The best recipes for natural coloring of gray hair. Why is ammonia harmful and can paint paint over gray hair without it? How to deal with gray hairs

Women always strive to have beautiful hair, experimenting with color from time to time. In youth, the hair has a rich natural color and health, and with age, the hair loses its stamina, strength and color, gray hair appears.

To get rid of gray hair, color hair in a natural color, many professional cosmetics manufacturers offer hair dyes that successfully and permanently paint over gray hair.

Professional products for coloring gray hair

There are several high-quality and proven by many manufacturers of paints with the most harmless composition for hair.

"Kapous Professional"

It is a long-lasting professional product with a low ammonia content. Country of production - Russia.

Cocoa butter is included in this product, it supplies nutrition to the scalp from the inside, and also adds softness and color to it.

Multifaceted color scheme - 100 colors, as well as 6 of their amplifiers.

Gives a rich and even shine. But among the negative sides, just the rapid loss of this very brilliance.

"Loreal Proftssionnel Color Supreme"

Expensive product, but well worth the price.

This paint is very effective - it covers more than 80% of gray hair.

It contains Densillium-R - a substance that hair follicles gives density to the strands and restores the hair structure.


This is a professional gray hair dye. Created in Holland.

It is divided into 3 types:

  • permanent;
  • sparing;
  • paint for SPA-staining.

The paint has a diverse palette, which consists of 107 shades.



A very popular brand of professional hair coloring products.

Covers gray hair very well, has a unique "color protection" complex, gives a lasting color for about 2 months.

The palette consists of 32 tones.

This paint has components for three types of results:


  • badly affects the condition of the hair (becomes brittle and dry);
  • balm is not provided;
  • has a strong odor;
  • one tube may not be enough for the entire length of hair.

"Preference Recital L'Oreal"

The paint is of very good quality, the price of which, on average, is only 250 rubles.

Gives multifaceted care in the process of use. The result is vibrant and shiny hair.

Estel De Luxe

This natural hair color that covers gray hair is gentle on hair. It is a Russian product with many fans. After its application, the hair becomes bright, shiny and healthy.

It is based on a creamy texture that prevents the paint from spreading and promotes uniform distribution over the entire length.

Interesting fact! It has a rare composition: a shimmering pigment and a nourishing emulsion based on chestnut extract, chitosan and a complex of vitamins.

Cons - it smells of ammonia and dries out hair, moreover, quite strongly. It is not recommended for women whose hair is already dry by nature.


Paint of the French brand, belongs to the line of sparing dyes. A unique formula - a minimum of chemistry, a maximum of natural products.

The palette is rich in 66 shades, from natural to the most fashionable.

Inexpensive products for coloring gray hair

Of course, you always want to get all the best, but not every girl can afford it because of the high prices. In this case, you should look at cheaper paints, but also of good quality.


This is a permanent paint that has an extract from mountain ash in its composition.

The approximate cost of the goods is 100 rubles, but the result exceeds expectations - the hair has a bright and saturated color, the shade is very persistent.

There are 30 colors in the line.

Minus one - a sharp ammonia smell that lasts during the entire hair transformation procedure.

"Matrix Color"

Resistant cream-color for gray hair. Manufacturer - USA. Feature - a patented technology called "ColorGrip".

The paint is widely popular due to the fact that it lays down easily, absorbs evenly, gives brightness to the hair and retains it for a long time, and can also adapt to the original color of the strands, which gives a very good result in the end.

The paint is rich in nourishing ingredients in its composition, which restore damaged hair.

Cons: it contains ammonia, dries the ends of the hair.

Faberlic Krasa

Russian-French product. It has a good prolongation, does not fade for a long time, is not washed off quickly, paints over gray hair very well. Contains amla oil and arginine, which gives softness to the hair.

Interesting fact! This natural gray hair dye is free from PDD, a toxic substance that causes allergies.

Cons: uncomfortable tube and pungent smell.

Garnier Color Naturals

This cream paint, which has olive, avocado and shea butter in its composition. These components provide nutrition to the hairline during the procedure.

The result of natural dye is a lasting color and 100% coverage of gray hair.

Note! The packaging of this paint includes a milk developer, bleaching cream and powder.

Not all gray hair needs bleaching products, and on this issue it is better to take the advice of a trichologist and a hairdresser.

