearance of blue-eyed blondes. A sharp color combination catches the eye, the face disappears, fades into the background, but as soon as you pick up a little lighter, softer shades, it will appear and shine.

Against the bright background of a fair-skinned brunette, noble neutral tones seem dirty, her whole appearance takes on a touch of slovenliness: such an appearance requires support with a strong, contrasting combination of dark and light tones. A similar effect does not depend on the color type: it is the degree of contrast of our face that dictates the combination of colors in the image.

In each season, the following types of contrast can occur:

1. Light
An example of this type is actress Cate Blanchett.

In the appearance of these people, all colors are light, or (most often) one of them is medium in lightness. By nature, this coloring is very rare - in blondes with very light, transparent eyes. To create a harmonious image, they are advised to choose mostly light shades of their colors, diluting them with medium and bright ones. Dark colors - only in small amounts and away from the face

2. Natural

Jennifer Aniston is an example of a natural type.

Medium contrast color. Usually it includes natural blondes with not dark eyes. This appearance will be decorated with a non-contrasting combination of colors: choose predominantly medium-light shades and combine light and dark tones with them (and not with each other).

3. Contrasting
The representative of the contrasting type is Sandra Bullock.

Contrasting appearance - one in which there are both light and dark tones. As a rule, these are people with fair skin and dark eyes or hair. Sometimes by nature there is also such a combination: dark eyes with fair hair. The contrast of appearance is emphasized by the contrast in clothes: a combination of light and dark shades in one image.

4. Bright
Naomi Campbell is a bright type.

Bright colors include people whose appearance does not have light colors. These are representatives of the Negroid race or people with very dark skin. They look best in dark shades combined with very bright ones.

Thus, it is the contrast of appearance that is very easy to understand by eye; to determine the same color type, you need to unequivocally find out whether you have a warm or cold color, and then understand whether your colors are pure or muted.

At professional consultations, this is done with the help of special test scarves. It is no more difficult to determine the color type on your own, having several
fabrics in desired colors.

Determination of heat-coldness

Wash off your makeup. If your hair is dyed, tuck it completely under a white scarf. In natural light, looking in a mirror, alternate silver and gold (or pure blue and orange) fabrics under your chin.

Swapping the fabrics several times, you will notice that in one of them wrinkles and skin irregularities stand out more; the face acquires an earthy gray or yellow-green hue, unhealthy pallor; circles under the eyes become visible. When you attach a second fabric on top, the effect will immediately disappear: you will see a healthy complexion, even skin, bright lips.

Important note: You will more objectively assess changes in appearance if you sit in front of a mirror during the tests so that you see only the face, but not the fabric.

If you notice a positive effect with silver or blue, and look worse in gold or orange, respectively, you are in a cold color (Summer or Winter). If you bloom in orange or gold, and cold silver / blue tones do not color you, your color is warm (you are Spring or Autumn).

Definition of clarity-dullness

At the next stage, from two colors of the same temperature, you need to determine your own: pure or muted.
Under the same conditions as when determining the temperature (without makeup, in natural light, removing dyed hair), compare, for example:

  • boiled white, bright crimson red, pure blue with milky white, dusty rose, grayish blue - if you fluctuate between Winter and Summer, respectively;
  • bright apricot, lime, coral versus pumpkin, olive green, tomato red - in doubt between Spring and Autumn.

Examples of fabrics for determining clarity-dullness

Apply fabrics three at a time. Sit in front of a mirror so that you can see the face and the handkerchiefs, and as you apply the triples of colors in turn, pay attention to the combination of the face and fabrics.

In the wrong tones, you will notice that the face is lost against the background of fabrics, their combination looks alien, the eyes and lips fade, the contours become blurry. By attaching the second group of colors, you will see how the face will “appear”, notice the harmony, the commonality of the colors of the fabric and your appearance, a clear oval of the face, radiant skin.

For final confirmation, you can compare individual shades of the same color for different seasons: this way you will see and remember how your skin looks in your own and not your own colors. How does professional color testing work? Let's use an example of two models.
Irina and Maria have similar appearance colors: swarthy skin, green eyes, light brown hair with a yellowish tint.

We will determine the degree of warmth with the help of special draperies of cold red, pure red, warm red-orange and orange tones.

It is noticeable that Irina's skin looks best in a cold bluish-red drapery.

Maria, on the other hand, blooms in warm red-orange flowers.

Despite the very similar shades in appearance, they belong to different colors. It remains to determine the purity of the colors.

Apply in turn the colors of each season: Summer - Spring - Autumn - Winter

On the example of Irina, you can see how warm colors affect the cool colors of the exterior: in spring and autumn draperies, the skin acquired a yellowish, painful tint, shadows appeared under the eyes and above the upper lip, and greenish highlights are noticeable in the hair.

Winter tones are too heavy for her appearance: the face is lost, fades into the background.

Irina looks truly harmonious in summer colors: the face is the first to be seen, not the fabrics; the skin is of a healthy color, the eyes are bright, their color is clearly visible.

So, Irina - our first model belongs to the summer, cold and muted color type.

Let's look at Maria in draperies of cold - winter and summer - tones: it is noticeable that against their background the skin loses color, becomes grayish, acquires an unhealthy pallor.

Summer - Spring - Autumn - Winter.

Autumn draperies don't look much better: thick, complex colors draw attention to themselves.

