How to weave rubber bracelets? the best ideas and master classes with photos. How to weave bracelets from rubber bands for beginners Anyone can weave a beautiful bracelet with a pigtail

Jewelry is loved by everyone, women and men, adults and children, it is an integral part of a stylish look. Over time, fashion has changed, and a wide variety of materials have been used: metal, clay, wood, stones, beads, beads, leather, wool and much more, in our today's master class I want to tell you how to weave rubber bracelets.

How to weave gum bracelets ideas

The next most difficult and probably the most famous weaving style is the fishtail. The result should be a voluminous tourniquet, to make it, on average, you will need about 50 rubber bands and one fastener. The product can be woven on the loom, but if it is not available, you can get by with your fingers, we start as in the first version, we put on the “eight” on the middle and index fingers, the following elements are not twisted. Now we place two elastic bands of any color on top and remove the figure eight on them, then another one and remove the lower one on it, and the upper elastic band remains on the fingers, so we continue to weave to the end, you just need to hook the lock and you're done.

A similar weaving method is called a “caterpillar”, here you will already need a simple four-column machine, we place two “eights” crosswise, then we string two rows of “rings” in turn, i.e. not twisted elastic bands and remove eights on them, then continue to add one row across and remove the bottom row on it, you should get a thick flagellum with a jagged pattern. We complete the weaving by throwing all the loops into one corner, we thread an elastic band into them and fasten the fastener for it.

The classic version of the rubber band bracelet is the iris, this product was invented by Chin Chong, who once worked as a crash test engineer at the Nissan concern. He lives in the USA, in the state of Michigan, and his two daughters inspired him to discover the world. For work, we need a fork, the first elastic band is folded in half and put on the two middle prongs of the fork inverted with a figure eight. Then we put two more pieces in a similar way, but already on the two extreme teeth, respectively, one on the left, the other on the right. We remove the first gum over the middle loops, move the workpiece down. Next, on the middle two teeth we put another elastic band twisted in half, but without folding it into a figure eight. We remove the previous row over the last elastic band and then we go in the following sequence: one elastic band in the center, two on the sides, for each color we repeat two such rows.

If you find it inconvenient to work with your fingers, you can use a crochet hook or a regular toothpick to pry off the Loom bands. The bracelet really looks like a rainbow if you take the appropriate colors. When you have made a strip of the desired length, you can finish weaving, transfer the loops from the extreme teeth to the middle ones, then place the lower loops on the upper ones. There are two loops in the center, we put a new ring on them, twisted in half. We string loops over it. Then we place the remaining two loops one on top of the other, we hook the clasp in the form of the letter “S”, for both loops, we remove the product from the plug. Since we put on the first rubber band with a figure eight, it is convenient to fasten the bracelet. Straighten the knots a little, stretching the canvas in length and width, a bright cheerful decoration is ready, you must admit that the process did not take much time.

Consider another option - "dragon scales", this option is wider and more openwork. In the process, we need multi-colored rubber bands, four fasteners, a hook and a loom, with one row of posts.

We make the first row from rings of the same color, place the “eights” through one, in total there will be four of them in the row. Next, in the same way, we place the elastic bands on the gaps, it is important that you need to twist in the direction away from you. Now on the columns, where two layers turned out, we throw the lower loops with a hook. We lower the row down so that it is convenient to string the next one.

We put on a ringlet, now not twisting into a figure eight, again on those columns where there are two rows, we put the lower loop on the upper one, one loop on the left will be free. We lower the product down, now we take the next color. We make a row in the same way as the previous one, from the first column. P

we continue with the same color, only starting from the second column. And so on, for each color there are two rows, if you want, you can do more. When you have reached the foot length, we do the following: we remove the extreme loop and put it on the next column, we do the same from the opposite end. We take the next loop on the left and put it on the next column, also on the right, as a result, the loops will remain on four columns, we put locks on them and the product is ready.

Beautiful rubber bracelets are obtained with an asterisk pattern. You will need a machine with three rows of posts, a Loom band of different colors and a hook. First, we put on black rings around the perimeter, 10 on each side and two more on the ends. On this basis, we begin to make stars with six rays each.

We put rubber bands of a different color on the first free column in the middle, it is important to follow the sequence, they must go clockwise. On the next free column, we do the same, and so on, until all the columns are filled, we get seven blanks for asterisks.

