Very beautiful three-dimensional snowflakes made from pattern paper. How to make snowflakes out of paper

The most favorite holiday of the entire world is approaching - New Year! There is very little time left to thoroughly prepare for it - buy gifts, come up with “cute pranks”, decorate the interior properly...

There's a lot to do! Let's put off pranks and gifts for later, and let's get on with interior decorations - after all, you all know that, first of all, the New Year is felt thanks to all sorts of snowflakes, sparkles, garlands, balls, a Christmas tree - all the indispensable attributes of this cheerful world holiday.

And today we will deal with snowflakes! Yes, yes, yes - today our hands will learn to make snowflakes of all sizes and shapes, voluminous and flat, and EVEN - dancing balleine snowflakes!

Do-it-yourself voluminous snowflakes, photo

Let's first look at these, let's tune in to the right mood...

Did you like these holiday decorations? Now you and I will learn how to make all kinds of snowflakes with our own hands.

Let's start with simple options, and then move on to more complex ones, especially since there are such voluminous snowflakes that consist of many segments of flat snowflakes.

Simple paper snowflakes, templates

For flat snowflakes we will need tools and materials such as plain paper (white or blue) and scissors!

Simple paper snowflake template

Snowflake cutting patterns

Have you considered? Have you chosen your snowflake? You might as well get creative and come up with your own exclusive version! Involve your children in this fun and festive activity - you are guaranteed great pleasure!

Paper snowflakes templates

As for snowflakes, simply fold a square sheet of paper several times to form a triangle. Draw one of your favorite snow patterns on it and carefully cut out your snowflake using scissors! ALL! Even a baby can handle it, right?

How to make a three-dimensional snowflake - a ballerina out of paper?

We have already learned how to cut snowflakes out of paper, now we will complicate our task a little and move on to making a three-dimensional, dancing snowflake. Attention - a dancing ballerina in a chic patterned tutu is at your service:

To make this beauty we will need:

  • Paper;
  • White cardboard;
  • Templates for ballerina figures;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Scissors;
  • Needle with thread.

Get your kids to make snowflakes, which in this case will play the role of openwork ballet tutus, while you do the preparations yourself!

If you have a printer, simply print out the templates that we offer to your attention, or select the silhouette you like from various ballet photographs on the Internet:

Carefully, so as not to cut off the outline of the figure, cut out the workpiece and transfer it to plain white paper (you can, however, also use thin cardboard). Attach the finished base to a sheet of white cardboard and trace the outline of the figure.

While you were “revitalizing” paper ballerinas, your talented and diligent child successfully created a great variety of all kinds of patterned snowflakes! It's time for our dancing beauties to try on new tutus!

We put a “tutu” on the dancing figure - a snowflake - the ballerina is ready!

We make voluminous snowflakes from paper with our own hands

Let's complicate the task a little more! Since you and I have already learned how to make flat snowflakes very well, now we can easily make two voluminous snowflakes consisting of several flat elements! Look at these photos and you will immediately understand everything:

To make these snowflakes we will need:

  • Patience;
  • Already cut out snowflakes of the same type;
  • Glue.

The more segments, the fuller and rounder the snowflake will be.

We fold each segment in half and glue one half of one segment to the second half of the other segment. Yes, IMPORTANT - do not forget to coat the segments with glue and very accurately align all the reliefs! The more accurately you do this, the neater the snowflake will turn out, and therefore more beautiful!

Embossed 3D paper snowflake

Let's look at another interesting version of a snowflake, made from ten small individual flat snowflakes:

Prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Stapler;
  • 10 sheets of white paper (the larger the snowflake is planned to be, the thicker sheets of paper you will need);
  • Simple pencil;
  • Ribbon or thread;
  • Scissors.

So, first we cut out these squares, measuring 10x10 cm, from ordinary white A4 sheets:

I hope you haven’t forgotten exactly what pattern was drawn on the first snowflake? You will need to cut out 10 completely identical snowflakes! Not an easy task :)

When all the parts are ready, we move on to the next stage!

So, we take five snowflakes, lay them out in a circle on the table and use a stapler to fasten the corners together. You should end up with something like a snow wreath:

Repeat the entire procedure again with the remaining five snowflakes.