"Londa Color"

Cream paint for the most "stubborn" gray hair. Perfectly stains, while giving the hair softness and rich shine.


Attention! This product should be used on unwashed hair.

"3D Holographic"

The composition of the cosmetic product was developed on the basis of a new formula with predominantly natural ingredients, thanks to which the coloring effect is 25% higher than the previous formulations.

The components of the composition have a more effective effect on the formation of water balance, due to which the hair is strengthened from the inside. After dyeing, the hair acquires a mirror shine.

"Color & Shine"

Care paint with argan oil and cranberry extract.

Lasts up to 28 weeks with shampoo. Without ammonia.

Tips for a successful choice of natural hair dye that covers gray hair

For the result to be successful, professionals advise:

How to choose a dye

How to get the desired color on gray hair and how to choose the right dye, you can find out by looking at the table below.

Percentage of gray hair Gray hair dye
90-100% Dye of the desired level.
70-90% Two parts of the dye of the desired level and one part of the dye of a lighter level.
50-70% Equal shares of desired and lighter levels.
30-50% Two parts of the lighter level and one part of the desired level.
10-30% The dye is one level lighter than the desired shade.

The percentage of peroxide for painting gray hair and its exposure time, see this table:

Peroxide Result Time in minutes
3,00% Gray hair coloring (tone-on-tone coloring)25-35
6,00% Gray hair coverage (lightening by 1 level)35-40
9,00% Gray hair coverage (lightening by 2 levels)40-45
12,00% Gray hair coverage (lightening by 3 levels)45-50
12,00% Yellow Color +000 (lightening by 4 levels)45-50
12,00% Energy Series+00S (lightening by 5 levels)50-55

What folk remedies can paint over gray hair

If you don’t want to experiment or there is a fear of ruining your hair with paint, you can use folk remedies for dyeing.

Henna and basma

These dyes must be used together, since individually the shades will be quite radical.

You can mix them like this:

  • for golden chestnut color- 1 serving of henna and 2 servings of basma;
  • copper color- 2 portions of henna and 1 portion of basma;
  • golden brown color- mix both dyes in a ratio of 1 to 1.

Note! To make the staining process faster and the result more stable, it is necessary to brew them not with hot water, but with hot green tea.

To achieve a chocolate brown result, brew dyes and add black tea or coffee.

Rosemary and sage

This tincture can paint over only slightly gray hair.

Using every day an infusion of this collection on clean, damp hair for 10 minutes, it is possible to achieve darkening of gray hair.


The recipe for a decoction of walnut peel is as follows: 30-50 g of green peel are boiled in a liter of water. This decoction is necessary to rinse the gray hair, they will become the color of light chestnut.

To consolidate the result, the procedure must be repeated regularly.

onion peel

Decoction recipe: boil 1 cup of onion peel in 1 liter of water, leave to cool, then strain and mix with glycerin.

Soak the hair with the resulting mass, cover with cellophane, put on a terry towel on top. Keep for about 2 hours, and then rinse with warm water.

For durability, this recipe should be used once a week.


Decoction recipe: pour 20 gr. chamomile 200 ml. boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Strain the decoction and apply to clean hair. Do not rinse the head, but allow it to dry freely.

To achieve the desired intensity, do the procedure every other day.


Decoction recipe: in 500 ml. water, pour 5 bags of linden flowers, cook for an hour over low heat.

Cool the resulting solution, then strain and mix with 1 teaspoon of glycerin. Apply to clean hair and hold for 1 hour, then rinse with warm water.

This method is suitable for those who have natural blonde and dark blond hair., will lighten a couple of tones and paint over gray hair with a pleasant honey color.

If this is your first time coloring, it is best to start with paints that are easy to apply. If the shade needs to be slightly adjusted without radically changing the color, you can get by with folk remedies.

All natural hair dyes from professional manufacturers that cover gray hair have both advantages and disadvantages.

Even an experienced specialist will not be able to be absolutely sure how this or that dye will behave on the hair, coloring gray curls with it for the first time.

From this video you will learn what natural hair dyes are that paint over gray hair:

This video will introduce you to the methods of coloring gray hair using folk remedies:

Any stylist will tell you that the most difficult hair is dyed blond and gray hair, and painting over gray hair with natural means is generally an art. What is the difficulty here? To understand the versatility of this issue, let's first go back to the anatomy course, so.

