Cool modern script for release in Dhow. Graduation in kindergarten: a fun, unusual scenario for parents and educators

The presenters come out to the music

Presenter 1:

And how can we not rejoice now:
Look, parents, be proud, everyone!
Because these are first graders,
These are your children!

Presenter 2:

One step before adulthood,
A moment before the school bell
Today we are seeing off preschoolers,
For soon the school will meet them.
Presenter 1: Dear parents, guests!
Meet the best kids in the whole world.

Children go out to music and dance

Dance is the way out: “Step to the stars”
(children remain seated at the end of the dance)

Today is a special day -
It only happens once.
Now everyone is happy for us:
We're going to first grade!

Like us dear guests -
To all future schoolchildren!
Because we are beautiful and wonderful
We'll know soon.

We are the future cosmonauts
Singers and musicians!

We are future engineers
Creative fashion designers!

We are the best, very stylish,
Both modern and mobile!

We are friendly, cheerful - rejoice for us,
Because we're all going to first class!

Song: “We are not kids anymore!”

Presenter 2: Dear, you must agree that ____ the most interesting and cutest boys were brought up in our group

Presenter 1: and ____ no less interesting and also pretty girls.

Dance - defile: “What is it made of...” gr. "Fidgets and Chelsea"

Presenter 2: It’s very good that today we are all dressed festively. With hairstyles...
Presenter 1: This is not surprising, because today is a holiday - we are seeing off our graduates to school.
Presenter 2: This is true, but there is another reason...
Presenter 1: I wonder which one it is?
Presenter 2: Today on all channels of the country there is a live broadcast from the main event of the year - “…….”! And famous TV presenters, showmen and correspondents came to us to conduct a special report from the scene!
Presenter 1: And right now meet the unrivaled TV program host, known for her creative hats………!
(a girl dressed in the style of ……… with an earphone and microphone comes in while listening to music)

Girl:(speaks into earphone). I’m at the scene... There are a lot of guests... Here are the graduates. Everything is ready for the report, 3, 2, 1 - let's start.

(speaking into the microphone) Greetings everyone, I am ………, and with you “……”!

Today is the main event of the year “Graduate – 2016!” You and I are in a magical, picturesque city, namely in kindergarten No. "".

I can see many guests who arrived for the holiday and the main characters of this event - the Graduates!

I also want to note that next to them during this festive and excited time are their closest relatives - mothers and fathers. The atmosphere is festive - you can even feel the molecules of happiness in the air.

The guests are happy and excited, you can even see joy and sadness in their eyes, because today their beloved kids will take a new path in life. And what do the graduates themselves feel at this important moment, what do they dream about? Let's ask them themselves!

After all, viewers are waiting for the most frank answers from our stars!

(holds a microphone to everyone who recites the poem)

You were dear to us, dear,
You raised, taught,
He cared and dove,
He treated, protected.

And today is our holiday
The last one is with you.
We are no longer preschoolers,
And we become schoolchildren.

So let the song begin
Wonderful ball, graduation
We will sing for you
Our kindergarten is dear

Girl: Dear viewers, I think you all were pleased to hear such a touching song.

And how do the main characters of the holiday, the teachers, feel? Let's ask them.

Presenter 1: The years float by like a river flows,
Classes, work, excursions and games.
How summer goes, autumn will smile
And he will say: “Children, it’s time to study!”
Presenter 2: New little children will come to us,
We will teach them the same way,
And in the first days,
We will somehow miss you.

It will also be a little unusual for us without you,
But you have to get used to everything,
We have very good books this year
We'll read it on our own.

At school we want to study everything, everything,
Let's not waste time on pranks.
And, of course, we will have time to visit you,

We all want to study hard,
Write in notebooks, read in the ABC book,
We will become more than just children
And the school students are schoolchildren!

We want to study our land,
About how people live in it,
So that you can choose for yourself later
There is a good and true path in life.

We are all in a farewell mood, everyone is extremely excited,
We will say together:
Hello school! Kindergarten, goodbye!

Girl: These are the events that take place in the city......, namely in preschool educational institution No. ""! Let's wish them “Bon voyage!” I was with you......!
And as an advertisement: The presenter’s exclusive outfit is presented by a famous fashion designer (mother’s name). Kiss! (leaves)

(presenter 1 with a tablet stands, looks, laughs)
Presenter 2: Well, you are just like our kids, they are one step away from school, and they are still playing with toys! So are you! It's a holiday, and you're playing around with your tablet!
Presenter 1: And I’m not playing around at all, I’m looking through photographs. Look here:
- remember this...
- yes, this is when Nikolka and Vanyusha didn’t share a chair and gave each other bruises...
- oh, but Dianka brought stickers and all the girls walked around painted (laughs)
- Is this Halloween - all children are green?
- No, it’s chickenpox.
Presenter 1: It’s so interesting to remember such funny moments of life in kindergarten.
Presenter 2: But I’m interested in what the children themselves remember, let’s ask them.

1. Remember the times
The first time we came to kindergarten

2. We often sat on the arms,
They didn’t know how to hold a spoon...

3 And I cried all the days,
Mamu looked in the window...

4. And Sasha walked around with a pacifier!
And he wore some diapers!
And what could they take from us then?
We were still small!

5. But when we were walking,
We completely forgot everything
And teachers from us
Cried more than once

6.We loved to throw sand.
Ride the roller coasters to the holes.
They fought with their hands and feet,
And some even use their teeth.

7. I also did this -
At lunchtime I fell asleep over soup.
All this is in the past and time
To accompany us to first class

Presenter 2: You were so funny and defenseless! How many meaningless questions rained down on our heads!
Presenter 1: And our kids’ favorite activity was playing!