In spring tones, a bright, warm skin tone appears; facial features look more defined; eyes and eyebrows are clearly distinguished; visible harmony of facial colors and draperies.

Thus, Mary is Spring, her colors are warm and pure.

I hope that with the help of the instructions and the examples given, you have successfully determined your color type.

Now that you have determined whether your skin is in harmony with warm or cool tones, you need to establish which warm (spring or autumn) or cold (winter or summer) color type you are. They are distinguished by nuances:

  • In spring, there are especially many colors based on yellow, they are brighter than the colors of the same tone in the autumn palette.
  • The basis of the autumn palette is red, so autumn tones are more earthy and saturated than spring ones.
  • There is a lot of blue in summer, but it is more muted and washed out compared to winter shades.
  • Winter colors also have a blue base, however it is brighter and clearer than summer colors.

“VESNA” - milk chocolate

Dominated warm discreet fresh natural colors. This is the lightest color type.
Leather- light with a beige-pinkish tint or pale golden with a warm peach tint and a slight blush, the face is characterized by a gentle, natural radiance.
Possible freckles golden brown (not grey).

Good sunbathing. When tanning, it acquires a delicate shade of “coffee with milk”, but can reach a dark brown color. This is one of the differences between spring type skin and autumn type skin, which usually tans with difficulty.

Hair. Light with a yellowish tint - light blond, straw, linen, golden ash, light brown, but always warm, golden tint, often with natural light strands. Eyelashes and eyebrows to match the hair or slightly darker. A spring woman is most often either a natural blonde or a light brown-haired woman.

Eyes- gray, walnut, pistachio, yellowish green, blue, turquoise - different colors, but not dark.

Lips- have a warm, natural pale pink.
Neither eye color nor lips contrast with the skin. The sophistication of the spring type is emphasized by clear lines.

Representatives of this type of appearance: Kim Bessinger, Anna Kournikova, Amalia Goldanskaya, Marina Levtova, Maryana Polteva

"SUMMER" - cool restraint

Dominated soft, cold colors. Sharp contrasts are contraindicated for summer, its trump card is a soft combination of colors.

Leather- delicate, light pink, with a bluish tint or a cold light olive color. Due to the cold basic tone, it seems noble and fragile, never has a reddish tint.

Birthmarks and freckles always have a gray or ashy tint (never golden or tan). With the exception of very light options, it tans quite well. After tanning, it acquires a delicate peach shade.

Hair- light or dark (not darker than brown) with a cold ash tint.

Brows, like hair always has an ashy tint.

Eyes- blue, gray-blue, green, green-blue, green-gray, blue, hazel, squirrels are clouded, milky.

Lips- cold pink.

Representatives of this type of appearance: Cameron Diaz, Mila Jovovich, Uma Thurman, Ingeborga Dapkunaite, Elena Yakovleva.

“Autumn” - peach with cream

Colors warm, juicy- all the variety of autumn nature.

Leather has a yellowish undertone.

Possible freckles reddish or yellowish brown.

Hair- from red to dark chestnut, always with a honey tint.

Brows- under the color of the eyes or one nuance lighter, eyelashes are often too light, which makes the eyes seem to be devoid of contour.

Eyes- light and dark brown, green, turquoise, gray with golden dots.

Lips- bright.

Representatives of this type of appearance: Penelope Cruz, Julia Roberts, Andie MacDowell, Nicole Kidman, Margarita Terekhova

"WINTER" - an amazing world of contrasts

Represents a cold color direction. This the brightest type female appearance. Dominated cold, contrasting and bright colors.

Leather- two types: a) very light, white, pinkish-bluish, transparent and clean, like porcelain, without blush; b) southern type - olive or swarthy, but with a cold tint.

Capable of pigmentation quickly tans while acquiring a delicate olive tone.

Hair. As a rule, burning dark: dark ash, dark brown, blue-black, although there may be platinum blondes. A cold ashy sheen is clearly visible on the hair.

Dark eyelashes and eyebrows. Hair creates a contrast with light, porcelain skin color.

Eyes- dark brown, green, dark blue, gray (except light) with bright whites.

Lips- juicy with a bluish tint.

Representatives of this type of appearance: Cindy Crawford, Natalia Oreiro, Elizabeth Taylor, Elina Bystritskaya, Anna Samokhina

Knowing your color type allows you to choose the right gamma in makeup, clothing and hair coloring achieving the necessary harmony.

All people can also be divided into four color types according to the seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. The color type is determined by our pigments, depending on the predominance of yellow or blue shades in the color of the eyes, hair and skin. They harmonize perfectly with each other in their natural form. Therefore, if we want to create a harmonious combination of colors in our image, when choosing clothes, cosmetics or hair dye, we should learn from nature.
So, the rules for combining shades ...

Appearance type "WINTER".

