Carpet in the snow. We beat and clean the carpet in the snow

With the onset of winter, there is an excellent opportunity to effectively clean the carpet from dust on the snow cover. Carpet cleaning with snow is quite effective and does not take much time.

The main thing is that the snow is soft and loose, and there is no ice crust on it. It is important to choose a place to clean the carpet without dirt and slag, the best option would be freshly fallen snow. Of course, in urban conditions this is quite difficult, but if you live in good environmental conditions, then finding clean snow is not difficult.

The carpet needs a thorough cleaning at least twice a year, and it is best to dry clean the carpets in the summer. Cleaning carpets with a conventional vacuum cleaner does not give the desired result. In the fight against dust, wet cleaning is much more effective, which is done with a washing vacuum cleaner, and in the winter season, clean floor coverings in the snow.

1. Spread the carpet on the snow pile down, mark a layer of snow on top. Go over the entire area of ​​​​the carpet with a flexible beater.

2. Then move the carpet to another clean spot in the snow, turning it over with the pile facing up, and repeat the process.

4. If the carpet is small, the snow is simply shaken off it, holding the corners. With large sizes, you can throw a carpet on any crossbar and knock out the snow.

5. When you bring the carpet into the house, spread it on the floor and let it warm up, and if the snow was wet, then dry it.

6. If possible, leave the carpet for a day in the cold so that it gains frosty freshness.

Many have heard and know about this useful method of cleaning carpets in winter, especially since you do not need to buy carpet cleaners, spend extra money and time, everything is simple and easy, the main thing is to know how to properly clean the carpet with snow and in what sequence.

Prepared by Maryana Chornovil

Many people think that only a carpet can provide cosiness and comfort in the house. Indeed, the carpet pleasantly warms the feet, pleases the eye with colors, children can play comfortably and safely on it. Carpets muffle neighbors' and own noises. In gratitude for all this, the carpet requires one thing - care.

Old carpets are less capricious in care and require less care. This can be explained by the fact that during their manufacture there was also a test stage: carpets woven from wool were soaked, ironed, dried and weathered so that they acquired resistance to physical influences and did not shrink after washing. Modern carpets are put on the market without this stage.

Vacuum cleaner and brush

Therefore, when buying a new carpet, remember: it is better to clean it for the first six months with a soft brush or broom. Small villi can collect on them, you don’t need to be afraid of this: this is how free fibers that remain when cutting the pile surface are removed. Only after the pile of the carpet is sufficiently compacted, you can use a vacuum cleaner to clean it.

And here are the rules that are equally important for cleaning both new and old carpets:

Don't scrub the carpet against lint - not only is it inconvenient, but it can also damage its texture.

The brush is best for cleaning only short pile carpets. A long bristle brush can grab and damage.

Beater and broom

If you are going to “knock out” the carpet in the yard, then remember: you can only hang it on a thick round crossbar and in no case on a rope or a fence - otherwise you can damage the threads of the frame. In addition, the pile of the carpet should be facing down. Knock out dust only with a soft beater (preferably from twigs) and then brush the carpet with a brush from one side and the other.

The carpet will become brighter if you knock it out through a rag moistened with a solution of vinegar (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water).

In winter, the carpet is laid on the snow pile down and slightly knocked out. If a dark trace of dust remains on the snow, the carpet must be moved to the side and knocked out again. The procedure is repeated until the snow remains clean. Then the carpet is turned over, the pile surface is cleaned of snow with a brush or broom and rolled into a roll. You can't fold carpet!

To clean the carpet, you can use one of the special liquid products. There are a lot of them on sale now, you can choose what you need specifically for you. Some products not only clean carpets, but also protect them from moths and carpet bugs for several months.

Folk ways

1. Sprinkle fine table salt on the carpet and sweep it with a broom previously moistened with hot soapy water or a weak solution of washing powder (1/2 teaspoon per 1 liter of water). Contaminated salt must be replaced with fresh salt several times. Remaining salt can be removed with a vacuum cleaner. Instead of salt, you can use sleeping tea leaves or sawdust.

Carpeting in a house or apartment always brings comfort and warmth, but it requires care. How are carpets beaten out, where is the best place to do it? This decorative element collects a lot of dust, with which it becomes not only unaesthetic, but also harmful to health. For tips on keeping your carpet clean, check out this article.

