How to develop clairvoyance exercises. How to develop clairvoyance on your own: effective exercises

Clairvoyance is one of the most interesting and unusual abilities, which gives a person, one might say, unlimited possibilities.

Who doesn't want to know another person's thoughts? What about seeing a possible future? Or find out how your colleagues or people close to you treat you? How about avoiding mistakes or impending troubles that can cripple a person for many years?

What about information from the subtle planes that cannot be found on Earth? See through time and space?

All this is truly fascinating and provides enormous resources for human development.

But how special or accessible is this gift?

Yes, there are people who received this ability from birth or after various life disasters. But there are also those who develop this gift through exercises and practices.

Some people think that discovering clairvoyance is easy, others think that it is not. But in any case, a lot depends on the person’s temperament and determination. Whatever you say, it’s practice, practice and more practice. How long it takes is a secondary question.

Obviously, some people gain clairvoyance quite quickly, while others need a little more time. But the main thing is that almost anyone can develop it. And the most interesting thing is that this ability has no limits in development, because it has so many facets and branches that there is always room for development.

In addition to the listed abilities and capabilities of this gift, you can also add the following:

  1. Diagnosis of diseases, energy breakdowns and clots of bad energy in the body through vision of the aura of living beings.
  2. Forecasting various events.
  3. Memory, attention, and concentration become an order of magnitude better, which has a beneficial effect on the quality of study or work.
  4. Handling a huge amount of information in your head.
  5. The IQ (intelligence) of a person increases.
  6. And much more.

So where should you start developing such a truly powerful gift as clairvoyance?

First of all, your thoughts must be pure and serve only for the benefit of yourself and others. Naturally, forget about gambling. It's a matter of karma. And she, as I said, is an “evil aunt” if you start to “behave badly.”

Unlike psychometry, the level of energy strength and purity of energy channels significantly increase the speed and depth of clairvoyance development.

There are three pillars on which all clairvoyance rests:

  • Deep concentration.
  • Powerful visualization.
  • Pure consciousness.

You just need to know this! And now…


Practice 1


Draw a black dot on a white piece of paper. Sit in a comfortable position about 1 meter away at eye level and calm your thoughts. Many experts advise starting your practice with this exercise in order to develop concentration.

Start with one minute, gradually increasing the time of contemplation of the point.

It is important to follow 2 rules for this exercise: you cannot blink while concentrating and your eyes must be relaxed.

Also, to develop concentration, you can use simple improvised objects, such as a cup, fork, pen, and various drawings.

In addition to training the will, imagination and concentration, the practice has a healing effect on the nervous system and eye organs.

Practice 2


The next stage is to reproduce a clear image or picture of an object with closed eyes after contemplating it.

Practice 5-10 minutes a day for several weeks to hone this essential basic visualization skill.

Practice 3


Take 4 cards, for example 4 kings. Shuffle them well and lay them out in front of you. Close your eyes, keep the image of the laid out cards in your head and try to mentally address each card with a question.

First, ask the question: black suit or red? And try to “hear” the answer. Write down all the answers on paper and then check if you were able to guess the color.

After long training, try to guess the suit itself: cross, spade, diamond or heart. And the last stage will be a completely guessed card or cards.

During this exercise, do not strain yourself, just do it playfully, noting for yourself the moments of guessing.

Practice 4

Intuition. Vision.

Diagnosing people from photographs. To do this, take a photo of a person you know. Calm your thoughts and concentrate on the photo. Next, mentally ask a question that interests you about this person, several times in a row.

And for a few minutes, simply observe the images, thoughts, pictures or sensations that will come while contemplating the photograph. Yes, at first, most likely, nothing will work out.

Your task is to achieve stable images in your head in relation to this person - this will be great progress for you. And, of course, don’t forget to check what you “see”.

Practice 5

Vision of the aura.

Vision of the aura. As I said above, seeing the aura helps to determine “affected areas” in the human body, energy breakdowns, energy leaks, as well as a person’s thoughts, intentions, emotions, even his level of development, etc.

To perform the exercise you will need a person as an assistant.

Sit comfortably in the room, make the lighting so that it is twilight in the room. The room should not be completely dark; the silhouettes of objects and people should be clearly distinguishable.

Then relax completely and look at the person with a focused gaze in any area 10-15 cm around the head. Do not strain your eyes; your gaze should be clear, focused, but relaxed.

Don't try to see anything, all sensations will come to you by themselves and gradually. Just concentrate on this area. You need to perform the exercise for 20-30 minutes daily.

If you feel tired, stop training immediately until complete recovery.

This is where the basic practices for developing clairvoyance end.

Of course, this is not enough to truly develop this superpower, but you have to start somewhere. I guarantee that these simple practices, with proper training, will sharpen your intuition, you will gain new sensations for ordinary things, nature, people, and you will also improve your memory and attentiveness - at a minimum.

I wish you beneficial spiritual development.

Probably everyone at least once in childhood dreamed of having extrasensory abilities: being able to read minds, move objects with the power of thought, fly or have the gift of clairvoyance.