Where does gray hair come from

As you know, our curl has a complex structure. Many systems approach it in the scalp: sebaceous and sweat glands, blood circulation, there is even a muscle that lifts the curl! Including there is a special system responsible for the production of color.

The system is based on the work of melanocyte cells - they produce melanin pigment in the course of their activity. In the process of a complex physical and chemical chain, melanin and keratin (the protein that builds the structure of our curl) is combined in the hair follicle with the help of the tyrosinase enzyme. Further along a special channel, this new molecule moves along the hair shaft, falling lower and lower along the canvas, so our curls at the root have a more saturated shade.

In addition to these molecules, many chemical compounds, various elements (proteins, amino acids, sulfur bridges, etc.) are located inside the structure, and there are also air bubbles in the structure. Over time, more and more air bubbles enter the follicle and further into the structure of the curl, so the structure seems to “empty”, the place of the coloring melanin is occupied by hollow air bubbles.

Important advice from the editor!

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

In addition, with age or under the influence of various irritating factors in the body, the connecting enzyme tyrosinase is produced less and less, and the production of melanin gradually slows down. As a result, we have empty hair - there is almost no pigment inside, only hollow bubbles.

There are other, more complex versions of the origin of gray hair, but without a deep dive into chemical science, this process looks exactly like this.

Reasons for changing the color of curls

The main reasons due to which gray hair appears are:

  • genetic disposition - looking at relatives, you can guess when this phenomenon will come into your life;
  • racial disposition - today the fact has been proven that certain races turn gray earlier than some others;
  • severe stress or constant nervous reaction to surrounding stimuli;
  • the most common factors: radiation exposure (work in hazardous industries, living in problem areas, frequent X-ray studies, strong or prolonged ultraviolet radiation) and an unhealthy lifestyle (diet, mono-nutrition, deficiency of vitamins especially A, almost the entire group B, C, trace elements (most often – selenium, iron, zinc or manganese);
  • disruption or disease of the glands: thyroid, pituitary;
  • violation of the liver (often this disease is also accompanied by a skin reaction of the head);
  • violation of the production of hormones (under the influence of internal changes in the body or when using hormonal drugs);
  • diseases - diabetes, cancer;
  • long-term antibiotic therapy;
  • violation of metabolic processes in the body, especially protein metabolism.

Is it possible to fight graying?

In a few isolated cases, yes. The main thing is to immediately notice the process that has begun and change:

  • nutrition structure - diversify, add more nutrients and vitamins;
  • daily routine - add rest, walks, sports;
  • skin and hair care - visit a stylist and conduct a course of various procedures (from SPA to mesotherapy).

Features of dyeing gray hair

What is the peculiarity of natural dyeing of gray hair? The main difficulty is the following:

  • the principle of operation of the dye is to open the cuticle, enter the structure and combine with the natural pigment, forming a new color molecule, fixing;
  • there is one BUT: inside a gray hair, most of the cells are hollow air bubbles. There is simply nothing to connect to the pigment of the paint;
  • therefore, the dye opens the cuticle, enters and exits easily, only for a very short time, changing the color of our curl.

A problem arises: how to dye gray hair with dyes or natural remedies if the pigment cannot linger?

How do they do it in the salon?

Everyone must have heard or personally met with the fact that in the salon more time is spent on dyeing gray hair than on dyeing ordinary hairstyles. This is very understandable.

What is going on:

  • first, the stylist, using special techniques and tools, “creates” a pigmentary structure inside the curl,
  • only then carries out hair coloring, BUT according to special formulas and according to a special exposure time,
  • Finally, an additional post-treatment is carried out, which allows you to fix the pigment inside longer.

Difficult, but guaranteed long-term results. Is it possible to dye gray hair with natural dyes?

Coloring gray hair with natural dyes

The main natural components with which gray hair is painted over by natural means are:

  • basma or henna - gives copper shades;
  • onion peel - paints in golden-honey shades;
  • chamomile pharmacy - yellowish-golden hue;
  • cornflower infusion - gives a light bluish tint, emphasizing the nobility of gray hair;
  • coffee - gives a chocolate range.

