Beautiful bracelets made of elastic bands on the machine and without it, instructions with step-by-step photos and videos. Rubber band weaving: detailed descriptions and instructions

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Every time brings its own fashion hobbies. Surely you yourself or your children have more than once come across products woven from small bright rubber bands. Surprising but keep it to yourself

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Lumigurumi or rainbow rubber bands are an excellent material for creating a wide variety of bright crafts. Small pendants and key chains in the form of multi-colored motley fish or Save to yourself

Colorful flowers made of elastic bands are made in the form of bracelets, voluminous rings and bright bouquets, which can be put in a small wicker vase. To create small masterpieces of flora

The best way feel the atmosphere of the holiday - weave the figure of the most important magician - Santa Claus out of colored rubber bands. There are three ways to weave the figure of Grandfather Save to yourself

Weaving from multi-colored rubber bands, as the new kind needlework although it appeared relatively recently, both children and adults have already managed to fall in love with it. Save to yourself

Bright rubber bands all the colors of the rainbow became one of desired gifts for kids of all ages and their resourceful moms. With their help, you can weave any patterns Save to yourself

He came up with devices for unusual entertainment by a Japanese engineer living in the United States, being inspired by his own daughters' love for baubles. Save to yourself

Christmas tree creates a festive atmosphere, at one glance at the image of this fluffy beauty the mood rises. You can easily make this symbol Save to yourself

Weaving toys and jewelry from rubber bands rainbow loom- an interesting and low-cost hobby for children and adults. This activity develops attention, keep to yourself

Traditional Japanese art of knitting small voluminous toys- amigurumi - widely spread around the world. To perform animal figurines, Save to yourself

Weaving from multi-colored rubber bands Rainbow Loom - favorite hobby many junior and middle girls school age. This activity is not only interesting, but also Save to yourself

Weaving lumigurumi from rubber bands: the Om-Nyam character from the popular game, kittens, a bear cub, a turtle, a bee, a flower - for beginners. Save to yourself

Rubber band mermaid is very interesting and unusual option weaving a bracelet from elastic bands. Also from colored rubber bands you can weave a three-dimensional figurine of the little mermaid, which can be used as a keychain on the keys. For the manufacture of 3D figurine for elastic bands, you will need a special machine, and for weaving a bracelet you only need a small slingshot and two colors of latex rubber bands.

In our article you will find detailed and step by step description the process of making bracelets with a mermaid pattern.

How to weave a mermaid bracelet from rubber bands: a detailed description

We invite our needlewomen readers to learn how to make their own original and colorful mermaid elastic band bracelet with their own hands. This version of the design of the bracelet will be suitable for wear, both boys and girls of any age. When creating such original decoration from elastic material you can use both a special machine and a slingshot or improvised material (fork, pencils and other materials).

In our master class, we suggest using only two columns in work on a special weaving machine. The algorithm of actions in creating this type of bracelet with a “mermaid” pattern can be remembered very quickly and easily, and then, if necessary, reproduced in practice.

Before starting the manipulation of weaving a bracelet with an unusual pattern, you need to prepare the required tools and materials:

  • Special machine for weaving rubber bands;
  • Hook for knitting rubber bands;
  • Elastic bands in two colors. Use rubber bands contrasting colors so that your product has an original and bright appearance.

In our master class, we use yellow and black material to create a rubber band bracelet. The black rubber bands will be used as the basis of the braided mermaid bracelet, and the rubber bands yellow shade will form the original pattern.

Only two vertical rows of posts need to be used on the machine. The holes on these rows of columns should face you. This arrangement of notches will make it easier for you to remove the loops from the elastic bands from the columns. The process of forming the entire base of the bracelet from elastic bands will be located on two columns from the edge of a special machine.

You need to place the first black elastic band on the machine posts in the shape of a figure eight. This element of weaving is very often used in this type of creativity, therefore experienced craftswomen he must be well acquainted. The next elastic band used in weaving should be yellow color. Throw it on one column of the machine, located with right side. In this case, you need to twist this yellow elastic band twice. Then again, on two columns of your machine, you need to throw a black elastic band. It is no longer necessary to twist this gum.

Now use at work crochet hook. Insert it inside the yellow loops on the right column, grab the loop and pull it through the yellow ring. After that, slip the loop to the central location so that the loop overlaps the last black ring. The remaining two yellow stitches must be thrown onto the left column, then the black elastic band into two columns.

