How to sew pieces of padding polyester together. Useful information about holofiber, padding polyester and sewing basics

It often happens that the width or length of the purchased filler is not enough and you need to increase it. How to do it right?

So, you have sewn a blanket, bought a filler for it, and during the assembly process it turns out that you do not have enough length or width. Or you have a lot of leftovers, quite large, which you would hate to throw away, but are not large enough, for example, for a pillowcase or a doll’s blanket. What should I do?

Under no circumstances should you throw anything away! We select pieces of the required size from the remaining filler. And we trim both edges using a roller knife, a mat and a ruler.

To avoid damaging the surface of the cutting mat, use its reverse side. The one without markings.

We set the zigzag seam on the sewing machine. We set the length and width of the seam to maximum. We join two pieces of filler (the filler should not overlap each other) and sew the pieces together.

That's all! Now the filler can be used for its intended purpose!

This method is good for stitching cotton filling. If you have pieces of padding polyester, you can easily join them together using a thread and a needle. You need to sew two fabrics together so that the seam is not rough and thick. That's all!

I am glad that mine and his use in patchwork sewing found a response in the hearts of needlewomen.

This material has its supporters, as well as those who prefer to work with other fillers.

But if the choice of filler for a blanket or other patchwork product has settled on padding polyester, then it would be nice to take into account its features and know the intricacies of working with it.

  • First of all, you need to make sure that none of your relatives, friends, or those to whom you are going to give your patchwork creation are allergic to it.
  • For the patchwork top and back of your product, we use fabric with a dense weave of threads. So that the padding polyester is guaranteed to remain inside the product.
  • We do not sew from padding polyester those things that will come into contact with hot objects - oven mitts, hot pads, etc.
  • For patchwork products we use not very thick padding polyester. At least at first. Let its thickness be no more than 1-1.5 cm (grade 100 and 150, respectively).
  • It is better to steam the synthetic winterizer with an iron to the other layers of the patchwork “pie”. That is, put it between the patchwork top and the back and lightly go over it with a hot iron and steam. The top layer of padding polyester will melt slightly and “stick” to the fabric. With this we immediately “kill two birds with one stone”: we will reduce the likelihood of padding polyester fibers coming out through the fabric and in small products we will be able to do without first chopping off the layers of the patchwork “pie” before stitching.
  • Sintepon can be placed in the product in several layers - in some places - to give special splendor where it is needed according to the author's idea.
  • The filling in the product can generally be made composite, from several layers of different materials, and the padding polyester can be placed in the middle of the “pie”. This way you won’t have to steam it, and you can “play” with the relief of the product while stitching.
  • For reasons of practicality, for such products on which something is supposed to be placed later - table runners, placemats, decorative napkins - we use only steamed, and therefore flattened, padding polyester.
  • Sintepon is good for sewing patchwork panels that will not be used as intensively, such as patchwork quilts.
Regardless of patchwork sewing, padding polyester can also be used. I want to say a few words about him.

So, during a discussion on my blog at the Crafts Fair, the idea of ​​using steamed, that is, compacted with an iron, synthetic padding polyester as a dummy material when coming up with a shape for a bag was voiced. I don’t use this method myself, but perhaps someone will find it useful.

I used to use padding polyester when sewing insulated clothing. And to avoid tearing it in “strategic” places while wearing it, I folded it together with the lining and first machine-quilted it in small squares. And then this “sandwich” was connected to the main fabric of the product.

Either way, start sewing with what you have on hand. But don't limit yourself! Whenever possible, try different materials. Now there is a huge selection of them! It is not necessary to buy them all at once and for kilometers :). You can take a small section for testing. But only after trying this or that material in person can you form your own opinion about it. And most importantly, understand which filler is more suitable for which products.

To be continued...

The traditional Sampler blanket consists of three layers: a patchwork top, a lining, and an interlining.

For a patchwork top, it is extremely important to select as accurately as possible the background that unites all the elements and colors (sometimes called binding). The background should not stand out, “not break” from the composition, but should set off and collect the color and shape of your square inserts. Dark frames look good. Or, conversely, light.

The finished squares are first sewn together, connecting with short vertical sections of the background. Then the resulting stripes are stitched with the horizontal stripes of the background into a single rectangular fabric. As a rule, a border is made from the background fabric (but it can also be made from contrasting fabric), which is stitched around the perimeter.

The lining can be made from the same or any other fabric of your choice. Sometimes they make a double-sided blanket, and then the lining is also sewn from patchwork geometric squares, assembled into blocks on the background. In this option, you can “play” with color and make, for example, a mirror image of the front top: light blocks on a dark background, dark ones on a light one.