Represents a cold color direction. This is the most striking type of female appearance. Cold, contrasting and bright colors prevail. Leather. Two types: 1. very light, white, pinkish-bluish, transparent and clean, like porcelain, without a blush, 2. southern type - olive or swarthy, but with a cold tint. It is capable of pigmentation, quickly tans, while acquiring a delicate olive tone. Hair. As a rule, burning dark: dark ash, dark brown, blue-black, although there may be platinum blondes. A cold ashy sheen is clearly visible on the hair. Dark eyelashes and eyebrows. Hair creates a contrast with light, porcelain skin color. Eyes. Dark brown, green, dark blue, gray (except light) with bright whites. Lips. Juicy with a bluish tint. Typical representatives: S. Crawford, N. Oreiro, E. Taylor, T. Samoilova, A. Samokhina, E. Bystritskaya, N. Varley, L. Polishchuk. "Winter" ladies are distinguished by a cold skin tone. Among the girls of this type, two types are distinguished - “snow whites” with very fair skin and dark eyes and hair, and swarthy “southerners”. A distinctive feature of this type is dark eyelashes and eyebrows.

"Winter" is usually dark-haired, ranging from black with a blue tint to dark chestnut. Sometimes there are ash-blond girls of this type. The eyes of "winter" are blue with a hint of ice, blue, bright gray, black.

The emphasis in makeup is on the eyes or lips. Such a girl requires bright colors. Powder is better to take white with a silver shimmer. Eyeliner - silver, black, blue, emerald. Shadows suitable pink-white, lemon, blue, purple, black. Any mascara of a cold shade will look good.

The main rule for "winter" is to use cold shades. Blush should be applied very carefully and only on the cheekbones, to match the lipstick. On the lips, cool pink shades are preferred, as well as thick cherry and red.

The wardrobe of the “winter” girl is best chosen in a classic style. Colors are cold and bright. Such a girl will suit bright red, pink, blue and green tones.

Accessories are extravagant, but there should not be many of them. They should be expensive and unusual, made of leather, metal, crystal, pearls. Precious metals - platinum and white gold. Diamonds are suitable for stones.

WOMAN-WINTER belongs to the cold color type along with the Woman-summer, in contrast to the woman-spring and woman-autumn, who, as a rule, go with warm colors.

Characteristic features of the "winter" type of appearance:
- hair of a very dark color: from dark chestnut to black, pitch;
- dark eyebrows and eyelashes;
- skin color is much lighter than hair;
- white, shining eyeballs, creating a clear contrast with the dark iris of the pupil.

"Winter" ladies, most often, come in such colors of clothing: snow-white, black, light green, gray-steel, silver-platinum, denim blue, blue, turquoise, yellow-lemon, purple, pink, emerald.
Red is great on winter-type women, especially carrot, dark cherry and burgundy shades.

If you are lucky enough to be born not just a brunette, but also a beauty with blue eyes, then in this case, blue-blue shades are definitely yours.

The winter type of appearance is very lucky with the black and white colors that are popular at all times - a winter woman always stands out in an elegant, strict outfit of these colors, because black and white combinations enhance her attractiveness.

Woman-WINTER is a bright spectacular woman who, up to 30 years old, can do almost without makeup, her natural features and natural data are so bright and noticeable. But the careful and refined intervention of cosmetics, nevertheless, will not hurt her, especially in the case of a festive appearance.

Eye makeup for women of the winter type is performed in light, cool shades, and much less often in saturated ones.

Lipstick and lip gloss, nail polish
Color: bright red, burgundy, lilac with a hint of burgundy, pink, dark cherry, sometimes carrot

So, a winter woman is the owner of a dark, very bright and cold type of appearance; cold - not in temperament and character, but in colors suitable for her contrasting appearance - because of the very dark hair color, black shining eyes, and the general light background of the skin.

And whatever makeup she uses, she should remember that a woman of her type does not need a lot of makeup, she catches the eye without these tricks. The redundancy of the color palette can make it vulgar, rude, funny, so you should highlight only the lips or only the eyes, and be sure to have a very light tone powder, which will help shade the external advantages of the face.

White snow and black trees, a snow-covered field and black huts - it was from such analogies that the name of this type of human appearance arose - "winter".

Appearance type "SPRING".

Warm discreet fresh natural colors prevail. This is the lightest color type. Leather. Light with a beige-pinkish tint or pale golden with a warm peach tint and a slight blush, the face is characterized by a gentle, natural radiance. Freckles may be golden brown (not grey). It tans well. When tanning, it acquires a delicate shade of “coffee with milk”, but can reach a dark brown color. This is one of the differences between spring type skin and autumn type skin, which usually tans with difficulty. Hair. Light with a yellowish tint - light blond, straw, linen, golden ash, light brown, but always warm, golden tint, often with natural light strands. Eyelashes and eyebrows to match the hair or slightly darker. A spring woman is most often either a natural blonde or a light brown-haired woman. Eyes. Gray, hazel, pistachio, yellowish green, blue, turquoise - different colors, but not dark. Lips. They have a warm, natural pale pink. Neither eye color nor lips contrast with the skin. Typical representatives: K. Bessinger, A. Kournikova, G. Polskikh, A. Mordvinova (Goldanskaya), M. Levtova, M. Polteva.
Spring Woman

Most often, Spring Woman is a natural blonde or fair-haired brown-haired woman. Hair color golden, wheat or amber tint. The skin is light, thin, peach or milky in color, slightly prone to tanning. The eyes are blue, gray or light green.

Thin skin, a warm peach complexion and occasional freckles are characteristic of the spring color type. The "spring" has blond hair - honey-golden, ashy or yellow-beige. The eyes of this type are also light - blue, gray-blue, gray-green, light brown.

