Congratulations on the accountant's day to former colleagues. Congratulations on the day of the accountant in verse

Happy Accountant's Day
The ones who do the math.
Gods of statistics and algebra,
Who is not afraid of accounting.

I wish you strength and patience
In this difficult work.
With all good relations
And the mood on any day.

Women are beautiful and slim
Very cute, calm
You are the accountant and brain of the company,
And all the attention is on you today!

Congratulations on Russian Accountant's Day,
We wish you many successes
To do a great job,
You felt our care!

We want you to be loved
And carried in their arms with love,
So that your house is filled with comfort,
And prosperity was in it!

Debit, credit documents
Bring all the accountants
And counted reports
In the documents with a bang.

Unemployment, wages,
All taxes included
And the payment is calculated -
You can do everything.

My accountant dear
You are a financial genius.
We are all proud of you
You deserve awards.

On Accountant's Day I wish
Do business right.
And I place hope
For a career to flourish.

Today is Digital Masters Day,
They are always, everywhere, responsible for everything -
Today is the holiday of all accountants,
The most responsible profession in the world.

I want you, accountant, to wish
Do not lose practicality and grip,
In all matters, observe the order,
So that your life is always in order.

And in personal life - joy, love,
Native people so as not to betray.
Laugh more, be happy, live
So that you never know sadness.

My friend, accountant, today is your day,
So meet him in a good mood.
Although your work is quiet, it is not easy.
Accept my, accountant, congratulations.

On the day of the accountant of Russia
I want to wish you
Live your life beautifully
Never lose heart!

So that the numbers all converge.
So that the reports are good.
What was breathed to be loved,
To dream - from the heart!

Past your offices
They walk quietly, because they know -
There are big things going on
And they get paid.

On the day of the accountant we wish
Positive mood
And to be the envy of everyone
Your personal assets!

Balancing -
Huge hard work.
Who has not met this
They probably will understand you.

I wish you finances
Worthy wallet,
And the debit to be reduced
You always have a loan!

Happy Accountant's Day
And I wish from the bottom of my heart
To match the debit with the credit,
To solve all the problems!

May accounting days be with you
They will be happy, they will be thrilled.
And let everything go well in business,
So that not life, but simply paradise!

No wonder the songs are sung
About the dear accountant,
After all, this profession
Important in the country for everyone!

And on this joyful holiday
Congratulations to Accounting
For their labor is not in vain
And for their mind excellent!

You are the best accountant in the world
Accept these congratulations!
I wish you a career boost
Let work bring joy
And wages go up
To live luxuriously, richly,
So that every moment in life
Gave you pleasure!

You are a tamer of numbers, like this, and not otherwise.
No one can solve the most difficult problems like that.
Modest, beautiful and smart, very charismatic,
You pay the salary to everyone, as if by the way.
We want to wish you that everything was in openwork,
So that at work and at home - there was enough strength for everything.
Let them appreciate, love, cherish, do not cause trouble.
Always everywhere in any business in life help.

In your head you carry home from work
Daily figures and reports,
And various items of expenditure,
Information about the availability of income.

Accountant, forget it in the office
All these articles and reports.
Beautiful, chic, changeable
Come home just a woman.

Forget about the report, smile beautifully
Be the sweetest and very happy
Let the swarm of worries rush briskly, but by,
And you be successful and firmly loved!

Move the balance, remove the invoices,
You can check the report tomorrow.
I give you simple wishes -
It's great to meet the Accountant's Day!

Happy Accountant's Day congratulations to a cool colleague

Let there be a debit balance
And life is successful and lucky,
As for finances,
So we do not hear their romances.

Prosperity, profit and income
Let it come to you from everywhere.
Let health be strong
Let people be grateful.

After all, without an accountant - trouble:
Neither there nor here.
Not on vacation, not on a business trip,
Neither for purchase, nor for a change house.

To give money to someone before ...,
From whom to write off the mattsennosti.
We will say to the accountant in unison:
“Colleague, we really need you!”

Abacus, calculator and computer, debit, business plan, articles, balance.
Being an accountant, how cool it is - not a job, but a complete romance!

You compose a report like a poem, accounting is your concept.
You don’t consider it a problem at all that you can’t hide anywhere from numbers.

Let's say the following phrase about you: "accounting is your continuous leitmotif,
You are dragging the entire financial base, our colleague, our locomotive.”