Perhaps many at an early age noticed the inclinations of such skills, but over the years it remained only in children's fantasies.

Why are children more intuitive? Can adults develop clairvoyance and psychic abilities? Is this accessible to everyone? Today I will look at these questions in detail.

What are psychic abilities?

Many people do not quite correctly understand this term. Wikipedia, for example, does not define this at all, but only limits itself to extrasensory perception, while making a note that the information contained in the article refers to pseudoscientific theories.

But you and I know the truth :).

The most accurate definition of extrasensory (paranormal) abilities would be a person’s ability to influence with his thoughts the surrounding physical reality directly or to read various types of information from space directly, bypassing the usual senses.

The paradox is that what is now called pseudoscientific and unproven is actually a natural part of every person.

We come into this world with enormous potential and almost limitless possibilities. Young children are very intuitive and for them to see what we do not see and perceive what we cannot perceive is absolutely normal.

Babies still have a very strong connection with past incarnations. There are many stories that if you ask a child who has just learned to say “Where are you from?”, you can hear very interesting answers, including information that he could not get in “this world.”

But gradually, over the years, under the influence of many factors, we almost completely lose these unique skills. It’s not that we are losing them, it’s just that the acuity of perception is greatly dulled and everything goes into “sleep mode”. The main blocking factors include:

  • Incorrect upbringing, in which children in the overwhelming majority of cases are not believed when they talk about something that goes beyond traditional ideas, and certainly not helped to develop it;
  • Poor nutrition (which in the modern world generally becomes destructive for humans), lifestyle, poor ecology;
  • Impact of collective consciousness, aggressive information environment, etc.

This list can be continued for a long time, I have outlined only some significant points.

The good news is that everyone, absolutely every person can reveal them and develop them as strongly as possible. Only his own beliefs can prevent this.

What are psychic abilities?

The most popular include:

and many more.

What is meant by the word “Gift of Clairvoyance”

According to Wikipedia this is:

This includes:

  1. Clairaudience - receiving information through the auditory canals (usually the last to open)
  2. Clairvoyance - the perception of visual images inaccessible to ordinary vision
  3. Clairvoyance is receiving data immediately in the form of knowledge, directly.

When talking about this, you can often hear the word “gift” used. Why is this happening?

This occurs due to a misunderstanding of the nature of this phenomenon.

To put it simply, over a significant part of history people have become accustomed to communicating with the Creator through egregors, and all incoming information was significantly distorted.

Any unique skill or ability was considered a “gift” rather than a natural, integral part of human nature. And they still had to pay for them somehow.

This is one of the manifestations of egregor manipulation - when a person is, as it were, given what he already has, and some actions are expected from him in response. If a person accepts these conditions (acceptance in this case means a banal awareness of the situation and internal agreement with it), then in this case a contract appears - an agreement that imposes (in a negative sense) obligations on the one who accepted it with the presence of sanctions.

Summary: the possession of clairvoyance is not a “gift”, but an integral part of our natural abilities, which simply do not develop and are in an inactive state. No one can give you what is already yours. Do not fall for the tricks of egregors who are only interested in obtaining your energy by any means.

How to develop these abilities in yourself

  1. General recommendations on lifestyle: daily routine, nutrition, physical activity, cleansing, etc., which affect the energy level of the body as a whole, which greatly influences the unfolding of its potential;
  2. Special exercises, the regular implementation of which will help develop unique skills (below I will describe in detail the practices that we use in theta-healing technology);
  3. Working with blocking beliefs that prevent the opening of clairvoyance.

The last point is the most important, since without it all efforts may not yield even minimal results.

You can read about the impact of negative programs.

I would like to clarify right away: I don’t promise that everyone’s “third eye will open” by the end of the training, and he will begin to “see” like Wolf Messing.

But I can say with confidence that:

  • In 100% of those who completed the training, intuitive perception significantly improves;
  • The trainings provide perhaps the most effective methods of personal transformation at the moment;
  • The skills you develop will stay with you forever.

To this point I refer all advice regarding lifestyle in general.

It's no secret that the higher the body's energy level, the more clearly all the talents and abilities inherent in a person are manifested, incl. intuitive.

To achieve this, I present the main recommendations that, in the shortest possible time, can significantly enhance a person’s energy and improve the quality of life in general:

  1. Nutrition. I do not encourage anyone to become a vegetarian or a raw foodist; this is an eternal subject of debate between supporters of different teachings, but it is worth noting that plant-based nutrition is natural for humans, ideally without heat treatment. Switching to a plant-based diet is a huge step towards cleansing the body and improving the functioning of the digestive system, which gives a sharp increase in vitality.
  2. Sleep and daily routine. I think there is no need to describe the benefits of healthy, full sleep and rest in general. When you don't get enough sleep, especially regularly, it has a very negative impact on your condition.
  3. Exercise and an active lifestyle. It is the training that is the simplest. An accessible and familiar energy practice since childhood. For most people interested in spiritual development, this may be unusual to hear. But it is physical activity that can reduce the time to achieve the desired results by several times. You can start small - light warm-up in the morning and evening walks in the fresh air.
  4. Giving up TV and other factors that “clog” consciousness.

