Almond peeling for the face - what is this procedure and how effective is it? Step by step peeling. How is the procedure carried out

In the last decade, a particularly popular cosmetic procedure is chemical exfoliation of the skin with the use of fruit acids. Each salon offers several types of peels, depending on the client's request. However, almond peeling is most in demand.

The method got its name due to phenylglycolic acid, which is isolated from the fruits of bitter almonds. This component helps to gently cleanse the epidermis of impurities and dead cells, remove black dots, even out complexion, and smooth fine wrinkles.

The essence of the procedure

Almond chemical peeling is a method of exfoliation of the stratum corneum of the epidermis using phenyl glycolic acid. This acid belongs to the alpha hydroxy acids (ANA), which are also called fruit acids. Due to the fact that the mandelic acid molecule is larger than in other AHA acids, the cleansing of the skin from impurities is much softer and more delicate, without causing severe irritation.

Due to this effect, almond exfoliation is suitable for people with sensitive and hypersensitive skin types, teenagers, as well as those who are not suitable for peelings with other types of fruit acids.

Mandelic acid in cosmetology is valued in a special way, because it has several unique properties that distinguish it from other acids, used for chemical peels:

Indications and contraindications

Almond peeling is especially popular among people with sensitive and problematic skin, as it helps to gently and effectively get rid of any imperfections. In addition, the composition can be applied not only to the skin of the face, but also to the hands, as well as the neck and décolleté.

In this regard, cosmetologists often advise doing almond peeling. Indications for the use of peeling are very extensive:

  • acne;
  • oily skin prone to breakouts;
  • disturbances in the work of the sebaceous glands, excessive production of sebum;
  • post-acne, scars on the skin;
  • dirty and enlarged pores, black dots;
  • freckles, pigmentation of the epidermis;
  • keratosis;
  • mimic wrinkles and the first signs of aging;
  • uneven complexion;
  • tuberosity of the skin;
  • lentigo, melasma, folliculitis;
  • skin type 3-4 (according to Fitzpatrick);
  • intolerance to glycolic peel components.

Despite the wide range of indications, not everyone should do almond peeling. Contraindications to its implementation are as follows:

  • allergy to the components of the product;
  • inflammation and open wounds on the skin;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • psoriasis;
  • fungal and bacterial infections of the epidermis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • temperature rise above 37 degrees;
  • diabetes;
  • the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • frequent visits to the solarium or prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • herpetic eruptions on the face.

Pros and cons of almond peeling

The positive aspects of the procedure can be called:

Despite all the advantages, it should be noted negative aspects of the procedure, including:

Skin care before the procedure

Pre-peel preparation should be started 2 weeks before the scheduled session. Its essence is to introduce a product containing mandelic acid in a small dosage into the basic skin care. It can be a foam cleanser, lotion or a special cream, the acid concentration in which will not exceed 15%. Such care will help soften the stratum corneum of the epidermis and the chemical peeling procedure will become much more effective.

Thanks to the use of these products, the skin is gradually prepared for the effects of AHA acids and the reaction to the composition during the procedure will be softer.

If the client does not have the opportunity to make a pre-peel preparation, he is offered a preliminary exfoliation of the skin before the main session.

Session progress

Despite the fact that mandelic acid peeling can be carried out both in the salon and at home, experts recommend entrusting your beauty to a professional cosmetologist. So it will be more likely to avoid side effects in the form of burns and hyperemia.

Procedure protocol:

  1. Cleansing.
  2. Toning.
  3. Acid application.
  4. Acid neutralization.
  5. Applying a face mask.

The first step before exfoliation is to cleanse the epidermis of dust, dirt and sebum with a special tool. In this case, cosmetologists prefer to use a soft foam with a low Ph or cleansing milk.

After that, the skin is wiped with a tonic lotion, which contains a weak solution of mandelic acid, followed by treatment of the face with a pre-peeling mixture. This special solution of lactic, glycolic and phenyl glycolic acids helps to achieve deep cleansing of the skin.

Then, without removing the pre-peel mixture, acid is applied to the skin with a concentration of 30 to 60%, depending on the client's skin type. The acid is kept for a certain time, which should not exceed 20 minutes, after which a neutralizing tonic is applied.

At the end of the procedure, the face is thoroughly washed with purified water and a soothing mask is applied.

To achieve a visible effect from the peeling procedure, it will not be possible to do with one session. The average course of exfoliation takes from 4 to 10 sessions, which are held every 1.5-2 weeks. For each client, the duration of the course is selected individually, depending on the skin problems.

Up to 25 years old, to eliminate acne or other types of rashes, you can perform the procedure 1 time in 2 months. After 26 years, one course per year will be enough. At the age of 35, it is necessary to conduct 2-3 courses per year, 5 procedures each, with monthly preventive peeling and facial massage. After 50 years, peeling with mandelic acid will have a positive effect in combination with rejuvenating salon procedures.