And now we proceed to the main procedure - adding volume to our snowflake by connecting the outer contours of the snow wreaths to each other. Please note that the snowflakes are combined, but only the outer parts of the snow wreath are connected with a stapler! The internal ones are straightening out!

Look at what a wonderful three-dimensional snowflake we made with our own hands from paper - a sight for sore eyes! It just begs to go to the exhibition!

Let's also make this snowflake - it will add to your snow collection and fit perfectly into the New Year's interior:

To make it, one single sheet of white paper will be enough!

Please prepare for work:

  • A sheet of white A4 paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Simple pencil;
  • An eraser.

To begin with, from a rectangular sheet of white paper we will form a white square according to all the rules. For those who don’t yet know how to do this, we suggest, without further ado, to look through the photos and immediately learn everything:

The square is ready - fold it in half diagonally. Repeat this action again. As a result, you should end up with a triangle like this:

Draw these petals on the resulting triangle with a simple pencil. Cut them out and carefully erase all pencil marks with an eraser:

We turn all our attention to the middle parts of the petals of our blank. We need to carefully bend each middle part of the petal, grease the tip with glue and glue it to the center of the future snowflake.

The snowflake is ready, but you can improve it even more and give it even more volume. To do this, make another such beauty, go through all the manufacturing stages again. Glue the finished snowflake with its back sides like this:

Did you like the result?

Having considered a large number of options for snowflakes and having familiarized yourself with the master classes for making them, I think that you will quickly and confidently be able to prepare your home for the celebration! Don't forget to involve your family and close friends in this fun and creative activity! Remembering this adventure will make you laugh more than once on New Year's Eve - which means you will be in good spirits for the whole year!

What is it difficult to imagine the New Year without? That's right, without the corresponding decorative elements, the main ones of which are snowflakes. And our collection of paper snowflakes is constantly growing! Surely you have all already seen and know how to make such light ones:

Winter is the most creative time of the year! Yes, yes, don't be surprised. If you count how many cards, various crafts, decorations, gifts and snowflakes are made in the world (this is not counting the production of snow in the clouds), then this entire huge set will more than cover other pre-holiday preparations! And every year I want to do something new, original and pleasing to the eye. If you are looking for such an idea, then you are on the right track. Moreover, 2019 is coming to an end.

We propose to make new voluminous paper snowflakes - many step-by-step master classes, step by step, diagrams and various photos of ideas for the New Year 2020! If you have your own original ideas for snowflakes, send them to our New Year’s party using the form at the bottom of this article.

New video on how to make beautiful voluminous openwork snowflakes:

Snowman made from strips of paper

Plain white paper can be an excellent material for making New Year's snowflakes. For example, you can cut out many thin strips from it, which will become the basis for the snowflake shown in this master class.

For such a snowflake we will prepare:

  • white paper;
  • ruler with a simple pencil;
  • scissors;
  • decorative rhinestone.

We will make a snowflake from thin strips of paper of various lengths. Therefore, first we cut them, the thickness of all strips is the same and is 0.5 cm. But the length will differ. We will need 6 strips 20 cm long, 12 - 16 cm, 12 - 12 cm and 10 strips 10 cm long.

For one ray we will need the following blanks - 1 strip 20 cm long and 2 pieces each 16, 12 and 10 cm long.

Take the longest strip and glue its ends together.

Then we fix a 16 cm long strip from the edge, forming a kind of loop from it.

On the right we fasten a strip of the same length.

The next strips will be 12 cm long; we glue them on the sides symmetrically.
Finally, we fix the remaining 10 cm long strips. This is how we made the first ray.

We need to glue 5 more rays from narrow strips.

For the center of the snowflake, cut out a small circle from cardboard. We glue the first rays onto it, placing them opposite each other.

Then we glue a couple of rays on top at the same distance from each other.

We secure the remaining pieces. This snowflake is made from thin stripes. We decided to decorate its center with decorative rhinestones.

Snowflakes from openwork napkins

Openwork paper napkins can be an excellent material for creating New Year's crafts. After all, you can make a variety of snowflakes from them. 2 MKs on openwork snowflakes from Marina.

We show one of the options for creating such New Year's decor in this new master class for 2019.

First, fold the white openwork napkin in half. Then cut along the marked fold line with scissors. Next, each half needs to be cut in half. As a result, we got an openwork napkin, cut into 4 equal parts.