Practical exercises

I suggest performing simple exercises from various Thetahealing® courses that will help develop psychic abilities and clairvoyance:

  1. Pretense

This is a very interesting and useful practice that has practical applications.

Execution order:

  • Select the person whose information you want to read. It can be anyone, but for the purity of the experiment and in order not to violate personal boundaries, it is better to ask one of your friends or relatives to be your “guinea pig” for a little bit :)
  • Sit comfortably, relax, close your eyes and say to yourself or out loud: “I’m pretending that I am... (Vasya, Masha, Kolya...)”
  • After that, imagine that you look like this person, or are simply in his clothes, it’s not so important. Focus on your feelings and thoughts
  • Note any information that comes: experiences, sensations of your own body, each of its parts, emotions, desires. The more details you can note, the more accurate the overall picture and result will be.
  • When you finish, say: “I stopped pretending...”. You can imagine that you are bathed in snow-white light, so that no other people's emotions remain.
  • Share the information you received with the person you scanned.

Even beginners at this get 70% - 80%

  1. Room

This is an interesting exercise that will help develop visualization, and also teach you not to get lost in space - for some this happens after long practice.

Execution rules:

  • With your eyes closed, mentally pay attention to the upper left corner of the room;
  • Next, without losing attention to it, move your inner gaze to the upper right;
  • Then also to the lower left, then to the right.
  • In the same way, focus on the corners behind you, also not forgetting about those that you paid attention to before
  • When you are done with all the corners, mentally connect the opposite corners with lines, focusing on the point where the lines intersect.
  • Be aware of yourself in this room.
  1. Guessing cards

This will require a partner.

Execution order:

  • Your partner takes out any card from the deck without showing you;
  • Then he mentally sends the image of this card to you in the area of ​​​​the third eye (ajna chakra);
  • Your task, focusing your attention in the area of ​​the 3rd eye, is to “count” the transmitted images;
  • After you go through 5 - 10 cards, switch roles.
  1. Reading an item

The proposed training and practice will be divided into 3 stages

(1) preparation and “contact” with the third eye or ajna chakra,

(2) activating it, and directly,

(3) management of its work.

With each stage there is an increase in the complexity of practices.

Step-by-step implementation of practices is mandatory!

That is, you need to start by mastering and practicing the first stage, then move on to the second and then to the third. Otherwise, you simply will not get the results you need, or you will get something completely different from what you expected.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the exercises and practices offered in this section are not a set of random techniques from different resources, but a generalized database of exercises, analyzed and collected for more than one year. This may seem strange, given the small size of the section, but nevertheless, it is true.

In this section, the work that you are going to do using this manual is a serious, esoteric and spiritually advanced path that can significantly influence the psyche and worldview of a person.

First stage. Practical course “Clairvoyance and opening the third eye”

This stage is devoted to basic practical skills of “contact” with the third eye chakra. The goal of this stage is to learn to sense the chakra and visualize it (imagine it mentally). Despite the simplicity of the stage, many will find it quite difficult to do this. The location of the third eye chakra is between the eyebrows, the place on the forehead, between the eyebrows.

Perhaps some of you have already experienced similar sensations - a feeling of fullness in this area or a slight “stirring”, like a breeze. This could also happen during ordinary reading of literature on esoteric topics.

It is important to learn to control this feeling. The stage can be considered completed if you learn to freely concentrate on this area at any time and feel it, a feeling of slight pressure or expansion in it.

Exercise 1.

Take a calm, comfortable meditative pose. Discard unnecessary thoughts. Next, you need to focus on the area between the eyebrows and try to feel this area. Perhaps someone will immediately feel a feeling of slight pressure - this is a good sign. If you find it difficult to feel this area and concentrate on it, help yourself by rubbing the area on your forehead between the eyebrows with your knuckles. An option for the first time is to use some kind of adhesive material that can be glued to the specified area in order to feel it better. Maintain concentration on the indicated area for as long as you can.

Positive signs will be considered a feeling of fullness, pressure, “moving” of air in the area between the eyebrows. For some individuals, this practice can already cause paranormal activity and manifestations of the chakra, this can be expressed in the appearance of some visions, flashes of light, or even involuntary astral exits. If this happens, gently stop the exercise until the next day.

It is recommended to perform this exercise as often as possible, including in your free time. Time limits can be limited with experience. The color of the chakra is sky blue or blue. Rotation is counterclockwise. Target images – a ball of blue radiant energy, an energy funnel, a clot of light.

At this stage, you also need to learn how to visualize the third eye chakra, that is, its figurative representation. Let me remind you that these two points are very important for further practice - sensation and visualization. Be sure to practice the suggested exercises to the greatest possible perfection.

Exercise 2.