Skin care after almond peeling

Post-peel care is no less important stage of the chemical peel procedure than any other. The final result of exfoliation and the condition of the epidermis after it depend on it.

Such care can be done both in the salon, supplemented with products for home use, and on your own.

Rehabilitation after almond peeling is carried out:

During post-peeling care, it is important to follow all the recommendations of the cosmetologist and monitor hygiene. Within 5 days after a chemical peel session, the epidermal cells are in the process of renewal, so the skin requires more attention. At this time, it is advisable to use sparing creams and facial skin care products. The best option would be to use cosmetics from the same line that was used during the peeling.

Post-peel care involves the same steps as with the usual use of caring cosmetics:

  1. To cleanse the skin, milk or gentle foam without soap is used.
  2. For moisturizing and nutrition, gels and creams are used that contribute to the active saturation of the cells of the epidermis with moisture.
  3. The most important step in post-peel care is the use of sun protection creams with a factor of at least SPF 30.

If the client does not have the opportunity to use special products to restore the skin, you can replace them with pharmaceutical ointments Traumeel, Bepanten, Solcoseryl.

Usually post-peel care is carried out within 4-5 days, followed again by 1-2 weeks of pre-peel preparation. The skin care regimen is selected by the beautician, depending on how many sessions of almond peeling are included in the course.

Side effects

Sometimes there are complications after the procedure. Hypersensitivity, peeling, redness, dryness and tightness of the skin are common for the epidermis, which is restored after chemical peeling.

These side effects go away in a few hours to a few days. Inflammation can occur with poor hygiene during post-peel skin care, as can hyperpigmentation. Do not forget about the use of cosmetics with a high level of protection from ultraviolet rays. A herpetic rash can appear as a skin reaction to stress. Skin burns are extremely rare, usually due to too long exposure to acid on the epidermis.

If one or more post-peeling complications appear, it is urgent to contact a cosmetologist.

Thus, almond peeling will be an excellent tool to combat a wide range of skin imperfections. The gentle composition of the peeling allows it to be used at any age and at any time of the year. Most importantly, follow all the rules of skin care after using the product and your skin will change.

Safe cleansing of the skin is an indispensable fact for the use of abrasive products. After all, when we violate the integrity of the upper layer of the skin, various diseases can appear.

Almond peeling in this case can be attributed to the list of the softest. Its effect on the skin provides rapid cleansing without visible damage, so that the skin is quickly regenerated.

It can be used as a gentle surfactant for various parts of the body, including the face.

Mandelic acid. Properties and indications for use.

Mandelic acid is obtained by heating almond oil with hydrochloric acid. Its molecular structure consists of large particles that can perfectly penetrate under the upper layer of the epidermis without violating its integrity. From which cleansing the skin with such peeling practically does not cause irritation.

Main properties when exposed to the skin

    Mandelic acid is a chemical antiseptic.

    Does not cause redness or visible damage

    Gently exfoliates the skin, renews its regeneration.

    Due to its special composition, it dissolves fatty deposits in the pores

    Prevents the appearance of acne

    Lightens age spots without disrupting cell function

    Protects from harmful sun rays

    Promotes the production of collagen, which makes the skin smoother.

Special indications for use.

Almond peeling is an ideal solution for various diseases of the upper layer of the skin. Due to the special property to penetrate deep into the very epicenter, it dissolves subcutaneous fat well and cleanses the pores. Acne is gradually decreasing. The astringent helps to tighten the clarified pores, preventing the appearance of acne. It restores the work of cell receptors and accelerates the growth of new cells - the complexion noticeably acquires a healthy shade, age spots are whitened. Also, almond peeling will help restore skin elasticity, and help smooth out mimic wrinkles.

Contraindications for use.

Although cleansing the skin with products containing mandelic acid helps to get rid of various manifestations on the skin, and acts gently, their use is not advisable for:

  • Pustular formations and herpes
  • Allegri to some components that may be part of
  • For colds and other illnesses
  • Suffering from diabetes
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • For open wounds and abrasions
  • After undergoing laser hair removal
  • skin not restored after deep cleansing
  • On skin with papillomas and warts
  • Any form of tuberculosis and psoriasis

If you are sure that you have no contraindications, it is recommended to do an allergic test. Just apply a small amount on the wrist area and wait a few minutes. In case of acute manifestation of itching or burning on the skin, such peeling cannot be used. However, if you want to try out such a tool, it is better to use it in beauty salons under supervision.

In the absence of visible irritation and slight tingling and redness, use this remedy with caution.

Preparation for the procedure.

Like any cosmetic skin cleansing, almond peeling requires special skin preparation.

To begin with, check if your skin has an allergic reaction to the previously selected remedy. Avoid products that may conflict with mandelic acid. Choose cosmetics that help your skin prepare for deep cleansing without causing pain or aggravation.

There are many types of such cosmetics designed for skin care before and after cleansing procedures.