Then the crochet hook should be inserted into the yellow loop, hook two loops on one column and throw them into the center of the structure. Repeat all the manipulations described above until you get the desired length of the mermaid bracelet. Complete the weaving of the accessory and fasten the clasp at the end of the structure.

Creating a three-dimensional figure of a mermaid from elastic bands is a rather complicated and time-consuming process. To make such a keychain, you need to stock up on a sufficient number of multi-colored latex rubber bands and special machine for weaving. you will need a lot of patience and perseverance to form small parts the face of a mermaid, her swimsuit and tail with their own hands.

For a better perception and understanding of the process of weaving a three-dimensional figure of a mermaid from rubber bands, we suggest that you use master classes with a demonstration of a visual video. You will be able to repeat all the manipulations and steps together with the figurine weaving master.

Video on the topic of the article

Watch a selection of videos that demonstrate the process of creating a little mermaid from rubber bands.

Weaving from rubber bands is very fun activity for young beginners. You can make bracelets, key chains, weave a little man, animals and so on. It turns out very beautiful and funny toys.

Weaving from rubber bands is a very fun activity.

Everyone can learn to weave figures from rubber bands. As the saying goes: "There would be a desire!".

There are a few simple tips, following which you can quickly master this craft:

  • To make the weaving process comfortable, rubber bands should not be handled roughly. It is not recommended to stretch them too much, otherwise they may tear. Also make sure that they do not cling to sharp objects.
  • If during weaving a person wants to stop, pause, but is afraid to nullify all efforts, there is no need to despair! All that needs to be done is to insert the pencil into the last loop and the craft will not fall apart.
  • When making a bracelet, it is important to ensure that it is tight enough.
  • Woven bracelets will look much better and neater if you make them from small rubber bands.
  • During work, you do not need to ensure that the rubber bands do not clap your hand, as this is quite painful.
  • There is no need to rush in this matter. Since the work is quite painstaking, perseverance and patience are required from a person. Even if you don't succeed at first, don't give up!
  • Lighting during weaving should be good.

If a bracelet is made, for convenience, you can use a crochet hook.

Gallery: weaving from rubber bands (25 photos)

Rubber band heart on a slingshot without a machine (video)

Weaving from rubber bands without a machine: the nuances

Weaving without a loom occurs on the fingers. There are many easy ways to do this.

Here is the most common one:

  1. An elastic band is put on the index and middle fingers, and then it is twisted with a figure eight.
  2. Then 2 elastic bands of a different color are taken and put on there, but they do not need to be twisted.
  3. You need to take hold of the end of the lower twisted elastic band, and then lift it up through both fingers. As a result, it should hang on the other two elastic bands.
  4. This is how weaving takes place. Each lower rubber band must be lifted up through the two lower ones. The work will be completed when the bracelet acquires the desired size.

Weaving without a loom occurs on the fingers

Main nuances:

  • Do not pull the material too hard, as it may tear.
  • Hands during work should not be slippery, as this will make weaving difficult.

How to weave a human figure out of rubber bands?

It is very easy to weave a person with rubber bands.


  1. The machine turns so that the pins look at the master. The middle row of the machine should protrude in front of the other two.
  2. Hands go first. The material of the desired color is thrown over the 2 extreme columns of the middle layer.
  3. More rubber bands are thrown onto the last row of the machine from the master so that a downward line is formed.
  4. Each subsequent pair of material is thrown onto the next ledge of the machine.
  5. Further, when the row is completed, the material is thrown over again, but now an eight-shaped scroll is made. The action is performed 4 times.
  6. A hook is used to yarn over elastic bands on the next column of the machine.
  7. Weaving takes place on the right row. Each layer of material overlaps the next.
  8. When the hand is ready, the elastic bands are removed along the right row. Similar actions are performed to create another hand.
  9. Then the torso of a man is woven. A pair of rubber bands is thrown onto the central row of the machine. Then another pair of material clings to the ledge of the machine to the right from the center and is thrown over the first elastic bands. The same is done on the other side, then the elastic bands are woven along the machine on each side.
  10. To form the neck of a man, you need to throw another pair of elastic bands along the figure in the center of the body, as in a slingshot.
  11. The legs are woven similarly to the body, but one column of the machine.
  12. Then the legs and arms are attached to the body with a hook and a pair of rubber bands.

It is very easy to weave a person with rubber bands

The head is woven in a circular manner along the three pillars of the machine, and is similarly attached to the body.