Game: "Search!"
Presenter 1: Attention! I received a notification about the arrival of a famous choreographer of the country, a member of the show's jury "Everybody dance!".
Flash - mob medley

Presenter 2: I just received a package of assignments from the host of the “What, Where, When?” program. you are asked to solve a series of problems to see if you are ready for school. You are ready?

TV quiz show “What, where, when?”

(two teams of 4 - 5 children are selected, the team captain has a bell. Whoever calls first, and the team answers)

"Math Riddles"

First: The puppy ran along the road, how many legs does a puppy need?
Everyone started counting. Nikita got 8. Yes or no?

Second: On the way, the Bug Bunny was carrying five apples for lunch.
Two fell and rocked. How many apples are left?

Third: Two birch trees and two maples were instantly outlined by Elena.
And she asked how many green trees there are here?

Fourth: Oh, we had trouble! Two magpies quarreled.
Two more rushed here. How many of those forty are there already?

Fifth: Three cheerful cats were playing on the grass.
Suddenly one hid. How many cats are left?
Sixth: Five butterflies are flying. And they sit on the little chairs.
Another one flew in and sat on the flower.
How many butterflies were there at once?
How many of the flowers flew away together?

Ecological mysteries

I: And whose strength is in nature, what was able to do this:
Is it warmer in the cold, lighter in the dark? fire
II: Everyone needs flowers constantly to grow for us.
For ships to sail, children need to grow.
It can be different, guess – it’s... water
III: Does it drive clouds in the sky, raise waves in the sea? wind
IV: After the rain, a horseshoe, a colored rainbow shines in the sky...

Speech kaleidoscope

1. Which scythe should you not use? (girlish)
2. What comb should you not comb your hair with? (with the rooster's comb)
3. What kind of utensils should you not eat from? (from empty)
4. Who is born with a mustache? (cat)
5. Who was grandfather when he was little? (as a boy)
6. When is it better for a black cat to go to the house? (when the door is open)

Presenter 2: Well done! You received the highest score - 5 points!

We wish you to get high grades in school too!
Presenter 1: But there are also low grades, and some children prefer to hide a bad grade from their parents. And parents will find out anyway. Don't believe me?! Let's try to check this.
Game "Hide the deuce"
(children hide a card with the number “2”, at the presenter’s signal, parents begin to look, spectators help with applause

(like “cold” - “hot”)

Post Views: 22,266

The first graduation in a child's life is a very important and exciting event. The fairy-tale world of kindergarten with its matinees, exciting activities and active games in the fresh air is left behind. The school years ahead are filled with big and small victories, new discoveries, achievements and overcoming the first obstacles in life. At the crossroads of these two stages, parents and educators have a chance to organize a farewell party for the kids to the most carefree childhood time. And the modern, most beautiful and unusual scenario for a kindergarten graduation will greatly facilitate its organization and holding.

Scenario for graduation in kindergarten: a fairy tale

Every child dreams of being in a real fairy tale, feeling like a positive hero of an exciting plot, defending goodness in the fight against an evil character. A graduation scenario for a kindergarten in the genre of a fairy tale is the last chance to make a childhood dream come true. And it would be nice to please all the kids at once. The best option is to collect your favorite fairy tales in one room.

Let Aladdin with a harem of oriental beauties, Pippi Longstocking with Mr. Nilsson, Alice from Wonderland with the Cheshire cat, the white rabbit and the card queen come to the last kindergarten holiday. Perhaps there is a place for Robin Hood with Merian, Malvina and Pinocchio, Thumbelina and the Nutcracker, Peter Pan, etc. There are no limits for imagination. To complete the fairy-tale picture you will need bright costumes, colorful decorations, simple competitions and, of course, an entertaining storyline.

Cool scenario for graduation in kindergarten in the style of "Hipsters"

A graduation party in a kindergarten in the style of "dudes" is in no way inferior to the previous version. A retro party with an incendiary “boogie-woogie” will thoroughly imbue both graduates and guests with positive mood and joyful emotions. The constant attributes of such stylish events are bright outfits, fast music, active entertainment and a lot of delicious treats.

Girls in polka dot dresses with fluffy hairstyles can sing a funny song, boys in colored trousers, checkered shirts and bright ties can dance a characteristic dance. You also need to find time for humorous competitions with parents and a themed photo shoot with all your kindergarten friends. To celebrate your graduation in the “hipsters” genre, you can invite a soap bubble show or organize a children’s disco with bright garlands and light music. Such an incendiary release party will remain in the memory of the kids for the rest of their lives.

Kindergarten graduation scenario: a journey around the planet

One of the fresh kindergarten graduation scenarios is a trip around the planet! Such an unusual holiday will arouse wild admiration in every child, give unforgettable sensations and fresh emotions, and inspire to learn new subjects and languages.
In an entertaining journey through different parts of the world, there is a significant role for each graduate. Children can choose at their own discretion (or with a hint from their parents) the country they like and embody it in their image. For example, a girl can easily present romantic France by choosing the right outfit and accessories, and learning simple nursery rhymes in French. For a boy, Japan with its traditional samurai costume and ritual Japanese “chants” is suitable.

Each country is interesting and unusual in its own way; gathering them all in one room is a real luxury for both children and parents. Even preparing for such a graduation can turn into a delightful quest: learn from your parents the history of the chosen country, build a costume, learn a song, dance, traditions or a couple of popular foreign phrases!

Unusual modern kindergarten graduation scenario

Every child talks with trepidation about which profession they prefer over all others. Some kids dream of being astronauts or architects, others dream of being producers or journalists. Why not make their dream come true... Even if just for a couple of hours.

