The famous writer is married to a gay man. Married to a gay man

Love and betrayal Kurpatov Andrey Vladimirovich



A banal story. I'm a grown woman, he's 25. He's gay. We have been friends for 3 years, I love him very much, he periodically proposes. But there are no intimate relationships. He dreams of a family, a child. I'm perplexed: hugs and kisses don't make children, and it's starting to irritate me. Somehow everything took a long time. Tell me what to do?

Ksenia, Rostov-on-Don

A man with a homosexual orientation, like most other men, was raised in a family, shares many of the values ​​of the society in which he lives, wants to experience parental feelings, so many gays want to have families, many are married and have children. Relationships that are built mainly on sexual attraction are usually short-lived, and the family gives a sense of stability, and this is another factor that pushes a gay man into a marital relationship with a woman.

But these are his interests, his desires, not yours. As far as I understand, you imagine a different “ideal picture” - albeit not an ideal family, which is in principle possible with a heterosexual man, but still a family in which there is such and such (some kind of intimate relationship , certain responsibility, mutual agreements, and so on). This, it seems to me, is what you should discuss with the young man - honestly, openly, kindly.

If you can find some acceptable form of relationship in which each of you will have what he has the right to count on, taking into account all the circumstances of the case, then you will agree. If this is impossible, then, it seems to me, you need to make a decision: step on the throat of your own song and still go for a break. You love this person, but your feeling does not have an intimate component, that is, a certain release, a certain finale, a culmination, and therefore is actually directed into abstract infinity. This inner dissatisfaction of yours makes this relationship potentially very, very long.

Essentially, being stuck in time is when you are waiting for something that will never happen, but you are waiting as if it were possible. Unfortunately, we often fall into this emotional trap. But having realized that this is a trap, or, more simply put, a dead end, you need to use your mind, reason, will and get out. You have the right to count on a happy, harmonious relationship with a man, but while you love this young man, while he is nearby, your heart is not free, and therefore other relationships simply cannot arise.

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HOW TO MARRY A GAY? A banal story. I'm a grown woman, he's 25. He's gay. We have been friends for 3 years, I love him very much, he periodically proposes. But there are no intimate relationships. He dreams of a family, a child. I'm perplexed: hugs and kisses don't make children, and I don't

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He is gentle, affectionate, sexy, in no hurry with sex... It is very easy to fall in love with a gay man, accidentally confusing him with the ideal guy.

Gays. Who is it and what do they eat it with?

Homophobia is not in fashion today, so when our friends ask us, we smile and answer that everyone has their own position in life, and everyone has the right to choose. Orientation is not an indicator of decency.
Olya met Vitya via the Internet. He courted me beautifully, wrote sweet texts, called and...disappeared. For a few days. Then more. Friends advised me to quit, friends contemptuously labeled him a pick-up artist, and Olya timidly waited. Then I decided to confess my love. In response I heard “Me too” and thought about it. The fact that Vitya was gay found out from the same Internet. There are quite a lot of girls who fall into the “trap” in this way, but why does this happen and what to do next? How to exit/not exit marry a gay man?
The object of your attention is a new colleague. He is attractive, with a sense of humor, responsible... All cards are revealed - he is free. The hunt begins. But for some reason he doesn’t fall for your charms. Moreover, things don’t go further than a routine compliment. What's the matter? On gay forums there are a lot of complaints about this kind of behavior of a woman, when she drives non-traditional men into a corner with her persistent courtship. And if you finally find out what the true reason for this state of affairs is and begin to take revenge, we are not on your side.

Why are we attracted to gays?

Girls who have gone through betrayal find pain and humiliation in relationships with gays safety, peace. Sometimes, even after learning about their spouse’s orientation, they do not leave hotly, but come to terms with it. Gays also benefit from such relationships. In the person of the “wife” they find a mother who will cover their “innocent hobbies” and reputation as an exemplary family man.
According to research by experts, during the candy-bouquet period, gays show their best side - they court, call, but try by any means to avoid intimate relationships. The future bride and her parents even like it. Further more. During marriage, gays try to avoid sex with their spouse under any pretext. At first they feel sorry for them and don’t really insist, and then suspicions begin to arise. The wife begins to doubt her husband's fidelity. He plays along and they get divorced. Now the man is free and he has “proof” of his heterosexuality - a marriage, albeit a failed one.
The other side of the coin may be that the marriage is preserved for the sake of the children. The wife gives birth, and the husband is happy to try, as long as there are no unnecessary contacts. But very often such relationships end in the girls’ broken hearts and intimate conversations in the psychologist’s office.
This situation can be looked at in different ways. On the one hand, being married to a gay man has its advantages. On the other hand, if you do not calculate the whole situation in advance, unforeseen consequences may arise.
Try not to make a mistake with your choice!