Rubber bracelets and key chains

Eat great amount various ways weaving both key chains and bracelets from this material. Below will be described how to create one of the most popular fishtail bracelets.

There are a huge number of different ways of weaving both key chains and bracelets.

  1. First you need to decide on the color of the future bracelet. It will turn out more beautiful if you use elastic bands of two or more colors, which will alternate on the machine.
  2. The first elastic band is attached to the side section of the machine in an eight-shaped way. The next rubber band (of a different color) is placed on top, but not twisted.
  3. Then a hook is taken and the first rubber band is pulled together to the third. This action continues. This is how the weaving of the bracelet takes place.
  4. Work ends when the bracelet is the desired length. The last two elastic bands on each of the two sides are shifted away.

At the end, a clip is taken, for the edges of which a bracelet clings.

How to weave a koala, dragonfly, fox?

On small machine you can make a lot of funny wicker animals.


Koala should be woven on a slingshot. You need to decide on the color of the craft. To give it the most "live" look, the choice should be made in favor of brown material.

  1. The work will be in 2 stages. The body is made first, and then the head.
  2. The first gum is wound on a column, two turns are made. Then, in pairs, elastic bands are added to the slingshot on both sides and thrown off to the center.
  3. Next, weaving is done using the fishtail method. The material is thrown onto left side slingshots.
  4. After that, it is necessary to weave another row of material in the same way and connect it to the first weave. The body is ready.
  5. The koala's head is woven in the same way, but it should take less material. Use 2 black rubber bands on the head to form the eyes.
  6. At the end, the head is attached to the body of the koala.

Koala should be woven on a slingshot


This is one of the most simple crafts on a slingshot. To make a beautiful dragonfly, you need to pick up a multi-colored material.

  1. First of all, the body of a dragonfly is woven. The work is carried out using the fishtail method in two rows with their subsequent fastening.
  2. Next, you need to weave the wings of an insect. The method of work is the same, but the row should be one. The wings are attached to the body.
  3. Then the head of a dragonfly is made, in a circular weave on a slingshot. In the head you need to make 2 eyes.

This is one of the simplest crafts on a slingshot.


To make a fox from this material, you should pick up yellow or orange rubber bands.

  1. You can use a slingshot to " fish tail» make the body, head and tail of the fox. To weave the body, you need to throw the fishtail material in two rows.
  2. The head is woven in a circle, two black fox eyes are made in it by adding black material to the row.

What are the benefits of weaving rubber bands?

This easy way creation handicrafts not only interesting, but also very useful. The fact is that when a person does painstaking work with his own hands, his motor skills develop.

In addition, the benefit of this activity also lies in the fact that a person, after mastery, feels like a real creator.

Rubber fox on a slingshot (video)

The lesson has a positive effect on the formation of such qualities in a person as attention to detail, perseverance, ambition, determination, etc. It is for this reason that not only kids, but also adults love to engage in rubber weaving.

This is a knitting tutorial. Today I'll show you how to weave rubber socks. Have you seen this before? The socks are very bright and beautiful. They are made from rubber.

I changed rubber bands different colors and it turned out very nice. For weaving, you need a loom, a hook and elastic bands.

Let's watch the video tutorial:

  1. Let's prepare the machine. Remove the middle row and middle mount.
  2. For one sock you need 400 rubber bands.
  3. I start wearing pink rubber bands.
  4. I wear elastic bands on opposite posts.
  5. I put the elastic on one column, twist it and put it on the second column. Repeat after me. I wear 10 rubber bands. I will slowly show and explain. If you can't keep up with me, press pause.
  6. And now the same reverse side Today you can weave original socks for yourself.
  7. Now I weave with yellow elastic bands, I put on elastic bands in a checkerboard pattern.
  8. Now I crochet the lower pink loops.
  9. Now the orange elastic bands in a checkerboard pattern, I crochet the lower loops.

It will take patience. Weaving is not fast. I wove a sock for three hours.

In the following tutorials, I will show you how to make a rubber band bag. Subscribe to in social networks(there are widgets below) so as not to miss the new video and article!

We still have a lot of interesting things ahead of us I have a lot of ideas I am very pleased to receive letters from you I read all the comments, so write!

I really love bright things. Wish you Have a good mood, smiles and fun, bright colors and joy!

Do-it-yourself cover made of rubber bands: for the phone, on the sofa and stool How to sew a sheet with an elastic band: do it yourself
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