In spring makeup, you should use delicate watercolor tones. This is the only type that can simultaneously emphasize both eyes and lips - there is only one thing: dark tones in the make-up of a “spring” girl are undesirable. It is better to choose a foundation with a light consistency and a warm shade. The eyes are ideally emphasized with blue, taupe, purple and white pencils. Pink, peach, green and gray-blue shades are also suitable.

A girl - spring can safely use colored mascara. With her, her image will look fresh and unusual, and black mascara will add severity.

Blush peach, salmon and pale brown will look great.

For lips, it is better to use a transparent lip gloss - it can be applied to any lipstick to match the makeup.

The wardrobe of "spring" consists of clothes of light and delicate colors. These can be the colors of the first green, peach, apricot, blue and aquamarine, warm pink and gray. Instead of white, it is better to choose beige.

Appearance type "SUMMER".

Most common among Russians. There are three subtypes of Summer - contrasting, medium and non-contrasting. The lighter the skin and the darker the hair, the more contrasting Summer will be. Summer has ash or blond hair, gray, green, watery blue and even light brown eyes and light skin - grayish or olive, with closely spaced vessels and redness.
Soft, cold colors prevail. The most common type of appearance in Russia. Leather. Delicate, light pink, with a bluish tint or a cold light olive color. Due to the cold basic tone, it seems noble and fragile, never has a reddish tint. Birthmarks and freckles are always gray or ashy (never golden or tan). With the exception of very light options, it tans quite well. After tanning, it acquires a delicate peach shade. Hair. Light or dark (not darker than brown) with a cold ash tint. Eyebrows, like hair, always have an ashy tint. Eyes. Blue, gray-blue, green, green-blue, green-gray, blue, hazel, squirrels clouded, milky. Lips. Cold pinks. Typical representatives: K. Diaz, M. Jovovich, U. Thurman, I. Dapkunaite, E. Yakovleva, S. Nemolyaeva, N. Belokhvostikova.

Refers to the cold color type along with the woman-winter, in contrast to the woman-spring and the woman-autumn, who are warm tones.

A characteristic feature of the summer color type is the hair of a steel platinum or ashy tint without a golden or red tint.

They also include ladies who were born blonde, but with age lost their light blond tone and received dark blond brown shades of once blond hair. Often they are forced to dye their hair in order to return to them the color certainty that has been lost over the years.

Preferred fabric and make-up colors:

A summer woman is distinguished from a winter woman by the absence of black or dark brown eyes and a striking contrast between skin color and hair color. From the woman-spring - darker eyebrows, not too white squirrels, not reddened from sunburn and better tanned skin, darker hair with a metallic sheen. From the autumn woman - the ability to stay in the sun for a long time and sunbathe well, the absence of warm copper shades in the hair.

If you are not a black-browed, black-eyed brunette, but you still suit pink and eggplant, black and white combinations in clothes, and red, burgundy are completely out of character, then you are most likely a summer woman.

By the way, in summer-type women, eyebrows and eyelashes never give the impression of sun-bleached straw (like in a spring woman), they are not as dark as in winter-type women, but you can’t call them light either.

"Summer" women will suit any muted cool tones. Smoky makeup especially suits them - gray, beige, lilac, gray-blue shades and a soft sea wave.

Lips are favorably shaded with carrot, raspberry, pink-lilac, burgundy lipstick. Softness of color, low contrast, chamber pastel are important for them.

In Russia, the summer type of appearance is the most common, because the "Russians" were called that because they had blond hair since ancient times.

The hair is usually ashy, from blond to brown. The eyes of the "summer" are gray-blue, light gray, green, hazel. In makeup, you can use cold shades. For girls of this type, it is better to choose gray, brown, black, green or turquoise eyeliner, as well as shades of pastel and silver tones, lavender, pink, blue and mother-of-pearl. Foundation and powder should be cold pink or beige. Blush is better to take cold restrained tones.

“Fly” is suitable for black or brown mascara.

From the wardrobe it is better to exclude clothes of bright flashy tones. Colors should be pastel and cold, preferably shades of blue, beige, as well as raspberry, pink, ripe cherry.
It is undesirable to wear clothes of peach and golden tones, as well as burgundy.

Appearance type "Autumn".

Most often, these girls are characterized by green, amber-brown or cognac eye color and hair of all shades of red - chestnut, copper, fiery, brown with a reddish tint. The structure of the hair is thick, elastic, often curly. The skin is usually beige, swarthy, with freckles, it reacts painfully to the sun - it turns red and inflamed.
Juicy colors are inherent, the main shades are red-yellow. Leather. Light and warm ivory or dark with a golden beige or peach hue. Freckles are red or yellowish-brown. The skin does not tan well (most often it results in reddening of the skin). Hair. Dark blond, red (dark or light), chestnut, always warm shades. Eyebrows - the color of the eyes or one nuance lighter, eyelashes are often too light, which makes the eyes seem to be devoid of contour. Eyes. Light and dark brown, green, turquoise, gray with golden dots. Lips. Bright. typical representatives. P. Cruz, D. Roberts, E. McDowell, N. Kidman, M. Terekhova, M. Plisetskaya.
Girls of the "autumn" color type have a golden or slightly yellowish backlight. Such skin practically does not tan.

The eyes of the "autumn" are light blue, gray, muted green, golden brown or dark brown. The hair color of girls of this type varies from bright red to chestnut.