Now from these quarters we will make rays for the future snowflake. To do this, first fold the workpiece in half, marking the fold line.

Focusing on this line, we bend half of the openwork part.

Then we bend the second openwork half symmetrically.

By bending both sides, we get a blank for the first ray of a snowflake.

This is what it looks like from the front.

We continue to make other rays using the same principle.

And so we continue to work.

To make a snowflake, we needed 10 rays. If desired, the center can be decorated with a shiny rhinestone. We made such a New Year's snowflake from openwork napkins.

Now we propose to make a convex round snowflake from openwork napkins according to the 2018 master class. Very light and beautiful, suitable for children, see detailed instructions.

To create such a snowflake we prepared:

    • openwork napkins (6 pieces are enough);
    • scissors;
    • glue;
    • decorative rhinestone for the middle.

We will make the snowflake itself from peculiar little bags. To create them, we first need to bend the openwork napkin in half. After that, cut it with scissors along the fold line.

Then fold each half in half again and cut. As a result, we get 4 blanks from one napkin.

Now let's use glue and connect the edges of this workpiece so that we get a little bag.

In total, our snowflake will require 12 of these bags.

We take another napkin, it will serve as the basis for our snowflake. First glue 2 bags on it opposite each other.

Then we fix 2 more blanks in the other direction.

After this, evenly distribute the remaining bags and glue them onto an openwork napkin.

For the middle of the snowflake we will use other blanks. To create them, just cut a napkin in half.

After this, we immediately make small bags from the halves of openwork napkins.

In total we produce 4 such blanks.

We begin to glue them into the middle of the snowflake.

Fix all 4 bags evenly.

And we decorate the middle with decorative rhinestones. Our snowflake made from openwork napkins is ready.

Lush volumetric snowflake

Having 3 squares of paper, we can make the New Year's snowflake shown in this master class by Marina.

To create it, let's take:

  • 3 squares of blue paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • decorative rhinestone.

Our craft consists of three elements, each of which will require one square blank. Let's start working on creating the first element. To do this, mark the transverse folds on the first blue square.

After this, fold the side edges of the square to the middle line.

Now let's fold the other sides.

We unfold one side as follows, giving it the appearance of a trapezoid.

We do the same on the other side.

Now the corners of the resulting workpiece need to be carefully straightened so that they acquire a square shape.

We do this with all four corners.

In place of these squares we make folds on both sides.

Next, we will straighten these folds and give the workpiece itself the appearance of an elongated rhombus.

We must make such diamonds from all four corners.

The resulting diamonds need to be narrowed a little more; to do this, we make folds on the sides.

The workpiece acquired this appearance after the folds were made.

It remains to fold it as follows. To do this, you need to turn the workpiece over to the other side and make folds along the transverse folds.

This is what this blank looks like from the other side.

From the remaining two squares we make similar blanks, and then glue them together.

And in the center of the craft we place a decorative rhinestone. It turned out to be such a voluminous snowflake.

Snowflakes curls

Simple strips of paper are used to create basic elements that can be glued together in any order. The number of options for such snowflakes tends to infinity, as in nature :)

A simple snowflake using the false quilling technique

Our master class on creating an openwork snowflake using the false quilling technique will help you make a decoration from strips of paper with minimal time and materials.

For the creative process you need to prepare the following materials:

  • a sheet of white (or double-sided blue, silver) A4 paper;
  • simple pencil;
  • ruler;
  • eraser;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

How to make an openwork snowflake using the unusual “false quilling” technique

The snowflake will consist of three types of elements, to create which you will need strips 1 cm wide. Each type of element must consist of six parts, so we need to draw a sheet of 18 stripes. The first 6 stripes should take up the length of the entire sheet. Draw the next 6 stripes perpendicular to the first. Draw the third type of stripes under the long ones, starting from the perpendicular stripes.

Cut strips of paper and fold them into three rows, depending on their length. In places where pencil lines are very visible, use an eraser.

To make it more convenient to work with strips, wrap them around a pencil and remove. Unlike the “” technique, our task is somewhat simplified, since we will not be working with dense curls, but with their similarity.

Take a strip from the “short” row. To wrap the strip into a ring, twist it around your finger, close the edges and glue it. Make the next turn a little weaker and glue it again at the base. Make a third turn in this manner. Cut off excess paper with scissors.