The general scheme for dyeing gray hair with natural remedies is as follows:

  • wash the curls twice, massaging well and lifting the hair from the root, rinse the entire scalp;
  • apply the mask on the length and hold for 10-15 minutes. It is the mask that is used, since it makes it possible to facilitate further combing, but at the same time does not close the hair cuticle, which allows natural dyes for gray hair to penetrate into the structure;
  • rinse off and start coloring.

Coloring gray hair with folk remedies - henna

A great way to get a natural brown or red gray hair color, but getting black or light blonde is almost impossible.

The most famous way to get a bright red hue: henna two parts plus basma - one part. Exposure time - a few hours, you can all night. To make the mixture lighter and brighter, green tea is added to it. The result is a light chestnut with bright strands.

This recipe gives a rich red or darker chestnut only if the coloring occurs in several stages - at least three.

It is only necessary to take into account some features of staining:

  • the roots are the warmest place on the head, so any color there turns out to be lighter and brighter, in order to preserve the effect of a natural shade of color (or not light up the roots), you must use pure basma;
  • in order to paint over gray hair with such folk remedies, clean hair is needed;
  • if you started to paint with henna or basma, then you won’t be able to change the dye to another one. These drugs are not washed out of the hair at all. Moreover, bleaching hair with chemicals can give a bluish-greenish tint that cannot be washed off or corrected at all.

Coloring gray hair with onions and coffee

To cover gray hair with natural remedies, such as coffee, you need to do the following:

  • boil a concentrated decoction of onion peel. Boil 200 g of herbs per 1 liter of water, let cool;
  • after washing the hair, rinse the hair with a decoction. Repeat for 7-10 days.

It is better to do this over a bowl in which it is desirable to soak the strands for longer so that the color becomes more noticeable and more interesting. As a result, the hair will acquire a light golden-honey hue.

If you want to make the shade a little richer, more chocolatey (darken somewhere by 2-3 tones), then you can brew a stronger composition with coffee and paint over the gray hair of coffee. It is better to apply thick coffee on the root part, otherwise it will remain lighter than the length.

Can coffee cover gray hair? - Can. And even more! You can make the shade a little more matte if you add nettle or burdock root to the broth

Coloring gray hair with chamomile

How to paint over gray hair with chamomile and what is its use? Chamomile is used when:

  • I want to become a blonde of light golden shades from a gray head,
  • I want to treat curls in length,
  • I want to paint over gray hair with folk remedies during pregnancy.

What is needed for the procedure? To paint over gray hair with natural remedies, like these:

  • one glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • three glasses of chamomile decoction.

On clean hair, you can apply in a row, or you can use it entirely for the entire length. This will allow not only to paint over gray hair with natural means, but also to give the hair a natural golden color. This must be done for several weeks in a row, until the lightening process becomes clearly visible. This recipe has an option - various shades of blond. To do this, add saffron, rosemary, thyme or other highly pigmented herbs of your choice to the decoction. It is important that in the final recipe there should be at least a glass of them.

Sage for coloring gray hair

Covering gray hair with natural remedies like sage can be quite easy.

Sage infusion, prepared according to the recipe:

  • four tablespoons of dry sage herb or six tablespoons of chopped fresh grass leaves pour two cups of boiling water;
  • insist 30-40 minutes,
  • moisten cotton wool in warm broth;
  • rub in a row into clean hair, from the roots to the very ends.

It is necessary to repeat the procedure daily, without rinsing, for 1-2 weeks. Such a natural dye for gray hair allows you to get a natural light blond shade on your hair.

Also, this recipe can be used to color light brown and dark hair in grayish shades. Everything is not much simpler here - we take a decoction and rinse it 1-2 times a week without rinsing.

Gray hair, although it is a symbol of wisdom and maturity, does not paint every woman. Therefore, more and more representatives of the fair sex are striving to paint over their gray hair, get rid of it, or at least hide it securely. But the problem rarely comes alone - along with discoloration, the curls become thinner, lose their elasticity and vitality, so it is not recommended to finish them off with chemical paints. It is very difficult to buy natural paint, because high-quality coloring is not always consistent with caring for hair. We have to choose and look for alternative solutions.