Now we put on a black elastic band folded in half on the middle pillars, starting from the last one, then through one. We turn the product over, and starting from the opposite end, remove the extreme colored elastic band with a hook and put it on the central post. We change the rest of the rays of the asterisk counterclockwise from the center to the edges, we do the same with the next asterisk, we change the first loop to the center, and the rest from the center to the edges counterclockwise. Now we begin to change the black eyelets as well as the stars along the contour on the left and right. When all the black loops are woven, we take a black elastic band and thread it through the extreme loops of the baubles and leave it on the hook, it will be easier to remove the product from the loom with it.

So, carefully pull the bracelet off the machine, straighten the stars, slightly stretching the product to the sides. If the products are not long enough, then you need to make an extension as follows: we put a black elastic band on our fingers, put another one on top and string one on top of the other, add such loops until the desired length is obtained.

After that, it remains to hook the clasp on the last two loops and on the opposite side and the rubber bracelet with stars is ready. For a special occasion, I want to have a more elegant decoration, in this case I advise you to make a beaded bracelet according to ours.

A very beautiful version of weaving is the “French braid”, especially girls like this method. We begin to weave the decoration in the same way as in the fishtail technique. You will need a machine with two posts and rubber bands in two colors, I have green and orange. We put on an orange figure eight, a green ring on it and again orange on top. We remove the figure eight, we put on another green ring on top, but the differences will go further, on the right we remove not the bottom loop, but the middle orange one, on the left we remove the bottom green one. The next row is vice versa, we put on an orange ring, remove the central loop on the left, and lower on the right. We go in this alternation to the end of the “pigtail”, we finish as follows, at the end there are two loops on each column, we remove the lower ones in turn, and then we throw the remaining left loop to the right column, we hook the fastener for these two loops and remove the product from the machine.

Master class on how to weave rubber bracelets

The next technique resembles a pattern with stars, but here in the main element of the pattern there will be not six, but four rays, and it is called a “spider”. We need a machine with three rows of posts. We start by placing rings of the same color in a circle, first the leftmost row, and then the right one, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is very important to follow the sequence, otherwise the pattern will turn out to be wrong. Next, we string four rings strictly clockwise, how to weave bracelets from rubber bands photo clearly show the process. When all the crosses are dressed, we fix an elastic band of a different color in three turns in their middle.

On the extreme columns from above and below we stretch along the elastic band in two turns. When this is done, we begin to weave a pattern with a hook, remove the rings from the inner column, thread it through the elastic band folded three times and lower it onto the column with the other end of the ring, go strictly counterclockwise.

We do this with each element of the picture, then we start working with the border, for this the loops are on the right, and then we throw it on the left to the next column in turn. When the extreme rows are woven, you need to thread the elastic into the extreme loops, leave it on the hook and remove the product from the machine posts. We weave an extension cord, as well as in the version with asterisks, we fasten the clasp, this is the end of the job.

These are not all weaving options, you can combine and complicate them as you wish. Among other things, such a hobby is very useful especially for children and teenagers. Such an activity contributes to the development of fine motor skills, imagination, perseverance and concentration, so parents should encourage children in every possible way in such creative endeavors. Working together with your child, you will spend time with benefit and pleasure, because you will agree that nothing brings you closer than joint work, and bright crafts will always cheer you up. We have a lot of entertaining workshops on making jewelry on our site, for example,.

Rubber weaving. Double row bracelet with beads

Summer bracelet made of rubber bands. "Daisies on the Lawn"

Rubber bracelet. Rainbow rings on the machine. Detailed video!

How to weave a bracelet with a pigtail? Very simple - just like any braid is braided, which is very familiar to all girls. But what about the boys who wanted to do for a girl? Well, you can see the technology below. As well as ways to decorate a bracelet with this technology.

By the way, did you know that the word " weave» practically unchanged for a few thousand years? But like this. Once upon a time, Proto-Indo-European tribes lived on the territory of modern Europe. Which, of course, spoke their Proto-Indo-European language. So, scientists, by applying a variety of techniques and methods, found out some of the words with which these people communicated. One of these words is *pleḱ-, which meant "to braid, weave." And it is from this word that similar words with the same root originated: weave, whip, plait, Ukrainian " whip", Latin pleco- weave, Plecaro- bend, fold, modern English words implicate(to confuse, involve, imply) and explain(literally - unravel, clarify; where did the word explication come from - an explanation under a graph, drawing, drawing).