The guy is twenty-three years old, it’s time to get married. Parents want to go out to the wedding and babysit their grandchildren. He won’t actually tell them that he’s gay. They raised him after all. We didn't sleep at night. They denied themselves everything. What will they think? What will they tell the neighbors? How did their son dare to be happy? They laid their lives on the altar for his sake, now he is obliged to accomplish the opposite feat. How about that? They didn’t just do everything for him, but with intent. They didn’t raise a person, they created a project, and now this project must bear fruit.

I broke up with my boyfriend. He was nice, warm, cozy, but... Obsessive, probably. I wanted to live together. Hot dinners, warm bed. Would you marry someone like that? It’s easier to first ring the bride and then find a lover. Quiet. So that all he needs is sex. Fortunately, these have not yet disappeared. You just need to learn to lie and hide money well in advance. And get a hobby. Fishing there, or hunting. To have an excuse to leave home sometimes. When it becomes completely unbearable.
Girls, no one wants to marry a gay man? Great option. The guy has his own apartment. Job. Looks good. I asked him. About my future wife. She says how. He promised that he would not offend. And jealous too. The main thing is that he has children, otherwise the parents will be offended. What more does a woman need? He hardly even drinks. Now I just started, sometimes. But is it really “drinking”? So, sometimes he’ll persuade you to drink a couple of bottles of beer. So that cats stop scratching their souls.

Who even invented this love? It couldn't be more stupid to love someone. If his parents didn't love him, would he even get married? If he didn't love his parents, would he suffer so much? Love must be taken and canceled. And then push yourself hard and cancel your sexual orientation to hell. Let men only want women. Let people always get married only to have children, then they spend all the strength of their hearts, souls and bodies to raise these children, and the children then live as their parents tell them. And then no one will be offended.

Let's start canceling love now. Girls, who wants to marry a gay man? Come on in. One must think he will make a good husband. And a good father, very likely. Marital duty... Maybe you can take it from someone else? And if you really want to, then there are different ways. There are pills, there is fantasy, there is self-control. Maybe he won’t even walk to the left. It's a shame. If you look at him touchingly, stroke him on the shoulder affectionately. Just ask more often how he is, what’s wrong with him. Call him dear. Let him feel guilty. Just in case.

A guilty person is easy to manipulate. And he will already blame you in advance. For not loving. Because he doesn't want to. You just need to press, press in the right place, and he will do everything, everything you want. Just let him go sometimes. Go hunting. Or go fishing. You can bring condoms with you so that he remembers and is ashamed. So that he doesn’t dare to just be happy for a minute. His parents did everything for him, but he, such a bastard, wanted happiness. No, let him suffer. Where morally, where physically. Girls, who wants to marry a gay man? I can introduce you. For him, appearance is not important, and even the soul is not particularly important. The main thing is to be able to close your eyes. Better yet, seal it with tape. And don't peek.

Marry him, please. He really, really needs it. Parents are getting old, but we still have time to care for a baby, or better yet two, so that the parents will be happy. Come out, really. And excuse me, please. I'm sorry, everyone, just in case I suddenly disturb someone's life. Sorry for daring to be happy. Or for the fact that he was born into the world completely different from you. And especially excuse me for the fact that I don’t want to get married, neither now nor in the future. Well, I don’t like hunting or fishing. What can you do?

Of course, we do not suffer from homophobia; women are generally loyal in this matter. We respect other people's boundaries and other people's choices, some have gay friends - everything is fair with them. This article is about protecting yourself from “werewolves” in a tie who, like pick-up artists, manipulate you. Decency does not depend on orientation.

Nelly met Seryozha on the Internet. He opened doors for her, gave her flowers and cute soft toys, but Nellie felt that he was over-sweetening. In SMS through the word “purrr”, “smack”, “my girl”. Instead of “I miss you, I want you,” she received whole panels with ornate compliments. A couple of times Nelly joked: “If you weren’t so good in bed, I would think that you...” Seryozha was never offended and promised to immediately prove to her that he was “not.”