If the fabrics are very thin, then a piece of fabric (not necessarily new) is inserted between the base and the interfacing and all three pieces of fabric are quilted by hand or by machine. You can sew braid on top of the seams or make an additional appliqué and quilt the blanket along with it. In order for the blanket to look good and look neat, it is very important to follow the direction of the pattern of the background fabric, especially if the pattern is a square or polka dot.

To give the blanket volume, it is first stitched along the contour (grabbing all three layers of the product), and then an incision is made on the back side of the lining and, carefully straightening it, a filling material (non-woven fabric, padding polyester) is placed. The incision is then sewn together by hand. If a volumetric technique is used, the lining should be made of durable fabric.

Assembling a large blanket

Assembly of large, bulky products presents certain difficulties. In a one-room apartment, sewing a two-meter-sized blanket is not easy - there is no room to turn around. Then the blanket is divided into blocks and sewn together in parts. Seams for strength are sewn with a stitch “in the seam”, and then from above – with a “zigzag” end-to-end.

Machine stitch "zigzag" butt

But first, each block is quilted separately along with the padding polyester and lining, leaving large seam allowances for all three components (lining, padding polyester, patchwork top). Moreover, the lining and padding polyester should be larger in size than the patchwork top. Then they begin to assemble the blanket.

The patchwork top is laid face down on the floor, the edges are taped to the floor to prevent the fabric from fidgeting. First, the patchwork top is sewn on the blocks, then the padding polyester is carefully straightened. To prevent unnecessary thickenings from forming on the gasket, the pieces of synthetic padding are not sewn together, but are placed with their edges one on top of the other and the edges at the seam are split by hand. Once the two top pieces are neatly joined, the lining is sewn together using a blind stitch.

This assembly makes it possible to apply a beautiful and neat stitch (it is more convenient to do it on blocks than on a large canvas) and significantly speeds up your work.

Making your own quilt is a great idea. Firstly, it is much more economical than if you buy it in a store. And secondly, this is a huge flight for your imagination. You can easily make the thing of your dreams - beautiful, cozy, practical, safe. And we will help you with this. How to sew a blanket? Let's figure it out now


Many people who decide to make a quilt make a patchwork model. In fact, everything is quite understandable, because this is the type where you can realize the maximum of your ideas and creative abilities. However, it will take a little longer.

Important! To ensure that the finished product looks bright and does not cause a feeling of hostility, first lay out the patches before joining them into one whole canvas.

A professional seamstress probably has a lot of leftover fabric. But if you are an amateur and don’t have them, purchase scraps from a sewing factory or a specialty store. The second option is somewhat more expensive, but they usually offer goods for sale that are already sorted by type of material and color.

Important! To sew such a thing with your own hands, it is not at all necessary to take meter-long pieces. The remains of various fabrics, which, by the way, come at a reduced price, will do just fine. This is exactly what we need.


Whatever you decide to make with your own hands, it is incredibly important to make it to size. If your bed is not made independently, but purchased from a manufacturer, then it can have one of the following sizes:

  • For newborns - 120*120 cm.
  • Euro. Two by two meters.
  • For older children - 150 by 120 or 140 by 110 cm.
  • Double - 210 cm by 180 cm.
  • Single - 200 by 150 cm.
  • One-and-a-half-bed - 215 by 155 cm.

Very often, having decided to sew a blanket with their own hands, people are not prepared for the fact that it is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. If you make a product with the wrong sewing pattern, you may have a lot of trouble using it in the future. That's why let's look at how to do everything right.

How to sew a padding polyester blanket with your own hands?

Some believe that natural filler is the best, however, this is not entirely true, because synthetic filler also has its advantages. One of them is that the same synthetic padding weighs much less than cotton padding and is easier to wash.

Prepare everything you need for sewing. You will need a sewing machine, fabric, thread, scissors, a tailor's ruler and, of course, padding polyester.

  1. Cut a piece in advance to fit your bed, leaving seam allowances. You can make a multi-layered one by cutting out a couple of pieces.
  2. Cut two pieces of fabric and sew them together, leaving one side unstitched.
  3. Insert the synthetic padding into the duvet cover.
  4. Sew the product on the machine twice, grabbing the lining.

For newborns

How to sew a baby blanket on padding polyester for a newborn?

  • For the main fabric you will need polycotton.
  • You can also use holofiber as a filler.
  • As for the thickness of the blanket and the decor, it all depends on your preferences.

Let's get started:

  1. Decide on the size of the blanket - 1*1.5 meters is ideal.
  2. Cut out one piece equal to twice the size of the crib.
  3. Pin the lace with pins.
  4. Make a stitch along the length of the lace ribbon.
  5. Loosen the presser foot setting and quilt the blanket, including the ribbon.

