Beautiful words about pregnancy are short. Statuses about pregnancy for social networks

There is no more valuable and more careful gift from a loved one than a new little heart beating inside you!

Envy is not a sin when girls take tampons in front of you in a pharmacy, and you get a pregnancy test.

Not a single guy can understand - 3 minutes are worth a lot when you expect that you will be given a pregnancy test.

Best Status:
- My dear dear cat, the tummy is growing from love. In it, baby, such a paw, squeak and say “DAD”.

- Beloved, please give me three magic words that connect the hearts of lovers forever. - I'm pregnant, my love!

It's time to buy a red marker, a pregnancy test and get ready for the wedding!

Man, are you pregnant?! Behave like a capricious pregnant lady!

- Do I pay much attention to your words? - Well, what are you, no, not every day I hear from a man: “Your task is to give birth to a child for me!”

There is no more valuable and precious cargo in the world than a small desired baby in a mother's tummy.

Every peasant has known from time immemorial that in order for a goose or turkey to get fat for the New Year, they hang it in a net and force-feed it. In other words, he is deprived of the opportunity to move, and fed for slaughter. And in 2-3 weeks it is ready.

The inscription on the maternity hospital: hey-gay, strays!

Selling a pregnancy test...positive

I went out into the fresh air to work up an appetite. And, judging by the stomach, worked up. – A.V. Ivanov

- my rabbit. - Yes my Sunshine! When will we have sunbeams?

In order not to feel sick from many of those around you, you can get pregnant and then you will feel sick from one - Evgeny Khankin

Envy is when you buy a pregnancy test in a pharmacy, and the girl in front of you is tampons

The reform of the calendar does not reduce the duration of pregnancy. – Stanislav Jerzy Lec

It's so cool when your boyfriend tells you: "Dress warmer, you still have my children to give birth!"

Desirable gum - this stuff for dryuchki. – A.V. Ivanov

A Catholic woman is already allowed to avoid pregnancy with the help of mathematics, but it is strictly forbidden to resort to chemistry or physics. — Henry Louis Mencken

… Girls live in a world of fears. They are afraid of never getting pregnant and afraid to fly ...

The inscription at the entrance to the Chinese maternity hospital: Enough!!!

The best way to protect yourself is by mouth. – A.V. Ivanov

Virtual communication leads to the immaculate conception and the birth of children with avatar faces and nicknames. – Elena Ermolova

You don't really know a guy until you ask him to put on a condom. – Madonna

Commentary: I will explain right away - I will not explain! – V. Galashev

Everything in a woman is a mystery and the key to everything is her pregnancy.

- Dear, you will soon become a dad! - Oh, but I wanted to be an astronaut ...

The problem not only went deeper, but also led to an unwanted pregnancy. – Mikhail Mamchich

Half trusting is like being a little pregnant. – Alexander Kargin-Utkin

Tell me, were there any pregnant women in your family?

Once I crossed the threshold of motherhood, I suddenly became public property, the animated equivalent of a public park. That cutesy expression You now eat for two, dear perfectly conveys the fact that even your dinner is no longer your business. Indeed, when the land of the free has mastered the methods of coercion, the expression You now eat for us implies that two hundred and something million sticking their noses around will object if you want to eat a donut with jam, rather than a full meal of organic products and vegetables, including all five major food groups. The right to command pregnant women will certainly be included in the Constitution.

A man enters a pharmacy: "Two pregnancy tests and two validols."

The most interesting situation is when a woman who finds herself in an interesting position is very interested in: which of the possible applicants for paternity put her in such an interesting position? – Yuri Tatarkin

It would be time to decorate not only T-shirts, but also wedding dresses with inscriptions ... For example, the inscription is very relevant: NOT ... PREGNANT!!! – Vladimir Borisov

A man is never space. And a pregnant woman in the second half of pregnancy, at least, is a closed space for another human being.

The female body is like a clockwork: as soon as you start it, it ticks for nine months. – Mikhail Mamchich

The hen Ryaba saw Faberge eggs and did not envy the hen who gave birth to these eggs ... - Vladimir Borisov

The whole time I was pregnant with Kevin, I struggled with the very idea of ​​Kevin, with the belief that I had demoted myself, gone from driver to car, from landlady to home.

The best contraceptive is a glass of cold water: not before or after, but instead. NN 1 Humor)

The best contraceptive is pregnancy.

Abortion shish, womb! palindrome) - Stepan Balakin

Dad I'm pregnant, here's a list of suspects

A strained relationship with a condom is not burdensome. – Evgeny Khankin

Tests for are take-off green sticks. – Vladimir Borisov

You can't live like this! It's time to protect yourself! – Maya Chetvertova

They say they invented an absolutely reliable birth control pill. Too late. It would be better if she was a bone in an apple that the serpent offered to Eve. – Stanislav Jerzy Lec

So in the heat of the moment they made me ... - A.V. Ivanov

Any pregnant woman is like a Trojan horse.