Foundation and powder can be of any shade, except for cold pink. Eyes are best painted with brown, blue, green or black pencils. Shades of warm natural shades are suitable for pencils - apricot, salmon, copper, bronze, sandy brown, eggplant. For eyelashes, you can take mascara in blue and purple shades.

Blush of terracotta, hazel and peach color will look ideal. Lipstick is better to choose with a golden shimmer, brown or orange.

For the wardrobe, things of brown colors, from golden to chocolate, are suitable. Also, the dignity of the girl - "autumn" will emphasize the color of dark turquoise, green shades, as well as warm red and warm pink. It is not recommended to wear things of cold gray and red colors.

Contrasting expressive accessories will suit such a girl. Jewelry made of wood, amber, corals will look great. From precious metals it is better to choose yellow matte gold.

Refers to the warm color type along with the spring woman, in contrast to the summer woman and the winter woman, who, as a rule, go with cold colors.

Characteristic features of the "AUTUMN" type of appearance:
- the skin has a warm golden or pale yellowish hue and does not contrast with the color of "rusty" hair, it does not tan well, and even not too long exposure to the open rays of the sun can cause skin burns;
- hair - not too dark, but not light, with a pronounced redhead: copper, chestnut, red;
- eye color - green, grayish-blue, blue, brown;
- eyebrows and eyelashes - thick and light, golden in tone, sometimes quite light;
- there is no natural blush;
- the edge of the pupil in golden dots (not always);
- golden brown freckles on the face and body (not always).

Preferred fabric and make-up colors:

"Autumn" ladies of the warm golden type suit a combination of dark and light shades of the same color, they will suit cozy, soft, rich, "clay" colors of clothing: khaki, autumn green, gold, beige, mustard, earthy and soft orange, red- brown, champagne color. Preferred style: folk and country.

White is best replaced with light cocoa or ivory, and black with warm dark brown or warm dark green (yellow shades give warmth).

Makeup for women of the AUTUMN type is performed in soft, delicate and warm colors: olive, dark green, copper, brown-orange, tan, golden brown, golden beige, beige gray.

The color of lipstick, lip gloss and nails for a woman-autumn:
red-brown, burgundy, rusty, copper, beige, golden, brown, brown with a hint of orange.

The vast majority of women are not satisfied with their appearance. Some complain about the angularity of the figure, others, on the contrary, about its excessive roundness. Those who are quite satisfied with their own physique are dissatisfied with individual facial features, skin or hair features.

But in the guise of famous actresses, singers, TV presenters, many do not notice any shortcomings. In fact, nature has awarded the unique beauty of everyone. However, not everyone knows how to emphasize their own attractiveness. To learn this art, you must first determine your type of appearance.

Appearance color type

The most famous and simple method for determining the type of appearance is a breakdown into 4 groups, each of which corresponds to a certain time of the year. This takes into account the color of the skin, eyes and hair of a woman. All shades are divided into light or dark, warm or cold.

Cold type of appearance: ashy shade of hair, light skin with a peach or blue tint, gray or blue eyes. Warm type: brown or red hair, hazel, green eyes, bronze skin tone.

Light type: natural blondes with a blurry contour of the lips and iris. Dark type: brown or black hair, well-defined lips and iris.

Type of appearance by season

Having determined your belonging to a particular season, it becomes easier to choose the right wardrobe and makeup. There are special tables in which all colors are divided into 4 groups listed below. Among them, you need to choose your range of shades and be guided by it when buying cosmetics and clothes.

    summer - light, cold;

    winter - dark, cold;

    spring - light, warm;

    autumn - dark, warm.

Types of appearance according to Kibby

At the end of the last century, the American David Kibby proposed his method of classifying the appearance of women. He developed a system that takes into account height, limb length, structural features of the skull and skeleton.

David Kibby singled out purely feminine (yin) and purely masculine (yang) features of appearance. Depending on the ratio in which they are present in one or another representative of the fair sex, her belonging to one of the 5 main types is determined.

The methodology is described in detail in a book called "Metamorphoses". This work has become a guide for many stylists, makeup artists, hairdressers and other professionals in the beauty industry.

In short, each type has the following features:


Women of short stature, with large eyes, rounded features, narrow hips and shoulders. They are more like teenagers. They suit short, mischievous haircuts, modest makeup, thick eyebrows with perfect contours. Clothing may contain a cage, stripes, floral motifs.


They have a purely feminine figure - wide hips and a thin waist. Full and soft oval of the face, delicate skin. The romantic type is characterized by medium height and blurring of contours. Such women are recommended tight-fitting clothes with an accentuated shoulder line, voluminous hairstyles and massive jewelry.

natural type

He is characterized by a squat, muscular figure, large palms and feet, straight lips, wide-set eyes. Representatives of this group should choose clothes with a straight T-shape silhouette, natural, slightly tousled hairstyles.

Classic type

Differs in regular, symmetrical and proportionate facial features. The lines of the figure are straight and slightly rounded. For women of this type, discreet makeup, strict hairstyles are suitable. Clothing should not contain bright details. Simply put, the image of a teacher or a lady is needed here, the other will look vulgar.

dramatic type

Tall, thin women, with sculpted features, thin noses and large mouths, angular and sharp. Romantic outfits and hair highlights are contraindicated for them. Clothing should have bright colors and sharp lines. Hairstyles are smooth with clear straight lines.

