Warm words about a close friend. Congratulations to the best friend in prose touching the soul

A collection of texts with words of gratitude to a friend for friendship, written in prose (not in verse). As they say - in your own words. These warm, sincere, beautiful words useful both on a holiday (for example, on a friend’s birthday, on the anniversary of friendship, etc.), and for support in Hard time and to decorate the most ordinary ordinary day. And they can also sign a postcard, a gift (a box of perfume, for example), a card for a bouquet.

Adding words of love to the text will help you.

All names in the texts are mentioned only for convenience of presentation, do not forget to change them to the name of your girlfriend.

Tanya, I'm happy that you are my friend. I envy myself and am proud of our friendship. You are real, bright, fresh as a breath of air and alive. I adore you and thank fate that we met. Thank you for always supporting me in difficult times and sharing joyful moments with me.

Katenka, I hope that life will someday give me an opportunity to truly thank you for your friendship, support and joy that you generously share with me. With such a friend, life in the world is not scary, joyful and interesting. I'm proud of you, my bright man. I hope that we will carry our friendship through life. I wish that nothing destroyed her (friendship), no one soiled our relationship ... that she lived forever. Thank you dear for everything.

Svetlanka, until I met you, I thought that female friendship does not exist. And I'm glad I was wrong. Now I know for sure that it (friendship) not only exists, but also happens to be one of the most beautiful things in the world. Thank you for being my friend. I will not stop thanking life that I met you and that our friendship is still alive.

I have already told you “thank you” for many things, my friend. And I can probably say a lot more. But today I want to thank you simply for the fact that you are always there and for the fact that you are. I am very happy about this and only dream that you remain my friend forever. I have never met such sunny people and every time I wonder - how am I so lucky? I wish you to always remain with the same pure heart and bright soul. And may life protect you from any evil.

Dear friend! I have been preparing words for today's event for a long time. There is so much I want to say to you and I am so grateful to you for so much that I would have to read my speech for several hours. Therefore, I will simply tell you: I am grateful to you for being with me. I remember every minute I spent with you and they were all happy, joyful, interesting and unique. I didn’t think that such friendship was possible between girls (women, girls) and I never tire of being surprised by it.

I thank life for such a gift (friendship), appreciate it, enjoy it, cherish it as the greatest treasure and hope for your reciprocity.

Olenka, I want to tell you that our friendship with you is the best that I have. And I want to thank you for it. It brings into my life only joy, warmth, pride and support under my feet. I wish you to always remain as beautiful, joyful, bright, interesting and "not like everyone else." I love everything connected with our friendship and I don't want to lose you.

Dear friend, thank you for your friendship. Per pure heart, which never lies (lies). Per clear look. For the lack of profit. For not being jealous. For what you forgive. For your support in difficult times. For the joy that you share with me and for the difficult moments in which you never turned away from me. I love you for it, and even if our friendship someday ceases to exist, I still can never say that the time spent with you was a mistake, that it was unhappy, or that I wasted it for nothing. Because such a bright time cannot be called empty. It will always remain for me - valuable, warm and sincere. Thank you for being with me.

Ksyusha! I want to say a giant "thank you" to you for your friendship! If all people had friends like you, then there would be many more lucky people in this world. Because you are unearthly, unreal, reliable, smartest, most talented, kindest and fairest girl and just a fabulous person. I never get bored, sad, empty and bad with you. Why, I wouldn’t leave you around the clock at all. I drink light, warmth and kindness from you, as from a holy spring, and I can’t get drunk. Thank you for sharing our friendship and generously sharing with me the brightest that you have. I will never stop admiring you and the life that gave me you.