Can't choose? Anyone with a low content of mandelic acid will help. 15% will be enough. Cleanse your skin before applying more concentrated cosmetics. However, peeling is best done a few days before the main cleaning, thereby preparing the skin and allowing it to recover. To consolidate the effect, it is also recommended to apply cleaning

Main procedure.

Cleaning with the use of mandelic acid is carried out in several stages.

1 . Remove makeup with a special lotion using cotton pads and wash your face with primary cleansers. It is desirable that these be ordinary foams or gels for washing.

2 . Wipe the skin with a tonic to restore the acid balance and degrease. This procedure is very important so as not to cause a conflict of active substances and to prevent redness.

3. Apply the exfoliator to the skin. For starters, a little concentration will do. Depending on the manufacturer and the product itself, such cleaning will burn in different ways. Sometimes, when applying, it is required to massage the skin, avoiding tight friction. But most often such peeling is used as a quick mask. After 10 minutes, rinse with water or a special tonic.

4. Wipe the skin again with tonic and acid neutralizer to maintain normal pH. But often, after applying peeling with mandelic acid, such a procedure is skipped, since its effect is safer than other means.

5. After cleansing, it is recommended to soothe the skin. It can be used as a mask that is applied for a few minutes and then washed off, or just a soothing cream with a healing effect. After applying the mask, apply a moisturizer.

Skin care after cleansing procedure.

Even if the manufacturer tells us that mandelic acid is not capable of harming the skin, and recovery is faster, you need to play it safe. Even in summer, after special peelings, the skin becomes more sensitive. Therefore, after cleansing the skin with almond peeling, it is definitely recommended to protect it with a special sunscreen in the first days.

Side effects and complications.

Almond peeling very gently and gently cleanses any surface of the skin, preventing visible damage, and the skin is quickly restored. But one should take into account the fact that if the prescribed rules of application are not followed, the skin can be damaged, after which the following signs of complications may appear:

  • Allergic reaction
  • Thermal burns
  • Excessive dryness and stretching
  • Infection through open and damaged areas
  • Hypersensitivity
  • Increased colds
  • Other effects repeating contraindications.

To remove visible complications, you need to consult a doctor, or use soothing and anti-allergic drugs, nourishing creams and oils.

Therefore, before carrying out a cleansing procedure, it is necessary to check for an allergic reaction, or simply do not use it if you have at least one contraindication.

Frequency of application of almond peeling.

To understand how often you can use a mandelic acid cleanser, read the instructions.

Some products containing a low concentration of 10% to 20% can be used once or twice a week for a year. However, keep in mind the fact that the frequency of using almond peeling may also depend on the type of skin for which it is recommended to use such procedures no more than once a month.

Almond peeling at home

In order to apply such peeling at home, you need to familiarize yourself with the general rules for preparing the skin before application, and for the use itself.

However, an important fact remains the percentage of mandelic acid in the product itself, and its type when buying. Creams or masks, unlike gel structures, act on the skin more slowly and contain a lower concentration, from which the risk of burns is significantly reduced. Therefore, before purchasing and using, carefully read the composition. Do not neglect expensive brands in exchange for a cheaper remedy, because it will not always be safe.

Do you want to get rid of skin problems without mechanical impact? Then you should learn more about chemical peels. This procedure is performed using preparations containing organic acids that act on the superficial, middle and deep layers of the skin. One of the gentle types of dry cleaning of the face is almond peeling. Let's look at the features of this procedure, learn more about its effectiveness.

What is Mandelic Acid Peeling?

Under the influence of the drug for almond peeling, the acid diffuses in the skin tissues, dissolves, exfoliates its stratum corneum. Along with it, pores clogged with sebum (comedones), folliculitis located in the epidermal layer, acne, are removed from the face, the color and relief of the skin are evened out, wrinkles are smoothed out. Removal of the upper skin layer causes its enhanced regeneration, the effect of rejuvenation. Cleaning is carried out with the help of professional cosmetics - preparations containing mandelic (phenylglycolic), 2-hydroxy-2-phenylacetic acids.

This procedure will be done in any beauty salon, where chemical cleaning of the face and body with mandelic acid is provided. It does not involve the use of special equipment, it is aimed at cleansing the surface layers of the skin, therefore it is one of the sparing and conditionally safe cosmetic procedures. The price of a session varies between one and four thousand rubles. The cost of preparations for post- and pre-peeling care will be from five to twelve thousand. The general course will cost about twenty thousand rubles.

Indications and contraindications

Like any professional cosmetic procedure, acid peeling for the face has its own indications and contraindications. This method of cleansing is recommended for people of any age with the following skin problems:

  • rosacea;
  • acne
  • folliculitis;
  • seborrhea;
  • comedones;
  • small wrinkles;
  • uneven terrain;
  • freckles;
  • dark spots;
  • large pores;
  • low tone;
  • weak elasticity.

It is impossible to carry out chemical peeling under certain conditions, reactions, diseases:

  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy;
  • ulcers on the skin;
  • open wounds;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • lactation;
  • acute infections;
  • heat.