Do this with the remaining five short strips, making sure they are the same size.

Make exactly the same ring curls with stripes from the middle row.

Bend the longest strips in half.

Wind each end tightly onto a pencil and carefully remove the ring - you will get these double curls.

Press the smallest curl rings on both sides with your fingers, giving them an almond shape.

Press the middle curl rings from the ends to the center to form a figure of a four-pointed star (diamond).

Let's start collecting snowflakes. Connect the six almond-shaped parts together with glue. You will get something like a flower.

Glue double curls between the “petals”.

For convenience, glue double curls across one petal.

Then glue on the remaining double curls.

Glue the “stars” where the double curls meet.

That's all, the voluminous openwork snowflake is ready!

Look how twisted it is, like lace!
Thanks to the three-dimensional elements, folding such a snowflake is easier than when creating a quilling figure. Even small children can cope with such creative work if they are shown everything and helped, if necessary. Older children will figure out the intricacies of the work on their own. You can also come up with other elements and make several snowflakes to decorate a festive tree or interior. The main thing is desire, and everything will work out for you!

Snowflake made of paper squares

What to prepare to create snowflakes from paper squares:

  • squares 8*8 cm, cut from decorative double-sided colored paper (scrap paper);
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • glue;
  • rhinestones, sparkles, sequins.

How to fold unusual snowflakes from ordinary paper squares

To work, you need two squares of the same size. If you want to make small snowflakes, use small squares and vice versa.

Cut squares of the required size from decorative paper. It is best to use paper that has a pattern on one side and a base color on the other, then the snowflake will look original.

Fold the squares in half twice.

Straighten the squares, the main lines will appear on them.

Fold the edges to the center line, pressing the folds with your finger.

Do exactly the same on the other side. When you straighten the squares, you will see that markings of small squares have appeared on them.

Using scissors, cut along the center folds to the length of one square.

Fold the corners at each edge as shown in the picture.

Tape the corners so that the patterned side is on top.

Glue one part of the snowflake onto the other so that the rays do not overlap each other.

Decorate the resulting snowflake with self-adhesive rhinestones, or stick on glitter with glue.

A beautiful figured snowflake made of squares is ready!

So, with very little effort, we got an unusual snowflake. Such beauty was created from two squares, it’s hard to believe! You are convinced that children can handle this kind of work, which means you can make a lot of wonderful snowflakes and use them to decorate rooms, gifts for loved ones and relatives, a festive tree or a Christmas wreath. And if you connect several snowflakes, you can make a garland, pendants or a crown decoration for the holiday.

Volumetric snowflake made of foamiran

Our regular author Marina will show you how to make a shiny three-dimensional snowflake in her new master class.

Snowflakes can be made from various materials. In this master class we propose to make such a craft for the New Year 2019 from shiny foamiran. But you can also choose colored paper; the folding technology is the same.

To make such a snowflake we prepared:

  • shiny (glitter) foamiran of blue and silver color;
  • scissors;
  • toothpick;
  • sharp knife;
  • ruler;
  • glue gun

Step-by-step instruction

We decided that our snowflake would be two-color, so we use foamiran in two colors - blue and silver. If desired, such a craft can be made in one color. The snowflake will consist of individual elements - rectangles. First, we cut out 3 rectangles measuring 2.5x14 cm from blue foamiran.

Now you need to make certain cuts on each rectangle. But first, let's use a ruler and a toothpick. On the wrong side, set aside 1 cm along the edges and draw small vertical lines with a toothpick. After this, the central part needs to be divided into 5 equal strips, the width of each of them will be 5 mm.

Next you will need a sharp utility knife. With its help, using a ruler, we carefully make cuts along the intended lines, not reaching 1 cm from each edge. This is best done under something hard (for example, a cutting board).

This is what our blue rectangle with cuts looks like, see photo:

We prepare other preparations in the same way. In total, 3 blue and 3 silver blanks will be used for our snowflake.

Now you can start creating the openwork rays of our snowflake. To do this, take one rectangle and carefully fold it in half, aligning the edges.

Using the same principle, using a glue gun we create the remaining shiny rays. There will be 6 of them in total.

For the base of the snowflake, cut out a small circle from silver foamiran. Glue the first blue ray to its wrong side.