He acted as if he couldn’t live without her... Then he disappeared. But he called again - and Nellie pretended that everything was fine. “Pickup artist,” her friends told her. “Married,” my sister repeated. At one point, when Nelly was already head over heels in love, she wanted him to simply tell her in response to her “I love” a short male “And I”... Completely tormented by the unknown, she entered his email address into a search engine - and went to the site gay dating, from where Serge smiled his unique smile...

The Internet is replete with stories of broken hearts of successful girls with high IQs. Why did they allow themselves to be lured into this trap? Let's start with the fact that some future victims tried hard themselves.

“My loved one died in an accident. After about three months I began to move away... But I couldn’t see other men. I then became close to an old friend - she knew that my friend had died, but did not know who he was to me. We both wanted to go to Europe for permanent residence, and it would have been difficult alone. We got married - to the delight of my parents. A daughter was born. I was sure that I had stopped being gay... But three years after our wedding, I realized that I couldn’t do this anymore. And I don’t want to lose my daughter, and I want to truly love.”

Hidden threat

Object: new, charming and attractive. He is simply cool - not a system administrator with greasy hair, not a short-breathing boss, not a boring colleague - his nails are clean, his shoes are shiny, and his sense of humor is great. Prince! You found out everything: he is definitely free. So why the hell doesn't he want you! You begin the hunt.

Judging by gay forums, this is a real problem for them. The man is cornered. He doesn’t want to reveal himself and should either change jobs or sleep with you - just to get behind you. But it's not enough for you. You insist on continuing the relationship. What if he is dependent on you for work? It is impossible for a closeted gay person to be safe: neither by stable friendship, nor by strict ignoring. The principle “The less we love a woman, the more she likes us” works against him. And if you, not knowing the true reasons for his indifference, take revenge or, having learned the truth, get angry, we are not on your side.

Experienced women who have often faced betrayal and rudeness find security and peace in relationships with a gay man. Even after learning about the satellite’s orientation, they don’t act out of the blue. As a rule, hidden gays also feel safe, having found a “mommy” and getting a reputation, albeit a bad one.

Habit of getting married

What could be worse than falling in love with a gay man? I'll tell you: to find yourself in a marital bed with someone who clearly gets hard when a young actor undresses on the TV screen. What to do? Slap me in the face and throw my suitcase away? What if the child is sleeping behind the wall? What if the apartment is not yours? What will your parents and friends say?

Yes, gays can be married. Young people, having felt homosexual attraction within themselves, strive to prove to their parents, friends, and most importantly, to themselves that this is not so. And they sincerely believe that a woman can save them.

It is easy to understand why in our disloyal country gays marry women, have children... Then they return to a secret life and make their families suffer - doubly suffer, because their deceived wives are forced to share all their secrets with them. Sometimes children keep this secret together with their mothers. Even psychologists, who, unlike priests, justify all our sins, even call such marriages tragic.

In Russia, such stories very rarely become public. Perhaps the only famous woman who spoke about the problem was the writer Yulia Shilova. The book “Life as a Three, or If a Loved One Left for Another” was written after seven years of marriage and the birth of a son: “The truth came as a bolt from the blue. It hurts to hear from someone you love that he was alone with me... When my husband told me that he could not live without the young body of his companion, that he had never experienced such amazing orgasms in his life, I gave him a good slap in the face, after all, we had a family, a child.”

I wanted a groom

As sexologists note, during the courtship period, gays are romantic, but avoid any intimate situations. Future brides and especially their parents even like it. In the behavior of young people they see high morality, respect for women, principles... Such suitors are set as an example for assertive louts who get under their skirts on the first date.

After marriage, husbands avoid sex under any pretext. The newlywed accepts the lack of experience or impotence of her loved one and strives to help. In general, many gay men are able to engage in heterosexual sexual intercourse. But this is a genital release without passion, sometimes even with disgust, almost always in a state of alcoholic excitement.

Sooner or later, the wife becomes suspicious of cheating. The husband can play along. At this stage, some lucky newlyweds and gays with the beginnings of a conscience get divorced. He receives a reprieve from parental issues, and with it, legal proof of heterosexuality: he was married. The girl licks her wounds and has a chance of getting married again.