Although the procedure for cleansing the skin with mandelic acid is considered gentle, there may be natural consequences of cleansing the face, which are easily eliminated by special post-peel products:

  1. Redness (hyperemia) of the skin may appear during or after cleaning, which disappears in half an hour or an hour.
  2. Tingling, burning of the skin under the influence of acid. Goes away after using a moisturizer.
  3. Feeling of tightness, dryness a day after peeling. It is eliminated using post-peeling agents, masks with collagen.
  4. Peeling that occurs after two or three days. Eliminated as dryness or tightness.
  5. Skin hypersensitivity occurs in people with thin skin. Preparations with oils (grape seed, shea, primrose, black currant, etc.), ceramides, phospholipids help to return to normal.

In case of technology violations, improper use of acid-containing drugs, health problems (intestinal diseases, hormonal disorders, etc.), the following serious consequences are possible:

  • skin rashes;
  • infection;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • pastosity;
  • herpes;
  • allergy;
  • swelling;
  • chemical burn.

Peeling preparations

In special stores of professional cosmetics, in online pharmacies, a lot of peeling products with mandelic acid are offered. We offer you a list of products of some popular manufacturers:

  1. Cosmetic company "Alpika" (Russia). A series of multi-acid peels containing mandelic acid (5 and 15 percent, with a pH level of 2.8 and 1.8). Recommended against biological and photoaging of the skin, in the presence of stretch marks, acne, comedones, scars, enlarged pores.
  2. The French company "Kosmoteros" (Kosmoteros Professionel Paris) specializes in the production of chemical cosmetic preparations for skin cleansing. The product range includes peelings of 50, 40.15 and 13% (percentage of mandelic acid). Recommended against aging, seborrheic skin, hyperpigmentation, hyperkeratosis, acne, folliculitis.
  3. Cosmetic company "MediDerma" (Sesderma Laboratories, Spain) offers Mandelac almond peels for medium and medium-surface cleansing of the skin using micro- and fine-plate exfoliation. Recommended for home and professional use for acne, seborrhea, hyperpigmentation, preparation for cosmetic surgery.

Among other manufacturers of products for professional almond peeling, whose products are presented on the domestic market, it is worth noting:

  • Phyto Sintesi, Beauty Spa, OTI, Natinuel (Italy).
  • Egia (Switzerland).
  • Martinex (Russia).
  • Novacid (Ericson Laboratoire, France).

How to do a procedure in a beauty salon

For peeling with mandelic acid, preliminary preparation of the skin is required, therefore, patients are recommended to undergo a pre-peeling course for 1-2 weeks. At this time, daily nightly use of a cream with 15% phenoxyglycolic acid and a peeling gel with fruit acids (2-3 times per course) is necessary. The professional procedure is carried out in several stages, including preparation, skin cleansing, post-peeling manipulations:

  1. Make-up removal plus cleansing of the skin with cosmetic milk with 10% mandelic acid.
  2. Skin toning - degreasing with almond 10% tonic.
  3. Pre-peeling. At this stage, the susceptibility of the skin to the effects of the drug is checked, for which a 5% agent with lactic and glycolic acids is applied to the face and neck.
  4. Peeling. A layer of mandelic acid (30 or 60%) is applied over the applied composition, left for 10-30 minutes. If necessary, add other cosmetic acids or alcohol solutions.
  5. stage of neutralization. Use a drug that neutralizes the action of mandelic acid, restoring the pH of the skin.
  6. Hydration plus soothing. The face and neck are treated with a mask based on extracts of chamomile, calendula, aloe, then a post-peeling cream is applied.

Almond peeling at home

How to carry out home peeling with mandelic acid using professional products (Kosmoteros, Mediderma, etc.) is described in detail in the instructions for them. If you strictly follow the recommendations and description, there will be no difficulties with the procedure. And how to cleanse the skin when such products are not affordable? Use peeling recipes with an affordable natural source of mandelic acid - nuts.

The recipe for body peeling "Almonds with oatmeal", which requires 10 drops of lavender oil and a tablespoon each:

  • crushed almonds;
  • kaolin;
  • grated oatmeal;
  • almond oil;
  • aloe juice;
  • water.

Purification process:

  1. Mix oatmeal with nuts and kaolin.
  2. Add almond oil, aloe juice, hot water.
  3. We are waiting for the mixture to thicken.
  4. We dilute the mass with lavender oil, apply the gruel on the body.
  5. Wash off after 10 minutes.
  6. We wipe the skin with tonic, soften with a moisturizer.

The recipe for face peeling "Almond with milk" includes the following components:

  • crushed almonds - 1 tsp;
  • oatmeal - 1 tsp;
  • dry milk - 0.5 tbsp. l.;
  • water.