Take a comfortable position, sit, relax, get rid of unnecessary and obsessive thoughts. Close your eyes and try to lift them and look at the area between your eyebrows. Of course, do this carefully; you don’t need to lift your eyes into an unknown direction or try to bulge them until it hurts. All you need to do is slightly raise your gaze to the area between the eyebrows, while your eyes are closed. Feel the area between the eyebrows, as you did in the previous exercise.
Observe the sensations.

Try to imagine any of the above images - a bright blue energy ball, a clot of light, a solar disk - whatever is more convenient for you. Mentally transfer it to the area between the eyebrows, reducing the image to the size of a walnut. It may be difficult for you to do this right away, in which case you can imagine yourself from the outside and put an image of your imaginary self between the eyebrows. Maintain the visualization for as long as possible - a ball of light in the area between the eyebrows.

You will have to work thoroughly with this exercise; it is quite difficult for beginners to master, and many may have problems with visualization (imagining an image). Look for good pictures or images on the Internet and use them in your practice. The criterion for a successfully completed exercise can be considered the appearance of a feeling of lightness, some euphoria, and increased energy.

Exercise 3.

Recommended for those who may have problems with visualization (figurative representation). For this you will need a candle. Darken the room slightly. Light a candle. Take a comfortable meditative position, relax, drive away unnecessary thoughts. Contemplate the candle flame with a calm gaze. Spend about 5 minutes contemplating. Then close your eyes. Mentally transfer the bright image from the candle flame that remains in the imagination and on the retina to the area between the eyebrows, imagining it as a clot of bright energy or a ball, or like a funnel. Maintain the visualization for as long as possible. Then open your eyes, shake yourself, wash your face. The exercise is over.

TIP: Ways to improve cerebral circulation are useful for this stage, as well as for preparing for the development of clairvoyance. For this purpose, a regular massage or self-massage of the head and neck-shoulder girdle will cope.

If you smoke, drink alcohol or like fatty rich foods, all this will be a serious obstacle to your practical work. It is important to monitor and maintain the cleanliness of blood vessels, especially the blood vessels of the brain, in order to provide the brain with sufficient blood supply and nutrition.

Stage 1 completed. It is recommended to practice the proposed exercises regularly. Without obtaining clear skills from this stage, it will be difficult to pass further ones. Practice the exercises carefully, try to achieve perfection in their implementation.

The approximate period for working out this stage is on average 1-2 weeks.

Second phase. Practical course “Clairvoyance and opening the third eye”

This stage will be devoted to techniques of energy activation, cleansing, removing blocks that interfere with the manifestation of clairvoyance, and active techniques that promote the development of the third eye chakra.

Exercise 1. “Energy Breathing”

One of the simplest and most effective exercises for controlling the flow of energy passing through the third eye chakra. All you need is to take a comfortable position, relax, and concentrate on practice. Visualize or feel the area between the eyebrows, imagine a ball of energy there, as you did in the previous exercises.

Next, you need to concentrate on your breathing, inhale - exhale. As you inhale, imagine how pure energy coming from space fills the chakra ball, expanding it, and as you exhale, it leaves the chakra back into space. The time to complete the exercise is up to 5-7 minutes. It is advisable to visualize (imagine) or feel the sensations, to breathe not through the nose, but through the energy center.

Similar exercises are often found online in single form, that is, as an independent means for developing and activating selected chakras. We suggest performing it in combination with other exercises at this stage to achieve a faster and more harmonious effect.

Exercise 2. “Energy pyramid”

Similar to the first exercise, and performed almost similarly. Get ready for practice, sit comfortably, relax, drive away unnecessary thoughts.

Rub your palms together and slowly spread them apart, feeling the resistance of the energy between them, creating an energy ball. Concentrate on your breathing for a while, imagining how, as you inhale, you take energy from the surrounding space, and as you exhale, you fill the ball between your palms with it until you feel bursting and full. Then you need to make a triangle with your palms (fingers touching, palms apart), and place them in the area between the eyebrows, so that the third eye chakra is its base. Do the same thing, forming an energy ball between your palms, use breathing. With the difference that in this case you fill with energy and compact the ajna chakra.

Exercise 3. “Removing blocks”

This simple exercise is aimed at visual work to remove energy blocks that interfere with the development of your clairvoyance and activation of the third eye chakra.

Take a practice pose, relax, drive away unnecessary thoughts. Feel and visualize the area between your eyebrows. Then, using the fingers of your right hand and without touching the area between the eyebrows, make a grasping movement, as if removing a veil from the chakra or removing an energy plug.

The exercise can be varied with a large number of options, as your imagination suggests. Here is one of them - press firmly with your fingers on the area between the eyebrows and hold your hand there for a while, imagining that you feel an obstacle or block in the chakra. Then slowly, very slowly, release the pressure and move your hand away from your forehead, while imagining how the obstacle disappears, or how you pull out some imaginary clamp.