The most convenient sequence of how to sew a holofiber blanket with your own hands?

If you constantly have any difficulties while sewing, then follow these steps:

  1. Sew all sides of the rectangle together, leaving one side unstitched and turning it inside out.
  2. Place the padding polyester inside and secure it with pins.
  3. Sew the blankets using straight lines.

Important! You can frame the drawing with stitches.

Quilt blanket

To create a stunning interior, you need to fill it with beautiful and stylish details. One of these is the quilt. Interior designers often use it to create their masterpieces. Why don't you do it too?

Important! A quilt can fit into any interior theme, but it will look especially beautiful in a room made in styles such as Provence and Country.

As for materials, it all depends on your preferences. It can be either cotton or silk, but the most popular materials are linen and cotton.

How to sew a blanket - master class:

  1. Start by drawing sketches and measurements of the future product. When you cut the fabric, be sure to leave seam allowances.
  2. How to cover a blanket with fabric? Of course, there are many manufacturing techniques and you can choose any one to suit your taste, but the most popular is patchwork. Sew many pieces of fabric together so that they form a single layer.
  3. Prepare the lining, place padding polyester or any other filler between the two materials, and then stitch. The stitches must be done in such a way that eventually diamond shapes are formed throughout the product.

Important! It is advisable to pre-mark the line of stitches in advance so that the product ends up looking neat, with clear and even quilted seams.

A blanket with an unnatural filler has many advantages over its cotton and down counterparts. Sintepon blanket It’s much lighter than cotton, it’s easier to wash than down, and it dries very quickly. Sintepon is a neutral material and does not cause allergies. In addition, you can roll it up tightly and take it with you on a hike; it takes up very little space.

You will need

  • – Synthetic padding along the length and width of the blanket;
  • – Fabric – 2 blanket areas + seam allowances;
  • – Tailor’s ruler and square;
  • – Sewing machine, needles, threads;
  • - Scissors.


1. Determine the length and width of the blanket. From a piece padding polyester cut out a rectangle of the required size. It is allowed to sew multi-layer blanket– then you will need 2-3 times more padding polyester. If width padding polyester smaller than the width of the future blanket, cut out another strip of the required size and sew it to the main piece with a frequent “forward needle” seam. It is also possible to stitch an additional piece, but this is not strictly necessary. Do the same with all the other layers.

2. Stack all the pieces on top of each other padding polyester, aligning the edges. If the edge protrudes somewhere, trim it, but be careful not to cut off too much. Baste the pieces together diagonally using a needle-forward stitch. Stitches can be large. Baste the quilt pad along the edge.

3. Cut out 2 rectangles from the fabric, equal in area to the blanket. Don't forget the seam allowances. Just like when cutting out a pad, sew pieces of fabric together if the width of the blanket is larger than the width of the material. Sew the pieces together, placing them right sides together.

4. Place both panels with right sides facing each other. Sew them along one side along the length, then along the width and again along the length, leaving one short side unstitched. Turn out the resulting cover and iron it. Insert a gasket into it padding polyester. Pin the gasket in place, carefully aligning the sides of the gasket with the side seams of the cover. Fold the edges of the unstitched side inward and stitch, catching the interfacing.

5. Stitch blanket along each side seam, catching the spacer. Mark a line at a distance of 5-10 cm from all edges and stitch it again. Mark several vertical or horizontal lines and stitch along them blanket. The lines can be slanted and form some kind of pattern.

Many housewives usually buy cotton blankets for the bedroom - products that are familiar in everyday life and allow you to warm up even in a cool room. Cotton is an environmentally friendly material and (until it absorbs a lot of dust) actually does not cause allergic reactions. Meanwhile, these products are heavy and very difficult to care for. As usual, wash the cotton blanket in a washing machine or by hand does not seem acceptable. However, experienced housewives know how to update this item and properly care for it.

You will need

  • – Warm water;
  • - laundry soap;
  • – washing powder;
  • – foam sponge;
  • – coarse brush;
  • – stain remover;
  • – cotton wool;
  • - beater;
  • - excellent dry cleaning.


1. Do not wash a cotton blanket by soaking the entire product in water. Even if you decide on this “feat” and do a major wash, the cotton wool will quickly form into lumps, and the item will look ugly and become uncomfortable. It will take a long time to dry a completely wet product filled with cotton wool, and in cool weather, wet cotton can become a breeding ground for fungi.