The unusual modern scenario of kindergarten graduation can be associated with the distant future, where everyone will receive their favorite profession. There is a place for everyone at the festival: for doctors and teachers, for musicians and dancers, for lawyers and businessmen. Inviting them is very simple: dress up your kids in the costumes of the specialists they have chosen and organize a fun concert with interesting stories, funny dances, and active competitions. Let little pilots recite poems about the sky and a bright future, graceful ballerinas will dance the dance of little swans, and talented cooks will act out a funny humorous scene.
It is better to decorate the graduation hall in advance with different figures made of balloons, themed posters, paper garlands with sparkles and tinsel. The entire atmosphere should generate joyful emotions and muffle the children’s fear of adults and the distant future.

Cool scenario for prom in kindergarten

Delicate graceful princesses, elegantly dressed princes, a wonderful waltz melody, a lot of bright lights and light fabrics in the design... All these are integral elements of a prom in kindergarten. In lush dresses and formal tailcoats, children will feel like real heroes of the celebration, and a laconic script will not allow the holiday to turn into elegant chaos.

But what is the most beautiful graduation party in kindergarten? Without a beautiful lyrical collective song, an elegant paired waltz, fun competitions with riddles and problems, delicious treats, congratulations and gratitude to teachers, nannies, and cooks. Special attention should be paid to farewell photography. After all, the last kindergarten shots should capture children in all their glory. Otherwise, a great graduation is not where there is a strict script, but where the graduates feel comfortable, warm and fun!

The kindergarten graduation script should not be template or standard. Each children's group is individual and unusual in its own way. In order for the memories of kindergarten to remain kind and colorful, the preparation of the farewell celebration should be approached very responsibly and exceptionally.

Do you need poems or a funny scene for your kindergarten graduation? You've come to the right place! Our article reveals all the secrets of the holiday.

In the life of every child there comes a moment of parting with kindergarten. This is an amazing date. On the one hand, it is joyful: the child has grown up and is ready to go to school, and on the other hand, it is sad: the period of preschool childhood, the joyful time of play, is ending. The graduation party in kindergarten will be demonstrated to parents and teachers of grown-up children. Smart and happy boys and girls will show off their talents for the last time within the preschool walls.

Children's graduation is a serious matter

Preparations for this event begin in advance. Parents are preparing outfits, running wild in search of gifts and holiday attributes, teachers are learning poems, dances, and songs. If you have the desire and opportunity, you can turn to professionals for help. Specialized agencies are ready to offer a wide range of services. Photographers may offer to create graduation albums for kindergartens. Operators will film your celebration or fragments of classes, putting everything on a disc, which will become a good gift. A holiday agency can help organize memorable, bright special effects (for example, launching balloons into the sky), and will also take on the decoration of the kindergarten.

To make the day memorable for a long time

A good memory of the time spent in kindergarten, of course, should remain with children leaving for school, so teachers and parents should take care and create graduation albums. Professionals offer their services to kindergartens, but you can prepare such memorable gifts yourself. To do this, you should select memorable moments in kindergarten, captured in the photo, put in the best creative works of the children, prepare wishes and parting words. Presented in a festive atmosphere, they will definitely delight the children. It would be good if in such an album it would be possible to trace the growth of children from the moment they entered kindergarten until graduation. Children are always touched by their photographs, amazed at how small they once were.

What to give to children?

It is better to give something that will be useful to them in their studies. These can be various school supplies: pencils, pens, rulers, erasers, albums, paints. Such a gift will set the child in the mood for learning and will help the child survive the moments of anticipation of meeting with school. You can give children books, preferably children's encyclopedias, which they can also use while studying at school.

How to congratulate kindergarten?

Of course, the graduation party in kindergarten is, first of all, a holiday for future first-graders, but we cannot forget the kindergarten workers who worked for so many years raising the children and put their souls into them. In gratitude for this care, parents usually prepare a graduation gift for the kindergarten. This could be something that will be useful to teachers in their future work - a bright manual, a game or toy, household appliances, elements for interior decoration. A good addition to the gift could be a graduation scene from parents or poetic congratulations.

Kindergarten celebrates graduation
We have a wonderful holiday,
He's seeing the kids off today
Within the walls of the school and into the first grade.

We want to say thank you,
For hard creative work,
Our children have grown up - a miracle!
New children will come to you,

You will love them like ours,
And teach them everything.
And your cup of patience,
It will sink to the bottom again.

Have been with us for so many years,
The hour of separation has come now.
And, of course, we need to say:
"We will always remember you!"

"What Children Dream About"

  1. The years will fly by quickly, kindergarten is over,
    Then we finish school, life will be fun.
    Today we will dream
    Choose your own job.
  2. I've loved reading for a long time,
    Find out everything in the world
    Now I'm going to college,
    I will become a doctor of science!
  3. And I want to become a model,
    I will delight everyone with my gait,
    Look, I've become a beauty!
    I will be filming for a magazine.

    (The model walks in a small circle to the music.)

  4. And I'll fly to the sky,
    I want to become a flight attendant
    I will try very hard
    Passengers smile.
  5. I will go to show business, I will sing songs,
    And then they will start recognizing me everywhere,
    I will sing extraordinary from the stage!
    I will certainly send you an autograph to the kindergarten
  6. I want to become an artist so I can perform on stage,
    And also act in films, smile at you from the screen.
    But I'm drowning in doubts!
    Do you think I can?
  7. Well, I would be glad
    Become a kindergarten teacher
    I know how much effort we spent
    Our teachers are with us.
    I'll grow up a little more
    And I will come to kindergarten again.
  8. And I want to be president!
    Any solemn moment,
    I will speak
    Leading a great country!
  9. Dreams change, friends,
    But we must not forget about them!
    Of course it was a joke
    So smile for a minute!

What to read for kindergarten graduation?

Poems will help create a festive atmosphere, convey the feelings and emotions of parents, children and teachers, and put everyone in a good lyrical mood. They can be heard from the lips of the heroes of the occasion - graduates, on behalf of teachers and parents. We offer several poetic sketches that can be included in the matinee script.