We place the second (silver) ray opposite the first.

Now we fix the blue and silver rays between them using hot glue.

On the other side we also glue a couple of rays.

All that remains is to design the middle of our snowflake. To do this, cut out a small circle from silver foamiran and glue it.

Our volumetric snowflake made of shiny foamiran is ready.

Snowflake made from cardboard tubes

New Year's decor can be created even from scrap materials. An example would be a simple and interesting snowflake made from cardboard tubes, and the detailed process of its creation is shown in Marina’s master class. Such crafts can be done with children at home or in middle and senior groups of kindergarten.

To make such a snowflake we prepared:

  • cardboard rolls from toilet paper or paper towels;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • brush;
  • PVA glue;
  • glitter;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors.

The first step is to make preparations for the future snowflake. We flatten the cardboard blank, and then make markings at a distance of 1 cm.

Then we need a glue gun, warm it up. He will help us connect 6 cardboard elements in a circle. This will be the base of our snowflake.

To create other elements of the snowflake, we must fold the cardboard strip in half.

In this way we add up the 12 remaining elements.

You should get 6 such blanks for a snowflake.

We begin to glue these blanks inside. We do this using a glue gun.

This is what our snowflake looks like at this stage.

All that remains is to decorate it and apply glitter. To do this, you first need to coat the top part of the craft with PVA glue; it is more convenient to do this with a brush.

Then pour glitter onto a sheet of paper.

Place the snowflake on this sheet with the coated side down. If necessary, glitter can be sprinkled on individual places. We made this snowflake from a cardboard tube.

Other options (photos and videos)

And more voluminous snowflakes from the Internet:

Original snowflakes made from strips of paper:

From voluminous snowflakes you can make beautiful garlands on the walls:

Form for submitting works to the competition

the best photos will be published in this article, their authors will receive diplomas for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. The remaining authors (whose works have not been published) will receive diplomas from participants in the competition. Diplomas are sent for free, without payment or registration fees.

Before sending, please read and. Any questions you may have can be asked in the comments below the article.

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To make a three-dimensional paper snowflake you will need A4 paper, a stationery knife, scissors and PVA glue, as well as a stapler and a ruler.

Take a sheet of white or colored (for example, blue) A4 paper. Using a ruler, cut it along the long side into strips 5 mm wide (all strips should be the same, even). For one snowflake you will need 20 strips.

Now take 10 strips, divide them into 2 groups of 5 strips each and interlace them with a loose mesh in the center (you should end up with a lattice with the free ends of the strips). Drop a little glue into the weave areas to secure it. Make 2 such blanks.

Now place one workpiece directly on the table in front of you, and the second one with an offset of 45 ° C.

Now comes the fun part - creativity. Take the 2 outer strips of the workpiece lying below, bring it up above the strips of the upper workpiece and staple with a stapler to the middle strip of the upper workpiece. Then, in the same way, bring out and fasten the next 2 strips of the lower workpiece. Repeat the process with all the rays.

Now turn the snowflake over and repeat all the steps with the remaining stripes. As a result, you will get a beautiful three-dimensional snowflake made of paper with a wicker square or diamond in the center. These snowflakes can be hung on a wall, on a Christmas tree, or tied into a garland.

Volumetric corrugated paper snowflakes

Take a sheet of A4 paper and divide it in half lengthwise. One sheet will make 2 snowflakes.

Take half a sheet, fold it into a fan and fasten it in the center with a stapler.

Now make symmetrical cuts on the right and left edges relative to the place of fastening using scissors. Make any cuts you like, it all depends on your imagination.

Now coat the left half of your workpiece with glue and glue it to the right. We do the same on the other side. The result is a beautiful three-dimensional paper snowflake.

Fantasy volumetric snowflakes made of paper

Take a square sheet of paper and fold it diagonally 2 times. Cut the paper along the straight edge with a “tick”, fold the snowflake again, bending it in the center of the “tick”, and make 2 symmetrical cuts not all the way to the end. Unfold the snowflake.

Now in front of you is a blank for a snowflake with 4 rays, consisting of 3 stripes-petals. Take the middle strips and connect the vertices in the center, securing them with glue or a stapler. You've got a cute fantasy snowflake.

By connecting 2 such snowflakes with their “backs” and fastening them with glue with an offset of 45 ° C, you will get a beautiful three-dimensional snowflake.

