The most slender women. Rating of the most beautiful women with a non-standard figure

Every day we see actresses, singers and models with perfect figures on TV screens. To achieve an enviable ideal for many of them is not easy. Diets, many hours of training, sometimes even surgery... And all this to have ideal parameters. We conducted a sociological survey in order to find out which of the modern foreign stars, in the opinion of our readers, has the most ideal figure. We bring to your attention the top 15 most beautiful figures of stars.

In 15th place is an American singer, actress, dancer

  • Age: 35 years old
  • Height: 168 cm
  • Weight: 64 kg
  • Parameters: 90-64-102

To maintain a beautiful figure, Beyoncé regularly diets, eats right and does fitness and dancing daily.

In 14th place is an American actress, fashion model, socialite

  • Age: 36 years old
  • Height: 158 cm
  • Weight: 56 kg
  • Options: 92-68-102

Kim is naturally endowed with very magnificent forms, so she has to try to keep her body in good shape. She goes in for sports every day, keeps to a diet and limits herself in sweets.

13th place is occupied by a South African supermodel, one of the Victoria's Secret angels.

  • Age: 28 years old
  • Height: 175 cm
  • Weight: 54 kg
  • Options: 84-59-88

The girl maintains an ideal slender figure by training in the gym, yoga and boxing. Thanks to her excellent genetics, she does not have to adhere to strict diets.

In 12th place is the American actress, singer, dancer, fashion designer and producer Jennifer Lopez.

  • Age: 48 years old
  • Height: 164 cm
  • Weight: 55 kg
  • Parameters: 88-69-100

In order to maintain her appetizing forms, but not gain "extra", Jennifer intensively works out with a personal trainer, dances and adheres to fractional nutrition.

In 11th place is a Mexican-American actress, director, producer and singer.

  • Age: 50 years old
  • Height: 157 cm
  • Weight: 52 kg
  • Options: 95-63-94

To maintain a beautiful figure, Salma periodically follows a special diet, drinks plenty of water and goes in for sports (strength training, dancing, swimming).

In 10th place is an American actress.

  • Age: 50 years old
  • Height: 169 cm
  • Weight: 56 kg
  • Options: 91-64-92

To have the figure of a young girl at the age of 50 and with the presence of two children, one good genetics is not enough. Holly regularly goes to the gym and strictly monitors her diet.

9th place on the podium belongs to the singer and actress Rihanna.

  • Age: 29 years old
  • Height: 173 cm
  • Weight: 60 kg
  • Options: 90-62-92

Keeping fit Rihanna helps regular Pilates, dancing, karate and strength training with a personal trainer. in addition, the star periodically diets.

Our readers awarded the 8th place to the American actress and fashion model.

  • Age: 31
  • Height: 163 cm
  • Weight: 52 kg
  • Options: 86-56-86

Megan admits that she owes much of her beautiful figure to Pilates, and she does not starve herself.

In 7th place - American film actress and singer Scarlett Johansson.

  • Age: 32 years old
  • Height: 162 cm
  • Weight: 55 kg
  • Options: 94-63-93

Scarlett doesn't really like cardio, so she runs and goes to the fitness club only when necessary. But she tries to eat a balanced diet. On her table are always vegetables, fruits and lean meat. Although sometimes she can afford a cheeseburger or ice cream.

6th place for an American actress, singer, model Ciara.

  • Age: 31
  • Height: 175 cm
  • Weight: 60 kg
  • Options: 92-66-96

To maintain good shape, Ciara eats right, follows a strict diet, works out with a personal trainer and a choreographer.

5th place is taken by a Colombian singer, model and choreographer.

  • Age: 40 years old
  • Height: 158 cm
  • Weight: 48 kg
  • Options: 91-60-89

Maintaining a good figure Shakira helps a healthy diet and constant variety of workouts (gym, dancing, tennis, swimming, basketball).

In 4th place is an American actress.

  • Age: 36 years old
  • Height: 169 cm
  • Weight: 55 kg
  • Options: 88-60-88

Jessica eats right, eats often in small portions. In addition, he works out in the gym.

  • Age: 36 years old
  • Height: 178 cm
  • Weight: 55 kg
  • Options: 86-61-89

Having two children, Adriana is in great shape all the time. The supermodel admits that she tries to "eat food in its purest form", follows a special diet and drinks a lot of water. In addition, she dances salsa, does Pilates and strength training.

On 2nd place Nicole Scherzinger- American singer, dancer, actress, model.

