Poems for the New Year for children 7 years old. Poem for children on the theme "New Year"

Why does every child love winter so much? For the snow that covers all the streets? Maybe. During the winter holidays that start at school? Quite possibly. Or perhaps for tangerines, which are just beginning to appear on store shelves? Not a fact, but it could also be. However, such a holiday as makes its significant contribution to children’s love for the winter season. And it’s not at all surprising that if you invite your child to read poems about the New Year for 7-year-old children, he won’t mind at all!

Funny, bright, interesting holiday poems will give a lot of pleasure and positive emotions not only to the people who hear them, but also to the youngest reader. Each of us loves a good rhyme, and if this rhyme comes out of a child’s mouth, then the pleasure increases significantly. In general, New Year's poems for children 7 years old are an excellent opportunity to give an unforgettable experience to both the child and all the people around him. You get aesthetic pleasure, and the baby is the center of attention. Everyone is happy, everything is perfect! All that remains is to find the appropriate verse.

The Vlio website presents various New Year or New Year for children 7 years old, so making a choice should not be difficult for you. From such a variety, you will definitely be able to choose a couple of worthy poems that will be able to lift the spirits and charge everyone present when reading them with the spirit of the approaching celebration!

Oh, so good
Good Santa Claus!
Christmas tree for us for the holiday
Brought it from the forest.

The lights are sparkling
Red, blue!
It’s good for us, Yolka,
Have fun with you!

New Year is coming.
What will he bring to people?
Everyone who works
Who is honest, kind and brave,
Let your wish come true
Whatever he wanted.

A builder wants to build a house
To the delight of the new residents,
So that everyone becomes in it
Happy and cheerful.

What does a gardener dream about?
In his dreams the whole world blooms.
And people, looking at flowers,
They become kinder.
May these glorious dreams
They will be fulfilled soon.

Winter before the holiday
For a green Christmas tree
White dress herself
I sewed it without a needle.

Shaked off the white snow
Christmas tree with a bow
And stands more beautiful than everyone else
In a green dress.

Green suits her
Elka knows this.
How is she on New Year's Eve?
Well dressed!

A Christmas tree in summer is just a Christmas tree:
If you touch a branch, it hurts your fingers,
The trunk is entwined with cobwebs,
The fly agaric is standing below.

That's when winter comes,
The tree seems to come to life:
It will fluff up in the cold,
Will straighten up under the winds,

Not prickly at all
Like a fragrant flower.
It doesn't smell like dew or honey,
The tree smells like New Year!

At the entrance, on the site
I collected the snow with a shovel.
Even though there wasn't a lot of snow,
I made a Snow Maiden.
I put it in the corridor,
And she... melted!

There's a blizzard outside the window,
There is darkness outside the window,
Looking at each other
They sleep in the snow at home.

And the snowflakes are spinning -
They don't care at all! -
In light dresses with lace,
With a bare shoulder.

Teddy bear
Sleeping in his corner
And listens with half an ear
Blizzard outside the window.

Old, gray-haired,
With an ice stick
Blizzard hobbles
Baba Yaga.

And the snowflakes are spinning -
They don't care at all! -
In light dresses with lace,
With a bare shoulder.

Thin legs -
Soft boots,
White shoe -
Sounding heel.

Christmas tree elegant
She came to visit us.
Me and mom and dad
Brought joy.

In multi-colored light bulbs
The Christmas tree is standing.
Bright at the top
The star is on.

We decorated the Christmas tree
Beads, balls.
It will be fun on holiday
Dad, me and mom.

Let's pick it up at the Christmas tree
Friendly round dance.
Will be remembered forever
This New Year!

Despite the fact that everyone celebrates the New Year differently, we are all united by one thing - the anticipation of the holiday, which gives an amazing feeling of happiness to both children and adults. This day is always associated with fairy tales and magic, adding a lot of bright emotions to life that warm you for a long time. Even nature feels the approach of this day: the river is covered with a durable layer of ice, the snow underfoot begins to creak cheerfully, and the trees sparkle in the sun with their snow-white clothes. This means that the most important holiday of the year is very close!

