The simplest book baby. Master class on making a baby book on the theme “Winter

You can make a colorful book for kids yourself.

To do this you will need the following available materials:

  • photo;
  • paper;
  • cardboard;
  • textile.

With the help of such homemade products you can develop your children.

There are 3 types of homemade books:

  • paper version;
  • photo books;
  • educational books made of textiles.

Homemade book made of cardboard or paper

In the photo of a children's book intended for a baby who is not yet a year old, you can see large subject pictures. It's best to group images by topic.

You can make various books for a one-year-old baby. Each of them can be dedicated to one of the topics: “Pets”, “Food”, “Toys”.

Knowing how to make a children's book with your own hands, you will quickly make it. The little one will definitely be interested in an educational story about what his favorite bear does. A series of pictures shows the baby how the bear plays with a ball, eats delicious honey, walks in the forest, sleeps on the bed.

Where do you get thematic pictures from?

The necessary images can be found in various sources:

Pictures from coloring books can also interest a small child. The baby is attracted to colored images and uncolored ones.

Large pictures are on the pages of magazines. Suitable images can be found on the Internet. They are easy to print on a printer. If you use photo paper, you will get high-quality photographs.

Pictures from wall calendars are also suitable for handmade crafts. At the end of the year, you can ask your friends for a calendar.

Arm yourself with pencils and paints. Draw yourself! Your little one will appreciate every creation.

Take photographs of various objects or phenomena yourself to create a unique book.

By showing your creativity, you will soon be able to create a homemade library.


Making a kind of encyclopedia of the surrounding world for the development of the baby

Option 1. Homemade book from a photo album

You need to purchase a 10X15 photo album with 36 pages, this is the best option. Choose small dimensions; do not take bulky photo albums. Take cardboard and cut out strips of white cardboard with dimensions of 10X15.

All that remains is to stick the pictures on the cards and insert them into the album. If the cards are laminated, they will last longer.

Subject images with inscriptions in a photo album are not just a book for kindergarten.

If its design is complicated, it is suitable for older children. This book can include children's stories, riddles and fairy tales.

Option 2. Homemade book in a file folder

For the product you will need to purchase a file folder and A4 size cardboard. Pictures are glued onto white or colored sheets. The finished cards are inserted into a folder.


The sheet may contain one image and a short story based on the picture. Another design option is to place a signature under the picture.

Option 3. Homemade book from drawing sheets

For a book you need to take 8 or 10 sheets, fold them in half, and then sew them together. You can connect the sheets in another way - make holes using a hole punch, thread a satin ribbon and tie it.

Thematic pictures are pasted into the finished book. This product has the only drawback - insufficient strength.

Option 4. Book in the form of an album

You can make a homemade craft from a sketchbook. The thematic picture must be glued to the cover. You can include your baby’s statements, his first stories, or children’s songs in the book.

Children's educational photo books

A book for a child with photographs will help the child move from everyday conversations with parents to the perception of literary works. Here the child already needs coherent speech. Simply naming the item is no longer enough.

You can paste a photo of yourself and your child. The first page serves as the cover; the title and author's name are written on it. An image is also pasted here, from which it is easy to guess what topic the book is dedicated to.


Text is written into the book and placed in different ways. The photo can be pasted on top or on the left page of the spread, and information can be placed below the photo or on the right side.

Soft fabric children's book

The master class “How to make a children's book” will help you create a real masterpiece. Elements that attract the child’s attention can be used here: squeakers, bells, appliqués, lace-up or Velcro fasteners.

Soft books help develop tactile sensations. They are made from materials of various textures: fleece, wool or velvet.

Additionally, various fillers can be used. The most popular options include small pebbles, beads, peas or seeds.

DIY photo children's book

Would you like me to suggest an activity that would be interesting for both mother and child? A DIY baby book is something that can be made for a child of any age. And even for someone over 20. It all depends on the material and content.

These tips are also suitable for those who were tasked to do something similar by a kindergarten teacher or a school teacher.

The materials for such crafts can be completely different. Here you are limited only by your imagination and, possibly, budget. The usual options are a book made of paper and fabric.

For all books, there is a first and main task - to come up with a plot and composition.

It is intended for the little ones to develop, first of all, fine motor skills. But if you make an interesting plot, all kinds of tasks and riddles, then the child’s age already rises to 4-5 years.