  • Age: 39 years old
  • Height: 165 cm
  • Weight: 55 kg
  • Parameters: 89-61-91

The motto in the nutrition of the beautiful Nicole is "Everything in moderation." She prefers healthy food and regularly practices yoga and strength training.

And, finally, the 1st place in our rating, according to readers, should be occupied by an English actress and fashion model.

  • Age: 37 years old
  • Height: 168 cm
  • Weight: 57 kg
  • Options: 98-64-92

Kelly is second only to Marilyn Monroe among the sexiest women in film history. She maintains her figure with a healthy diet and an active lifestyle (gardening, swimming, cycling).

All the girls in our top, of course, have beautiful figures and deserve the first place. Despite the different parameters of the figures, they are all recognized beauties.

If your opinion differs from the results of our survey, or, in your opinion, there are not enough other beauties with ideal proportions in our top, share your thoughts in the comments.

The variability of female nature is an endless topic for reflection. On the whims and whims of lovely ladies alone, you can build a whole philosophical trend. It is not surprising that the fashion created by them is so unpredictable and cruel. The most beautiful female figures from year to year were possessed by completely opposite girls in proportions.

History remembers hundreds of reincarnations of lovely ladies. For example, in the 1900s it was fashionable to drag a figure up to an unimaginable 40 cm with rigid corsets! This led to fainting from any sudden irritants.

Later, decade after decade, the fair sex either thinned to the bone, then again showed elegant “delicious” forms. And all for the sake of men who, by and large, have always liked appetizing girls without obvious thinness (like anorexic Twiggy) and without extra pounds (like current fast food lovers).

The famous writer JK Rowling looked at the root of the problem of nations, writing just a couple of lines:

“Is ‘fat’ really the worst thing that can happen to a person? Is "fat" worse than "vindictive", "envious", "empty", "conceited", "boring" or "cruel"? Not for me".

Indeed, in our glorious 21st century, much fewer people have begun to realize that appearance is just a wrapper. However, this does not prevent fashion from dictating conditions again. So, what is the most beautiful female figure in the world in our time, according to most?

The most beautiful figures of stars

In any era, famous people were considered the standard of beauty. No one took into account ordinary girls, talking about what figure is in fashion today. Everyone looked up to celebrities. For example, one of the owners of the sexiest and most perfect figure in the 40s and 50s was the beauty Betty Brosmer. This lady was a famous model, who then flaunted on all the covers of famous publications. After her charming Marilyn Monroe and Jayne Mansfield appeared to the world. But the fact remains - we look up to famous women who "forge" fashion for figures with their own hands.

As soon as the supermodel caste was formed, all the girls and women of the planet became simply obsessed with unhealthy "90-60-90" with high growth. It is these parameters and natural beauty that are in fashion now. Among the current stars, the owners of the most ideal figures in the world are:

Nicole Scherzinger

Nicole has become the benchmark for millions of young girls who seek to delight men. 36-year-old beauty has enviable forms: 89-61-90 cm at height 165 cm And weight 52 kg. For the sake of such a chiseled figure, she eats only healthy food: vegetables, fruits, fish and not too fatty meat. Also, the talented singer devotes time to working out in the gym with a personal trainer three times a week. These activities include jogging, cardio, yoga and dancing. It is thanks to her work that Nicole seduces men with the most perfect figure in the world.

Judging by the polls that world famous scientists have conducted more than once, it doesn’t matter to men at all what numbers the roulette showed on the hips, bust and waist of the beauty. The main thing is that the figure as a whole looks aesthetically pleasing and proportional. Thus, many respondents confirmed that a woman with rounded shapes is much more desirable than a thin top model. The thing is, according to psychologists, that in men, on a subconscious level, wide hips and a magnificent bust are associated with fertility. That is, such a lady can easily bear a healthy child. As a result of the research, it turned out what parameters make girls the owners of the most beautiful figures from the point of view of the opposite sex: waist - 75 cm, and hips - 100 cm. The opinions of the respondents differed greatly about the chest girth, but size 3 is held in high esteem. At the same time, men considered the 46th clothing size to be the most seductive. Things of this size were worn by the inimitable Marilyn Monroe.

Scarlett Johansson

The 30-year-old beauty from the USA rightfully deserves to be called the owner of one of the most beautiful figures. Photos of Scarlett instantly scatter across the Internet, not having time to download. To always maintain your ideal 94-63-95 cm in the girth of the chest, waist and hips, the girl eats a balanced diet. The actress and singer eats a lot of fruits and vegetables, but does not burden herself with a lot of exercise. The temptress relies only on a cardio workout, squats, push-ups, jogging and simple walking. Star growth - 164 cm, and weight - 54 kg.