Kindergarten graduation welcomes.
We have been waiting for this day for so many years.
How many holidays are there here?
But today is an important moment.

How many years have you and I spent?
Days flew by.
The children came to us as babies,
They will go to school soon.

And today we see them off,
Many difficulties await along the way,
And along the wide school road
Let it be easy for them to walk.

Poem about your favorite kindergarten

A child is reading:

Alyosha asked me:
“Where have you been all week?”
- I was in the Antoshka kindergarten
I went to the senior group.

Do you know how interesting it is there?
There's a lot to learn
And run and jump,
And dive in the pool.

There are a lot of classes
You can learn something new
Draw, sculpt and glue,
Songs to sing and dance,

There are cocktails with oxygen
Children love to drink
I could tell him about the kindergarten
Still a long time to talk.

And Alyosha told me:
“Listen, you got it great!”

Poems for children for graduation in kindergarten

Boys read quatrains:

Our dear educators,
Dear girl friends!
We have to leave the kindergarten,
And it's time to leave us the toys.

I'll tighten the cap on the gas tank,
I'll look through a fairy tale book.
And I'll put all the cubes in a box,
I will hug the bear one last time.

Well, I’ll wipe away the stingy tears,
They say men shouldn't cry.
But how can you keep something like this?
Is this slush sad on the heart?

We are men, this is not enough!
We will never let you down!
And although now it suddenly became sad,
Don't be afraid, we won't roar!

Goodbye, our garden, goodbye!
We will remember you!
We want to wish you goodbye
Raise new boys for you!

Girls reading:

And we were once kids,
And they even cried sometimes,
They asked to quickly return to their mother,
When they left us here.

But then there were fun tasks,
We learned to sculpt and draw,
And in the hall during music lessons
We tried singing and dancing.

And the group had a lot of fun,
We have a lot of different toys.
And we always walked together in the yard,
We had countless fun games.

And now where will all this go?
Who will save my doll Katya?
So that she is always dressed,
And who will comb her hair the way it suits her?

What if our dishes get broken?
What if they leave the bunny in the rain?
Perhaps it's time for tears,
Let's let the girls roar!

Wait! There's no need to cry, girls!
Today you can be a little sad
And we will tell the teachers as a reward,
That we will never forget them!

We will laugh and have fun,
After all, in the fall we will go to first grade,
And we will do well in school,
And we won’t let the dear kindergarten down.

Secrets of the script

The holiday is often held in the form of a concert, which alternates congratulations, songs, dances, and musical scenes. Guests always come to the graduation - loved ones by the children. For example, the brownie Kuzya, who has been watching the children for so many years and will now tell all their secrets, or the cheerful Carlson, who will easily tame the housekeeper Freken Bok, who decided to teach the children how to prepare for school.

You can organize a holiday by describing one day in the life in kindergarten.

The form of travel is also suitable; the last trip on a childhood boat or the departure of a first-class school express from the kindergarten platform will look touching. In this case, the role of captain or driver will go to the teacher.

The holiday scenario can be based on a fairy tale beloved by children. In any case, a holiday is not only parting, it is also a meeting with your favorite fairy-tale characters, songs, dances. At graduation, it is customary to remember funny incidents that happened in the group. It would be great if they could be staged. Both adults and children can play roles.

Farewell to kindergarten - time to waltz

One of the ways to convey the mood and express yourself in movement is dancing in kindergarten. Graduation, of course, wouldn’t be complete without them either. It can be:

  • Farewell dance with toys.
  • Alumni Waltz.
  • Farewell tango.
  • Dance of fives and twos.
  • Other themed dances.

The language of movements can sometimes express more than words. Grown-up preschool children, moving harmoniously to beautiful music - a picture for parents to admire. The scenario should include both pair and group dances so that children can throw out their emotions, express their mood, and show guests what they have learned.

Let the kids come and congratulate you

You can invite children of the younger group to the holiday. Graduates will remember how small they were, and the kids will see what they will become in a few years. Of course, you shouldn’t expect any kind of parting words from the younger group, but they are quite capable of singing a song or dancing, ending their performance with a little parting words or, for example, the following words:

We want to congratulate you,
You are going to first grade!

Congratulations from parents

A group of active parents can prepare a creative garden. This could be the presentation of certificates, memorable awards in various categories, or a song of gratitude. Perhaps the sketch we offer for a kindergarten graduation will be suitable.

Parents come out to the music and stand in a group. Another parent comes out to meet them. A dialogue ensues. One parent is a skeptic; the others take turns dispelling his doubts about kindergarten.

Good afternoon

- (sad) What a good, ordinary day it is! I wonder why you smile like that?

Because we are the best on the planet!

How did this happen, may I ask?

Very simply, we are happy because we have the best children in the whole world!

I also have wonderful children. Two. A boy and... another boy. Why are you sure that your children are the best?

Yes, because our children go to the most amazing kindergarten in the world “...”( name of the garden)!

And I’m just looking for a kindergarten for my children! What is so amazing about your garden?

It's interesting in our garden!

Wow! Is that really true?

The real truth! The most experienced teachers work in kindergarten “___”.

The friendliest nannies.

The best music directors.

The most athletic physical education leaders.

The most caring doctors.

The most responsible employees.

And everything is led by the most creative administration.

And I want to place children in your kindergarten, so I’m going to write an application. Thanks for the advice! (Quickly leaves.)

Well, we didn’t have time to tell you so much about the kindergarten!

But we will have time to express our gratitude to the kindergarten workers.

(Presentation of gifts.)

“And youth has passed…”

Kindergarten graduation scene.

A boy and a girl come out.

Boy: Finally! That's great!

Girl: What are you happy about? Is it really because you are leaving kindergarten?

Boy: Yes! Now you won't have to go to bed during the day!

Girl: But you will have to study, count, write, read.

Boy: So what? Now you don’t need to eat porridge!