Pages can be connected in two ways:

  • sew the spine with thread as usual;
  • make holes in the leaves like a hole punch and tie them with string or rings, like in a plastic folder. Then you can add new pages to the book.

The best fabrics for such a book are colored fleece and felt. They are often sold in art stores.

For children up to 3 years old

It is for children of this age that making a book out of fabric rather than paper is the best idea. After all, the child does not yet understand why tearing books is bad.

In addition, the use of materials of different textures will develop tactile sensations, so such a thing can be given to a child as early as six months.

Until the age of three, it is better not to work on small parts in a book that easily come off and are quickly stuffed into the mouth. Just make appliqués from fabrics that feel different to the touch and other materials that can be sewn firmly - plastic bags, some kind of oilcloth, etc.

Ideas for applications for such little ones consist of simple objects - cups, suns, flowers, houses, cars. You can try to make animals and people, if possible.

Play out some everyday activities. You can make an applique in the form of a kitchen with opening doors, kettles and plates with Velcro.

A cool idea is to sew additional voluminous figures from fabric that will be difficult to choke on, and attach Velcro to them so that you can tear them off and stick them to the book. These things are easy to find in a sewing store.

For a child over 3 years old

Here the scope of your capabilities expands incredibly. In addition, at this age, the child himself can be involved in the craft; he will probably be interested. The filling for the book no longer has to be sewn tightly - you can glue it with regular safe glue, which even a child can do. And then bring it to the kindergarten to brag about.

The materials are not only of different textures, but also of different calibers - we sew on buttons, ribbons, laces, threads. Subjects - from fairy tales to numbers and letters.

The moving picture is a very interesting element. In this way, you can accustom your child to the rules of the road, teach him to tie shoelaces, and arrange objects in the correct order. For example, make an alphabet on Velcro, the sun and planets, a traffic light and a road with a car.

For example, to prepare a lacing task, we will need:

  • shoe lace;
  • rings of such a diameter that would be larger than the lace and would not be difficult for a child to get into;
  • a narrow strip of fabric;
  • thread, needle, scissors.

We cut the fabric into pieces 2-2.5 cm in length and trim the edges. Then we thread one segment into one ring, fold it in half and sew it to the book so that all the segments make two columns. If you can simply insert the eyelets, then such complications will not be necessary.

You can sew on an unnecessary zipper that is fun to fasten and unfasten, pockets in which secrets and prizes are placed.

Make a car, a bird or a sun that moves along a cord - to do this, just make two holes in the object, thread a ribbon through them and sew its ends to the book.

Girls will love the pictures of dolls on which they can attach jewelry and outfits, and make hairstyles out of threads for them.

Paper baby book

For children aged 3 years and older, you can already try making a book out of paper. There are different options here too.

A book of leaves sewn with rope

Just like papers in the office, we punch a stack of leaves with a hole punch. We take a beautiful lace or ribbon and thread it through the holes, tying a beautiful bow. This is the easiest and fastest option.

Disadvantages - leafing through such a book is not very convenient.

Transformation from paper

You will need:

  • colored square leaves;
  • glue;
  • 12 min.

The whole craft consists of the following simple steps:

  1. Bend and cut the leaf exactly in half.
  2. Fold it in half again, pulling the long sides towards each other.
  3. Now we bend the short ones.
  4. We bend the sides back, in the manner of a bird - we get such a spring.
  5. We repeat the same with other leaves.
  6. We arrange the springs like this - one up with the edges of the leaf, the other down.
  7. Now we put the edges of one piece of paper into another - we get a long, long spring.
  8. Glue the contacting surfaces together.
  9. For the cover, you can take another leaf with an interesting design, bend the two long ends towards the middle and put it on a ready-made stack.

Firmware in the style of a real book

We put several leaves together (up to 5 pieces) and bend them in half. We make 4 holes on the fold. We sew the module so that the tip of the thread remains outside. Usually several modules are made - they are stitched with one thread, the book firmware diagram is not difficult to find and it is quite simple. The spine of the finished block can be glued with transparent silicone glue. Of course, we glue the cover on top.

This book will delight the adult generation as well.

Zemfira Suleymanova

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! I would like to offer my master class on making a book babies for preschool children. The daughter who attends the senior group of kindergarten was given exercise: together with parents make a baby book.