Exercise 4. “Seeing Light”

This exercise also helps to develop and train in seeing and sensing subtle energies and developing the third eye chakra. You will need a light source (such as the sun or a bright lamp) and a white piece of landscape paper. The sheet is placed close in front of the eyes, like a mask. Through it you need to contemplate the bright light, achieving the creation of a uniform, white light field before your eyes.

After some time of such contemplation, the eyes begin to observe bright spots or sparkles, concentrate your attention on them. You need to look without straining, with an absent-minded gaze. Approximate execution time is 5-7 minutes. It is recommended to use the sun as a light source. Another variation of the exercise is to look at the sky during the day. The gaze is distracted. Notice bright dots or flashes of light that flash before your eyes.

Breathing energy practices

Yoga treatises describe many useful breathing exercises that have no equal in effectiveness. Breathing exercises are generally a very powerful practice and useful for self-development. At this stage, two exercises will be given, the regular implementation of which can have a powerful effect in the shortest possible time, even using them as an independent practice. They help to powerfully fill the body with energy and recharge, so it is not advisable to perform them right before bed.

For the development and activation of the third eye (Ajna - chakra), holding your breath IN INSPIRATION is useful.

Exercise 1 a.
Sit comfortably, your spine should be straight. The most correct position would be the lotus position. Relax, tune in to practice. Take several calm and deep breaths. Then start breathing rhythmically. Take the deepest, quickest breath possible (about three seconds) and immediately exhale as deeply as possible, also quickly (about 4 seconds).

An important detail: as you inhale, first try to fill your stomach with air, then your chest. Exhale in reverse order. You can exhale normally quickly if it is difficult to breathe as indicated, but it is advisable to inhale this way - first the stomach is filled with air, then the chest. This inhalation and exhalation are counted as one cycle. There should be no breaks between cycles, as well as between inhalations and exhalations. Sharp inhalation - exhalation, inhalation - exhalation. Take 10 such breaths. With experience, you can increase to 15-20.

Breathing will be facilitated by slight dizziness - you are actively saturating the body and brain with oxygen. On the last cycle, after exhaling, take a deep breath and hold your breath for as long as you can. During the delay, you can concentrate on the area between the eyebrows. Then exhale smoothly and calmly. You have done 1 approach. It is advisable to do at least 2-3 such approaches (rhythmic breathing and then holding air), with short breaks. You can do it in the morning and evening. The practice is quite powerful in itself, but if you have serious health problems, it is not recommended. A certain effect can be felt already on the 3rd day of execution, even without doing all the previous exercises.

Exercise 1 b

This breathing exercise is calmer and can be done after the above. Take a comfortable position, preferably the Lotus position. Take several deep and calm breaths in and out. During practice, it is advisable to provide an influx of fresh air, and the most optimal way is to train in nature, away from highways. Just open the window (if you don't live on the first floor). Close your right nostril with your finger and inhale through the left, approximately equal to 4 seconds in duration. Hold your breath the same way for about 4 seconds. Now close your left nostril and exhale through your right, at the same time as inhaling and holding. So we ended up with a 4-4-4 cycle. Inhale again, this time through the right (the left is closed), hold, close the right and exhale through the left. We continue this breathing for 10-15 minutes, closing the nostrils alternately.

With experience, it is advisable to increase the time intervals. While breathing, it will be useful to visualize the chakra and filling it with energy.

Exercise 5. “Candle”

It is believed that simple contemplation of a candle flame is one of the best ways to promote the development of clairvoyance and vision of subtle energies. At the same time, it has an excellent harmonizing effect against everything negative. Choose free time (preferably in the evening, in the twilight) and devote to this exercise. Contemplate the candle flame, watch the rays of light, the blue halo of the flame. Close your eyes, watch the colored spots and images that float before your eyes. Duration – no more than 5 minutes. After the exercise, shake yourself up and wash your face.

Exercise 5 a. "Lock"

Get on your knees. Make a lock with your hands - your right hand (palm) clasps your left - similar to how men shake hands; your hands should be in the same lock as if you were shaking hands with yourself. Next, lower yourself to your elbows. You need to rest your forehead on the palm lock, with the back of your left palm facing your forehead, so that the approximate center of the palms is at the level of the area between the eyebrows. Close your eyes and focus on the pulsation between your palms. Observe and track any images that appear before your mind's eye. Completion time is approximately 5 minutes.

Exercise 5 b. “Autotraining”

To remove psychological blocks that can also interfere with the development of your clairvoyance, it is useful to periodically use auto-training formulas. Here are some approximate options (you can come up with the rest yourself, which is most suitable for you):

“I am clairvoyant.”
“My third eye is open, I can see whatever I want.”
“I see the essence of things”

Exercise 6. “Working on etheric vision”

The already familiar exercises for practicing etheric and astral vision will be useful for tuning your third eye. They are quite simple - contemplation of the outline of your hand against the background of a white sheet, or in the twilight, contemplation of the reflection in the mirror, in order to see the ethereal areola, and so on. We definitely recommend taking the “Aurovisor” course as part of this course. All this will help you tune in to the perception of subtle energy.