Girl: But you have to sit in class!

Boy: Can you imagine, we will come home after dinner, and not in the evening!

Girl: When we get home, mom is gone, we’ll have to do everything ourselves, eat and sit down for homework.

Boy: But you can play with friends, run around the yard, play football.

Girl: But you have to learn lessons! So as not to get a bad mark.


Together: Yes... that's it! Our youth is gone!

And it’s a holiday for parents too!

For the garden workers, it is important not to forget about those without whose participation this holiday would not have taken place - about parents! After all, it was they who raised the children and brought them to the garden, they, together with the boys and girls, are experiencing a touching moment of parting, it is they who continue to walk with them along the path of life, learn lessons together, collect a briefcase and learn the multiplication table. The kindergarten administration and teachers can prepare those who take an active part in the life of the group and preschool institution. Children can read touching poems dedicated to their parents.

Built in the form of a children's journey through the pages of the site. On the way to school they will have to visit the pages “Elementary”, “Adult”, “Governor’s”, “Farewell”. During the ceremony, graduates will share their dreams and recite V. Mayakovsky’s poem “Who to Be” in a modern manner. The plot also involves the participation of parents in competitions and quizzes that are held during the event.

The kindergarten graduation script has been drawn up Sologubova Milyausha Ferdinatovna, music director, MBDOU "Kindergarten of a compensatory type with priority implementation of qualified correction of children with visual impairments No. 70", Nizhnekamsk, r. Tatarstan.


Music sounds and the presenters enter the hall.

Presenter 1:

- The day is cloudless, clear and clean,
There are many dressed-up guests in the hall!
Our kids have grown up so quickly
We are escorting the children to school!

Presenter 2:

- I remember the first tears,
Like peas are rolling down,
And millions more questions,
If you don’t know something, hold on!

Presenter 1:

- We lived with children's worries,
Our kids grew up,
Every day they hurried to meet them,
Giving away a piece of your soul!

Presenter 2:

- Today, here, they are beautiful, elegant,
And our festive hall froze!
Let's greet them with applause,
Please, children, come to us!

Children enter to the music “There is a streak in our life” by A. Ermolov.

1 child:

- Well, that’s all, the time has come,
The one we've all been waiting for!
We gathered for the last time
In our cozy room!

2nd child:

— Brightly decorated hall
Live bouquets.
We came to the kindergarten for the ball
With friends and family.

3rd child:

- We had so much fun here,
We sang and danced...
And they didn't even notice
How suddenly they became big.

4th child:

- We’re standing dressed up now,
We say the words, worryingly,
How sad it is to leave our garden,
But we have already been given a start to school.

5th child:

— The school opens the door for us,
But you, beloved garden, believe me,
What we will never forget.
Your preschool years!

Presenter 1:

— You have grown up imperceptibly,
The kindergarten has become like a home,
We are attached to you with all our hearts
And they loved it with all their hearts!

Presenter 2:

- What a pity, the moment of parting
Getting closer, closer every day.
We don't really want to say goodbye
And we will be a little sad!

6th child:

- Yes, we are just a little sad!
But time cannot be turned back!
And it’s time for us, it’s time to hit the road!

All children: - Farewell, beloved, kindergarten!

Children perform the song “Kindergarten” by A. Ermolov.

7th child:

- “Preschool child, preschool child!” -
I can hear it almost from the cradle,
Only from tomorrow
Don't call me that:
I'll get up early tomorrow
And in the morning I’ll become a “school kid”!

8th child:

- Our beloved, our beautiful,
Our wonderful kindergarten!
Are you on your way today happy
You see off preschool children.

9th child:

- Goodbye, our fairy tales,
Our merry round dance,
Our games, songs, dances!
Goodbye! School is waiting!

10th child:

— Our favorite kindergarten,
You will be remembered forever!
We will send you from school from excellent students...

All: - Hello!

Children sing the song “Now we are first-graders.”

After the song is performed, they sit on chairs.

Presenter 1: - Dear Guys! How fun and friendly you lived in kindergarten: you played, sang, drew, sculpted, danced and became strong friends. What can you come up with, what can you do so that you don’t forget each other?

Presenter 2: - Maybe you will exchange addresses and write letters to each other?

Child: — We will not learn to write quickly and competently very soon, and in general, this is a little not modern!

Presenter 1: - Then maybe you can exchange phone numbers and call back?

Child: — Phone numbers change and get lost. No, not interesting!

Presenter 2: - Guys, I don’t even know what to offer you!

Children: - I know! You need to create your own children's website for meetings, like the adults' "Odnoklassniki", and call it "Preschoolers - dot - ru".

“That’s where we’ll meet and communicate with each other.”
My best friend is the computer, everything is super duper for me!
In the morning I’ll go online and tell all my friends: “Hello!”

All: - Great!

Presenter 1: - Let's open our website today! So – the first page of our site is “Initial”. Let's remember how it all began...

Children reading poetry line up facing the audience.

- Now we have grown up, and we
Waiting for the very first class at school.
Do you remember, five years ago,
How did we go to kindergarten?

- Why don’t you go!
They carried us in wheelchairs.
We often sat on our arms,
They didn’t want to stomp their feet.

- I remember crying every day,
I was waiting for my mother, looking out the window.
And someone walked around with a pacifier
And he even wore diapers.

- And I did this:
At lunchtime I fell asleep over soup.
Sometimes I ate poorly,
They spoon-fed me.

- And if we didn’t sleep,
They rocked us on our arms.
After listening to “Bayushki-Baya”,
We closed our eyes.

- We loved to throw sand,
We loved to laugh together.
They were such naughty people.
They fought with their hands and feet.
And some even use their teeth.

All: - Yes! We were all good!

The children of the nursery group come out to the music and stand facing the graduates.

1 child:

We put on our dresses and washed our cheeks,
They became beautiful and hurried to you.