But the trouble is that many people keep their family together for the sake of their children. Often, “non-traditional” husbands use their wife’s pregnancy as a reason for stopping sexual relations: they motivate their actions (or rather inaction) with concern for her health. After childbirth, new compelling reasons appear to avoid intimacy: sleepless nights, then the first teeth, then “The child can hear" - and so on for three years. The wife complains to her friends: “It’s probably because my breasts are sagging, maybe because I’ve gained weight, or maybe he stopped loving me?” Unsatisfied and obsessed with finding out the truth, she begins an investigation.The truth is shocking.

Many people immediately open their eyes to their husband’s strange behavior. They immediately run to a psychologist and admit to him that deep down they felt some kind of falsehood in the relationship. They are also afraid that the son may inherit his father’s homosexual tendencies. Some, especially loving ones, ask the doctor to immediately cure their husband, and when the doctor honestly refuses, they are ready to re-educate themselves, so as not to leave the family. Both sides are constantly under severe pressure.

“I got married at 24, my wife didn’t know that I was gay... She found out 6 years later, there were tears. And then she stopped using protection, and we got our second angel. The wife said: “Where can you get away from me with two children!” Life became easier after the confession; those who are open-minded will understand... There were boyfriends visiting, and a threesome with the guy who was picked up - fun. But as a result, she met her macho man and left me with two children. The most interesting thing is that girls are constantly attracted to me. These are brave people: two children don’t scare them!”

Special Gift

Gays believe: they have a sixth sense - gaydar, which allows them to instantly identify their own kind. You don’t have gaydar, but you have a woman’s intuition that tells you that something is wrong with this young man. It is unlikely that you will be able to determine this by appearance: now that men have begun to take care of themselves, it is much more difficult to distinguish who is who. In the public consciousness, the image of a gay man is clearly depicted: glamor, tight jeans, transparent T-shirts, highlighted hair, an earring in the ear, a ring on the little finger. These are honest gays, they have nothing to hide! Our case is different.

Married to a Gay - A Women's Love Story. I rented an apartment from a guy I really liked, but my friends opened my eyes to the secret of his intimate life...

After graduating from college, I pushed around in my hometown and, not finding a job, decided to try my luck in the regional center. I sent out my resume from home, and I was invited for an interview. I stayed with my dad's sister, which I regretted.

The aunt was a lady of advanced age, strong temperament and, on top of everything else, an old maid. My responsibilities included washing, cleaning, cooking, and walking her dog. Get up at six. Lights out at nine! And no friends, no clubs... Don’t watch TV for a long time. Don't turn on the music.

With great difficulty, I endured several weeks, and after getting a job, I began looking for housing. The problem was that there was enough money for a separate apartment, but it was tight. One day I got into a conversation with a colleague and new friend Natasha.

– Where can I rent housing cheaper?

“I know,” she said. – My Timka’s employee is looking for someone to live in his apartment. He was left with a three-room apartment from his grandmother. He wants to rent out one room. The pay is quite divine. You talk to him, the normal option.

I thought: “Living in the same apartment with a guy? How will it look like?"

- Don't be afraid! – she smiled. – Kirill is a calm, balanced guy...

That same evening, our company hosted a corporate party. It was fun, and I completely forgot about my aunt’s strict order to be home at nine. When she arrived, a scandal broke out. Insults poured out like grain from a leaky sack. As a result, she called my parents and voiced her ultimatum:

- I've had enough! Let him get out of here!

In the morning I packed my things, left the key on the table and, after waiting for my aunt to go shopping, left the house.

- Natasha! This Kirill of yours hasn’t found tenants yet? – asked a friend and told in detail about yesterday’s conflict...

To be honest, I was afraid of meeting a stranger, but I had no choice. Two weeks until payday. The chances of renting another place are zero.

A tall, fair-haired guy opened the door for us. He couldn't be called handsome, but there was something attractive about his face. Blue eyes, plump lips... He showed me my room. We drank tea with our friends, and when they left, we were left alone. And half an hour later they were chatting like old acquaintances.

I went to bed early: the sleepless night and the nerves spent sorting things out with my aunt made themselves felt.

- Lucy! – Kirill called in the morning, politely knocking on the door. – We need to discuss our daily routine. After all, every dorm has one.

- Get up at six. Lights out at nine! No friends, discos, clubs,” she shouted through her laughter, imitating her aunt’s voice and intonations.

- Exactly! – he laughed. - Keep in mind that I will not tolerate any orgies in the house!