The best time to study is pregnancy, because two people study in one. – Elena Ermolova

You know, there is no one more beautiful than a pregnant woman. In the eyes - happiness. In the heart is love. There is a blush on the cheeks. And inside - a small life.

He made her a position she couldn't refuse.

I want happiness. Such a small happiness. With tiny arms and legs. And with his eyes.

Under the moon and the sun, troubles will pass by, bypassing our house with you. We'll watch the sparks by the fireplace. You will become a mother, and I will become a father.

Happiness is when your weight increases not from extra calories, but from the fact that your little miracle lives inside you.

Pregnancy for a woman is God's providence, pregnancy for a man is a test of the sincerity of feelings.

The most incredible extreme feeling is waiting for the result of a pregnancy test!

And today, I was kicked and bounced all night. What an interesting feeling it is when someone lives inside you.

Deciding to give birth to a child means agreeing that from now on and forever your heart will run separately from you.

Where to buy happiness? - Happiness cannot be bought, it can be born.

The best hairstyle is clean hair, the best makeup is healthy sleep, the best figure is pregnancy.

Nine months give new life to at least three lives at once.

"Leonid S. Sukhorukov"

The day when there will be three of us will be the happiest day of my life.

The woman is unique! Only two hearts can beat in it.

I know one thing, that happiness grows in my stomach. It is the most expensive thing that can be.

I thought that my head was spinning from love, but it turned out - from pregnancy.

God gave me an unspeakable miracle - I will become wiser, I will be a mother. Your heart beats like a butterfly in me - wake up, smile, and it will smile. It will not betray, it will be a joy, a particle of me, a golden starfall.

With my taste preferences, I'm generally afraid to get pregnant. Perhaps I would like wool or machine oil. Or capture Bulgaria.

The first pregnancy is for the wedding. The second is for money. The third - they wanted a girl. The fourth, fifth and subsequent - let them run, it's a pity or something.

Not all men understand the value of human life, which was just born in a woman, they do not cherish it like a crystal vessel with clean water, they do not understand that this is a gift from God, for which the Lord will ask them ... will certainly ask.

Pregnancy is the result of a bodily celebration with all the consequences flowing into it.

"Igor Subbotin"

What a strange bliss - to realize that there, inside, perfection grows and ripens, our angel, the fruit of our love.

There are now two hearts inside of me ... I have nowhere to go from happiness ... and I don’t want to go ... I will enjoy it!

Nothing can be better than holding a piece of yourself.

Let's make money! Let's conquer love! Let's achieve success! Happiness ... And happiness - we will give birth!

At 9 in the morning, a pregnancy test showed that my wife was pregnant, and at 10 we had already quarreled, arguing which institute for the child to enter.

Love is when you carry his child under your heart, and when he comes home from work, he gently hugs you and kisses your tummy.

Why don't you want to sleep
Spinning around all night?
I love you son...
Or maybe a daughter?

Truly happy is the girl who carries under her heart a child conceived from a beloved man.

It's so great to wake up in the morning with peace in your soul, with love in your heart, with light music in your head and with a tiny life inside.

Best pregnancy statuses on! The most beautiful moment in a woman's life can be considered the moment when she finds out that she is pregnant. And if the child is long-awaited, then the joy is doubled. This well-known phrase “You will have a child” turns the minds of both women and her men. Some of the superstitions hide their interesting position, but there are those, and they are the majority, who gladly tell everyone close about it. Just choose beautiful statuses about pregnancy and post it on your VKontakte or Odnoklassniki page. Very often, pregnancy is perceived as a heavy burden, both literally and figuratively. Some trips to the doctor are worth it! And these problems with weight, unstable hormonal levels, swelling, heaviness in the legs, frequent mood swings. And there are legends about the taste preferences of expectant mothers. Tears for any reason! But real men endure all the whims of a pregnant wife. What can you do, such is nature! If your beloved wife is pregnant, post cool pregnancy statuses on your social media page! Be patient, it's only for nine months!

Interesting quotes about pregnancy with a second child!

Deciding to have a second child today is not easy. Not every family is ready for new moral and material expenses. They can be understood. And there are such mothers and fathers for whom the appearance of a second and even third baby is a great happiness. Children should always be welcome, especially if you've been waiting for a second child for so long. Statuses about pregnancy with a second child are interesting quotes for future parents about new opportunities and achievements in their loving family. You and your husband came to see a doctor, today you will know exactly the gender of your child. You are in anticipation, of course, you already have two beautiful sons, now you definitely should have a daughter. Mom's helper, dad's beauty, grandmother's clever, grandfather's baby. And now the moment of truth! Girl, baby, baby! Go to and choose statuses about pregnancy as a girl, let all your relatives and friends know that dreams come true!

Statuses about pregnancy by a son from a beloved man!