I want to thank my friend (insert name) today for her friendship and for her amazing human and feminine qualities who strengthen this friendship, help it and develop it:

  • For sensitivity and tact - a natural talent that is not taught anywhere;
  • For the ability to listen and hear - a rare skill these days;
  • For the lack of selfishness - thanks to this quality, friendship (and not only ours) is real;
  • For the hellish patience with which she is able to listen to my crying in difficult times and cries of joy in moments of happiness;
  • For the wisdom that helps her give me the most wonderful advice for any life situation and make amazing decisions;
  • For the kindness that does not dry out in her and which she so generously shares with those around her (and most importantly - with me);
  • For the fact that she is able to forgive and not to trifle when something went wrong between us;
  • For the agility and resourcefulness with which she can dodge trouble and get me out of it;

But most importantly, I want to thank her for the rarest talent for a woman in our time - the ability to be friends with another woman.

Be happy dear, don't leave me. I promise that I will always be the same friend to you that you have become to me.

I want to thank you for your friendship, my precious, and tell you that I dream of seeing you always happy and joyful. So that you always smile. So that all troubles bypass you (otherwise they will have to deal with me). May the sun never leave your life. So that all your dreams come true, and plans come true. So that you always have reliable assistants - it is easier to live in them. In general, I want nothing to ever overshadow our friendship and I promise you that I will always be there to drive away any hardships, support and please.

Lena, every day I bless the one who invented friendship. And now I want to thank you for it. You work miracles every day, without knowing it, probably. And I want to wish you to live a long, long time so that the miracle does not end. And so that the sunlight does not disappear from my life. You are very dear to me, I appreciate every minute spent with you - be happy and let those who are dear to you be happy.

Today, Lyudochka, I have prepared a special present for you. I give you this medal (diploma, souvenir, memorable gift etc.) for friendship. Take it with mine sincere words thanks.

I thank you for being amazing. For the fact that I can be silent with you endlessly and chat incessantly. For the fact that I am sure that you are not able to betray on the sly. For the fact that it is always pleasant to be with you, even when you are going through not the most pleasant moments in life. For the fact that with you it’s not scary to go not only to reconnaissance, but in general to rush to the ends of the world without a return ticket. For the fact that next to you there is always something to be proud of. I think that such people are almost never found, they are only written about in books and films are shot. I am happy that I met such a person and even more happy that I managed to make friends with him.

Masha, I am sure, no matter how hard times friendship goes through, it will forever remain in our hearts as the brightest time of life. I will always remember you and the time we spent together. And even if someday we find ourselves far from each other, know that I remember you, I keep you in my heart and I will help you in any way I can if you call. Thank you for your friendship and I hope I don't disappoint you either.

Thank you best friend that your smile and laughter brighten my life. That you lend a hand when I need it. I also thank you for your congratulations on all the holidays and even for giving me a kick when I stop, not knowing how and where to go further. For calling me to visit, and for always waiting. For the fact that I can see you whenever I want. Thank you, my dear, you are a battery in my world, do not let it stand still and warm me.

My dear friend, thank you for the fact that I can chat with you over trifles and be absolutely happy at such moments. For your concern for me and for your concern. Thank you for making my soul feel like your own. For your endless, same question in messages: “Where are you, my friend?”

I thank you for everything, for everything, and most importantly: I thank you for being my friend, girlfriend, close person and kindred spirit.

My beloved girlfriend, I want to tell you why I appreciate you, I cherish and never tire of thanking you ... I appreciate you for keeping my secrets and not regretting revealing yours. I love you for your sharp tongue and an excellent sense of humour. I get warm when you worry about me. I'm not angry that you dump your troubles on my head suddenly and without warning (it's so tonic). It invigorates me when you do not leave me alone with my thoughts. I am glad that you share my successes with me, because it is very difficult to carry them alone. I am happy when you rejoice at our luck and swear at bad luck. In general, my friend, I live with you! full life. And for that, I sincerely thank you.

Looking into your radiant eyes in the photographs, my friend, I am warmed by your warmth and charged with the joy they radiate. And when I touch your hand, I find again vitality. Remembering our nightly gatherings, I am filled with joy from the fact that you are in the world. I thank you for your friendship, my good one ... even after years and distance, she helps me, supports me, does not let me get lost. Thank you and be happy, friend.