Difficulties in dyeing gray hair

When gray hair is just beginning to appear, women make only one fatal mistake: they try to mechanically get rid of gray strands, that is, they simply pull them out. As a result, gray hair spreads even faster and soon takes up to 30% of the color of the curls. In these cases, it's time to go to a beauty salon and do highlighting - this is a great way to paint over gray hair discreetly and stylishly.

The advantage of highlighting is that it retains the desired color of the strands, but at the same time hides the first signs of aging.

But sooner or later there will be too many gray strands for highlighting. In such cases, there are two ways out: natural paints and chemical ones. The latter are in good demand, because they provide high-quality results for a long time. Coloring agents without ammonia cannot penetrate deep into the hair follicle, therefore they do not provide a bright and saturated color. Now you can buy all sorts of shades of natural paints, but most of them will show a weak result. Estelle's paint has proven itself well, which will get rid of gray hairs, and it is not difficult to buy it, and practically does not harm weakened hair.

You can buy any other ammonia-based paint - it can hardly be considered natural, but it will show excellent results. Nevertheless, the shades of such paints are usually unnatural and this is noticeable to the naked eye. Reviews confirm that such ammonia-based paints do their job well, but they can cause hair loss, their final thinning, or other problems with curls.

Natural hair coloring methods

It is quite another thing to buy natural paint that has natural shades in the palette. She will not harm the strands, and will hide the gray hair from others. The only problem is that it is almost impossible to buy such paint, so it’s easier to cook it yourself. Moreover, everyday ingredients that are present in every kitchen are used to create paint against gray hair. The main advantage of home dyes is that they also stimulate the restoration of natural color, strengthen hair and slow hair loss. Most often, the main components are:

  • basma;
  • coffee;
  • chamomile;
  • rhubarb;
  • walnuts.

Henna is the most popular option

As in the case of the selection of paint, you need to give preference to those recipes that will color the hair in slightly lighter shades than the natural color of the hair. It should be noted that bright red and dark shades of hair age the skin, make wrinkles visible, so it is not recommended to choose them for painting over gray hair. Moreover, gray hair often falls out, and this is easier to hide with the help of light-colored curls.

Blonde hair

One option for blonde hair is lemon juice and chamomile tea.

To hide gray hair on blond hair, many recipes have already been developed. Many of them are based on the use of chamomile, which can be bought at almost any pharmacy. 1 cup of dried flowers should be infused in boiling water for 2 hours, then add 3 tablespoons of glycerin. The mixture should be kept on the head for about an hour, after which the hair should be washed off and rinsed with herbal infusion. If you regularly rinse your hair with a decoction of chamomile, the effect will last longer.

Lemon juice and chamomile tea in proportions of 1: 3 must be thoroughly mixed and kept on the hair in direct sunlight for up to an hour. Half a teaspoon of sage in two cups of boiling water is the perfect combination for those who want to give gray strands yellowness - the reviews confirm the effectiveness. You need to cook the grass for up to 10 minutes, and after that the broth should be allowed to cool for about 20 minutes. Keep on the head until dry, after which it is recommended to wash the head. Mix 3 tablespoons of marigold leaves, chamomile and lemon peel, add half a liter of water and keep on fire until the mixture boils. After that, cool and add a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Use as a hair rinse - the result will be noticeable after several procedures.

Dark hair

Eucalyptus oil, 3 tablespoons of henna, 3-4 tablespoons of strong brewed coffee are the main ingredients of an effective natural hair dye against gray hair. You can buy henna in any major supermarket. Shades of paint will give chestnut, because natural ingredients are not able to penetrate the hair, so it's pointless to hope for a black color. Walnut peel boiled in water is a simpler, but no less effective recipe for making hair dye.

If you mix hair shampoo with cocoa powder in equal proportions, then every time you wash your hair, the gray hair will darken to a chestnut color. 1 gram of black pepper in 100 grams of yogurt - a mixture for coloring and simultaneously repairing damaged hair. Rinsing with natural prune juice will help bring back the dark tones of the hair before it turned gray. You only need to rinse your hair several times and after the last rinse, leave the hair to dry on its own for at least 15 minutes. A strong decoction of onion peel is another option to darken graying hair.