Purification process:

  1. Mix chopped nuts with oatmeal and milk powder.
  2. Add warm water, achieving a porridge-like density of the mixture.
  3. We apply the gruel on the face cleansed with tonic.
  4. Leave for 5-7 minutes, rinse.
  5. Moisturize the skin with a suitable cosmetic product.


Do you want to see the peeling procedure using the walnut component "from and to"? Watch the report from the beauty clinic. The beautician performs chemical cleaning of the face, explaining the sequence of manipulations, talking about the means used and their effect. The patient comments on the sensations during the procedure and evaluates the effect of peeling after it. Verify the effectiveness of facial cleansing with mandelic acid.

Photos before and after

It is always interesting to see the result of cosmetic procedures. If you are interested in how effective surface peeling of the face is, before and after photos will clearly demonstrate its effectiveness. It is noticeable that mandelic acid especially helps with problem skin - it is cleared of acne, black dots disappear, inflamed pimples “fade down”, freckles and age spots turn pale. Oily sheen disappears from the face, its tone evens out, and the effect of rejuvenation is observed.

It is considered one of the most delicate facial cleansing procedures. Its implementation is based on exposure to mandelic or phenoxyglycolic acid. Its action is so mild that such a peeling is suitable even for owners of sensitive and very delicate skin, its cleansing and renewal takes place without complications and pronounced side effects, such as redness and peeling.

What is almond peeling

What is almond peeling became known in aesthetic cosmetology several decades ago. However, despite its impressive age and the active development of new skin transformation technologies, almond cleansing is included in the category of popular salon facial treatments.

The almond skin cleansing procedure is easily tolerated by epidermal cells and does not cause complications. Indications for its use relate to both problematic teenage skin and mature skin after 30 years, at this age it needs to be nourished with nutrients and requires additional stimulation of cell renewal processes.

With almond peeling, you can safely restore health, purity and natural shine to the epidermis. Almond peeling of the face is not accompanied by long-term and pronounced redness and peeling, which are common for acid exfoliation.

Mild side effects just a few days after the cleansing, no unjustified risks and difficulties in post-peeling care.

Features of the procedure

Peeling with mandelic acid is widely demanded in beauty salons. This is due to the extensive list of benefits of almond cleansing. The advantages of almond peeling will be described in detail:

  • Softness of impact - peeling with mandelic (mandelic) acid belongs to the category of the most harmless and sparing procedures. However, this does not affect its effectiveness in the least;
  • Versatility - extensive indications for exfoliation that apply to all types of epidermis and age categories. For owners of thin and sensitive skin, cosmetologists advise this particular type of peeling, claiming its safety and delicacy of exposure;
  • All-season - in modern cosmetology plays a significant role, most of the cleansing procedures are designed to be carried out only in the winter, when solar activity is slightly reduced. For almond peeling, the season does not matter, the main condition for its implementation is the absence of tan on the skin;
  • Safety - skin cleansing with mandelic acid can be performed from the age of 18. It perfectly fights problematic rashes, acne and inflammation, does not leave scars and post-acne, the skin looks healthy, well-groomed;
  • Fast recovery after peeling - a very short rehabilitation period is ideal for constantly busy business women, students.

In matters of effectiveness, safety and popularity of the cleansing procedure, almond peeling owes its main active ingredient, phenoxyglycolic acid. It is obtained from natural bitter almonds, hence its second name - mandelic acid.

The softness of the action of mandelic acid is due to its oversized size, in relation to the molecules of other fruit acids. Such dimensions slow down its penetration into the deeper layers of the skin and make peeling safe for the client.

It is also worth noting the unique properties of the main ingredient:

  • An excellent antioxidant - it has a high ability to bind, block free radicals and heavy metal ions harmful to the youth of the epidermis, and promotes their removal from cells;
  • Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial - limits the development of infections in cells, leads to the rapid death of unwanted particles, prevents the manifestation of inflammatory processes in the future;
  • Cleansing - acid easily destroys keratin (solid protein), without harming healthy cells of the epidermis;
  • Anti-aging - the effect of almond on the skin stimulates active cell renewal, accelerates the production of its own collagen and elastin fibers;
  • Eliminates comedones, sebaceous plugs in the pores;
  • Contributes to the normalization of metabolism in cells and respiration of the skin, makes it resistant to external negative factors;
  • Whitens stagnant, age spots, freckles, refreshes the complexion.

Almond peeling for the face perfectly fights skin imperfections at any age.

Naturally, he can’t cope with deep wrinkles and folds on his face, but refreshing his appearance, significantly improving the condition of the epidermis and delaying aging, withering of the skin is quite acceptable.

Indications for almond peeling:

  • Acne, problem skin type;
  • Residual acne marks, stagnant spots and shallow scars;
  • Mimic wrinkles in the area of ​​the eyes, mouth and other irregularities in the relief of the epidermis;
  • Incorrect work of the sebaceous glands, increased fat content of the skin;
  • Age spots on the face, freckles;
  • Comedones, clogged and enlarged pores;
  • The first rudiments of photo- and chronoaging of the integument;
  • Unusual grayness, dull complexion;
  • Tendency to keratosis (hardening of keratinized layers).