2nd child:

- We are funny, funny,
You were like that too,
We'll grow up a little -
We will also come to your school.

3rd child:

- We promise you guys,
What would it be like in my native garden without you?
We won't break flowers
We'll save all the toys!

4th child:

- Don’t be naughty, don’t be lazy,
Don't make noise, don't fight!


- We also wish you to study with straight A’s!
And today, as a farewell, we’ll invite you to dance!

Dance with kids “Let's quarrel and make up.”


- And the little ones say goodbye
They will unanimously say “Goodbye!” to you.

Children from the nursery group go away to the music.

Presenter 2: — So, the second page of our website is “Adolescent”.

- Days and months go by, the children are growing and growing.
They grew big - that's how big they are!
They began to dream out loud,
What would you like to become in life?

Music is playing. Children stand on dots.


- How can we find the truest, best path in this life?
How can I not stumble anywhere and get out of it?
Who will tell us, who will teach us who is better for us to work with?
To receive money and become a support in the family.

1 child (wears glasses):

“I dream of becoming a great geneticist in order to solve the problems of old age!”
And in this 21st century, give immortality to a person.

All: - But why?

1 child:

- But because since childhood I have wanted to know:
Is it true or a lie that parrots live for 200 years?

2nd child:

“I dream of becoming an architect, of building a city without corners.”
Now I’m making my dream come true: I’m drawing houses out of circles.
My house is completed, there is not a corner in it. Mom, a dream has come true!
You will no longer be able to put me in a corner, as before, lovingly!..

Child 3 (adjusting his tie, looking important):

— Maybe I should become a deputy? Anyone can be this.
I will drive with a flashing light and divide the budget among everyone.

4th child:

- And I want to sing like Galkin!
I can, I can handle it!
Maybe Alla Pugacheva
I'll like you too!

5th child:

- Oh, don’t think about her,
You're wasting your time.
You are for Alla Pugacheva
Already very old!…
I will read books
Strive for knowledge.
To become very smart,
To go abroad.

6 child in sunglasses:

- I want to be a secret super-agent,
To reveal the truth to everyone “out there”!

All: "How's Mulder?"

6th child: - A thousand times better!

All: - And Scully?

6th child: “And I’ll find Scully myself!”

7 child puts on a leather cap:

— And I dream of becoming a taxi driver, moving around the city quickly,
Know all streets, boulevards, alleys and deliver passengers to the train faster.

8th child:

- And when I grow up, I’ll get married right away. I will choose a husband like Natasha Koroleva.
I will wear fashionable dresses and everyone will talk about me...

9 the child puts on a chef's hat:

I will become a skilled cook, I will prepare all your dishes deliciously.
Dumplings and shish kebab, okroshka and salad, everyone will be happy to try my sushi.

10 child comes out with a whip:

— I really dream of performing in the circus, they will recognize me on all the posters,
There are 15 tigers and 6 lions in the arena at the same time, and Zapashny will certainly have me on shift!

11th child:

- I will be a businessman,
Let them teach me!
I'll buy mom a fur coat
Dad - a cooler Jeep!

12th child:

“Being a businessman is good, but being a model is better!”
I want to be at shows, let them teach me!
To get the crown,
Conquer the whole world with beauty!

13th child:

- Well, model, what's wrong?
What did you find cool in her?
I'll run for president
I will receive gifts
I will rule the country
Increase everyone's salary!

14th child:

- It’s good to be president, but I’ll become a banker.
I will make money, like all fakirs can.
My bank will prosper
Give interest to everyone.

15th child:

- Are you guys interested?
Only fame and salary.
But I have my own dream, it has simple beauty.
I want to become a teacher
Let everyone be surprised.
After all, from kindergarten and school
That's where it all begins.
Both the artist and the banker come to the garden as children,
And then they find themselves,
To conquer the whole world!


- We told you dreams,
Clap, try hard.
It was you who raised us,
So figure it out.

Presenter 1:

— Kindergarten is a warm home,
Where we all live together.
Every day you went to the garden.
Here they met you and fed you.
This is where you were taught to play,
Songs to sing and dance.

All: “And that’s why now we want to dance for you.”

Children perform the dance “In the Viburnum Grove.”

Presenter 1: — The next page of the site is “Guvernerskaya”.

The phonogram “Mary Poppins, goodbye!” plays. Mary enters the hall wearing a hat, an umbrella, and a large bag. Dancing to the music of "Lady Mary".

Mary Poppins: — Hello, my name is Mary Poppins. I'm not mistaken, do you need a nanny for your children? I am the best nanny in the world. Of course, all children know about this.

Presenter1: — Do you accept our offer to become our children’s nanny? Amazing! You will see that they are very smart, kind, well-mannered and obedient children.

Mary Poppins: - Yes, I agree. I'll stay with you until the wind changes. Well, it's time to start studying. You are ready? So, friends, let's start with grammar.

The game “Add the Word” is played.

Mary Poppins: - Well done boys! And now I will arrange an exam for your parents, asking questions to test your wits.

  • What can you cook but can't eat? (Lessons.)
  • Which hand is better to stir tea? (Better with a spoon.)
  • What baby is born with a mustache? (Kitty.)
  • Locators that are always with you? (Ears.)
  • Which tail sticks out of the water? (Wet.)

Mary Poppins: - You have coped with the questions, and I hope that you will help your children at school. And for this you must take an oath. You must say loudly and clearly: “We swear!”

Parents take an oath.

Whether I am a mother or a father to a child, I undertake to always say: “Well done!” I swear!

I swear not to interfere with my child’s education, I swear to learn foreign languages ​​together with him. I swear!

For bad marks, I swear not to scold him and to help him with his homework. I swear!

And if I break my oath, I promise to feed the child boiled condensed milk every day. I swear!