Red hair

Rosehip, carrot and beetroot juice, mixed 50 ml each, should be applied to the hair, after diluting it with three cups of boiled water to color the graying strands in red shades. You need to keep it on curls for an hour, while being in direct sunlight. In the same way, you need to withstand a mixture of beetroot and carrot juice, mixed in equal proportions. A cup of henna, yolk, a spoonful of rum (cognac) and ground coffee, a little water and paint that paints gray hair in a bright red color is ready. It is applied for 2 hours on dry strands.

A third cup of crushed marigold flowers should be simmered for up to 20 minutes. After the paint has cooled, add a quarter cup of natural red wine to it. Rinse your hair with the mixture 3-4 times, then wash the curls.

Before choosing shades to cover gray hair or choosing which natural dye is suitable to buy, it is worth considering that all truly natural methods only work until the next shampoo. Therefore, you need to repeat the procedures to hide gray hair regularly, which means that the shades will constantly change and the image will often change. Many reviews say that the long-term use of home-made natural paint will give a positive and lasting result. But for a long time gray strands will not decrease: curls are constantly growing.

Gray hair is a fashion trend. Not all women agree with this statement. If after 50 years you can still put up with noticeable gray hairs, then at 30, early gray hair causes irritation, panic, and an irresistible desire to get rid of a cosmetic defect for many.

You should definitely not be nervous: stress worsens the condition of the hair. Listen to the advice of hairdressers, herbalists, women who regularly color areas of hair that have lost color. Find out how and how to paint over gray hair correctly, choose a recipe for your type of hair.

How to deal with gray hairs

Some ladies, especially at the age of 20-25, simply pull out sparse bleached hairs that appear from nowhere on their luxurious hair. You should not do this: the problem of early gray hair will not disappear anywhere.

There are two ways to get rid of gray hair:

  • dye your hair with compositions based on natural ingredients;
  • use permanent paint from well-known brands, designed specifically to solve this problem.

Unfortunately, painting over gray hair only masks a cosmetic defect, but does not eliminate the cause of the problem.

With a noticeable graying of curls, visit a trichologist. Discuss with your doctor why the hairs lose their coloring pigment.

The production of melanin in women is reduced under the influence of certain factors. Eliminate the negative influence, put the body in order, and the number of hairs of an unpleasant grayish color will decrease.

The main causes of early gray hair:

  • improper functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • malnutrition, poor diet;
  • deficiency of vitamins, especially group B, lack of selenium and magnesium.

Natural natural dyes

Embrace your natural hair color. For dark, light or red curls, phytotherapists offer proven recipes from natural ingredients.

Application rules:

  • follow the recipe
  • use fresh produce;
  • carry out an allergy test before the first staining;
  • to enhance the effect, put on a warming cap, if necessary according to the recipe;
  • use the composition for your curl color, otherwise the effect will be unpredictable.

Important! Do not expect an ideal result after the first procedure: natural ingredients act gently, do not destroy the structure of the hair shafts. For a noticeable result, sometimes 3-4 staining sessions are required. An exception is a combination of henna and basma. The mixture of active ingredients shows an excellent result immediately after the procedure.


Proven recipes will help restore the natural shade:

  • based on tea. Prepare strong black tea, pour a tablespoon of the strained drink into a glass bowl. Add the crushed yolk, a teaspoon of cognac, prepare a homogeneous mixture. Process the hair, comb the coloring composition to the ends of the strands, insulate. Staining time - half an hour;
  • from walnut skins. Pick unripe fruits, peel, chop the peel. Wear gloves or your hands will turn brown. Grind the natural product to the state of gruel. Add a little warm water, apply a thick composition to the strands, distribute along the entire length, insulate. Duration of staining - from 20 to 40 minutes;
  • henna plus basma. To get a nice chestnut hue, combine an equal number of components. More basma will make the hair darker, an increase in the volume of henna will color the strands red. Mix the ingredients, dilute with warm water to medium density, process the curls, wrap your head. The procedure time is 20-30 minutes.


A combination of basma and henna will help to paint over gray hairs on dark strands. The first component will need twice as much. Add non-hot water, prepare a mass of comfortable consistency, distribute over curls. The duration of the session is half an hour - forty minutes, shampoo for washing curls is not needed.

Some girls think that without henna they will get a beautiful black color. Do not experiment: after washing your hair, instead of the color of the "crow's wing", you will find strange greenish-gray strands on your head. Use Basma in the correct proportions only with henna.