But it’s worth starting to prepare for it in advance. Especially for kids. For example, from choosing poems that can be recited at the holiday tree to Grandfather Frost and receive a treasured gift for it, at a party at school or kindergarten in front of your friends, or in a warm family circle, delighting all family members.

Beautiful, kind New Year's poems will add even more magic and miracles to the holiday. “Letidor” has collected the most interesting poems about the New Year for children of different ages. You can quickly and easily learn them, and at the same time plunge into the festive bustle of New Year's preparations.

For babies

For young children, you should choose clear, simple and short poems. A quatrain will be enough. They can be taught separately or combined into one poem.

Snow has fallen, frost has set in, The cat is washing its nose with its paw, White snowflakes are melting on the puppy’s black back!

Oh, how good, Good Santa Claus! He brought us a Christmas tree for the holiday from the forest. The lights sparkle: Red, blue! It’s good for us, Christmas tree, Have fun with you!

Santa Claus brought us a Christmas tree and lit the lights on it. And the needles shine on it, And there is snow on the branches.

It’s snowing, it’s snowing, it means New Year is coming soon, Santa Claus will come to us and bring gifts to everyone.

I've been waiting for the New Year for a long time, I was blowing snowflakes out the window. In the yard, the growing Christmas tree was sprinkled with snow on its needles. If Santa Claus knocks, the Christmas tree's nose will not freeze.

In the morning the first snow fell; White and cold. This means that the New Year holiday will soon come to us. The lights on our Christmas tree will sparkle brightly! And cheerful Santa Claus will bring gifts.

It happens in the world that only once a year a lucky star is lit on the Christmas tree! The star burns, does not melt, beautiful ice shines. And immediately a happy New Year comes!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Congratulations to all the guys. Let the Christmas tree sparkle for us, Let the songs ring merrily!

Hello, forest Christmas tree, Silvery, thick. You grew up in the sun and came to us for the holiday.

We celebrate the New Year, decorate the Christmas tree, hang toys, balls, firecrackers.

Outside the window there is a flock of snowflakes, also dancing in a circle. Having said goodbye to the old year, We welcome the New Year.

Soon Santa Claus will come, He will bring us gifts, Apples, candies, Santa Claus, where are you?

Children grow, develop, learn any material much better, and their memory is capable of remembering large volumes of text. The main thing is to choose a poem that the child himself will like.

Merry New Year

The Merry New Year will come to visit us soon! And Santa Claus will prepare a whole cart of gifts!

Come to us little animals, Bring us toys. Let's decorate the Christmas tree! Let's bring the holiday closer!

Song about the Christmas tree
(Samuel Marshak)

What grows on the Christmas tree? Cones and needles. Multi-colored balls do not grow on the Christmas tree. Gingerbread and flags do not grow on the Christmas tree, Nuts do not grow in golden paper. These flags and balloons have grown today for Russian children on New Year's holiday. In the cities of my country, In the villages and towns, So many lights have grown on merry Christmas trees!

New Year's Eve
(Sergey Mikhalkov)

They say: on New Year's Eve, whatever you wish for, everything will always happen, everything will always come true.

Even the boys can have all their wishes come true, they just need to make an effort.

Don’t be lazy, don’t yawn, And have patience, And don’t consider learning as your torment.

Winter is in a hurry, busy, Wrapped in snow All the bumps and stumps, Benches and haystacks.

Mittens turn white on the branches of birch trees, So that they don’t catch a cold, To withstand the frost.

Winter told the oak tree to throw on lush fur, put a fur coat on the spruce, and covered everyone warmly.

She fixed the ice in the river for a long time and reliably. You can walk along the river. Come to us, New Year!

About the Christmas tree
(Korney Chukovsky)

If the Christmas tree had legs, it would run along the path. If she danced with us, she would knock her heels. Toys would spin on the Christmas tree - Multi-colored lanterns, Firecrackers. Flags made of crimson and silver paper would spin on the Christmas tree. They would laugh at the Matryoshka Christmas tree and clap their hands for joy. Because tonight the merry New Year has knocked at the gate! New, new, Young, With a golden beard!

New Year
(Mikhail Plyatskovsky)

What is New Year? This is a friendly round dance, This is pipes and violins, Jokes, songs and smiles - This is what it means, This is what New Year means!