I can't imagine my life without you my friend, and I thank you for you. And for being my friend. You are my closest person, my world without you is simply impossible and unable to exist. Well, perhaps stranger will be able to neigh so loudly when I stumble and yell: “clumsy cow, watch your step!”

But can anyone, except for a true friend, hold out a hand when I fall into a puddle, cheerfully saying: “come on, come on, get up, fat creature, why lie down ... go not at the resort.”

And who else, besides a friend, can gobble up all the food in the refrigerator and, without thanking, without apologizing, fly away in an unknown direction for an indefinite period? And after that, also appear as if nothing had happened again, and, as if nothing had happened, demand more?

But how can a strange and cold person enter my home, opening the door with his foot and after hours?

In general, dear, I am grateful to you for always toning me up, not letting me relax and stimulating my nervous system.

You have a good character
Both looks and figure.
Proud of you day by day
After all, you are my friend.

I'm so lucky to have you
And you are the only one.
I obey you in everything
You are a dear friend.

You are always an example for me
I look up to you.
You are the best of all friends
Let me tell you, I'm not shy!

You are the best of all friends
Everyone around loves you so much.
You are always ready to help
And this is your essence.

Your manners and words
Your clothes are stylish
You are always so attracted
Everyone wants to be friends with you!

I admire you all the time
And all around as an example, I put only you.
You are the best in the world, you are just golden
My priceless friend!

Throughout my life, you have always helped me a lot,
And I found the right words.
I will always be friends with you
I can't imagine my life without you!

Dear, you are the best
Beautiful, smart, brave,
Cheerful and joyful ray
You shine, not knowing sadness.

With you I'm always wondering
We just don't know boredom
Fantasy endless abyss
In you, dear friend.

A friend like you
I just can't find it in the world!
Your kindness, kindness
Magnet beckon me again!

Your openness, simplicity
They make you available.
I always want to be friends with you
I will cherish you!

Girlfriend, you are the best person!
I wish you happiness for a whole century
To aspire and dream
I was surprised by my victories.

Be also sincere, kind,
Full of energy and love
May the sky favor you
Luck is always knocking on the door!

Girlfriend, you are a great person!
I wish you happiness in your personal life,
You are good on the outside, on the inside
Much brings us closer to you.

You are interesting and cheerful
You have energy,
She charms, leads ...
May happiness enter your life!

Girlfriend, the warmth of your soul is wonderful!
I wish that in life it was light and clear,
A stormy volcano of energy and joy,
Happiness and goodness is a huge ocean!

Good luck let gifts indulge
Love gently kisses on the lips,
May cherished dreams come true
Harmony and beauty to you!

You are near when there is a blizzard in the heart,
You are a close person, my friend.
You radiate positivity and kindness
Communication with you is a pleasure!

May your eyes also sparkle
Let love, beauty surround
Develop the gifts of nature in yourself,
And everything that you have in mind, get from life!

You have a gorgeous dress
It sits well on you
My dear girlfriend
My compliment is flying to you.

I remind you that you are very beautiful
You are smart, good and kind,
And you know I'm very happy
After all, I have you!

He will cheer you up
And he will bring you good
Read it, smile
Your heart will feel at ease!

You are beautiful now, on this festive day.
So hairstyle goes and a brighter smile.
well and your dress- he has no equal,
It fits so well, its color is so good.
The shoes fit the dress, the walk is easy in it,
It is simply impossible not to notice you in the crowd.

A true friend is with you when you're wrong
When you are right, everyone will be with you.

All the trouble that your worst enemy can tell you to your face, nothing compared to what your best friends say behind your back.