Advice! Please note that grains of henna and basma do not dissolve completely; when applying the coloring mixture, they fall on objects located nearby. Perform the procedure over the bath, cover your shoulders with an old towel.


Brown-haired women and red-haired beauties will refresh the shade of curls, get rid of gray hairs with the help of Iranian or Indian henna. When buying, make sure you get the right option: there is a colorless henna to strengthen hair.

In supermarkets, cosmetics stores, varieties with a coloring effect are more common, medicinal henna is also sold in a pharmacy.

Preparation and application:

  • nothing complicated: pour a bag of natural powder into a glass container, add warm water, stir;
  • after 5 minutes, with a mass resembling thick sour cream in consistency, process the strands;
  • gently spread the mixture from roots to ends, wrap your head;
  • after 10 minutes, the strands will get a beautiful golden color, after 30–40 minutes they will become bright red;
  • Rinse off the natural remedy for gray hair with warm water without shampoo.

Advice! Before starting the procedure, remember to protect your clothes in the form of an old sheet. Carry out the procedure with gloves so that the skin does not stain.


A strong decoction of chamomile will help restore the delicate shade of light strands. Gray hairs are less noticeable on light brown curls, but it is difficult to hide bleached strands. With an abundance of areas that have lost pigment, the hair takes on an unpleasant, sloppy look.

Recipe for painting gray hair on blond hair:

  • Pour into a saucepan 4 tbsp. l. chamomile, add 500 ml of hot water, boil, keep the mixture on fire for 10 minutes;
  • while the broth is infused, squeeze the lemon juice, take a tablespoon;
  • after half an hour, strain the liquid, add lemon juice, moisten the strands;
  • make sure that all the hair is treated with chamomile decoction;
  • put on a shower cap, wrap a turban from a terry towel;
  • wash the strands after 20 minutes;
  • process the curls for several days in a row until the result appears.

Important! A decoction of chamomile in combination with lemon juice will reduce gray hair, strengthen hair, and add shine to strands. When treating dry, burnt strands, add a teaspoon of olive oil. The action will be softer, the number of procedures will increase, but the effect will still appear.

cosmetic products

You are not satisfied with folk recipes? Are there too many hairs that have lost melanin? High-quality paints of well-known brands will help out. Most manufacturers produce special formulations designed to match the texture of gray strands.

Pay attention to several names of different brands. Some companies, such as Estel and Loreal Professional, offer a line of paints for painting over gray hair.

Popular beauty products:

Now you know how to properly paint over gray hairs, what compositions are suitable for eliminating a cosmetic defect. Prepare a coloring mixture from natural ingredients or buy a resistant cream paint from well-known brands.

Do not allow a sloppy look of hair, tint areas that have lost pigment in time. High-quality compositions will hide gray hairs in ladies of any age.

Video - instructions for painting over gray hair:

Those who want to get rid of gray hair have to paint once every two weeks or more often. It depends on how fast they grow. If we talk about paints, then in order to paint over gray strands, we need resistant paints that contain ammonia, but are very harmful. An excellent alternative to harmful coloring compositions is a natural hair dye that covers gray hair, of plant origin.

Hair coloring with natural dyes

If the curls are dark shades, then the most suitable of them are henna and basma. They not only help to achieve a rich color and one hundred percent gray hair coverage, but also have the best effect on the hair. Dyeing gray hair with natural dyes returns strength and health. Curls become strong, shiny. Henna and basma can be dyed separately, or can be mixed to achieve the desired dark shade.

Henna and basma - natural dyes

How to cover gray hair naturally

To give a light shade, you need to keep the composition for about 40 minutes, to get an intense color, keep the vegetable mask for about 3 hours. In order to give gray hair as bright a color as the rest of the strands, gray hair will have to be dyed more than once.

Henna gives the whole gamut of shades from gold to copper. Basma is suitable for burning brunettes, as it brings the hair color closer to black. Brown-haired women can use henna and basma at the same time, so they get chestnut shades.

Brown-haired women can use henna and basma at the same time

Simultaneous use of henna and basma

Gray hair coloring can be carried out in turn: first with henna, and then with basma. For example, to achieve an intense color, henna is applied for a long time. Then, the basma prepared before use is applied to the hair for such a time, after which the color will already be completely satisfied. You just need to control the degree of coloring.