What is New Year? New Year - frost and ice! And in the dancing snowflakes there are invisible springs - That's what it means, That's what New Year means!

Where does New Year come from?
(Andrey Usachev)

Is New Year falling from the sky? Or is it coming from the forest? Or does the New Year come to us from a snowdrift?

He probably lived like a snowflake on some star, or hid like a feather in Frost's beard?

He climbed into the refrigerator to sleep, Or into the hollow of a squirrel... Or into an old alarm clock. Did he climb under the glass?

But a miracle always happens: The clock strikes twelve... And out of nowhere the New Year comes to us!

Our Christmas tree
(Zoya Petrova)

Our Christmas tree is big, Our Christmas tree is tall. Taller than dad, taller than mom - Reaches to the ceiling. How her outfit sparkles, How the lanterns burn, Our Christmas tree congratulates all the guys on the New Year. We will dance merrily, we will sing songs, so that the Christmas tree will want to come visit us again!

Soon, soon the New Year will bring us joy. Lots of different chocolates, sweets, and marmalades.

Nice, kind Santa Claus brought you gifts. Look under the tree, so what if there are needles there.

There lies a big gift, Among the toys and bright arches. The New Year will be a fairy tale and will relieve you of worries.

The animals celebrated the New Year
(Boris Zakhoder)

The animals celebrated the New Year. The animals led a round dance. Around a green Christmas tree. The Mole, the Hippopotamus, and even the evil Wolves danced!

And the Porcupine began to dance - Thorny needles, And everyone - trembling, And everyone - squealing, And everyone - running from the tree! Look: Already - At least he’s good! And he is trembling with fear!.. - But you won’t get through me! - Said Che-re-pa-ha! – We’ll dance with a Turtle Step, But we’ll probably out-dance everyone!

Hello New Year!
(Elena Kravchenko)

Everything around is white and white, covered with pure snow. Santa Claus is already in a hurry, he orders us to celebrate the New Year!

The garlands glow brightly. Make all your wishes among the lights of our decorated Christmas tree!

Let the Old Year take sorrows and adversity with it. Round dances began to spin... Hello, hello, New Year!

It happens in the world
(Irina Tokmakova)

It happens in the world that only once a year a beautiful star is lit on the Christmas tree.

The star burns, does not melt, the beautiful ice glitters. And immediately Happy New Year comes!

At the age of 8–9 years and older, children are already able to memorize fairly long poems. It is important not to let everything take its course, but to continue to learn them together with the child.

New Year's incident
(Valentin Berestov)

Simple toys through a crack One day we saw a Christmas tree: “Let’s decorate the Christmas tree!” Let’s climb onto the branches and sit down!”

The toys climbed onto the Christmas tree. The monkey is already at the top. The branch bent under Mishka, and swayed slightly under the Bunny.

Chickens hang like lanterns, Matryoshka dolls are like colorful balls... “Hey, Christmas tree decorations, Snow Maidens, stars, firecrackers,

Twisted, cast glass, silver, gold! While you were collecting dust on the shelf, We all ended up on the Christmas tree! Now let's make the kids happy! Oh, fathers! We're falling! We're falling!"

It was in January
(Agniya Barto)

It was in January, there was a Christmas tree on the mountain, and angry wolves were wandering around this tree.

One day, at night, when the forest is so quiet, a wolf and a hare meet a wolf under the mountain.

Who wants to fall into the clutches of a wolf in the New Year! The little bunnies rushed forward and jumped onto the tree.

They folded their ears and hung like toys. Ten little bunnies hang on the tree and are silent -

The wolf was deceived. It was in January, - He thought that there was a decorated Christmas tree on the mountain.

(Ivan Surikov)

White fluffy snow swirls in the air and quietly falls to the ground and lies down. And in the morning the field turned white with snow, as if everything had been covered with a shroud.

The dark forest covered itself with a wonderful hat and fell asleep under it soundly, soundly... God's days are short, the sun shines little, Now the frosts have come - and winter has come.

The hard-working peasant pulled out his sleigh, the children are building snow mountains. The peasant had been waiting for winter and cold for a long time, and he covered the outside of the hut with straw.