Exercise 7. “Dreaming images”

This exercise involves the ability to observe images that appear before the eyes in the pre-sleep state. Every time you go to bed, try to stay on the edge of sleep and wakefulness; an uncomfortable position will help you do this, or your hand raised and placed on your elbow will fall if you fall asleep and wake you up.

While in this state, try to observe what will emerge in your consciousness. These can be brighter images, visions, pictures. Try not to fall into them and observe dispassionately. Emotions and experiences will also be unnecessary; the position of an impartial observer is what you need and is important. With experience, you can try to set a “theme” for the performance. Wish to see something specific. Or imagine that you have already seen it. Train this ability whenever possible. Considering that each of us sleeps in one way or another every day, you should have such an opportunity in any case)

Third stage. Practical course “Clairvoyance and opening the third eye”

This stage will be a little unfinished. It will be devoted to the most difficult thing - controlling what you managed to awaken and activate. Methods of control are very individual, so it is difficult to derive any specific dogmas. However, a few basic tips will be given.

Exercise 1. “Screen of perception”
Set a specific goal, for example, to see what is behind the wall. It is very important to imagine exactly what it will look like. Imagine a screen in front of your eyes on which the necessary images will appear. Imagine how this happens. Next, activate the chakra and establish contact. Imagine it as a bright clot of light or energy. Eyes closed. Imagine how the light from the area between the eyebrows falls on the wall, shining through it. Try to look not with your eyes, but “through” the area between the eyebrows, through a clot of light. Slowly open your eyes, trying to maintain and concentrate on the connection - “eyes - third eye - wall or selected object.” If the exercise is successful, you will probably be able to see what you need on your “inner screen”. The exercise needs regular practice in order to achieve success in it.

Exercise 2. “Vision in the dark, X-ray vision.”
Do exactly the same. Preferably in a darkened room. Establish contact with the chakra, imagine exactly how you will see in the dark, what objects will be in front of you. Close your eyes, look “through” the chakra, which is a bright clot of light. Imagine how its light fills the twilight of the room or room where you are training. Gradually open your eyes, maintaining the “eyes – third eye – object” connection. After doing the exercises, shake yourself up and wash your face.

Try to relieve yourself of tension, calm down, turn off your phones and everything that may bother you. There should be silence in the house, throw away all your thoughts and focus on what you are doing now. Relax and sit so that you are comfortable, put a piece of paper and a pencil in front of you.

Close your eyes and you gradually begin to feel the changes that are happening to you. You transfer your external gaze to the internal one, and direct it deeper, switch to internal perception. While in this state, observe the images that arise.

You see different silhouettes and images, you have ideas, some pictures before your eyes, you feel coolness, warmth or cold runs through your skin. Feelings may be different. Don't interfere just watch. Realize that you are in an unusual state of expanded consciousness.

After that, write the names of three people you know. Close your eyes and imagine each of your friends separately from each other. Look within and use your hypersensitive field of vision. Pay attention to what you feel, images and silhouettes appear in your mind, observe them. Don't interfere, just watch.

You can discover clairvoyance in the form of a feeling, a color, an image. Sometimes people discover clairvoyance only as a feeling. Some may see images and nothing else, and some may only see colors. Yes, you can see individually, but you can feel and see images.

This happens differently for everyone. There is no need to analyze what you saw; you can write it down or just note it for yourself. All this must be done with each of the three names. After that, consider your impressions, images and get useful information about these people. What information can you take away for the future?

You must learn to set a goal for yourself every day and strive to achieve it.

You need to calm down, without straining to remember the events of the past day and, being in the sphere of a supersensible state, concentrate on your ideas. When you have completed this exercise you can begin your analysis. For example:

What do the images you see mean to you? How do you share the images you see? Will they help you learn something new? Was it difficult for you to enter, see or feel anything? If you didn't succeed the first time, don't be discouraged; you may have trouble relaxing and concentrating. Don't do this again. You need to rest well, get enough sleep and try again.

Intuition and the pendulum

The pendulum may be your intuition, don’t be surprised, buy yourself a keychain that not only you like, but also fits. This keychain can be made of stone, such as amber, or any rock crystal of your choice. The stone must be chosen correctly. Take it in your hand, how do you feel? Does your touch to the stone give you a pleasant sensation or not? Feel what energy comes from him? If the energy is positive, you feel warmth, comfort, and you are pleased, then this stone is yours.

Of course, you can make a pendulum yourself. For example, take a ring, put it on a thread and your pendulum is ready. The main role is always played by your intuition, which makes the pendulum swing.

For example, if we take a watch, the hands are moving, they don’t know what time it is, they just move and that’s it. The same thing happens and the pendulum swings depending on your intuition, it knows nothing, does not assume anything, it cannot say its opinion. Try making a pendulum and see your intuition.

Take the pendulum by the thread, hold the thread with your thumb and forefinger. Focus all your attention on the pendulum. Ask the first question: “How will you answer positively?” Then how do you answer negatively? Now you can ask questions that interest you. Questions should be formulated precisely and specifically without “maybe, or and various other words.”