In addition to the main traits, there are subtypes. It is quite difficult to classify appearance according to this technique, without a certain experience. However, you can always turn to specialists. They will not only help determine belonging to a particular group, but also tell you how to choose the color of clothes and makeup according to the type of appearance.

Ethnic types of appearance

Representatives of various ethnic groups have their own characteristic features of appearance. The most significant elements of appearance, indicating belonging to one or another of them, are height, physique, face shape, eye shape and shade, skin and hair color. According to ethnic characteristics, most often determine the type of appearance of men.

The European people can be divided into the following subtypes:


Medium or narrow nose, protruding chin, prominent nape, blond hair and eyes, thin lips, narrow jaw, average height sometimes high.


Lowered outer corners of the eyes, wide jaw, dark hair and eyes, easily tanned skin, tall stature.


Almond-shaped eyes, dark brown or black hair, dark eyes, swarthy skin, full lips.


Slightly inverted lower lip, straight or wavy chestnut hair, tall.


The Asian type of appearance is distinguished by a triangular, slightly rounded face with prominent cheekbones, a narrow slit of the eyes, small puffy lips, and straight black hair. The skin is predominantly olive in color, but can also be milky white.


The Caucasian type is characterized by a large nose, often with a hump, wide, often fused eyebrows, dark hair color and their rapid growth throughout the body.

Slavic (Scandinavian)

The Slavic type of appearance or Scandinavian is the same Nordic. Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Poles, Bulgarians, Serbs have a Slavic appearance. Scandinavian - Norwegians, Swedes, Finns, Danes.

It was the ethnic features of appearance that became the fundamental factor in choosing the colors and styles of national costumes. No wonder even modern designers take them into account when creating modern outfits.

To always look spectacular, a woman must find her own style and priority shades in clothes and makeup. To this end, it is recommended to determine your type of appearance according to the time of year. A simple analogy with the seasons is a great tip for fashionistas.

A bit of history

The theory that the appearance of people corresponds to the four seasons did not originate from scratch. It was preceded by the research of artists and other creative people, as well as long-term observations of psychologists. The first fundamental work on this issue can be considered the book "Color is my beauty", which was written in 1980. He focused on the fact that a person's belonging to a particular color type is inherent in nature.

If you delve into history, one cannot fail to mention M. Yu. Chevrel, who was an outstanding chemist, and also worked in the royal workshop, which was engaged in the production of tapestries. In 1839, he published a work that justified the fact that colors located next to the face can affect skin tone. this knowledge was later used by artists.

Already in the 1920s, such a subject as "Coloristics" was introduced at many US universities. The basis of the course was the book by S. Kazhil "Color is you". By 1960, the works "Interaction from the German artists D. Albers and I. Itten" were published. They described the possibility of using certain colors to emphasize the dignity of appearance. These works are also used by modern stylists.

Type of appearance by season: how to determine

To create a harmonious image, you should first carefully study your reflection in the mirror, highlighting the key characteristics. Next, it is worth determining the type of appearance according to the time of year. Photos of nature in different seasons will certainly allow you to draw analogies with the human form. If you already have some assumptions about your color type, it is worth confirming your guesses through practical experiments.

Allocate color "spring", "summer", "autumn". To accurately determine belonging to one of them, you will need multi-colored pieces of fabric or sheets of paper. Remove makeup from your face and sit comfortably in front of a mirror. For the experiment, the first half of the day, which is characterized by good natural light, is best suited.

Alternately bring fabric or paper of different colors to your face to find out your type of appearance according to the season. How to determine the right shade? Your intuition will tell you. So, the skin will react to "your" color in the most positive way. It will become soft and fresh. The eyes will acquire an attractive shine, and the lips will become more expressive. If the shade is inappropriate, the exact opposite will happen. The complexion will become pale and painful, all defects (dark circles, wrinkles, rashes) will become more noticeable.

Important nuances

If you do not have any bright and expressive characteristics, it will be quite difficult to determine the type of appearance by the time of year. Here are some tips to help make this difficult task easier:

  • Ask a family member for help. Assessing the reaction of your skin to a particular color, you can be biased, because you have your favorite shades. And from the side it will be noticeable immediately.
  • The room in which you will conduct the experiment should not be decorated too brightly. Ideally, the walls should be white so that all attention is focused only on the test. If you do not have access to such a room, ask someone to hold a white sheet behind you as a backdrop.
  • Of course, it is important to wash off makeup from the face. However, accessories can also distort the impression. Thus, before the experiment, you need to remove earrings, pendants, bracelets and piercings, if any.
  • Even though colored hair cannot change the color type, it can be somewhat confusing during testing. To objectively assess the impact of a particular shade on your appearance, hide your hair under a white scarf or cap.
  • Your clothes of any color should not be reflected in the mirror. It is recommended to bare the shoulders.
  • If you have a natural hair color, it will be much easier to determine the type of appearance. To do this, you need to look at them in sunny weather. If bronze or gold highlights play on the curls, then you belong to the warm spectrum. Cold type implies an ashy or silver shade of hair.

Cold or warm?

If pinks, blues, and greens work best for you, this means that your range is cold. It includes color types of appearance "winter" and "summer". Warm red, yellow, orange tones are the main visiting card of "autumn" and "spring".