So that the wind does not penetrate into the hut through the cracks, blizzards and blizzards do not blow snow. He is now calm - everything around is covered, And he is not afraid of the angry frost.

(Samuel Marshak)

In December, in December All the trees are in silver. Our river, as if in a fairy tale, was paved with frost overnight, renewed skates and sleds, and brought a Christmas tree from the forest. The Christmas tree cried at first from the warmth of home. In the morning she stopped crying, started breathing, came to life. Its needles are trembling slightly, the lights are lit on the branches. Like on a ladder, on a Christmas tree, the lights run up. Firecrackers sparkle with gold. The bravest light that reached the top of the head lit the star with silver. A year has passed like yesterday. Over Moscow at this hour the clock of the Kremlin tower strikes its fireworks - twelve times.

Happy New Year
(Elena Blaginina)

What a Christmas tree! Simply amazing! How elegant! How beautiful! Here the lights lit up on her, Hundreds of tiny lights!

And, decorating the tops, there shines, as always, a very bright, large, five-winged star!

The doors are wide open, just like in a fairy tale, The round dance is dancing! And over this round dance there is talk, songs, ringing laughter.

Happy New Year! Happy new happiness to everyone!

Father Frost
(Zinaida Alexandrova)

Santa Claus walked through the forest, past maples and birches, past clearings, past stumps, walked through the forest for eight days.

He walked through the forest - decorated the Christmas trees with beads. This night on New Year's Eve He will take them down for the boys.

There is silence in the clearings, the yellow moon is shining. All the trees are in silver, Hares are dancing on the mountain, Ice is sparkling on the pond, New Year is coming!

Christmas tree - sorceress
(Evgeniy Finkelshtein)

When the New Year lights up the colored lights on the Christmas tree, they remember their entire childhood, Happy childhood days.

Someone will think of a wish and whisper to Santa Claus, he will fulfill all the promises and bring it in the New Year.

Tell us, little Christmas tree, a fairy tale, Tell us a magical dream, little Christmas tree. About palaces, about forests and sleds, About wizards and animals.

Poems about the New Year, about Santa Claus, about the Christmas tree, about the snowman, about the New Year's round dance at the New Year's tree Poems for children 4-5 years old What is New Year? What is New Year? It's the other way around: Christmas trees are growing in the room, Squirrels don’t gnaw cones, Hares next to a wolf On a prickly tree! The rain is also difficult, It's golden on New Year's Day, It shines as much as it can, Doesn't wet anyone Even Santa Claus No one's nose stings. ( E. Mikhailova) ~~~ Who's come? Who's come? What did you bring? We know: Father Frost, Gray-haired grandfather, With beard, He is our dear guest. He will light the Christmas tree for us, He will sing songs with us. (E. Blaginina) ~~~ Father Frost It has grown to my eyebrows, He got into my felt boots. They say he is Santa Claus And he plays pranks like a little boy. He ruined the water tap In our washbasin. They say he has a beard And he plays pranks like a little boy. He draws on glass Palm trees, stars, skiffs. They say he is a hundred years old, And he plays pranks like a little boy! (E. Tarakhovskaya) ~~~ The New Year is rushing at a trot The New Year is rushing at a trot, He hurries into the house and knocks;
There is white ice on the lakes
The eye is blinding and sparkling.

The maple, hugging the alder, stands -
It's warmer together;
He says something quietly
To her, her bride.

The sun will fall soon
Fun over the hill;
He'll go wild and sing
The forest is ringing with a blizzard.

The snow will dance in a round dance,
Will spin like a whirlwind;
Soon, soon New Year!
Trotting to visit. (Avdeenko Kirill) ~~~ Present On New Year's Eve under a bright Christmas tree I found my gift.
In an old shoe box
The golden kitten was sleeping.

Nose with a button, tail with a brush,
Paws in white shoes,
And mustache, mustache!
And stripes on the sides.