Jessica Alba

The enchanting, burning beauty, again from the USA, is the owner of the most beautiful female figure. But in order to grow 169 cm and weight 55 kg have parameters 90-62-91, the star does an amazing amount of exercise. Fitness at the 34-year-old actress takes place 4 times a week, and in addition, she additionally practices yoga, sweats on an exercise bike and a treadmill. Jessica does not eat bread at all, and also always eats only half a serving.

Monica Bellucci

An amazing and unique actress with a perfect body. The 50-year-old beauty is so busy that she just can't afford to waste her time at the gym. Her rhythm of life is the best weapon against excess weight. If the star needs to lose weight before filming, only then does she begin to eat on a diet (fish, vegetables, lean meat). The height of the actress is 176 cm, and weight - 65 kg. Bellucci is a mother of two daughters, but at the same time, her forms do not stop excite men: 92-65-97 cm.

Halle Berry

A gorgeous beauty from the USA has been exciting men all over the world for several decades. They say that Holly does not age, and judging by her parameters, this is true. With growth 177 cm, it weighs only 55 kg, and the circumference of the bust, waist and hips - 90-59-91 cm. The star needs to monitor calories not only to maintain the status of the owner of the sexiest figure in the world, but also because the celebrity suffers from diabetes. At 46, Holly looks divine.

Disputes about female beauty have always been going on in the world - and will go on as long as people are interested in life itself. The ideal standards of their time are largely determined by the society itself. The pre-war time dictates the same conditions: more magnificent girls who are able to cope with the difficulties come into fashion. The period of calm is characterized by the exaltation of harmony and flexibility, which the fashion industry raises to an unattainable absolute. Only a very few can remain outside the rules of this game.

Such girls, as a rule, become real legends of their time. Marilyn Monroe, for example, reigned supreme in the minds and hearts of the men of the whole continent, Dita Von Teese shone on the stage, and Sophia Loren received the attention of even the highest church ranks. For this material, we have selected the most beautiful and brightest owners of ideal figures - and, most likely, you will completely agree with our decision.

  • Brigitte Bardot

    And another icon that won the hearts of millions of people around the world. For ten whole years, in the post-war 50s and roaring 60s, Brigitte remained the main sex symbol of Europe - apparently in order to create some kind of counterbalance to the murderous beauty of Marilyn Monroe, who at the same time reigned supreme in North America.

  • Sophia Loren

    Sophia Loren has become the only winner of all the major awards of the world's major film festivals. Her collection of aphorisms was reprinted in several languages: Sophie, like the other participants in our chart, was distinguished by an extremely sharp mind. In describing the appearance of this beauty, one can cite the statement of the Archbishop of Genoa (sic!) - he joked that although the Vatican in principle does not approve of human cloning, he could make an exception for Sophia Loren.

    Marilyn Monroe

    About the death of the first beauty of the world (and the title is well deserved) gossip almost more than about her life. Bright appearance, multiplied by a sharp mind and a lively character, made Marilyn a real queen of any male society. The girlish figure, as if woven by the standards of that time, still remains an unattainable ideal for many beauties.

    Dita Von Teese

    Almost no one knows the name of Heather Rene Sweet - but Dita von Teese is known to everyone. The girl chose a voiced pseudonym almost at random, having drawn a surname from the phone book so that the Playboy editors had something to sign her candid photos. Dita brought up her sophisticated beauty with severe discipline and training, as a result, she rightfully won a place among the most beautiful women of the last century.

    Salma Hayek

    Salma Hayek became the first Mexican actress to win an Oscar for Best Actress. The exotic appearance of the girl attracted the audience, critics praised her talent with might and main, and the directors used the beauty of Salma with caution - she easily pulled all the attention from the filming and the plot to herself. Woody Harrelson stated that when the gods decided to bring down a replica of their divine splendor, they named her Salma Hayek - and hell, we absolutely agree with that.


    Beyoncé made her first steps on the stage in the company of charming girlfriends: Destiny's Child was considered one of the best R&B groups of that time. The girl's solo career went even better - a few years ago, Forbes placed her name on the second line of the top 100 most influential celebrities in the world. To the delight of millions of fans, Beyoncé prefers to perform in rather revealing outfits - and, believe me, there really is something to see.