The stronger your character, the fewer true friends you have.

don't waste yourself on cheap people.
do not waste, they are not worthy, do you hear?
because there are many who are needed,
who is happy only because you breathe.

we hardly notice how from an ordinary friend a person becomes the best
other, but we notice very well how best friend becomes easy
a friend or even just an acquaintance

After all, it happens unrequited love. So it is with friendship.
Everything in life is non-reciprocal.

the main thing is not to lose everyone whom you have collected all your life

people are too quick to call someone they know a friend

those who care about me will understand me, even when I'm in a psychiatric hospital talking to the walls

A difficult moment unites everyone: a friend will not leave, and the enemy is right there.

An enemy is a person who hates your virtues.
A friend is a person who does not look at your shortcomings.

The one who points out your flaws
Not always your enemy;
The one who talks about your virtues
Not always your friend.

When you rise, your friends will know who you are. When you fall, you find out who your friends are.

The best gift from a friend is his presence and support in difficult times.

When there is the support of a loved one, you can cope with any problem.

it is a value to have a friend or friends who are not affected by time, weather or distance

A true friend is one who will not dump you, knowing in advance that now he will get good cunts with you!

A friend is the person who will pick you up when the rest of you don't even know you've fallen!

You are lucky if you have met at least one person in your life without an expiration date.

Meaning true friendship in that it doubles joy, and divides sadness in half.

girlfriend won't go for a walk? go for a walk to her

I love people who you offer completely crazy things and they don't ask "what the fuck?", but say "oh, come on"

An adversary looking for your mistakes is more useful than a friend who wants to hide them.
(c) Leonardo da Vinci

It's funny how they always want to be friends after they've kicked your ass.

There are flashes that last for a fraction of a second. There is a light that will always be. There is just a friend, and there is a friend who will never betray.

Next to us are those whom we deserve.

The bonds that bind your true family are not blood, they are based on the respect and joy that is revealed to us in each other's lives. Rarely do members of the same family grow up under the same roof.
(c) R. Bach "Illusions"

After all, you never know how attached you are to a person until this connection breaks.

I won't tell you what friendship means
I think words are superfluous here.
just ask me what you need
and I will come when others do not come.

friends don't turn away.
and if they turn away, then they are not friends

Friend. Only with her you can laugh non-stop and stupidly for no reason.

I may not be the best friend, but a real one. I don’t have to write to you on the wall or call you every day, but we both know that there are no people closer to our souls.

A real friend is one who hates your ex more than you.

Friends are people who will remember your jambs all their lives and laugh at them.

Everyone has a girlfriend who eats for days like a hippopotamus and doesn’t get fat at all.

True friends are those who don't have to clean up before their arrival.

They say that 5 minutes of laughter prolongs life by exactly 1 hour ... Conclusion: my girlfriend and I will live forever.

if your girlfriend is dating a guy, and you don’t have a boyfriend at that time, then this bitch will come out of her skin to set you up with his friend.

I love people to whom you can say: “Do you remember?”

You're my friend... We're friends... You're such a fool, just like me.

The best friend is the one to whom you boast that you made a cake, and instead of saying "Super, well done, will you let me try it?", she says "Nobody got poisoned?))"

They can sit
and talk about something
or just something
Be silent with each other.
They can with each other
Laugh so long
What's with their laughter
Stomach ache
They trust each other
As if to myself...
They know each other
Like no one on earth
They can with each other
Always be yourself
These are the best friends in the world
...we are with you!

Men play friendship soccer ball and she stays intact. Women play friendship glass vase and it crashes.
© Ann Lindberg

You can't talk bad about friends. Especially to themselves when they don't hear.
© Yu. Lavryashina

My dear friend, on this beautiful and festive day, accept my congratulations on your birthday. Do not be sad that the years go by, because every year you are more and more beautiful. You and I have come a long way in life, and you have never betrayed me. Be always the same lovely, smiling and sympathetic. You are a ray of light to all who know you. You inspire everyone to do good deeds and deeds. And I want to wish you that all your goodness returns to you. You deserve it. And I also want to wish that your dreams always come true, so that luck never leaves you. Be loved and love. Happy holiday!