I will be an ideal parent and I will never forget my vow. I swear!

Mary Poppins: - Don’t forget your oath, help your children with their studies.

The noise of an approaching car is heard.

Presenter 1: - Someone else came to us.

Miss Andrew enters with a suitcase on wheels.

Miss Andrew: - Out of the way, please, out of the way, I’m coming in! I hope this taxi driver took me where I needed to go. Is this preschool number 70? Wonderful! Are highly qualified teachers with experience required? I hope you know who I am? My name is Miss Andrew. (Suitable for any girl.) What’s your name? (Answer.) I never approved of such a name. Your dress is too loud. Wow, what manners! In my time, all the girls wore the same gray dresses. (Looks at Mary.) So, punish, deprive of sweets and toys.

Mary Poppins: - Thank you, madam, but I raise children in my own way and do not ask anyone for advice.

Miss Andrew: - Young lady, you are forgetting yourself! How dare you answer me like that?! I am forced to take measures to have you removed from this institution. Can I talk to the manager of this kindergarten?

Presenter 1: - Yes please.

Miss Andrew (addressing the manager): — My dear, there is an outrageous mess on the territory of your institution: flowers, flower beds. This is a breeding ground for allergies! Take my advice: uproot all these flowers and bushes. Much less worries. Better yet, fill everything with concrete. At least there will be a decent yard.

Manager: - But we love flowers very much.

Miss Andrew: - Nonsense! Nonsense and nonsense! Ladies' nonsense. And your children need a new nanny. However, I will take care of their education myself. As for this young lady, you must fire her.

Manager: - You are mistaken, Miss Andrew, I assure you! We think Lady Mary is a real treasure.

Miss Andrew: - You don’t understand anything! I'm never wrong! Calculate it! (Looks around.) Yes, you have a kindergarten... Who paints the walls in light colors now? Dark brown is what you need: it’s cheaper and the dirt is not so noticeable. (Paints attention to the parents.) So, why are there strangers in kindergarten? Get everyone out the door immediately! What is the reason for all of you gathered here?

Presenter 1: — Our children have grown up and will soon go to school. We have a holiday today.

Miss Andrew: — Do you think these children are ready for school? So I arrived on time. Now I’ll check how ready they are for school. Well, let's start by showing me your knowledge of mathematics.

He sits down on a chair and puts a sign next to it that says “Admissions Committee.”

There is a game with numbers.

Miss Andrew: - And now the exam for parents.

Playing a game with parents .

Presenter 1: - Well, did you like it, Miss Andrew?

Miss Andrew: - This is not enough. Now I want to arrange a dance exam.

Girls dance and show gymnastic sketches.

Miss Andrew: - Well, you don’t need a lot of intelligence to wave your hands. I don’t understand what is in these children’s heads, what they are thinking about.

Three girls and a boy come out.


- Three maidens by the window
We daydreamed in the evening.
The first sister says:

Girl 1:

- Looks like a cute nose
I would do a decent workout
I would say boldly -
I wanted to become a manager.

Girl 2:

- I wish I could become an actress,
That's right on our city
I would give a concert right away.

Girl 3: - If only I were a singer...

Boy: - Her sister says...

Girl 3:

- I wish I could sing great
Like Larisa Dolina.


- We are from our pop stars
We are not lagging behind one step,
We are without any soundtrack
We’d rather sing to the Valley.
Since we have a cool choir,
The performance is simply class.

Children sing the song “We’re Just Little Stars.”

Miss Andrew: - Nightmare! This is a complete disgrace! Yes, everything is clear to me. These children are not ready for school. Another year under my strict guidance, and they will be trained like soldiers! I believe that the issue with my employment has been resolved? (Addresses the manager.)

Manager: - No, Miss Andrew, you are not suitable for us.

Miss Andrew: - How? It's outrageous! I will complain to higher authorities. I'll go to the factory. You will still remember me!

Miss Andrew leaves.

Presenter 1: - Well, it immediately became lighter and the weather improved.

Mary Poppins: -Yes, it seems the wind is changing. Dear guys, excuse me, but I have to go. Other children will also need my help. Goodbye! I hope that we will meet again.

"Wind of Change" sounds. Mary Poppins opens her umbrella and pretends to fly away.

Presenter 1: — Shall we look at the next page of our website? (Surprised.) What is it? I don't understand! There is no next page on the site. She disappeared.

Presenter 2: - We forgot about protection. A virus has entered our computer!

The Virus enters to the music.


- Is this a kindergarten?
Is this where academics are raised?

Presenter 2:

- Yes, this is a kindergarten.
Who are you? Why did you come to us?


- You don’t go to a fortune teller,
There is a big flaw in your network,
You forgot about protection -
The evil “Trojan” made its way to you.
Worms crawl into your computer
Yes, and a horde of viruses -
Will get on your nerves
Slow Windows.

- I, Virus-Compirus, an evil TROJAN!
I love to spoil and delete everything!
I hastened to look at you,
To look at the schoolchildren.
Oh, what's going on in the world!
Children go to school.
You are at the graduation party
The whole family gathered here,
Dads and moms are watching now and trying to understand:
Have your worries ended or are they just beginning?!
Do you know what awaits you at school?

They show the skit “The Best Student”.

Presenter 2:

— There are all sorts of stories in life.
We will show you one of them now.
We all came up with this scene together,
Well, now we ask you to clap.

Dad reads, mom is on the phone, older brother is at the computer, grandma is doing laundry.


- Hello! Girlfriend, how are you doing?
The 103rd episode has already passed.
I watch “Daddy’s Daughters” every day,
And I’m not too lazy to continue watching.

The youngest son is pulling a heavy backpack:

- Hello, Mommy, you asked so much,
That I can’t move my backpack from the threshold.
Help me do my homework.


- Better take care of your health.
Sorry, son, important conversation,
Eat and go for a walk in the yard.