Now make another one. On a piece of paper with a pencil, draw petals with a wide base 6.5 cm wide and 11 cm high. They should be shaped like the sole of an iron. You will need 8 petals.

Use a brush with paints or a sponge and stencils to paint the paper. You can initially make sketches on colored or patterned paper, you can use old newspapers, magazines or even sheet music.

Now roll the petals into “ears” and secure them at the base.

Prepare 8 more petals on another paper or cardboard and a circle of paper - the base of your snowflake.

Attach the cardboard petals to the base of the snowflake with the wide parts towards the center - you should have an eight-pointed blank for the snowflake. Glue folded “ears” into the gaps between the rays on top.

In the center, secure the snowflake with a white button or a small-diameter cardboard circle and decorate with decorative cord (you can use woolen thread or, conversely, coarse twine). Decorate the snowflake with ribbons, sequins, sparkles - voila! The volumetric paper snowflake is ready.

Another simple home decoration is a Christmas wreath. It is done, and very quickly at that.

As decoration, you can use large volumetric snowflakes from scrap materials. They are hung from the chandelier, on the curtains. Place it on shelves or use it entirely as a decoration on the Christmas tree. I consider paper to be the most affordable manufacturing material, so we will use it.

Involve the children, let them develop their accuracy and fine motor skills, so that the process takes place in an unforgettable mood of expectation of a miracle. Or while you are creating a decorative element, let the child and other family members cut out openwork snowflakes according to the given templates from the previous article.

Do-it-yourself volumetric paper snowflakes

Nowadays, three-dimensional versions of snowflakes, or they are also called 3D, are very popular. Of course, you need more paper, but the effect is amazing.
With the help of such a decorative element, you can create an unusual photo zone in the apartment where guests will take pictures.

This snowflake can be taken to a kindergarten or school. Also hang and decorate an outdoor Christmas tree.

So, the simplest and most popular options for snowflakes.

In the first version, we used the same technology as in this article when we made an autumn leaf.

For a snowflake, take 6 square sheets, you can use multi-colored stickers.

The idea is that the piece of paper is folded diagonally and 3 slits are made on the fold side.

And the two shortest tips are connected, then the workpiece is turned out with the wrong side. The ends of the two middle strips are glued together.

Then the workpiece is unfolded again and the process continues until all the ends are glued together.

You will get 6 blanks.

And we glue these blanks with their bases to each other.

The next snowflake is even easier to make. It turns out very fluffy and many children like it.

For this we use a sheet of double-sided colored paper and cut it to make a square.

We fold it diagonally and then three more times, getting triangles.

You should have three sides, as in the photo, and a common fold line.

Now we wrap the long end inward and cut off the resulting triangle.

All that remains is to make even, long cuts.

Now carefully unfold the workpiece so that the paper fringe does not tear.

To get volume, we make two more similar blanks of a smaller size and connect them in the center.

Snowflake from newspapers

You can make it from newspapers, or you can make it from plain paper.

To glue one snowflake we need from five to 7 blanks.

We prepare the strips: long – 9 cm, medium – 8 cm, short – 7 cm.

Now we glue the ends of each strip.

We form the blank.

And we combine them into one product.

Newspaper is thinner than paper, so it's best to double each strip to add thickness.

We use toilet paper rolls

Toilet paper rolls are a great item for creativity.

For one snowflake we take one bushing and cut it into pieces of the same size.

And glue them together with hot glue in any order we like. To get a double leaf, you need to fold the ring in half.

If you are going to paint a snowflake, then the sleeve should not dissolve in water; use regular toilet paper.

Apply PVA glue to the edges of the finished product and sprinkle glitter on it.

Detailed diagrams on how to make voluminous paper snowflakes

I also found a detailed explanation of how to make three wonderful snowflakes. By the way, if you use self-sufficient tones like red, black or purple, it will turn out quite stylish and unusual.

Blue snowflake

We need to cut strips of two colors: 5 long, 10 medium and 10 short.

We connect like this: Glue the ends of the long strip, then glue the middle strips to its ends on the sides.

Then there is a turn of short strips, you get a blank.

Use a stapler or hot glue to connect the pieces in the middle.

How do you like the result?

Curly snowflake

You need five square sheets of paper of the same size.

We fold each square halfway and make slits of the same size to the center.

We unfold it and start making a ray. Glue each end of the strip to its beginning at the center, you get something like a droplet.

Let's collect all the pieces into one whole and rejoice at the result.

Black snowflake

A very impressive, but quite complex applique. There are two options for gluing it.

We take the strips of the same width and very even. We fold three strips perpendicular to each other and secure the center with paper clips.
Let's connect the two outer strips to form a petal, and do the same with the rest.

You can do this. But there is another gluing option.
Then we glue the side strips of one side together under the middle strip.

But then, in order to get more rays, you will need to make a second layer on top, but place it diagonally.

To decorate snowflakes, you can use braid, ribbons, beads, LEDs and other elegant elements.

Hello everyone! Today I want to continue the theme of crafts and show you how you can easily and quickly create wonderful toys in the form of paper snowflakes at home. The other day my sons and I made such a beauty that now this wonderful creation makes us happy. Watch and do with us.

I remember how I sat and cut out snowflakes as a child; it brought me so much joy and pleasure. And then she ran and glued it to the window. Time has passed, but nothing has changed until now, I still love this activity, only now I do them with my kids.

As always, I’ll start with the simplest manufacturing options, and along the way there will be more and more complex options.

In order to create a snowflake, you only need one tool - scissors and a sheet of paper and a great mood.

Then you need to correctly fold the paper into a triangle, and then draw a suitable pattern and cut it out. You will also need a simple pencil))).

The main thing is to take a square-shaped sheet, fold it in half (1), then in half again (2), repeat steps (3, 4), almost done! Draw with a pencil what you will cut out, for example like this in this photo:

So, from this triangular blank I propose to make these magically beautiful and light versions of winter snowflakes, which you can use everywhere, even bring them to kindergarten, school and decorate rooms in your apartment, in the entrance and windows with them.

If you like everything openwork, then this look is just for you:

If you prefer classic options, then choose these wonderful snowflakes:

The following layouts and diagrams will be a little more complicated:

In general, I really liked this selection of all kinds of decorations on snowflakes, which I saw on the Internet:

Look how picturesque and patterned they are, it’s just super beautiful, and most importantly, it’s accessible to everyone, even a preschool child, a schoolchild, and even us adults.

For the little ones, you can offer this craft in the form of curls made from stripes.

Cutting snowflakes from napkins or paper

Have you ever seen those, such that the cutest snowflakes appear from napkins that absolutely everyone would like? I found these and am sharing them with you, the method is simple and easy, and also budget-friendly, you will need glue, napkins, scissors, a pencil or pen and cardboard.

Interesting! Napkins can be replaced with any other type of paper, such as corrugated paper.

The stages of work themselves are not complicated, but these pictures outline the entire sequence, so watch and repeat.

The final result of the work will be incredibly beautiful and will be remembered by everyone, and if you decorate it with colored sequins or something like that, it will be absolutely cool.

Or this way, depending on how someone decides to decorate the original sample.

Well, now I’ll show you a rather primitive, old method; before, such cute snowflakes were used to do everything in labor lessons or in art kindergartens. You will need paper and a good mood, and of course, scissors and glue. You will need to cut long strips of paper from a regular A4 sheet, the width of the strip should be 1.5 cm and the length approximately 30 cm.

You can make these multi-colored stripes and you should get 12 plain stripes.

This is how you glue these strips together step by step.

It turned out incredibly original, you can hang it on a Christmas tree, on a window or on a chandelier))).

Another similar option made from paper strips.

I saw a friend’s snowflake made from ordinary newspaper, then you can cover it with shiny varnish or glue sackcloth.

Or you can roll cones out of paper and glue them in a circle, alternating colors.

Do-it-yourself volumetric snowflake with step-by-step descriptions

To begin with, I want to offer you this way of working, maybe you will like it better than the following:

This type of work is a little more complicated, but it is the most interesting in my opinion, because it looks Such a snowflake appears as if in 3D form. Of course, it’s time-consuming, but it’s worth it, my child and I made such a masterpiece in 1 hour. We are happy to share our step-by-step master class with you.

Stages of work:

1. You will need 6 squares of paper (blue and 6 of another white color), we took ordinary squares that we already had, they are sold as notes for notes. If you don't have these, then make your own.