Here is such interesting information, according to which we, weaving a bracelet with a pigtail, are engaged in a very ancient business - and so popular that even its name has been preserved for thousands of years and has hardly changed, spreading through many languages.

So, what needs to be done to weave a bracelet with a pigtail?

Three beautiful laces are needed.

When choosing the length of the laces, you need to take into account that when weaving their length is approximately halved. So it is best to take with a small margin. The material of the cords can be anything - leather, floss, paracord - anything.

Next, these cords need to be tied in a knot (leaving small tails for attaching the bracelet) and secured on one side. This is easy to do with a clerical clip (which has already proven its usefulness in the articles "" and "Business and order in the workplace"). In addition, such a clip is easy to attach to something, and then you can weave in the air, which is much more convenient than on the surface of something.

Try to achieve an even arrangement of the cords in the pigtail.

Now the promised bracelet decoration. So, when weaving a bracelet, you can insert a variety of things with holes - beads, nuts, and instead of ordinary beads or nuts, you can use something more original - for example, beads from the article "Special polymer clay beads as a gift". Here are a couple of examples of how you can decorate a braided bracelet.

As you can see, everything is very simple - and the result is beautiful.

Oh yes. The other end of the bracelet also needs to be tied with a knot. Small "tails" should remain, which, being connected with the tails of the other end, form the same bracelet.

Anyone can weave a beautiful bracelet with a pigtail!

By the way, weaving refers to fine motor skills of the hands, which develops thinking 🙂

Evgenia Smirnova

To send light into the depths of the human heart - this is the purpose of the artist


Weaving baubles from elastic bands rainbow looms has recently become increasingly popular. For the first time, these materials for needlework became widespread in 2014, after which almost every child who loves to work with his hands wants to know how to weave bracelets from rubber bands. There are many ways to make stylish baubles, as well as hundreds of weaving patterns.

From the simple ones that even a beginner can handle, to the complex ones that require experience. Below are some photo and video tips for creating beautiful, bright children's bracelets.

Instructions and patterns for weaving bracelets from rubber bands with step by step photos

Weaving methods with the help of elastic bands have been known for a long time, but a big impetus to this direction of needlework was given by the invention of a special machine by the American Chin Chong, who wanted to surprise his daughters. Over time, this product spread throughout school institutions, and the creation of bracelets captivated children: baubles became a kind of symbol of friendship. What is necessary:

  • The loom is great for a child with large fingers, it allows even an adult to participate in the process of creating jewelry, weaving with it is easy and pleasant.
  • For those who do not have a loom, they came up with many other ways to weave rubber bracelets: using a fork, a plastic slingshot, only with a hook or on your fingers. And although a special device greatly simplifies the process of weaving, baubles made using other devices look no worse. With experience, children learn how to create heart bracelets decorated with flowers, roses, stars, bows. Decorative elements are made according to a strict pattern using a thin hook.
  • Elastic bands are used as the main material, although if desired, children can complement the bracelets with beads, ribbons, and other details. You can buy them in special multi-colored sets for weaving rubber bands or rubber rings of the same color in a bag separately.

Thanks to this type of needlework, the child learns to better control his body, develops fine motor skills. Weaving bracelets helps to improve concentration, as a result - better learning. Several master classes with photos will help everyone to weave an interesting bauble in different ways.

On the rainbow machine

  • To start, take the first elastic band of your desired color. There can be several shades of the material, it is advisable to start with three. They will have to be alternated. First, put the first silicone ring on two posts: the middle one and the post next to it on the left side.
  • Take an elastic band of a different color, put it on the leftmost column, on which there is already one loop, stretch it to the middle column, as shown in the figure. The rubber bands should zigzag on the loom.

  • Continue to arrange the materials for the bracelet in the same way, alternating the colors you like.
  • Turn the machine so that the arrow points towards you. So, while the bracelet is weaving, it will be easier to pick up the rubber rings.

  • Next, work on the pillar closest to you. With the help of a hook, pick up the elastic band from the middle row, which is located below. Pass it through from above, swapping with the adjacent loop.
  • Put the removed elastic on the next row, connecting with a figure eight. Repeat the same steps for all lower rubber rings. Weaving while working with the machine should go to the left, regardless of how you turn the tool towards you.