What are carpets beaten with?

Where to knock out the carpet?

If you live in your own home with a yard, carpet cleaning is not a problem. Residents of apartment buildings were less fortunate. In small courtyards, there are usually squares, playgrounds and hangers with linen for those who do not have a balcony. Knocking out carpets there is problematic and unethical.

You can find a secluded place in your yard, a sturdy tree is suitable as a knockout stand. But even here you have to be careful with the time of knocking out.

Claps and blows on the carpet are usually heard far away, so they should be beaten out not in the morning and late evening, but in the afternoon of a weekday.

An alternative would be special detergents and a vacuum cleaner. They are applied to the coating according to the instructions, then the remnants of the product and contaminants are removed with a vacuum cleaner. If there is an opportunity to take the carpet into the yard for cleaning, consider the tricks of cleaning by knocking out.

How to knock out a carpet

Looking at how carpets are beaten out, sometimes there is a wrong idea about this process. It seems that there is nothing difficult: you stand to yourself and beat with a stick on the fleecy sides of the carpet. In fact, everything is more complicated, you need to knock out correctly. For this, special plastic beaters are best suited, but they cannot be used in severe frost; in winter, rubberized accessories are preferable.

If there are no such devices, a strong stick will do, but it will take longer to wield it.

Before cleaning, the carpet can be covered with a damp old sheet: the dust will remain on it, and will not fly at you or into the windows of nearby apartments.

Let's move on to cleaning. You need to get behind the wind, people with respiratory diseases are better off either not doing this, or knocking out in a respirator, a mask made of damp cloth or gauze. Start at the top, visually dividing the carpet into several horizontal stripes. First we clean the upper strip, go down below and so on until the very last one. After doing this on one side, the carpet should be turned over.

With the onset of winter, when it is cold outside and fresh fluffy snow falls, it becomes possible to clean and refresh carpets in a natural and proven way for many years - to clean carpets with snow. Many have heard and know about this useful method of cleaning carpets in winter, especially since you do not need to buy carpet cleaners, spend extra money and time, everything is simple and easy, the main thing is to know how to properly clean the carpet with snow and in what sequence.

    The main condition for cleaning the carpet in the snowis pure freshly fallen snow on a frosty day, so that it is without an ice crust, loose and not wet.

    If the previous condition is met, then boldly twist the carpets and choose a place on the street where the cleaning will be done. It is necessary to choose a place with a clean surface of snow and enough area for carpet cleaning, as you will need to transfer them several times to a new clean place.

    We spread the carpets pile down on the snow and sprinkle snow on top and start knocking them out and just walking on them so that dirt and fine dust come out of the fibers.

    We shift the carpets to a new place and repeat these procedures, so you need to do this several times until the snow under the carpet, after knocking out, becomes clean, this will mean that the dust has already left the carpets.

    After these procedures, the carpets are turned upside down, sprinkled with snow, knocked out and the snow is swept away with a brush or broom.

    At the end of cleaning, the carpets are hung on a crossbar or horizontal bar and the snow is knocked out of them; if there is no crossbar, then the snow is carefully swept from the carpet and rolled up.

    The last step in cleaning carpets with snow will be drying it at home. Carpets need to be spread out and let them warm up to room temperature and dry out. The main thing is that the carpets dry well and the moisture comes out of the fibers. If there are wet areas on the carpet, then it is better to dry them, as described in the article,

Snow carpet cleaning in winter- an old way to clean a dense fleecy fabric from dust, dirt and even germs. Despite the fact that today carpets do not fully fulfill their original role, because now floors can be insulated in several different ways, carpets still create comfort in the room, so they are still used in everyday life. Therefore, it is imperative to know how to wash and clean the carpet correctly, because dirt collects in a dense pile and microbes develop. In some cases, ticks can even get in the carpet, which can lead to serious health problems for family members.

Despite the fact that cleaning the carpet with snow seems to be possible only in the street, it can be done even at home. In the sections below, we'll look at both carpet cleaning options.