I'll take him to bed.
I'll sing a song quietly.
So that he sleeps sweetly - sweetly
I'll tell you a bedtime story! (Suvorova S.) ~~~ The clock strikes twelve The clock is striking twelve It's dark outside.
Do you hear someone quietly
He knocked on the window.
The gate creaked...
It is a New Year!!!
He has a fairy tale with him
He leads by the hand.
New Year on the Christmas tree
The lights will be lit
And you today
It will take you to a fairy tale.
The animals celebrated the New Year The animals celebrated the New Year. The animals led a round dance.
Around a green Christmas tree.
Both the Mole and the Hippopotamus danced,
And even evil Wolves!
The Porcupine also started dancing -
prickly needles,
And all - tremble,
And that's all - scream
And that's all - run away from the Christmas tree!
Look: at least he’s good! -
And he is trembling with fear!..
-But you won’t get through me! -
Said Che-re-pa-ha!
-We'll dance at a snail's pace,
But we’ll probably out-dance everyone! (B. Zakhoder)
~~~ Where does the new year come from? Is New Year falling from the sky? Or is it coming from the forest?
Or from a snowdrift
Is the New Year coming to us?

He probably lived like a snowflake
On some star
Or was he hiding behind a piece of fluff?
Frost in his beard?

He climbed into the refrigerator to sleep
Or to a squirrel in a hollow...
Or an old alarm clock
Did he get under the glass?

But there is always a miracle:
The clock strikes twelve...
And from nowhere
New Year is coming to us! (A. Usachev) ~~~ Christmas tree B beads flatter on the Christmas tree, Firecrackers and star.
We love our Christmas tree -
Yes Yes Yes!
Snow Maiden in a white fur coat
He always comes to us.
We sing and dance with her -
Yes Yes Yes!
And Santa Claus is cheerful,
Gray beard,
Brings us gifts -
Yes Yes Yes! (Naydenova N.)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Poems for children 7-8 years old A. Anpilov. « New Year » Evening. The smell of tangerine. A draft stirs the candles. Serpentine curls curl. Stars, balls, hearts. The house smells like sweet pine, The spruce shakes its paw. They look at the clock furtively, Smiling mom and dad. It's a bit long these days The arrows turn slowly... I'm spinning like on pins and needles I'm waiting - what will happen next? There will be a holiday! It will be hot! Chimes - crystal ringing There will be a dream among gifts On a pillow in a child's bedroom... ~~~ Barto A. “In defense of Santa Claus” My brother (he has outgrown me) Brings everyone to tears He told me that Santa Claus Not Santa Claus at all! He told me: - Don't believe in him! - But here I am The door opened And suddenly I see - Grandfather enters. He has a beard Dressed in a sheepskin coat. Toe loop to the very toes! He says: -Where is the Christmas tree? Do the children sleep? With a big silver By the bag Costs Covered with snow, In a fluffy hat Grandfather, And the older brother Secretly repeats: - Yes, this is our neighbor! How can you not see: the nose is similar! Both arms and back! I answer:- Well, so what! And you look like your grandmother, But you are not her! ~~~ It was in January There was a Christmas tree on the mountain, And near this Christmas tree Evil wolves roamed. One day, at night, When the forest is so quiet, They meet a wolf under the mountain Bunnies and hare. Who's up for the New Year? Fall into the clutches of the wolf! The bunnies rushed forward And they jumped onto the tree. They flattened their ears They hung like toys. Ten little bunnies They hang on the tree and are silent. The wolf was deceived. It was in January He thought that on the mountain Decorated Christmas tree. ~~~ Berestov V. “New Year’s Incident” Simple toys through the crack One day we saw a Christmas tree: "Let's decorate the Christmas tree! Let's climb onto the branches and sit down!" The toys climbed onto the Christmas tree. The monkey is already at the top. The branch bent under Mishka, I swayed a little under the Bunny. Chickens hang like lanterns Matryoshka dolls are like colorful balls... "Hey, Christmas decorations, Snow Maidens, stars, firecrackers, Twisted, cast glass, Silver, gold! While you were collecting dust on the shelf, We all ended up on the Christmas tree! Now let's make the kids happy! Oh, fathers! We're falling! We're falling!" ~~~ Vysotskaya O. “New Year tree” How beautiful the New Year tree is! How she dressed up - look!
Dress on a green Christmas tree,
Bright beads sparkle on the chest.
Our Christmas tree is tall and slender,
In the evening it will all sparkle
The sparkle of lights, and snowflakes, and stars,
Like a peacock's tail opening!
Christmas tree in your gold pockets
Hid a lot of different sweets
And she extended thick branches towards us,
It's like a hostess greeting guests.
With a good Christmas tree, the holiday is good!
~~~ Korneeva O. “Santa Claus is in a hurry to the Christmas tree” Santa Claus is hurrying to the Christmas tree - He is not tired and not cold,
After all, the sled is fast
They're taking him from a fairy tale.
From a snowy fairyland
And the unknown side
Sled with bells
They fly across the sky on their own.
And, parting the clouds,
The frost is slightly worried,
After all, the guys are waiting for him -
And birds and animals:
Wolf cub, elk and wood grouse,
Fox, bullfinches, bullfinches.
His hamster is waiting in the hole.
And bunnies on the hill.
Grandfather Frost has arrived,
I brought new gifts -
Candies and toys,
Garlands and firecrackers!
- How glad, little animals, to see you!
I'll pamper everyone now!
Stand by the Christmas tree
And join hands!
Girlfriend Christmas tree, light up,
Shine with bright lights!
Let the balls
They sparkle with wonderful light!
Santa Claus made it to the Christmas tree,
He didn't stop and didn't freeze.
Songs flow by the Christmas tree,
Everyone is dancing and laughing!
~~~ E. Nemenko. "New Year's"
The arrows are ticking quietly,
Don't rush to move forward
And that's why it took so long
New Year doesn't come.

I'm in a musketeer costume
Near the Christmas tree, like in a dream...
I was told very soon
Santa Claus will come to see me.

I ask adults to answer
To one simple question -
He's coming to visit us today
The real Santa Claus?

Real! - dad jokes,
Real! - the grandfather jokes.
Should I laugh or cry?
Or believe in their answer...

The bell rang in the hallway -
Here he is - Grandfather Frost!
Soft, warm palm
He grabbed my nose...

How can we trust these adults?
I didn't understand at all -
Will Frost have them?
Warm palms?

E. Blaginina. « Happy New Year! »
What a Christmas tree! Simply amazing!
How elegant! How beautiful!
Here the lights are lit on her,
Hundreds of tiny lights!
And decorating the tops,
It shines there, as always,
Very bright, big,
Five-winged star!
The doors are wide open, just like in a fairy tale,
The round dance rushes along!
And over this round dance
Talk, songs, ringing laughter.
Happy New Year!
Happy new happiness to everyone!

M. Plyatskovsky. “It’s good at the Christmas tree » Stand in a wider circle Let's start the round dance now, In the whole world, in the whole world There are no happier guys than us! Good by the Christmas tree Dance in a round dance! Good by the Christmas tree Sing songs! Our tree to the top They dressed everything up. Here are the firecrackers, here are the toys, Here the flags on it are lit. There are flocks of snowflakes outside the window They also dance in a circle. Saying goodbye to the old year, We are celebrating the New Year! ~~~ Lyudmila Shevchenko. « How the animals waited for Santa Claus » New Year is coming very soon! Santa Claus will come to visit,
They are still waiting for the Snowman;
The animals are busy for now:
They decorate the Christmas trees together:
On green needles
Hanging toys
Serpentine, firecrackers.
Good Grandfather Frost
I brought a gift for everyone:
Misha - honey and pies,
And for the fox - boots.
Squirrel - nuts,
Mushrooms, russula:
Grandma Yaga - sneakers,
An apple and three carrots.
The wolf was late for the holiday,
But he passed the exam.
He is now a wolf stargazer.
Glory to the gray one, honor!
Happy New Year, kids!
Even though it's time to sleep,
The animals dance and sing,
All friends are invited to visit!
A Christmas tree in summer is just a Christmas tree:
If you touch a branch, it hurts your fingers,
The trunk is entwined with cobwebs,
The fly agaric is standing below.
That's when winter comes,
The tree seems to come to life:
It will fluff up in the cold,
Will straighten up under the winds,
Not prickly at all
Like a fragrant flower.
It doesn't smell like dew or honey,
The tree smells like New Year!

Poems about the New Year for children 6-7 years old

All adults had the opportunity to learn poems for various holidays in school and kindergartens in childhood. Poems were especially difficult to learn at the age of 6-7 years, when parents demand perfect pronunciation and complete absence of failures, justifying such a requirement with the dubious word “must”.

However, many modern parents, offering their children poems about the New Year for children 6-7 years old, try to ensure that their child performs at the New Year's party no worse than his peers. But the main goal of memorizing poetry in childhood is not the manifestation of talents, but the development of memory and improving the pronunciation of words.

The main mistakes of teachers and parents

When a child is offered a poem, memorizing it should be interesting to both adults and the child himself. If a child tries to remember a hated verse so as not to anger his parents (teacher), his goal will not be to assimilate the meaning of the verse, which will contribute to long-term memorization, but the desire to avoid mistakes during test reading.

It would not be surprising if a child, waking up in the morning, forgets half of the text or, upon going on stage, begins to stutter, confusing words. You cannot put pressure on a 6-7 year old child, demanding a responsible attitude towards the assigned tasks, since he has a slightly different understanding of the educational process. Typically, children study not to gain the necessary knowledge, but to avoid upsetting their parents by causing them to scream.

Also read: poems about the New Year for children 4-5 years old.

A child's temperament matters

All children have different temperaments. Some are playful fidgets, constantly running around the house or street, others are calmer, preferring creative games. You should always choose a New Year's verse taking into account the child's temperament.

For rhythmic and cheerful children, an emotional poem with notes of humor that a child can understand is more suitable. For calm children, it is better to choose a poem that does not require frequent changes in intonation and gestures. This way, it will be easier for them to understand the meaning of the verse, feel the rhythm and remember the content.

It is noteworthy that poems that suit a child’s temperament remain in his memory much longer and are easier to learn. The process of memorizing the text will be pleasant and interesting for both children and adults.

Poems about the New Year for children 6-7 years old:

It smells like fresh tar again,

We gathered at the Christmas tree,

Our Christmas tree is dressed up,

The lights on it came on.

Games, jokes, songs, dances!

Masks flash here and there...

You are a bear and I am a fox.

What miracles!

Let's dance together,

Hello, hello, New Year

We won't see him in the spring,

He won't come even in the summer,

But in winter to our children

He comes every year.

He has a bright blush,

Beard like white fur

Interesting gifts

He will cook for everyone.

Happy New Year,

He will light a lush Christmas tree,

Amusing the kids

He will join us in a round dance.

We meet him together

We are great friends with him...

But drink hot tea

This is not allowed as a guest!

Winter before the holiday

For a green Christmas tree

White dress herself

I sewed it without a needle.

Shaked off the white snow

Christmas tree with a bow

And stands more beautiful than everyone else

In a green dress.

Green suits her

Elka knows this.

How is she on New Year's Eve?

Well dressed!

They bought me a Christmas tree! They bought me a Christmas tree!

In the forest at the edge they did not cut it down.

And they made the Christmas tree at a good factory

Good uncles, cheerful aunts.

Come quickly, quickly take a look

For a Christmas tree made of thin silver threads:

All in shaggy, shiny and lush needles,

Touch it and it will ring barely audibly.

But the forest tree remained alive,

Standing on the edge

Nodding with the top of her head. To whom? No one!

Just the wind, the blizzard,

The same beautiful uncut spruce!

If the teacher suggested the verse

If you can’t choose a verse for your child, because teachers usually independently distribute the texts for the New Year’s party, you should choose the right tactics for memorizing the text. You should not demand from your child a concentrated repetition of the required text, this will only increase the child’s internal reluctance to comply with incomprehensible demands.

One can casually mention the presence of Santa Claus' assistants at the matinee, reporting to him about the children who read their poems with expression. It will be much more pleasant for the child to learn the verse, understanding his benefit from its successful reading. He will try to cope with the task as well as possible in order to receive the desired gift under the tree. Naturally, after the performance, the child should be encouraged with a gift from the generous New Year's wizard.

Many children try very hard to please their teachers, considering them very smart and beautiful. You can invite your child to learn a poem to please your favorite teacher and surprise her with good intonation and diction.

The child will strive to remember the poem as best as possible in order to stand out from his peers, putting in maximum effort and effort. Thus, poems about the New Year for children 6-7 years old will be studied by the child with great desire and desire to achieve the best possible results.

Our Christmas tree is shining brightly,
Santa Claus is knocking on the door.
On this New Year's holiday
Believe in a miracle soon.

Quiet clock on the wall
Count down the full circle
And with the twelfth strike
The New Year will come suddenly.

Happiness, joy and health
Let him bring with him
And at least for a while
It will take us to a fairy tale.

Modern Santa Claus!
He brought gifts to everyone:
Not candy, not toys,
Not furry little animals...

He brought us: phones,
Modern - smartphones,
Flash drives - as many as ten pieces,
And a compact laptop!

I remember a wonderful moment
You appeared before me.
With a fluffy Christmas tree - a sight for sore eyes! -
With a bag of enormous height.

There are gifts in the bag. What a wonder!
Everyone's dreams have come true!
Everything is packaged beautifully
You give them to me with a smile.

Yes, I'm not Pushkin. I do not know how
Write poems with your soul.
But I dare to congratulate
And wish the world happiness.

Thank you, Grandfather, for the holiday,
For the New Year's lights,
For so many fairy tales, very different,
For your kind words!

Santa Claus is a funny eccentric,
Doesn't grumble, doesn't frown,
He can't sit at home
He rushes to visit the kids.

Draws a pattern on the window,
And he will dance at the Christmas tree,
All the lights will light up around,
Santa Claus is our winter friend!

And when everyone goes to bed,
He won't grieve
He will rush home
Deliver gifts to us!

Glorious holiday - New Year,
He's already coming to visit us,
He brings goodness with him,
The smell of a Christmas tree and warmth,
And fun and gifts,
A bright holiday brings us.
To make your dreams come true,
Let's make a wish together.

Santa Claus is coming to me,
How will he find my address?
Knows the code for the intercom
Or will he climb in from the balcony?

Or through a chimney
Will he sneak into my house?
Maybe open the window
Should I wait for him a little?

While I was thinking, I was so tired,
That he accidentally dozed off.
Well, Grandfather Frost
He brought me a surprise last night!

Snowflakes are flying outside the window
And they lie down on the paths.
It came to us again
Our winter is winter.

Spun, danced,
I painted all the windows,
I invited everyone to a round dance,
To celebrate the New Year!

Santa Claus is coming to visit us,
The children are very happy about him,
All dreams come true
The holiday begins!

In the festive and bright hall
We all got together.
Santa Claus brought gifts,
Let's shout: “Christmas tree, light up!”
Let's hold hands together,
Let's stand next to each other in a tight circle.
How does the song go?
"You are my friend and I am your friend."
Let's wish you joy
I went to every house.
So that the New Year fills
Souls with light and goodness.
So that there is no sadness,
Peace reigned throughout the entire Earth.
For miracles to happen
Happy New Year to you and me!

Snow falls on the palms
Snow-white, tender crumbs.
Soon the city will shine,
It will play with lights,

And the clock strikes twelve,
Miracles will begin to happen.
What kind of holiday? New Year!
There is a cycle of miracles here,

Laughter, smiles, songs, dances,
Like in the kindest fairy tale.
It will be fabulous all year
It will bring a sea of ​​happiness!

You ask the guys
Why are they making noise?
And they dance and they sing,
Grandfather's name loudly?
Because at the gate
Main holiday:
New Year!

Snowflakes are dancing in the air,
They draw patterns on glass.
The trees are burning in silver,
Icicles ring in the wind.
Your nose gets cold at this time of year!
But only Grandfather Frost,
Not afraid of blizzards and snow,
He flies on a sleigh like a bird,
I hasten to congratulate all the people,
And give a surprise quickly!
He's on a bright New Year's holiday
He's having fun like a prankster,
Covering passers-by with snow,
Lighting up the sky with fireworks!

Today is the best holiday
Today is New Year!
Let it be just fun
And it will bring joy.
Let miracles happen
From now on every time.
Let's go for a walk outside,
The weather is just great!
There's a lot of snow there
Ice froze on the river,
Snowflakes dance for us
Merry round dance.