Future parents are often asked a tricky question: “Who do you want more, a boy or a girl?” And we have to get out - we don't care if it's a boy, next time we'll go for a girl, the child's health is more important, the girl is fine too. But everyone knows that if the first child in the family, then for most men it should be a boy. For a mother, the gender of the baby is often not important; for her, the health of the child is a priority in the first place. And what difference does it make who is born. The main thing is that this child is from a beloved man! If you and your husband know for sure that you will have a boy, statuses about pregnancy with a son are for you. Go to and choose the most touching quotes about pregnancy as a boy.

Waiting for the birth of a baby is an amazing state, overflowing with emotions. Therefore, the woman herself, and her family and friends, by all means, need to post statuses about pregnancy in their social networks. These statuses can express interesting behavior, unusual preferences and sudden changes in the mood of the one who carries the baby under her heart.

Funny pregnancy statuses

Of course, without humor anywhere. Therefore, take note of the following statuses, which will definitely be able to find their place on the pages of Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki and other social networks.

My girlfriend started getting better

And they lie on the couch all day,

She also fights with her stomach.

And all because there is a house for children.

I eat herring with chocolate

Jelly with marmalade,

Borscht with cake

radish cookies,

Because in the stomach

I have a baby.

Some will say that I'm strange.

I don't know what I want.

I will answer, no, it is not so,

I just want a sandwich

I season with sausage,

Apple and dried apricots,

And also jam, cheese,

To taste sweet.

Don't think bad

It's just that my baby lives in my tummy.

I asked my husband for a cake

To not be sad.

But while he's in the store,

I want cabbage.

And then I want herrings

Sweet sticks, honey.

He pleases all the time

Because the darling knows

That I'm expecting a baby.

Tastes are different.

From the desire for sweet tears run.

And while I'm in the store, I already need an orange.

Baby dictates tastes to me, and then sits, savoring.

Statuses about pregnancy: beautiful, filled with emotions

Of course, women in position are overwhelmed with emotions. Therefore, sometimes they really need to read statuses about pregnancy, from which a tear will well up, and they will fully understand their condition. Pay attention to the following options. Deep and meaningful statuses about pregnancy:

In anticipation of a miracle, I will not harm myself.

I will eat everything that is healthy

Listen to lovely music.

I will study all the books and magazines,

The ones that write about children.

And then I will sit quietly, quietly, and listen to my blood.

I have studied all the sites

I read poems in them

I also learned fairy tales

Songs of ringing souls.

And now I sit, I sing,

And I'm expecting a baby.

I dress out of fashion

And so, how comfortable the stomach,

Because its inhabitant

I value very much.

So as not to hurt his house,

No rubber bands, no straps

I'll jump into a vest dress,

And I'll go for a walk in silence.

About pregnant women in verse

Of course, pregnancy statuses are “waiting for a miracle”, these are not only short or rhyming sayings. Whole poems could be written about this situation.

A leg popped out on my stomach.

Oh, and this leg wants to run along the path.

But while sitting in me, daughter or son

Sometimes knocking down my rhythms of days and nights.

There, in the tummy, it's warm, and it's perfectly visible,

When mommy doesn't sleep

Treasures every second

As long as she carries

The home of the most beloved creature on earth.

Though sometimes strange women are pregnant,

But this strangeness is given to them from above, probably.

So that evil was not noticed, the nervous system was protected.

And when the baby appears, they were fully aware of themselves.

Wonder Women and their behavior in verse

Pregnancy with sarcasm or peppercorns. They are also worth paying attention to.

I bought a test today

And a red marker

I'll draw two stripes

To hide fears.

Let me offer my hand

Will call for marriage.

And a beautiful bride

Then he will call.

I got up early today

Overturned again

All diapers, undershirts,

The bed that was about to be made.

I'm ironing all the clothes again

I check the clasps

Because very soon

I will see my baby.

The collection has been going on for a month now.

Thinking of a trip?

Yes, almost right

But on the journey, I need:

Pampers, napkins, pipettes,

Bottles, nipples, sliders, booties,

Envelope, creams, powders, saucers,

Oh, how can I not dodge,

Do not forget everything that is on the list

When I go to the hospital.

And yet, statuses about pregnancy, in anticipation of the most emotional meeting, can be short.

I went to the hospital, I will return as a mother.

Today I put together a package that will give me a ticket to the hospital.

Diapers, diapers, nipples, booties, clothes, of course, and sweets for yourself.

Soon my husband will be walking under the windows, mom, dad and grandmother too,

Because in the world I give birth to someone who is dearer to everyone's life.

Boring, dull, monotonous life will end very soon,

Just you hold on.

Little, cute, pretty little ball,

I don't know if my daughter is sitting there or my son.

But I feel a soft, tender body,

Who knows where to go.

Express your emotions and convey your feelings. It's so sweet and sensual.