Girlfriend, today you have become even bigger, not in the literal sense, but in the age sense of the word! Today is the most important day in your life - your birthday! I think that now everything is definitely possible for you, so go ahead in all serious! Try everything in the world while you can! I wish you to keep your unique beauty, which overshadows many and attracts handsome boys, always stay in good mood so that your ill-wishers have their teeth set with envy! I wish you good health, mind-blowing success in everything and universal well-being!

My dear friend, happy birthday! I wish you fulfillment of desires, female happiness, bright events, exciting journeys. Pamper yourself more, love and be loved, bloom, fragrant. Be always as cheerful, mischievous, kind, sincere, beautiful and sweet.

My best friend! I want to thank you for your endless optimism, reliability, sincerity. I wish that life brings you only joy, positive emotions. Always live full life and stay yourself. It makes me happy to know that you are in my life.

Congratulate your girlfriend in your own words beautifully

Dear friend. I wish you that the soul does not know the cold, may the heart be forever young. Be always healthy and successful in everything. And may your guiding star life illuminate the path brightly and always! And may the state of spring always live in the heart!

I wish you, my interesting, beautiful, wise friend, do not change either externally or internally, because you are beautiful as you are! Live brightly and richly, beautifully and richly! And may your home always be full of love and comfort!

Dear, beloved friend. On your bright birthday, I want to say “thank you” for our friendship for centuries, for help in difficult times, you will always give good advice. May happiness be forever near, love blooms in dear soul. I wish inspiration, health, joy to you!

Beloved friend! On this day, I want only one thing: let absolutely all your dreams come true. You have become a little older, and let your more adulthood There will be a minimum of difficulties and a maximum of amenities. Please remain always friendly and sympathetic, cheerful and laughter! I would like to wish happiness and success to you and health to your family and friends. Be always happy!

My dear friend! Happy Birthday to you. I want you to hear good and good words and received flowers not only on this day, so that your guiding star would burn brightly, brightly, illuminating your life path. And I also want to wish that this year you meet your soul mate, so that she finally finds you - she walked along the same sidewalk with you, or drove with you in the same minibus, and you had unearthly love. Be happy!

Congratulate a girlfriend in prose beautifully

Congratulations to the closest, beloved, dear best friend! Happy birthday to you, doll! I wish you this day that you are shining like a diamond. So that your most cherished dream comes true. May all sweet dreams come true. I wish you to meet your prince, who will love you all his life. Happiness to you, dear! May heaven send you abundance of joy, wealth and good luck. I wish you to be strong in spirit and never give up! Come out of any circumstances as a winner!

My dear friend, dear and beloved! I congratulate you on your birthday - bright holiday, a little sad, but still wonderful! I wish you to always be loved, to be admired and admired! Beauty to you and health, joy and fun, great success and good luck! May you have fun meetings with friends, a chic vacation and warm family holidays- everything that life is rich in and what it is dear to! Be happy my dear.

My wonderful girlfriend! Over the years of acquaintance with you, every time I am convinced of your sincerity and decency. so kind and interesting person very hard to find in our mortal world. Stay the same as you are now. Conquer men, win hearts and just be happy! I sincerely wish that everything works out in your life the best way! Feel free to step forward towards everything new and beautiful.

When I hear the word “girlfriend”, I remember how I cried from broken feelings, and next to me someone gently hugged me. I remember how happy I was when I received my first salary, and next to me someone quietly rejoiced. I remember you - the best of all, which is always there. Thanks for being you, happy birthday!

Today I have a great opportunity express my warmth and gratitude to you, my friend! Congratulations on your wonderful birthday! Let it be bright and hot, like a heavenly body! What you are for me, my sun! And for everyone you are a star! And you have reached the heights! Stay strong, but also gentle! May you be deeply loved, and love you with all your heart! Be always so irresistible and young! Let cherished dreams come true! A goldfish for you on parcels! And let only kind and positive people surround you!