Son (to dad):

- Dad, you hear me, help me solve the problem.
Because I almost cry from the lessons...


- You know, son, there is a hurricane in Europe,
Finally reached our countries.
Such an interesting article
It was not for nothing that I brought the newspaper home.
Then I’ll run to watch football
I can't help you, son.

Son (to older brother): - Brother, don’t leave me in trouble.


- Don't distract me with any nonsense.
A neighbor gave me a new CD to listen to,
Then I need to get on the Internet.
In short, I'm busy with important things,
Your grandmother will help you.

Son (to grandmother):

- Grandma, you have to save me.
I'm so tired and want to go to bed.


- Go, grandson, I will complete the tasks,
Granny still has some knowledge left. (He goes out the door.)

Son (after him):

- Thank you, grandma. Oh! I completely forgot:
We need to take waste paper to school
And bring skis to physical education.
Today we are taking cross-country skiing.

Grandmother (comes out with a backpack over her shoulders, in skis and with waste paper in her hands): - I wish you, grandson, had already grown up.


“They gave me a medal, and you a diary.”
Let's see who is the best student?

They open the diary: “Grandma is 10.”

Virus: - Well, do you want to go to school?

Children: — …

Virus: “Well, we’ll find out what each of you is thinking about with the help of my magic cap.” What, you don’t believe me? As soon as we put on the magic cap, we immediately know everything!

The game “Guess the Thoughts” is played.

Questions for boys:

1.- What day do you think it is today?
/What a wonderful day/

2.- What car will you drive in 10 years?
/black BMW/

3. - Do you go to school eagerly or are you a little afraid?
/What is snow to me, what is rain to me/

4. - Will you tell your friends at school if they are called to the blackboard?
/I don’t know anything...I won’t tell anyone anything/

5. - Will you spy on your friend at school?
/Oh, once again/

6. — What will you think if you are called to answer to the board in the 6th lesson?
/Tili-tili, trawl-vali/

For girls:

7. — What is our _________ thinking about?
/After all, that’s who I am/

8. — Our hat knows all __________ secrets.
/I'm a fashionista, I'm a fashionista.../

Questions for parents:

9. — Summer will fly by quickly, and what awaits our parents on September 1?
/Not a moment of peace/

10. - What do you think? What is necessary for your child to be successful in school?
/Two tape recorders.../

11. - Let's meet this dad, introduce yourself...
/I'm smart and handsome.../

12. — Do you need a lot of money to be happy?
/Million US dollars/

Manager's question:

13. - Do you like our holiday?
/It’s great that we all gathered today/

Virus: - I see that you are all ready, both children and parents! So be it, I won’t spoil the program for you!

The virus is going away.

Presenter 1: — Our website turned on and the next page was “Growing Up.”

A lyrical melody sounds.


-Have you heard the news? Have you heard the news? –
Girlfriends suddenly became adults!
And their lessons, notebooks, and books are waiting for them...
Our boys say goodbye to us.
What a pity to leave! Everyone is in tears...
Let's wave to our beloved girlfriends!


— We played together, we were strong friends.
They gave flowers and smiles to each other.
And the first feelings, and the first songs.
Listen to a song about children's wishes.

A child soloist performs the song “My Childhood Desires.”

Presenter 1: - Today there is only one page left on our website - “Farewell”.

Children stand in pairs in a checkerboard pattern.

Presenter 2:

- What adults you have become, friends!
There is no need to be sad today.
And no matter how many years pass, it’s still the same
You won't forget our kindergarten.

Presenter 1:

- Let them wait on the school route
A lot of big changes.
You walked out of here into adulthood.
From these kindergarten walls.

Presenter 2:

- We wish you a good summer:
Play, sunbathe and swim.
After all, childhood passes so quickly, but it’s a pity...
Everyone wants to stay there longer!

1 child:

- Goodbye, cozy kindergarten!
Here for so many years.
You gave us your warmth
And an unquenchable light.

2nd child:

- It’s a bit of a pity that we’ve already
We will only be guests here.
But you are always in our soul,
And we are with you with all our hearts.

3rd child:

- Let's give each other our word,
That in a year we will gather here again
And we will not betray our friendship,
Even if it's just for a day, we'll be back again.

4th child:

- Let's come back to stroke the fat pillow,
To the crib, which is already a bit cramped,
Hug the teachers, our nanny
And everyone, all the employees, right, guys?

5th child:

- Thanks to everyone who taught us,
Who fed us and who treated us,
And to those who simply loved us!

All: - We say: “THANK YOU!”

6th child:

- You have revealed our talents,
We are singers and musicians,
We are artists, dancers
And a little bit of actors.
Thank you for your efforts,
For your patience and attention.
Here, now and only for you
Our first graduation waltz!

Children perform the dance "The Little Prince".

Presenter 1:

- Our prom has come to an end.
What should I say to you goodbye at this touching hour?
To make your wishes come true
And your dreams came true.

Musical director:

- To walk through life boldly,
They took on any task,
So that you don't go astray,
To make everyone proud of you,
Build, sing and dare,
But don't forget about us!

Presenter 2:

- And in a moment of farewell, but beautiful,
Ready for another surprise to boot:
Take your happy ball,
As a sign of achievements and good luck!
And let him take away all troubles
Your ball is light-winged!
Start your flight with him,
May he be happy!

Children perform the song “Balloons”.

After singing the song, the children sit on chairs.

A word of congratulations to the manager. Children are awarded a diploma, and parents are given letters of gratitude. Parents' response.

Presenter 1:

We would like to wish you, dear guys,
Learn, grow, meet new friends.
We will always be very proud of you,
Walk the stairs of life boldly!

Presenter 2:

— The children are leaving along the school road,
But a part of us remains in them!
From the kindergarten, from the school threshold
We accompany them to school. Good morning!