May your accounting song bring us real success,
You write a heavier report, you'll see, cool luck!

Being an accountant is an honor, but it is not easy,
Let them give you milk in addition to your rewards for harmfulness.
Bring everything together and summarize, sort out the invoices,
And work, if necessary, without legal days off.
You can do everything, Maya the bee: count the numbers in an instant,
To rustle, draw up a balance, and quickly submit reports.
You are our lucky charm. And when the accountant is cool,
Everything is in order, and the whole company is often given bonuses.
Congratulations and wish you happiness and good luck in everything,
We love, appreciate, respect, we drink for you today.

You are our queen
The most difficult calculations
After all, you take on the job
And the order in the reports!

Happy Accountant's Day! Joy
Let this holiday come
So that there is sweetness in the soul,
Like delicious candy!

Humorous congratulations on the Chief Accountant's Day in verse

Our bow to the ground to the chief accountant.
We all without you, believe me, would hardly have been able to.
You plow like a bee, tirelessly,
The computer is your assistant, and the calculator is your friend.
Everyone knows the nuances, in the laws of change,
Shut up the auditors without a doubt.
We wish you success, prosperity and health
Reporting only with profit. Your team, with love.

Your accounting policy leads us on the right course.
And your honorable mission will not turn off the straight road.
And numerous debtors make settlements with you on time,
And creditors clearly know that you are a serious player.

Manage the system in such a way that there is always balance everywhere in it.
And we are faced with a dilemma, one nuance confuses us:
Are you just a genius? Are you God? Financial expert?
Let the transfer be everywhere for you without restrictions!

Funny congratulations on Accountant's Day in prose

On Accountant's Day there will always be words for those on whose fragile shoulders finances rest. Let happiness be immense and all-encompassing, let health be in full swing, and let the numbers express their gratitude. Let the auditors invite you for tea and put down for consultations, and the balance sheets will only be profitable. Let your vacations do without bossy calls, and leave enough for a walk along the Champs Elysees.

They don’t dream about your profession from childhood, and when they grow up, many people want to master it, but not everyone is able to become an accountant. Only people with the highest concentration of attention can relax three times a year and celebrate the professional day of workers involved in accounting. Colleagues, we wish you that nothing interferes with your work: computers do not hang, orders are reasonable, programs are accessible, laws are feasible, accountants are happy.

I want more weekends
Short working days
Worthy salaries, three times higher,
And happiness in life through the roof!

Home - comfort and warmth,
Soul - order and goodness,
And the body - beauty, health,
Bliss somewhere by the sea!

Great love and good luck
In all matters, nothing else
Live life to the fullest, for yourself.
Happy Accountant's Day, friends!

To be an accountant
You have to love everything
Be able to make "wiring"
Without valerian and vodka.
You need to learn "accounts"
Just like "twice two".
Statements and invoices
Should be like family to you.
To reduce taxes and fines,
You need to know who to give "on the paw."
And always continuous reports,
As if there is no other job.
But if the balance came together,
Then this job is for you.
And with that I congratulate you
I wish you success in your work.
Let it be very difficult for us sometimes,
Being an accountant is awesome!

Dear colleagues, on the day of the Russian accountant, I want to wish you true recognition in the service, because many people underestimate our complex and painstaking work; real understanding at home, because often you have to stay late until late to prepare a report and balance; utmost attention and fewer mistakes, because the well-being of our team and the enterprise as a whole often depends on this.

All of our accounting
Congratulations today
Good luck and luck
Colleagues, I wish you!

All work patience
And do not know sorrows
To have a mood
Always number five!

Happy accountant's day, colleagues,
Congratulations now
From balance sheets and reports
Don't let your eyes twitch.

Let the salary drip
The premium is growing faster
From the tax inspector
Don't stand at the door.

Happy Accountant Day in Russia
I congratulate you, colleagues,
Debit with credit for a long time
They have become our Bible.

Our everyday life is
Balances, reconciliations and settlements,
Summaries, selections, taxes
And favorite reports.

I wish in numbers
We are not lost with you
Coming to work
We smiled at each other.

So that we can move mountains
Our friendly team
To you, colleagues, I wish
For everyone to be happy.

Numbers, numbers, debit, credit,
Again numbers, accounting.
Lack of time per day -
Who is an accountant, he will understand!