It is also possible to brew a mixture of both components at once. This will save time. The crushed herbal mixture is mixed in the proportions recommended to obtain a specific color.

Chopped Herbal Blend

How to prepare a coloring mixture for gray hair

To properly dye gray hair, follow the recommendations. The coloring mixture should be prepared immediately before use and applied to a clean, wet head while it is still warm.

The coloring mixture should be prepared immediately before use and applied to a clean, wet head while it is still warm.

During this procedure, the air is filled with a herbal smell. The very process of applying warm slurry with massage movements soothes and gives an unforgettable experience.

Henna and basma are prepared in almost the same way. Container choose glass or porcelain. The powder is brewed with boiling water (90 degrees), infused for a short time, about five minutes. If the scalp tolerates the temperature of the slurry, then it can be applied.

The consistency should be like thick sour cream. Prepare more gruel yourself, brewed “grass” is not shampoo, it does not foam and does not spread easily through the strands! If the hair is long and thick, you need about 4-6 packs of 25 grams of powder.

If the coloring of gray hair occurs separately, then basma can be prepared in another way. The powder is brewed and boiled for a short time. Later it will have to be further diluted, since basma thickens more than henna. After applying the mixture, the head should be wrapped with cling film, and then with a towel.

After applying the mixture, the head must be wrapped with cling film.

To obtain different shades and saturation, the components are mixed in certain proportions!

  1. Light brown color: the ratio of henna and basma is 1: 1, the exposure time is half an hour.
  2. Shade "light chestnut": the ratio of henna and basma is the same, but the exposure time is an hour.
  3. Chestnut color: the ratio of henna and basma is 1: 2, we keep the mask for an hour and a half.
  4. To obtain a bronze color, on the contrary, henna needs 2 times more than basma. The holding time is the same - an hour and a half.
  5. To get black curls, you need a lot of basma, three times more than henna. You also need to keep the mixture on your hair for a long time, about 4 hours.

Repeat procedure

If there is gray hair, then coloring will have to be done at least 2-3 times to hair.

Coloring result

It happens that the color of the bulk of the hair is not as intense as we would like.

The final result is determined by the following factors.

  • Original shade of hair.
  • The condition and structure of the hair.

Dry, thin, previously bleached hair is dyed faster than coarse and dark hair.

  • The temperature of the gruel applied to the head, as well as the conditions for preparing the mixture.

If the mixture is not just brewed, but boiled, the broth will be stronger, and the staining effect will be stronger.

  • duration of staining.

The darker the hair before dyeing, the longer you need to keep the coloring gruel on the hair, otherwise you may not see the difference.

The darker the hair before dyeing, the longer you need to keep the coloring gruel on the hair.
  • Ingredient proportions.

Tint coloring

Shade staining is used if the strands are light. Henna is applied for 3-5 minutes like a balm. Basma gives dark shades, so you can simply rinse your hair with its decoction.

If after staining you get too bright a shade, then its intensity can be reduced in the following ways.

For example, strands can be done with a little warm vegetable oil. It is applied for half an hour. Then the head is washed with shampoo. The procedure can be repeated if necessary.

You can neutralize the bright color after staining with basma by rinsing your head with a weak aqueous solution of vinegar or water with the addition of lemon juice.

There are also special products for tint coloring on sale.

Other components can be added to the mixture to obtain new shades and a caring effect: coffee, tea, oils, and so on.

Folk recipes

It is possible to dye gray hair by other means.

  • To dye your hair gray, you need to prepare a decoction of rhubarb root. 40 grams of crushed raw materials are boiled in 250 ml of water for 15 minutes. Rinse the washed head with a decoction.
  • Coloring gray hair blonde can be done with a solution of hydrogen peroxide.
  • A 3% peroxide solution is applied for about an hour.
3% peroxide solution
  • You can also dye gray hair blonde with an ammonia solution. Tablets are sold in pharmacies.
  • To give golden coloring of gray hair at home, you can do it with decoctions of onion peels or chamomile.
You can give goldenness by decoction of onion peels or chamomile

It is better that the dyeing of gray hair is carried out with useful means, because the roots need to be tinted often. Coloring gray hair with natural dyes is better in the sense that the strands not only change color, but are also restored.


Coloring gray hair with natural remedies is easy and simple!