We clean the carpet with snow

So how do you get started with carpet cleaning? Regardless of which method is chosen, the following rules should be observed during the cleaning of the carpet:

  1. Before cleaning the carpet with snow, the household item must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt and dust, and it is best to knock it out. This is because if the snow removal is done incorrectly, the pollution situation will only get worse.
  2. If possible, try to get as far away from the city and the industrial zone as possible. It is best to choose holiday villages or forests for cleaning carpets.
  3. It is very important that the snow is only fallen and loose, do not use snow that has become crusty when cleaning the carpet.
  4. Remember, the faster you clean the carpet with snow, the better and better the result will be.
  5. Do not use additional detergents or household chemicals when cleaning the carpet with snow: this will only worsen the pollution situation.

These basic rules apply to both methods of cleaning the carpet with snow, now let's look at the options in more detail..

On the street

There is nothing easier than properly and effectively cleaning the carpet with snow on the street. To do this, it is enough to choose a frosty day, preferably at the same time, so that the snow falls no earlier than two days ago. After vacuuming the carpet in advance, it must be rolled up and taken out into the street. When choosing a workplace, give preference to those areas where there is clean and even land without grass in the summer. The ideal option would be to clean the carpet on an asphalt surface.

First, spread the carpet face down, then carefully cover the surface with snow and start beating the carpet very quickly with a plastic beater. Try to walk evenly over the entire surface of the carpet.

After that, the carpet must be carefully transferred to clean snow. Try not to drag the rug at the same time, so that the dirty snow does not drag along, but enlist the help of a family member to carefully lift and move the rug to a new place.

Now lay out the carpet face up, and then repeat the manipulations described above. Try to walk on the carpet as little as possible while cleaning, if possible.

After you have carefully beaten out the carpet, armed with a broom or a wide brush with stiff bristles, sweep away the remaining snow from the front of the carpet. If the carpet is small, it can be lifted up and thus the rest of the snow is chipped away. If the carpet is quite large, just throw it over the horizontal bar and knock it out again.

For some time, the carpet can be left outside so that it is saturated with fresh frosty air.

Remember that for high-quality cleaning, the carpet must be knocked out. In this case, you will even watch how dust, dirt and other debris remain on the snow under the carpet. If you clean the carpet only with a brush, worrying about the material or structure of the carpet, the desired effect will not be achieved. In addition, such cleaning can be delayed, and then the carpet will be saturated with snow, which will subsequently melt and be absorbed into the fabric, which will adversely affect the condition of the carpet.

If you are too worried about the fact that the plastic knocked out can deform the carpet, use a terry cloth as a pad, such as a towel. This method is more laborious, but certainly does not have any negative consequences.

After such cleaning, the carpet will not only be cleaned and acquire a pleasant aroma, but will also sparkle with new colors.


In the event that the carpet is too large and there is no way to take it outside, you can clean the carpet with snow at home. To do this, follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. To begin with, we need to carry out preparatory activities. Be sure to lay on the floor in the room in which the cleaning will take place, dense polyethylene.
  2. Do not forget that before cleaning the carpet must be thoroughly vacuumed.
  3. A few hours before the start of cleaning, open the windows in the room so that it is ventilated. It will also reduce the temperature in the room, which, in turn, is very important for cleaning the carpet with snow at home.
  4. We collect several buckets of fresh and clean snow on the street, after which we begin the cleaning process. We sprinkle the surface of the carpet with snow, and then, by analogy with the previous method, we knock out the carpet evenly. At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to remove the remaining snow. To do this, you can use a vacuum cleaner with a flag cleaning function or an ordinary broom. In the case of the second option, remember that there will be a lot of dirt, which will also have to be removed later.
  5. We carefully lift the carpet, for which we again need additional help, remove the dirty polyethylene, if possible, wash the floor and cover it with a new clean oilcloth. We turn the carpet face down, lower it onto polyethylene. Now we again need to cover the surface with snow and knock it out. This should be done carefully, because a strong mechanical impact can damage the pile. Upon completion of the procedure, we clean the carpet from the remnants of snow, remove the film and leave the carpet to dry for a while. In this case, the windows in the room should not be closed.

This method is not as effective as cleaning the carpet on the street, but it is possible if the carpet is very massive. In any other situation, try to move the carpet outside.

It is necessary to dry the carpets after cleaning with snow at room temperature so that the pile heats up gradually: this way the moisture will come out and evaporate naturally.

It is useful to clean the carpet with snow at least once a year in order to refresh the pile, as well as to destroy pests, such as moths or mites, that could start in the fabric. After studying the above material, now you know how to carry out the procedure correctly at home and on the street.