As an educator, I believe that books are of great importance in a person’s life. A child’s strong interest in reading and reading habit are formed in the family. While the child is very small, parents read books to him, and as soon as the baby learns to read on his own, they breathe a sigh of relief. But many children grow up never loving a book. Most often, children read sticker magazines, watch videos, play computer games, but the book remains untouched and loses its significance in the formation of artistic taste. Children and their parents spend most of their free time watching TV or computers, and as a result, they lose interest in books. Reading fiction and looking at illustrations is of great importance for the all-round development of a child. Their success in learning depends on how children understand the content of what they read, how they can read fluently and expressively, analyze the actions of characters, and draw conclusions.

It is clear that adults are very busy with work, that they need to earn a living, but a lack of communication inevitably entails psychological problems. And who else but us, parents, are responsible for the future of our children.

So, what does joint productive activity with their own parents give children? making baby books?

The joy of communication between a child and his parents (the child is charged with positive emotions, enjoys the process of co-creation, and is proud that the book was made by him or his parents).

Expanding their horizons, increasing their intelligence (children discover something new, learn useful information, become familiar with unfamiliar words and expressions, etc.).

Solving a problem of a moral nature (a meaningful book educates, teaches empathy, to take care of nature, cares about each other, about our little brothers, is attentive to elders, forms trusting relationships with adults in the process of discussing what has been read)

Mental operations develop (the child thinks, learns to analyze, decides Problems: how best to make a book, what kind of book, what materials to use, how to illustrate, plans your activities)

Motor skills develop (child works with hands) and as a consequence…

The child’s speech develops (which is very important not only for future education, but also for the child’s socialization - for developing the ability to communicate not only with peers, but also with adults)

A caring attitude towards books is fostered (a child will never spoil his own book, and this is a step towards caring for books in general)

Interest in reading develops.

Once a child begins to become interested in a book, he will find himself in a completely different world - fascinating, colorful, interesting, which will give him many discoveries and finds. The love of reading and books is a love for life, so it is very important to encourage the first successes of preschoolers in reading and storytelling, and to stimulate their interest in words and good works.

Let's start work. The topic was suggested by my daughter: WINTER!

So what do we need?:

Scissors, glue stick, glue moment, cardboard, felt (for a creative page, various old coloring books, pictures, magazines on topic« Winter» , some pictures were printed from a computer, thread and needle, sewing machine.

Fold the cardboard in half (the number of pages can be taken as desired and according to the amount of information). We got 8 pages.

In the middle books We decided to make an unusual page. We cut blue felt the size of a cardboard sheet, from white felt "done" a snowdrift and sewed them together only at the edges. "Snowdrift" made in the form of a pocket.

Next, we cut out a tree with branches, which was also sewn onto a blue background. We decided to dream up a little - "blind" more snowman: circles of different sizes and a hat were cut out of white felt, with Velcro sewn on the back. From pieces of black and red felt made bullfinches(also with Velcro). We cut out a bunny and a sleeping bear that will be needed "find" in a snowdrift.

I used a sewing machine to sew twigs, bunches of rowan berries, and a bird feeder. What would a winter landscape be without snowflakes! They are also attached with Velcro.

On this page you can do a lot of different things with your children. tasks: count bullfinches, snowflakes, add, subtract; find a hidden animal; play big - small, consolidate knowledge of colors. In the future it is possible to supplement page: other animals, dress up a snowman (mittens, broom, scarf, etc.); make other birds. How big is your imagination!

All finished sheets were glued to the side of the cardboard with instant glue. This is what happened!

The whole family had great fun in the process of working together!

I wish you all creative success!

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Despite the fact that stores now sell a variety of toys and children's books, every mother wants to give her baby a beautiful gift herself. That’s why sites dedicated to handicrafts and creativity are so popular. On them you can find photos about sewing for dolls or a video “hand made baby book”. You can create a variety of crafts with your own hands using these instructions. How to make a book for children?

Here are some tips for those who first decided to make a book themselves.