Despite the fact that both "winter" and "summer" belong to a cold palette, different shades correspond to these color types. So, when choosing a wardrobe and makeup, you should consider the following:

  • summer shades are quite light and muted with a bluish undertone;
  • speaking of the winter color type, it is worth noting that it corresponds to the same colors as the summer one, but in a brighter and more saturated variation.

And warm shades corresponding to "spring" and "autumn" are also somewhat different. It is worth paying attention to such points:

  • spring shades belong to the yellow-orange palette (at the same time they should be as bright and cheerful as possible);
  • the basis of the autumn palette is red (unlike spring, the shades will be muted and rather pale).


It will help to orient in the choice of makeup and clothes type of appearance according to the time of year. Winter has the following characteristics:

  • pronounced contrast between pale skin and dark hair;
  • expressive eyes of deep brown or blue;
  • bluish or olive tint on the skin;
  • blue-black or dark brown hair.

To imagine the visual image of "winter", it is worth looking at celebrities. So, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Natalia Oreiro have a similar type of appearance.

By analogy with the seasons, color types of appearance "winter", "spring", "summer", "autumn" are distinguished. So, if you find signs of a cold season in yourself, take these tips into service:

  • In makeup, focus on the lips. At the same time, bright shades of lipstick are welcome, which will look most advantageous against the background of fair skin. Cherry blossom is the best.
  • Use light tones of powder with a pearly sheen. This will help make the noble pallor of the skin even more attractive.
  • As for eye makeup, it is worth starting from muted cold shades. Shades of pink, olive or purple shades will look good. As for eyeliner and mascara, it is better to prefer graphite to black.
  • "Winter" girls are best suited for a classic wardrobe. In this case, it is recommended to use bright shades of a cold palette. An exception can be considered red, which is perfect for this type of appearance. So that the image does not seem boring, it is worth adding a few extravagant accents to it.
  • To emphasize the nobility of the image, use original, but miniature accessories. They should be made of noble metals, pearls or crystal.


With lightness and freshness, we associate the type of appearance according to the time of year "spring". It is characterized by such distinctive features:

  • light skin with a hint of peach or ivory;
  • slight pinkish blush or freckles on the cheeks;
  • eyes are light enough (brown, blue or gray);
  • blond hair, the shade of which can vary from light blond to golden.

If you cannot independently determine your type of appearance according to the time of year, compare yourself with famous personalities. So, Nicole Kidman and Meg Ryan can be attributed to "spring".

Color by season implies the observance of some rules that will make the appearance even more expressive. Speaking of "spring", it is worth considering the following recommendations:

  • As for makeup, transparent "watercolor" colors will be most appropriate. It is worth noting that the spring color type is the only one that allows an emphasis on both the eyes and the lips. It is best to use pink, coral, and also gray-brown shades. The complexion should be warm.
  • "Spring" wardrobe should be flying and delicate, made of light natural fabrics. Clothing should be light, pastel. Green, blue, gray and peach shades are welcome. It is not recommended to wear things of yellow and red colors.
  • "Spring" involves wearing clothes in a romantic style. Also, a similar color type is favorably combined with authentic things. Styles should be as simple as possible. It is unacceptable to overload the image with details.


With the hot sun, the type of appearance according to the time of year "summer" is associated. But, despite such a comparison, this cetotype is cold. It is characterized by such features:

  • thin transparent skin with a barely noticeable olive tint;
  • sometimes there are pale freckles;
  • eye color is usually muted;
  • light brown or brown hair with a reddish or silvery sheen.

The summer color type includes Natalia Vodianova, Christina Aguilera, and Jennifer Aniston.

Color types of appearance according to the time of year are determined in order to form an ideal, harmonious image. If you are in the "summer season", take these tips into service:

  • This type of appearance will look most beneficial if you focus on the eyes in makeup. Special attention should be paid to eyebrows and eyelashes, making them jet black or chocolate brown. When choosing shadows, pay attention to smoky shades, as well as
  • If you decide to focus on the lips, the shades should be soft, pastel. The summer color type of carrot, burgundy, lilac and
  • In clothes, you should give preference to calm shades, which will somewhat balance the bright appearance. Since the summer type of appearance is cold, the colors should be appropriate. From a warm palette, you should pay attention to the cherry shade.
  • Almost all known clothing styles are suitable for the summer color type. Nevertheless, it is worth shaping your wardrobe so that nobility can be traced in your image. Clothing should be made of soft fabrics that will fit the figure beautifully.


Each type of appearance has its own unique zest according to the time of year. "Autumn" is also a cheerful woman, from whom she breathes warmth. The following traits produce a similar effect:

  • hair with a reddish or bronze tint;
  • pale skin of ivory color or with a warm golden tint;
  • the eyes are mostly brown, but gray is also quite common;
  • in the warm season, freckles appear on the nose and cheeks.

The brightest "autumn" women can be considered Angelina Jolie and Julia Roberts.

Every girl is simply obliged to understand such a question as color types of appearance. How to determine the right makeup and wardrobe? You can do this by trial and error, or you can turn to the advice of stylists. So, for the "autumn" the following recommendations have been developed:

  • A win-win option for makeup is golden shades. This applies to both lips and eyes. You can also emphasize the eyelids with beige, olive, terracotta or mustard shades. As for eyebrows and eyelashes, it is better to dye them brown.
  • The manicure should be dominated by shades of red and burgundy. For more calm images, you can use brown, golden or beige varnish.
  • As for clothes for this color type, it should also match the range of autumn. Khaki, red-brown shades, orange, gold and beige things will look good. Radical white or black is best avoided. They can be replaced with ivory and dark brown.
  • "Autumn" women are best suited for sports style. Country-style clothes will also look good. Try to use textured fabrics in your wardrobe. Hardware must be massive.
  • As for jewelry, give preference to gold. Speaking of stones, it is best to use amber, pearls, corals.