This is how our life in the “dormitory” began. It must be said that we rarely saw each other on weekdays: after his main job in the office, Kirill worked part-time as an administrator in a nightclub. Several months have passed.

In the morning we met in the kitchen over a cup of coffee, chatted about this and that, and went about our business. Normal friendships. Nothing unnecessary, no invasion of privacy.

Once Kirill said that he would leave for a week or two to visit his parents.

- Behave well! Don't be disgraceful! – he said in a deliberately stern tone.

– Separate rice, millet and buckwheat into different bags, like Cinderella?

- Exactly! I'll come and check it out!

The next morning I woke up in some kind of depressed state. She got up, went to the kitchen, and put the kettle on. I poured food for the parrot. He reluctantly pecked at a couple of grains and turned away. “He’s sad! – I thought sadly. - And me too. After all, I like Kirill! But he probably has a girlfriend. He doesn’t pay the slightest attention to me.” At the end of the week the phone rang.

- How is my farm doing? – Kirill asked cheerfully.

- Alive and healthy! And Keshka is bored...

- Only Keshka? And you?

I was embarrassed. Tell the truth?

- Well, I, of course...

- I'll be there soon! Call the orchestra! – he laughed.

On Saturday I got up before dawn. I prepared dinner and set the table. I applied my makeup with special care. While waiting for Kirill's arrival, she constantly looked out from the balcony. And then a luxurious foreign car drove up to the house. She stopped near our entrance.

Kirill got out of it, and from the driver’s seat came a beautiful, well-groomed young woman. They were smiling and talking about something. He then hugged her and kissed her on the cheek, after which the lady left.

Watching this picture, I almost burst into tears: you fool, I split my lip! Will he pay attention to a provincial girl? I'm no match for him! Not a couple!

- Hello, Lucy! – The eyes of Kirill, who entered the room, shone. - How are you here without me? Did you behave well?

I muttered something incomprehensible...

- Do you have anything to eat? The train was canceled - we had to go with a transfer! I'm going to die of hunger now! – Kirill continued plaintively.

- Eat. Today I was expecting a friend to visit, but she couldn’t come! - I found it.

- Then I’ll take a shower! “And we’ll have lunch,” he shouted as he walked, “Yes!” There, the father handed over the homemade wine - put it in the refrigerator! – The water began to rustle in the shower. I was sad. Only now I realized that I fell in love.

“And he has another one,” she thought sadly. - It's a pity…"

My cell phone rang in my room.

Without turning on the light in the corridor, I rushed to the phone. And she ran into Kirill coming out of the bathroom. He stepped out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his thighs. Droplets of water flowed down his tanned torso. He smelled like some kind of deodorant. An intoxicating and exciting scent...

We stood close to each other for several seconds. I flushed with love, with a strong desire to cuddle up to him, hug him and not let go. I heard the booming beats of his heart...

Music was playing quietly in the kitchen. The light was dim. Kirill poured wine into glasses. While I was filling the plates with food, I felt his gaze on me.

- Well, shall we drink to your arrival? – I tried to make it sound cheerful, but at that moment the doorbell rang.

Kirill went to open it. Natasha, her boyfriend and a couple of other guys they knew burst into the kitchen.

- Ah, so you have a great feast! Did you want to celebrate your arrival? Lunch dragged on until almost midnight. It was fun. But I constantly caught Kirill’s thoughtful gaze on me. And when everyone had left, the dishes were washed, he came up to me and quietly said:

“Thank you for...” and hesitated.

- For lunch? - I found it.

He took my hand, touched it with his lips, turned and went into his room. The balcony door slammed several times during the night: Kirill went out to smoke. Then quiet footsteps were heard in the corridor. They stopped at my door. My heart was beating so loudly that it seemed like he would hear the beats...

Kirill stood outside my room for a while and left. And when I woke up, he was not at home.

“Well, you don’t have to be afraid of that lady,” said Olya. - This is Larisa, his sister, but...

– What is the “but”? He has a girlfriend?!

“I don’t think so,” Natasha chuckled. – You don’t know everything! – she hesitated and was silent. Then she shook her red curls: she was, she wasn’t! - The fact is that Olya studied with Kirill at the institute, and... In short, at the institute the guys were saying that your Kirill was gay...

I was just speechless. And then, remembering last night, she began to cry. Have you dreamed of marrying a gay man? Now it’s clear why he looked at me so stunned when we collided in the corridor! And why did he come to the door of my room: he probably wanted to explain to me the absurdity of the fact that I was carried away by him...