Cons of almond exfoliation

To many surprises, phenoxyglycolic acid peeling also has disadvantages:

  • The specific aroma of the cleanser - get ready that the smell of acetone will be present throughout the procedure;
  • Slight tingling - mandelic acid belongs to the group of AHA acids, so slight discomfort during brushing may be present;
  • Unstable effect - many cosmetologists recommend using this type of cleansing before deep or medium peeling in order to prepare the skin for chemical exposure;
  • The high cost of the procedure.

Step by step peeling

The procedure for cleansing with mandelic acid is carried out independently, at home or in a beauty parlor. The process is simple, but requires strict adherence to cleansing techniques.

For a better perception of the reagent by the cells of the epidermis, to enhance the final effect, cosmetologists advise to undergo pre-peeling preparation.

Cosmetologists recommend starting to prepare for exposure to phenoxyglycolic acid 1-2 weeks before the scheduled procedure. This time is enough to soften the keratinized layers and accelerate their removal from the epidermis.

In addition, the preparatory stage will make the procedure less unexpected for the skin, so the recovery time will be noticeably reduced.

In the pre-peeling period, it is useful to use a special cream that contains 15% mandelic acid, it is applied before bedtime. To enhance the effectiveness of the cream, add the use of a cleansing gel with fruit acids to your care. Apply peeling gel several times a week after sleep.

If there is no time for the proposed preparation option before cleaning, patients are offered to pre-peel with a reduced exposure time.

Procedure protocol

How to do almond peeling correctly to avoid complications and failures:

  1. Removal of make-up residue and particles of sweat, dust and sebaceous secretions from the face with cleansing milk.
  2. At the next stage, the skin is subjected to a tonic lotion, which contains a small percentage of phenoxyglycolic acid (about 10%).
  3. To ensure a deeper effect of the chemical agent on the skin, the epidermis is first treated with a weak solution of mandelic, lactic and glycolic acids. This stage is called pre-peeling.
  4. Without removing the remnants of the pre-peeling composition, the cosmetologist treats the skin with concentrated phenoxyglycolic acid, its concentration varies from 30 to 60%, depending on the characteristics of the patient's integument. In some cases, the cosmetologist can add lactic, citric acids or alcohol additives to the peeling composition for a drying effect. The duration of the exposure is also chosen by the specialist, but it does not exceed 25 minutes.
  5. The remains of the peeling composition are neutralized with a special composition and thoroughly washed off with water.
  6. At the end of this exfoliation, a moisturizing mask is applied based on natural plant extracts (aloe, chamomile, calendula, etc.). This combination perfectly soothes the skin after chemical exposure. After 20 minutes, the mask is washed off and a moisturizer is applied.

Timely and high-quality skin care after exfoliation guarantees quick and easy recovery. In the first 5 days, active cell renewal occurs, the protective functions of the skin are very underestimated, so it is important to provide maximum attention.

Cosmetic products for face care should contain only natural ingredients, act gently, and not irritate soft tissues. Don't forget to use sunscreen to prevent a resurgence of pigmentation on your face.

After almond peeling, complications associated with improper use of the reagent and violation of the exfoliation technique are possible.

At the slightest ailment (severe rashes, with the appearance of herpes and prolonged redness, with increased inflammation, swelling), contact a specialist immediately. Only he can prescribe the correct treatment for these complications.

How often should you exfoliate

To achieve noticeable results, one peeling session is not enough, you will need about 4-10 cleansings every 1-1.5 weeks. The duration of the course of cleansing procedures depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and is determined by an experienced specialist.

The course of almond peeling must be repeated after 12 months in order to maintain the result at a high level. Preventive peelings are allowed with an interval of 1 time in 2 months.

Almond peeling in a beauty salon is considered a popular procedure for rejuvenating and cleansing the skin. What it is, indications for exfoliation and the subtleties of post-peel care - all this you can find out from a cosmetologist.

I would also like to add that opinions about almond face peeling differed. Some patients were upset by the short duration of the desired effect, while others, on the contrary, easily got rid of many problems.

In each case, the individual characteristics of the patient play a decisive role, only the professionalism and experience of the cosmetologist will cope with the task in full. Be beautiful and successful!

Recipe 1. The composition of the mask for almond peeling

This peeling is ideal for use during the hot summer months. How to mix the mixture for this almost magical mask at home?
You will need:

  • Powdered almonds - 4 tsp.
  • Aloe (juice) - 4 tsp
  • Almond oil - 2 tsp
  • Mineral non-carbonated water - 4 tsp
  • Kaolin - 2 tsp
  • Oatmeal (finely ground) - 4 tsp
  • Lavender oil - 9 drops.