Should I give in to solving the problem?

Feel this question and repeat it until the pendulum begins to move. Make sure that it is your intuition that helps you activate the pendulum, and not your hand. The hand should be in a calm state. You will probably have doubts and think that the pendulum is easy to control. If you move your hand, then your doubts are obvious, but if your hand holds the thread with the pendulum dead and does not move it, only your intuition is working. This exercise is simple at first glance, but in fact it requires your patience and concentration.

You can test the pendulum with a simple question, for example, is the Arctic Ocean in the south? You will receive a convincing answer to this question. Monitor the energy flow in your body.

If you want to resist the energy, you can see energetic tension, you will feel the force that will not obey you. It is impossible to control this force, it is impossible to subjugate it.

When performing the following exercise, you need to create a calm environment for yourself, relax, and focus only on what will surround you now.

You begin to imagine the intuitive world and where it is, that is, and it is for you that you draw it for yourself and see yourself in this world, there is your place there. Choose a landscape that you like - it could be warm sand on which you sit and look at the sea or a nature field with tender grass, trees around, butterflies flying, birds singing. This place may be familiar to you, where you had good memories associated with it, or a completely unfamiliar place that you imagined in which you will feel calm and comfortable.

Now that you have imagined this piece of paradise, you will equip your home in the same way. Make a garden, plant your favorite flowers. If the house is large, then you can redecorate one room. Your presentation must be very precise.

You need to decide on the size of the room, what the room consists of, maybe there is an arch or something unusual in the layout of the apartment, this also needs to be taken into account in the design. You need to imagine the color of the walls and ceiling, what kind of furniture you want to install and how? Take your time, think about what items or books you would like to purchase, what are you missing?

Achieve complete peace and harmony. After you have achieved complete harmony, think about what things or objects you will transfer to your new home from your everyday, familiar environment? Think about what is really dear to you, what do you love?

Now you can imagine your favorite sofa or chair, perhaps it is located on the balcony, and you look into the distance, hear the sound of the sea or see a field and hear the chirping of birds.

You have created a calm, comfortable environment for yourself, look at yourself, you have moved into the space of intuition, you feel confident and calm. You can find yourself here at any time.

You can imagine the things you'll need here in this space. Leave everything that reminds you of bad or unpleasant events in the past and do not take it with you. Let them remain beyond the intuitive threshold.

When arranging your home, be able to fantasize, take your time, it should be cozy and calm for you, feel how changes are happening in you.

Is the future a dream?

You need a friend or partner to do this exercise. You need to tell your friend about the present and the future. The main task will be to interpret this story.

Mentally draw some image in front of you; it should be inspired by reality by your boundless imagination and intuition.

Now switch roles with your friend and consciously and intuitively perceive this story about your present and future that your friend presented. Are you able to learn something or not?

Now you describe some circumstances, and your friend must identify the decisive possibilities in them and describe them. Pay attention to the feelings that visit you during the story, highlight certain points. You need to highlight the most important statements that bring you pleasure and satisfaction.

Anticipatory mental experience

You must clearly imagine how you are improving your intuitive perception. You see your consciousness directed towards a particular subject and you perceive your task.

You should feel like you are succeeding. Feel the energy and tide, perhaps you will feel the vibrations that are created by the biofields. You may even hear praise about yourself. Assimilate all the good things you feel. All sorts of influences from above begin to open up before you. Don't worry, feel, listen and observe everything that happens around you.

You need to tune in gradually until you are absolutely sure of your intuitive perception. You may find it easier to tap into your intuitive perception if you think about a specific situation.

For example, you went to a restaurant and met an interesting person there. You want to meet him, but you don’t know how. Now you can influence the meeting with him.

You want him to call you first. Relax and in a calm state send all your consciousness to this person. It is necessary for him to appear before your spiritual gaze. Look at him carefully, his image matches the image in real life. Take your time, look at it carefully:

  1. Is he suitable?
  2. Do you hear the phone ringing?
  3. Can you hear his voice?
  4. What are you hearing at the moment?
  5. Are you hearing exactly what you wanted to hear?
  6. Are you listening carefully to yourself?
  7. How are you feeling now?
  8. Does energy visit you? What sights, sounds and sensations around you are what you need?
  9. Is everything mutually consistent?
  10. How is what you see and feel harmonized?
  11. Don’t lose your ideas, they should be in front of you.
  12. Feel the pleasant experiences, turn off your mind, listen to the long-awaited phone call, rejoice and listen to the long-awaited voice. Live these ideas and enjoy.

Your intuition is giving you the right information, listen to it. If your experiences and ideas are adequate, they will definitely call you. But if your intuition gives you a signal of inconsistency, you have tried in vain.

Introduce yourself, but don't pretend

To do the following exercise, you will need a friend or partner. You need to stand in front of him. Find true consciousness, optimize now you can begin.

Your friend tunes in and begins to perceive you intuitively. The main thing is to tune in correctly and calm down. Your friend sees not only personal characteristics, but also sees your aura, he perceives the energy that comes from you.