Oh, colleagues, we have patience
It remains to wish
For the balance to be perfect
The audit suits him.

So that one converges with the other,
And there were no paperwork.
Enough energy and time
For business and fun.

The day of the accountant has come,
He created a big holiday for us.
You, workers from God,
Above all praise!

Never be wrong
Live together and not swear
Happiness to each of us.
Such an order from colleagues.

Happy accountant day, colleagues,
I want to congratulate you
I wish you success
And peace, my friends.

So that work is a joy,
Yes, and let the awards await
Because it is very necessary
Our sometimes hard work.

My excellent team
Today is our holiday by right,
I want more perspectives
To improve your working skill.

To in accounting
Everything was covered with you,
And in personal bank accounts
There has never been a limit.

Happy accountant's day, colleagues!
The most interesting tasks.
Prospects, dashing strategies,
Daring plans, strength, good luck.

Let the income not grieve
Bold plans, themes, ideas.
Everyone knows their business
Don't slow down!

Good day! By the Day of the accountant, corporate parties are organized with special care. Events are held in offices, cafes or restaurants. During the celebration, colleagues share their experience and brag about new achievements, and the management thanks the accountants for their hard work and rewards those who have particularly distinguished themselves with diplomas and prizes.

The heroes of the occasion themselves are also not averse to congratulating their colleagues with comic rhymes on Accountant's Day. Cheerful sarcastic lines allow all members of one big accounting family to joke with each other and amuse all the guests of the holiday.
Comic congratulations on the Accountant's Day to colleagues can be found here.

Congratulations to the accounting department Happy Accountant's Day

Dear our accountants!
Congratulations on your holiday! Hooray!
Let's drink to this worthy date
We wish you big salaries
Happiness, health, success in work
Believe in yourself and good luck everywhere!
To make your dreams come true
So that fate gives flowers!
And so that you go through life with fun
We wish you congratulations!

Accountant, I hasten to congratulate you.
Today is your day, congratulations from us.
So that you know how precious
And everyone, without exception, is important.
Without your hard work:
We can't have a peaceful day.
After all, we would not know without you:
To whom and how much they owe.
And on this wonderful day, I want to wish:
You do not know the difficulties and troubles,
Have a decent salary
And help the human brother.

Coolest poems for accountants

Your service, as the song says -
Difficult and dangerous at times.
After all, the prosperity of all production
Directly depends on you.
Accounting is the best place
There is always peace and comfort here.
Sometimes it gets crowded
When people get paid.
And today the holiday broke into you,
All poems and flowers - all for you!
Even the warm wind gathered
Dance a quiet waltz in the yard.
We want everything to go smoothly.
All reports were given easily.
So that life is long and sweet
Like a sip of expensive Clicquot!

Accountant, accept wishes,
And loud applause
Always so that you have a balance,
And you were beautiful in profile and full face,
So that the boss does not offend you with a salary,
And so that there is no extra urgent emergency,
In hard work, you, of course, success,
More fun, and loud laughter,
Health was enough to more than
Soul to sing like a bird in spring!

Darker than the clouds, our accountant -

The monthly report is on fire!

We can understand it, guys -

The cycle of papers and numbers ...

The brain is foggy, the eyes are watery

The computer reset the database ...

Throw it, our dear accountant,

This feast is in honor of you today!

All fellow accountants,

Spare no kind words

Congratulations and wish

So that everyone is healthy

To make the house a full bowl,

So that in our difficult life,

Friends helped us

And a loving family.

To make children happy

And they gave us grandchildren,

And lived in this world

As many as you need!

Money loves accurate counting

Who, as it should, will count everything?

Dear accountant,

It will bring business to profit!

And count the salary

And close the year with a plus!

subtract, add and divide,

Multiply and check

Find everything to the penny

Will not let anyone down.

And such people - reliable,

Not to congratulate - it is impossible,

That's why hurry up

Give warmth to the soul

On this day, modest hard workers,

What with his great work,

Day after day, year after year,

We, friends, lead forward!

Let's forget for a day

About screens and mice.

Calculations, reports...

We'll add everything later.

Today is our day!

Let's mess around

And have fun

Dream about GOA

And about fairy princes.

Long live laziness!

Let's start the morning

With chocolate and tea

luxury lunch

We will crown with cognac -

It's not good for us!

Let them balance

other departments,

To continue to be respected

It's not easy.

Girls, everyone to the banquet!