Kirill opened the door for me with a smile and let me into the apartment.

- Do you want to eat?

I just silently sobbed.

-Lucy, did something happen?

Continuing to cry, I walked into the kitchen. She froze on the threshold. She looked at the table in surprise. Two glasses, a bottle of champagne, fruit, and a bouquet of my favorite daisies in a vase. What does this all mean?

“I don’t know how to cook borscht like yours, so cold appetizers predominate today.” I hope you like it,” Kirill said embarrassedly and began to take out plates of sausage and cheese from the refrigerator.

Then he sat down at the table and poured out the champagne. He raised his glass.

- Why are we drinking? – trying not to show bitterness, I asked.

- For us! – Long look into my eyes.

I could barely restrain myself from bursting into shameful tears again.

- Of course, for us! For our friendship! – I drank champagne in one gulp. “For brotherly friendship,” unbidden tears rolled down my cheeks.

- What's happened? – Kirill put his glass aside. - Tell me immediately! Lucy, what happened?

I continued to cry. He got up. He came up to me and awkwardly hugged me by the shoulders.

I buried myself in his shoulder, and the tears kept rolling and rolling... He touched my hair and hugged me tighter.

“Don’t cry,” he said quietly, collecting tears from my face with his lips.

I broke away. I went to the window.

- Stop mocking! You can see that it hurts me! – she said without turning around. - Why are you doing this?

Kirill did not answer immediately. He stood next to me and gently stroked my shoulder.

- Do not Cry! I will do everything so that you never cry. You know, during the time we didn’t see each other, I realized how dear you are to me!

- Doro-o-oga-a-a-a... like a friend...

- Girlfriend? I want more! Want. I love you. Is it true. Very...” he said, stammering. - From the first day.

- But why do you need me? After all, you're gay! – I screamed, beside myself with rage.

- What?! “He turned me around to face him. - Where did you get this from?

It was my turn to be surprised.

- Olya told me...

He laughed. Loud. Uncontrollably. Wiping away the tears that were rolling from my eyes. I looked at him blankly.

- Olya... What a bitch!

Having calmed down a little, Kirill said that even at the institute Olga had been pursuing him, but the girl was not his type: too flighty and frivolous. They didn't have any relationship. She tried in every possible way to seduce him and after another unsuccessful attempt she promised: “You will still remember me!” I will never forgive you! I’ll send it to the whole world!”

- But I liked you at first sight! But I still didn’t dare admit: Olga said that you have a boyfriend. So I went to my parents. But I got bored already on the first evening! And when he returned, he saw you and decided to fight him off, and that’s it! Well, do you have a favorite, Lucy?

- Eat! – I said and wrapped my arms around his neck. - His name is Kirill!

And then there was a night of love. Magic... In the morning, when I woke up, he was not at home. After some time he returned.

– I invite you to celebrate our anniversary, that is, our first day, in a cafe! I already invited the guys... Get ready!

Small cozy room. The table is set for seven people. A real welcome! We arrived first.

– Who else will be there? – I asked.

- You'll see...

Soon our friends began to arrive. Olga came last. She behaved calmly, looking at me mockingly. As if she wanted to say: “You won’t see Kirill like your ears! The idiot fell in love and got ready to marry a gay man.”

Olya came up to him, hugged him by the shoulders, very unequivocally pressed him and kissed him on the cheek. I said nothing. Kirill just grinned.

- Listen, what is the reason for the feast? – one of the guys asked him.

– Now you’ll find out!

My beloved winked conspiratorially and came up to me. Taking a small velvet box from his pocket, he opened it. A ring flashed merrily in it.

– Lucy, will you marry a gay man? He loves you very much! Like a woman!

“But I have a boyfriend...” I said in the same tone as him. - They say I love him. And we even have a wedding soon!

Everyone looked at each other in confusion. And Olga turned green - all her intrigues were revealed! And she immediately understood the hints. And my beloved and I laughed merrily.

“Well, we’ll have to beat you off!” – Kirill concluded. - Will you fight back?

– I’ll be happy to marry a gay man! – I answered, smiling joyfully.

Taking out a ring, he solemnly put it on my finger. The pebble sparkled with a small star. My little star of happiness! From now on and for life!

2016, . All rights reserved.