Girls can differ significantly from each other, which corresponds to a certain type of appearance according to the time of year. Photos of women from the same season, upon closer examination, show differences in contrast. There are such types:

  • The light type is quite rare. He is a combination of pale skin, clear blue or gray eyes, and golden hair. It is worth noting that this type is quite rare in nature. And among celebrities, Cate Blanchett can be attributed to him. Mostly women create it artificially, by dyeing their hair and applying light powder. When creating an image, you should be careful with bright and dark shades, because they can emphasize pallor in an extremely disadvantageous way.
  • Natural type is characterized by medium contrast. Usually such people have blond hair, peach skin and fairly light eyes. The most prominent representative among celebrities is Jennifer Aniston. The natural type should emphasize its advantages with light or muted tones.
  • Contrasting - these are quite common color types of appearance. With a photo of a representative of this color type, a dark-haired girl with fair skin usually looks at us. The eyes are brown or gray, quite expressive. In some cases, a bright look is combined with light blond hair. As for the wardrobe, it is recommended to combine light and dark shades within the same image.
  • The bright type is the most expressive and colorful. The main distinguishing feature is very in combination with black hair. The eyes are usually brown, but sometimes the iris can be bright blue. Representatives of this type look best in black or white clothes. Experiments with bright shades are also welcome.

Some facts about color types

Trying to determine the type of appearance according to the time of year, women constantly face certain difficulties. They are connected mainly with the myths that have managed to form around this topic:

  • It is impossible to say unequivocally that a certain color does not suit any of the "seasons". Each of them has many shades, among which you can choose the right one for winter, and for spring, and for summer, and for autumn. The only exceptions are orange, black and white.
  • Many women think that the type of appearance can change according to the time of year, for example, if you dye your hair or sunbathe in a solarium. However, "season" is an innate characteristic that persists throughout life. Successful metamorphoses will only emphasize belonging to it. And trying to change, for example, "spring" to "autumn", there is a risk of spoiling the appearance.
  • It is worth noting that the signs of color types are very conditional, and they can be determined by the prevailing population. Rarely enough is the "season" in its purest form. Thus, blondes are not always "spring" and green-eyed girls are not always "autumn" and so on.


The expression that there are no ugly people is quite true. It’s just that sometimes ineptly selected makeup or the color scheme of the wardrobe can completely block all the advantages of appearance and make the flaws more noticeable. Thus, such a science as color is simply indispensable in matters of beauty.

Type of appearance "Winter"

This is the most striking type of female appearance, embodying colors, contrasting and catchy colors. The skin of a "winter" woman is characterized by the following features.
- very light, pinkish-bluish, white, clean and transparent, similar to porcelain, without blush;
- swarthy or olive (southern type), but with a cold shade, quickly tans, acquiring a delicate olive tone, capable of pigmentation.
Hair is most often dark: dark brown, dark ash, blue-black, but platinum blondes can also be found. On the hair is noticeable with an ashy tint. Dark eyebrows and The contrast is created by light, porcelain skin color and burning hair color. The eyes are dark brown, cold gray, green, dark blue with bright whites. Juicy lips have a bluish tint.

Type of appearance "Spring"

The type is characterized by warm, soft, fresh colors. This is the lightest color type. The skin is pale golden with a peach tint or light with a pinkish tint and a slight blush, the face is tender and radiant. Possible freckles. The skin tans well, acquiring a light shade of "coffee with milk" or even dark brown. The hair is light with a hint of yellow - light brown, light blond, golden ash, straw, linen, cast in a warm golden color, often there are natural light strands. Eyebrows and eyelashes to match the hair or a little darker. A "spring" woman is usually either a light brown-haired woman or a natural blonde. Eyes hazel, gray, pistachio, blue, yellowish green, turquoise. Lips are a warm pale pink natural color. Lips and eye color do not contrast with the skin.

Type of appearance "Summer"

Here you can see soft, cold colors. This type of appearance is most common in Russia. The skin is delicate, cold light olive color or light pink, with a bluish tint, does not have a reddish tint. Freckles and birthmarks have an ashy or gray tint. The skin tans well, except for very fair skin. After it acquires a peach shade. The hair is dark (not darker than brown) or light with a cold ashy tint. Eyebrows also have an ashy tint. The eyes are gray-blue, blue, hazel, blue, green, green-gray, green-blue, whites of a milky matte shade. Lips pink, cold shade.

Type of appearance "Autumn"

There are rich colors, the main colors are red-yellow. The skin is swarthy with a peach or golden-beige tint, light, a shade of warm ivory. Freckles may be tan or red. The skin tans badly sometimes to reddening of the skin. Hair brown, dark blond, shades are always warm. Eyelashes are usually too light, while the eyes seem to be devoid of contour. Eyebrows match the color of the eyes or one shade lighter. The eyes are gray with golden specks, dark and light brown, turquoise, green. Lips are bright.