Happy accountant's day, friends,

I want to congratulate you

We are all a friendly family.

If you think creatively,

You have to give credit -

Our corporate holiday

You to disentangle again.

We are waiting for bonuses and prizes,

Let, sometimes, roar like a lion,

But I believe that you are "in the subject."

Sincerely! Your Chief.

Accountant's day guys

significant date,

The holiday of those whose modest work,

All attention will be respected!

Boss from personal budget

Himself put down for it

Because there is no article -

Spend money on tea

For champagne and cakes

"Grandmas" will roll out their own.

We will add a little of our own,

Accounting - congratulations!

Colleagues, Happy Accountant's Day!
The best time has come
To hold a corporate
Forgetting calculations and liabilities! I wish you to go in a dream,
So that there are only those
Who respects and honors you
May luck visit each of you today.
I believe we are the elite class
And everyone deserves a raise.
For our right decisions Let's drink, friends,
After all, we are already one family,
And a helping hand in trouble
Let's reach out to everyone in the department!

Let's find this day

In familiar words, a new sound
Forgive each other everything and understand everything
In the balance of heart and soul, we will accept the wish
Let there be only a debit of happiness in your life
Good luck, tenderness, love
Let the loan remove all bad weather
Reduce cloudy days
Keep on the turns of kindness
May wisdom and care increase them
As a result, we get the balance - life
And this is the most desired and important work!

Happy Accountants Day!

Not enough kind words
From the bottom of my heart to congratulate you
And deserved praise.
Good luck and success to you
Less nerves, more laughter!

Bring flowers to these humble people,

Without them, the whole company's mechanism will rust,
Their work plan is difficult for others to understand,
And for an accountant, all these figures are life! Accountant, colleagues, congratulations
Happy accounting day, and I wish everyone
So that the numbers that fill your life,
Were a particle of positive systems ...

On the day of the accountant, we congratulate our colleague, the best professional and pedant in our field, on their professional holiday! We sincerely thank you for the painstaking, daily work that ensures the unshakable success of our organization. Health to you, good luck, fast and correct balances in the reports!

To be an accountant
You have to love everything
Be able to make "wiring"
Without valerian and vodka.
You need to learn "accounts"
Just like "twice two".
Statements and invoices
Should be like family to you.
To reduce taxes and fines,
You need to know who to give "on the paw."
And always continuous reports,
As if there is no other job.
But if the balance came together,
Then this job is for you.
And with that I congratulate you
I wish you success in your work.
Let it be very difficult for us sometimes,
Being an accountant is awesome!

Dear colleagues,

What do I want to wish on our holiday?
For debit and credit to converge,
And submit all reports on time.

So that there are fewer checks,
Be with the tax only on you,
Without difficulty, so that everything is considered to us,
No fuss and no fuss.

So that the wiring is all right,
Salary paid on time
In documents so that everything goes smoothly,
And so that our wallet is full!

Happy accountant day, colleagues,

I want to congratulate you
I wish you success
And peace, my friends.

So that work is a joy,
Yes, and let the awards await
Because it is very necessary
Our sometimes hard work.

Plan of accounts for memory to remember

Fill in declarations
Calculate everyone's salary
and calculate taxes.

The accountant's job is
This is an eternal concern
About finances and reports,
VAT and turnover.

Balance, reversal and interest,
Dollars, rubles and cents.
Our accountant will take everything into account,
Debit with credit will reduce.

We are proud of him and appreciate
We help as much as we can.
He is our accountant
Pro, just top class!

May it be light and happy
There will be a labor field,
Without checks and worries
Every day, year after year.

Well, my accountants,

It's time for us to celebrate!
We counted money for a whole year,

So that a whole mountain of money
You had an accountant!

SMS congratulations on Accountant's Day to colleagues

Well, my accountants,
It's time for us to celebrate!
We counted money for a whole year,
Well, now a little tired!

May you always, colleagues,
Only success awaits in a career,
So that a whole mountain of money
You had an accountant!

Happy accountant day, colleagues,

I congratulate you today
Combine debit with credit -
Show top class.

I want accuracy in business,
Happiness, joy - in the family,
Just walk confidently
On your big path.

Happy Accountant's Day, dear colleagues!

Let our work illuminate success,
So that no obstacles meet,
So that bright laughter sparkles around.