Happy birthday, my beloved, best friend! I want to wish you good health, endless happiness, and great, mutual love. Always remain the same radiant, sincere, sincere and cheerful person. May all your cherished wishes come true on this wonderful day dreams. I am very proud that there is such a wonderful person in my life. Know that I am always ready to lend my shoulder in any situation. I want to tell you thank you so much for strong, true friendship! Together we are strong!

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Best friend, for me you are like native person! We have a lot in common, most importantly, we understand and support each other! And today I want you to laugh and rejoice from the bottom of your heart! Happy birthday from the bottom of my heart and I do my best to have fun! First of all, I decorate your holiday with your favorite flowers and give a keepsake! Let no forces be destined to separate us! Be happy and remain the brightest person all your life. long life! May you be spared from troubles and illnesses! I wish you not to be sad and often have fun, relax and travel! And take me with you!

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It is very difficult to find a person whom you can completely trust, whom you always understand and accept in everything, and without whom you can no longer imagine your life. I thank the Almighty for giving me such a person, you, my beloved and best friend! I congratulate you on your birthday, I wish you endless happiness, good health and prosperity. I love you very much and will always be there!

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My dear, ________________ !
I wish you to be the happiest on your birthday!
Whatever you want to get, get it! Whatever you want to achieve, achieve! Everyone you love, let them love you too! Happiness and goodness to you, my best friend in the world!
- with love, _____ .

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The best in the world, dear friend!
I'm away on your birthday! And, every now and then, I remember you, and I can’t change anything! Life arranged everything the way it wanted, we fled along different places. I only press the keys of the computer skillfully, and so I hope: you read there!
Happiness to you, be protected by God, peace, love and good luck in everything! And let, one day, the roads intertwine, and you will knock softly on my house!

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My dear friend, you are inimitable and the best!
Happy birthday congratulations! And I wish you the best:
Home comfort and warmth, luxury and prosperity, peace and happiness!
Let illnesses, problems and troubles bypass you!
May there always be peace in your soul, and love in your heart!
May all your wishes come true, my beloved friend!

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You have become my best friend for a long time! I can't imagine my life without you! It's great that I have you, and give me so many joys! Happy birthday from the bottom of my heart, my dear friend! I want to wish that all the days brought you only pleasure and happy moments! To make your life complete great holiday! You deserve a long and good life! Leave all troubles and illnesses in the past! Don't go back to him! New ones are waiting for you pleasant surprises destiny and travel! Take me with you and everything will be OK! Kiss you hard, dear!

Best friend in your own words to tears
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My best friend, take from me my sincere congratulations happy birthday! You know that I wish you all the best and kindest. I love you, and when you rejoice, my heart is warm and joyful! Be always happy! And if sadness comes, then we will cry together, and it will dissipate like smoke. Women's tears like spring water that can purify the soul. And if it is 2 times more, then we will quickly cope with any sadness, my friend! But better - always shine like a star, and frolic like a goat! I wish you good health and strength of steel for life! But stay the same gentle, kind and beautiful!

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My kind, sweet, beloved,
tender as the sun in spring,
You are the one and only
I am pleased, dear, to be friends with you

You are reliable, hardworking,
you're always doing well,
And what are you, a beautiful friend,
admire looking at you

I wish you happiness, dear
Let sorrows go by, by the side,
Stay beautiful forever
Rejoice us, wonderful soul.

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Best friend happy birthday! And I wish you the best: so that wishes come true, you are loved and joyful, so that you are pampered and cherished, bought chic gifts and taken to the best resorts! Dream, it is useful, instead of being sad in vain! You are so beautiful and good-natured, and you deserve great female happiness! What do I wish you without measure! Take everything you need from life! And give your sad days to fate! Years life to you, as well as unfading youth, beauty and vivacity!

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