    Jennifer Lopez

    One of the first significant singers of the beginning of the 2000s, one of the first beauties of the generation, the owner of a strong character and a huge fortune: Jennifer Lopez's flattering epithets can be wasted for hours, without being afraid of at least a word to sin against the harsh reality. External data and undoubted talent allowed the girl to climb to the very top of the starry Olympus - it seems to us that only her figure would be enough for this.

    Nicki Minaj

    The very first album of the talented performer blew up the American charts: Pink Friday headed the famous Billboard for nine whole weeks, which many more experienced musicians could not achieve. Only after people appreciated her work, Nikki decided to show herself to the society - and the society was amazed. The figure of the girl is ideally suited to the requirements of the modern world: even the wax statue of the singer, stored in Madame Tussauds, had to be protected from fans.

    Scarlett Johansson

    The tender age of Scarlett passed on the stage, smoothly transforming into Hollywood scenery. A good upbringing gave the girl the opportunity to shine not only with her body, but also with her mind: in addition to filming blockbusters, Scarlett records quite successful discs and even participates in the political life of the country. However, for most men, her magnificent figure will always remain in the foreground.

    Kim Kardashian

    Gorgeous Kim made herself - this applies to her popularity, and to the girl's absolutely gorgeous figure. Contrary to popular belief, Kim is distinguished not only by her beauty, but also by her extraordinary mind: skillful work with famous brands, the launch of several popular products, and even a mobile game brought a lot of money to the Kardashian family.

Disputes about female beauty have always been going on in the world - and will go on as long as people are interested in life itself. The ideal standards of their time are largely determined by the society itself. The pre-war time dictates the same conditions: more magnificent girls who are able to cope with the difficulties come into fashion. The period of calm is characterized by the exaltation of harmony and flexibility, which the fashion industry raises to an unattainable absolute. Only a very few can remain outside the rules of this game. Such girls, as a rule, become real legends of their time. Marilyn Monroe, for example, reigned supreme in the minds and hearts of the men of the whole continent, Dita Von Teese shone on the stage, and Sophia Loren received the attention of even the highest church ranks. For this material, we have selected the most beautiful and brightest owners of ideal figures - and, most likely, you will completely agree with our decision.
Brigitte Bardot And another icon that won the hearts of millions of people around the world. For ten whole years, in the post-war 50s and roaring 60s, Brigitte remained the main sex symbol of Europe - apparently in order to create some kind of counterbalance to the murderous beauty of Marilyn Monroe, who at the same time reigned supreme in North America.

Sophia Loren Sophia Loren became the only owner of all the major awards of major world film festivals. Her collection of aphorisms was reprinted in several languages: Sophie, like the other participants in our chart, was distinguished by an extremely sharp mind. The description of the appearance of this beauty can be cited by the statement of the Archbishop of Genoa (sic!) - he joked that although the Vatican in principle does not approve of human cloning, he could make an exception for Sophia Loren.

Marilyn Monroe About the death of the first beauty of the world (and the title is well deserved) gossip almost more than about her life. Bright appearance, multiplied by a sharp mind and a lively character, made Marilyn a real queen of any male society. The girlish figure, as if woven by the standards of that time, still remains an unattainable ideal for many beauties.

Dita Von Teese Almost no one knows the name of Heather Rene Sweet - but Dita Von Teese is known to everyone. The girl chose a voiced pseudonym almost at random, having drawn a surname from the phone book so that the Playboy editors had something to sign her candid photos. Dita brought up her sophisticated beauty with severe discipline and training, as a result, she rightfully won a place among the most beautiful women of the last century.

Salma Hayek Salma Hayek became the first Mexican actress to win an Oscar for Best Actress. The exotic appearance of the girl attracted the audience, critics praised her talent with might and main, and the directors used the beauty of Salma with caution - she easily pulled all the attention from the filming and the plot to herself. Woody Harrelson stated that when the gods decided to bring down a copy of their divine splendor, they named her Salma Hayek - and hell, we absolutely agree with that.

Beyoncé Beyonce's first steps on the stage were in the company of charming friends: Destiny's Child was considered one of the best R&B bands of the time. The girl's solo career went even better - a few years ago, Forbes placed her name on the second line of the top 100 most influential celebrities in the world. To the delight of millions of fans, Beyoncé prefers to perform in rather revealing outfits - and, believe me, there really is something to see.