2. Remove stubborn stains from the surface of your stained blanket with the help of a suitable stain remover. Do not forget to read the information on the product tag and on the packaging of household chemicals - it is important not to spoil the unstable colored item with hostile means. Wipe the stain on the blanket with a cotton swab, soaking it in stain remover. Be diligent in squeezing out the cotton wool.

3. You can remove halos after a stain has been removed and ordinary dirt by washing individual places under running warm water. Rub them with laundry soap or a slurry of washing powder. Be careful to only work on the top surface of the quilt so as not to wet the filling too much. It is possible to use a rough brush. Remove any remaining clogs and soap suds with a foam sponge, dipping it in clean water.

4. Dry the cleaned cotton blanket on a light source, or, in extreme cases, near a radiator (but not on the heating device itself!). Ultraviolet rays will not only dry the item, but also heat it and destroy dust mites in the cotton wool. Thoroughly knock the dust off the product. While drying the blanket, you need to beat the cotton wool several times, using a beater and kneading the filler with your fingers.

5. Contact a reputable dry cleaner if your cotton blanket is heavily soiled and requires a comprehensive wash. Professional equipment is more suitable for working with things that require special care. Typically, a cotton blanket in a dry cleaner is treated with ultraviolet rays, which kill microorganisms in the thickness of the fabric and filler.

Helpful advice
You shouldn't use a cotton wool blanket for years, even if you keep it from getting clogged and regularly clean it at home and professionally. Cotton wool is a delightful dust collector, which means it is a reservoir of dust mites and a source of allergic reactions. In addition, the product will inevitably become matted over time and become thinner. The cotton wool blanket should be changed from time to time; It’s easier and cheaper to buy a more practical item with synthetic padding instead.

For down products, in particular down blankets, the down of waterfowl is used extraordinarily. Down product is allowed and must be washed, because... washing improves their properties, since clean down retains more air and heat than dirty down. If your favorite duvet has become grimy, you can easily wash it by following a few rules.

You will need

  • Gauze, soap, ammonia,
  • stick, sheet, thin cloth, wax.


1. So, remember that duvets should be washed once a year. Before washing, carefully read the instructions for the product. Compliance with all washing conditions will extend its service life.

2. Be sure to air the blanket thoroughly before washing. Drying the blanket in the sun will help get rid of lice-eating insects and bad, stale odors.

3. After this, sew a bag from gauze. Carefully transfer the fluff from the case into it and sew it up. In the bath, create a foamy solution: add 400 g of soap and 1-2 tablespoons of ammonia to 10 liters of boiling water.

4. Then place the bag in a burning solution (40-50 ° C). Leave the bag in the solution for 30 minutes. Periodically, during this time, squeeze the bag with your hands.

5. After some time, transfer the bag to the new solution. To make it, reduce the consumption of soap and alcohol. The volume of water should remain the same.

6. After 30 minutes, pull out and squeeze the bag thoroughly. Then thoroughly and thoroughly rinse it and its contents in cool water.

7. Place the drying bag on the light. Sometimes beat him with a stick. Down or feathers do not have to mat.

8. If the feathers are not drying well, remove them from the bag and lay them out on a sheet. After this, place the sheet with feathers on the luminary.

9. Carefully cover it with a thin cloth and secure it on four sides. Don't forget to run your hands through the feathers from time to time.

10. Once dry, place the fluff in a duvet cover. Distribute the fluff evenly and do not forget to loosen it with your hands. Make sure that not a single lump remains. You can soak the cover in soapy foam, dry it and carefully iron it. After similar treatment of the fabric, the fluff will not come out. With proper care, your favorite blankets will serve you for many years and will retain their quality from wash to wash.

A synthetic blanket amazingly retains heat during sleep, making it so comfortable to bask in bed. But sooner or later the time comes to wash the blanket, because a huge amount of dust and sweat accumulates in it. But many are worried about the same question: is it allowed to wash a blanket made of padding polyester, and if so, how to do it correctly?


1. Your blanket probably still has a sewn-in label that clearly indicates how well it is recommended to wash the product and at what temperature. Modern automatic washing machines have a huge number of functions and washing modes. In order to wash a blanket, you need to choose a positive mode and water temperature (based on the label). Most often, it should not exceed 40 degrees for synthetic material. Use a mild powder or liquid delicate detergent that does not contain bleaches or chemicals.

2. Blankets made from padding polyester can withstand repeated washing and retain their original appearance for a long time and do not deform. When washed, synthetic fibers do not form lumps and do not fall off. The material retains softness, elasticity and quickly recovers. After a thorough rinsing and spinning function, it dries quite quickly.

3. After washing, pull the blanket out of the washing machine drum and stretch it slightly. Leave to dry in natural conditions, unfolded, periodically turn it over and shake it. It is recommended to wash the blanket once every three months.