So that houses surround gently
Warmth, kindness, comfort.
Let the world be boundless
And let the soul and heart sing.

Happy Accountant's Day, colleagues!

In the daily hustle and bustle
Our hasty run
The place is a simple dream -

Get together somehow
Well, at least on this day
have fun, have fun,
To work was too lazy!

I congratulate you, colleagues,

With this common day for us -
Happy accountant's day in Russia,
Let's celebrate now!

You love your work
Let the emergency in work pass.
Happily in the world you live
Let fate be bright, like a ball!

Congratulations on Accountant's Day to colleagues in prose

My dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the Day of the Russian Accountant. May everything in life go smoothly and clearly for everyone, may the debit and credit always converge, and there will be no deviations, may each of you always be inspired to work. Good health to you, friends, happiness and prosperity.

Congratulations on the Russian Accountant's Day, dear colleagues. I sincerely wish you good luck in business and brave success, correct reports and reliable information, correct decisions and no mistakes, happy days and joyful events.

Happy Russian Accountant's Day, my dear colleagues. May the columns of numbers that are incomprehensible to others continue to be clearer than clear for us, may our work be respected and appreciated, may all values ​​converge in the life of each and every one of us, accountants, and reach maximum performance. Happy professional holiday!

Dear and dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the Russian Accountant's Day and wish everyone from the bottom of my heart to work successfully and quickly move up the career ladder, achieve all your goals and believe in your luck, have many prospects in life and always be in a great mood.

Congratulations to my dear colleagues on the Russian Accountant's Day. From the bottom of my heart, I wish everyone brave reports and correct calculations, completed plans and excellent ideas, enthusiasm in work and success in work, constant good luck and strong strength, personal grace in life and bright happiness in the soul.

Golden, profitable business -
Count the funds of the enterprise.
I wish not to get bored
Calculate debits with credits.
Let strict science obey you,
And it goes easily, like algebra in school,
Let the team be your best friend.
Congratulations on a wonderful day -
Happy accountant!

Specially for the site

Let financial downpours
They will burst into your life abruptly,
To crises on the stock exchange
They clearly knew their place

To shower health
A hundred carat diamond
And luck helped
Find treasured treasure

Not for the sake of a bank account
There was a girl with you
Happy holiday to you, accountant,
Drain your glass to the bottom!

Specially for the site

Accountant in the company
Bright personality,
After all, in these hands
Lives in cash

Therefore you
We especially honor
We wish you health too
And relatives!

Let there be balance
Your always positive
working mood,
And the movement is active!

Let all income
Growing every hour
Good weather
Happy Accountant's Day!

Specially for the site

Another monthly report
And behind him - quarterly.
Then there will be an annual -
Difficult initially!

unemployment, social security,
VAT, salary...
How, dear accountant,
Can you do without a mat!

They give money to people sweetness.
Oh, it's nice to count them!
So that the process of work is joy
I carried it into my soul - I want to wish.

And the income of happiness in the estimate!
And such love, wow!
Let the boss notice
What does the chief accountant live in you!

Today is not a day for painters,
Not riotous drivers,
Congratulations to the accountants
Them - strict, precise, smart! Happy accountant day! Drop all calculations
Your numbers and papers will wait
And crispy green banknotes
Like in a fairy tale, let them run into your pockets!

Accounting is a necessary and necessary profession. There is no room for jokes here. Seriousness and a smart head are needed here. We appreciate your work, and today, on an autumn day, let me congratulate you on the professional holiday of Russia. We wish you great inspiration in your work, so that your colleagues always love and respect you, because we so often listen to your advice, which we need and are important. May your superiors always appreciate you. Cosiness in the house to you, health and strength, so that vigor, success, youth are always with you. God grant that fate always gives you joy, that all your dreams come true. Happy holiday!

Accountant, congratulations
Let life go more fun
Adding, dividing, subtracting,
Multiply both goodness and honor!

Today is a glorious holiday in the team. We are celebrating Accountant's Day. And with all our hearts we would like to congratulate our dear colleague. She's been there for so many years. Accounting for her is life, a test of fate. The computer seems to be alive in her hands, obeys her in everything. No one ever finds fault with her accounts in her work, because the balance sheet is clearly kept. We wish you good health, good mood, great success in your work. May good luck always accompany you. May there always be peace and comfort in your home. We wish you to become a chief accountant in the future. Good luck to you in everything.