Jennifer Lopez One of the first significant singers of the beginning of the 2000s, one of the first beauties of the generation, the owner of a strong character and a huge fortune: Jennifer Lopez's flattering epithets can be wasted for hours, without being afraid of at least a word to sin against the harsh reality. External data and undoubted talent allowed the girl to climb to the very top of the starry Olympus - it seems to us that only her figure would be enough for this.

Nikki Minaj The very first album of the talented performer blew up the American charts: Pink Friday headed the famous Billboard for nine whole weeks, which many more experienced musicians could not achieve. Only after people appreciated her work, Nikki decided to show herself to the society - and the society was amazed. The figure of the girl is ideally suited to the requirements of the modern world: even the wax statue of the singer, stored in Madame Tussauds, had to be protected from fans.

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It is very difficult to find a woman completely satisfied with her figure. Usually, they themselves come up with various complexes for themselves, with which they then try to fight. And it turns out in most cases in vain! As polls among men have shown, few of them like very thin female models. So what does the most beautiful figure in the world look like? And is there one?

The most beautiful figures of girls

Most men call a figure with bulges beautiful. Psychologists have found an explanation for this in the fact that this is how men subconsciously choose a partner with good health and the ability to reproduce offspring. Therefore, it is not surprising that the hourglass figure is considered the most attractive.

In the wake of the "hourglass" are miniature girls of short stature. They attract men with their sophistication and touchingness. On a subconscious level, you want to protect them.

But the well-known parameters 90-60-90 were only in 3rd place among men's preferences. Of course, such a figure is harmonious. These girls have a slim figure, slightly protruding hips and medium breasts.

Changing standards of beauty

If you delve into the history of the last century, you can see how changeable are the standards of beauty. Remember how all women aspired to be like the favorite of men - Marilyn Monroe. And her proportions were 92-60-86. And this is with a height of only 158 cm.

A little later, Leslie Hornby was considered the ideal of beauty and her parameters are 80-53-80 with a height of 170 cm. It is she who is the closest to the modern standard of beauty.

In the 80s of the last century, the singer Madonna with parameters 90-60-86 with average height became the idols of millions.

Today, beauty standards have changed and everyone wants to be like Angelina Jolie - a tall girl with a "carrot" figure, who has broad shoulders and at the same time rather narrow hips. It is women with this type of figure that today are called the most beautiful.

According to the men themselves, in the female figure they are attracted not by volumes, but by proportionality and aesthetics. So the researchers determined that most of the representatives of the stronger sex consider the waist - 75 cm and hips - about 100 cm to be the most beautiful. At the same time, everyone has their own preferred chest volume, but for most, size 3 is ideal.

The most beautiful star figures

As you can see, famous people acted as role models at any time. Among modern stars, ideal figures have:

The 36-year-old beauty with a height of 165 cm has a weight of 52 kg and parameters of 89-61-90 cm. For this, Nicole adheres to a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. She works out with a personal fitness trainer 3 times a week.

The 30-year-old American actress is called by many the owner of an ideal figure. With a height of 164 cm, she weighs 54 kg. Her parameters are 94-63-95 cm. To achieve them, the actress follows a balanced diet and does not bother herself with exhausting workouts in the gym.

With a height of 169 cm, the beauty weighs 55 kg and boasts parameters of 90-62-91 cm. To keep herself in shape, Jessica trains exhaustingly in the fitness center 4 times a week, and eats only half a portion during lunch.

At 50, the actress boasts parameters of 92-65-97 cm, with a height of 176 cm and a weight of 65 kg. Monica claims that this is a consequence of her active lifestyle. To get in shape before filming, she refuses sweets and starchy foods.

The 46-year-old beauty has not left the podium of the most beautiful woman in the world for several decades. With a height of 177 cm, her weight is 55 kg, and her parameters are 90-59-91 cm. Holly monitors her diet not only for the sake of such parameters, but also because she suffers from diabetes.

We emphasize the beauty of the figure

Often under the influence of glossy magazines and pictures from TV screens, women underestimate their figure. And they hide the dignity of their figure, underestimating its advantages. But in order to emphasize them and hide what is imperfect, it’s enough just to choose the right wardrobe.

Corsets and V-neck shirts will help draw attention to beautiful breasts.

Straps and belts, skirts and high-waisted trousers help to emphasize the wasp waist.

Skirts with a low waist and bright decor help to emphasize beautiful hips.

Owners of long and slender legs should choose tight-fitting dresses or skirts and short shorts.

Experiment with your clothes and remember - each of us is perfect and unique!