Your friend remembers his impressions and does not interpret them in his own way. You should also remember your impressions. Do not hurry.

You need to tune in to each other and your hearts should beat and hear each other equally. Remember all the feelings and sensations. After the exercise, exchange your impressions and what you remember.

This exercise helps to explore each other and establish mutual trust in each other. It finds each other's mutual needs. You begin to be attracted to each other more.

To start meditating, you need to prepare for this exercise. Stay alone in the house, remove unnecessary items, turn off the phone and TV. Create a cozy environment for yourself.

Close your eyes, calm down, breathe evenly and calmly. You release everything and connect with your intuition, take your time.

You feel how the life force of the universe flows into you with every breath. You gradually leave your old life and fly into a new unknown world.

At this stage you should calmly come into close contact with your intuition. Listen to what comes from within you. You listen to what your intuition wants to tell you. Listen to her, don't rush. You need to understand what opportunities your intuition provides you. You can look at some situations and consider them using your intuition. You need to feel your intuition and imagine what opportunity it gives you.

Intuitive interpretation of a handshake

The new exercise is called the handshake. For this exercise you need to shake hands with someone, it could be your friend or a stranger.

You need to extend your hand and shake; your handshake should be normal and not long. Immediately after shaking hands, think about your impressions. How did you feel shaking your friend's hand? What energy did you feel? If you have the opportunity to talk to this person, compare the handshake and your conversation.

You can repeat this exercise with the same person, just hold his hand in yours for as long as you need. In this case, you consciously open the flow of energy. How does this make you feel? What images and feelings visited you?

You should feel the difference in these two handshakes. Ask your friend how he felt during the handshake the first and second time.

Writing with an unusual hand

Take a piece of paper and a pencil. If you are right-handed, that is, you write with your right hand, then take a pencil in your left hand and write some question? If you are left-handed and write with your left hand, write a question with your right hand. Now, with the other hand you always write with, write your answer. How did you feel?

You felt like you were a first grader learning to write and not succeeding. However, this method will greatly surprise you. Here it turns out that your mind completely switches to new actions and completely concentrates on it. Here you have a clear channel for the true message.

You can finish sentences intuitively. You can start writing a sentence with your right hand and finish it with your left, or vice versa.

For example:

  1. I'm unlucky today because...
  2. My health is not exactly great because...
  3. My friends were late because...


In this exercise, you need to extend your arm and point your index finger at some person or some object. You absolutely consciously need to understand at what distance he is from you, and what vibrations you receive from his energy field.

Now close your eyes and turn completely, first to the right and then to the left. You feel like you are losing your bearings. Now stop, in any position, you should feel which side of you the object you have chosen is located.

If you feel it, open your eyes and check whether you made a mistake or not. Perhaps you are confused, then determine what energy you perceived from your chosen object. Figure out what energy bothered you. Repeat the exercise again, you can choose another item.

If you feel that your psychoradar is the most reliable, you can close your eyes and perceive what you have not seen before. You need to learn to feel what is located - first close, then at a further distance, then far away. You need to train until you gain the unique ability to “see” with your eyes closed.

You can always make changes to your exercises, modify them, you should always change your requests and not stand still. If you have the right perception of what you are doing, if you can open to intuition correctly, you will see how the rest of your life will change.

Gradually, you will begin to get used to the fact that your vision is transcendental, that it is different from other people, only you have access to the truth, which is hidden from others behind the visible - this is called realities. Take this opportunity to study and you will be able to find true happiness.

May the divine fire kindle from the spark that flickers within you!

The ability to predict the future is more characteristic of the female half of humanity. This is explained by women’s ability to better feel and understand other people. However, men can also have this gift and develop it.

How does the gift of foresight manifest itself?

The gift of foresight can manifest itself in the life of every person. But not all people pay attention to it. Usually a person has a feeling about what is going to happen in the future, some fears or urges appear. These thoughts can concern both the person himself and the people around him. If the thoughts that appear later come true, it means that the person has the gift of predicting the future.

How to develop the gift of foresight and intuition?

There are ways to develop the gift of foresight:

  1. You need to learn to listen to your inner voice. Anxiety and thoughts of unknown origin can carry certain information about the future.
  2. To develop intuition, it is useful to conduct auto-training or.
  3. Before making important decisions, you should turn to your inner voice and try to hear the answer.
  4. Some events, situations, things can also help to understand the future. It is worth paying attention to what you meet along the way, what inscriptions catch your eye, what people say. Signs that predict future events can be very different.
  5. The gift of foresight manifests itself more often in peace and quiet. The inner voice is best heard in the morning, at night and in nature, when the bustle becomes less noticeable.
  6. One way of transmitting information is through dreams. Therefore, before going to bed, you can turn to your subconscious with a question, and in the morning you will only have to remember what you dreamed.
  7. Intuition most often manifests itself in an unconscious desire to do or not do something. It is useful to sometimes rely on these impulses, even if they contradict common sense.