How to prepare the mask:

  • Crushed almonds, oatmeal and kaolin are poured with hot water (not boiling water, about sixty degrees).
  • Aloe and almond oil are added to the resulting mixture.
  • The lavender mixture is added there after the mixture has cooled.

Apply the mask on a clean face before the shower (ten minutes), after the shower moisturize with cream. The frequency of the procedure - no more than twice in seven days, with dry skin - no more than once every one and a half weeks.

Recipe 2. The composition of the mask for almond peeling

  • ground almonds
  • Oat flour
  • Powdered milk

Take each component - half a tablespoon. Apply the resulting mixture to clean skin, massage, after moistening a little with water. Rinse (no soap), pat dry with a towel. Recipe to apply twice a week, not more often.

Instructions for peeling with mandelic acid

  • Before you buy an almond peeling product, make sure that the expiration date of the composition has not expired, and that the brand has extremely positive reviews.
  • Carefully study the instructions for use of the composition.
  • Remove makeup.
  • Cleanse the skin with a tonic based on 10% mandelic acid.
  • Carry out peeling using five percent mandelic acid (at this stage, the sensitivity of the skin to the chemical components of the mixture is determined).
  • During the main time (twenty minutes), cleanse the skin with a thirty percent solution of mandelic acid.
  • Apply a soothing mask for five minutes.
  • Remove mask and apply moisturizer.

  • Efficiency in the treatment of acne, due to the solid content of keratolic.
  • Interference with comedogenesis.
  • Bactericidal action comparable to that of antibiotics.
  • Restoration of general tone, skin relief, elasticity.
  • Fight mimic wrinkles and early skin aging.
  • Neutralization of inflammatory processes, the companions of which are often acne.
  • Stimulation of the process of cell regeneration.
  • Elimination of age pigment spots, due to the removal of the upper stratum corneum.
  • Strengthening the synthesis of elastin and collagen (skin rejuvenation).
  • lifting effect.

Indications for the use of almond peeling

  • Age-related skin changes (the first signs of aging)
  • Dark spots
  • Comedones, pimples, blackheads
  • post-acne
  • Uneven skin color
  • Too bright freckles
  • Thickened, acne-prone skin in women over 30
  • shallow wrinkles
  • Loss of elasticity
  • Reduced skin tone

Despite the fact that almond peeling is chemical, the irritation from it is minimal (unlike glycol), and it can be safely used even for sensitive skin.

Contraindications for peeling with mandelic acid

  • Individual intolerance to the components
  • Herpes
  • Couperose
  • Pregnancy
  • Impaired integrity of the skin
  • Somatic diseases
  • When performing the almond peeling procedure at home, it is not recommended to use a concentrated acid solution immediately. That is, it should not be abused, and caution does not hurt. Start better With five percent solution. Read more:
  • Ten days before peeling, it is preferable to use a cream containing mandelic acid to get used to the skin.
  • You should not be in the sun (sunbathing) after peeling.
  • After peeling, a soothing, moisturizing cream should be applied.

Almond peeling is a type of chemical peeling that uses a special acid. Before carrying out this cosmetic procedure, familiarize yourself with its advantages and contraindications.

Benefits of almond peel for skin

This procedure is one of the most effective ways to cleanse the epidermis, as it has the following effect:
  1. Under the influence of mandelic acid, the keratinized layer of the skin softens, making it much easier to separate.
  2. Smoothes and brightens the top layer of the skin.
  3. All metabolic processes in the epidermis are enhanced, which helps to accelerate cell renewal. The skin is tightened, becomes elastic and young.
  4. Eliminates rashes, comedones. As a result of exposure to mandelic acid, the hair follicles are released.
  5. Almonds have an effect similar to antibiotics, therefore, they destroy all bacteria that are on the surface of the skin. Helps relieve inflammation.
  6. Mandelic acid has the ability to bind heavy metal ions, therefore, it has a strong antioxidant effect. Due to this, the top layer of the skin will be much less exposed to external factors.
Almond peeling is suitable for any type of skin, it helps to gently remove dead cells and impurities. And the antibacterial action not only eliminates rashes, but also prevents their reappearance. This type of peeling is recommended when the first signs of age-related skin changes appear, it removes pigmentation and improves complexion.

Benefits of Almond Facial Peeling

This method of cleansing the skin has several advantages, it does not require special preparation, and after completion there are no side effects.

Almond peeling will help solve various cosmetic problems, as in the process of its implementation:

  • The processes of renewal and regeneration of cells are launched;
  • The skin is rejuvenated, wrinkles are removed, the appearance of new ones is prevented;
  • Pores are cleansed and narrowed;
  • Spots left after acne or post-acne are eliminated;
  • The work of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
  • Stimulates the production of elastin and collagen;
  • Oily sheen is removed and matted, so almond peeling is suitable for problematic and oily skin;
  • The structure and tone of the skin is leveled;
  • Eliminates acne and pimples;
  • Age spots and freckles are removed;
  • Accelerates the metabolic process;
  • Reduces inflammation and irritation;
  • The problem of black dots is solved.
After almond peeling, skin cells begin to renew themselves and fight various cosmetic defects.

Recipes for almond peeling for facial skin

To perform this type of peeling on your own, you can use the following recipes, taking into account the type of skin:
  1. For oily skin. 1 tsp is mixed in a glass container. white clay with 1 tsp. chopped almonds and 1 tsp. flax seeds. First, the clay is diluted with a small amount of water until it acquires the consistency of slightly watery sour cream. Almonds and flax seeds are ground using a coffee grinder or blender. Then all the ingredients are combined and mixed well. The resulting scrub is treated with cleansed facial skin, a gentle massage is done for several minutes. Then you need to wash with warm water.
  2. For dry skin. You will need to take 1 tbsp. l chopped almonds, 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal and 1-2 tbsp. l. olive oil or full fat milk. Almonds and oatmeal are crushed in advance, then mixed. Oil or milk is added: so much liquid is introduced so that the resulting composition is easily applied to the skin and does not drain. A mask is applied to the cleansed face, the skin is massaged a little. You need to wait 10 minutes and wash with cool water.
  3. For problem skin. Take 1 drop of tea tree essential oil, 1 tbsp. l. cream, 1 tbsp. l. green tea, 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal, 2 tbsp. l. chopped almonds. Almonds are mixed with oatmeal, cream is added, in which essential oil and green tea are dissolved in advance. Tea should be brewed in the usual way. All components for peeling are thoroughly mixed. If the mass is too thick, you can additionally add a little tea or cream. The product is left for about 20 minutes to infuse well. Then it is applied along the massage lines to the steamed skin, left for 10 minutes, the composition is washed off with warm water. Regular use of this mask will help get rid of pimples, rashes, acne and inflammation.

Almond skin peeling at home: step by step instructions

All the components that are needed to perform this type of peeling are sold in almost any pharmacy. It is important to carefully study the expiration date: in no case should you use an expired product, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable, and there is a risk of getting a severe burn.

The almond peeling procedure is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Removes make-up, grease and impurities from the face. The skin is wiped with a soft towel, then treated with a tonic that does not contain alcohol.
  • The skin is steamed to open the pores and be ready for the upcoming deep cleansing.
  • The face is cleaned using a special lotion, which includes mandelic acid (5%).
  • The skin is prepared for the upcoming cleaning procedure using a preliminary peeling. The composition of such a substance should contain a 10% solution of almond acids. Thus, it is checked whether the skin is ready for the application of a higher concentration.
  • Then the cleaning process begins. For peeling, a solution of 30% acid is used. It is important to treat the skin gently and very carefully so as not to damage its surface and not cause a burn.
  • At the end, a special neutralizing mixture is applied, which soothes and stops the action of mandelic acid.
  • Any soothing and healing mask is necessarily applied to the face.

Facial care after almond peeling

After cleansing your face, you may feel a slight tightness and dryness as a result of a chemical reaction that has occurred, so you need to properly care for your face - use moisturizers and various sunscreens:
  1. To get rid of the unpleasant feeling of tightness, it is recommended to use any moisturizer or mask. The ideal option would be a cream containing algae extract, collagen or lactic acid.
  2. The mask, which includes these substances, brings benefits. It moisturizes, nourishes and soothes the skin, normalizing the water balance.
  3. The following days it is useful to use fatty creams, preferably containing aloe, hyaluronic acid, shea butter.
  4. It is not recommended to expose the skin to prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation, therefore, during the first few days after peeling, you should not stay in the sun for a long time, you should refrain from visiting a sauna or a bath.
  5. Before going outside, any sunscreen is applied to the face.

Contraindications and complications of almond peeling

Despite a lot of positive properties, almond peeling also has contraindications: the presence of individual intolerance to individual components that make up the peeling agent, somatic diseases, herpes, pregnancy, breastfeeding, rosacea, various violations of the integrity of the skin.

If you use almond peeling in the presence of contraindications, this can provoke the following complications:

  • Redness of the skin. It disappears on its own after a few hours, after cleaning.
  • Allergic rash. Before peeling, you need to conduct a sensitivity test.
  • Strong burning. Disappears after using any moisturizer.
  • Puffiness. It is necessary to apply special ointments.
  • Feeling of intense dryness. Passes after the use of special post-peeling preparations.
  • Eruptions. They appear in case of improper use of post-peeling agents, if hormonal disruptions have occurred in the body, the use of low-quality cosmetics, or the presence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Peeling. It disappears on its own after a few days.
  • The sensitivity of the skin increases. To solve the problem, you need to use shea butter or blackcurrant.
How to do almond peeling - look at the video:

A unique feature of almond peeling is that, just like any other fruit acid, it gently and effectively cleanses the skin, nourishes, has an antibacterial and rejuvenating effect, and helps to completely get rid of comedones. Recommended for the normalization of the sebaceous glands and is suitable for all skin types.