4. You can wash a synthetic blanket by hand, but this is much more difficult, because when wet it becomes easily unliftable and you cannot do it without help. Place the blanket in the bath and pour the required amount of water (temperature should be 30 degrees), dissolving liquid detergent in it. Rub it properly, you can even take off your shoes and walk on the blanket. Rinse it thoroughly several times and let it drain. After such a wash, the blanket will take much longer to dry.

5. If your blanket simply does not fit into the drum of the washing machine or is not suitable for the weight of the load, then it would be better to take it to the dry cleaner, where in a short time and extremely inexpensively they will bring the padding polyester product into complete order.

Fleece is a very warm and lightweight material. It is for this reason that I propose to make such a thing as a blanket out of it. The production of this craft will not take you much effort and time; you will only need a little patience and perseverance.

You will need

  • – 2 pieces of fleece of identical size;
  • - scissors;
  • - tailor's pins.


1. First of all, you need to check whether the 2 pieces of fleece are identical in size. To do this, place the 1st piece of fabric on the 2nd, fixing the edges with the help of tailor's pins. In those places where one section is larger than another, neatly trim the fabric with scissors.

2. Without removing the pins, mark squares measuring 10 x 10 centimeters on all 4 corners of the pieces of fabric folded on top of each other. Carefully cut out these shapes.

3. Then step back 2 centimeters from the edge of the cut out square. At a given distance, with the support of scissors, make an incision so that its length is equal to the height of the cut out figure, that is, 10 centimeters. Make the same cuts along each edge of the future blanket. This way you will get something like a fringe. Don’t forget to pick up the bottom fleece along with the top fleece sheet.

4. After you have cut each perimeter of the future blanket, return to the outermost fringe from the cut square. Now take the top part of the fringe and tie it with a knot to the bottom. Make the 2nd knot correctly as well. Perform these steps with all cut edges of the product. The fleece blanket is ready! Using the same method, you can make, for example, a cape for an armchair or chairs.

A blanket is a significant component of a great sleep. When a person falls asleep, it is this sign that creates a feeling of convenience and comfort. Today the market offers inexpensive blankets for every taste. The choice of products differs only in the quality of the filler. This filler is considered to be hazardous to health. What is padding polyester? Is it permissible to prefer a good quality padding polyester blanket?


1. Sintepon is such a famous word that even the manufacturers themselves call it a wide variety of products belonging to the low price category. As a result, the performance took on a negative connotation. However, in this negative context, textile factories continue to produce products from padding polyester, which means there is a need for them.

2. So, what is padding polyester? This is a non-woven bulk material consisting of polyester fibers, which are held together with an additional binder or high-tech processing. The main correct properties of this material are lightness, large volume, excellent ability to retain heat.

3. Exceptionally voluminous products are obtained if the manufacturer used synthetic fibers united by the adhesive method. However, such a filler quickly loses its properties. It is more susceptible to temperature and moisture. If the manufacturer used synthetic fibers combined by thermal method, the product will have less fluffiness, but will be more even and solid. A blanket with such filling will retain its elasticity, will not cause allergies, and will not release substances harmful to health.

4. Various types of fillers are used for sewing both outerwear and warm blankets. Accordingly, if the padding polyester blanket has a lush structure, then the filling was made using the adhesive method. If the padding polyester blanket is less voluminous, but feels smooth and flexible, then the filling for it was produced using a thermal method. This product will be the best choice.

5. In addition, the correct properties of padding polyester blankets include their easy cleaning during operation. A blanket made of high-quality padding polyester can easily be washed in a home washing machine and dried in a centrifuge. Just keep in mind that synthetic winterizer is a short-lived filler. It easily loses its shape with frequent mechanical stress.

But if funds allow, give preference to blankets made from natural materials. There are now a lot of species that can be found.

Helpful advice
It would be more practical if you prefer a blanket consisting of several types of fillers. For example, the most affordable and excellently warming blankets contain, in addition to synthetic padding, polyester treated with silicone. This product is more durable in use and will not wrinkle after the first wash. Consequently, it will absolutely satisfy the needs of economical buyers.

Helpful advice
If the piece of fabric is long, simply fold it in half widthwise. Then all that remains is to sew three sides of each one; Using the same special technology, you can sew a simple sleeping bag. That’s right, also prepare the gasket and 2 panels. On one of the short sides, make a drawstring, bending it 2-3 cm. When sewing the second short side and the sides, sew a long zipper there so that its closed ends are on the fold. Quilt the blanket and sew along the edges, insert the cord into the drawstring.