  • Tip for beginners: if you are not able to work with a hook at first, do not despair, this technique requires some skill. Over time, the creation of a bracelet will be much faster and more enjoyable. As a result, you should get two rows with colored circles, as shown in the photo.
  • To be able to wear a bracelet, attach special S-shaped fasteners on both sides of the future jewelry. They can come with a set of rubber bands or be purchased separately.

  • Crochet carefully remove all the loops from the posts of the machine.
  • Connect the two ends of the bracelet with a clip. A simple and beautiful bauble is ready! Based on this technique, you can later create original, more complex weaves.


A fork is a device that can be found in everyone's home. With it, you can create a beautiful, unusual decoration. Place 3 elastic bands on its teeth as follows:

  1. Pull the first one over 3 teeth on the left, then twist it with a figure eight, put it on 3 right teeth. On the two middle columns, the loops will intersect.
  2. Put the second on 4 teeth, and stretch the back part on 2 medium ones.
  3. Put on the third one in the same way as the previous step. See how this weaving turned out in the photo:
  • Take the hook. Hook them first with the left loop of the lower elastic band, remove from the fork and thread between the two middle rows. Do the same with the second loop.

  • Next, put on the rubber ring in the same way as you did in the first step in the last step: place it on four teeth, stretch the back to the two middle ones. With the help of the hook, continue to pull the loops first from one side, then from the other side - this is how you will weave the fishtail bracelet.
  • The length of the baubles requires that the future decoration be periodically removed from the fork. Do this, as shown in the photo, hooking the extreme elastic bands with a hook, then carefully swipe up through the cloves.

  • Remove the future bracelet completely.
  • Carefully put back only the extreme loops, continue to weave as you did before.

  • Hook the fasteners around the edges of the decoration. A beautiful bracelet is ready!

On fingers

  • Choose a few elastic bands, contrasting colors - so the bauble will look prettier and brighter. If you wish, you can use monophonic materials. For , use your middle and index fingers: take a rubber ring, twist the eight on them. Put on the next 2 rings without twisting.

  • First remove the lower left loop, place it between your fingers, then do this with the right loop. They should be in the middle, as you see in the photo.

  • Add the next rubber ring. With the loops that turned out to be the lowest, do the same as the previous step.

  • Remember that when you weave a bauble, you should see three elastic bands at the same time. Lift the bottom loops up, release, put on the next elastic band. So continue to weave until you get the desired length of your product.

  • If the bracelet comes out uneven, don't worry. After the end of production, baubles take the necessary shape.

  • When you have woven the jewelry to the desired length, leave 2 loops, do not wear the next one. Carefully remove them from your fingers. You will need a clasp to secure the sides.

  • A beautiful, multi-colored bauble is ready!

With a hook

  • If you have a hook, elastic bands, but you cannot weave a bauble exclusively on your fingers, use this method. First, fold the 2 rings of elastic into a figure-eight.
  • Next, squeeze them tightly between your thumb and forefinger. So that not twisted edges are free.
  • Slide the tool under the loose rubber rings.
  • Hook the elastic band with the edge of the hook, stretch it so that it is located approximately in the middle between the free rings squeezed between the fingers. Be careful not to pull too hard, otherwise there is a risk that the material will fall out of your hands.

  • Move your fingers a little closer to the new rubber bands, intercept them.
  • Thread the hook again as in step number 3.
  • Pass the next elastic band in a contrasting color. Continue like this until you get the desired length of your product. It can be a finger ring or a bracelet.
  • Secure the ends with clasps. The work is finished!

Using a slingshot

  • perform as follows: take a slingshot, put 3 elastic bands on its edges: the first, twisting with a figure eight, the second simply hooking on both edges, the third similarly to the previous one. It should turn out like in the photo.
  • Grab the loop of the right lower elastic band with a hook, thread it from above and place it between the posts. Do the same with the second loop on the left.

  • Put on the next elastic band (it can be a contrasting shade or the same one that was used before). Crochet the loop on the right, which turned out to be lower, remove it from the posts, then do the same with the left.
  • Put on the next rubber ring, remembering to alternate colors, follow the technique of the previous steps. Continue weaving until the bracelet is the length you need.

  • Next, you need to fix the bracelet on both sides so that it does not crumble. To do this, fasten the clasp, as shown in the photo, remove the bauble from the fork, and then remove the extra rubber bands.
  • How it should turn out:
