The Orlando attack was the deadliest mass murder in US history. Details and reaction

In one of the nightclubs in Nizhny Novgorod there was flagrant incident. A drunk girl had sex with a guy right on the dance floor. The case is being actively discussed on social networks, federal and regional media write about it, and Nizhny Novgorod itself is already prophesying glory, calling it a new Diana Shurygina.

A video of the spicy incident went viral online. The footage shows that everything happens right on the dance floor during a party in front of dozens of eyewitnesses. Some of them smile embarrassedly, others laugh and film what is happening on their mobile phone cameras.

After some time, the couple began to actively kiss, and then continued to dance as if nothing had happened.

A student at the Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation was expelled from educational institution after a sex video with his participation appeared on the Internet. RIA Novosti reports this with reference to a representative of the academy.

In turn, representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported that the department began an investigation into what happened in the Nizhny Novgorod club MILO. The materials will be sent to the recruiting body to make a decision on their further service in the internal affairs bodies. To my partner young man will also have to answer for her behavior: a first-year student at the State Pedagogical University. Kozma Minina will appear before the disciplinary commission.

A student who had sex in the Milo nightclub in Nizhny Novgorod went live on the Periscope application to answer all the questions of Internet users.

According to the girl, she would not go on television shows for any amount of money, and this format will allow her to reduce the information noise around public sex among students as quickly as possible. The girl notes that she regrets what happened and calls herself a fool.

After users identified the “main characters” of the scandalous plot, they both deleted their VKontakte pages. However, later the student decided to explain her behavior, for which she went live on one of the applications. Without much embarrassment, she answered all the questions from Internet users.

At the same time, the girl immediately clarified that “she will not go to television shows for any money.”

“I’ll film this live broadcast, and then I’ll just stop answering everyone, so that all this will quickly be forgotten,” said the student. - I’m not high, I’ve just calmed down. My friends and family calmed me down.

“I know that I’m a fool,” admits the heroine of the video. - This happened on the initiative of both, I think. I was too drunk.

Users are divided into two camps: some condemn the behavior of the student, others accuse the guy of rape. Meanwhile, during the online broadcast, the girl said that she did not intend to contact the police.

Friends of the “victim” began searching for the hero-lover, distributing directions on social networks. According to available data, the young man is hiding, and nothing is known about his whereabouts until now. Users claim that they intend to find the guy and hand him over to law enforcement agencies.

Users social networks I was outraged by the reaction of eyewitnesses who looked indifferently on the sidelines, laughed, recorded what was happening on video, and even gave advice to the couple. Many were surprised by the inaction of the administration and security of the night establishment

Some Internet users who condemned the couple's immoral behavior are puzzled why the nightclub security did not intervene in the situation. People outraged by hooliganism believe that investigative authorities should conduct an investigation.

Even from such an everyday event as going to a club with drinks, women and loud dancing, it turns out that you can have fun! You just need to follow the simplest rules of etiquette, which will mark you as a sober-minded, and even sober, person.

But first you need to understand why you ended up in that club in the first place, and who all these people are around. In most cases, you all have the same motive - to show yourself, to see new interesting faces and remember the old ones. People come there for communication (or some semblance of it), but at the same time, no one needs intrusive, unnerving, uncontrollable or simply inappropriate characters at the celebration of life.

Don't argue with face control

They don’t let you in, which means there are reasons, often completely absurd, and in no way connected with your appearance or financial situation. It’s faster to catch a taxi and rush to the next club, where the gatekeepers are more accommodating than to bicker and wait for a miracle. And if something in the club itself was not to your liking, then - as many years of practice have shown - it is useless to demand a complaint book, threaten with a prosecutor, the sanitary and epidemiological station or compromising evidence on Facebook. It doesn’t work, for some reason the management and security of the clubs have hearts of stone.

Don't take pictures

People want to relax, unwind, relax. They don’t want to constantly pose, wince from flashes, wait for you to catch the trick and do the eighth successful take. Even if you simply have to put on the Internet a full report about your party with your friends, do yourself a favor - limit yourself to a couple of frames, put away the camera and then join in the general fun. Burn out your inner photographer!

Don't create a traffic jam

Don’t stand like a pillar in a narrow passage through which people stream to the restroom, smoking room and back. And don’t stand in exactly the same sad post on the stairs of the club. You ruin traffic and burn other people's nerves.

Don't take small glasses

For good active rest A cocktail requires two things. First: quick cooking so as not to wait for two drinks until the morning. Second: deep and tall glasses from which the drink will not spill. Therefore, cocktails for romantic sofa gatherings by candlelight are undesirable in a club setting.

Don't hold hands

People crossing the dance floor holding hands cause a feeling of discomfort, both moral and physical. There is no joy in letting a train of friends pass by, who suddenly all feel the urge to go to the bar at the same time, or who are simply dancing around an imaginary Christmas tree. Although for some reason it seems to them forever great idea And in a fun way movement in the club space. But that's not true.

In most cities around the world, nightclubs and other entertainment venues are the center of nightlife and are in close contact with youth culture. This seems quite normal, but there is the following diagram online:

In the red circle: things you would rather do all the time. In the yellow circle: things you hate. At the intersection: bars and nightclubs.

Word " night club" Can mean different types establishments, but there is one rule - the cooler and more popular place, the worse it is for entertainment and relaxation. On a Saturday or Friday night, the club turns from an entertainment venue into a medieval instrument of torture.

The problems begin with your attitude that a club is perfect place for relaxation and fun. You imagine something like this: “Shouldn’t we go to a nightclub today? It would be nice to unwind!” In fact, you should think a little differently: “Oh, God! No, nightclubs are terrible places and you shouldn’t even go there!”

After decades of suffering for millions of people, it's time to reveal the truth about nightclubs and look at this common leisure practice from an unusual angle.

Let's start from the very beginning.

Friday evening. You are cheerful and cheerful, your friends are also in a great mood, and you are all planning to go to the club together. But as soon as you get to to the right place, then you encounter a typical picture:

Let's figure out what's going on here.

To understand the logic of nightclubs, first imagine the logic of relations with the buyer of any other business - “thank the client, serve upper class, and then he will return” - and turn it over.

Call it whatever you want, but the point of late-night bars is to make you feel small and insignificant. It's cold and windy outside, but you're forced to queue, even if the club is still empty. But this is just the beginning.

While you are waiting for your turn, a group passes nearby glamorous girls and without any problems immediately gets into the club. The bouncer grins sarcastically at you and closes the entrance again.

Finally, when you reach the doors, you notice that the nightclub has no sign. This is because the owners of such establishments love it when their unfortunate visitors go through a lot of trouble finding their club.

The bully bouncer (who could easily be the guy who bullied you in junior classes) asks your name and stamps your hand.

Finally you get inside.

An outside observer, having seen all the misadventures that you had to go through, will be very surprised, in fact, for the sake of what all this was started. Surely, he expected to see some kind of paradise, but in reality the nightclub is an incredible mixture of horror and hopelessness. In a word, absolute hell.

It is unbearably noisy, dark and crowded here. Like a hellish cauldron, the nightclub is seething and foaming, and you don’t see the slightest opportunity to have a good time.

Perhaps this atmosphere in the nightclub can be explained by the desire of its owners to recreate the atmosphere of big concerts. Anyway, let's think about how you can have fun.

1. You can have a little drink

After you leave your outerwear in the cloakroom and finally entering the seething belly of this place, it's time for a drink. Your ultimate goal is to spend a little more than $50, but first you need to solve one difficult task: actually, make your way to the counter through three rows of customers and attract the bartender's attention to you.

Depending on your impudence and luck, the purchase can last from 3 to 20 very nervous minutes. We strongly advise you to spend at least a week training your facial expressions so that you can establish contact with the bartender as quickly as possible.

After you return to your friends with your drinks, it's time for the main activity at the nightclub.

2. Just stand there and don’t talk to anyone.

If you don’t look closely at the surrounding crowd of people, you might think that everyone around is constantly having fun and is open to communication. But that's not true. A closer look will reveal the truth: basically everyone looks like this guy.

Half an hour ago, this young man was still carefree talking with his friends, having dinner or already going to the club, and was happy. But the real fun began only here... Alas.

3. Hold something in your hand

Holding something in your hand—usually a cold drink—is one of the popular activities in bars around the world. We all do it, trying not to pay attention to the fact that it is a little stupid and unpleasant.

Firstly, the glass is covered with condensation, so holding it is simply disgusting. Secondly, you will keep it for a long time. Third, in a buzzing nightclub crowd, you'll spill the contents of your glass on yourself every 30 seconds. If you were in a restaurant and you were told that you would have to keep your glass inches from the table throughout the evening, you would simply leave.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to place the glass anywhere. In the sense that, of course, you can leave your drink somewhere, but you will immediately feel vulnerable. After all, you just stand there and don’t talk to anyone! Pick up your phone quickly: this way you will be safe again.

4. Convincingly demonstrate to others that you are having a great time.

It’s almost impossible to hear something specific in a nightclub. But in order to show everyone around that you feel good here and you are enjoying the atmosphere, you have to shout something meaningless like “O-o-o-o” or “E-e-e-e”. Perhaps this is one of the most fun activities in the night club.

5. Scream in the ear of your interlocutor

At some point, you'll want to have a quick word with your friends because, in theory, you're having fun together. In a nightclub, you are unable to communicate in any manner other than shouting in each other's ears. It looks quite rude, and what would be a minute conversation in a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere of a restaurant in a nightclub, you will spend just under half an hour.

You can take the initiative and even try to talk to strangers. This usually frustrates both sides of the interaction and leads to nothing productive. The irony is that in nightclubs, lonely people usually want to meet someone, to meet other lonely people, but the oppressive and noisy atmosphere around simply excludes this possibility.

Nightclubs do a very poor job of one of their main tasks - communication. A nightclub is the worst place you can imagine to meet people. You can barely see what a person looks like, let alone the more subtle features that convey the personality of the interlocutor.

Since the environment is noisy, the only way to start a conversation is with stranger something will be shouted in his direction, which is not entirely beautiful and pleasant, as you understand.

7. Cry

In fact, a lot of people cry in nightclubs.

8. Constantly encounter manifestations of gender stereotypes from ten years ago

From the group of girls being skipped in line to the guys buying drinks for the ladies they met just seconds ago, the nightclub is an arena for gender stereotyping and everyday discrimination.

Caption: Hello! What is your name? Would you like a drink? Here you go. Do you live near here? Me too. Can we go already?

Sexism and gender inequality are frowned upon in society, but they thrive in nightclubs.

9. Drink shots to drown out your loneliness.

Drinking shots is quite disgusting, and those who say otherwise are most likely lying shamelessly.

10. Get dirty

Admittedly, nightclubs are quite dirty. A sickening smell, stale air, a sticky floor from spilled alcohol, a bartender squeezing a lemon into your glass and immediately counting your change...

These are conditions that only a drunken person can create and that only a drunken person can endure. But the creepiest sight you'll see is in the men's restroom, which you'll visit at least twice.


Fights happen quite often in nightclubs, and if you notice that someone has started waving their fists indiscriminately, then you should know that it’s time for you to go home. In addition, nothing here will satisfy the suddenly awakened hunger. You grab your jacket and head outside, realizing you left your credit card somewhere inside.

And even after everything we've been through next time you will also convince yourself that nightclubs are fun.

Of course, it's not that much fun. It's fun to be drunk, but where to drink is a matter of taste. If you want something worthwhile and real, then always stay sober. But then please refrain from visiting nightclubs. Until people realize it, on the streets of the city at night you will constantly see groups of people lined up and patiently waiting for their turn.

“Derek, I want to ask, how do you avoid looking like a lonely psycho??? Recently, as an experiment, I went to a club with my sister to see what I was doing wrong... to my surprise, she accurately guessed all the guys who were there alone and hunting girls. She called ordinary normal guys who hung around the dance floor and just looked out for girls “shooters.” I don’t know why, but she also, pointing to the guys who were alone, without friends, called them lonely psychos.
Is there any way for a guy to avoid falling into this category when he goes to bars and clubs?”

For most young people, meeting people in clubs can be quite difficult. So they prefer to meet in bookstores, shopping centers, coffee shops and other “daytime” and “low-voltage” places. But, in fact, meeting girls in clubs can be much EASIER than in regular places.

I know this may sound incredible. After all, in a club you are faced with loud music that is difficult to shout over, flashing, annoying lights, rivalry between other boys, and girls with their beach shields. The worst thing is if you go there alone, you don't know anyone there, while everyone seems to be having a blast at the club.

Even if you go there with your friends, they usually can't help you, because all they do is stand motionless, covering themselves with a glass of beer at their chest - and have no idea how to pick up girls.
Has anything like this ever happened to you?

You walk into a club and look around to see how “good” it is. You go around the whole club to check it out. You don't know anyone, you have nothing to do, so you make circles around the club, looking at all the girls. You're getting bored. Maybe you can get yourself something to drink. You stand at the dance floor and start looking at him. Of course, 50 other guys are also standing, staring at the dance floor.

Like the master bed in the center of the master bedroom, the dance floor commands attention. He hypnotizes. You rock your glass of beer like a baby and probably decide to go around the whole club again.

Nothing happens and you decide that this club sucks and maybe you leave, hoping to find a better place. And of course, you do the same things in the next place you visit.

I used to do EVERYTHING the same thing. It sucked because it didn't lead to anything. The problem is that you do everything the other way around, because by rummaging around for something you don't know, you're passing on to the girls negative information a certain kind about yourself that kills your chances long before you even make an approach.

When you're making the rounds of the club, women NOTICE that you're alone. Most of them, of course, will not label you a “lonely psycho,” but I will make a mental note to myself that you are alone - and therefore have little social value.

Women give you social value based on how beautiful the women and men who are with you are. But most guys walk around the club alone many times, collecting NEGATIVE social value about myself all this time.

Think about it. When you enter the club for the FIRST TIME, the girls don't know ANYTHING about you. you can be best friend Justin Timberlake, who is known to everyone.

This is your chance to shape their perception of you. But what do most guys do?

They constantly collect a NEGATIVE impression of themselves - through wandering around the club and contemplating the dance floor. This is ALL that guys with zero social status do.

So when you approach a hot chick, she has no interest in you because she has already put you in that category - thanks to YOUR actions.
This is why most guys leave clubs because they are “too hard.”
But this does not mean that the clubs are “too difficult”. This means you are doing everything wrong.

It is very easy to make a club work for you. In fact, getting to know beautiful girls It's much EASIER in clubs than in all other places. And you can succeed in them, no matter whether you come alone or with friends. You just need to know what to do.

Below I will describe the steps that I use with great success.

When you first walk into a club, SMILE. A lot of girls hold the door under close attention, looking out for the guys coming in. Remember when you enter, yours social status- a blank sheet of paper and you need to fill it out first good impression About Me.

Immediately when you walk in, OPEN (start a conversation) with the first suitable group girls or girls with guys. Don't look out for lonely girls, they're not here anyway. Open either a couple of girls or a girl and a guy who seem sociable.

So. This will immediately give the impression that you have friends here. No matter how well or poorly the conversation goes, most women will notice that you are communicating with other women.

Other chicks will immediately give you social value - because they don't know that you just met this fun bunch.


So, once they see you talking to other girls, they will immediately notice and be more open to talking to you themselves. This is not a conscious process, girls just do it automatically, without thinking.

So open your first group of girls RIGHT NOW. The conversation doesn't have to go smoothly; all you're doing is collecting social proof. If the first group isn't excited about talking to you, just turn to another group and open up to them. They will most likely talk to you because they have already seen you talking to girls.

You can just join in the party by saying, “Hey ladies, my friends were just talking about this and that... what do you think about it?” ALWAYS talk to a group of girls. Move from group to group. By the time you've been working for 45 minutes talking to girls, ALL of them in your immediate vicinity will know that you're a status dude. They will consider you status, attractive and simply handsome.

If, in this way, you create a high social value for yourself, then you can already approach the most beautiful girl in the club and say “give me your number”, she will give it.

Here are three points you must adhere to:

Firstly, don't stare at the dance floor like a martyr. It's really hypnotizing and can draw you in. DON'T LOOK AT HIM. There is nothing there. It's an illusion. Contemplating the dance floor only generates NEGATIVE social proof.

Secondly, don't walk in circles around the club. You just look like a run-of-the-mill lonely guy doing this. Also, if you have already created a positive social proof in one corner, then moving to another corner will only destroy it.

Third, avoid the noisiest places in the club. Find the quietest area of ​​the club where it's easiest to talk and settle in there. You don’t want to strain your voice shouting over the deafening noise.

It's also good to go to clubs alone. Why? BECAUSE YOU DON'T WANT TO BE ALONE FOR LONG TIME. Within 5-10 minutes of being in the club you should start talking to someone.

Look at the entire club scene as a place to score social proof points. IN this moment do you talk to a group of girls and score points? Or are you staring at the dance floor, alone, losing your glasses?

Remember, you enter the club with zero score and with clean slate. Everything you do will either raise your status or lower it. All the actions you take tell girls which category to classify you into: a lonely loser or a sexy hottie.

“How can I improve my social proof?” - that should always be on your mind when you're in a club. If you remember this, you will go far.
Now the question is HOW to start talking to girls in a club situation. What are some good openers?

After all this, I can tell you that you need to approach girls right away, but it's not worth much if you don't know what to say in the first minutes.
To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the Technology of Situational Openers. It includes dozens of examples of what to say to a woman or group of women you approach. And they work - with practice you will never fail.