Fold each square in half from one end to the other.

It will turn out something like this, and the last figure lies on the table, this is the result of the work.

2. Then fold the two ends of the paper to the fold line on both sides.

Turn the finished templates over to the wrong side.

Now turn the craft over to the other side again and push out the parts that stick out.

4. This is how it should work out, absolutely not difficult.

The next step will be to prepare 6 white squares, from which we will make the following blanks.

5. So let's start, this work is even easier than the previous one, let's make origami out of paper again.

This is how it should turn out, there should be 6 blue blanks, and also 6 white ones.

6. Well, after you have cut the white squares, fold each leaf in half by taking one end and placing it on the other.

Do it after the envelope.

7. Now turn all the envelopes over to the other side.

My youngest son also helped, and the eldest joined a little later.

8. Fold the sides.

Turn it over and fold out the sides, then fold them towards the center. Cut out a small circle from paper and attach all the modules.

9. Now start gluing.

Take your time, do everything carefully. Use a napkin.

10. Almost everything is ready, all that remains is to decorate and cheer up yourself and those around you.

So I called my eldest son for help, and this is what we did to him.

11. We glued a photo in the middle, it turned out to be such a funny and mischievous modular paper snowflake. Tomorrow we will hang this beauty on a booth in the kindergarten. It looks simply amazing and much brighter live). So be sure that absolutely everyone will like this miracle!

In fact, there are quite a lot of three-dimensional options; they can be made using the origami technique, or in the most ordinary way.

I found these on the Internet, I hope you find them useful, take paper, scissors and glue:

Here is another similar option.

If you have a lot of time, then you can make more complex voluminous snowflakes; I know that the halls of kindergartens, schools, universities, universities and even shops are usually decorated like this.

Interesting! You don’t have to glue the parts together, but use a stapler to do it faster.

Video on how to cut out a New Year's paper snowflake for children

First I wanted to show you a primitive video, and then I thought that you can easily do the most ordinary thing yourself. So I thought, I thought and... I propose to cut out an unusual snowflake in the form of an angel:

Simple snowflake patterns for beginners in origami technique

As far as I know, origami is also divided into subtypes, for example, modular paper origami. Which one do you love the most? I have some interesting ideas.

Or the simplest and easiest to do, even school-age children can figure it out:

Modular origami is already more difficult; here you initially need to learn how to fold the modules correctly, and then everything will go like clockwork.

You will need to make quite a lot of modules to put together such a composition, but you will develop fine motor skills)))

Each such module is easily inserted one after another, so you can come up with any options on the go.

All I can do is wish you good luck and creative success.

Schemes and templates for cutting snowflakes from paper for the New Year

As for the various ready-made patterns, I offer you these types of snowflakes. The main thing is to remember that first you need to fold the sheet correctly, as I showed you at the very beginning

Now outline what you want to see and cut out along the contours.

If you want to make the snowflake more voluminous, use ready-made templates, like this one:

Then for this purpose you will need to cut out 3-4 templates, and then stitch or glue them in the center, and press them down with a stapler. Who needs such ready-made blanks and diagrams, write a comment below, I will send it to you by email absolutely free, I have quite a lot of them in my piggy bank, I will be happy to share a whole bunch.

By the way, you can create your own pattern, look how it looks, try it, it’s a creative activity:

I once thought it was last year, and I imagined such beauty:

For those who like openwork and very complex options, although there is nothing complicated, I can suggest watching this video, by the way, in it, paper is folded differently, take a look, there is something to learn:

Master class on snowflakes in quilling style for beginners

This type of toy is quite difficult if you have never made it using such a well-known quilling technique before. But this is at first glance, because the main thing is to understand the essence.

Even a beginner or a child can get the simplest diagram and snowflake:

And also this video will help you with this, everything is accessible and described and shown step by step. All you have to do is repeat all the actions after the presenter and you will get a masterpiece.

Snowflakes using the quilling technique, this one is stunningly beautiful and charming. Try it.

Well, I gave you a whole bunch of ideas for realizing the festive mood, decorate your house, apartment. It will look simply great, especially with your own hands, such crafts will always bring warmth and comfort to every heart))).

See you! Have a great day everyone, sunny mood! Come visit more often, join my contact group, write reviews and comments. Bye everyone!

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova
