Lactation crisis per month. Periods and timing of the crisis

The lactation crisis is periodic. This is a difficult period, but having survived it, mommy and baby go back to normal. It is known that some nursing mothers have never encountered such a phenomenon during the entire period of feeding.

Signs of lactation problems

Lack of milk can be determined by the anxiety of the child. He is capricious, angry, often wakes up, constantly asks for a breast, and after feeding he cries, as he remains half-starved.

Mommy begins to worry, worry, because it seems to her that the milk is starting to disappear. But this is not true. The child eats as much as he used to eat, just his needs have increased. And the mother's body has not yet adapted to produce milk according to new requests.

Crisis symptoms:

  • breast necessity. The baby constantly requires a breast, the time of feeding is delayed, and the intervals between them are reduced;
  • there is an empty feeling in the chest. Mommy feels the rush of milk less often and by the next feeding, the breast does not overflow, as before.

You should test the baby for "wet diapers." If a child pees less than 12 times a day, but more than 6, a crisis has come. Urination frequency less than 6 times indicates severe dehydration, requiring medical attention. It is advisable to monitor the weight of the baby. Weighing is carried out before and after feeding during the day. If in the first 3-4 months he adds less than 125 g per week, it is worth visiting a doctor and possibly supplementing.

Time of occurrence of the problem

Often a lactation crisis happens:

  • at the beginning of HB (when lactation is formed);
  • at three months;
  • at six months;
  • at 12 months.

Why does an exacerbation occur at 3 months

The baby is growing rapidly, and he is 3 months old. Breastfeeding is established, mommy has adapted to the child, but suddenly he starts to get angry at the chest, get nervous and kick his legs. Why is this happening? The kid by this moment has already “found” his hands, turns to the sound of his mother’s voice, smiles, good. He is ready for further knowledge of the world, he is interested in new subjects. As the child develops, the nature of his diet also changes. This is a normal process. The baby may refuse to breastfeed while awake, which means it stops stimulating the breast properly.

At 3 months, a growth spurt occurs, and lactation finally passes into the stage of maturity. The mammary glands no longer overflow, remain soft and produce milk when sucked. This combination is what causes the crisis.

You can ease the lactation crisis at 3 months in the following ways:

  • if the baby refuses to breastfeed during the day, you do not need to force him, but you should constantly offer to kiss;
  • when the baby sucks for a very long time, you should not pull the nipple out of the mouth by force. Even if the child falls asleep, continuing to suck, you should wait until he himself releases him;
  • during this period, it is necessary to replace the nipple (if the child falls asleep with it) on the chest. While half asleep, the baby continues to stimulate the mammary glands, which increases the flow of breast milk;
  • do not use the pacifier if the baby is excited or nervous, but offer a breast instead;
  • by three months, the child takes the breast not only for saturation, but as a game. He can bite his mother, indulge, causing her discomfort. Such behavior must be stopped by explaining that it hurts mom;
  • feed at night. At this time, prolactin is produced, which is responsible for the release of milk.

What to do to overcome a lactation crisis

The lack of milk during the lactation crisis should be taken calmly. Almost all nursing mothers face this, painlessly resuming lactation. Main, do not rush to feed Otherwise, it will be very difficult to overcome the problem. The baby will gradually switch to a mixed diet, less milk will be produced, as a result, lactation will fade away. If a mother is not initially determined to breastfeed for a long time, at the first problems she will save, and breastfeeding will be completed for her.

You can strengthen the inflows and cope with the crisis at any time by adjusting the diet, the frequency of breastfeeding, applying gymnastics, doing massage, drinking lactagon drinks - for example,.

  • The nutrition of a nursing mother is different from the diet at the usual time

It is necessary to refrain from marinades, smoked meats, fried, spicy, salty dishes, yeast and rich pastries. They absorb liquid, delaying milk production. Be sure to organize the correct drinking regimen: use warm compotes, teas, juices, decoctions. The norm of fluid during lactation is 2.5 liters. per day, given the first courses, juicy vegetables and fruits.

  • Attachment to the chest

Problems with breastfeeding may occur due to or insufficient stimulation of the mammary glands. If pain is felt during feeding, the baby makes clattering sounds, you need to follow how he captures the nipple. The lower lip turned outward and the areola completely captured by the gums means that the baby takes the breast correctly.

In some women, the nipple is flat, making it difficult to latch on. But even in such cases, the baby is able to dissolve it to the desired shape. Only after using the bottle is it difficult for the baby to get used to natural feeding, so you should not rush to feed him with the help of a “life-facilitating” item.

  • Massage and gymnastics

Useful for prolonging and increasing lactation. They strengthen the nervous system, stimulate blood circulation. Massaging circular movements are carried out with warm hands from the neck to the nipple. In the shower, a jet of water is directed to the chest area. Milk will begin to noticeably arrive, standing out from the nipples.

  • Night feedings

The key to successful breastfeeding. A nursing mother notices that in the morning her breasts are filled with milk - after all, from 3 to 8 in the morning, the body produces prolactin and oxytocin, which are responsible for lactation. The more often the baby eats at night, the more milk will be added during the day.

When does it pass

A lactation crisis often lasts 3-7 days. If there is not enough milk for a long time, then you should consult a doctor. We are not talking about a temporary natural state, but about hypogalactia. Then you need to look for the cause and urgently eliminate it. Improper care for the baby, hidden diseases, a disturbed regimen, and not a shortage of milk, can cause increased appetite, moodiness, and crying in a child.

Lactation crisis: periods and timing. What to do to get out of the crisis

Any young mother who starts breastfeeding a newborn hopes that this process will go smoothly for her, there will be plenty of milk, and the baby will immediately learn how to take the breast correctly and begin to eat “on schedule”, satisfied with the amount of milk that the mother produces.

In practice, women often face certain difficulties: either the child does not grasp the nipple correctly, or “hangs” on the breast for too long, or constantly eats and does not eat up, or refuses to suck ... One of these not very pleasant moments, sometimes waiting for a woman in the first month after childbirth, lactation crisis. Let's see when it comes, how it manifests itself and how long it can last.

  1. Lactation crisis: what is it and who can face it
  2. Lactation crises: when they happen and how they differ from signs of a real lack of milk
  3. How to survive a lactation crisis

Lactation crisis: what is it and who can face it?

It is customary to call a lactation crisis such a state of the mother's body when milk production becomes unsatisfactory in relation to the increased needs of the baby. There is nothing terrible in this phenomenon: this is a variant of the norm for a growing child. Its development is uneven, therefore, against the background of the already established, suddenly, at one moment that is not very beautiful for the mother, the child begins to behave unusually:

  • he may not let go of his mother for a long time;
  • all the time requires breasts;
  • capricious;
  • crying, sleeping badly.

The reasons for this behavior lie in the fact that the baby began to need more milk, and the mother's body does not have time to adapt to its changed needs. If you notice symptoms like the above, do not panic, but you need to observe the situation and see how to help yourself and your baby overcome a difficult stage.

Lactation crisis: periods, timing and signs

When can you face a lactation crisis? The first step of one of the transitional stages is overcome by the baby at about 3 weeks. Milk is already arriving, it seems to be a lot, and the baby began to act up. This is due to the adaptation of mother and baby to each other. The process of "lapping" in 1 month is not over yet, and therefore a young mother should be prepared for such "surprises".

At 2 weeks and a little older, the baby himself does not yet understand how much mother's milk he needs, and therefore the “nutrition supply” can go unevenly: milk is produced either more or less. To avoid such a phenomenon as a crisis of 3 weeks, measures should be taken immediately after childbirth, namely: attach the newborn to the breast in the very first hours after it is born. Then lactation will be established faster, and it will be easier for the child to adapt to a new world for him.

The period of the next lactation crisis is 3 months (in some children it occurs at 2 months - everything is very individual). At 3 months, a crisis can not only alarm, but even frighten a young mother: after all, she is already used to the fact that lactation has been established, the child asks for breasts at certain intervals, eats up, and sleeps peacefully. And suddenly everything changes, the baby again behaves like a newborn. The lactation crisis at 3 months has the same signs as the previous one.

The third crisis can begin in another three months, when the baby is about six months old.

In all cases, crises appear approximately the same, lasting from 2 to 6 days, but there are some age differences.

Lactation crises: when do they happen and how do they differ from signs of a real lack of milk?

Sometimes, not knowing how to cope with a naughty baby, not knowing what to do to calm him down (after all, the situation often seems too frightening to the mother), a woman buys formulas and begins to feed the baby. Meanwhile, such behavior is not always justified if the mother plans to continue.

Thinking about what to do, what measures can be taken to combat the crisis, take a look at the calendar: is the child 3 weeks old? 3 months? half a year? You should not immediately resort to the help of artificial mixtures: perhaps the time has just come when the baby has approached a new stage of development. A little patience - and everything will slowly get better.

A lactation crisis, the timing of which is slightly different and may not coincide in different children, in any case will have the following signs:

  • duration no more than 6-7 days;
  • lack of symptoms of serious diseases;
  • no noticeable weight loss.

Do a wet diaper test. If the baby urinates at least 10-12 times a day, continues to gain weight, willingly continues to suck and actively requires breasts - most likely, it is not about the fact that there is less milk, but about a crisis.

In the case of real problems with lactation, the child will urinate less often, begin to gain weight in amounts less than the norm for his age, and the situation will not improve after a week, but will only worsen. Then only mixtures are needed.

How to survive a lactation crisis?

If the doctor stated a lactation crisis, the first thing the mother should do is calm down. If she is nervous, then little milk will actually be produced. Knowing when and how long such periods occur, the mother will be able to quickly cope with the consequences of the crisis.

In a lactation crisis, doctors prescribe:

  • maintain a calm, even mood;
  • get enough sleep, rest if possible;
  • spend more time with the child, albeit to the detriment of household chores.

It is necessary to feed the baby as many times as he will ask. No need to stop night feeding: at night and early in the morning, the body produces lactation hormone.

You should eat rationally, make sure that enough liquid gets into the body: drink tea, tea with milk, compotes and fruit drinks. Give your baby skin-to-skin contact so that he feels the presence of his mother nearby and calms down faster. Try "double feeding": after giving your baby a short break while he suckles, hold him upright for a little while and offer him the breast again.

But what you should not do during the lactation crisis:

  • give your child distracting pacifiers and juices;
  • feed him;
  • increase breaks between feedings.

The more often the baby suckles at the breast, the more milk production is stimulated.

Lactation crisis at 6 months: what to do?

Some features are distinguished by a lactation crisis at six months. At this stage, the child may really lack the nutrients obtained from mother's milk. Maybe it's time to introduce complementary foods. There are some signs that you can tell if your baby needs complementary foods. Here they are:

  • the weight of the child has doubled in comparison with that which was at birth;
  • the baby became very capricious;
  • The child constantly asks for food.

At the same time, the mother feels that the breast is often “empty”. Complementary foods can be introduced if the child can sit (with the support of an adult), he does not have a solid food push reflex. Starting with 5 grams per feeding, it is gradually worth increasing the portion of complementary foods. Normal food should be given before breastfeeding.

Lactation crises are not a pathology, but a variant of the norm. For some lucky women, they proceed smoothly and quickly, while someone has to suffer for 5 days. The main thing in the event of a crisis is not to immediately switch to artificial mixtures, but to choose a waiting tactic: time will pass, and milk production will again become what a grown child needs .

Take care of yourself, do not worry - the baby needs a calm, self-confident, happy mother. Then it will be easier for you and him to cope with growth difficulties and lactation crises.

The periodic decrease in lactation, which occurs, as a rule, during the first six months of the baby is called a lactation crisis. It can last from three to eight days, after which lactation is restored. So what is needed for this? For this, in most cases, it is enough to stimulate the breast and apply the baby for feeding on demand.

A lactation crisis can occur at least once in every woman during breastfeeding. Scientists and doctors unanimously repeat that this phenomenon is quite normal. However, for a young mother, this is a huge stress. Every breastfeeding mother should not forget: such a moment during breastfeeding can occur, you need to be prepared for this and know what to do in such a case, and how long it will take when it ends.

Mature lactation and its impact on breastfeeding crises

So, having reviewed a lot of different literature, we can say that mature lactation is such a period in a breastfeeding woman when milk appears not due to hormonal changes, but due to breast stimulation by a child. A woman's breasts are soft, and the appearance of milk occurs only when she feeds the baby. There is no milk supply in the breast.

The establishment of mature lactation occurs in different women in different ways. Some get it in the third week, but most often it is established in the third or fourth month. When decanting, i.e., artificially adjusting milk, this self-regulating system may go astray or not form at all. In this case, deterioration of the properties of milk may occur. But if a woman has decided to stop breastfeeding, then in this case it will be easier to do so. Just first you can reduce the amount of pumping, and then feeding.

So, established, i.e., mature lactation can be calm, or it can take place with temporary crises, i.e., there is a decrease in milk for a short time. This may take three to seven days, but usually no more than two to three days. But without consequences for the health of the mother, it will not be possible to stop her spontaneously. Lactation itself ends naturally. There is a decrease in the amount of milk, it burns out and at first becomes colostrum, well, and eventually disappears completely. The child is already eating regular food at this time.

Signs terms and symptoms

A lactation crisis is a temporary decrease in the amount of milk in a period when lactation has already been established. According to studies, such periods, which are called a lactation crisis during breastfeeding (LB), occur approximately:

  • The first 3-6 weeks after birth,
  • Second at three months
  • At 6 months
  • At 12 months.

But it also happens that there are some shifts by the timing of the crisis. And for some women, a lactation crisis does not occur at all, and they feed the baby until a certain age without any problems.

So, the crisis has come if there are symptoms such as:

  • The baby is more often applied to the breast, sucks longer, and sometimes even “hangs” on the breast all day,
  • The baby is nervous and crying while being on the mother's chest. It is noticeable that the baby does not have enough milk, no matter how much he sucked his mother's "sisya". He is hungry.
  • It seems to the nursing mother that the breast is not filled.

lactation crisis at 3 months

The baby grows, time passes, and now he is already three months old. Everything seems to be fine, mom has enough milk, the colic is over, and mom is already used to the little one. Everything is going as it should. But suddenly, suddenly, the baby at the breast behaves restlessly, kicks its legs, bursts into tears, throws the nipple.

Or another situation - the baby hung at the chest, does not give mom a minute to rest. Just at this age, the baby begins show interest in the environment, resulting in a change in the nature of nutrition. The baby, instead of breastfeeding during wakefulness, begins to breastfeed during night and daytime sleep. This is the norm, and you should not force him to eat when he does not want it at all.

In this situation, it is necessary to pay attention to the moment when the baby falls asleep. If he used to fall asleep with a pacifier, then it is better to change it to the chest. If this is not done, then the child will indeed be hungry. Also, because of the pacifier, the baby may eat less milk, and its amount may actually decrease.

There is another reason for not breastfeeding. It may, of course, be unobvious. There are mothers who take care of their child so much - practically without letting go that the baby simply suffers from this. He just lacks freedom. Sometimes a baby just needs to be alone in the crib., watch the toys that are hung over the crib, see what his mother is doing. After that, the baby is very happy that his mother took him in her arms and put him on a warm breast, which is filled with delicious milk.

Reasons for a decrease in the amount of milk

This happens for the following reasons:


To solve this problem, you must first calm down. Milk will not disappear anywhere, unless, of course, mommy does something stupid. A lactation crisis is completely normal. But mom's nervous tension does not contribute to an increase in milk. In this state, many mistakes can be made.

In no case do not feed the baby! It is very important! If the baby is full-term and no longer a newborn, then he can eat less than necessary for several days. After all, a lactation crisis very rarely happens for a week, usually it lasts from one to three days. If supplementary feeding is introduced at this time, then you can easily make the baby an artificial one. Introduced bottle supplement helps to reduce the quantity and quality of attachments.

Breast stimulation in this case is not enough. This helps to reduce milk, and artificial mixtures introduced into the baby's diet can provoke allergies and other intestinal problems. This happens most often, especially if the mixture is introduced very abruptly.

With a properly adjusted lactation process, the milk itself increases with the increase in the needs of the baby and nothing needs to be done. But mom can't do that. because she is very worried about her child.

So, you can do the following:

So, how do you find out if lactation is intense? There is a method called the Moll method. It is based on a comparison of the temperature in the armpit and under the mammary gland. If the temperature under the breast is higher than in the armpit by about 0.5 -1 degrees, then the lactation process is quite intense and well established.

A lactation crisis is not a problem and a tragedy. With the right approach to organizing breastfeeding, it can be easily and quickly overcome. No need to be nervous, the most important thing is you and your baby, and the rest will come with time.

The problem of lactation crisis is common among lactating women. In the process of the next feeding, a woman may notice that her child has ceased to be saturated with the portion of breast milk that is released in one application. Let's look at what tactics in this case must be followed, and whether it is worth resorting to the use of artificial nutrient mixtures.

State characteristic

A lactation crisis is a condition characterized by a temporary decrease in breast milk production. The most frequent period of the onset of a crisis is the first 4 months from the moment the child is born. Often this condition occurs at 3, 7 and 12 weeks of a child's life.

The risk of a lactation crisis is exposed to primiparous women, whose body has not yet adjusted the mechanism of lactation. A decrease in breast milk production is a short-term nuisance that, with proper organization of lactation, goes away on its own.

Important! A decrease in breast milk production should not lead to a refusal to breastfeed. A growing child's body is in dire need of a full-fledged source of nutrients, which is mother's milk.


The manifestations of a lactation crisis are varied. On the part of the child, a reaction can be observed in the form of whims and crying immediately after the end of feeding. A nursing woman may be disturbed by a feeling of emptying of the mammary glands, which has not been observed before.

The lack of mother's milk forces the child to give more frequent signs that he is hungry. Other manifestations of a lactation crisis on the part of a child include:

  • the frequency of urination is less than 5 times a day;
  • constant whims and crying of the baby;
  • weight gain per month was less than 500 g;
  • irregular stools with a greenish tint;
  • the frequency and duration of feeding has increased significantly;
  • during the day the baby refuses breastfeeding.

With normal growth and development of the child, the lactation crisis does not pose a danger to him. The main rule for the mother should remain feeding on demand. It is frequent attachment to the breast that has a stimulating effect, thereby increasing the production of milk in the mammary gland.


Various factors can provoke the occurrence of this condition, depending on both the mother and the child. Common causes of a lactation crisis include:

  • A sharp jump in the growth of the baby. In this case, a growing child's body needs an increased amount of food. During this period, the body of a nursing woman is not able to ensure the proper production of breast milk.
  • Psychoemotional, physical and hormonal factors have a significant impact on the development of a lactation crisis.
  • Regular exposure to stress on the body of a nursing woman.
  • Violation of the rules of food and drink regimen.
  • Excessive physical and emotional stress.
  • Attaching the baby to the breast according to the hourly schedule. The gold standard of breastfeeding is feeding strictly on demand.
  • The use of pacifiers, as a result of which the child ceases to actively attach to the breast. Weak stimulation of the mammary glands contributes to a decrease in the production of breast milk and the onset of a lactation crisis.
  • The use of artificial mixtures as supplementary food. Replenishing the lack of breast milk with mixtures or drinking water causes a decrease in the stimulation of the mammary glands, and as a result, the production of breast milk.

Fighting methods

Despite the fact that the lactation crisis disappears on its own, there are some recommendations that allow you to get rid of breast milk deficiency in a short time.

  • Organization of the daily routine

Compliance with the daily routine plays an important role in ensuring normal lactation. A nursing woman is recommended to eat well and rest as much as possible. Of particular value is a night's sleep, the duration of which should be at least 9 hours. It is better to distribute household chores evenly among your relatives and friends.

  • Compliance with the drinking regime

The intake of the required amount of fluid in the body of a woman significantly affects the process of producing breast milk. During a lactation crisis, the volume of fluid consumed should be more than 2.5 liters per day. As a liquid, you can use drinking and mineral water, fruit juices (except citrus fruits), compotes, fruit drinks, green and black tea with milk. In addition, it is useful to use herbal preparations that stimulate lactation.

  • Compliance with the feeding regimen

Increasing the frequency of breastfeeding is an excellent prevention of a lactation crisis. If a woman experiences a feeling of complete emptying of the breast, then this should not be the reason for stopping breastfeeding.

Feeding at night is also an important part of the prevention and treatment of insufficient breast milk. Adhering to the on-demand feeding regimen, a woman is recommended to put the baby next to her, thereby facilitating the procedure for nighttime breastfeeding.

  • Refusal of artificial mixtures

If there is no need to transfer to artificial feeding, a nursing woman is not recommended to supplement her child with formula milk. Such experiments are the reason for the decrease in the production of breast milk in the mammary glands.

  • Using massage techniques

Stimulation of lactation is carried out through the methods of self-massage of the mammary glands. Before the self-massage procedure, it is recommended to take a contrast or warm shower and wipe the mammary glands dry. To reduce friction, you can use pharmacy (peach) or olive oil. It is necessary to start the massage with gentle stroking of the mammary glands from the periphery to the center (to the nipple). After that, you can proceed to the gentle and alternate kneading of the mammary glands. Massage is recommended in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed.

  • Heat exposure

If there are problems with insufficient production of breast milk, a nursing woman is recommended to take a warm (not hot) bath or shower. The duration of such a bath should be no more than 20 minutes. To enhance the therapeutic effect, you can combine taking a warm bath and self-massage of the mammary glands. If there are contraindications for taking a general bath, you can wash your chest with warm water or make baths.

  • Keep calm

Emotional balance plays a significant role in the process of lactation. Constant emotional outbursts provoke hormonal changes in a woman's body, which in turn can affect the quality of breastfeeding.

  • Compliance with feeding technique

Violation of the technique of attaching a child to the breast may be associated with improper nipple grip. If the baby's lips do not completely cover the nipple and halo, then during feeding there is insufficient stimulation of the mammary gland and a lactation crisis is provoked.

Proper organization of the regimen and technique of breastfeeding is a guarantee of the absence of problems with milk production. Subject to all recommendations, the duration of the lactation crisis is no more than 3 days. If this process is protracted, then perhaps the nursing woman makes some mistakes. In this case, it is recommended to contact your doctor or a breastfeeding specialist, who will consult and outline a number of necessary therapeutic measures.

A lactation crisis (lactation crisis) is a lactation crisis, in which the amount of milk produced by the mother is not enough for the full nutrition of the child. Fortunately, this situation is temporary and does not last very long if the woman does not make some mistakes. About them, as well as about the lactation crisis, its distinctive features and timing, we will tell further.

How to understand that the amount of food does not meet the needs of the child? If you are quite well-read on this topic, you know when there are periods of this very lactation crisis (by the way, usually when the child is 1, 3, 6 months old), while you have only the first child, then you will surely pay attention to the following behavioral features of your child:

  • reducing the time between feedings, the child wants to eat more often, and even at night, for this reason wakes up many times during a night's sleep;
  • signs of a lactation crisis - this is not always a greedy sucking of a child, but also his refusal of the breast, the so-called false refusal, when the baby starts screaming at the sight of the breast;
  • a small weight gain, especially characteristic of children in the first and second months of life, for example, over a period of 2 weeks, the baby gains not the minimum 250 grams, but 100 grams or does not gain weight at all.

However, all this is not critical. It is important for mom to find out if the child is really hungry and if he has signs of dehydration. For this purpose, many mothers feel the large fontanel of the child on the head. With a lack of milk or fluid in the child's body, it becomes sunken. But not always a slightly sunken fontanel indicates something. More objective is the calculation of the child's urination. There should be at least 10 of them per day. If everything is in order with this, and the baby does not look painful, you need not just look for reasons why the nursing mother has little milk, but take very specific measures to correct the situation.

1. Do not let the child suck on pacifiers, do not drink water. The last point does not apply to babies if they are already receiving complementary foods or are being supplemented with artificial formula.

2. Do not give artificial mixture. If the period in which the child receives supplementary feeding with the mixture is already quite long, it can only be advised to slowly, gradually reduce the amount of supplementary feeding, while at the same time clearly fulfilling the third point.

3. Offer breasts more often, including at night. How long the lactation crisis lasts directly depends on the activity of breast stimulation by the child. And at night, the hormone prolactin is released, thanks to which milk production occurs. The more the baby suckles at the breast at night, the more milk the mother will have during the day. Of course, it’s not worth waking up the baby at night for the sake of feeding. But if you notice that he is worried - give him a breast, and not a pacifier, a nipple, etc. Also leave motion sickness for that period of lactation, when there will be no problems of this kind.

What to do if the child practically does not suckle the breast? This is the so-called false positive. Be patient and feed, following the recommendations below.

What to do if there was a lactation crisis, and the baby refused to breastfeed

1. Remember that this is all temporary. It usually lasts for several days, although sometimes the baby gives out whims for a month. In a lactation crisis at 3 months, when the baby begins to be actively interested in the world around him, try to feed him before bedtime, during it and after. In complete silence or against a background of white noise, such as running water, a vacuum cleaner, a hair dryer or a refrigerator. Close the curtains and go to another room if there are still people at home. In extreme cases, you can hide in the bathroom.

2. Sleep in the same bed as your baby and learn how to feed him lying down. When the mother is completely relaxed, she has taken such a comfortable position that she does not even need to support the breast with her hand while feeding, hypogalactia does not threaten her. Flows of milk will be required. And frequent. Yes, and the nights will flow easier, and the baby will wake up less often.

Also, some mothers advise a position in which, at different periods of the onset of a lactation crisis, they feed in the following, unusual way. They put the baby on their stomach with their stomach and give the breast. It is desirable that the torso of the nursing mother and the body of the child be naked. That is skin to skin contact.

Well, in general, the prevention of lactation crises is a constant stay with the child and absolute confidence that everything is in order with milk. If you are tired, you need help, then let the assistants clean up for you, go to the store, cook food. And you will spend more time with your baby.