  1. First of all, you need to think through the plot and decide on the number of pages, find the necessary pictures and photos.
  2. The simplest baby book is made from a colored strip of paper folded into an accordion. For a flip book with a cover, the creation process will be longer.
  3. The pages for the book can be made from whatman paper, cardboard for children's creativity, pastel or drawing paper, or corrugated cardboard.
  4. It is best to glue drawings and photographs with double-sided tape: the glue can cause the paper to soften and begin to bulge after drying. If you still work with glue, then you need to wipe the gluing areas from its remnants and place the drawing under the press.
  5. Volumetric parts should not be very small and poorly secured, so that the child does not accidentally tear off and eat the part he likes.
  6. Safe, beautiful and educational - this is exactly what a children's book should be. Making a book like this for a child with your own hands is doubly pleasant.

Folding book

To make a folding book you will need:

  • paper for pages;
  • decorative paper for the cover;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • universal glue;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • cord or thin braid, the length of which is equal to four times the width of the book with cover.

Description of work

  1. First you need to cut out two rectangles from cardboard with sides equal to the width and length of the book.
  2. Now cut out two rectangles from decorative paper for the cover with sides 2 cm larger than the length and width of the book.
  3. From a different color we cut out a strip to secure the braid, 2 cm long less than the width of the book, and one and a half centimeters wider than the width of the braid.
  4. Next we make the pages. To do this, cut out another rectangle, but from paper for pages. The width of the rectangle will be equal to the height of the page, and the length will be the width of the page multiplied by the number of pages in the book plus 2 pages. Fold the resulting rectangle into an accordion shape.
  5. When calculating, you must remember that you also need to mark text and pictures on the back of the accordion. Otherwise, there will be white sheets on the other side, and you will end up with an unfinished baby book. You need to go over the folds with your own hands several times to make the book look neat.
  6. We cover them with cardboard for the cover, wrapping them with cut out rectangles of decorative paper.
  7. Glue the first accordion sheet to the first cover, and the last sheet to the second.
  8. Decorating the book First, glue the braid onto the book with universal glue. After the glue has dried, glue a strip on top to secure the braid.

Now you can start writing text, drawing illustrations, gluing pictures and photos based on the chosen plot. We made a beautiful little book. With your own hands, you can not only make a book from paper, but also sew it from fabric, decorating it with decorative elements: lace, appliqués, buttons, embroidery.

It would be interesting to sew a themed book with removable appliqués that can be moved around inside the book. Such removable parts can also be counting material, which is very useful for the child. It is better to make pages from materials of different textures and designs. In this way, the child learns to distinguish colors, determine a smooth or rough surface, develop his tactile sensations - and all this is provided by one baby book. With his own hands, a small child will be able to touch all the details and leaf through the pages. If the book gets torn, mom can always sew it up, and wash it if it gets dirty.

Puffy books that will tell kids about the New Year

Ideal for children up to 2 years old, donut books about the New Year. They are easy to leaf through with small fingers and comfortable to hold in hands:

There are even gift donut books separately for girls and boys:

Gift books about the New Year with game elements

Books about the New Year with game elements will also appeal to the little ones. A book in the form of a rattle, a book with laces, a book in the form of a pair of mittens, a book with ribbon ties, a set of baby books that fit together like a puzzle - wonderful and useful gifts for a baby under the Christmas tree:

Cardboard books about the New Year for kids

Children can also be offered bright cardboard books with a New Year theme:

Books with poems for little ones on a New Year's theme

The days before New Year's are the right time to read good poems with your child dedicated to the wonderful New Year holiday.

The book “Christmas Night” by K. K. Moore can be purchased at Ozone.

Books with short tales about the New Year

For kids who like the image of Santa Claus, we recommend reading a series of picture books about him, only a little one. Surely the child will understand the thoughts and experiences of Little Santa Claus:

For children over 1.5-2 years old who already have favorite characters, publishing houses have prepared books about how popular book characters celebrate the New Year - Elmer the Elephant, Baby Lama, Karlchen the Bunny, Lulu the Turtle, Russell the Sheep:

Books dedicated to creativity with kids before the New Year

And of course, the New Year is an excellent theme for creativity together with the kids:

Books about the New Year are a pleasant and interesting part of preparing for this wonderful holiday. They will help you not only introduce your child to New Year’s traditions, but also provide topics for discussion and stimulate speech and intellectual development. And most importantly, books will give your child a joyful mood and a feeling of celebration!

Happy New Year to you and your family!
